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The Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) conducts research to save lives, save time, save money, and protect the environment. Researchers and students from multiple fields are continuously developing the techniques and technologies to solve transportation challenges from vehicular, driver, infrastructure, and environmental perspectives.

As one of seven premier research institutes created by to answer national challenges, VTTI has effected significant change in public policies for driver, passenger, and pedestrian safety and is advancing the design of vehicles and infrastructure to increase safety and reduce environmental impacts.

4 5 MESSAGE FROM VTTI: Surpassing milestones, advancing transportation solutions The transportation landscape is rapidly evolving, and VTTI — along with its affiliated corporation in Southern Virginia, the Global Center for Automotive Performance Simulation (GCAPS) — is keeping pace to address THE DIRECTOR industry needs while ensuring the safety of transportation users. This year, the institute surpassed several milestones, including: • Expending more than $40 million in externally sponsored research funding, accounting for approximately $1 out of every $7 of external research in the Virginia Tech portfolio in fiscal year 2018. • Exceeding $51 million in new external contracts and awards received in fiscal year 2018, resulting in a total active portfolio that now exceeds $200 million. This funding supports the institute’s 300 active projects, all of which aim to save lives, time, money, and protect the environment. The institute rapidly expanded, with 40 open positions for new faculty, staff, and students. • Diversifying funding, with more than 50 percent of funding coming from private-sector partners, including 14 auto manufacturers and more than 50 suppliers. • Employing more than 500 faculty, staff, and students, a number that included 280 undergraduate and graduate students from five Virginia Tech colleges and more than one dozen university departments who gained hands-on experience in conducting cutting-edge transportation research.

The transportation institute’s $110 million infrastructure, which was built largely via external partnerships with public and private-sector partners, includes GCAPS. Originally funded by General Motors, the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification Commission, and Virginia Tech, the center now generates more than $5 million in revenue each year and has created 70 direct and indirect jobs in the Southern Virginia region. The institute’s infrastructure also includes the recent Virginia Smart Roads expansion project, developed in partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The cornerstone of the transportation institute, Smart Roads research and outreach use this year neared 3,000 hours — or approximately 60 hours per week — across multiple sponsors.

Institute researchers are currently working with sponsors such as GM, Ford, Nissan, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to investigate advanced driver-assistance systems and vehicle automation, both of which are quickly transforming the transportation industry. This is certainly exciting in terms of safety and mobility innovations but carries with it serious challenges and questions that need to be answered. For example, how should these cars and trucks be designed, tested, and deployed so they will be able to navigate all road types in all weather and lighting conditions, avoid unexpected obstacles, and ensure that all transportation users are safer as a result?

To help address these questions, VTTI researchers are acquiring large quantities of naturalistic driving data via a methodology pioneered by VTTI. Such data can be used in advanced analytics and simulation methods to help industry leaders determine if advanced safety systems and vehicle automation can operate reliably or cause unintended consequences for drivers, such as distraction or reliance upon the system. This approach is ultimately designed to provide a foundation for the safe, efficient development and deployment of advanced vehicles and systems.

Another key issue in transportation is teen driving risk and injury prevention. Teen drivers — particularly novice drivers — are overrepresented in national fatality and injury crash statistics. One out of every five young drivers in the U.S. is involved in a crash within the first six months of driving. Researchers at VTTI are dedicated to -Tom Dingus, Ph.D., CHFP reducing these high crash rates and saving teen lives through research and outreach. Director of VTTI The future of transportation holds many challenges, but VTTI — home to the largest group of driving researchers in the world — is diligently working to confront these issues and many others. By working with President of VTT, LLC more than 100 sponsors that include industry partners, government agencies, and suppliers, the institute has Endowed Professor of Engineering at Virginia Tech positioned itself to address critical transportation issues, delivering imaginative safety and design solutions.


has an infrastructure worth more than $110 unveil four unique expansion projects, each building stitutes across the Commonwealth VTTImillion that includes four test beds used upon the Smart Road testing capabilities and collectively are implementing connected applica- extensively for real-world, impactful transportation known as the Virginia Smart Roads: 1) The Surface Street tions that include traveler information, research across both broad and edge-and-corner (open now), which features a residential/urban layout lane closure alerts, and work zone and in- scenarios; more than 120,000 square feet of building with real and reconfigurable buildings, roundabout/ cident management. Under the umbrella of space in Blacksburg and Alton, Va.; and more than 100 stop-controlled intersections, automation-compatible the recently completed Tier 1 U.S. Department owned and leased instrumented vehicles, including pavement markings, and connectivity to the Smart Road; of Transportation (USDOT) Connected Vehicle/ connected-automated light and heavy vehicles. VTTI is 2) The Live Roadway Connector (open now), providing a Infrastructure University Transportation Center, also purchasing an autonomous micro-transit shuttle seamless transition between live traffic and the closed test VTTI, the University of Virginia, and Morgan State that will soon be instrumented for a variety of automation tracks of the Smart Roads while bringing the total length University conducted more than 20 connected projects research projects. of the highway section to 2.5 miles; 3) The Rural Road along the VCC, including emergency vehicle-to-vehicle (opening in 2019), which will be the first testing site of its communications, motorcycle crash warning systems, ing, and deployment of automated-vehicle technology, kind to facilitate advanced-vehicle testing on a controlled eco-speed control, intersection management, and pave- 01. Test Beds with the ultimate goal of helping stakeholders create ro- Headquartered at VTTI, the is a rural roadway environment. The Rural Road will feature ment assessment and management. bust automated and autonomous vehicles. controlled-access facility managed by the institute and hilly, winding roads; short site distances; and will be owned and maintained by the Virginia Department of built to 1965 standards; and 4) The Automation Hub In 2015, VTTI partnered with VDOT, Transurban, the Faculty and students associated with the USDOT-award- Transportation (VDOT). The road is built to Federal (opening in 2018), located on-site at the Virginia Smart Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, and HERE (a ed Safety through Disruption National University Trans- Highway Administration specifications and features Roads and facilitating short turnaround projects focused high-definition mapping business) to unveil the Virginia portation Center (Safe-D National UTC)—a consortium seven roadside equipment units and two mobile roadside on advanced-vehicle testing in collaboration with VTTI Automated Corridors (VAC). This initiative provides an led by VTTI with partners Texas A&M Transportation equipment sites that facilitate connected-vehicle researchers, industry leaders, and Virginia Tech students, automation-friendly environment that government agen- Institute and San Diego State University— have access to communications; an optical fiber communication system; among others. cies, auto manufacturers, and suppliers can use to test and the Virginia Smart Roads and the Connected and Auto- Ethernet fiber transceivers and Ethernet switches; a certify their systems, providing a system migration path mated Corridors to perform research into disruptive tech- connected-vehicle-compatible intersection controller The Virginia Smart Roads are designed to complement from test-track to real-world operating environments. nologies, such as automated and connected vehicles, big model; varying pavement sections and in-pavement the public testing capabilities offered by the Virgin- The VAC leverages extensive experience in on-road safety data analytics, and transportation as a service. Current sensors; 75 weather-making towers capable of producing ia Connected and Automated Corridors. In 2014, VTTI research to provide efficient solutions to automated-ve- UTC projects include modeling driver responses during snow, rain, and fog; a differential GPS base station for partnered with VDOT to unveil the Virginia Connected hicle testing. The VAC was developed in answer to the automated-vehicle failures, evaluating the response of precise vehicle locating; a signalized intersection with Corridors (VCC), which comprise the Smart Road and In- Virginia governor’s 2015 proclamation declaring Virginia autonomous vehicles to emergency response vehicles, complete signal phase and timing control; a wireless terstates 66 and 495, as well as U.S. 29 and U.S. 50 (one of “open for business” in the realm of automated vehicles. designing and evaluating a connected work zone hazard mesh network variable control system; and variable pole the most congested corridors in the U.S.). The VCC is fa- The proclamation allows the testing of any automated ve- detection and communication system for connected and spacing designed to replicate 95% of national highway cilitating the real-world development and deployment of hicle on Virginia roads under the guidance of VTTI. The automated vehicles, examining senior drivers’ adaptation lighting systems. connected-vehicle technology via dedicated short-range Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles will support re- to automated vehicles, identifying railroad requirements communications and cellular technology. Using more search efforts performed by VTTI in accordance with the for the future automated-and connected-vehicle envi- In 2017, the institute held a ribbon cutting/groundbreaking than 60 roadside equipment units (RSEs) located along proclamation. With assistance from the Commonwealth ronment, assessing safety perceptions of transportation ceremony with partners VDOT and Virginia Tech to the corridors, VDOT and researchers from multiple in- of Virginia, the VAC will advance the development, test-


network companies by the blind and visually impaired, and GCAPS also works closely with amateur, semi-pro, and pro evaluating factors surrounding child seat usage in ride-share race teams to provide cutting-edge services that help race services. cars perform at the top levels.

02. Blacksburg Facilities Located adjacent to GCAPS is the Virginia International The traditional laboratories at VTTI are housed in four Raceway, to which VTTI has access for the performance of buildings totaling more than 90,000 square feet. Building connected and automated projects in a multi-use testing I is 30,000 square feet and houses office, laboratory, and environment that includes both closed-course and open garage facilities. Low-service laboratories include facilities traffic conditions. The raceway track can be configured to dedicated to driver interface development, eye-glance data five different courses ranging from 1.1 miles to 6.8 miles and reduction, lighting research, accident analysis, accident includes such topography as hairpin curves and blind passes. database analysis, pavement research, and traffic simulation. The National Surface Transportation Safety Center for 04. Accelerated Pavement Testing Excellence building comprises 22,000 square feet of office VDOT and VTTI launched an accelerated pavement testing and laboratory space and was occupied in July 2006. program in 2015, which uses a heavy-vehicle simulator that VTTI expanded its on-site capacity by 7,000 square feet of continuously applies a weighted load to test pavements for warehouse space and housing for a paint booth facility and several months. This testing simulates the natural wear and a lighting lab. An additional 24,400 square-foot annex was tear caused by heavy trucks on road surfaces. The program opened during August 2013. is expected to result in cost savings in road maintenance and will enable VDOT to determine how different pavement To supplement and support the research endeavors of the designs and materials respond to load testing prior to institute, facilities feature a fully staffed garage and machine integration on the road. Since its inception in 2015, the shop to instrument experimental vehicles. Technicians program has resulted in approximately $1.66 million in and engineers use full-scale machine and welding shops, expenditures. electronics laboratories, and garage facilities to customize transportation hardware and software designed to collect 05. VTTI Vehicle Fleet large amounts of data. These facilities are also used to support The VTTI vehicle fleet is uniquely instrumented for specific the maintenance and expansion of the Smart Roads systems experiments. Researchers use the vehicle fleet for Smart and capabilities. Additionally, VTTI occupies an adjacent Roads tests, and experimental test vehicles are used to develop seven-bay, 12,600-square-foot garage. This facility is used to new instrumentation packages and complement research store the VTTI instrumented vehicle fleet and the equipment endeavors. Several of the vehicles are long-term loaners necessary for research and Smart Roads operations. from vehicle manufacturers, VDOT, and other partnering organizations. All vehicles are maintained in-house when possible with fully functional garages and a machine shop. 03. Southern Virginia Facilities Loaned vehicles are maintained in cooperation with the Affiliated with VTTI and Virginia Tech is the Global Center organization that provided the vehicle. for Automotive Performance Simulation (GCAPS), located in Alton, Va. GCAPS is a world-class facility that provides revolutionary services for both vehicle and tire, including testing, simulation, and modeling. GCAPS comprises the National Tire Research Center (NTRC), the Southern Virginia Vehicle Motion Labs (SoVa Motion), and the Virtual Design and Integration Laboratory (VDIL). Collectively, these initiatives provide the full range of services essential for creating a more dynamic product through both virtual and physical development. 10 11 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH PROJECTS

In September 2017, a VTTI-led team was awarded $4.9 and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) will face, 2) of the next generation of vehicles 1million to provide the National Highway Traffic Safety Conduct research to address those issues, and 3) Conduct and technologies, inform national Administration (NHTSA) with the information needed related technology transfer and information exchange discourse about how best to mitigate to make informed decisions regarding the technical activities. VTTI is completing work on the National rapidly growing transportation challenges, translations of existing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 20- offer students unique hands-on experience Standards (FMVSS) and the related test procedures. 102(07) Implications of Automation for Motor Vehicle in the field of transportation research, and Automated driving systems that may not have manually Codes, which explored the impact of automated driving provide more opportunities in the workforce. operated driving controls (such as steering wheels and systems on motor vehicle codes and other related brakes) and may or may not have onboard occupants have domains. VTTI continued to serve an integral role in the necessitated a fresh look at many FMVSS. The focus of 5Virginia Tech Intelligent Infrastructure initiative, Surface Street Expansion, Open Now this project is to investigate options for removing barriers VTTI and partners Texas A&M Transportation particularly in the area of advanced-vehicle research and posed by the existing standards and test procedures. The 4Institute and San Diego State University — with development. In partnership with VDOT, the institute is second phase of this project, with additional funding, is support from the Virginia Department of Transportation expanding its Smart Road testing capabilities. The Surface leave Blacksburg for positions at their respective industry expected to follow after the completion of this first phase. (VDOT) — continued to conduct cutting-edge research Street Expansion and Live Roadway Connector were both employer for a direct integration into the company’s via the Safety through Disruption National University completed during FY18, and completion of the first two business and engineering processes. This experiential VTTI continued to collaborate with 38 organizations, Transportation Center (Safe-D UTC). The Safe-D UTC phases of the Rural Roads expansion is anticipated next learning program, which starts as early as a student’s 2including Booz Allen Hamilton, Bosch, GM, Google, grant totals approximately $28 million across a five- year. Collectively, the expansions are dubbed the Virginia sophomore year, will go into full effect during FY19, with Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Southwest Research year span, funding the study of how best to maximize Smart Roads and will facilitate edge-and-corner, tailored, plans for growth to at least four industry partners. Institute, and Volkswagen/Audi, under the NHTSA the safety benefits of integrating technologies such as advanced, unique test-bed options for self-driving ground Vehicle Electronic Systems Safety IDIQ contract. This automation and connectivity into the transportation vehicles. VTTI continued to develop relationships with both team was organized to respond to all aspects of the system. Motivated by an overall desire to promote safety 7public and private sponsors. This year, VTTI initiated NHTSA project, including electronics safe reliability, on U.S. roadways, the Safe-D UTC is focusing on three key The Virginia Smart Roads also includes construction several new relationships with proprietary sponsors, cybersecurity, vehicle automation, and related human areas: 1) Performing innovative research that is led by the 6of the Automation Hub, located adjacent to the which are likely to result in continued funding in future factors considerations. To date, VTTI has received awards largest consortium of transportation safety researchers Surface Street expansion. The building will house years. of nearly $16 million under this contract. in the nation and is largely focused on advanced-vehicle advanced-vehicle initiatives that will facilitate cutting- technologies, transportation as a service, and “big data” edge collaborations focused on advanced-vehicle VTTI continued to work on a contract sponsored by VTTI continued to propose task orders released under analytics; 2) Education and workforce development; research and development. The Automation Hub will 8NHTSA to study how driver expectations for partial 3a contract from the Transportation Research Board and 3) Sharing research findings with the broader also serve as home to the Intern Hub program, which was vehicle automation change how drivers interact and use (TRB) of the National Academy of Sciences potentially transportation community through a robust technical initiated with soft-start partner Continental Automotive. partial vehicle automation with different capabilities. worth an initial $2 million (with the possibility of transfer process. The Safe-D UTC award is representative The Intern Hub fosters collaboration between industry This unique project uses a vehicle customized by VTTI additional funds). The task orders are designed to: 1) of the hard work and dedication VTTI researchers have partners, VTTI researchers, and leading students from that operates at different capability levels to manipulate Identify critical issues associated with connected and collectively put into studying the future of transportation. Virginia Tech. Student interns work for industry partners capability independently from driver expectation. This automated vehicles that state and local transportation It provides continued opportunity to work toward while in Blacksburg through collaborative sponsored work is scheduled to conclude in January 2019. agencies and the American Association of State Highway the safe and efficient development and deployment research with VTTI faculty. Each summer, the interns


