Volume 48 No. 7 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) November 15, 2014 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH Price : Rs. 3.00 Menace of Black Money SUCI (C) strongly condemns killing and Rhetoric of BJP of innocent youths In its pre-poll big bang promises, through media. “On the matter of been stashed away in Swiss Bank in Kashmir by the BJP averred that if elected to the return of black money, please and tax havens abroad. The court office it would within hundred days trust this pradhan sewak (principal directed the government to take military and bring back to the country so much servant) of yours, the return of this necessary steps in this regard. But demands stringent black money from abroad as to give money is an article of faith with the erstwhile Congress government every Indian citizen Rs 15 lakh as a me,” Modi said during the second of pleaded its inability to do so referring punishment of the share of the spoils. However after his radio chats called ‘Mann Ki to the confidentiality clause of the culprits being saddled in power, the Modi Baat’, “Every penny belonging to the various tax treaties India had government has not so far produced poor which has gone out of the entered into with other countries. Comrade Provash Ghosh, of its own even 15 names who may country should come back. This is This confidentiality clause, the Secretary, SUCI(C), have secreted away clandestine my commitment. Let me assure you, Congress government argued, issued the following statement funds abroad. At the Supreme there will be no let-up in my efforts debarred it from disclosing the on 9 November 2014 : Court’s prodding, the government to get this money back into the names, let alone bringing the money We strongly condemn the ultimately submitted a measly list of country.” It sounds so mellifluous, back home. The Apex Court set up killing of innocent youths by 627 names provided by HSBC so assuring. But reality is totally a Special Investigation Team (SIT) military in Kashmir. Mere Bank, Geneva. Not that the list is different. More smoke than light has with Justice M B Shah as chairman admission of mistake by the open. It is coyly concealed in a been generated by the current in July, 2011 to handle investigation military authorities and sealed envelope and handed over to outcry on black money. Let’s about stashing black money abroad. announcement of monetary the Apex Court. It is learnt that the separate the wheat from chaff and However, the issue went to the back compensation to the victims’ six hundred odd names is without start with busting some myths. burner only to be raked up again families cannot be solace for mention of prominent politicians, after the BJP came to power this gruesome killing. It is in this industrialists or real estate giants. Supreme Court’s intervention because of Narendra Modi’s pre-poll way that the military in Kashmir Therefore, there is ground for The factual side needs to be promise of bringing back black and Manipur, using Armed inferring that the money belonging to recapitulated at the outset. There money hiding abroad. Public Forces (Special Powers) Act the persons featuring in the list may was a Public Interest Litigation curiosity about the illegal wealth of (AFSPA) as a shield, is carrying not be the deepest shade of (PIL) filed in the apex court in Indians, rich and corrupt, in foreign out mass killing, mass rape and black. Aware of the fact that regard to detection and exhuming banks, broadly termed as Swiss barbaric atrocities in the name question is already raised if huge black money deposited in banks, has been high ever since the of suppressing separatist and government’s clamouring for foreign banks located in the tax Modi-led BJP’s pre-election terrorist forces. Such oppression unearthing ill-gotten money and havens. Under public pressure, campaign. But like the previous and repression by the military is bringing back the illegal black the Supreme Court, while Congress government, the BJP virtually fuelling separatism and money stashed overseas is more a responding to the PIL rapped the government also pleaded its inability terrorism further. gimmick than serious intent, prime government for not taking initiative to submit the names referring to the We want stringent punish- minister Modi has chosen to assuage to haul up black money holders and same confidentiality clause of ment of the killers and immediate withdrawal of AFSPA. the feelings of the countrymen unearth huge black money that has Contd. on page 2 Massive meeting in to mark 97th anniversary of great November Revolution A massive meeting was of Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels organized by the State that Marxism was a utopian theory. Committee of SUCI(C) on 12 But it was great Lenin who by November at Rani Rashmoni Road concretely applying the Marxism to in Kolkata to mark the 97t h the concrete situation of Russia anniversary of the great November made the proletarian revolution Revolution. Comrade Debaprasad successful in Russia and thereby Sarkar, Member, Central Committee, proved that Marxism is indeed a presided over. Also present were science. Lenin also interpreted Comrades Sankar Saha and Chhaya Marxism at the stage of imperialism, Mukherjee, both members of the not known during Marx’s time. Central Committeeand State Socialism in Russia proved its Secretariat members. In his address supremacy within two decades of as the main speaker, Comrade revolution when socialist Soviet Saumen Basu, Member Central Union registered spectacular Committee and West Bengal state achievement in every field and the Secretary, SUCI(C) said that an standard of living of all Soviet Comrade Saumen Basu, Member, Central Committee and Secretary, West impression prevailed during the time Contd on page 6 Bengal State Committee addressing as the main speaker. PAGE TWO NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Black Money Modi’s pre-poll promise of unearthing black money within 100 days was a hoax Contd. from page 1 names of any politician. “Why are What is black money? foreign lands particularly tax havens DTAA (Double Tax Avoidance you trying to protect people having Before we proceed further, where certain taxes are either not Agreement) it had twitted the bank accounts in foreign countries? perhaps it is required to say a few levied at all or at best at a low rate. Congress-led UPA for invoking. The Why are you providing a protective words about the very definition of There are two routes, internal as BJP government had also sought umbrella for all these people”, the black money. Black money arises well as external, for moving the modification of Supreme Court’s Supreme Court asked the mainly from incomes not disclosed black money abroad. Internal route 2011 order that the government government. “Don’t give us two or to the government usually to avoid is that an industrialist accumulates a should make a complete disclosure three names but all the names. Give taxation, and, sometimes, because of chunk of black money by evading of the information received from us the entire list… whatever you its criminal links. To reiterate what tax. He then divides the money into foreign governments. BJP have got from Germany, France, we showed in an earlier article, it is small tranches and deposit in the government’s has been an argument Switzerland and other countries. well known that income is taxable accounts of smaller, technically that it was at odds with the What you have disclosed could be a beyond a limit. Everybody is also called, shell companies set up by him confidentiality clause in bilateral tip of the iceberg. This is going to be aware that in a capitalist state like for the purpose. Then the money is agreements and the central the first step now – disclose ours income or wage invariably simply, what is called, ‘wired’ to the government could comply with it everything”, it ordered. Virtually keeps back the surplus value the tax havens. As the amount is broken only at the cost of jeopardizing ridiculing the government, the chief labour creates, to make room for the and each tranche consists of smaller cooperation on tracking black justice of the apex court further said, profit of the capitalists. So profit is sum, it escapes regulatory watch. money. Nothing should be done to “Why are you taking the trouble to always a sum born out of The external route is much talked impede, the government held, the investigate? We have taken the exploitation. Over and above that, about “hawala” in which money ability to get information from the responsibility to bring back the black the government fixes tax in various shifts through various operators countries with whom India has money and we will decide the future forms, direct or indirect, to earn planted in different countries by double taxation avoidance course of action. We can’t leave the revenue avowedly for the welfare of means of a series of shady agreements. The union finance issue completely to you. It may people or governance. Direct tax is transactions. minister even went to the extent of never happen during our time,” levied straightaway on the income saying that “A disclosure in violation observed the Supreme Court bench. earned. On the other hand, indirect The Double Tax Avoidance of tax treaties helps the account It clearly showed that tax is what the owning capitalists Agreement (DTAA) holder. The reciprocating state notwithstanding all tall promises, the need to directly pay to the In this connection, it would be would treat this as a violation of a Court has no faith in the government exchequer either as excise duty, necessary to understand what this tax treaty and refuse to provide any in so far as disclosure of black import duty or sales tax, wealth tax DTAA is and what are tax havens. evidence in support of the money holders’ names is concerned. or even stipulated corporate tax on India has DTAA with certain unauthorized account. The holder of Finally, after being snubbed by profit. These indirect taxes are then countries known as tax havens. the unauthorized account in the the Supreme Court, the government recovered from the end-consumers Tax havens are places where tax is absence of any proof and submitted to it names of 627 of goods and services by loading the typically zero. DTAA stipulates that confirmation from the reciprocating Indians who are holding accounts in price. Even the Value Added Tax income in one country, if state would get the benefit in any HSBC bank, Geneva. The (VAT) which the selling organization repatriated to another country, investigation or prosecution and then Supreme Court, however, did not is supposed to bear is straightaway would attract tax only in one claim that ‘I stand vindicated’. In open the envelope and handed over added to the listed price of goods country, either the source country fact, a premature disclosure would the same to the SIT probing the and taxes and recovered from the or destination country. Mauritius, additionally alert the account holder black money case. “Only the SIT consumer. So, people bear the for example, is a tax haven. So, if a to prepare some documentation or a chairman and vice-chairman would indirect tax load. Again if exchequer company or institution registered sham defence. It may even enable open the sealed envelope”, the does not receive the due tax with Mauritius invests in India and him to destroy evidence.” Court said. But there is some revenue, people are again deprived books profit, the profit amount will But, the apex court refused to selective leakage in the media. It is of whatever little welfare measure either be taxed in