RESISTIVE MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES WITH MULTI-SCALE TIME CONSTANTS FOR NEUROMORPHIC ARCHITECTURES (POST-DOC) Start date : 01/10/2020 offer n°PsD-DRT-20-0089 The work is based on a dedicated commitment that novel hardware and novel computational concepts must be co-evolved in a close interaction between nano-electronic device engineering, circuit and microprocessor design, fabrication technology and computing science (machine learning and nonlinear modeling). A key to reflecting "hardware physics" in "computational function" and vice versa is the fundamental role played by multiple timescales. Laboratory: DCOS / Leti Code CEA : PsD-DRT-20-0089 Contact :
[email protected] STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF PIEZOTRONIC BIOSENSORS BASED ON ZNO (THÈSE) Start date : 01/09/2020 offer n°IMEPLAHC-05152020-CMNE PhD thesis subject: Study and development of piezotronic biosensors based on ZnO IMEP-LaHC / MINATEC / Grenoble-France Deadline for application: May 31th 2020 Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, Biosensor, Semiconductor Physics and technology. Description of the project: Semi-conductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (of GaN or ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to thin films and bulk materials, because of their greater flexibility, their sensitivity to weaker forces, and also, due to an intrinsic improvement in their piezoelectric coefficients which has been identified by recent theoretical and experimental studies [1, 2]. The coupling of piezoelectric polarization and semiconducting properties of the nanostructures allow the design of new “piezotronic” devices with new functionalities and improved performance. They can be used in applications like pressure or strain sensors, biosensors, photodetectors, etc. [3, 4, 5]. In France, the IMEP-LaHC has contributed in this area with the study of several piezotronic devices based in NWs [6, 7].