VTTI was awarded a contract with Transurban to WZB is being used to provide specifics for a fully featured VTTI was awarded a Ford 9conduct motorcycle safety-related research. version 1.0 of the application, to be delivered in 2019. 18effort on developing multi- modal travel-time prediction models. VTTI worked on a project funded by the National VTTI procured and installed a real-time kinematic 10Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence 14GPS correction system on the VCC in Northern The Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (NSTSCE), the objective of which is to develop an Virginia to support higher accuracy GPS data. The system 19(PARC) and VTTI continued their work algorithm that can provide likelihood estimations for provides additional GPS information to GPS receivers, on an ARPA-E-funded project developing the potential paths of lead vehicles. The scenarios of enabling greater accuracy in location coordinates. The the Collaborative Optimization and Planning particular interest in this project are those in which the GPS real-time kinematic system will be used by VTTI Transportation Energy Reduction (COPTER) lead vehicle is approaching an intersection or parking lot to support demonstrations and research activities that control architecture. The architecture represents Rural Roadway Expansion, Opening 2019 at which the driver has an option of turning right. require greater accuracy, such as lane-level connected- a complete solution for the TRANSNET goal, with vehicle applications and pedestrian applications. comprehensive transportation network modeling, a Another NSTSCE-funded project served as a decision-theoretic approach for system optimization, Cruise Control-I (Eco-CACC-I) controller that computes 11proof of concept, varying the nature and onset of VTTI completed the VCC to support testing of new and explicit human behavior and influence modeling to and implements optimum vehicle trajectories along multi- countermeasure interventions intended to target drowsy 15standardized message concepts for the Advanced maximize real-world impact. This project leverages PARC intersection roadways in consideration of dynamic vehicle driving episodes. Interventions to combat drowsiness Message Concept Development project with the Crash competencies in model-based control of complex systems queue predictions. 4) Develop an Eco-CACC-U controller addressed driver workload, either physical or cognitive, Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP). These message and human cognitive modeling, the recognized leadership that provides local longitudinal energy-optimal control in under the assumption that low workload environments extensions supported the test and evaluation of concepts of VTTI in transportation modeling and control, and consideration of the homogenous and non-homogeneous may occasion drowsy driving episodes. Results suggest in a real operational traffic environment. Follow-up work substantial incumbency of Xerox as a provider of vehicle platooning of ICEVs, BEVs, PHEVs, and HEVs. that workload-based countermeasures (physical or to create a nationally interoperable message strategy with transportation service solutions to U.S. cities to create a cognitive) can effectively combat drowsiness and re- the US DOT and CAMP is in the planning stage, with an project that is meaningful, executable, and transitionable. VTTI continued to work with the Federal Highway engage drivers. award expected early FY19. 21Administration (FHWA) and AASHTO to provide data VTTI continued its work on a U.S. Department of sets and support to several state department of transportaiton In conjunction with VDOT, VTTI continued to VTTI continued to serve as a subcontractor to 20Energy project to develop a novel Eco-Cooperative research teams working on Phase III Implementation 12expand the capability and utility of the Virginia 16Morgan State University on its Tier 1 UTC, Urban Automated Control (Eco-CAC) system that integrates Assistance Program projects. The goal of these efforts is to Connected and Automated Corridors (VCC/VAC), with Mobility & Equity Center (UMEC). UMEC is federally vehicle dynamics control with connected- and automated- identify safety problems and generate countermeasures that expenditures during FY18 of nearly $600,000. VTTI funded as a Tier 1 research center through the Fixing vehicle applications. The approach is revolutionary in that reduce risk and prevalence. The projects have moved on extended the VCC architecture to support the broadcast of America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. UMEC it develops a next-generation, vehicle dynamics-controlled to the implementation phase, resulting in the deployment signal phasing and timing data for 30 intersections on the seeks to bolster the scientific foundation and discern connected- and automated-vehicle system that builds on of research-driven countermeasures expected to improve Route 7, US 29, and US 50 corridors in Arlington County, equity implications for policies that focus on urban existing connected- and automated-vehicle technologies traffic safety. Va. VTTI also added a real-time process that makes VCC mobility. UMEC will contribute to the body of knowledge to reduce the energy/fuel consumption of internal data available to the VDOT public data- on which planning and policies are based by researching combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), battery-only electric VTTI worked with FHWA to provide data sets to sharing website. transit/paratransit and freight planning and operations; vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), 22several research teams working in the second phase buyers’ acceptance, affordability, and government and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The development of the FHWA Broad Agency Announcement related to traffic In partnership with VDOT, VTTI created a proof- promotion of connected and automated vehicles; and of the Eco-CAC system will involve the following key safety countermeasures. These efforts have transitioned 13of-concept work zone builder (WZB) application. the distribution of transportation costs and benefits, steps and components: 1) Develop a connected-vehicle from a pilot research phase into full investigations and The WZB is a tablet application that allows VDOT work including user fees and taxes. Research focus areas eco-routing controller that can be used with the above continue to leverage the VTTI naturalistic driving data to zone inspectors and construction contractors to lay include increasing access to opportunities, smart cities, vehicle types. This unique eco-router will compute vehicle decrease risks across all roadway users. out their work zone designs over a photo map while novel modes of transport, systems integration, analytical routings optimized for the individual user and entire system. suggesting placement of various work zone features tools to optimize movement, and regional planning. 2) Develop a speed harmonization controller that regulates As part of its role as operator of the Second based on the requirements of the Virginia Work Area the flow of traffic approaching bottlenecks in the network. 23Strategic Highway Research Program Naturalistic Protection manual. WZB compiles the completed work VTTI was awarded two competitive projects as part This controller will be fully integrated with the vehicle router, Driving Study (SHRP 2 NDS) data set, VTTI provided data zone design into a data package that is published to the 17of UMEC: one on devising eco-driving strategies resulting in a unique strategic controller that can route traffic to support dozens of research projects, primarily geared VCC Cloud, where it can be made available to connected for transit buses and one on multi-modal traffic signal away from congested areas and regulate the flow of traffic toward advancing transportation safety as sponsored and and automated vehicles and will fulfill the requirements control. entering congested areas. 3) Develop a multi-modal (ICEVs, performed by academic institutions, state departments for VDOT work zone management. The proof-of- concept BEVs, PHEVs, and HEVs) Eco-Cooperative Adaptive of transportation, the federal government, research 14 15 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH PROJECTS

organizations, and private industry partners. VTTI is in VDOT to determine how different pavement designs and VTTI continued as a the planning stages for the next phase in the operation of materials respond to load testing prior to integration on 30subcontractor to North Carolina this data set, which will begin in January 2020. the road. Since its inception in 2015, the program has A&T State University on its Tier 1 Center resulted in approximately $1.66 million in expenditures. for Advanced Transportation Mobility VTTI was awarded additional projects to increase (CATM) UTC. CATM is a consortium 24accessibility to and improve the research value In 2014, VTTI began work in collaboration with consisting of three higher education of the SHRP 2 NDS data, including approaches to 28several departments across campus to develop a institutions: North Carolina Agricultural and increase the amount of data accessible outside of secure health and injury control center. This evolving center is Technical State University (lead), Virginia Tech, environments, approaches to de-identifying location designed to enhance research opportunities that promote and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – information, and methods to allow for remote access to driver health and wellness and reduce injuries. To date, Daytona Beach. These institutions collaborate on Automation Hub, Opening November 2018 the data. collaborating departments include Fralin; Psychology; projects focused on identifying solutions to mobility Biomedical Engineering; Human Nutrition, Foods, and concerns within two primary areas: 1) Enabling safe Institute researchers continued work with the Exercise; the Virginia Tech Center for Autism Research; and efficient mobility for vulnerable road users and 2) limitations. Naturalistic driving research methods 25FHWA to provide support and expand the Computer Science; Gerontology; Construction; the Virginia Optimizing mobility in emergencies. The center conducts overcome these challenges and involve installing a high- capabilities of a secure data enclave at the Safety Training Tech Carilion Research Institute; the Virginia Tech Child research, outreach, and educational activities to address tech yet unobtrusive data acquisition system (DAS) in and Analysis Center, which allows secure access to the Study Center; and the Virginia Tech Child Development the transportation needs of an extremely broad spectrum an older driver’s own vehicle, operating whenever the SHRP 2 NDS data for federal employees, state departments Center. During FY18, faculty and researchers working under of the U.S. population, thereby helping the nation maintain vehicle is turned on. The DAS continuously records of transportation, and their research partners. this initiative submitted white papers and proposals to several its competitive advantage in the global economy. VTTI multi-channel video of driver and roadway, sensor-based organizations, including the Center for Transformative researchers are leading CATM UTC studies focused on kinematics, GPS location, and presence of nearby objects VTTI submitted for the approval of the International Research on Health Behaviours (CTRHB), the Motor providing first and last-mile connectivity for vulnerable in front of the vehicle, providing an objective measure of 26Organization for Standardization (ISO) definitons Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP), NSTSCE, the road users (VRUs); providing an application development driving exposure (miles driven), which are all recorded and annotations for naturalistic driving studies. The goal Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the platform to assist VRUs in moving through any space from onto a data drive in the DAS. In this naturalistic driving of the submission is to provide a standard vocabulary for National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Institute a current location to a destination; and surveying VRUs study, the purpose is to examine the relationship between coding the characteristics of safety-critical events (e.g., of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the NCHRP to better understand their unique mobility problems, seniors’ vision and crashes and near-crashes, lane- crashes, near-crashes) occurring in naturalistic driving of the TRB, and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). perspectives, needs, and hoped-for solutions. keeping, turning at intersections, driving performance studies such that a common terminology is created for Through these efforts, the team continues to search for during secondary task demands, and the role of front-seat monitoring, coding, and analyzing naturalistic driving data. funding opportunities and possible collaborations. VTTI continued to work with the University of passengers. Results of the on-road driving evaluation are 31Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and the NIH- compared to objective indicators of driving safety derived VDOT and VTTI continued its accelerated Institute researchers collaborated with Virginia Tech National Eye Institute on a naturalistic driving study from the naturalistic data. Data collection is expected to 27pavement testing program, which uses a heavy- 29departments, including Biomedical Engineering and assessing vision impairment among older drivers. Driving continue through late 2018. vehicle simulator that continuously applies a weighted Mechanics (BEAM), to foster dual appointment opportunities is a highly visual task, and older adults have a high load to test pavements for several months. This testing among VTTI faculty where strategically advantageous. prevalence of vision impairment compared to other ages. VTTI researchers with the Safe-D UTC examined simulates the natural wear and tear caused by heavy Two VTTI researchers now hold appointments, with one Most studies addressing visual risk factors for MVCs by 32senior drivers’ adaptation to mixed-level automated trucks on road surfaces. The program is expected to additional beginning an appointment in Fall older drivers use vehicle accident reports as the primary vehicles. The aging of society will continue to impact all of result in cost savings in road maintenance and will enable 2018. outcome, an approach that has several methodological society’s major institutions in a variety of ways for decades


to come. Major areas that will be affected include finance, of newly licensed teen drivers with autism compared to the control study, which indicated a housing, health, and transportation. Automated-vehicle newly licensed drivers without autism and experienced decrease in high-risk secondary tasks technology has the potential to assist older drivers by adult drivers. This study uses a unique dual-methodology in the presence of a monitoring and reducing exposure to hazards. Such technology can help interface, where the same participants drive in a driving feedback system. compensate for declining functional health and related simulator followed by driving an instrumented vehicle on abilities often seen in seniors (e.g., cognition, perception, a similar course on real roads. An onboard multimedia training psychomotor skill, and physical abilities such as strength, 41program was developed by VTTI balance, flexibility, stamina, and reaction time). However, VTTI partnered with the University of Michigan researchers to teach drivers about the automated- this can only work if technology designers, policy makers, 36Transportation Research Institute and Chalmers vehicle systems that are present and available on a and other stakeholders fully consider the needs and University on a project sponsored by the Automobile vehicle. This multimedia presentation used a tablet feelings of this growing cohort. The objective of the Alliance that is evaluating various epidemiological methods display on the center stack and an instrument panel proposed project is to examine seniors’ attitudes toward of estimating crash risk using naturalistic driving data. display. This project was conducted for the Safe-D UTC. automated-vehicle technology prior to any substantive VTTI partnered with San Diego State University exposure or use, then again after having the opportunity VTTI researchers worked with the Transportation VTTI was awarded an FMCSA project to research how 45on the development of models for predicting to explore and use automated-vehicle technology in the 37Association of Canada and the Canadian Council 42developers of highly automated commercial vehicles individual crash involvement based on driver real world for six weeks. Participants were asked to fill in of Deputy Ministers of Transport to develop a website (HACVs) and their applications can ensure safe testing characteristics (e.g., driving style, demographics, before/after surveys, weekly surveys, and to contribute to for the Canada Naturalistic Driving Study. This website and deployment. VTTI is developing a safety performance behavioral history) using naturalistic driving data. The focus group sessions. Results and data will be productized will provide a public portal to allow researchers and baseline to apply to future HACVs from existing commercial project also involved collaborations with Delft University and shared with key stakeholders. interested safety professionals a method to assess what vehicle human-driver road data. The investigation is in The Netherlands and the driving analytics company type of data are available within this public data set, as designed to assess which drivers should be used to define a SmartDrive. VTTI continued to collaborate with the University well as a query tool to assess not only the type of data but baseline across a range of operational design domains and 33of New South Wales (UNSW) on the Australian also the quantity of data available within this naturalistic vehicle conflict types (i.e., low-level conflicts, near-crashes, VTTI collaborated with NSTSCE to investigate Naturalistic Driving Study. Led by researchers at the driving data set. and crashes). VTTI is also investigating how developers 46truck following distances and car cut-in behavior Transport and Road Safety Group at UNSW and Monash can ensure sensor integrity and performance, how vehicle in naturalistic conditions. Cut-in is often mentioned as University Accident Research Centre, the Australian VTTI researchers conducted additional data maintenance and inspection can be handled, and the roles one of the possible hurdles for wide-scale deployment of consortium supporting this research effort also included 38coding to better assess parent/teen interactions FMCSA may have in these processes. truck platoons. Even if a platooning application can safely funders and stakeholders from the central government and secondary task engagement by teen drivers using handle cut-ins, they can disrupt the platoon and greatly and a broad array of industry partners. The goals for the Uniform Naturalistic Teenage Driving Database. This VTTI was awarded an FMCSA project to research the reduce the benefits in terms of fuel savings, safety, and this effort are to document normative driving behaviors additional data coding was performed by VTTI researchers 43barriers that are limiting the adoption of automatic transport efficiency. The project will leverage existing in Australia and to investigate the interactions of motor in collaboration with researchers at the National Institutes emergency braking (AEB) technology on commercial naturalistic driving data housed by VTTI to study car vehicles with bicyclists and pedestrians. Data collection of Child Health and Human Development and EMMES, vehicles. VTTI is investigating technology and market cut-in behavior relative to large trucks in manual driving. was completed, and preparations are being made for data Corp. barriers that are affecting fleets’ decision-making on AEB The key expected result from this analysis is a function analysis. and is developing strategies for overcoming those barriers to estimated from the naturalistic data representing the VTTI researchers evaluated the prevalence of the accelerate the adoption of AEB systems. relation between truck-to-truck following distance and VTTI collaborated with researchers from the Texas 39engagement of driver assistance systems by drivers car cut-in rate. This may enable the identification of a 34A&M Transportation Institute and partners in the and secondary task engagement and errors when using VTTI continued working with NHTSA to acquire following distance “cut-off point” below which car drivers ride-share industry to identify factors that affect when driver assistance systems. This work is sponsored by the 44approval from the U.S. government Office of typically refrain from cutting in between trucks. This parents of young children use or do not use child safety State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. Management and Budget to proceed with the Field Study information will be useful both for the engineering of seats in ride-share vehicles. This information is being used of Newer Generation Heavy Vehicle AEB Systems, which platooning applications and policy development. to create an informational website designed to educate The impact of driver monitoring and feedback was originally awarded in September 2016. Once approval both parents and ride-share drivers about existing laws 40on teen driver secondary task engagement was is acquired, VTTI will instrument data recorders on 150 VTTI collaborated with RMJ Technologies and was and regulations across the country, as well as the benefits evaluated for an NSTSCE project. This study used the heavy vehicles equipped with AEB systems during revenue- 47awarded a project through the National Academy of and guidelines for usage of child safety seats. Driver Coach Study database where case-cohort control producing operations. The study will use the data to evaluate Sciences Transit IDEA program to evaluate a computer-based segments were identified and coded by trained data real-world performance, understand how drivers interact operator education and training program in a transit agency. VTTI worked with researchers at the University coders. Using these newly coded data, the prevalence of with the systems, and provide data for modeling the safety 35of Virginia to investigate the driving performance secondary task engagement was evaluated as compared to benefits of the technology. 18 19 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH PROJECTS

