Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 1 of 22


In re: #464 Case No. 16-44815-705

THI SELLING CORPORATION, f/k/a Chapter 11 TOTAL HOCKEY, INC., et al.,1 (Jointly Administered) Debtors.


Upon the motion [Docket No. 464] (the “Motion”)2 of the Debtors for entry of an order, pursuant to 105(a), 305, 349, 363(b)(1), 554(a) and 1112(b) of title 11 of the

Code (as amended, the “Bankruptcy Code”), and rules 1017, 2002 and 6007 of the Federal

Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures (the “Bankruptcy Rules”), for entry orders (i) approving payment of administrative expenses and unsecured priority claims; (ii) approving pro rata distributions on account of general unsecured claims; (iii) authorizing the destruction, abandonment or other disposition of remaining records and documents; (iii) dismissing the

Debtors’ Chapter 11 Cases, and (v) granting related relief, as more fully set forth in the

Motion; and the Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief requested therein pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1334; and consideration of the Motion and the relief

1 The Debtors in these cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtors’ federal tax identification number, are: THI Selling Corporation (f/k/a Total Hockey, Inc.) (4010); PBC Selling Corporation (f/k/a Player’s Bench Corporation) (8085); and Hipcheck, L.L.C. (4406). The Debtors’ mailing address is 3120 Riverport Tech Center Dr., Maryland Heights, MO 63043. 2 Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Motion.


54814826.5 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 2 of 22 requested therein being a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b); and venue being proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and due and sufficient notice of the Motion having been given under the particular circumstances; and it appearing that no other or further notice is necessary; and it appearing that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and the Court having determined that the legal and factual bases set forth in the

Motion and the supporting declaration establish just cause for the relief granted herein; and upon all the proceedings had before the Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor,


1. The Motion is GRANTED as set forth herein.

2. The Debtors are authorized and directed to pay the allowed administrative expenses and unsecured priority claims listed on Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2 attached hereto as set forth in the Motion.

3. If any holder of an administrative expense arising on or after August 17, 2016

(other than Professional fees and expenses) failed to file a request for allowance and payment of such expense and have such request heard by the Court prior to entry of this Order, such expense is disallowed and such holder shall receive no payment on account thereof.

4. The Debtors are authorized and directed to make pro rata distributions on account of the allowed general unsecured claims listed on Exhibit No. 3 attached hereto as set forth in the



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5. The Debtors are authorized and directed to pay the outstanding allowed amounts of the Professionals’ fees and expenses set forth in their final fee applications upon entry of orders of this Court approving such applications as set forth in the Motion.

6. The Debtors are authorized and directed to establish the Professional Fee

Reserve in the amount of $375,000 as set forth in the Motion. The Debtors are authorized to pay from the Professional Fee Reserve the reasonable fees and expenses of the Professionals arising on and after October 1, 2016, as set forth in the Motion without further order of this


7. The Debtors are authorized and directed to establish the Governmental Claim

Reserve in the amount of $75,000 as set forth in the Motion. The Debtors are authorized to pay from the Governmental Claim Reserve any Governmental Claims that are filed or otherwise asserted against the Debtors after the entry of this Order through the Governmental Claim Bar

Date which the Debtors determine in their business judgment are properly allowed without further order of this Court. If and to the extent that any Governmental Claims filed or asserted after the entry of this Order exceed the Governmental Claim Reserve and any available, unallocated funds in the Debtors’ possession as of the Governmental Claim Bar Date, the

Debtors are authorized and directed to make pro rata distributions on account of such claims from the Governmental Claim Reserve and such other available funds in full and complete satisfaction of such claims.

8. The Debtors are authorized and directed to establish a reserve for the benefit of any and all holders of allowed administrative expenses, unsecured priority claims and general unsecured claims that fail to cash their distribution checks, to hold such unclaimed distributions.

If and to the extent such holders fail to claim their distributions on or before March 31, 2017,


54814826.5 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 4 of 22 such holders shall cease to be entitled to their respective distributions, their respective administrative expenses and claims shall be deemed disallowed, and their respective unclaimed distributions shall be deemed forfeited. After such date, the Debtors shall be authorized and directed to donate and transfer to a charity or charities to be selected by the Debtors in consultation with the Committee, all such unclaimed funds as well as any remaining funds in the

Professional Fee Reserve, the Governmental Claim Reserve, or such other reserve(s) established by the Debtors as set forth in the Motion, or any other funds then in the Debtors’ possession, custody and control.