India or buy the argument. When the learnt that the list reportedly does the government undertakes. To Mauritius. Since tax rate in attorney general argued for a not have any big names connected evade direct tax and deprive the Mauritius is typically nil or modification of the court’s order, the to political parties or industrialists. exchequer, big industrialists, insignificant, the profit so booked in court expressed its strong Even the government sources are bureaucrats, corrupt politicians, India evades tax at Indian rates and displeasure. “You are trying to re- also reported to be sceptical about people attached with the glamour safely brought back to Mauritius. argue the matter which in our recovery of huge amounts from the world hide their real income. When Because most of these tax havens opinion is impermissible. We won’t 350-odd Indians, against whom the direct tax on any income or any have a DTAA with India, tax change even a word of our order. authorities had issued notices of financial transaction, is evaded, the avoidance in India is facilitated. But Months after, the new regime at the evading tax. Some of them have income accumulates as an why does DTAA become so centre can’t ask for modification of confessed to having excess money unaccounted wealth. To put it in pertinent in a discussion on black order when it was passed in an open in the account and have agreed to simple terms, undisclosed income or money? Because, the black money court and accepted by the then pay tax and penalties. For others, wealth on which tax is evaded is the holders in India manage to ‘wire’ government,” it said. Thereafter, the the proceedings are ongoing. Of black money. Unaccounted illegal their holdings mostly through Court ordered the Central the remaining, 270-odd individuals wealth or black money also gets hawala route or such other modes government to reveal in a sealed are non-resident Indians (NRIs) generated through criminal means, as stated above to tax havens. envelope the names of all Indian who are immune from prosecution be it through smuggling, for instance Then the big industrialists, account holders in foreign banks. under Indian tax laws. It is also of drugs or arms, through ransom corporates, corrupt politicians and The court’s direction came a day learnt that most of the bank paid to kidnappers, bribes, cut-money bureaucrats who thus park their after the government filed an account entries are much before taken by politicians and bureaucrats, unaccounted money overseas open affidavit giving the names of seven 2006 and generally were recorded and so on. a company or institution known as individuals and a mining company from 1999 to 2004-05. The entries FII (Foreign Institutional Investors) who have allegedly stashed black are also stated to reflect small How black money is stashed preferably at tax havens and money abroad and are facing amounts, ranging between Rs 5 away retransmit the black money through prosecution for tax evasion under crore and Rs 10 crore. So, what is Most of the big black money that company or institution into the Income Tax Act. The much- the much touted list going to holders and operators prefer to have India for investment in stock awaited first list did not include produce? their holdings stashed away in Contd. on page 7 PROLETARIAN ERA NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PAGE THREE “Real science throws light on the material world, reveals its hidden laws and thus shows the path”

(This is the message of Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, Member, Polit — Comrade Krishna Chakraborty Bureau, SUCI(C), sent to the All India Science Conference organized objective laws. This material world shave their heads at Tirupathi. by Breakthrough Science Society in Bangalore from 17 to 19 October, existed and will go on existing Though all do not do it consciously 2014) of overproduction due to lack of independently of human but still it is a hypocrisy. All Dear President and Newly Elected market. So, even today the most consciousness. Even when man branches of science have shown Members of the Council of powerful section of the society, that was not born, nature existed and that there exists nothing beyond Breakthrough Science Society, is, the bourgeoisie who rule are the was governed by objective laws. nature, everything is part of nature I had a deep desire to be greatest enemy of science. Why? It Man tried to know this material or natural. They read these things physically present at this historic is because science tells the truth. world from the very beginning, even in books academically but do not Science Conference of yours. But Science shows that everything when he was in primitive society and believe in them. Their truth lies in unfortunately, I was suddenly laid changes and changes from quantity his thinking was also primitive. In blind belief and faith. Blindness down by a severe viral attack and to quality, from the lower to the course of millions of years of brings fanaticism and regimentation had to be shifted to the hospital. It higher. You should always keep in struggle man found an instrument, of thought. The more the blindness, is still not certain when I would get mind that in this material world science, to know the material world the more the fanaticism, and that discharged. Hence this written nothing is permanent, nothing is and its reality. And that method is a lays the solid foundation for the message. absolute, nothing is all perfect. Of systematic analysis of anything on growth of fascism and not A science conference of this course at a given time there is a the basis of observation, democracy. You should never forget kind that you have organized with highest development of a thing. But experimentation and verification. that blindness is the enemy of the renowned scientists, research with change of time it becomes Firstly, science does not accept science and so of man. scholars, science students and inadequate and imperfect. In course anything to be true unless it is All should know and remember people interested in science and a of change and development, experimented and verified in a that in history science could grow conference with the aim of truly reaching its nodal point, again it scientific way. Secondly, it believes speedily and could develop in the practising science, developing undergoes radical change. No that this material world is governed most free and open atmosphere scientific attitude and method of phenomenon can avoid this process. by objective laws. That this where discussions, debates, thinking and for cultivation of human The bourgeoisie also knows that objective material world is governed polemics on the basis of values that only science can show to capitalism also must go. And they by objective laws means, laws do philosophical tolerance were us, is no doubt a unique venture. fear this very truth. not exist because of man’s likes or encouraged in the society at the It is no doubt a noble endeavour There is a popular saying as dislikes. Thirdly, it believes that beginning of the Bourgeois at the same time, particularly, when well as a belief even within the these objective laws can be Democratic Revolution. But today true scientific bent of mind, method educated section of the people known only by following this that very bourgeoisie, being afraid of of study and cultivation of higher their very ultimate doom, are human values have become rare not gagging the voice of the opponents, only in our country but in the whole killing the atmosphere of debate and world. I am constrained to say that discussions, trampling down all such qualities can hardly be found democratic norms and values. You even in those who are seriously must wage determined struggle engaged in studying sciences. against it, and fight out these most Naturally, it is a noble struggle, but a undemocratic trends and tendencies very difficult challenge at the same and ensure free and open exchange time. of different thoughts, for true You know the history of democracy that finally gives birth to development of modern sciences. It truth. started from the middle of the One more important condition fifteenth century, with Copernicus. Dais of the delegate session of All India Science Conference organized by under which science can develop is Science had to develop in a very Breakthrough Science Society in Bangalore from 17 to 19 November secular atmosphere. Bourgeois hostile environment when Giordano because of long and vicious process of analysis, observation, Democratic Revolution in its initial Bruno was burnt alive because of propaganda, that science may give experimentation and verification and days fought against all religious fads, his pursuit of science and his fight worldly goods but cannot deliver by no other means. supernatural beliefs and obscurantist against established religious beliefs. peace of mind or solace. If you Those who think that science ideas. One of the great pioneers of Almost similar was the fate of analyse this motivated propaganda cannot bring solace to mind, what renaissance, Jean Jacques Rousseau Galileo who also had to face or belief of the ignorant, you can process do they follow to know the said that man is born free, but inquisition. No great struggle of the easily see that nothing can be more truth? The fact is that they do not everywhere he is in chains. ‘Break world has developed in favourable dangerously misleading and have any process. They blindly the chains, break the fetters’ were condition so far. It had to face stiff confusing than this. The fact is that believe in the sayings or predictions the slogans of the bourgeoisie during opposition from the ruling class and man finds peace of mind only when of great men. But however great a the rising period of capitalism. Now most conservative religious heads he comes to know the truth. But man can be, he cannot find truth at the dying stage of capitalism, the who feared science. In feudal truth of what? simply by meditation or ‘heavenly bourgeoisie has distorted and diluted conditions of life a vast majority of Truth of the material world. power’. And their findings can the concept of secularism which the people were victims of What do we mean by truth of the hardly be experimented and verified. started with non-recognition of any prejudices, superstitions and material world? Material world Friends, you should never forget supernatural entity and reduced it to obscurantist ideas. Blind faith was means nature, society and thought in that only truth can give peace and the concept of encouraging all the greatest obstacle to the struggle their correlation and integration. solace of mind and establish justice religions. The dialectics of capitalism not only in those days but also for All branches of science have in this society. Those who tell that has forced the bourgeoisie to go the present as well. The bourgeoisie proved beyond doubt that nature is science cannot bring solace to mind against the idea on which bourgeois who in the rising period of capitalism infinite and will go on changing and they also read sciences but believe renaissance movement started. You fought for development of social developing infinitely. Nothing can in some supernatural power. So you friends, who are fighting for growth production and for that had to fight exist beyond nature, nothing is will find that many lecturers of of science should stubbornly fight for the development of sciences, is therefore supernatural. Again this science at the universities keep tilak against this motivated distortion of afraid of science today in the period material world is governed by or