VTTI completed a Transport Canada-funded VTTI partnered with the Virginia Tech Psychology public on the potential health impacts 48project to develop guidelines for limiting driver 53Department and Texas A&M University to evaluate of outdoor lighting. This project is a distraction for devices with visual displays. tacit communication behaviors of drivers at pedestrian partnership between VTTI and Thomas crosswalks. The data collected in this project were used to Jefferson University. VTTI was awarded a contract with Volvo Trucks to successfully defend a psychology department dissertation. 49work in the QUADRAE national Swedish project VTTI was selected for the NCHRP 5-23, on driver modeling and simulation. The project involves VTTI and the Virginia Center for Coal and 57which will study the threshold of lighting several other new collaboration partners that include 54Energy Research at Virginia Tech were awarded a that can possibly have an impact on the alertness Volvo Cars, Autoliv, and VTI (the Swedish National Road subcontract under the University of Kentucky to introduce and health of drivers. and Transport Research Institute). an autonomous shuttle car into room-and-pillar coal mines. Funding originates from the Alpha Foundation, VTTI was awarded two projects studying the VTTI was invited to submit a sole-source proposal which was established to improve mine safety and 58lighting needs at intersections in Virginia and in 50for an internal NIOSH proposal (i.e., acting as a health. This is a four-year project involving a cognitive Illinois. These efforts will be collaborative and will include VTTI lighting measurement system. A final specification subcontractor for NIOSH) to evaluate a fatigue management work analysis on the framework of the organizational testing of lighting on the Smart Road and in real-world is being developed. program in commercial trucking operations. The proposal is work domain, which is important for understanding and conditions. The results should inform the development of expected to be awarded in August 2018. outlining the constraints in replacing manual roles with new lighting standards in each of the sponsoring states. VTTI completed a study of the impact of roadway automated systems. Further work involves development 62lighting, specifically the impact of the spectral VTTI collaborated with NSTSCE and the National and testing of the autonomous shuttle car vehicle. VTTI continued to investigate the impact of content on soybean growth and yield for the Illinois 51Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Oil and Gas 59lighting on driver behavior through continued Center for Transportation. The results showed little Extraction Sector through affiliates within the Center for The VTTI-affiliated Global Center for Automotive studies of measured lighting in Washington and North significant impact from the spectral content of the LED Disease Control (CDC) and NIOSH to investigate factors 55Performance Simulation (GCAPS) worked to Carolina, comparing it to the driver behavior measured in and HPS lights on the soybeans. The study results were among oil and gas service fleets (e.g., shift, roadway, and establish clients in the India tire and transportation the SHRP 2 NDS data set. published in a report in June 2018. The first volume, driver performance) that are associated with a high number market. GCAPS also realized significant growth in China, pertaining to light intensity versus varietal and location, of vehicle-related fatalities. A pilot study was completed, and providing great upside potential. Researchers completed a project developing the was published in 2017. efforts are underway to identify good practices among large 60needs for lighting in parking lots and parking fleets and distribute them among small fleets while collecting VTTI was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy garages. Sponsored by the California Energy Commission VTTI completed research showing how alternative naturalistic driving and in-vehicle monitoring system data. 56project Investigating the Health Impacts of Outdoor and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), the project 63cooperative dynamic headlighting for two vehicles Lighting. This project comprises the measurement of considered the visibility of pedestrians, trip hazards, and approaching each other could be used to reduce glare In collaboration with STI, Inc., VTTI submitted a the impact of lighting on melatonin levels in realistic moving vehicles in parking lots and parking garages. The results to both drivers. The project, entitled 4U Lighting, used 52Phase 2 SBIR to NIOSH. If awarded, the proposed outdoor lighting levels. Using a variety of correlated color have been used as input to the California Title 24 legislation. vehicle-to-vehicle communications to sense the proximity study will evaluate the efficacy of a simulator-based hazard temperatures, the lighting impact on drivers, pedestrians, of each car by the other and automatically turned on detection training program for commercial motor vehicle and those experiencing light trespass will be measured in a VTTI performed a demonstration project for the a light on the side of each vehicle to help light the way drivers. The novel feature of this proposed study is the naturalistic environment for a period of two to four hours. 61implementation of solid state lighting in Richmond, for both drivers. The system showed great benefits for evaluation of the training program, which will occur in the The results should provide guidance for decision makers Va. The city was shown three different luminaires and a increasing the visibility distance for pedestrians in an real world on open roads. selecting light sources for outdoor spaces and inform the dimming control system, which was characterized by the unlit environment.


VTTI conducted a before-and-after study that VTTI conducted an assessment of parking been a major topic of discussion. 64examined the effects of various curve warning 70lot crashes using the SHRP 2 NDS data set to and curve delineation systems on a curvy rural road. address a knowledge gap by identifying driver behavior VTTI partnered with the Mid- Active and passive treatments zwere examined on nine in parking lots and the infrastructure and environmental 74 Atlantic Aviation Partnership curves using participants in a human factors study, as characteristics associated with safety-critical events (MAAP) on a project to evaluate air-to- well as naturalistic data collected via pneumatic tubes. in parking lots. By mining the SHRP 2 NDS database, air and air-to-ground deconfliction on the The results were used to provide guidance for VDOT in crashes, near-crashes, and baselines in parking lots were Virginia Smart Roads Surface Street Expansion. selecting appropriate curve warning and delineation identified and odds ratios were calculated to approximate Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) systems on rural roads. the relative critical event risk compared to normal baseline and proprietary systems were tested. conditions. This work is an important step toward a better In an effort to improve how VDOT conveys travel understanding of everyday driver behavior, crash risk, VTTI worked with Nanosonic, Inc., on an FHWA 65information to truck drivers, VTTI conducted and crash causation in parking lots. 75project to investigate how motive batteries surveys and interviews of truck drivers and other industry removed from electric vehicles could be reused for The VTTI-affiliated Center for Injury Biomechanics personnel to find out how they receive such information, VTTI was awarded a project to investigate contributing such transportation infrastructure applications as 79continued to conduct groundbreaking research what information is most important, and in what ways 71factors and their impacts on fixed-object crashes. The uninterruptable power supplies for traffic signals and into injury biomechanics, injury modeling, and dissemination of the information could be improved. project uses the SHRP 2 NDS data, which include detailed communication systems. transportation-related injury biomechanics. During FY18, video files, time-series data, and roadway information for the center director saw new funds totaling more than VTTI has completed a study investigating the nearly 2,000 events relevant to fixed-object crashes. This VTTI integrated a tethered drone system with a $10 million. Transportation-related projects awarded 66potential for a moth effect of drivers being drawn study provides insights into how and why fixed-object 76 VDOT Safety Service Patrol vehicle to provide real- included: The NHTSA-funded project Assessment, to bright lights and flashing objects, particularly during crashes occur and what countermeasures can be used to time aerial observation of traffic incidents via streaming Evaluation, and Approaches to Modification of FMVSS the period of driver inattention. prevent such crashes. video to the Salem Traffic Operations Center. The tethered that may Impact Compliance of Innovative New Vehicle system provides power to the unmanned aerial vehicle Designs Associated with Automated Driving Systems VTTI continued its efforts in working with the VTTI was awarded an FHWA project to quantify the (UAV), allowing persistent flight and monitoring. (VTTI serves as the principal investigator); providing 67visibility of police vehicles. Eight agencies, 72lives saved and injuries prevented nationwide due biomechanics guidelines for ATD design and responses including state police in Virginia, have had new lighting to the use of a selected number of safety infrastructure VTTI worked with VDOT to obtain aerial imagery in automated-vehicle crashworthiness; an Insurance and markings added to their vehicles to assess visibility categories. This is the first attempt made nationwide to 77of a landslide that resulted in U.S. 460 lane Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)-funded project to and officer comfort. estimate the safety benefits of key transportation safety closures. Use of the VTTI drone allowed collection of model collision damage to energy-absorbing guardrail infrastructure devices. The project will enable federal and high-resolution graphical data that would otherwise be end terminals; a UTC-sponsored project assessing the VTTI worked on a project investigating the state transportation agencies to qualitatively demonstrate difficult to collect using traditional means. implications of truck platoons for roadside and vehicle 68potential for a virtual reality environment to be the fatalities and injuries prevented by transportation safety hardware; the validation of pedestrian male, used for pedestrian and roadway research. infrastructure investments and provide justification for VTTI worked with TruWeather Solutions and female, and child finite element models; the National needed infrastructure. 78 VDOT on a project to provide highly granular and Cooperative Research Program (NCRP) project Roadside VTTI developed an application to be used in timely predictions of winter road weather conditions Encroachment Database Development and Analysis; the 69assessing lighting in a work zone and to measure VTTI provided extensive support for lighting and using climatic models informed by mobile sensors NHTSA-funded EDR data update; and an experimental a glare threshold. 73visibility applications within the Commonwealth of installed on VDOT Safety Service Patrol vehicles in the and mathematical biomechanics injury research project Virginia. The color of light sources, particularly LED, has Salem and Staunton districts. for NHTSA.


VTTI maintains a small data center on its campus to support 10 gig interswitch links. This infrastructure 80and has a much larger high performance computing is essential for greater data demands, including higher (HPC) infrastructure co-located at the Virginia Tech resolution (e.g., 4K) video formats and the support of all Andrews Information Systems Building (AISB) to take data-intensive research programs at the institute. advantage of internal and external high-speed networking and the physical space required to house clustered The continued advancement of the current Internet servers, multi-petabyte HPC storage systems, and a 88Protocol, IPv6, throughout the VTTI and Virginia multi-petabyte DB2 data analytics system. During FY18, Tech networks enables enhanced security and flexibility VTTI more than doubled its research compute resources for connectivity between researchers, data reduction housed at AISB and approximately quadrupled the GPU labs, and HPC resources, as well as being an essential accelerated compute resources, an essential resource for technology for connected-vehicle research. advancing VTTI research into artificial intelligence and analysis of unstructured data. Through the Virginia Tech Internet2 connection, 89the high capacity network of VTTI was extended As part of the overall technology maintenance to provide an essential link to national and international 81plan of the institute, VTTI acquired and installed research partners, enabling data gathering and next-generation storage technology in support of a data dissemination. analytics platform.

VTTI installed a replicated, database disaster 82recovery system at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute (VTCRI) facilities in Roanoke to support critical project data.

VTTI migrated SHRP 2 InSight and other 83applications to the Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud platform, providing greater availability of sponsors’ websites accessed by the research community and more agile system deployment.

In response to growing cybersecurity needs, VTTI 84established a designated Information Security Officer (ISO).

VTTI configured a Disaster Recovery Site for 85research data at remote locations. The institute continued to be one of the university’s 86leading data-intensive research programs. VTTI HPC storage platforms from Isilon and Qumulo continued to grow and now host more than 5 petabytes of critical research data assets.

The network backbone between the Virginia Tech 87campus and the VTTI facility upgraded 1G to 10G; all network switches within the VTTI facility upgraded 24 25 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH

(For more information about student consisted of presentations and breakout discussions and internationally. Four graduate involvement, please refer to the Publications focused on strengthening existing collaborations and students are currently enrolled in the and Presentations sections of this report). developing new connections between Virginia Tech and certificate program; four certificates have potential partners in the construction and infrastructure been awarded since the program began in VTTI houses close to 90% of national and international fields. This particular industry emphasis was rooted in the 2014. 1naturalistic driving data in the world. With onsite data vision for the Intelligent Infrastructure initiative, a focus reduction labs and extensive analysis experience, the of the Virginia Tech strategic and master planning efforts. A VRU-MAP project, conducted under the institute realized the role it could play in helping others 6North Carolina A&T State University CATM mine and reduce its data to answer subsequent research GCAPS provided internships for Virginia Tech UTC, funded five undergraduate computer science questions about driver behavior and performance. From a 4mechanical engineering students and actively students who are working on developing various aspects student perspective, the labs provide myriad opportunities supported the Patrick Henry Community College of the application intended to support and enhance VRU for both undergraduates and graduates to receive Motorsports Program. GCAPS representatives also sat mobility and safety. advanced training and participate in data reduction and on advisory committees for Danville Community College initial session, VDOT will be offering this program again analysis activities conducted at VTTI. During FY18, the and hosted interns from the Danville-area Academy for In collaboration with TRB of the National Academy to a broader set of VDOT employees in the near future. data reduction lab at VTTI employed 63 Virginia Tech Engineering and Technology program, which comprises 7of Sciences, VTTI generated and made available students, of which 58 (92%) were undergraduates. high school students interested in engineering careers. transportation data sets that were delivered free-of- VTTI developed and deployed a VCC website that Currently, GCAPS is providing 10 paid apprenticeships charge to nine graduate students around the country, 9describes all aspects of the VCC, including the VTTI planned and executed the 2018 Women’s History in the IT area. The apprentices will receive a certificate selected through a competitive process, to support their purpose, goals, technical description, and how interested 2Month Celebrating Women in Transportation: Land, upon completion and are using advanced modeling and theses and/or dissertation research. third parties can become involved. More information is Air, and Sea. This all-day event was held at the US DOT simulation tools. available at headquarters in Washington, D.C., and included activities At the request of VDOT, VTTI created a Connected and discussions engaging more than 250 transportation In collaboration with affiliated faculty in the 8and Automated Vehicle training program for VDOT The Safe-D National UTC is dedicated to students and professionals. Secretary of Transportation 5departments of civil and environmental engineering, employees. The program was designed to provide 10fostering education and workforce development Elaine Chao provided remarks during the event. More industrial and systems engineering, psychology, and information to VDOT employees to keep them informed opportunities. Each research project funded through the information about the event can be found at https:// statistics, VTTI is offering the Human Factors of about connected- and automated-vehicle development Safe-D UTC must include student support at any level (i.e., Transportation Safety Graduate Certificate Program relative to VDOT operations. The program addressed undergraduate and/or graduate). During FY18, Safe-D (HFTS GCP). The certificate program is designed to connected-vehicle technologies and standards, expected UTC researchers reported supporting 54 university-level VTTI researchers continued to serve on the Virginia create and deliver to students in-depth knowledge and connected- and automated-vehicle deployment timelines, students on their projects, including 20 students from 3Tech Intelligent Infrastructure initiative. In marketable skills applied to the research, evaluation, technical details about connected-vehicle equipment underrepresented populations. Safe-D encourages project collaboration with the Virginia Tech Office of University maintenance, improvement, and protection of all ground deployed on the VCC, details of initial applications teams to include students in every aspect of research, Planning and LINK, The Center for Advancing Industry transportation users and their communities, all from deployed on the VCC, and roles and responsibilities of such as reviewing literature and methods, assisting Partnerships (a Virginia Tech entity), the initiative a human factors perspective. Students enrolled in the VTTI and VDOT system operators. An initial training with the development of experimental design and study hosted a one-day Industry Partnerships Roundtable at program will become leaders in the field of transportation session was delivered to 100 VDOT employees at their protocols, assisting in executing a research experiment, the Research Center in Arlington, Va. This roundtable safety within the Commonwealth, across the nation, PSTOC facility in Fairfax, Va. Based on feedback from the contributing to project reports and publications, and