9. The Debtors are authorized to destroy, abandon, or otherwise dispose of the

Remaining Documents in their discretion, and to make all payments necessary to effectuate such destruction.

10. Any party not objecting to the relief requested in the Motion is barred from asserted any claims against the Debtors except as expressly provided herein and will be deemed to have accepted the distributions to be made pursuant to this Order.

11. As soon as reasonably practicable following the payment of allowed administrative expenses and unsecured priority claims, payment of Professional fees and expenses approved by the Court, payment of U.S. Trustee fees, establishment of reserves, and pro rata distributions on account of allowed general unsecured claims as set forth in the Motion, the Debtors shall be authorized to file the Certification attesting that the foregoing matters have been completed and requesting entry of the Dismissal Order.

12. The Debtors shall cause the Certification to be served on the general service list established in these Chapter 11 Cases, including the U.S. Trustee, but shall not be


54814826.5 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 5 of 22 required to send the Certification to the Debtors’ entire matrix of creditors and parties-in- interest.

13. Notwithstanding section 349 of the Bankruptcy Code, all prior orders, stipulations, settlements, rulings, orders and judgments of this Court made during the course of these Chapter 11 Cases shall remain in full force and effect, shall be unaffected by the dismissal of the Chapter 11 cases, and are specifically preserved for purposes of finality of judgment and res judicata.

14. Upon the dismissal of these Chapter 11 Cases, Rust Consulting/Omni

Bankruptcy, the Debtors’ claims and noticing agent (“Rust Omni”), shall be relieved of its responsibilities as the Debtors’ claims and noticing agent in these cases; provided, however, that Rust Omni shall provide the services described in this paragraph and shall be entitled to charge to the Debtors the fees and costs it incurs in providing such services. Within fourteen

(14) days of entry of the Dismissal Order, Rust Omni shall (a) forward to the Clerk of the

Court an electronic version of all imaged claims, (b) upload the creditor mailing list into

CM/ECF, (c) docket a combined final claims register containing claims against each Debtor, and (d) box and transport all original claims to the Federal Records Center as identified by the

Clerk of this Court and docket a completed SF 135 Form indicating the accession and location numbers of the archived claims.

15. Neither the Debtors, the Committee, nor any of their respective present or former directors, officers, employees, shareholders, members (including ex officio members), partners, attorneys, consultants, advisors and agents (in each case, acting in such capacities), shall have or incur any liability to any person for any act taken or omitted to be taken in good faith in connection with or related to the Debtors’ Chapter 11 Cases or the formation, preparation,


54814826.5 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 6 of 22 dissemination, implementation or consummation of the Motion (other than an act in contravention of the Motion or the implementation of this Order or any contract, instrument, release, agreement or document created or entered into, or any other act taken or omitted to be taken in good faith in connection with the Debtors’ Chapter 11 Cases, the Motion or this

Order, except for any claim or cause of action arising from the fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct of such party.

16. Upon dismissal of the Debtors’ Chapter 11 Cases, the Debtors are authorized to take any action required or advisable under applicable non-bankruptcy law to effectuate the dissolution of THI Selling Corporation (f/k/a Total Hockey, Inc.); PBC Selling Corporation

(f/k/a Player’s Bench Corporation); and Hipcheck, L.L.C., including preparation of tax returns, execution and/or filing of any required certificate of dissolution, certificate of cancellation, or similar instrument with applicable state governmental authorities.

17. Notwithstanding any Bankruptcy Rule to the contrary, this Order shall be immediately effective and enforceable upon its entry.

18. The Debtors are authorized to take any and all actions necessary to effectuate the relief granted pursuant to this Order.

19. The Debtors have unique and unusual circumstances concerning the ongoing operations and ultimate conclusion of this Case and therefore this Order shall have no precedential effect for any other case in this jurisdiction, or any other, with respect to the process of dismissal as laid out in this Order.


