Advanced Placement Course Description and Philosophy

Advanced Placement Art History is a full year, college-level course that spans prehistory to the contemporary era in view of historical aesthetic trends. This honors course is presented in challenging, fast paced manner. Students are given more responsibility to complete additional coursework at home.

The College Board, 2007

PowerPoint and Smart Board technology will be used to give a greater experience for this course. Students will be required to evaluate art over the span of time based off of its social and cultural meaning. The course also will prepare students for the AP test in the subject area.

Evaluation of studentsʼ performance will be based on unit tests, essays, presentations, independent work, and quizzes. In addition there will be a midterm and final examination.

Text Reference:

Marilyn Stokstad, Art: A Brief History, New York: Prentice Hall, 2007. On line companion contains, essay questions, online quizzes, writing activities and web links.

Written July 2007


Unit I: Art Before the Written Word

Essential Questions: Why is prehistoric art salient to the development in art? How did the earliest people express themselves through art?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Describe trends in Neolithic art Describe trends in Paleolithic art Understand the chronology of prehistory Describe the method and types of cave paintings Understand trends in the Bronze and Iron Age What is art?

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit I Topic 1: Prehistoric Art • Upper Paleolithic art Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3, C-7 • Neolithic art Term Paper Discussion Bronze and Iron Age Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research iBooks Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio Differentiated Learning Activities Further readings and in-class discussions will be tailored to individual student interest and abilities.

Ethical Decision Making What measures should be taken to preserve prehistoric works of art?


Unit II: Mesopotamian and Egyptian Art

Essential Questions: What is the legacy of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art? Does art reflect culture or shape it?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the general history of the era Understand the Dynastic eras Understand the contributions of the two civilizations Understand the geography of the Near East Differentiate art from the two periods Understand the role of religion in the religion Describe the polytheism in the region

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit II

Topic 1: Egyptian Art • Early and Dynastic Egypt Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3,4,6. Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research iBooks Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Mesopotamia

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will choose contemporary exhibitions of Egyptian art to evaluate and determine whether or nor they accurately depict the era..

Ethical Decision Making The class will evaluate the impact that religious beliefs and values have on the art of a culture.


Unit III: Early Asian Art

Essential Questions: What are the key characteristics of Asian art? How does art mirror society?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand general history of the era Relate the contributions of ancient India Understand the culture of Southeast Asia Understand the characteristics of ancient Chinese art Understand early Japanese art and how it was influenced by China and Korea

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit III Topic 1: India • Gandhara and Mathura Styles Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3, C-7. • The Gupta Period Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: China • Topic 3: Japan

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will design a project that compares and contrasts early Asian art from India, China, Korea and Japan.


Unit IV: Greek and Aegean Art

Essential Questions: What are the contributions of Greek and Aegean art? Why is the style of Greek art and architecture so often emulated?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the contributions of Greek art and architecture Understand the history of the era Understand the new developments in architecture Understand the characteristics of the “golden age” of art Understand the legacy of Greek civilization

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit IV Topic 1: Minoan Culture Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3;D-3, 4. Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Mycenaean Civilization • Topic 3: Greek Civilization • Topic 4: The Parthenon and Acropolis

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will explore the evolution of Greek architecture and compare ancient and modern day architecture to make inferences about style and design.


Unit V:

Essential Questions: What is the legacy of Roman civilization? How should art historians record and present what they learn?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the general history of the era Understand Roman art and Understand Roman architecture contributions Understand changes and patronage in Roman art Contrast Roman and Greek sculpture, architecture and painting

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit V

Topic 1: The Republican Period Test/Quizzes Text Lecture 6.3; D-4 Internet Research Term Paper Discussion Lab Activity Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Lab Supplies Audio • Topic 2: The Age of Augustus • Topic 3: The Empire • Topic 4: Imperial Art and Architecture • Topic 5: The Late Empire • Topic 6:

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will explore various eras of Roman history independently and relate to the class how patronage and politics influenced artistic expression.


Unit VI: Islamic Art

Essential Questions: What are the contributions of Islamic art? Is traditional Islamic art consistent with the values and beliefs presented in the Islamic world today?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the history of the era Understand the geography of the civilization Understand the Mughal Empireʼs aspects Understand the early Ottoman era Identify how the Ottoman Empire bridged the gap between eastern and western cultures

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit VI Topic 1: Early Caliphates Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3,4,6. Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Late Islamic art • Topic 3: The Mughal Dynasty • Topic 4: The Ottoman Empire

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will select a period of the Ottoman empire and identify the artistic hallmarks of that period.