presenting research results at conferences and seminars. Safe-D UTC researchers focused on encouraging Choices and Challenges forum, a local Most research projects funded through Safe-D also 13students to pursue STEM fields and enter the community event that will be held in contribute to a student’s thesis or dissertation. transportation workforce through outreach at events Spring 2019 focusing on the impact of such as the VDOT Northern Virginia District Annual automated vehicles in rural areas. Safe-D UTC researchers were actively engaged Transportation Career Fair, the Virginia Tech Science 11in teaching efforts at each of the consortium Festival, and outreach performed with K-12 teachers and VTTI contributed to the National universities. During FY18, researchers reported teaching directly with students in their classrooms. 19Operations Center of Excellence 15 graduate courses, reaching 218 students, and teaching workshop on educating future transportation 16 undergraduate courses, reaching 758 students. The Safe-D National UTC supported a collaborative professionals, showcasing the institute’s novel 14summer internship program held at Texas A&M educational programs, such as those associated At all levels of education, Safe-D UTC activities Transportation Institute during Summer 2018. Through with the Safe-D National UTC and VTTI Intern Hub. 12aim to inspire and educate the next generation of this program, interns are matched with mentors and transportation professionals. Safe-D research projects research projects, including many led by Safe-D faculty, VTTI maintained membership within the ISO VTTI co-organized the Automated Vehicles must include an education and workforce development to gain hands-on experience in transportation research. 20Road Vehicle Ergonomics subcommittee and 24Symposium breakout session on Automated component as an output of each project. This requires coordinated the development and publication of two Vehicle External Communication and Human Factors project teams to identify specific education and The Safe-D National UTC is committed to supporting technical reports: 1) Automated-vehicle terms and Implications in San Francisco, Calif. workforce development products from their projects for 15partners at consortium members’ respective state definitions and 2) Automated-vehicle visual external development and dissemination. These products can departments of transportation. For example, the UTC communication. VTTI sponsored the Entrepreneurship Challenge include K-12 curriculum modules to be used by teachers participated in the 13th annual VDOT Transportation 25hosted by the Virginia Tech Apex Center for at various levels to educate students about the results of Career Fair. This event targets high school students VTTI was awarded a project through the FMCSA Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Blacksburg, Va. project research; full university-level course development; from the surrounding area, introducing them to careers 21High Priority program to provide key information to There were more than 500 attendees, including students, outreach to the public; and educating the public about involving the transportation industry. Along with more driver education students on how to safely share the road alumni, and corporate representatives. These attendees various aspects of research and transportation safety. For than 100 different exhibitors spanning the industry with commercial motor vehicles. This project will involve watched as 12 finalist teams pitched their business ideas example, the Safe-D UTC project K-12 STEM Program: (construction, military, government, etc.), Safe-D onsite education and hands-on demonstrations at 25 for a chance at $60,000 in prizes. Exploring the Science of Retroreflectivity developed a researchers and students spoke with hundreds of students high school driver education programs. VTTI submitted a draft STEM curriculum and associated materials. Allen about the mission of Safe-D and VTTI, the types of proposal to the FMCSA High Priority program to expand VTTI currently employs more than 20 Academy (Bryan, Texas) 5th- and 6th-grade science projects that are conducted, and careers in transportation. the scope of its current Share the Road education project. 26undergraduate and graduate students as on-road classes used and evaluated this curriculum and materials The event provided an opportunity to display innovative and in-vehicle experimenters. developed to introduce students to the scientific principles endeavors happening within the transportation industry VTTI was awarded a National Science Foundation of visible light, including retroreflectivity. These materials and to inform students and excite them about the future 22(NSF) proposal to conduct a workshop on the Planning began for the Seventh International were also used during the Virginia Tech Science and of transportation. challenges, benefits, and research needs of displaced 27Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium to be Engineering Festival in October 2017. Another Safe-D workers from autonomous trucks. This workshop held in Blacksburg in August 2018. Select papers from UTC project, Countermeasures to Detect and Combat The Safe-D National UTC developed plans to support was held at NSF headquarters in Alexandria, Va. A the Fifth Symposium, which was held in Blacksburg in Driver Inattention While Driving Partially Automated 16the VTTI Intern Hub. With support from public and multidisciplinary group of 60 researchers discussed the August 2016, were published in a special edition of the Systems, resulted in a demonstration as part of the private sponsors and Safe-D, the Intern Hub will provide unanswered questions and potential solutions regarding Journal of Safety Research in December 2017. education and workforce development plan of the project. advanced training and practical hands-on experience to the convergence of automated trucks and truck drivers. This demonstration included hardware and simulation students in a variety of transportation-related areas and The Driving Healthy website was continually software, which was used for the USA Science and the opportunity to collaborate with faculty across Safe-D In collaboration with Ford Motor Company, VTTI 28updated to provide tips and information for Engineering Festival in April 2018. This outreach event consortium universities. 23conducted research on automated-vehicle external commercial motor vehicle drivers. The information reached both K-12 students and parents, totaling 365,000 communications. The project received international includes Eating & Living Healthy and Prevention & attendees. The Safe-D National UTC was represented at Safe-D National UTC researchers presented at television and digital media coverage, including Wired Screening. The website is useful not only to professional the festival at a booth staffed by volunteers from VTTI 17various science fairs and science nights held at Magazine, Washington Post, City lab, Arstechnica, Fast drivers but also to the general public. and Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The booth schools across Virginia. Company, Reuters, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, included demonstrations related to transportation safety Business Insider, Tech Crunch, The Verge, USA Today, VTTI continued the development of the FMCSA and innovative technology in the transportation industry. The Safe-D National UTC was a stakeholder and Time Magazine, NPR, CNN, Mashable, and various other 29Data Repository, which, when opened, will host a 18partner in the planning and realization of the next media outlets. number of FMCSA data sets that researchers can use to 28 29 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH

improve traffic safety and operations. Many of these data (tjSTAR). VTTI emphasized careers available in transportation A VTTI researcher was named sets will be available to researchers at no cost. and opportunities available to students under the Safe-D 41the conference chair of the 2019 Education and Workforce Development Program. tjSTAR is Quadrennial meeting of the CIE. VTTI continued to operate the InSight website, an annual, day-long symposium at the Thomas Jefferson High 30which makes information and data elements of the School for Science and Technology, the Governor’s School for VTTI researchers organized and SHRP 2 NDS available to researchers around the world at Science and Technology in Northern Virginia. The event offers 42co-sponsored an event with AAA- no cost. the opportunity to share student research projects and learn MidAtlantic and the Blue Ridge Transportation about future research opportunities and potential careers. Safety Board to host a Teen Safe Driving Event at VTTI hosted several research groups in its secure the Roanoke Civic Center. This event was attended 31data enclave, which allows for access to sensitive A VTTI researcher was selected to serve as chair of the by more than 200 driver’s education students from five portions of the naturalistic driving data housed at the 36TRB Operator, Education, and Regulation Committee. area high schools in Roanoke and Montgomery counties. institute. Hands-on demonstrations were set up by area volunteers VTTI research staff organized and planned the TRB to teach teens about the dangers of distracted driving and ADDITIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS The InSite Canada Data Access website went live. 37Young Driver Subcommittee Mid-Year Meeting. impaired driving, the importance of seat belt use, how to Best Paper Award, 4th International Conference on Vehicle 32VTTI will continue to operate this website, making The topic for this meeting was Teen Drivers and Vehicle navigate a construction zone, and the physics of a crash. 1Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS), data elements from the Canada Naturalistic Driving Study Technology. Several speakers were invited, discussion groups Madeira, Portugal, March 2018. (Hesham Rakha) available to researchers around the world at no cost. were organized, and research priorities were identified to VTTI co-hosted the inaugural conference of the ensure teen driver safety as the field of transportation moves 43newly established Association for Unmanned Most Cited Article Award, International Journal of A VTTI researcher continued to serve on the TRB toward automated-vehicle systems. Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Ridge and Valley 2Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST) for 33Human Factors Workshop Committee, providing Chapter and provided automated-vehicle demonstrations paper: Rakha, H., Ahn, K., & Moran K. INTEGRATION valuable input into the full-day workshops that bring VTTI research staff served on the organizing committee on the Smart Road. Framework for Modeling Eco-routing Strategies: Logic and together the international transportation human factors 38for the Teen Driving Research Track for the LifeSavers Preliminary Results. International Journal of Transportation community to work on the most pressing problems in the Conference held in San Antonio, Tex. VTTI supported driver’s education programs Science and Technology, 1(3), 259-274. (Hesham Rakha) field. 44at four regional high schools in Montgomery, VTTI staff remained active on the Illuminating Roanoke, Bedford, and Mercer counties. During these 2017 Taylor Technical Talent Award for the best paper A VTTI researcher participated in the Virginia Tech 39Engineering Society (IES) Roadway Lighting programs, VTTI truck and bus researchers spoke to teens 3in lighting-based research, for “Dirt Depreciation in 34Big Data Science Workshop and the NSF West Committee, the Resilient Lighting Committee, and the Outdoor about how to safely share the road with large trucks. These Solid State Luminaires” (Ron Gibbons, Matthew Palmer, Big Data Hub Transportation Data Challenge kick-off to Environmental Lighting Committee. programs included an in-class discussion and a hands-on Jason Meyer, and Travis Terry) assess and improve VTTI capabilities as a transportation demonstration with a VTTI tractor-trailer. data repository. VTTI remained active in the International Commission SAE Forest R. McFarland Award for Service (Warren 40on Illumination (CIE), with one faculty member sitting 4Hardy) A representative from the Safe-D National UTC on the CIE board and in charge of a research division on 35presented program activities to high school students outdoor lighting. Outstanding New Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech at the Thomas Jefferson Symposium to Advance Research 5College of Engineering (Andrew Kemper)


provides standardized access to and analysis of naturalistic driving eye injuries, the development of a synthetic eye, elbow joint rehabilitation, and safety; infrastructure management; study data sets housed at the institute. injuries from side airbags, wrist injuries, upper extremity civil engineering materials; nondestructive testing; These data sets currently comprise 2.5 dummy design, posterior rib fractures from side airbags, child and life-cycle cost analyses. The center houses the petabytes of information about real-world dummy neck evaluations, small female neck interactions Infrastructure Management Group and the Sensing, driver behavior and performance. Users with side airbags, airbag out-of-position testing, and the Modeling and Simulation Group. The center initiated include researchers within and outside of the development of a pregnant occupant model. a consortium of state highway agencies and equipment institute, government entities, and automotive manufacturers dedicated to enhancing pavement manufacturers and suppliers. Center services Center for Public Policy, Partnerships, and surfaces. The center also tested a product that extends include coding of video and audio data, data quality Outreach the life of the road surface and retains de-icing chemicals assurance, data standardization, data mining, event Myra Blanco, Director on the surface, giving road crews time to deploy during selection, and data analysis. The center actively supports The Center for Public Policy, Partnerships, and Outreach inclement weather. The center was instrumental in Center for Advanced Automotive Research data analysis collaborations with external institutions. assists with the needed models of regulations for advanced developing a way to include the environmental impact of Zac Doerzaph, Director vehicles, such as driver assistance systems and connected road materials in the decision-making processes during The Center for Advanced Automotive Research focuses Center for Infrastructure-based Safety Systems and/or automated vehicles. The center provides research road construction. on the research, development, and evaluation of next- Ron Gibbons, Director to ensure state and federal policies are based on relevant generation automotive systems. The center is staffed by The Center for Infrastructure-based Safety Systems data, develops partnerships to assist in the advancement Center for Technology Development a multidisciplinary team of dedicated individuals who focuses on roadway-based safety systems, such as lighting, of new systems, and enhances the research areas and Andy Petersen, Director are passionate about improving the safety and efficiency visibility treatments, pavement markings, signage, sponsorship diversity of the institute. The center works with The Center for Technology Development specializes in of our nation’s transportation system. This team strives signals, barriers, the interaction of visibility with roadway stakeholders whose interests are affected by governmental developing, implementing, and maintaining innovative to solve a broad set of challenges associated with design, and weather considerations. The center houses decisions on federal, state, local, or international levels systems for transportation research. The center includes integrating cutting-edge technologies into the vehicles of the Lighting Infrastructure Technology Group, which in the development and implementation of automated- the Mechanical Systems Group, which is responsible for tomorrow. Primary research areas of the center include conducts research into such topics as sign legibility in foggy vehicle systems. mechanical fabrication to suit the needs of all research crash warning/avoidance/mitigation systems, connected conditions and the effects of lighting sources, and the Eco- projects; the Data Acquisition Group, which is responsible vehicles, driver-vehicle interfaces, crash causation, and Transportation and Alternative Technologies Group, which Center for Sustainable Mobility for electronic hardware design and is a pioneer in vehicle automation. represents a partnership between the institute, the Virginia Hesham Rakha, Director distributed data acquisition systems; and the Advanced Department of Transportation/Virginia Transportation The Center for Sustainable Mobility conducts research Development Group, which is responsible for software Center for Automated Vehicle Systems Research Council, the Virginia Tech Institute for Critical relevant to society’s transportation mobility, energy, development and includes specialists in machine vision, Shane McLaughlin, Director Technology and Applied Science, the Virginia Tech College environmental, and safety needs. The center translates the road tracking, and data analysis. The Center for Automated Vehicle Systems uses an of Engineering, and the Virginia Tech Office of the Vice results of research into realistic and workable applications, interdisciplinary approach to studying all aspects related President for Research and Innovation. creates and provides tools needed to apply developed to the automation life cycle in the field of transportation. knowledge and processes, and educates qualified The center conducts pragmatic research based on a Center for Injury Biomechanics engineers to meet today’s transportation demands and scientific approach that emphasizes the importance of Warren Hardy, Director tomorrow’s transportation challenges in the areas of safety, security, reliability, and user acceptance. The The Center for Injury Biomechanics is a partnership between transportation network control, large-scale transportation center is anchored in applied research and is strengthened the institute, the Virginia Tech Department of Mechanical system modeling, traffic state prediction using large data by collaborations with national and international partners Engineering, and the Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University and artificial intelligence techniques, transit bus real-time in vehicle automation, including Google, General Motors, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. The center routing and scheduling, vehicle energy and environmental and other groups involved in the research, planning, policy, conducts research into injury biomechanics, injury modeling, modeling, transportation system modeling, and eco- and production of automated vehicles. The goal of this and transportation-related injury biomechanics. Center work transportation applications. center is to strengthen the safety benefits of automation includes an in-depth study of 1,000 road-departure crashes across all levels of the transportation industry. at 24 sites across the U.S. to determine conditions such as Center for Sustainable Transportation speed and topography. Other transportation-related injury Infrastructure Center for Data Reduction and Analysis Support research includes car crash tests, large-scale tissue testing, Gerardo Flintsch, Director Miguel Perez, Director NASCAR-Indy restraint testing, advanced restraint tests, The Center for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure The Center for Data Reduction and Analysis Support guardrail evaluations, child seat evaluations, airbag-induced focuses on asset management; pavement design, analysis, 32 33 CENTERS, GROUPS, & INITIATIVES