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Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 9 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor 503b9 C118 127515 Blackstone Sports $1,698.18 C207 127540 Cratex Container Corporation $454.40 C213 127604 Huebsch $488.33 C100 127610 Intercontinental Chemical Corporation $245.96 C84 127687/127688/-CCM Hockey U.S., Inc. $228,963.97 C98 127734 Team $251.60

Total $232,102.44

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Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 11 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Priority Tax C161 Collector of Revenue (St. Charles, MO) $557.38 C209 127829 Cranberry Township $710.74 C41 Douglas County Treasurer $1,638.79 C15 El Paso County Treasurer $729.18 C43 Lewisville Independent School District $2,676.41 C90 Texas Workforce Commission $312.77

Total $6,625.27

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Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 13 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured C136 127371 360 Athletics Inc. $2,067.70 C16 127372 A&R Allied Enterprise, LLC $142,742.61 127380 Aaim Training & Consulting Dba Aaim Benefit Solutions $502.35 C167 127381 Accolade USA Inc. $16,830.10 127382 Accu-Clime Mechanical Services LLC $30.00 127383 Ade & Consulting $500.00 C55 127859 Adrenaline Design, Inc. $2,157.84 127860 Adt Security Services Inc. $3,266.47 127861 Advanced Disposal $1,092.39 127384 Aep Ohio $2,727.57 C104 127386 AFS Logistics, LLC $75,358.11 C120 127862 Alecta Real Estate USA, LLC $147,432.07 C121 Alecta Real Estate USA, LLC $8,242.26 127863 Alert Fire & Safety $349.67 C83 127865 Alkali Hockey (DBA Wholesale Sports) $4,738.09 127493 All Copy Products Inc $479.25 127494 Alleson Athletic $11,970.09 127495 Alliance Air Conditioning & Heating $3,324.65 127496 Alpha Broder $7,981.75 127497 Ambient Networks $189.95 C101 127498 Ameren Missouri $16,516.21 127499 American Fire Safety, Inc. $67.01 C222 127500 American Needle Inc. $9,730.45 127501 Ammann Usa $396.75 127502 Anderson Pest Solutions $90.00 127504 Aqua Pa $159.00 C128 127505 Ark Media Group, Ltd. $4,665.95 C192 127506 Armstrong Teasdale LLP $16,652.44 127507 At&T $3,095.93 127866 Badger Sportswear Inc $213.26 127566 Bauer (DBA Easton) $661,483.38 127567 Bauer (DBA Easton) $615,753.92 127568 Bauer (DBA Easton) $6,022.75 127867 , Inc. $10,230,855.54 127868 Bauer Hockey, Inc. $1,245,631.21 127869 Bauer Hockey, Inc. $465,253.20 127511 Behlman Embroidery Llc $39.95 127512 Bender, Weltman, Thomas, Perry & Co., P.C. $13,299.00 127513 Biosteel Sports Supplements, Inc. $40,797.04 127514 Bitly $2,250.00 C118 127515 Blackstone Sports $68,351.91 C95 127516 Bleacher Creatures LLC $1,512.00 127870 Boost Oxygen Llc $621.48 127871 Boss Fire Protection $85.49 C106 127872 Boulder Hockey Shield Company LLC $36,404.90

1 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 14 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured 127873 Bowery Apparel, Llc $33,787.89 C217 127517 Brians Custom Sports Limited $191,610.24 127520 Buildingstars Stl Operations, Inc. $2,262.37 C54 127874 Bulletin Sports Group $28,826.50 127875 Burnes-Citadel Security Company $534.01 C10 127876 Buttendz $4,517.00 C216 127877 C.H. Robinson Freight Services, Ltd. $400.00 C28 127858 , Inc. $35,701.97 127878 Cam Commerce $4,727.41 127879 Canadian Technical Tape Ltd. $9,035.28 C97 127880 Cardinal Transportation Solutions $168,645.60 C105 127881 Carriage Place $162,324.87 127522 Center Point Energy $199.86 C35 127524/1275Charter Communications $141.94 127526 Chase Card Services $1,116.00 C96 127527 Checker Bag Company $16,058.31 127528 Chuan Qi Pro Limited $18,792.50 127882 Cisco Webex, Llc $103.18 C215 City of Bloomington $300.00 127884 City Of Lewisville $27.50 C124 127531 Colorado Climate Maintenance, Inc. $2,153.96 127533 Colorado Mold Supply Inc $616.77 127534 Colorado Springs Utilities $268.41 C117 127535 Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania $161.06 C130 127530 Columbus Blue Jackets (DBA Colhoc Limited Partnership) $180,613.90 C188 127536 Columbus Real Estate Investments $24,183.43 127537 Comcast Cable $6,015.64 C46 127822 Comcast Spotlight, LP $43,656.25 127823 Comed An Exelon Company $4,323.36 C182 127824 Concrete Pond Sports $1,200.00 127825 Consolidated Communications $279.36 C52 127826 Consumers Energy Company $158.66 127827 Continental Vending $103.90 127828 Corporate Services Consultants, Llc $740.00 C207 127540 Cratex Container Corporation $152,800.90 C89 127541 Crystal Window Cleaning Company $350.00 127542 Customer Direct, Llc $938.55 127543 Dakota Electric Association $1,574.62 C108 127544 Dale Sign Service Inc. $10,000.50 C109 Dale Sign Service Inc. $4,364.00 C111 Dale Sign Service Inc. $6,720.00 C112 Dale Sign Service Inc. $12,588.00 C113 Dale Sign Service Inc. $13,035.00 C114 Dale Sign Service Inc. $11,421.00 C115 Dale Sign Service Inc. $845.00

