Findings of the Mars Special Regions Science Analysis Group
Findings of the Mars Special Regions Science Analysis Group By the MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group David Beaty, co-chair (Mars Program Office, JPL/Caltech), Karen Buxbaum, co-chair (Mars Program Office, JPL/Caltech), Michael Meyer, co-chair (NASA HQ), Nadine Barlow (N. Ariz. Univ.), William Boynton (Univ. Ariz.), Benton Clark (LMA), Jody Deming (Univ. Wash.), Peter Doran (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), Kenneth Edgett (MSSS), Steven Hancock (Foils Engineering), James Head (Brown Univ.), Michael Hecht (JPL/Caltech), Victoria Hipkin (CSA), Thomas Kieft (NM Inst. Mining & Tech), Rocco Mancinelli (SETI Inst.), Eric McDonald (Desert Research Inst.), Christopher McKay (ARC), Michael Mellon (Univ. Colorado), Horton Newsom (Univ. NM), Gian Ori (IRSPS, Italy), David Paige (UCLA), Andrew Schuerger (Univ. Florida), Mitchell Sogin (Marine Biological Lab), J. Andrew Spry (JPL/Caltech), Andrew Steele (CIW), Kenneth Tanaka (USGS, Flagstaff), Mary Voytek (USGS, Reston) July 14, 2006 This report has been approved for public release by JPL Document Review Services (CL#06-0854), and may be freely circulated. Recommended bibliographic citation: MEPAG SR-SAG (2006). Findings of the Mars Special Regions Science Analysis Group, Unpublished white paper, 76 p, posted June 2006 by the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) at or Beaty, D.W.; Buxbaum, K.L.; Meyer, M.A.; Barlow, N.G.; Boynton, W.V.; Clark, B.C.; Deming, J.W.; Doran, P.T.; Edgett, K.S.; Hancock, S.L.; Head, J.W.; Hecht, M.H.; Hipkin, V.; Kieft, T.L.; Mancinelli, R.L.; McDonald, E.V.; McKay, C.P.; Mellon, M.T.; Newsom, H.; Ori, G.G.; Paige, D.A.; Schuerger, A.C.; Sogin, M.L.; Spry, J.A.; Steele, A.; Tanaka, K.L.; Voytek, M.A.; (2006).
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