vermilion on their forehead and Contd. on page 4 PAGE FOUR NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PROLETARIAN ERA Comrade Krishna Chakraborty’s Message Science is the tool for unraveling truth of nature and society Contd. from page 3 Nation is the product of Bourgeois our boyhood and girlhood. No on the findings of those days of secularism. Democratic Revolution like the worries; go to the school; if there is India. As I have already mentioned Some are so blind as to say French Revolution, the Industrial rain on the way get drenched in that and you all know, this started with whatever you see today, say Revolution of England, the American and ask the teacher to give leave. Copernicus. aeroplanes, rockets etc., all were War of Independence, etc., or the Then one goes to play and enjoys There was an attempt during the there in our ancient India. Modern freedom movement of our country. life. But objectively or historically first BJP rule at the Centre to science has only taken from those We became a nation after 1947. can we really go back to boyhood or introduce astrology in the university things. These people clearly do not Before that, though there were girlhood days? That is a simple and curriculum. Many believe that understand the difference between many nationalities, there was no pure dream. That is historically not astrology is a science. Others who mythology and history. There are nation in India. The nation was in possible. This is equally true for the are not that blunt also believe exaggerations, imageries, fantastic the making during the freedom society. More so, boyhood and astrology to be a pseudo-science. similes, wild contemplations etc., in movement. girlhood definitely have potential but But the fact is that it is not just all mythologies. In Greek mythology These people talk of old national are surely not greater than youthful pseudo-science it is anti-science. some of the Greek heroes could go heritage, glorify the achievements of days. Only in youthful days a man Astrologers believe in fate and to the sky with just sandals on their the past so much so that they do not or woman can attain very high level, fatalism and not in objective material feet. Likewise there are angels and look to the future but look to the both physically and intellectually. world. In some of my discussions fairies in all fairy stories. Are there past. They propagate that our Vedic But critically speaking, of course earlier by citing an example I tried to truly any angels or fairies in reality? science is a great science. So all mentally you can go back to past. make this point clear. We fear There are no such things in should learn Vedic science, Vedic That means you have made your darkness. Why? Because in reality. But they are not totally mathematics, etc. A vast section of thinking itself old. Thereby you darkness we cannot see what lies unreal also. But how to resolve this the people blindly believe in this. have made yourself thinking wise before us. We do not know paradox then? Man cannot think They say in the past we were so and old though you are physically whether there is a snake or a tiger anything which is not there in the great, we had everything. They say young. That is, your ideas will be or a pit or a hole or thorny bushes in material world. Then how could this what is there to learn from the the ideas of people of two thousand the front. So we fear to move happen in fairy stories? It could Britishers, we were so great that or three thousand years old. That is ahead. But if we have a torch in happen because there are beautiful when we were in great civilization not really modern thoughts. That is our hand that throws powerful light ladies and children and there are they were in the jungle. You highly backward, reactionary and in front of us and brightens it up so birds which fly with their wings and perhaps read some of the works of not progressive. Again Sarat much so that even a speck of sand there is desire of man to fly. So in great novelist Sarat Chandra Chandra Chatterjee says to the can be clearly seen, then we can imagination one can cut the wings of Chatterjee. He was not just a great youths, in what can we easily find out our path and can walk the birds and add it to the bodies of novelist: a great novelist he was of define youth and the old age? He on that boldly. That way man has the beautiful ladies and children and course, but a philosopher as well. says, ‘He is old who fears to look to advanced and built today’s dream them to be flying. He understood that this idea of so- the future, who lives in the past and civilization with the help of science. In this connection, I would like to called old national heritage will make fears to get dislodged from the past. No astrology can and neither could tell you a fact that happened in my our students and youths blind and He likes to spend the last part of his achieve it. Because real science life. In Chennai, one gentleman fanatic and thus will obstruct the life clinging to the past. Otherwise throws light on the material world, who belonged to rationalist growth of their intellectual and he feels he would be dislodged in life reveals its hidden laws and thus movement attended one of my cultural ability. They must have and become insignificant. Here is shows the path, while astrology discussions. He was so impressed scientific approach to history. This the victory of the youths. Youths throws light on our eyes that makes that after the discussion he met me is why addressing the students and are those to whom past is nothing dark future still darker and obstructs and presented one of their youths in one of his speeches he more than past. The lessons of the our progress. publications. Next, when he met me said, “I do not feel any pride to past brighten up their future.’ And Lastly, I will tell you about a he asked me how I liked that. I told loudly declare we were so great — this is the real and progressive serious confusion about science. him, ‘If you do not mind I could not ‘you the Britishers are nothing in concept of life. Both the motivated campaigners appreciate your logic. You try to comparison to our old civilization.’ In Friends, I know you will not get against science and the ignorant prove that the Hanuman could reply to that if the Britishers say that confused by the confusions of the section of the people to which even neither carry the hill on his hand nor if you were so great then why you ignorant or get misled by this many academically qualified people could he put the rising sun under his were once under the feet of Huns, reactionary propaganda. Rather like lecturers, professors of the arm pit far less could it make a jump then the Pathans, then the Moghuls, you will definitely carry this idea to universities belong, believe that to reach Lanka crossing the sea. I and now under our feet? Then also the vast masses of the people science gives us professional would not have read Ramayana or I feel ashamed to dig out the history particularly the youths and students knowledge and not ethical or moral Mahabharata unless there were of the past and say you Britishers, who are innocent victims of this sense or concept of values. This is some such things in them.’ While the you were also under such and such mischievous propaganda. This of the most dangerous confusion. rationalists ridicule these things, the peoples one day. I say Britishers course is a very blunt propaganda, Actually the correlated knowledge vast majority of our people blindly you are great. You have built up a but there are other propaganda or of science has developed, which put faith on them, believing that great civilization but we have also all confusions as well, which are more only can develop sense of higher those feats could be really the potentials to become great. This subtle. Those who do not so bluntly ethical and moral principles and performed by Bajrangbali. Both the nobody can suppress. Even you cling as the above mentioned value concepts. All branches of sections took things in extremes, cannot.” motivated and innocent people to science have got their own ethics, so none of them could understand that See the difference between imaginary achievements of also medical sciences are having this was the form of art of writing these two approaches! They say go mythological stories, some of them medical ethics. It shows that epics of those days. to the past; the past was so glorious. magnify true achievements of science has developed very high However, the propagandists of They magnify glory of the past. ancient India as the manufacturing sense of ethics of modern times. old Indian heritage relate those Can you really go back to the past? of steel and the mathematics of And those who have truly developed ‘achievements of the past’ with Many like to go back to childhood Aryabhatta or the achievements of this higher ethics, only they became national heritage. They are so because in the present-day society Sushrutha in medical science. great scientists, as we see in the ignorant of the historical all-pervading crises, not only Those were no doubt big cases of Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, development of society that they do economic, political and social but achievements in those days. But, Lavoisier, Newton, Einstein, Marie not know even this preliminary thing, also ethical, moral and cultural, all for whatever reasons their ideas Curie, Louis Pasteur and others. that, not to speak of Vedic age, even these together have made life could not be advanced further. So They all have reflected very high during feudalism there were no unbearable, suffocating. So we they remained backward. What we cultural and ethical standards in their nations anywhere in the world. imagine how beautiful was the life of call modern science did not develop Contd. on page 5 PROLETARIAN ERA NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PAGE FIVE Comrade Krishna Chakraborty’s Message With science, man can create favourable conditions for those laws which help him grow and develop