2 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 15 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured C116 Dale Sign Service Inc. $646.34 C148 127387 Deborah Lynn Reeck $2,772.00 127547 Denver Water $851.11 127548 Dick'S/Lakeville Sanitation $1,179.37 C69 127549 LLC $24,981.44 C71 127550 Diesel Management Inc. $57,001.68 C37 127551 Digital Touch Systems Inc. $410.75 C194 127552 Direct Embroidery $1,612.50 127553 Directv $1,012.87 127554 Discover Your Game $2,324.34 127555 Dish Network $900.15 127556 Dominion Virginia Power $3,331.74 127557 Doors Of Pontiac $197.36 127558 Double "K" Services, Inc. $170.00 127559 Dte Energy $3,649.12 C94 127561 Dutch Hallow Janitorial Supplies, Inc. $419.70 127562 E F Express $1,060.00 C205 127563 Eagle Lake Vista LP $35,740.41 C206 Eagle Lake Vista LP $119,520.52 C159 127564 East Coast Dyes, Inc. $26,687.48 C31 127565 EastGroup Properties, L.P. $18,767.29 C157 127569 Econoco Corporation $30,008.89 127570 Edge Protech, Llc $2,160.00 127571 Eldorado Artesian Springs $25.56 C23 127572 Electritech Inc. $315.79 127573 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company Of Pittsburgh $1,014.00 C88 127574 Epoch Lacrosse $90,989.51 C193 127777 Euler Hermes N. A. $136,537.54 C34 127727 Euler Hermes N.A. Agent for Wm T Burnett (DBA STX) $366,452.34 C39 127508 Euler Hermes Insurance Company $1,924.67 C60 127767 Excel Energy Northern States Power Co., A Minnesota Corporation (DBA Xce $5,707.19 C91 Excel Energy Public Service of Colorado (DBA Xcel Energy) $14,768.31 127575 Extreme Reach, Inc $699.46 C42 127577 Fairdeal Import & Export (ONT.) LTD $4,623.92 127576 Fan Fever $19,748.86 C49 127578 Fast Hands Hockey LLC $2,820.00 C129 127579 Fathead $5,612.94 127830 Federal Fire Control Co. $77.00 C147 127831 FGS-Inc. $87,893.16 127832 Firstar $587.19 127833 Fish Window Cleaning $474.00 C119 127580 Flex Toe, LLC $3,803.93 C72 127581 Force Sports Technologies Inc. $44,327.68 C210 127582 Fox 40 $9,247.20 C181 127834 Fox Sports Net Detroit, LLC $71,140.00

