RETHINKING ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY: BREAKING THE PUBLIC SECTOR BIAS IN MEXICO IRMA E. SANDOVAL-BALLESTEROS* I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 399 II. A NEW WORLD OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS .. 403 III. TOWARDS A “DEMOCRATIC-EXPANSIVE” UNDERSTANDING OF TRANSPARENCY .......................... 415 A. BUREAUCRATIC TRANSPARENCY ........................................... 415 B. PUBLIC RELATIONS TRANSPARENCY ...................................... 417 C. DEMOCRATIC EXPANSIVE TRANSPARENCY ............................ 425 IV. CONCLUSION ......................................................................... 437 I. INTRODUCTION The wave of freedom of information legislation and anti- corruption reforms sweeping the globe over the last two decades has strengthened the grip of oversight and control, but on an ever-smaller basis of public authority and social power.1 Today, almost ninety * Professor at the Institute for Social Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Director of the Laboratory for the Documentation and Analysis of Corruption and Transparency, UNAM. Fellow at the Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University, Visiting Professor at American University and Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow of the International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy,
[email protected]. The author kindly acknowledges the support from the UNAM (PASPA Fellowship) for making possible my stay in American University during the 2013–2014 academic year, during which time most of the present manuscript was written. 1. See John M. Ackerman & Irma E. Sandoval-Ballesteros, The Global Explosion of Freedom of Information Laws, 58 ADMIN. L. REV. 85, 85–86 (2006), available at law_review_explosion_of_foi_2006.pdf [hereinafter Ackerman & Sandoval- Ballesteros, The Global Explosion of Freedom of Information Laws]; see also Strategic Plan 2011–2016, INT’L ORG. OF SUPREME AUDIT INST. 2–6 (Oct.