research and outreach designed to enhance safety for all vulnerable innovative solutions to challenges specific to travel on a innovations in both rural and urban communities. Center road users, including senior and teen freight-intensive highway serving a variety of geopolitical research focuses on four major objectives: 1) To develop drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. regions and users. Current focus areas include incident and test transportation devices and techniques that Vulnerable road users comprise all age management, development planning, and truck parking. enhance driver performance; 2) To evaluate the roadway groups and a variety of demographics; their environment and infrastructure-based safety systems; 3) one shared trait is an increased risk of suffering International Center for Naturalistic Driving To address mobility for vulnerable road users; and 4) To a traffic-related crash or injury. The center Data Analysis at Virginia Tech examine driver impairment issues. includes the Teen Risk and Injury Prevention Clark Gaylord, Chief Information Officer Group and the Senior Mobility Awareness, Safety, The International Center for Naturalistic Driving Data Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) National and Health Group. Research includes a naturalistic Analysis incorporates Virginia Tech’s petabyte-scale, University Transportation Center (UTC) driving study of novice teen drivers with the goal of high-performance data storage system into the data Zac Doerzaph, Director Center for Technology Implementation providing real-time feedback, gathering information for infrastructure of the institute. This allows analyses of data Fueled by the inevitable changes in our transportation Mike Mollenhauer, Director driver training, and keeping teens’ parents informed. from multiple naturalistic driving studies using high- system, the Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) The Center for Technology Implementation was created The center has conducted outreach initiatives designed performance computational systems to perform more University Transportation Center (UTC)—which to facilitate technology deployment and to leverage to provide recommendations for coordinating public complex computational algorithms and data mining. comprises the institute, the Texas A&M Transportation existing research investments. The center makes it and private services for the aged, disabled, and indigent The 48-node compute cluster of the institute moves Institute, and San Diego State University—endeavors possible for the institute and its sponsors and clients to populations. data between the field and the data center, decrypts to maximize the potential safety benefits of disruptive participate in early-stage technology implementation data, prepares data files for ingestion to a 500-terabyte technologies through targeted research that addresses programs. Center personnel can help develop a toolbox Global Center for Automotive Performance scientific data warehouse, processes video files, and the most pressing transportation safety questions. The of modular software solutions that can be applied in new Simulation provides a platform for advanced analytical processing. A center focuses on four potential disruptive technologies: jurisdictions, building smart solutions that combine the Frank Della Pia, Director peta-scale archive file system will ultimately facilitate the connected vehicles, automated vehicles, transportation best commercial products with customization that can The Global Center for Automotive Performance long-term storage of numerous petabytes of data while as a service, and big data analytics. The U.S. Department fully address agency goals. Simulation is a world-class facility that provides maintaining data in an online state. of Transportation awarded the center in November revolutionary services for both vehicle and tire, including 2016 as a highly competitive national UTC grant. The Center for Truck and Bus Safety testing, simulation, and modeling. The center comprises Motorcycle Research Group national grant entails a planned $2.8 million each year Rich Hanowski, Director the National Tire Research Center, the Southern Virginia Shane McLaughlin, Group Leader in federal funding for five years, matched by an equal The Center for Truck and Bus Safety focuses on the Vehicle Motion Labs (SoVa Motion), and the Virtual The Motorcycle Research Group was born from a history amount of cost-share funds from university, state, and research, development, and evaluation of heavy-vehicle Design and Integration Laboratory. Collectively, these in transportation research; concern about an increasing private sources. The nation’s top safety researchers will systems. The center is dedicated to the design, delivery, initiatives provide the full range of services essential for number of motorcyclist fatalities and injuries; and the perform work under the center while leveraging existing and implementation of leading-edge research and creating a more dynamic product through both virtual excitement of a large number of institute engineers, staff, and upcoming world-class research facilities across development efforts aimed at improving the health and and physical development. The center is affiliated with researchers, and family who are riders. The group focuses the universities, such as the Virginia Automated and safety of heavy-vehicle drivers. The center comprises the Virginia Tech and the institute and is located in Southern on riders and their machines while considering other Connected Corridors and the Virginia Smart Roads, all of Behavioral Analysis and Applications Group, the Human Virginia. factors in the surrounding transportation system. Group which will collectively enable robust real-world testing of Factors and Advanced System Testing Group, and the researchers conducted the first large-scale naturalistic automated and connected vehicles. Safety and Human Factors Group. Center research I-81 Corridor Coalition driving study of motorcycles, which was designed to includes refining and testing rear-lighting configurations Andy Alden, Executive Director explore motorcycle crash causation and develop crash to reduce the number and severity of rear-end crashes, The I-81 Corridor Coalition is a consortium of stakeholders countermeasures. determining safe hours of service for commercial motor dedicated to improving the safety, continuity, and vehicle drivers, evaluating causes of drowsiness and efficiency of commercial and personal travel along the I-81 National Surface Transportation Safety providing countermeasures, and developing education corridor that extends from Tennessee to the Canadian Center for Excellence programs to keep drivers healthy and alert. border in New York. This partnership comprises state Jon Hankey, Director Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan and The National Surface Transportation Safety Center Center for Vulnerable Road User Safety Regional Planning Organizations, non-governmental for Excellence was established by the Federal Public Jon Antin, Director organizations, and private entities from the six corridor Transportation Act of 2005 to develop and disseminate The Center for Vulnerable Road User Safety conducts states. The focus of the coalition is to study and implement advanced transportation safety techniques and 34 35 The continued success of VTTI is due, in large part, to its sponsors, partners, clients, and stakeholders. VTTI would like to acknowledge the contributions and support of the following organizations:

• 3M • Atlantic Construction Fabric • Capital Area Transit System in

• 5G Automotive Association • Attention Technologies, Inc. Baton Rouge

• AAA • Auburn University • Carnegie Mellon Robotics

• AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety • Autoliv Institute

• AAA Mid-Atlantic • Automotive Events • Carnegie Mellon University

• Acclaro Research Solutions, Inc. • B&W Pantex • CARPI USA

• ACF • Battelle • Case Western Reserve University

• Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers • B-Con Engineering, Inc. • Catapult Transport Systems

• Alpha Foundation • Beam Brothers • Center for Innovative Technology

• American Association of Motor • Bedford County, Va. • Cernet Corp.

Vehicle Administrators • Bekaert • Chen Ryan Associates

• American Association of State • Betty Serian and Associates • Chrysler

Highway and Transportation Officials • Bishop Consulting • Cisco Systems

• American Transportation • Blackberry • City of Flagstaff

Research Institute • BMW • City of Richmond

• Amoco • Booz Allen Hamilton • Civilogix, Inc.

• Applied Research Associates • Bosch • Clanton & Associates, Inc.

• Arete Associates • BP Amoco • Clean Air Tech International

• Arity • Bridgestone • Clear Roads

(a subsidiary of Allstate Insurance) • Brigham Young University • Clemson University

• Arizona State University • California Department of • Cohda Wireless

• Arlington County, Va. Transportation • Colorado Department of

• Asia University • California Energy Commission Transportation

• Association for Unmanned • Calspan • Commercial Vehicle Safety SPONSORS, Vehicle Systems International • Cambridge Mobile Telematics Alliance • Association of Global Automakers • Cambridge Systematics • Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. CLIENTS, & PARTNERS • Assured Information Security • Canadian Council of Motor • Con-Way • Atkins Global Transport Administrators • Cooper Tire

36 37 • Corning Cable Systems • EMMES • Goodyear and Transport Research • MCI Federal

• Crack Sealant Consortium • Enercon Services, Inc. • Google • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety • Mercedes-Benz

• Crash Avoidance Metrics • Engineering & Software • Guard Rail of Roanoke, Inc. • Intelligent Automation, Inc. • Meritor WABCO

Partnership (CAMP) Consultants, Inc. • Halifax County, Va. • Intelligent Transportation Society • Merritt C. Becker, Jr. University of

• Crash Safety Research Center • Ergonomic Analysis, Inc. • Hankook Tire of America New Orleans Transportation Institute

• CSAA Insurance Group • Erie Insurance • Harmonia • Interactive Design and Development • Mesilla Valley Transportation

• CUBRC • ERTICO • HERE • Iowa State University • Michelin

• Delaware Department of Motor • Escrypt • Honda • Iteris, Inc. • Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership

Vehicles • European Commission • Honda R&D • Jacobs, Edwards, and Kelcey, Inc. • Mid-Atlantic Broadband

• Delaware Technical and • Fairfax County Transit • Honda Research Institute – Europe • Jaguar/Landrover • Minnesota Department of

Community College • Fairfax County, Va. • Hoosier Racing • John Horsley and Associates Transportation

• Delft University of Technology • Federal Highway Administration • Howard/Stein-Hudson • Johns Hopkins University • James A. Misener (Consultant)

• Delphi Electronics • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Associates, Inc. • Johnson Controls, Inc. • Mississippi Department of

• Robert Denaro Administration • Hubbell Lighting, Inc. • Kapsch TrafficCom Transportation

• DENSO • Federal Railroad Administration • Human Factors North • Kimley-Horn and Associates • The MITRE Corporation

• DGE, Inc. • FEV • Hume Center • Korea Advanced Institute of • Mobis

• District of Columbia Department • Fleetmatics • Hyundai Fire and Insurance Science and Technology • ModComp

of Transportation • Florida A&M University • Hyundai Kia • Kumho Tire • Montana State University-

• DLA Piper • Fluor, Va. • Hyundai Motor Company • Last Resource Western Transportation Institute

SPONSORS, CLIENTS, & PARTNERS • DMD & Associates • Ford Driving Skills for Life • IAOV Chemnitz • Leidos • Monterey Technologies, Inc.

• Donovan Hatem • Ford Motor Company • IDEA Programs • Lisboa, Inc. • Montgomery County, Va.

• Draper Laboratory • Foundation for Outdoor Advertising • Illinois Department of Transportation • Litton Network Access Systems • Morgan State University

• Drexel University Research and Education • Illuminating Engineering Society • Long Road Racing • Motor Coach Industries

• DRP Performance • Fugro Roadware of North America • Lord Corporation • Motorcycle Safety Foundation

• Duke University • General Motors • Institute for Critical Technology • Loughborough University • MRI Global

• Dunlap and Associates, Inc. • General Motors OnStar Division and Applied Science • Louisiana Public Transit Association • Munich Reinsurance America, Inc.

• Dynamic Research, Inc. • George Mason University • Institute for Transportation • Maccaferri • Nanosonic, Inc. LLC

• Eaton • Georgia Department of Research and Education at North • MaineWay Services • National Academy of Sciences

• eDriving Transportation Carolina State University • MAN Truck & Bus AG Transit-IDEA Program

• Education Logistics, Inc. • Glenwood Consulting • Institute for Work Organizational • Massachusetts Institute of Technology • National Academy of Sciences

38 39 Transportation Research Board Commission of America • Ricardo, Inc. • Stantec International, Inc.

• National Chiao Tung University • New York City Transit Authority • PACCAR, Inc. • RoadSafe (Dubai branch)

• National Cooperative Highway • NEXCO-West Japan • Pacific Northwest National • ROHO, Inc. • State Farm Mutual Automobile

Research Program • Nexen Tire Laboratory • Rowan University Insurance Company

• National Highway Traffic Safety • Nissan • Pacific-Sierra Research • Rutgers, The State University of • SwissRe

Administration • Nissan Research Center • Parsons Brinckerhoff New Jersey • Systems Technology, Inc.

• National Institute for Occupational • Noblis • PB Farradyne, Inc. • SAE International • Takata

Safety and Health • Norfolk Southern Railroad • PB World • Savari • TASS

• National Institute of Advanced • North American Fatigue • Peloton Technology • Schneider • Tesla

Industrial Science and Technology Management Program • Penn State University • Science Applications • Texas A&M Transportation Institute

in Japan • North Carolina A&T State • Pennsylvania Department of International Corporation • Texas Department of Transportation

• National Institute of Aerospace University Transportation • Science Museum of Western • Thomas Jefferson University

• National Institutes of Health • North Carolina Agricultural and • Performance Fuels System Virginia • TNO Defense, Security and Safety

• National Parks Technical State University • Philips Lighting • Scientex • Tom Tom

• National Private Truck Council • North Carolina Department of • Pierce Transit • Scitor Corporation • TORC Robotics

• National Renewable Energy Transportation • Pitt Ohio • SEA Limited • Town of Blacksburg

Laboratory • North Carolina State University • Plymouth Rock Assurance • Security Innovation Company • Toyota

• National Science Foundation • Oak Ridge National Laboratories • Princeton Lightwave • Shandong University • Toyota – InfoTechnology Center

• National Surface Transportation • Office of the Assistant Secretary • Professional Truck Driving Institute • Shenandoah Telephone • TransAnalytics

SPONSORS, CLIENTS, & PARTNERS Safety Center for Excellence for Research and Technology • PSMJ Resources, Inc. • Shentel Service Company • Transecurity

• National Transit Institute • Office of the Secretary of • Purdue University • Siecor/Corning • Transport Canada

• National Transportation Research Transportation • Qatar National Research Fund • Siemens • Transurban

Center, Inc. • Ohio State University • Qualcomm • SmartCap Technologies • Travelers Insurance

• NAUTO, Inc. • Oilcom • Queens University • Snow Economics • TrueMotion

• Navistar International • Omni Weight Corporation • Realtime Technologies, Inc. • Software Technology, Inc. • TruWeather Solutions

• NEC Laboratories • Optimal CAE • REI Safety Services, Inc. • South Carolina Department of • TUV Rheinland Mobility, Inc.

• Neusoft • OptimumG • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Transportation • United Defense, L.P.

• New Orleans Amalgamated • OrbComm • Research and Special Programs • South Dakota State University • Universidad del Pais Vasco

Transit Union • OSRAM SYLVANIA Administration • Southwest Research Institute • University of Alabama at

Planning District • Outdoor Advertising Association • RGS Associates, Inc. • Spire Innovations Birmingham

40 41 • University of Calgary • University of Utah • Virginia Rail Policy Institute

• University of Central Florida • University of Virginia •

• University of Florida • University of Washington • Virginia Tech Parking Auxiliary • University of Idaho • University of Wyoming • Virginia Tourism Commission OUTREACH & • University of Illinois • UPS • Virginia Transportation Research • University of Iowa • U.S. Air Force Council COMMUNITY • University of Maryland • U.S. Army Research Laboratory • Visteon Corporation

• University of Massachusetts/Amherst • U.S. Department of Agriculture • Volkswagen-Audi • University of Massachusetts – Lowell Program • Volpe National Transportation ENGAGEMENT • University of Massachusetts • U.S. Department of Defense Systems Center

Medical Center • U.S. Department of Energy • Volvo

• University of Melbourne • U.S. Department of Justice • Volvo Technology of America, Inc.

