COURSE CODE: VBP301 COURSE TITLE: Nerve, Muscle, Sensory, Motor, Autonomic and Integrative Nervous System NUMBER OF UNITS: 3 Units COURSE DURATION: Three hours per week COURSECOURSE DETAILS:DETAILS: Course Coordinator: Dr. Eyitayo Solomon Ajibola, D.V.M, M.Sc. Email:
[email protected] Office Location: Dept of Veterinary Physiology/ Pharmacology, COLVET, UNAAB Other Lecturers: Dr. O.E Adeleye COURSE CONTENT: Physiology of nerve and muscle cell, functional classification of neurons, propagation and conduction of nervous impulses; classification of receptors; Ascending sensory pathways; physiology of the special senses; Pyramidal and Extra-pyramidal Motor system, Motor functions of the basal ganglia, the brain stem , Cerebellum, and the Cerebral cortex. The functions of the hypothalamus COURSE REQUIREMENTS: This is a compulsory course for all pre-clinical Veterinary Medical Students. In view of this students are expected to participate in all the course activities and have a minimum of 75% attendance to be able to write the final examination. READING LIST: 1. James G. Cunningham and Bradley G. Klein. Textbook of Veterinary physiology, 4thedition. Saunders Elsevier, Missouri, 2007. 2. Duke’ Physiology of domestic Animals 10TH ed. Cornell University Press, London. 1984 LECTUREE NOTES NERVE AND SENSORY PHYSIOLOGY SENSORY RECEPTORS They are called selective transducers. They convert the stimulus energy into another form of energy. Sensory transduction converts stimuli into graded potential. Such changes in the receptor membrane potential are known as receptor potential. The stimulus opens ion channel in the receptor membrane. The complexity of sensory receptors ranges from free nerve endings to specialized nerve endings and receptor cells.