Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-10-11
" - 01 oman Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of I(}W(l City Established in 1868 - Fivc Centa a Copy Member of Associated Prest - AP lased Wire and Pboto Sen1c:o Iowa City. la.• Thursct.y. October 11. 1958 . ,Ing•, : . .,' as ectlon ,~ lAP WI"" ••'.I (MIY STENGJEL. mana.. r of world champion N.w y.rk Y.nk.... ,rl". at hi. record br.. kl", catch. The Weath ... er V.. i ""a •• th,y c.I,bra... , .. vlcto,y ,."r the I,ooklyn Dodt',... ..,,. dre.,. In a rK,rd I,ustice D~padment Offidal" Says U.S. W~tch.es .",.""n, 10 run. durl ... the W.rld Strl... pickln. up four .f them Wed",_y with two holM run•. Many' Negroes' Denied Vote Right Four ·Homers Cloudy For :Tre~ds . WASHINGTON t.fI - The Sen· erable number or, white voters" to know what has been going on ory Wild 'Chinese Mobs and ate Elections subcommltlee was wefC challcnged, as well .. some In some Southern states. n errl't . I T . , Power Way·,' told Wednesday that thousands of 3,000 Negroes. In Ouachita Parish, he went on. Warmer qualified Negroes in Louisiana In Monroe, M.rs. Mae LlH:key. more ~han 4,qoo Negro voters had JUNEAU, Aillska til - Alaska's and other Southern states arc be· the parish registrar of voters said been qualified In Wards 3 and 10 Democrata ran up a big Icad wed- ,/ nesday In mounting returns Crom ' Wr~ck · lilong Kong Shlrtsil.oeves will be back in ing denied their right to vote "mote than 3,000 NegrO()s' felis· under a system of permanent Past Brooks vogue today and yl.'sterday's this year.
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