• University of Michigan • U.S. Department of Transportation • Volvo Trucks North America

Transportation Research Institute • Valeo Comfort and Driving • Washington State Department of

• University of Minnesota Assistance Systems North America Transportation

• University of Missouri • Vehicle Safety Communications 3 • Waymo

• University of Missouri – Columbia • Veridian • Wayne State University

• University of Nevada, Reno • Virginia Center for Autonomous • Weigh-In-Motion

• University of New South Wales Systems • West Virginia State

• University of North Carolina • Virginia Department of • WESTAT

• University of North Carolina Conservation and Recreation • Western Research Institute

Highway Safety Research Center • Virginia Department of • Windwalker Corporation

• University of North Florida Environmental Quality • Wisconsin Department of

• University of Pennsylvania • Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Transportation

• University of South Carolina • Virginia Department of Rail and • Wyle Laboratories

• University of South Dakota Public Transportation • ZF TRW

• University of South Florida • Virginia Department of Transportation

• University of Tennessee • Virginia Department of

• University of Texas at Austin Transportation Operations and

• University of Toronto Security Division

42 43 During FY18, numerous representatives of current and potential sponsoring/partnering organizations, marketing groups, and conference groups visited VTTI and/or the Vir- ginia Smart Roads, including:

• All Traffic Solutions • University Transportation Center • American Society of Civil Engineering consortia • APLU • Virginia Department of Transportation • CISCO • Virginia Economic Development • Federal Aviation Administration • Virginia Higher Education Unmanned Aerial Systems Test • Virginia Highlands Community Site National Meeting College Governor’s School • Federal Transit Administration • Virginia Military Institute • Governor Mark Warner’s Office • Virginia Representative Chris Hurst • Greater Washington Partnership • Virginia Tech Architecture • Heavy Vehicle Simulator • Virginia Tech Building Construction International Alliance Group • Virginia Tech Civil Engineering In partnership with employees from VDOT, the institute hosted an open house for the • International students and visitors • Virginia Tech Computer Science general public and a school day event (grades K-12) in April 2018, with nearly 400 in (China, Shandong University) • Virginia Tech Corporate Research attendance. • Lead Virginia Center VTTI and its facilities were well represented at several international and national industry • Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership • Virginia Tech Development conferences, symposia, and meetings, including: • Montgomery Board of Supervisors • Virginia Tech French class • 4th International Conference • American Meteorological • Automated Vehicles Symposium • NASA • Virginia Tech German Fulbright on Vehicle Technology and Association AV Conference • Automation for Commercial • National and local media students Intelligent Transport Systems • American Psychological Vehicles (Germany) • National Highway Traffic Safety • Virginia Tech – Japanese University (Portugal) Science Conference • Autonomous Vehicle Test & Administration • Virginia Tech Language and • 55th Annual Road & Street • Annual Conference of the Development OUTREACH & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OUTREACH • National Institute for Occupational Culture Institute Safety and Health • Virginia Tech Library Maintenance Supervisors’ Association for Unmanned • Better Buildings by Design • New River Economic Alliance • Virginia Tech University Relations Conference Vehicle Systems International • Biomedical Engineering • New River Valley Leadership Program • Virginia Tech Women’s Club • 61st Annual Scientific Conference (AUVSI) Ridge and Valley Chapter Society Annual Meeting • New River Valley Regional • Visiting scholars of the Association for the • Annual Meeting of the National • Canadian Council of Motor Commission Advancement of Automotive Organization for Youth Safety Transport Administrators • Numerous proprietary partners Medicine • ATA Management Conference Annual Meeting and sponsors • 2018 Women’s History Month and Exhibition • Conference on Traffic and • Pavement Surface Properties Celebrating Women in • ATA Technology & Maintenance Granular Flow Consortium Transportation – Land, Air, and Council • Consumer Electronic Show • Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization/New River Sea • Automated and Connected (CES) Valley Metropolitan Planning • AAA Forum on the Impact of Vehicle Testing Symposium • CVSA Brake Symposium Organization Vehicle Technologies and • Automated Driving System • Decision Sciences Institute Automation on Users Conference Annual Meeting 44 45 • Direct Delivery Leadership (IRCOBI) Conference (Belgium) Conference Council (DDLC) Meeting • International Rider Education • Tech.AD Detroit • ESRI User Conference and Training Systems • TedX Salon Talk MEDIA • Fleet Safety Conference • IRF World Road Meeting (India) • Teen Safe Driving Event • FMVSS Considerations for • ISO TC22/SC39 WG8 • Transportation Research Board Automated DrivingSystems Meeting (Prague) Annual Meeting COVERAGE • From ADAS to Automated • ITEA Annual Conference and • Trucking Association of New Driving Symposium School on Transportation York, 50th Annual Conference • Future Active Safety Technology Economics (Hong Kong) and Membership Meeting Towards zero traffic accidents • ITS World Congress • Urbanism Next Conference (FAST-zero) Conference (Japan) • ITSA Annual Meeting • USA Science and Engineering • Human Factors and Ergonomics • Joint Statistical Meeting Festival Society Annual Meeting • LifeSavers Conference • Virginia Department of • Illuminating Engineering Society • National Association of Women Transportation Career Fair (IES) Light + Human Health Highway Safety Leaders Meeting • Women in Transportation Seminar Symposium • National Operations Center of • Illuminating Engineering Society Excellence Workshop (IES) Street and Area Lighting • National Tank Truck Carriers Conference Safety and Security Council • INFORMS Conference Annual Meeting • International Commission on • North Carolina A&T State Illumination (CIE) Smart University Center for Advanced Lighting Conference (Taiwan) Transportation Mobility (CATM) • International Commission on Symposium Illumination (CIE) Workshop • NSF Autonomous Truck Workshop on a New Vision of Visibility for • PEGASUS Symposium (Germany) Roadway Lighting (Germany) • Road Safety on Five Continents • International Conference on (South Korea) Models and Technologies for • SAE Government/Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Meeting • International Conference on • SAE Variable Performance Transport and Health Testing for Automated Driving • International Joint Conference Systems (ADS) Workshop on Biometrics • SAE World Congress • International Research Council • SIP-adus Workshop (Japan) on the Biomechanics of Injury • SPIE Optics and Photonics

46 47 MEDIA COVERAGE FY 2018 *Denotes media outlets that covered VTTI more than once during 2018

American Journal of Transportation Herald-Mail Media Politico TIME ARL Now* Huffington Post PR Underground Times-Mail Ars Technica Independent Mail Public Opinion Traffic Technology International Augusta Free Press India Times Radio Australia Transport Topics Auto Connected Car News International Business Times Richmond Times-Dispatch Transportation Communication Network Auto Week KNBC (L.A.) Sarasota Herald-Tribune University of Kentucky AutoExpert (Polish) KOMO News Savannah Morning News Up & Coming Weekly Science Daily USC Viterbi School of Engineering Automotive News Landline Magazine Virginia Business Bacon’s Rebellion LEDs Magazine Smithsonian Magazine Virginia Tech News* Bluefield Daily Telegraph Legal Examiner Southwest Times Washington Post* Branson Tri-Lakes News Delaware WCVE (Richmond, VA) Business Insider Local Memphis (via CNN) Teen Vogue WDBJ (Roanoke, VA)* Business Insurance Markets Insider The Augusta Chronicle WDIV (Detroit, MI) Car and Driver MobilityLab The Auto Channel WEHC (Emory, VA) Carlisle Sentinel Motorcycle and Power Sports News The Chronicle of Higher Education WHEC (Rochester, NY) CBS FOX 59 Motoring The Conversation WINA (Charlottesville, VA) City Lab Nasdaq The Daily Telescope WIRED Magazine* Claims Journal* NBC Boston The Detroit News* WJLA (Washington, D.C.) Clemson NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt The Franklin News-Post WMAL (Washington, D.C.) Clemson Newsstand NBC Turn to 10 The Gazette-Virginian WRIC (Richmond, VA)* * NBC4 Washington* The Guardian WSET (Lynchburg, VA) Commercial Carrier Journal New Atlas The Indian Express WSLS (Roanoke, VA)* Dcist New Straits Times The Irish Times WSVN (Miami, FL) Delaware Business Times Newswire* The Kittaning Paper WTOP (Washington, D.C.)* Deseret News NPR’s All Things Considered The New York Times* WVEC (Norfolk, VA) Fleet Owner Ocala Star Banner The Roanoke Star* WVNS (Lewisburg, WV)* Florida Politics One News Page The Roanoke Times* WVTF (Roanoke, VA)* FOX5 Overdrive The Southwest Times* WVVA (Bluefield, WV) Fredericksburg PBS Blue Ridge The Telegraph Yahoo! Finance PC Magazine The Virginian Pilot Freight Waves* Phys.Org The Week Magazine


Alden, A. (2017, November). The I-81 Corridor Coalition Program. Presented at the Kingsport MPO Executive Board & SERVICES Meeting, Kingsport, TN. PRESENTATIONS Alden, A. (2017, October). Autonomous Surface Transportation Infrastructure Inspection. Presented at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International - Cultivating Trust in Autonomous Systems Symposium, Ahn, K., Rakha, H. A., & Park, S. (2018). Impact of Intersection Control on Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption (No. Blacksburg, VA. 18-02937). Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Alden, A. (2017, September). I-81 Corridor Coalition. Presented at the Appalachian Regional Commission - Alden, A. (2018, June). Highway Freight – Evolving Demands, Effects, Challenges, and Solutions. Presented at the Network Appalachia, Washington, DC. Eastern Pennsylvania Freight Summit, Bethlehem, PA. Alden, A. (2017, August). VTTI Facilities and Research. Presented at Geohazards Impacting Transportation in Alden, A. (2018, May). An Introduction to the Mechanics of Salt and Research in the Transportation Sector. Appalachia Conference, Blacksburg, VA. Presented at the VA DEQ Salt Management Strategy (SaMS) Technical Training, Lorton, VA. Alden, A. (2017, August). Key Considerations for the Future of Transportation. Presented at Joint Meeting of the Alden, A. (2018, April). Automated Freight – Challenges and Opportunities. Presented at the Pennsylvania Roanoke Valley TPO and New River Valley MPO, Blacksburg, VA. Automated Vehicle Summit, Pittsburgh, PA. Alden, A. (2017, July). Advanced Transportation Technologies. Presented at American Planning Association (APA) Alden, A. (2018, April). VTTI – Overview of Facilities and Selected Research. Presented at the Virginia Department Virginia Annual Conference, Roanoke, VA. of Transportation Staunton District Business Conference, Weyers Cave, VA. Amarh, E. A., Flintsch, G. W., Fernández-Gómez, W., Diefenderfer, B. K., & Bowers, B. F. (2018). Eight-Year Alden, A. (2018, April). Autonomous Vehicles: Are We Ready? Presented at the West Virginia Local Technical Field Performance of Portland Cement and Asphalt Stabilized Full-Depth Reclamation Projects (No. 18-01083). Assistance Program/West Virginia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Joint Conference, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Morgantown, WV. Ankem, G., Gorman, T., Klauer, C., Ehsani, J. P., Simons-Morton, B., Gershon, P., & Dingus, T. (2018). An Objective Alden, A. (2018, April). Autonomous Vehicles and Weather Data. Presented at the American Meteorological Evaluation of Novice Teen Driver Speeding Behavior (No. 18-03150). Association AV Conference, Washington, DC. Ankem, G. (2018, June). Driving risks of teens with ADHD. Presented at the International Conference on Transport Alden, A. (2018, April). Highway Transportation – Changing Demands, Impacts, and Solutions. Presented at the and Health, Mackinac Island, MI. Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce, Carlisle, PA. Ankem, G. (2018, June). Teen Driving Safety and Parental Involvement. Invited talk, Annual Meeting of the National Alden, A. (2018, April). Future Transportation – How Automation and Intelligent Systems Will Impact the Movement Organization for Youth Safety, Annandale, VA. of People and Goods. Presented at the Tri-State Hub and APICS Joint Event, Greencastle, PA. Ankem, G. (2018, January). Analysis of speeding behaviors among teen drivers using NDS. Presented at the session Alden, A. (2018, April). VTTI Overview, Transportation Trends, and I-81 Corridor Coalition. Presented at the Research on Critical Knowledge Gaps: Teenage Driving Risk, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Community Transportation Association of Virginia (CTAV) Young Professional in Transportation Training & Washington, DC. Networking Symposium, Blacksburg, VA. Antin, J. F., Fang, Y., Guo, F., Dingus, T. A., Perez, M. A., & Hankey, J. M. (2018, January). The Impact of Functional Alden, A. (2018, February). Unmanned Aerial Systems in Support of Road Transportation. Presented at the and Medical Health on Senior Driver Safety & Mobility: What We Have Learned from the SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Ridge and Valley Chapter Meeting, Blacksburg, VA. Study. Presented at the Committee for Safe Mobility of Older Persons (ANB60) Workshop: Is There a Relationship Between Safe Driving and Older Drivers’ Medical Conditions and Health Status? Transportation Research Board Alden, A. (2018, January). I-81 Corridor Coalition. Presented at the Berkeley County Council, Martinsburg, WV. Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Alden, A. (2017, December). Unmanned Aerial Systems in Support of Road Transportation. Presented at the Atwood, J. (2018, April). SHRP 2 Risk Survey in Crash Prediction. Presented at the National Surface Transportation Disruptive Innovations in Transportation Conference, Richmond, VA. Safety Center for Excellence, Blacksburg, VA.

Alden, A. (2017, November). The I-81 Corridor Coalition Program. Presented at the Bristol MTPO Executive Board Atwood, J. (2017, November). Investigating Natural Reliance on, and Behavioral Adaptation to, Use of Mixed Meeting, Bristol, TN.


Function Automated Vehicles over Time. Presented at the National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence, Blacksburg, VA. Chaka, M. (2018, March). Making Mid-Career Moves. Panel session, Celebrating Women in Transportation – Land, Air, and Sea, Washington, DC. Atwood, J. (2017, August). The Driver-Level Crash Risk Associated with Daily Cellphone Use and Cellphone Use While Driving. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Chaka, M. (2017, November). Naturalistic Driving Data and its Potential for Automated Driving Systems. Presented at Tech.AD Detroit, Novi, MI. Barowski, L., Womack, K., & Owens, J. M. (2018). Factors surrounding child seat usage in ride-share vehicles. Presented at session Vacation Travel Risks & What Parents Need to Know, LifeSavers Conference, San Antonio, TX. Chaka, M. (2017, October). Research Solutions For The Safe Deployment Of Automated Vehicles. Presented at Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development, Novi, MI. Barranco, J. R. M., Salado, F., & Flintsch, G. (2018). Impact of Surface Cleaning on Pavement Skid Resistance Inside Tunnels (No. 18-05047). Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Dingus, T. A. (2017). Naturalistic driving studies in the U.S. and their potential for automated driving. Invited talk, PEGASUS Symposium, Aachen, Germany. Barrantes-Quiros, S., Flintsch, G. W., de León Izeppi, E., & McGhee, K. K. (2018). Interconversion of Locked-Wheel and CFME Friction Measurements (No. 18-04991). Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Dingus, T. A. (2017, October). The automated-vehicle (r)evolution. Invited talk, TEDx Salon Talk, Wilmington, DE. Bhagavathula, R., & Gibbons, R. (2018, May). Distribution Analysis of Detection Distances: A New Approach to Analyze Nighttime Roadway Visibility. Presented at the CIE Workshop on a New Vision of Visibility for Roadway Doerzaph, Z. (2018). Innovation and America’s Infrastructure: Examining the Effects of Emerging Autonomous Lighting, Berlin, Germany. Technologies on America’s Roads and Bridges. Testimony presented to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Washington, DC. Retrieved from Blanco, M. (2018, March). Opening Remarks. Presented at the 2018 Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women in innovation-and-america-s-infrastructure-examining-the-effects-of-emerging-autonomous-technologies-on- Transportation – Land, Air, and Sea, Washington, DC. america-s-roads-and-bridges

Blanco, M. (2018, March). Making Mid-Career Moves. Moderator, 2018 Women’s History Month Celebrating Women Doerzaph, Z. (2018). Connected and Automated Vehicle Research. Paper presented at the Intelligent in Transportation – Land, Air, and Sea, Washington, DC. Transportation Systems of Virginia, Richmond, VA.