3 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 16 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured C176 127583/1278Fox Sports Net Midwest $40,162.00 C177 127835 Fox Sports Net North, LLC $70,725.00 C166 127837 Fox Valley Fire Safety $254.90 127584 Franklin Sports, Inc. $6,745.04 127585 Fresh Air Heating & Cooling $2,169.00 C220 127586 Frontier Communications $170.72 127838 Gear For Sports, Inc. $942.75 C203 127839 Gigliotti Holdings, L.P. $2,893.34 127841 Gongshow Gear $121,297.40 127588 Gonzo Pockets, Llc $533.34 C25 127589 Good Sport Media, Inc. $3,995.00 127591 Granite Telecommunications $5,017.74 127592 Great West $750.00 C63 127593 Green Biscuit, LLC $27,542.50 C189 127594 Greenway Station SPE, LLC $154,726.39 C62 127595 Grit Inc. $32,248.06 127596 Groot Industries, Inc. $382.04 127597 Guardian Water & Power $768.58 127599 Henry Schein $3,720.50 C99 127842 Heritage Wood Specialties Inc. $32,681.05 127843 Heubel Material Handling, Inc. $246.50 127844 Hg Fischers $811.80 127845 Hill Electric $95.00 127601 Holloway (Via Sports Inc.) $900.05 C48 127602 Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. $1,024.50 C86 127603 Howies Hockey Tape $8,023.80 C202 127605 Icon-Elite Group Inc $84,295.70 127606 Ideal Knitwear $286.90 127607 Image Apparel Solutions $470.10 C131 127608 Independent Publishers Group $2,722.66 C211 127609 Inside Lacrosse $5,533.74 127846 Jamison M. Bach $479.23 127847 Jf Sports Canada $9,581.65 C81 127848 JIMALAX $13,624.76 C201 127694 John Richard Boh $1,096,253.17 C126 Jonathan Carter Window Cleaning, LLC $132.50 127849 Jrz Canada, Inc $116.00 C56 127612 K1 Sportswear Corporation $12,275.79 127613 Kamazu U.S. Inc. $24,613.97 127614 Kaskey Kids, Inc $3,123.90 C169 127851 Knock, Inc. $28,000.00 C223 127852 Kobe Sportswear Inc $17,803.98 127853 Kodiak Custom Lettering $20.00 127855 Kstc-Tv, Llc $1,630.00 127616 Laclede Gas Company $132.08

4 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 17 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured 127617 Laird Plastics, Inc $38,473.68 127618 Lajco Inc Dba St Louis Embroidery $880.00 127619 Legacy Fire & Safety $130.00 C160 127921 Lets Play, Inc. $3,750.00 127922 Letters Plus, Inc. $622.60 127923 Lexjet Llc $251.00 127924 Licensing Resource Group $250.00 127621 Lindstrom Commercial Services $405.00 127622 Lodovico Window Cleaning, Inc $312.30 C74 127623 Madison Gas & Electric $3,211.96 C155 127624 Madison Window Cleaning Co. Inc. $183.00 127625 Mallick Plumbing & Heating $525.00 127627 Maverick Lacrosse $288,831.84 C183 127629 MB Marina Square, LLC $296,035.23 127630 Mcarthur Towel & Sports Llc $1,389.12 127631 Mcgee Company $1,027.43 127632 Mcguirewoods Llp $27,485.30 127634 Mcsweeney Electric $340.00 127786 Meramec Hockey Club $225.00 C198 127787 Merrick Sports Inc. USA $11,530.47 127788 Michael Benoit $600.00 127790 Midstates Hockey $5,000.00 C44 127792 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co. $2,859.09 C218 127781 Mike Vaughn Custom Sports $357,118.27 127793 Minnehaha Bldg. Maint., Inc. $362.66 127637 Misterclipping Usa Llc $17,923.81 127638 Mueller Sports $86.54 C93 127639 Murray City Corporation Utility Billing $2,366.97 127640 Mv Sport-The Game $3,466.20 C127 127641 NASH $62,506.09 C151 127538/1275NBCUniversal Media LLC $127,158.03 C5 127643 New England Outdoor & Recreational Products $53,550.00 C107 127794 New Era Cap Co., Inc. $14,596.64 127795 Nft Environmental Services $22.50 127645 Nicor Gas $600.47 C6 127646 Nike USA, Inc. $269,403.22 C186 127798 North American Tapes, LLC $286,993.78 C150 North Fayette Township $67.50 C29 127647 NoSweat, LLC $920.88 C170 127801 Oak Valley Centre, LLC $274,816.65 C190 127648 Odor Gladiator Inc.. $8,627.21 127649 Office Depot $575.40 127652 Orion Electric, Llc $234.15 C38 127653 OUTFRONT Media Sports Inc. $16,814.98 127654 Oyo Sportstoys, Inc $134,155.50