Contd from page 4 replacing them with higher ethics Newton, the emergence of Einstein to know that laws of nature or personal lives. They had fought and morality and social values which would have been an impossibility. I society work under favourable against the age-old ethics and value are historically developing in social have named a very few. The conditions. Man has known that concepts to uphold truth and higher life can we advance our country emergence of Einstein’s thought is laws cannot operate under ethics. For this Copernicus had to forward. This is true for all the coordination and assimilation of unfavourable conditions. So, man suffer whole of his life; Bruno countries of the world. the ideas of very many scientists can create favourable conditions in sacrificed his life; Galileo had to In this context we should also who appeared before him and during which life grows, society advances. face inquisition. And see the ethics remember to give recognition to the his time. Einstein gives recognition But man can neither create nor of Einstein; he says whatever I take contribution to human knowledge of to this fact. He said that today’s destroy objective laws of nature and from the society, say, for example any people of any nation which is a science could develop only by society but with the help of science, the shirt I use, the food I take all are high ethical concept. When in blind standing on the solid foundation that man has learnt that he can create the products of society and social glorification of so-called national his predecessors had laid down. favourable conditions for those laws labour. This obliges me to pay back sentiments, we forget the Another great scientist Louis which help him to grow and develop, in equal measure to the society. It contributions of others, it is highly Pasteur, pointed out that knowledge so also create unfavourable is a high ethical concept and a social unethical. The fact is that in the has no nation or national boundary. conditions for those laws which value as well. Madame Marie vast field of knowledge of modern Knowledge is the product of the harm the society. Thus, man could Curie could, and in fact was sciences and in the other fields of struggle of the entire mankind. create present civilization and will requested by many, to patent her knowledge also Indians have made Those who narrow down knowledge be creating still higher conditions of great finding — the radium. This very little contribution. It demands with national character and confine life with the help of science. Those could make her one of the richest higher ethics and true modesty to it within the national boundary, who do not understand this objective persons of the world. But she accept this fact. History of knowingly or unknowingly, they process of development of life and stubbornly refused it. She desired development of modern sciences actually obstruct the development of society, they are to know it. But that this should serve even the will definitely show to anyone who the whole country, while chanting those who oppose this concept needy people. This is a very high is freed from prejudices that, except nationalist mantra. virtually obstruct the growth of life social value. in a few fields of science like the Lastly, man so also animal fight and hence are enemies of mankind. Today when all old value contributions of Jagadish Chandra for life against nature. But the The message may appear to be concepts have become totally Bose, Prafulla Chandra Roy, difference between the two is a long one but I shall not be held exhausted, the correlated knowledge Satyen Bose, Meghnad Saha, basically that in course of struggle responsible for this. Confusions in of science alone can develop real C.V.Raman and others, Indians animals can per chance survive, the field of science are so many and sense of ethics and social values. have very few contributions in otherwise perish. They are victims so deep that this could not but take Our way of life should be that we developing the vast treasure of of natural laws. But man because of the space. Still then I could not deal practice what we believe in. You modern sciences. Only by admitting his power of thinking not only with some other minor confusions should believe in it. Those who read this fact with all humility, we shall survived but has been conquering which also need to be fought out. all these ethical concepts from text be able to contribute to human nature increasingly. This is not This I may try in future. books but do not believe in them, knowledge. because man can change objective At the end I again congratulate rather believe in the age-old We shall never forget that laws. Objective laws of nature, you and not just hope but believe concepts of ethics and morality, they knowledge has no national boundary. society and thought neither can be that you would make your science try to take the country back to that Without the knowledge of created far less can be destroyed. movement victorious. feudal period. But by only fighting Copernicus and Galileo, Newton Then how does man change the With best wishes, these old concepts of ethics and would not have come in history. So material world? This is because with Sincerely yours, morality and the value concepts and also without the knowledge of the help of science, man has come Krishna Chakraborty

Week-long Protest Campaign by Six Left Parties Haryana peasants stage A meeting of six Left parties – Communist (i) Against steps to curtail and dilute the Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of MNREGA protest demonstration India, Revolutionary Socialist Party, All India (ii) Curb price rise; control exorbitant price of On 10 November 2014 AIKKMS organized a Forward Bloc, Communist Party of India medicines and drugs protest demonstration of hundreds of peasants at (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation and Socialist Unity (iii) No increased FDI in insurance. Jhajjar, Haryana. They submitted an 8 point Centre of India (Communist) was held today at (iv) Take firm action to unearth black money charter of demands to the chief minister and New Delhi. They have issued the following (v) Stop infiltration of the RSS and Hindutva agricultural minister. The demands covered the statement: ideology in education, public broadcasting burning problems of peasants in the state. Those With the advent of the Modi government in media and other institutions of the State. included sufficient price of agricultural produce power there is a concerted rightwing offensive (vi) Stop the “love jihad” hate campaign and other that was to be at least 50% more than the present fueled by the corporate-Hindutva forces. There is forms of communal propaganda prevailing price, a compensation of Rs 2000 per a growing onslaught on the people through the (vii) Stop attacks on minorities and their rights quintal in the price of paddy and cotton, imposition of neo-liberal policies which is going to (viii) Fight violence against women and all forms introduction of old age pension, removal of aadhar adversely impact the livelihood of the people. of gender oppression card restriction on old age pension and other There is no respite for the people from price rise, (ix) Fight against atrocities on dalits and caste government facilities, no implementation of Land unemployment and corruption. oppression Acquisition Act 2013 in the interest of private The Hindutva forces are resorting to owners including corporate, and others. aggressive communal activities. The Modi Those who attended the meeting were : Comrade Satyawan, member, Central government’s patronage of the RSS and its outfits Debabrata Biswas {AIFB}; Kshiti Goswami Committee and Haryana state secretary, is aimed at communalising the educational, social & Manoj Bhattacharya {RSP}; Swapan Comrade Anup Singh State president, KKMS, and cultural institutions. There is rise in communal Mukherjee & Kavita Krishnan {CPI(ML)- state secretary Comrade Vijay Kumar and other tensions in different parts of the country. Liberation}; Manik Mukherjee & Ranjit Dhar state and district leaders from Rewari, Narnaul, The Left parties decided to conduct a week {SUCI(C)}, A.B. Bardhan & D Raja {CPI} and Hissar, Bhiwani, Sonepat, Kurukshetra and Jind long protest campaign between December 8 to Prakash Karat & S Ramachandran Pillai addressed the gathering and pledged to continue 14, 2014 on the following issues : {CPI(M)}. the movement till the demands are fulfilled. PAGE SIX NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PROLETARIAN ERA November Revolution anniversary Contd. from page 1 monopolists are also traversing the the bourgeoisie and its agent, the historic arduous struggle to build up citizens was uplifted like anything. same path devastating people’s life RSS—BJP. The RSS-BJP who talk SUCI (C) as a genuine communist There was no unemployment, no in every field. Keeping a façade of of Hindu Rashtra and Hindutva had party on the soil based on Leninist beggar, no prostitution. Education parliamentary democracy, the ruling not supported but denigrated Indian model and in the process of party was free. State had taken over the Indian bourgeoisie is trying to bring freedom movement and its leaders. building, he concretized Marxism- responsibility of the education and fascism in the country. When they Now they are out to suppress Leninism on this soil, was first to upbringing of the children as well as found that the Congress which people’s movement against capitalist point out revisionist deviation in the caring older people. Social because of serving their class onslaught. Quoting extensively from international communist movement, development went to such a height interest devotedly had become the writings of Subhaschandra, defined and delineated the path of that Soviet Union under the able extremely unpopular, they decided Rabindranath, Vidyasagar, fighting and rooting out modern leadership of great Stalin was and finally managed to bring Modi, Vivekananda and others, Comrade revisionism, provided guideline to contemplating elevation to the first their darling, and BJP into power Basu showed how these stalwarts fight menace of individualism and stage of communism. But after based on money and media power. of the past had opposed religious thereby developed, enriched Stalin’s death, the leadership of the After riding to power, Modi and the fundamentalism, dividing people on Marxism-Leninism and brought its Russian Communist Party was BJP are bringing one after another religious line and old obsolete understanding to a new height. captured by the Khrushchevite anti-people measures like hefty thoughts and had upheld people’s SUCI(C), the party founded by this modern revisionists who deviated increase in railway fare, deregulating cause. None of the exponents of great Marxist, thinker, philosopher, from Marxism-Leninism, and diesel price, decontrolling medicines Hinduism like Chaitanya, teacher and guide is committed to became capitalist-roaders. And and so forth. But most vicious Vivekananda and others had talked take the struggle forward. Ultimately Soviet socialism was attack they have descended on of religious fanaticism, bigotry and In his presidential address at dismantled owing to revisionist education, on the realm of thoughts, possessing hatred towards other the end, Comrade Debaprosad conspiracy aided and abetted by the culture and social relations. Theirs is religions. Subhaschandra even gave Sarkar also warned all against the imperialist camp. Subsequently, a motivated move to regiment a call to isolate Hindu Mahasabha, cry of Hindutva, religious socialism in East European countries thinking and retrograde the mental the predecessors of RSS-BJP, from fundamentalism and communalism and then China also met the same process by bringing back old the public. The RSS-BJP are of the RSS-BJP. He particularly fate. But this setback is temporary medieval thoughts, religious distorting even Hinduism and alerted all about the way the BJP is as people the world over are rising backwardness, obscurantism, age- thereby insulting all these trying to fan up anti-Muslim against the imperialist-capitalist old obsolete creeds and revivalism. personalities. At the end, Comrade sentiment by highlighting the rules. What is needed that these School textbooks are drafted to Basu said that holding aloft the incident of bomb blast in spontaneous movements of the pander to these thoughts. And banner of Marxism-Leninism- Khagragarh and infiltration of people are led to logical culmination alongside, Modi and the BJP are Shibdas Ghosh Thought, the Bangladeshi citizens. If a few under the leadership of genuine fomenting crass communalism and SUCI(C) is carrying the true legacy people belonging to the minority communist parties. spewing venom against the minority of great November revolution and community indulge in terrorist Coming to the Indian situation, Muslims so as to disrupt the unity of building up with all its might the activities, can the entire minority Comrade Basu said that being the toiling people and crush class and mass struggles based on community be blamed for that? A unbriddled in a unipolar world, the democratic movement. This is higher proletarian