Blanco, M. (2017, October). Mixed-Function Automation Naturalistic Driving Study. Presented at the From ADAS to Doerzaph, Z. (2017). The Advanced Vehicle Evolution. Paper presented at the Northern Virginia Second Annual Automated Driving Symposium, Columbus, OH. Transportation Roundtable, Fairfax, VA.

Blanco, M., Russell, S., Fitchett, V., Atwood, J., & Trimble, T. (2017). Mixed-function automation in naturalistic Druta, C., Alden, A. S., & Donaldson, B. M. (2018). Evaluation of a Buried Sensing Cable for Roadside Animal settings. In Proceedings of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles 25th Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI: National Highway Detection (No. 18-00437). Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Traffic Safety Administration. Druta, C., Alden, A., & Guevara, G. (2018). Use of Onboard Vehicle Sensors to Assess Road Weather Conditions for Blanco, M. (2017, August). Automated Vehicle Policy. Presented at the Southern Association of State Highway and Integration with Connected and Automated Vehicles (No. 18-05103). Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Transportation Officials Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA. Meeting, Washington, DC.

Blanco, M., Russell, S., Fitchett, V., Trimble, T., & Rau, P. (2017, July). Mixed-function Automation Naturalistic Driving Du, J., Rakha, H. A., Elbery, A., & Klenk, M. (2018). Microscopic Simulation and Calibration of a Large-Scale Study (Poster). Presented at the Automated Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Metropolitan Network: Issues and Proposed Solutions (No. 18-02086). Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Bowden, Z. (2017, November). Fatigue Aware Service Scheduling: Accounting for Sleep and Fatigue to Maximize Performance. Presented at the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Eick, E., Faunce, C., Roediger, M., Hickman, J. S., & Geller, E. S. (2018). Safety-related pedestrian behaviors among University students: Naturalistic observations from a moving vehicle. Paper presented at Virginia Camden, M. C., Medina-Flintsch, A., Hickman, J. S., Hanowski, R. J., & Tefft, B. (2018, January). Cost-benefit Association of Behavior Analysis, Roanoke, VA. analysis of four large truck advanced safety technologies. Poster presented at the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Elbakary, M. I., Abdelghaffar, H., Afrifa, K., Rakha, H. A., Cetin, M., & Iftekharuddin, K. M. (2017, August). Aerosol Detection using Lidar-based Atmospheric Profiling. Presented at the SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Chaka, M. (2018, June). VTTI’s Automated Mobility Partnership. Presented at the SAE Variable Performance Testing Diego, CA. For Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Workshop, Greenville, SC. Elbery, A., Dvorak, F., Du, J., Rakha, H. A., & Klenk, M. (2018, March). Large-scale Agent-based Multi-modal Chaka, M. (2018, April). Key Topics to Consider during the Crash Avoidance, Crashworthiness, and Occupant Modeling of Transportation Networks - System Model and Preliminary Results. In Proceedings of the 4th Protection Discussion. Expert panel discussion and presentation, 100 Series Working Group, Stakeholder Meeting, International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems. FMVSS Considerations for Automated Driving Systems, Washington, DC. Elbery, A., Rakha, H., & Elnainay, M. (2017, July). Large-scale Modeling of Connected Vehicle Systems. Presented Chaka, M. (2018, April). VTTI’s Automated Mobility Partnership. Presented at the Variable Performance Testing for at the Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington, DC. ADS Workshop, Troy, MI. Engström, J. (2018, June). Panel introduction: To Err is Human: Is your automated vehicle safer than you? Presented Chaka, M. (2018, March). New Mobility Revolution. Presented at the Northern Virginia Transportation Roundtable, at the Automated and Connected Vehicle Testing Symposium, Greenville, SC. Arlington, VA.


Engström, J. (2018, June). Analyzing the impact of automated trucking on human workers. Presented at the NSF National Tank Truck Carriers Safety and Security Council Annual Meeting, Reno, NV. Autonomous Truck Workshop, Alexandria, VA. Hanowski, R. (2018, May). FAST DASH: Program Overview and Key Findings from Initial Technology Evaluations. Engström, J. (2017, November). Conceptualizing drivers’ understanding of automated driving functions. Presented Presented at Road Safety on Five Continents, Jeju Island, South Korea. at the SIP-adus Workshop Human Factors Breakout Session, Tokyo, Japan. Hanowski, R. (2018, February). The Intersection Between Driver Health and Corporate Well Being. Presented at the Engström, J. (2017, November). Evaluating safety effects of automated driving. Presented at the AAA Forum on the Lytx User Group Conference, San Diego, CA. Impact of Vehicle Technologies and Automation on Users, Salt Lake City, UT. Hanowski, R. (2018, January). Flexible Sleeper Berth Pilot Program. Presented at the Direct Delivery Leadership Engström, J. (2017, September). Key issues in the deployment of automated trucks. Presented at Automation for Council (DDLC) Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Commercial Vehicles, Stuttgart, Germany. Hanowski, R. (2017, November). Evaluating Truck Drivers’ Speed and Seat-Belt Use Before and After the Gaylord, C. K., & Bowden, Z. (2017, September). Sharing Sensitive Research Data with Internal and External Implementation of a Non-Video Onboard Monitoring System. Presented at the IRF World Road Meeting, Delhi, Customers. Presented at VASCAN. India.

Gershon, P., Ehsani, J. P., Zhu, C., Klauer, S., Dingus, T., & Simons-Morton, B. (2018). Trends in Crashes and Safety Hanowski, R. (2017, October). Optimizing Driving Data: What to Collect and How It Can Be Used. Invited Critical Events Among Novice Teenage Drivers During Learner and Independent Driving Periods (No. 18-02730). presentation, ATA Management Conference and Exhibition, Orlando, FL.

Gibbons, R. (2018, May). Impact of Lighting on Safety. Presented at the CIE Workshop on a New Vision of Visibility Hanowski, R. (2017, September). Commercial Driver Health: Trends and Associated Crash Risks. Invited for Roadway Lighting, Berlin, Germany. presentation, Trucking Association of New York, 50th Annual Conference and Membership Meeting.

Gibbons, R. (2018, April). Current and Future Practices of Roadway Lighting. Workshop, CIE Smart Lighting Harwood, L., & Doerzaph, Z. (2017). Predicting Connected Vehicle Alert Classification Based on Topography. Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Presented at the ESRI User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Gibbons, R. (2018, April). The Precious Balance of Roadway Lighting. Presented at the IES Light + Human Health Hickman, J. S., Hanowski, R. J., & Camden, M. C. (2018). Using a naturalistic driving approach to study driver Symposium, Atlanta, GA. behavior. Paper presented at the American Psychological Science Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Gibbons, R. (2018, February). Lighting in the Connected Transportation Environment. Presented at Better Buildings Jahangiri, A., Elhenawy, M., Rakha, H., & Dingus, T. (2017, July). Studying Cyclist Violations at Stop Sign-Controlled by Design, Burlington, VT. Intersections using Naturalistic Cycling Data. Presented at the Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington, DC. Gibbons, R. (2018, January). Lighting and Safety. Presented at AARP, Blacksburg, VA. Kang, K., & Rakha, H. (2017, July). Development of a Decision Making Model for Merging Maneuvers: A Game Gibbons, R. (2017, September). Lighting Needs for the Future of Transportation. Presented at the IES Street and Theoretical Approach. Presented at the Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington, DC. Area Lighting Conference, Austin, TX. Klauer, S. (2018, June). Risks of Secondary Task Engagement While Driving. Invited talk, Canadian Council of Motor Gibbons, R. (2017, July). LED Lighting and the AMA. Presented at the AASHTO Summer Meeting. Transport Administrators Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Grove, K. (2018, May). Real-world Performance of Driver Assistance Technology. Presented at the CVSA Brake Klauer, S. (2018, May). Risks Facing Teen Drivers. Invited plenary session, Virginia Highway Safety Summit, Virginia Symposium, Schaumburg, IL. Beach, VA.

Grove, K. (2018, March). Technological Advances in Next Generation Collision Warning Driver Interfaces. Presented Klauer, S. (2018, April). The Power of Parental Involvement on Teen Drivers. Invited talk, LifeSavers Conference, San at the ATA Technology & Maintenance Council, Atlanta, GA. Antonio, TX.

Grove, K. (2017, September). Field Study of Heavy Vehicle Crash Avoidance Systems Performance. Presented at Klauer, S. (2018, April). Teen Drivers and Monitoring/Feedback Technology in the Vehicle. Invited talk, LifeSavers the ATA Technology & Maintenance Council Fall Meeting & National Skills Competition, Orlando, FL. Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Grove, K. (2017, July). Field Study of Heavy Vehicle Crash Avoidance Systems Performance. Presented at the Fleet Klauer, S. (2018, April). Risks of Teen Drivers’ Secondary Task Engagement. Invited talk, LifeSavers Conference, San Safety Conference, Schaumburg, IL. Antonio, TX.

Hankey, J. (2017, October). Why People Crash and the Future of Mobility. Keynote speaker, 55th Annual Road & Klauer, S. (2018, March). Plenary Session. Invited speaker, Women in Transportation Seminar Celebrating Women in Street Maintenance Supervisors’ Conference, Yakima, WA. Transportation – Land, Air, and Sea, Washington, DC.

Hanowski, R. J., Krum, A. J., Camden, M. C., Medina-Flintsch, A., & Hickman, J. S. (2018). Evaluating promising Klauer, S. (2018, January). Beyond SHRP 2: The Large-scale European Naturalistic Driving Study UDRIVE. Panel safety technologies in commercial vehicle operations: Assessing efficacy, benefits, and costs. Paper presented at moderator, Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. the ITEA Annual Conference and School on Transportation Economics, Hong Kong. Klauer, S. (2017, September). Teen Driver Risks. Invited talk, National Association of Women Highway Safety Hanowski, R. (2018, June). Healthy Benefits: New Research on Driver Health and Crash Risk. Presented at the Leaders Meeting, Louisville, KY.


Owens, J. M., Miller, A., Seong, Y., & Yi, S. (2017). Project Overview: Vulnerable Road User Mobility Assistance Klauer, S. (2017, September). Teen Driver Feedback. Invited talk, Virginia Distracted Driving Summit, Norfolk, VA. Platform. Presented at CATM Symposium, Greensboro, NC.

Klauer, S. (2017, August). Invited talk, Appalachian Electrical Power Regional Safety Meeting, Richmond, VA. Owens, J. M. (2017, July). Human Factors Challenges and Opportunities for the Interaction of AVs and Pedestrians with Disabilities. Presented at Breakout Session #24: Automated Vehicles for People with Disabilities, Automated Liu, S., Lau, N., & Perez, M. (2018, January). Sleep and Driving Habits Associated with Sleep Disorders-Findings Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco, CA. from SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study (No. 18-00985). Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Owens, J. M. (2017, July). Key Human Factors Challenges and Opportunities within AV/VRU Interactions. Presented at Breakout Session #13: Challenges and Opportunities for the Intersection of Vulnerable Road Users and McCall, R. M. (2018, April). Getting to where we want to be. Keynote presentation, Virginia Tech Services for Automated Vehicles, Automated Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Students with Disabilities Access & Inclusion Awards, VT SSD, Blacksburg, VA. Palmer, M. E., & Gibbons, R. (2018). Fog Measurement Using a Traffic Camera in a Real-World Environment. McCall, R. M. (2017, September). Motorcycle Crashes & Some Guidance to Avoid Them. Presented at the Meeting Presented at the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators, Burlington, VT. Park, G., Hickman, J. S., Pitoniak, S., & Rosenthal, T. J. (2018). Challenges in hazard Detection for Commercial McCall, R. M. (2017, September). MSF 100 Motorcyclists Study: An Update. Presented at International Rider Motor Vehicle Drivers: A Driving Simulator Study. Poster presented at the Transportation Research Board 97th Education and Training Systems, Columbus, OH. Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

McCarthy, R., de León Izeppi, E., Flintsch, G. W., & McGhee, K. K. (2018). Comparison of Locked Wheel and Park, S., Lee, D., Lee, C., & Ahn, K. (2018). Evaluating the Fuel Efficiency of Transit Bus Subsidy Programs: Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (No. 18-01277). Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Comparison of Two Cities in South Korea (No. 18-02921). Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. McLaughlin, S. (2018, May). Intelligent Transportation Systems and Automated Vehicle Impacts on Motorcycle Safety. Presented at the U.S. House of Representatives Congressional Motorcycle Caucus Briefing, Washington, Perez, M. A. (2018, May). Naturalistic Driving Data – Acquisition and Application. Seminar, Sigma Xi – General DC. Motors Corporation R&D Chapter, GM Technical Center R&D Auditorium, Warren, MI.

Miller, A. M., Owens, J. M., Seong, Y., & Yi, S. (2017, November). Project Overview: Vulnerable Road User Mobility Rakha, H., Elbery, A., Du, J., Bichiou, Y., Wang, J., Dvorak, F., & Klenk, M. (2017, October). Developing a Multi- Assistance Platform. Presented at the 5th Annual UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region, Gainesville, FL. scale and Multi-modal Agent-based Modeling Framework for Assessing Network-wide Energy/Fuel Consumption Impacts of Travel Incentive Strategies. Presented at the INFORMS Conference, Houston, TX. Owens, J. M., Dingus, T. A., Guo, F., Fang, Y., Perez, M., McClafferty, J., & Tefft, B. (2018). Estimating the prevalence and crash risk of drowsy driving using data from a large-scale naturalistic driving study (No. 18-04410). Roediger, M., Eick, E., Faunce, C., Hickman, J. S., & Geller, E. S. (2018, accepted). Behavioral Impact of an Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Autonomous Vehicle: A naturalistic study of pedestrian-vehicle communication and pedestrian behavior. Paper to be presented at Virginia Association of Behavior Analysis, Roanoke, VA. Owens, J. M., Tefft, B., Guo, F., Fang, Y., Perez, M., McClafferty, J,. & Dingus, T. A. (2018). Crash risk of cell phone use while driving: case-crossover study of SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Data. Presented at the Transportation Russell, S. M. (2018, January). Driver Expectations for Control Errors, Engagement, and Crash Avoidance in level 2 Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Driving Automation Systems. Presented at the SAE Government Industry Meeting, Washington, DC.

Owens, J. M. (2018, March). VTTI Center for Vulnerable Road User Safety: Overview & Project Highlights. Presented Russell, S. M. (2018, January). Naturalistic Study of Level 2 Driving Automation Functions. Presented at the SAE at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute Center, Traffic Safety Brownbag. Government Industry Meeting, Washington, DC.

Owens, J. M. (2018, March). State of Research: Automated Vehicle Systems & Pedestrians/Bicyclists. Presented at Russell, S. M. (2017). Driver Expectations for Control Errors, Engagement, and Crash Avoidance in level 2 Workshop “Friends or Foes? Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Autonomous Vehicles: What do We Need to Know, and How Driving Automation Systems. Invited workshop, 9th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Will We Learn It?,” Urbanism Next Conference. Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design, Manchester, VT.