Unit VII: Early Medieval and

Essential Question: What has the legacy to the contemporary period was innovated from the Medieval and Romanesque eras?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the general history of Europe during the era Differentiate the progression of early medieval and Romanesque art Describe changes in art from previous units studied Describe changes and modern developments from the era Describe the impact of the Catholic Church during the era

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit VII Topic 1: Carolingian Art • Early Carolingian Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3,4,6. • Later Carolingian Term Paper Discussion Lab Activity Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: The Basilica and Timber Architecture • Topic 3: The Monastery • Topic 4: The Ottoman Period • Topic 5: The Romanesque Period • Topic 6: The Cloister Crafts

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will select one of the prevalent animals depicted in and describe what it communicates about the era.


Unit VIII:

Essential Question: What differentiated Gothic art from previous eras?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Describe the characteristics in Gothic architecture Describe the emergence of secular art Describe the role of religion in art and architecture Describe the geographical peculiarities as seen in Gothic art

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit VIII

Topic 1: Gothic in France • Secular art Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3,4,6. • Secular architecture Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Gothic Art in England • Topic 3: Gothic Art in Germany • Topic 4: Gothic art in Itlay

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will find examples of Gothic architecture, share them with the class and identify common features among identified buildings.

9 Unit IX: Art

Essential Questions: How did usher in the period? What makes an artist an icon?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Compare new developments in art to previous eras Describe the characteristics of Renaissance art Trace the spread of the era throughout Europe Describe the regional differences of the era

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit I Topic 1: Northern Renaissance art • Printing Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; C-7 • Tapestries Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Italian sculpture and painting • Topic 3: • Topic 4: Architecture • Topic 5: The Reformation and its impact

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will find literary references to the Renaissance and share them with the class.


Unit X: and Art

Essential Question: What was the legacy of baroque and Rococo art?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the history of the era Describe the political reasons for Baroque style Describe the characteristics of Baroque art Trace the development into Rococo art Describe the characteristics of Rococo style

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit X

Topic 1: the Counter-Reformation Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3. Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Protestant England • Topic 3: Rococo • Topic 4: Louis XIVʼs France

Ethical Decision-Making While studying Canovaʼs Three Graces, the class will explore the concept of displaying art in a manner true to the artistʼs intention.


Unit XI: Early 19th Century Art Trends

Essential Question: How did art trends change in the 19th Century?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the history of the era Trace changes in art movements Understand characteristics of neoclassical art Describe the trend of Understand goals of the artists Describe characteristics of in the arts

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit XI Topic 1: Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3,4,6. Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Neoclassical architecture • Topic 3: Romanticism • Topic 4: Realism

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will explore how photography influenced landscape art.


Unit XII: Late 19th Century Art Trends

Essential Question: What are the trends in late 19th century Art?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the history of the era Describe the new developments in the arts Understand the new modern trends in architecture and painting Recall major works and artists with visual prompts

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit XII Topic 1: Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; C-7 Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: • Topic 3: Later Impressionism • Topic 4: Post-Impressionism

Differentiated Learning Activities Students will explore various artists of the 19th century and contrast the manner in which they portrayed women.


Unit XIII: Modern Art in the Early 20th Century

Essential Question: What constitutes modern art?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Synthesize the concept of modern art Trace developments in modern art Describe the history of the era Understand the impact of technology has had on art Describe the impact of existentialism on art Describe the impact of the world wars on art Describe how modern architecture has evolved

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit XIII

Topic 1: Early Modern art trends in Europe • Les Fauves Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; D-3,4,6. • Die Brücke Term Paper Discussion Lab Activity Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: Art between the wars • The • De Still •

Ethical Decision Making Using primary sources, students will evaluate the reaction of the general public to art that is different and will determine whether or not society can/should determine what constitutes art.


Unit XIV: Art Since 1945

Essential Question: Where is art going?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the history of the era Describe postwar trends in art Describe the impact of consumerism on art Describe the impact of feminism on art Describe new trends in architecture

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit: XIV Http:// Topic 1: Postwar Art • Mainstream Art Test/Quizzes Text Lecture Internet Research 6.3; C-7 Term Paper Discussion Small Group Work PowerPoint Report Homework iBooks Individual Research Media Center VCR/Smartboard Audio • Topic 2: • Topic 3: • Topic 4: Conceptual and • Topic 5: Feminist Art • Topic 6: Postmodernism and Neo-

Ethical Decision Makings Students will evaluate and discuss the impact of advertising and mass reproduction of works of art.