DISCOVER YOUR CITY Campus France will guide you through your first steps in France and exploring Albi, your new home. WELCOME TO ALBI - Photos: DR - Cover photo: © SergiyN, Fotolia - JULY 2021. - JULY photo: © SergiyN, Fotolia - Photos: DR Cover Rubrik (91) C Production: YOUR ARRIVAL IN - IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux. Direction des Affaires Internationales (International ALBI / Relations) Address: Jarlard Campus, 81000 Albi. General hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 12:30pm A regional Welcome Desk and 2pm to 6pm. Contact (switchboard): 05 63 49 30 00 or
[email protected] The city of Albi is located 75km from Toulouse where the Welcome Desk, a comprehensive Buddy System student reception center was created by the You can be assisted by a local student in Albi! Université Fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Some of our institutions offer a Buddy System to which groups all the region’s higher education help you settle in to your new hometown. institutions. For more information: The Welcome Desk is for students and - contact the Internation’Albi association at INU researchers, both French and foreign to help Champollion Albi. them in settling in and with their different Contact:
[email protected] administrative procedures. - consult the Welcome Desk site: A specialized multilingual team welcomes and > S’ouvrir à guides students and researchers on housing, l’international > Parrainage d’étudiants étrangers residence permits, day-to-day life, sports, National Services recreation, culture and so much more. - students: Year round the different services of the Préfecture, - doctoral students, researchers: Rectorat (Board of Education), CROUS and CAF will help you in setting up in Toulouse.