Owens, J. M. (2018, January). Teaching Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel in an Automated Future. Panel discussion, Russell, S. M. (2017, September). The System Will Always Work as Designed: Design Implications & SAE Level 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle University Education Subcommittee, Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Invited workshop, AutoSens, Brussels, Belgium. Washington, DC. Russell, S. M. (2017, November). Testing Real Drivers in Real Vehicles: Current Research on Partial Vehicle Owens, J. M. (2018, January). Understanding the Role of Human Factors in AV/VRU Interactions. Presented Automation. Invited presentation, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. at Workshop 144A: When Autonomous Vehicles and People Meet: Planning for Pedestrian-AV interaction, Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Sarkar, A. (2017, October). Cardiac Signals: Remote Measurement and Applications. Presented at the International Joint Conference on Biometrics, Denver, CO. Owens, J. M. (2017, December). The Future is Near: What do Automated Vehicles Mean for Pedestrian Safety? Presented at Every Body Walk! Collaborative Meeting. Schaudt, W. A. (2018, June). Automated Driving System (ADS) Safety. Panel moderator, Automated Driving System Conference, McLean, VA. Owens, J. M. (2017, August). Automated and Connected Vehicle Technologies, Promises, and Challenges. Presented at PBIC Webinar Series Part 1: The Promise and Challenges of Automated Technologies. Schaudt, W. A. (2018, April). Understanding Road User Behavior around Automated Vehicle Visual External Communication Signals in the Wild. Invited speaker, International Organization for Standardization, ISO TC22/


SC39 WG8 Taskforce Meeting, Prague, CZ. Holmes, D., Sherony, R., & Gabler, H. C. (2018). Estimating Benefits of LDW Systems Applied to Cross-Centerline Schaudt, W. A. (2018, April). Measuring Human Performance of Automated-vehicle System Takeovers in Test-track Crashes (SAE Paper No. 2018-01-0512). and Naturalistic Driving Studies. Invited speaker, International Organization for Standardization, ISO TC22/SC39 WG8 Workshop, Prague, CZ. Huang, W., Engström, J., Miller, A., Dreger, F. A., Soccolich, S., de Winter, J. C., & Ghanipoor Machiani, S. (2018, accepted). Analysis of differential crash and near-crash involvement based on naturalistic driving data. Abstract Schaudt, W. A. (2018, March). It’s Crazy Enough it Just Might Work. Panel member, VT Entrepreneur Challenge, accepted for presentation at the Seventh International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research (NDRS 2018), Blacksburg, VA. Blacksburg, VA.

Schaudt, W. A. (2018, January). Transportation under Transformation. Invited speaker, Virginia Tech Apex Center for Jin, H., Sharma, R., Meng, Y., Silvestri Dobrovolny, C., & Untaroiu, C. D. (2018). Evaluation of the injury risks of truck Entrepreneurs Spring 2018 Kickoff Event, Blacksburg, VA. occupants involved in a crash as a result of errant truck platoons. Presented at the 15th International LS-Dyna Conference, Dearborn, MI. Schaudt, W.A. (2017, October). Cultivating Trust in Self-driving Vehicles. Presented at Cultivating Trust in Autonomous Systems, Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center, Blacksburg, VA. Meng, Y., & Untaroiu, C. D. (2018). Investigation of Energy-absorbing Guardrail End Terminals along U.S. Roads: Statistics and a Computer Modeling Study. In Proceedings of the AAAM, Memphis, TN. Schaudt, W.A., Shutko, J., & Russell, S. (2017, July). Judging a Car by its Cover - Human Factors Implications for Automated Vehicle External Communication. Presented at Human Factors Breakout Session 2.1, Automated Meng, Y., & Untaroiu, C. D. (2018). Development and Validation of a Finite Element Model of an Energy-absorbing Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Guardrail End Terminal. Presented at the 15th International LS-Dyna Conference, Dearborn, MI.

Shrestha, S., Katicha, S. W., & Flintsch, G. W. (2018). Development of TSD Structural Condition Thresholds Based on Palframan, K., & Alden, A. (2017, October). Reducing School Bus/Light-Vehicle Conflicts through Connected Pavement Management Condition Data (No. 18-04760). Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Vehicle Communications. Presented at the ITSVA/SITE Joint Conference, Richmond, VA.

Song, M. (2017, September). Countermeasures to Detect and Combat Driver Inattention in Connected and Riexinger, L., Sherony, R., & Gabler, H. C. (2018). Methodology for Estimating the Benefits of Lane Departure Automated Environment. Presented at the 5thAnnual Distracted Driving Summit, Norfolk, VA. Warnings Using Event Data Recorders (SAE Paper No. 2018-01-0509).

Svärd, M., Markkula, G., Engström, J., Granum, F., & Bärgman, J. (2017). A quantitative driver model of pre-crash Scanlon, J. M., Sherony, R., & Gabler, H. C. (2017). Preliminary Effectiveness Estimates for Intersection Driver brake onset and control. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting, Los Assistance Systems in LTAP/OD Crashes. In Proceedings of the Future Active Safety Technology Towards zero Angeles, CA. traffic accidents (FAST-zero) 2017 Conference, Nara, Japan.

Turturici, M. (2018). Effects of driver impairment on crash risk: Results from 40 million miles of Naturalistic Driving Tatem, W. M., & Gabler, H. C. (2017). Preliminary Analysis of Serious-to-Fatal Injury in Rear Impact Crashes in the Data in the SHRP 2 Database. Presented at the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, United States. In Proceedings of the 2017 IRCOBI Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. DC. Untaroiu, C. D., Pak, W., Meng, Y., Guleyupoglum, B., Schap, J., Koya, B., & Gayzik, S. (2018). Investigation of Turturici, M., Smith, R. C., Camden, M., Arnold, L., & Kelley-Baker, T. (2018, June). Countermeasures to Prescription Pedestrian Kinematics and Injury Outcome caused by a Traffic Accident with respect to Pedestrian Anthropometry, and Over the-Counter Drug-Impaired Driving: Law Enforcement & Judicial and Data Recording & Toxicology. Vehicle Shape and Pre-Impact Conditions. Presented at the 15th International LS-Dyna Conference, Dearborn, MI. Presented at the International Conference on Transport and Health, Mackinac Island, MI. HONORS, AWARDS, AND SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION Viray, R., Sarkar, A., & Doerzaph, Z. (2018). Virginia Connected Vehicle Test Bed System Performance for V2I Andy Alden deployment. Paper presented at SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI. • Vice-Chair and Paper/Session Coordinator, TRB ADC 60, Standing Committee on Resource Conservation and Recovery Wang, J., & Rakha, H. (2017, July). Longitudinal Train Dynamics Model for a Rail Transit Simulation System. Presented • Chair, TRB ADC60(2), Subcommittee on Transportation Infrastructure, Facilities, and Right-of-Ways at the Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington, DC. • Member and Paper Coordinator, TRB Subcommittee on Unmanned Aerial Systems/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (AV060, AV020, AV010) STUDENT PRESENTATIONS • Board Member, AUVSI Ridge and Valley Chapter Includes presentations made in collaboration with student author(s) • Member, Virginia Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Albert, D. L., Beeman, S. M., & Kemper, A. R. (2017, October). Occupant Kinematics of the Hybrid III, THOR-M, and Post- • VDOT Unmanned Aerial Systems Peer Exchange Mortem Human Surrogates under Various Restraint Conditions in Full-Scale Frontal Sled Tests. Presented at the 61st • Review Panel Member, EERE “OPEN 2017,” U.S. Department of Energy Annual Scientific Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Las Vegas, NV. • Member, TRB ADC 30, Standing Committee on Ecology and Transportation • Member, Virginia Safe Wildlife Corridors Collaborative Bareiss, M., & Gabler, H. C. (2018). Preliminary Estimates of Near Side Crash Injury Risk in Best Performing Passenger Vehicles (SAE Paper No. 2018-01-0548). Matt Camden • Awarded high scoring abstract, Researcher category, 2018 International Conference on Transport and Health Basantis, A., Miller, M., Doerzaph, Z., & Neurauter, L. (2018). Assessing Alternative Approaches for Assessing • Member, TRB Standing Committee on Winter Maintenance Automated Vehicle ‘Intentions.’ Paper presented at the 17th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. Tom Dingus Haus, S., & Gabler, H. C. (2018). Characteristics of Vehicle-Bicycle Crashes and Near-Crashes using Naturalistic • Member, Board of Directors, Intelligent Transportation Society of America Driving Data. In Proceedings of the 2018 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Conference, Washington, DC. • Member, Board of Directors, Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International


Johan Engström Andrew Miller • Member, Scientific Advisory Committee of the Towards Zero HMI Distraction project, funded by VicRoads and • Subcommittee Chair, Truck and Bus Data Subcommittee, TRB ANB70 Truck and Bus Safety led by the Australian Road Research Board • Committee Member, TRB ANB70 Truck and Bus Safety • Member, SAE Automated and Connected Vehicle Symposium Executive Program Committee • Voting Member, SAE Safety and Human Factors Standards Steering Committee Ryan Naff • Elected Chair, SAE Driver Metrics, Performance, Behaviors and States Technical Committee • Became Certified Research Administrator

Ron Gibbons Justin Owens • 2017 Taylor Technical Talent Award, best paper in lighting-based research for “Dirt Depreciation in Solid State • Session Co-organizer, Breakout Session #13: Challenges and Opportunities for the Intersection of Vulnerable Luminaires” (Matthew Palmer, Jason Meyer, and Travis Terry) Road Users and Automated Vehicles, 2017 Automated Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco, CA.

Kevin Grove Hesham Rakha • Elected Chair, SAE Truck and Bus Human Factors Committee • Chair, Session TA53 - Improving Energy Efficiency of Personal Transportation, INFORMS Meeting, Oct. 22-25, 2017, Houston, TX Jon Hankey • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on ITS • Chair, ISO Task Force on Naturalistic Driving • Editorial Board, IET Intelligent Transport Systems • Editorial Board, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research Rich Hanowski • Editorial Board, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations • Editorial Manager, SAE • Member, Transportation Research Board Sub-Committee on Traffic Modeling • Invited to serve on the Advisory Committee of the Occupational Injury Prevention Research Training program, • Member, Transportation Research Board Committee on Air Quality University of Utah • Member, ITS America Benefits, Evaluation and Cost Committee • Invited by the National Safety Council to serve on the ANSI Subcommittee for the development of standards • Member, Virginia Tech CEE P&T Committee to address automated vehicles in fleets (Z15.3) • Member, Virginia Tech CEE Honorarium Committee • Invited to serve on the SAE COMVEC Executive Council • Best Paper Award, 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS), Madeira, Portugal, March 2018. Warren Hardy • Most Cited Article Award, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST) for paper: • SAE Forest R. McFarland Award for Service Rakha, H., Ahn, K., & Moran K. INTEGRATION Framework for Modeling Eco-routing Strategies: Logic and • Named General Chair, 2018 Stapp Car Crash Conference Preliminary Results. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 1(3), 259-274. • Appointed to the SAE Human Biomechanics and Simulations Standards Committee • Named Chair, SAE Automated Driving Systems Crashworthiness Task Group Angie Robinson • Organized and moderated a Technical Expert Panel Discussion: What do Autonomous vehicles mean for • Became Certified Research Administrator regulation? at the 2018 SAE WCX Sheldon Russell Andrew Kemper • Reviewer, Automated Vehicles Symposium Posters • Member, AAAM Scientific Program Committee • Reviewer, Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium Posters and Oral Presentations • Vice Chair, AAAM Scientific Program Committee Student Program Subcommittee • Reviewer, Human Factors • Outstanding New Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech Andy Schaudt Charlie Klauer • Reviewer, Automated Vehicles Symposium Posters • Chair, ANB30: Operator, Education, and Regulation Committee of the Transportation Research Board • Reviewer, Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium Posters and Oral Presentations • Member, Virginia State Office of Highway Safety Teen Track and Speeding Track • Reviewer, Accident Analysis & Prevention • Co-organizer, Transportation Research Board Subcommittee Mid-year Meeting on Teens and Technology in the Vehicle, Woods Hole, MA Costin Untaroiu • Elected ASME Fellow Andrew Krum • Invited Member, National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities Sector Council (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) • Invited Secretary, Technology Maintenance Council, S.4 Cab and Controls Study Group

Erin Mabry • Chair, Truck and Bus Operator Health and Wellness Subcommittee

Shane McLaughlin • Appointed to the U.S. DOT Motorcycle Advisory Council by the Secretary of Transportation

60 61 PUBLICATIONS Includes technical reports, journal articles, and conference proceedings.

Abdelghaffar, M., Yang, H., & Rakha, H. A. (2017). Isolated Traffic Signal Control using Nash Bargaining Optimization. Global Journal of Research In Engineering, 16(1). Camden, M. C., Medina-Flitch, A., Hickman, J. S., Miller, A. M., & Hanowski, R. J. (2017). Leveraging Large Truck GJRE/article/view/1516 Technology and Engineering to Realize Safety Gains: Automatic Emergency Braking Systems. Washington DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Antin, J. F., Guo, F., Fang, Y., Dingus, T. A., Perez, M. A., & Hankey, J. M. (2017). A validation of the low mileage bias using naturalistic driving study data. Journal of Safety Research, 63, 115-120. Camden, M. C., Medina-Flitch, A., Hickman, J. S., Miller, A. M., & Hanowski, R. J. (2017). Leveraging Large Truck Technology and Engineering to Realize Safety Gains: Lane Departure Warning Systems. Washington DC: AAA Antin, J. F., Guo, F., Fang, Y., Dingus, T. A., Hankey, J. M., & Perez, M. A. (2017). The influence of functional health Foundation for Traffic Safety. on seniors’ driving risk. Journal of Transport & Health, 6, 237-244. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2017.07.003 Camden, M. C., Medina-Flitch, A., Hickman, J. S., Miller, A. M., & Hanowski, R. J. (2017). Leveraging Large Antin, J. F., Wotring, B., Perez, M., & Glaser, D. (2017). Investigating Lane Change Behaviors and Difficulties for Truck Technology and Engineering to Realize Safety Gains: Video-Based Onboard Safety Monitoring Systems. Senior Drivers Using the SHRP 2 Naturalistic Database. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. Washington DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Atwood, J., Guo, F., Fitch, G., & Dingus, T. A. (2018). The driver-level crash risk associated with daily cellphone use Camden, M. C., Hickman, J. S., Hanowski, R. J., & Williams, A. K. (2017). Pilot testing a naturalistic driving study to and cellphone use while driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 119, 149-154. investigate winter maintenance operator fatigue during winter emergencies. Safety, 3(19).

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Yang, H., & Rakha, H. (2017). A Novel Approach for Estimation of Dynamic from Static Origin-Destination Matrices. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 1-10. doi:10.1080/19427867.2017.13363 53.

Yang, H., & Rakha, H. (2017). Feedback Control Speed Harmonization Algorithm: Methodology and Preliminary Testing. Transportation Research Part C, 81, 209-226. doi:10.1016/j.trc.2017.06.002. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Denotes publications on which student(s) served as an author

Baker, W., Chowdhury, M. R., & Untaroiu, C. D. (2018) Validation of a Booted Finite Element Model of the WIAMan ATD Lower Limb in Component and Whole-Body Vertical Loading Impacts with an Assessment of the Boot Influence Model on Response. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(5), 549-554.

Bland, M. L., McNally, C., & Rowson, S. (2018). Differences in Impact Performance of Bicycle Helmets During Oblique Impacts. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 140(9). doi:10.1115/1.4040019


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