ethics and culture gang of Hindutva zealots imperialists-capitalists are wreaking because the ruling bourgeoisie is conducive to proletarian demolished historic Babri Masjid. havoc in people’s life. More crisis mortally afraid of anti-capitalist revolutionary movement. It was Does it mean that all ridden is decadent moribund socialist revolution which is ordained Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the great Hindus are responsible for such a capitalism, more intensified is the by history. So, the suffering people leader of the proletariat and worthy crime? He called upon all to thwart oppression. As part of world ought to close their rank and rise continuator of Marx-Engels-Lenin- this venomous attack of right capitalism, the ruling Indian against this menacing conspiracy of Stalin-Mao Zedong, who released a reaction. EPIC VERSES OF MODI Tall claims almost always rouse mythology, Sun God, Surya had observations of Mr. Modi is an utter myth to claim the same sort of derision and ridicule, since they are wished that Kunti should bear him lack of rationality and common credit for wonders which we know hardly ever substantiated. However a child and that his touch itself led sense that enables one to to be present day innovations of when they cross the limits of to Karna’s birth. Modi claimed this distinguish between mythology and science as intricate as the stem cell rationality and common sense – to prove that there was stem cell history or mythology and science. experimentation or plastic surgery! they are deemed to be bearing research in ancient India! Then We know myths are products of We are lucky that Modi has not yet rather sinister intent. This is all the again, Lord Ganesha (the deity to imagination- creating a world of told that in ancient India, people more so when such claims are cause prosperity ), bearing on his fantasy where superhuman and were having ten hands like goddess voiced by a public figure of the torso an elephant head , according supernatural qualities were ascribed Durga and ten heads like Ravana Prime Minister’s stature. to Mr. Modi bore testimony to to some superior beings who were and these were all possible because At the inauguration of Sir H N plastic surgery having been deified. Such fantasies admittedly of surgical advancement of those Reliance Foundation Hospital and operative from then only. In this capture people’s imagination as days. Perhaps, he might also say Research Centre, on October 24, connection, we cannot but be something novel and unique - far that like Hanuman, a section of the Mr. Modi, the BJP Prime Minister reminded of one Dinanath Batra of beyond the range of real-life human people in ancient India had tails and reportedly claimed that long back- Gujarat, who with endorsement by capabilities. possessed immense power so much during the time of Mahabharata Modi, the then Chief Minister of the History on the other hand is as to carry the Himalayas in one (the noted epic of India), cult of state, wrote in the text books the depiction of facts, a chronicle hand or cross the Palk straits by genetic science was in vogue in the prescribed for schools across the of real events. Hence the question one big jump to reach Sri Lanka. country and that plastic surgery and state that stem-cell research was that naturally follows is: does not He may then conclude that these stem cell reaserch too were known at the time of the the attempt to project epic all bear testimony to the fact that in practised by some of the surgeons Mahabharata; that the television characters as though they were ancient India, athletics were so of the time. To back his claim, was an invention of the time and real and existing during the time of developed as to keep mark of such Modi referred to Karna, a that during Vedic period cars were penning the epics and are proving weight lifting and high jump. Such mythological character, who present in our country. These how developed was the human wild claims cannot but incite the supposedly was given birth to by lackeys of Modi might better write knowledge in ancient India - comment that a person making Kunti –then unwed, but not being fables and show their talent. amount to absurdity? Also would it them should have produced borne in her womb. As per the What we find in the not be equally preposterous for a Contd. on page 11 PROLETARIAN ERA NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PAGE SEVEN Black Money All vote-based bourgeois parties are thriving on black Money Contd. from page 2 worst stupid. implementation of the judgments. thereby running a parallel economy markets and other areas and earn Further, the UN convention that The SIT might proclaim that in the country. When Modi talked hefty returns. So, they avoid tax provides a model framework for everybody is equal in the eyes of of giving Rs 15 lakhs to each citizen twice, first by hiding the income DTAAs had gone a step further to law but the reality is far away from by unearthing black money, he which otherwise would have help the developing countries in that. In the recent past, so many insinuated as to how gigantic the attracted tax in India. Secondly, tracking black money deposited in mega financial scams have quantum of black money in when the said money reinters the the developed world. It suggested surfaced. Has a single person been circulation is. Of course, Modi later country through tax haven route the member countries frame national meted out exemplary punishment? backtracked and said that he has no and becomes white, it further skips law to protect their interests and CAG and other investigations idea of how much black money is taxation in India. This is one ensure the confidentiality clause unfolded cases where political moving around. India’s illicit aspect. does not come in the way of seeking bigwigs, industrial barons and financial outflows steadily increased Secondly, there is stated to be information. In other words, the UN unscrupulous executives were over the past decade. Especially, a confidentiality clause in DTAA convention prescribes re-negotiating indicated to be involved. Has any between 2009 and 2011, it increased which precludes divulgence of the DTAA in tune with domestic laws of them been hauled up and by a massive 196%. Global Financial names of those having accounts in and the process to disclose the prosecuted? Sometimes, for playing Integrity (GFI), a Washington-based the banks of those countries. It is names. But, strangely, India is not a to the gallery, some token arrests think-tank, has estimated that this clause which the BJP signatory to this convention for are made or small fries sent to jail. Indians had salted away $462 billion government has referred to while reasons better known to the Indian But the big names elude legal (about 28 lakh crore in current arguing that data on foreign bank government and policy makers. But proceeding with alacrity. Moreover, exchange rates) in overseas tax accounts cannot be disclosed. The the question remains : In whose in India, cases are unusually havens between 1948 and 2008. government further argued that the interest ? This, in brief, is the DTAA delayed and usually spoiled so that But, the GFI figure is a gross privacy of individuals would be episode. prosecution is rare. Even in the underestimate because it does not violated by the revelation of data. instant case of revealing names of include the misinvoicing of services, However, the treaty provides that Special Investigation Team black money holders, there has not hawala and criminal funds generated any information about the bank Next is about the Special been much headway in investigating in narcotic drug trafficking, human account holders “shall be disclosed Investigation Team constituted by these accounts since 2009 when trafficking, etc. The Director of the only to persons or authorities the Apex court to investigate the the case was first referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (including courts and administrative black money holders whose names Supreme Court. Such is not the (CBI) scaled it up and gave it a bodies) concerned with the are obtained from the foreign- state of affairs even in other figure of $500 billion or Rs. 31 lakh assessment or collection of located banks. The team members bourgeois countries. For example, in crore in 2010 i.e. nearly 30% of (information), the enforcement or are talking very loud about the Birkenfeld-UBS case in the India’s $1.8-trillion GDP. prosecution in respect of, or the unraveling the black money holders United States, in spite of non- But, the figure is apprehended to determination of appeals in relation and subject them to appropriate cooperation by the UBS Bank and be still higher. Another report points to the taxes ... or the oversight of punishment. “Before us, nobody is the threats by the Switzerland out that the figure would be around the above.” In other words, big, nobody is small. Everybody is government, courts in the US $1.2 trillion for the period 1948 to information can be disclosed if equal. Whoever has looted this pressed ahead ignoring the 2012, if the missing elements are there is a court proceeding or tax country will be caught and punished, argument of secrecy and added. As per Swiss bank related enquiry against the account economically and otherwise also. confidentiality of information. UBS authorities, as high as 1456 billion or holder. The Supreme Court cases That we assure,” said the vice was forced to admit wrongdoing, 1.4 trillion US dollars or Rs 72 lakh on black incomes are a part of chairman of SIT. The SIT has also pay a fine of $780 million and crores of money (around 70% of court proceedings. So, this made several recommendations like provide a list of 4,500 names of India’s GDP) are lying in the information can be legitimately redrafting the DTAA, audit by U.S. citizens who had accounts personal accounts maintained by given under DTAA since this Comptroller and Auditor General with it. Recently, Credit Suisse was Indian industrialists, politicians and clause has a provision for sharing (CAG) on suspicious exports, also fined $2.5 billion for such bureaucrats. This is highest in the information with courts. Thus, appointing officers to complete fraud. But Indian reality is far world. Calculation shows that if this secrecy is not absolute. pending investigation in top 15 tax removed from that. So, huge amount of black money could Further, if the Court passes on evasion cases, amendment of the notwithstanding all blaster, there is be brought back to India the entire the information to the SIT to Prevention of Money Laundering every possibility of much cry and foreign debt of the country can be investigate black incomes, that Act (PMLA) and Foreign Exchange little wool. SIT itself has had a feel repaid in 24 hours. Even after would also be legitimate. The Management Act (FEMA) to of the fuss when it is stated to have clearing foreign debt, there will government’s argument that this introduce seizure of value equivalent discovered that of the 627 HSBC remain a surplus 12 times larger than would lead to a drying up of to the assets or funds stashed Geneva entries, there is no amount the foreign debt which, if invested, information from other countries, abroad and including tax evasion as shown in almost 289 while 122 of would earn an interest more than the therefore, does not hold water. a predicate offence under the them are repeated twice in the annual budget of the Central Moreover, thousands of Indians go definition of PMLA, which attracts same list. There are no details government. So even if all the taxes abroad each year to study and