5 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 18 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured 127655 Pacific Headwear $1,425.02 127656 Palay Display Industries, Inc. $329.31 C4 127657 Pangea Brands, LLC $8,200.80 C1 127658 Paper Systems Incorporated $7,463.17 127660 Parkside/Cardmember $421.45 127661 Party Animal, Inc $6,350.82 C79 127662 Patriot Technologies, LLC $5,864.40 127663 Payne Sports Sales $2,775.75 C139 127521 PBMB Real Estate Management, Inc. (CBRE) $322,349.00 C140 PBMB Real Estate Management, Inc. (CBRE) $11,722.00 127664 Pear Sox $2,969.15 C65 127665 PECO Energy Company $4,689.28 C133 127666 Penn Power (Pennsylvania Power Company) $1,074.75 127667 Peony Apparel Inc $211,923.81 127668 Pepco $3,071.48 C138 127670 Philly Sports Customs $7,618.04 C144 Pieper Electric Inc. dba Schultz Electric $1,598.64 127671 Pitney Bowes $637.90 127672 Playmobil Usa, Inc $7,612.31 C26 127857 Precision Sports, Inc. $35,161.46 127673 Presto Crest $5,890.20 127674 Pro Performance Sports, Llc $21,409.51 127675 Procals $621.88 127802 Program One Professional Buidling Services, Inc $300.00 127803 Progressive Waste Solutions Of Mo, Inc $172.28 C225 127804 Proguard Sports, Inc. $40,638.93 C221 127805 Protect Perform Athletics $60,255.29 C197 127676 ProXR, LLC $486.00 127677 Ptx Performance Products, Inc $3,855.00 127678 Quality Inc $647.28 127679 Questar Gas $83.49 127680 Questar Gas $66.99 127681 Quill $936.00 C17 Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC $542.85 C18 127523 Qwest dba CenturyLink Communications, LLC $1,499.00 127683 R.J. Liebe Athletic Lettering $9,156.06 127685 Raymond Leasing Corporation $1,532.72 127686 Red Comet $58.00 C84 127687/1276Reebok-CCM Hockey U.S., Inc. $6,977,110.90 C142 127690 Reek-Out $2,148.00 C134 127691 Renegade Brands LLC $2,848.50 127692 Republic Services $1,331.62 C45 127693 Revolution Marketing, LLC $150,810.00 C110 127590 Richter Advisory Group Inc. $6,581.63 127695 Rico Industries $2,316.08

6 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 19 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured 127806 Ript Llc $150.00 127696 Rocket Puck $3,573.00 C3 127747 Roller Derby Skate Company (DBA Tour Skate Company) $77,194.59 C73 127698 Roman Sales Group $12,069.04 127699 Ron Maier $22.66 127810 Root Sports $38,017.00 127811 Ross Mechanical Group, Inc $758.72 127812 Roto-Rooter Services Co. $508.00 C32 127813 S&S Activewear, LLC $293.16 C59 SanMar Corp $1,882.81 127816 Schultz Vending $211.65 C195 127726 Scott Becker $61,011.78 127817 Sdd $70.00 C135 Seamansmedia $15,400.00 127701 Secretary Of State $313.35 127702 Security Central Protection $89.85 C82 127703 Sexwax Incorporated $5,994.45 127704 Sher-Wood $123.97 127705 Sherwood Hockey $448,124.41 127706 Shirtz Unliimited $851.50 C146 127707 Shock Doctor,Inc. d/b/a United Sports Brands $180,918.10 127818 Siemens Industry $1,682.79 C27 127819 Silver Crystal Sports Inc. $93,322.98 C36 127820 Slick Shinny LLC $1,327.00 C168 127821 SmartFocus US Inc $10,084.33 C8 127708 Smarthockey, Inc $10,513.75 C12 127709 SNB Solutions LLC $1,289.92 C68 127710 Sonic Sports, Inc. $9,958.43 C85 127711 SP Apparel Inc. $21,233.69 127712 Sport Write $3,885.30 C7 127713 Sports Licensed Division of the Group LLC $131,959.62 C14 127714/1277SportStar Athletics, Inc. $2,689.25 127716 Sportula Products $3,165.00 127717 Sps Commerce, Inc $7,890.00 C66 127730 SPS Hockey, LLC dba Sniper's Edge Hockey $107,094.12 C47 127718 Stahls' $5,982.77 C145 127719 Steiner Sports Memorabilia, Inc. $4,448.05 C184 121545/1277Steven W. Town $93,815.03 127721 Stiga America $6,442.86 127722 Stl Communications, Inc. $502.50 C50 127723 Stolze Printing Company, Inc. $2,842.43 127724 Store Supply Warehouse $51.69 C77 127725 Stormtech USA Inc. $1,626.47 C185 121555/1277Styles Adamson $78,823.59 C153 127729 Superfeet Worldwide, Inc. $25,340.82

