NATIONAL PARK SERVICE • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Foundation Document Overview Guilford Courthouse National Military Park North Carolina Contact Information For more information about the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park Foundation Document, contact:
[email protected] or 336-288-1776 or write to: Superintendent, Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, 2332 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410-2355 Purpose Significance Significance statements express why Guilford Courthouse National Military Park resources and values are important enough to merit national park unit designation. Statements of significance describe why an area is important within a global, national, regional, and systemwide context. These statements are linked to the purpose of the park unit, and are supported by data, research, and consensus. Significance statements describe the distinctive nature of the park and inform management decisions, focusing efforts on preserving and protecting the most important resources and values of the park unit. • The Battle of Guilford Courthouse, one of the most intense engagements of the Revolutionary War, was so costly to the British that Cornwallis ultimately changed his whole southern strategy and abandoned his plans to capture the backcountry of North Carolina and South Carolina. • Cornwallis’ retreat to Virginia freed Greene to turn southward and retake control of the South. The purpose of GUILFORD COURTHOUSE • The British retreat set the stage for Cornwallis to be NATIONAL MILITARY PARK is to preserve bottled up at Yorktown where American and French forces for historical and professional compelled him to surrender on October 19, 1781. military study as well as the benefit, education, and inspiration of the • The Battle of Guilford Court House constitutes one of the public, the battlefield and the accounts final links in a chain of events that led to ultimate American of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse victory in the Revolutionary War.