stringent punishment. about the operations of these are abolished, then also the Central work and almost every one of them Recommendations are all right accounts. It is not reflected in the government will be able to maintain opens a bank account overseas. but who will implement those? Is list as to when these accounts were the country very comfortably. With Thus, merely having a bank account there any dearth of penal provisions opened and what their transaction this amount a few tens of crore of abroad is neither illegal nor is it a in the law book for money history was. Surely, this would poor people of the country can get sign of tax evasion. RBI’s general laundering, tax evasion and such hamper the possibility of any action Rs 1,00,000 each. It is widely felt provisions were modified in 2004 to other economic offences? Why against them. that only small fractions of this allow Indians not just to have then the state of affairs is so sordid money can help solve the problems accounts abroad but also to remit and murky? Because, the system Black Money is wreaking of water treatment, sanitation, waste money from India to that overseas itself is corrupt. There is law but havoc management, renewable energy, account. The current limit is $1, no law delivery mechanism. The It is needless to say that rapidly health, education, urban 25,000 per person, per annum. courts might pronounce judgment, incresing black money is virtually infrastructure and allied fields in the Unless the black money holders are but who is there to carry out that? holding the economy in ransom, country, can give effect to identified, this business of merely There are innumerable instances of pushing up inflation beyond the roof, Universalization of Public naming and shaming by revealing late when the court itself has adversely affecting the money Distribution System (PDS) and bring all the names of foreign account expressed indignation over either circulation in the country, distorting all Indians out of the hunger trap, holders is at best puerile and at non-implementation or flawed all facts, figures and measures and Contd. on page 8 PAGE EIGHT NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PROLETARIAN ERA Black Money Corrupt outmoded capitalist system is generating black money Contd. from page 7 bourgeois parties whether in few who responded were not only capitalism is in vogue, black money can fund higher education, scientific governance or in opposition, who yell exempted from paying any penalty will continue to rule the roost. Black and social research institutes and against black money and pretend to but appreciated. Incredible indeed! money will be abolished only if exclusive scientific projects, all be to so keen to see action for A bunch of robbers and thieves who capitalism is overthrown by taken together and all at one and the seizing the black money, neither embezzled people’s money through revolution and a socialist society same time. mean it seriously nor are themselves illegal means and used it for self- with a socialist economy and free from involvement in it. Had the aggrandizement were fervently administration is established. Till the Capitalism is generating black government been serious, it could called upon to voluntary disclose time that does not happen, some money and abetting it easily identify the culprits through its their unaccounted wealth and then restrain could be exercised on this But why is this curse of black intelligence wings, take them into indirectly applauded for responding unbriddled generation of black money? Is it that a few custody and mete out stringent to the appeal. money and the havoc it is wreaking, unscrupulous elements are secreting punishment for such criminal It would therefore be a height of if people dawned upon by necessary income and defrauding the offence and thereby deal serious folly to believe that anything tangible consciousness can close their rank government which is keen to free blow to the unholy nexus of corrupt would emanate through intervention and develop a countrywide economy from the scourge? corporate sector-politicians-police- of the Court, presumed activation of organized democratic movement Unfortunately it is not that. The administration-smugglers. It could the SIT or rhetoric by Modi and his under correct leadership against all outdated capitalist system which is also take administrative steps like government. There is no reason to these vices, evils and oppression of now prolonging its moribund demonetization of currency notes i.e. pin too much hope on the judicial capitalist rule. The pressure of such existence riding on corruption, the process of ceasing to produce activism either as judiciary too, movement can only put some rein criminality and aberrations is and circulate particular forms of being an integral part of this corrupt on the generators, operators and generating black money. Black currency. But it cannot do that, not bourgeois system, no more enjoys its beneficiaries of black money. Only if money and capitalism have become even give a threat to do that previous position of esteem and in this movement is taken to the peak, intertwined. Had it been that the because the government itself is of fact is itself not in a position to the people might expect some relief government was serious to contain the monopolists, industrialists and remain insulated from corruption. from the menace of black money. In galloping rise in black money and black money holders. All the Even if there are some honest the instant case, it is imperative to prosecute the black money holders election-oriented bourgeois parties persons in the judiciary and the SIT, build up a powerful anti-black money and the administration was so toned who share power or are visible in they cannot proceed beyond a point movement as part of the broader up as to apprehend the wrongdoers, the corridors of power are in fact as the system would come a anti-capitalist movement. This is it was possible to ameliorate the funded by black money. So they cropper. After some smoke and fire, how people can act decisively. All problem to certain extent. But the have nothing but gimmick to offer. things will subside and the status quo other means including hyperactivity reality as experienced by the Hence, there is some occasional will be maintained. on the part of the judiciary will countrymen is different. Black venomless fuming as the BJP is prove to be abortive. So is the money, capitalist class, bourgeois doing now for public consumption. People must act decisively imperativeness to build up such government, blackmarketers, In the past, the government as an Obvious question will be movement in right earnest and scale hoarders, shady operators—all are eyewash called for voluntary whether this is fait accompli. The it up so that the camp of reaction is now merged into one entity. The disclosure of black money. Those answer is no. It is true that so long shaken.

SUCI (C) carries on movement across the country join movements, adding that hike in milk price would lead to cascading effect on price of all Medical Camp for Assam- Chandamari in Balballa area, 500 patients at milk-products Banshbari and 300 at Dhumerghat during the flood victims organized month of October till 1 November. Besides, At Mechheda West Bengal After and along with the medical camps for medicine including baby-food, worth 3 lakhs was state level KOMSOMOL flood victims of Kashmir, Medical Service Centre distributed from the camps. stepped ahead with organizing such camps for Tamilnadu protests over Camp held with enthusiasm Assam flood victims. The Party extended its help KOMSOMOL, Young Communists’ lead by Comrade Surat Jaman Mondal – member, milk-price hike organization of SUCI (C) organized a state level SUCI(C) Assam State Secretariat. The Tamilnadu State Organizing Committee of the camp and political class on 20-21 October 2014 September flood affected a vast stretch of Party staged demonstrations at Chennai and at Vidyasagar Library and Research Centre, Goalpara District in Assam. The camps run by Theni on 31 October 2014 against Tamilnadu Mechhada, Purba Medinipur district, West eight doctors of the Medical Service Centre led Government declaration on exorbitant hiking Bengal. Around 125 Activists of Komsomol from

14 districts of the state participated in the Camp. by Dr. Kalyanmoy Ghosh treated hundreds of price of milk by Rs.10 and proposal for enhancing The class was conducted by Comrade Saumen patients, about 200 patients at Doptalla Market electricity charges. Tamilnadu State Incharge of Basu, member, Central Committee SUCI(C) and adjacent to Goalpara city, 600 at Velterghat in our Party A Rengaswamy strongly condemned Secretary, West Bengal State Committee. Krishnai area, followed by 900 patients at the government moves and called on people to More news on pages 9 & 10 PROLETARIAN ERA NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PAGE NINE Jaunpur demonstration over Comrade Gouri Shankar Ghatak electricity charge hike Jaunpur District Committee of SUCI(C), UP passes away organized a demonstration- protest meeting and Comrade Gouri Shankar Ghatak, a Party member for many years, General Secretary of submission of a charter of demands at the Jaunpur the All India Save Education Committee and President of the West Bengal State Committee District Electricity Office on 16 October on demands of the All India Anti-imperialist Forum, breathed his last on 5th November at the Calcutta to stall the steep rise in electricity charges and to stop Heart Clinic and Hospital after a brief illness. He was 76. Comrade Gouri Shankar Ghatak load-shedding and change burnt transformers and had a distinguished academic career. From his student days he had lines. an abiding interest in science, and he tried to delve deep into the essence of science and the philosophy of science. His learning of science was not for scoring marks in the examinations, or building up a career, but came from his deep attraction for the methods of science and the general principles of scientific analysis and enquiry. Comrade Gouri Shankar was a student of the Presidency College, Kolkata, at a time when a surge of left movement was sweeping across West Bengal. Like many other bright students of that period, he was attracted to left and Marxist ideology. When he embarked on the teaching career first at the Bengal Engineering College and later at the Presidency College, he had an inner urge to be directly involved in left politics. But before that he wanted to critically judge all the left parties. He undertook a study of the Marxist classics, critically read the literature of different left parties and started to attend the mass meetings of the different Citizens’ Protest in parties. His younger brother Proshanto Ghatak was a whole-timer of the Socialist Unity Bhubaneswar at the initiative of Centre of India (Communist). The life-style of the party comrades, their behaviour and cultural-ethical standard must have cast a strong influence on him. Through discussions with the Party some Party leaders and especially after listening to Comrade Shibdas Ghosh at several Responding to the call of the Bhubaneswar mass meetings, he was convinced about the correctness of SUCI(C)’s ideology, political Committee of our Party citizens staged a demonstration analysis and programme. He even went to villages to check the work the party was doing on different demands including stalling price- hike of among the poor peasants and became convinced that this is the party, though numerically essential commodities, ensuring potable water supply, small, which was working for the Indian revolution. In Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s writings garbage clearance, drainage and installation of electricity and speeches, he found what he was looking for. It is his aptitude in science which helped lines in the slums as well as in other areas of the city, on him to quickly grasp the basic tenets of Marxism, and to develop a deep understanding and 1 November, in front of Bhubaneswar Corporation appreciation for the thoughts of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. His cultivation of the thoughts of building. Comrade Ghosh helped him to elevate his understanding of the philosophical aspects of science to a higher level. He aligned himself with the Party and dedicated himself to a struggle based on Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Thought. Apart from being a renowned geoscientist, he was an outstanding teacher, always trying to make the students understand and master the general principles and the methods and logic of science. After coming in contact with the thoughts of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, through cultivation, he developed a deeper understanding of the true beauty of science and its ethics and he strove to transmit this to his students. His scientific insight, captivating class-room teaching and soft-spoken demeanour made him dear to his students who had a deep respect for him as a scientist, as a teacher and as a person. His humility, utter lack of pride, wonderfully soft nature, innate good humour besides his knowledge endeared him to all. He started his party work through Pathikrit, the cultural front of SUCI(C). Comrade Gouri Shankar had a powerful pen and could write equally well in Bengali and English. Under the guidance of the party leadership, he emerged as a fine analytical writer. The Demonstration in cyclone- pages of the magazine Pathikrit contain many incisive articles written by him on diverse topics. When Pathikrit started the English magazine ‘Trend’, he played an important role ravaged in demand for and wrote articles in it and translated some articles of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. At the relief time of the Saratchandra centenary celebration, directed by the Party, he undertook the herculean task of editing the Golden Book of Saratchandra. Later he was drafted as a writer for the Party’s English organ ‘Proletarian Era’ and wrote regularly for the organ for many years. Under the guidance of Party leadership, he played a vital role in translating the writings of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh for the Selected Works. Comrade Gouri Shankar Ghatak also played an important role in the progressive science movement released by the Breakthrough Science Society inspired by the thoughts of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. The Party and Breakthrough were immensely benefited by his insightful exposition of the teachings of Shibdas Ghosh on many philosophical problems of modern science, for example, those centring round quantum mechanics and uncertainty principle, big bang hypothesis, origin of human consciousness and thinking. He upheld from Though the coastal areas of Odisha and Andhra a scientist’s point of view the philosophical basis of Marxism from the attacks of anti- Pradesh were very badly affected by the cyclonic storm Marxists and staunchly defended Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s thoughts on the principles of Hudhud, the BJD government of Odisha is showing utter dialectics and the philosophical implications of modern science from distortions and callousness in relief and rescue activities. So, the revisionist attacks. Party comrades always found him ready to clear their confusions on cyclone-ravaged people under the leadership of dialectical materialism and science on the basis of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s thoughts. Baridapuda-Koraput local committee of SUCI(C) held a He dedicated himself to the struggle to be a communist revolutionary. He had pain and big demonstration on 16 October before the local BDO anguish, particularly in the latter part of his life that at times he could not work as much for office in demand for running relief work for minimum the Party as he wanted to or as he was capable of. He sought guidance from the Party one month, proper compensation to those affected, leadership to conduct his struggle. In the midst of this struggle he succumbed to his illness. waiving bank and education loans, repairing of roads and In his death, Party has lost a valuable comrade. bridges, minimum 6 months’ job for the agricultural Red Salute Comrade Gouri Shankar Ghatak workers etc. PAGE TEN NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PROLETARIAN ERA Komsomol camp in Uttar School of politics of Odisha Karnataka Asha workers’s Pradesh Komsomol conference

Komsomol camp at Badlapur, UP on 1-2 A massive convention of ASHA workers on October which was conducted by Comrades V N A state level school of politics of Odisha unit 11 October at Freedom Park, Bangalore. (Inset) Singh, SUCI UP state Secretary and Comrades of Komsomol was held in Bhubaneswar on 18-19 Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, AIUTUC Swapan Chatterjee and Ramasray Maurya. October and was conducted by Comrades Dhurjati president and Polit Bureau member, SUCI(C) Das, Odisha State Secretary and Sankar addressing. Lathi charge on ABECA rally Dasgupta, member, Odisha State Secretariat, SUCI(C). Anti-FDI citizens’ Protest demonstration in convention in Dhalbhumgarh against rape of student

35 people sustained grievous injuries at the unprovoked and brutal lathicharge of the police on the protest demonstration organized by All Bengal Electricity Consumer’s Association in Kolkata on Massive rally of AIDSO and AIMSS at 20 October against steep rise in power tariff and Comrade Arun Singh, Member, State Dhalbhumgarh, East Singbhum, on 27 the West Bengal TMC chief minister’s reneging Committee, SUCI(C), addressing citizens September against barbaric rape and murder of a on the promise to lower electricity charge. convention against FDI at IMA hall in Patna on 7 girl student. October Trade Union convention in AIMSS on Bilaspur tragedy Trivandrum Dr. H G. Jayalakshmi, General Secretary, AIMSS, issued the following statement on 12 November: The All India Committee of AIMSS expresses its shock over the death of 11 women and the critical condition of 34 more women, due to complications after mass sterilization operations at a Government organized family planning camp in Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh. This incident is yet another testimony to the criminal negligence exhibited by our Governments A Kerala state level convention of united regarding the health of poor people while they do not fall behind in paying lip services to them. Trade Unions was held in Trivandrum on 21 AIMSS demands a speedy and impartial enquiry into the whole incident and severe punishment October. Comrade Sunderrajan, Kerala State to all the culprits who are responsible for this unfortunate incident. Vice-President of AIUTUC was on the dais AIMSS expresses its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families. We also demand that alongwith the leaders of other trade unions. compensation announced by the Government should be paid to the families of the victims Premchand-Saratchandra immediately. Jayanti at AIMSS condemns Aligarh University VC’s move Dr. H G. Jayalakshmi, General Secretary, All India Committee, AIMSS, issued the following statement on 13 November : It is shocking to know that the Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University has denied the entry to the undergraduate girl students to the main library, as the library faced a huge space constraint. As reported in the media, he has said that if Under Graduate girls were allowed access On 2 November, a meeting was organized at to the library, ‘there would be four times more boys’. Jamshedpur in commemoration of great humanist litterateurs Saratchandra and Premchand. It was While the Universities are deemed to be centres of universal learning and set a model for presided over by the well known poet Nanda high thinking, the Vice-Chancellors are to reflect a standard befitting the position. Such mean Kumar Unman. Speakers included Dr. Subhash and irresponsible remarks of him is highly condemnable. This discriminatory attitude towards girl Gupta, Professor Mitreswar, Shri Ranjit Singh, students reflects his ossified patriarchal mindset. Editor of newspaper Prabhat Khabar and AIMSS on behalf of the entire student and women community demands that authorities Comrade Sumit Roy, Jharkahand State Organizing provide necessary library facilities to the undergraduate girls students immediately. AIMSS also Committee member of the SUCI(C) demands that suitable punishment be awarded to the Vice Chancellor for his remarks. PROLETARIAN ERA NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PAGE ELEVEN Broad Day Light Murder of Democracy It is ridiculous and mockery of that the attainment of the magic power. This is footstep of fascism. political agendas of the bourgeois democracy. In the Maharashtra figure is eluding, it resorted to a Already parliamentary democracy parties represented in the parliament, assembly on 12 November, the nasty trick to cling to power by hook has been reduced to a farce with it simply bypasses parliament and ruling BJP managed to survive trust or by crook. Knowing fully well that manipulation of election riding on gets its proposals implemented vote without having requisite a defeat in the trust vote would cost money-media-mafia-administrative through ordinance route or numbers. Maharashtra’s has been it the ministry, the BJP played a power, progressive reduction in the administrative fiat. Now, over and hung assembly after elections. The dirty game. It got one of its MLAs number of days parliament is in above all this caricature of BJP though emerging as the largest Shri Bagde selected as speaker session, proceedings marked by democracy, the ruling BJP is bent party with 121 seats fell much short earlier on the day. Then, as per plan, more of mutual bickering than any upon to ensure that parliament which of the number required to have the BJP speaker totally flouting the discussion, mudslinging and during the rising period of bourgeoisie majority. Its hitherto ally Shiv Sena democratic norms, whatever little of pandemonium, prolonged House was considered as sovereign is had already broken the alliance and that is still in existence, decided to boycott for no reason whatsoever reduced to a non-entity. Thus it is declared that it would sit in have the crucial trust vote through and even legislators getting involved putting the last nail on the coffin of opposition. Sharad Pawar’s NCP, a voice vote instead of secret ballot in scuffles, if not engaged in brawls. democracy. The sign is ominous. close associate of the Congress till and then declared that the BJP has For long, there is any meaningful Time has come for all to understand other day, however, in a volte face won it. This is not only debate on the issues of the people. what a dangerous fascist force has said that it would support the BJP unprecedented but is tantamount to In fact, people’s interest has been been anointed to power by the ruling government. But it seems that the not just trampling underfoot the given a decent burial. Now, monopolists to implement its sinister BJP could not have faith in the barest precepts of parliamentary parliament meets to approve the class design. There has to be words of the NCP. So, in spite of demo-=cracy but demonstrating that pro-capitalist pro-rich bills. If the powerful organized protest against managing to secure support of some the BJP is licensed to do anything it government has any doubt of any of such travesty of democracy. of the smaller parties, when it found wants to remain in power or capture its anti-people bills to be passed, not Otherwise the BJP would become because of any opposition on merit more autocratic and despotic in Attempt to stifle RTI Movement but more because of respective running the steamroller of oppression. The introduction of the Right to such a situation, the recent DoPT Information (RTI) Act a few years (Department of Personnel and EPIC VERSES OF MODI back, much hyped as empowering Training) memorandum directing all Contd from page 6 could fly. Similarly they had seen people of India to obtain free access ministries and government evidence to substantiate them. that man does all work with hands. to any information, in practice was departments to upload applications Were the objective conditions of So, they imagined that gods or found to provide the common man received under the RTI Act and India, thousands of years back goddesses who were supposed to be with anything but easy access to replies given on their websites, as were so ripe enough to promote superior to man must have ten information. After all, no matter the reported in such scientific innovations? If that hands. These are all imaginations talk about transparency, the fact is (Nov. 6, 2014) is a dangerous move be so, why were they lost? Who based on what material condition that the exploitative, obsolete that would endanger the life of RTI took it away? Why then are these allowed to think and does not require capitalist system in our country activists by openly displaying their to be invented anew? Why again, if too much of grey matter in head to breeds corruption and crime on a identity in view of the fact that India they were already in vogue- had understand that. horrendous scale, so naturally there does not have privacy laws like e.g. they not been recorded in the Let us not think that Modi does is much to hide. It comes therefore the UK’s Data Protection Act which history of scientific innovations? not know these. He has been as no surprise that a maze of ensures that even when queries It would not be irrelevant to deliberately saying all these bureaucratic set of rules serves to under the Freedom of Information point out that under Article 51 A nonsense to pander to falsified obstruct access, and even those Act (similar to our RTI Act) are (h) of the Indian Constitution it is notions, convoluted thinking, who succeed in negotiating the maze uploaded on websites the applicants the fundamental duty of every backwardness, and blind faith in of regulations may not get the names are blanked out. Clearly, this citizen ‘to develop a scientific myths. He wants that by doing so, desired information at all. For, move makes RTI activities, temper’. A citizen of these days is he would be able to make the already in the short span since the especially if the information could expected to get rid of age-old people blindfolded so that they are introduction of RTI Act, a huge prove to be embarrassing, to say the beliefs, superstitions and irrationality not dawned upon by real backlog has accumulated. Thus, least, a most perilous undertaking to be able to cope up with the knowledge and adopt scientific over 24,000 cases under the RTI except perhaps for those whose complex life- problems of modern outlook. Truth will elude them. And Act are pending with Central stature provides them with some time and use science to unravel on the enchanting fringe of Information Commission as on 31 immunity from such attacks. This truth. Do not the blatant and irrational blind faith, bigotry and Oct. Moreover, for the last few latest move comes on the heels of unfounded claims made by our backward sterile thoughts, he and months even the posts of its chief two other recent government Prime Minister contradict the his RSS-BJP will work out their and three deputies remain vacant, notifications, or 2 circulars, stating essentials of the Constitution in this stratagem to fleece and rule with according to RTI activist Mr that assets of a public servant, respect? alacrity. These trashes are Venkatesh Nayak, programme details of official records and gifts Mr. Modi wants to send therefore meted out from a definite coordinator at Commonwealth do not have to be given under the satellites to the Mars and is opting ulterior motive. Human Rights Initiative. (The Act, and also exempting the state for digital India; he is introducing Retrograding mental process, Statesman, 6 Nov. 2014) What ACB from RTI queries, which were smart phone and is welcoming the promoting irrationality, getting blind more glaring pointer is needed to reportedly based on some rulings by import of bullet trains and other faith and bizarre thoughts firmly show the actual attitude of the Courts in some specific cases but novelties of science, lauding entrenched in people are all parts Central governments towards RTI! in which no reasoning of law was technological advancement. At the of the grandiose design to enshroud But what is really alarming is given to provide a legal principle, same time, he promotes irrational mind with medieval darkness and that quite a number of RTI activists which could be used as a precedent, belief in unverified mythology! For establish fascism. So, this who managed to unearth corruption according to an RTI activist. So, information of Modi and his hang- nefarious design of the fascist or corrupt deals and acted as would it be wrong to conclude that ons, myths comprise many imaginary forces ought to combated and whistleblowers have been murdered under the guise of improving characters, figures and incidents. defeated by promoting scientific and countless activists have been efficiency, the Modi government has These were all imagined. Men then thoughts and rational outlook. Modi assaulted. In fact, according to added a new, menacing dimension found that chariots move very fast. does not know that the evils Venkatesh Nayak no less than about to the attempt to stifle RTI At the same time, he found that only ultimately do not win. Let him learn 42 RTI activists have been movement in order to keep birds can fly. So, they imagined that that from the Ramayana and murdered and over 300 assaulted. In corruption under wraps? had chariots or the horse wings, they Mahabharata. RNI No. 13932/67 P. R. No. KOL / RMS / /145 / 2013-2015

On the occasion of 97th anniversary of great November Revolution, Comrade Chhaya Mukherjee, Member, Central Committee, garlanding the portrait of Comrade Lenin on 17th November in front of the newly constructed Party’s central office in Kolkata. Also seen in the picture is Comrade Saumen Basu, Central Struggling friend, Committee member and Secretary, West Bengal State Committee. We are pleased to announce that the construction work of the new central office building of Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) founded by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the great leader of the proletariat, Obamacare in USA at 48, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata, is over. Construction of this new building has been possible because of the contributions made by the leaders- set to die its death workers-supporters-sympathizers and well-wishers of the Party Media is now reporting that the view with many others, pointed out responding to the call given by the Party for this. We convey our much hyped Obamacare, the blue- that only 14 of the 50 USA states revolutionary greetings to all of them. eyed programme of the American (less than one-third) set up their own On 17th November at 12 Noon, this new building will be inaugurated president Barrack Obama, faces a exchanges. The other 36 states by Comrade Provash Ghosh, General Secretary, SUCI(C), in a brief fatal blow. The centerpiece of the preferred to use a federal exchange function. scheme or the law is the assertion instead. The question raised is: Will With revolutionary greetings that every citizen is obliged to get those states without their own 48 Lenin Sarani, Debaprasad Sarkar health insurance. And the ominous exchanges, be denied of the federal Kolkata-700013 Office Secretary, Central Committee signs of its mortal danger send a subsidies to buyers of healthcare 30 October, 2014 S U C I (C) grave signal to the American poors plans? In that case, the cost of in millions who live without policies for people would instantly Make SUCI(C) Candidates Victorious in insurance of any kind, that the jump by as much as 43 per cent. The assertion is receding fast leaving purpose of the scheme would be Jharkhand Assembly Election them in a hapless void. totally lost and the Obamacare would Constituency Candidate Despite all the hullabaloo die its natural death. Of course it accompanying its introduction, would then leave a few questions in 1. Hatia Comrade Vinay Kumar its trail? What do these mean? Why Obamacare was fraught with 2. Khijri Comrade Ashrita Khalko problems recurring. The website was the website withdrawn and then that was meant to make it easy for reintroduced? What was the intent? 3. Bokaro City Comrade Manoj Kumar Singh the American ‘poors’ without A silent wind-up of the scheme that 4. Bermo Comrade Lalji Manjhi insurance to buy new health could not be given effect to because policies was rolled out officially a of the people’s pressure? Why could 5. Chandankiari Comrade Kalidasi Bauri year back. It was disastrous for not the federal authority make all 6. Baghmara Comrade Chandan Kumar Srivastav people and the government too and states set up their own exchanges? the disaster management drive had Was the federal authority callous or 7. Ghatsila Comrade Jaydev Singh Munda to be mooted only very recently reluctant? Obviously that such a 8. Jugsalai Comrade Rajesh Sahish with opening of enrollment window situation may come up was not for people to sign up for 2015. visualized. Was it then a careless 9. Ichagarh Comrade Ashudev Mahato But the omens did not fade out, effort without much homework but rather made a fresh and more done? Or, were the loopholes left vigorous comeback. It was in the back while introducing the law that following backdrop and manner. could serve as a means to let the When the US Congress originally scheme die? Do these indicate that A wrote the law, it stipulated that even such an apparently pro-people Medical federal (i.e., central) subsidies would measure carried some inherent Service be extended to the ‘least wealthy’ defects that would help to withdraw Centre-run Americans to purchase the newly the scheme in due course? Well then, medical available plans on the online could this scheme be called a genuine camp for exchanges. Each of the 50 states of pro-people attempt or a mere Kashmir the USA was supposed to set up gimmick, the rulers in a decaying those exchanges which would act as capitalist system so typically take flood gateway for those federal subsidies. resort to? Perhaps, the American victims Now an individual from a state people may ask their rulers for Virginia reportedly sharing the same clarification.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : PROVASH GHOSH Edited & Published by Asit Bhattacharyya from 48 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700013 and printed by him at Printers and Publishers Private Limited, 52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013. Phone : 2249-1828, 2265-3234 E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], Website : www.sucic.in