7 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 20 of 22 THI Selling Corporation (f/ka) Total Hockey, Inc. et al Case # 16-44815 Chapter 11 Allowed Claim Amount Claim Sched No ID(s) Creditor Unsecured C141 127731 Tacki-Mac $12,008.50 127732 Tds $230.91 127733 Team 22 Lacrosse $27,980.04 C98 127734 Team Golf $7,565.29 C175 127735 Team Kidz Inc. $617.82 127736 Tebo Store Fixtures $115.23 127737 Ten40 Sports $38,833.34 127738 Terminix $298.00 127740 The Stryker Group, Llc $8,460.00 127741 The Ultimate Sports Kit, Inc $696.00 C61 127742 The Upper Deck Company $3,700.76 127743 The Window Man $382.00 C191 127744 Thf Chesterfield Development LLC $125,073.12 127745 Time Warner Cable $364.00 C123 127746 Touchpoint Media, Inc. $3,300.00 C204 127750 True Temper Sports, Inc. $300,501.97 C76 127774 Turnkey Technologies $7,565.00 C143 127775 TXU Energy Retail Company LLC $3,514.28 C152 127776 Uline Shipping Supplies $371.77 C196 127778 United Parcel Service, Inc. $408,182.30 127751 Verizon $1,424.21 C11 127752 VF Imagewear, LLC $17,686.56 127753 Villa Lighting Supply Company, Inc. $6,046.61 127754 Village Of Algonquin $7.81 127755 Village Of Schaumburg $16.53 C156 Vineyard Vines, LLC $28,637.76 127757 Vogle Heating & Cooling $15,160.00 127758 Wade Heating And Cooling, Inc $762.50 C78 127782 Warrior $1,770,648.98 127783 Washington Gas $43.12 127784 Waste Management $1,084.94 C132 West Penn Power $847.77 C92 127785 Western Allegheny County Municipal Authority $290.25 127760 Wiese Usa $100.00 127761 Wildcat Retro Brand, Llc $93,519.30 127762 Wincraft $413.24 127763 Winnwell $29.06 C200 127765 WP Plaza Pointe Associates, LP $243,817.11 127766 Wrightway Toner Supply $170.00 127768 Xo Communications $1,011.89 127769 Yiptel Colorado, Llc $1,707.57 127770 Zephyr Graf-X, Inc $2,627.70 Total $32,914,880.72

8 of 8 Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged UnitedCertificate States of Notice Bankruptcy Pg 21 Court of 22 Eastern District of Missouri In re: Case No. 16-44815-cer THI Selling Corporation Chapter 11 Debtor CERTIFICATE OF NOTICE District/off: 0865-4 User: jerj Page 1 of 2 Date Rcvd: Nov 15, 2016 Form ID: pdfo2 Total Noticed: 2

Notice by first class mail was sent to the following persons/entities by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center on Nov 17, 2016. aty +James E. Bird, Polsinelli PC, 900 West 48th Place, Suite 900, Kansas City, MO 64112-1899 aty +Jerry L. Switzer, Polsinelli PC, 161 N. Clark St., Suite 4200, Chicago, IL 60601-3316

Notice by electronic transmission was sent to the following persons/entities by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center. NONE. TOTAL: 0


Addresses marked '+' were corrected by inserting the ZIP or replacing an incorrect ZIP. USPS regulations require that automation-compatible mail display the correct ZIP.

Transmission times for electronic delivery are Eastern Time zone.

I, Joseph Speetjens, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have sent the attached document to the above listed entities in the manner shown, and prepared the Certificate of Notice and that it is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. Meeting of Creditor Notices only (Official Form 309): Pursuant to Fed. R. Bank. P. 2002(a)(1), a notice containing the complete Social Security Number (SSN) of the debtor(s) was furnished to all parties listed. This official court copy contains the redacted SSN as required by the bankruptcy rules and the Judiciary's privacy policies. Date: Nov 17, 2016 Signature: /s/Joseph Speetjens



The following persons/entities were sent notice through the court's CM/ECF electronic mail (Email) system on November 15, 2016 at the address(es) listed below: Adam Jay Ruttenberg on behalf of Creditor TSG Enterprises LLC [email protected] Adam Jay Ruttenberg on behalf of Creditor TSG-TH Acquisition Co LLC [email protected] Adrienne Kotowski Walker on behalf of Creditor Reebok-CCM Hockey US Inc [email protected] Amelia C Joiner on behalf of Creditor Citizens Business Capital [email protected] Andrew J. Nazar on behalf of Debtor THI Selling Corporation [email protected], [email protected] Bonnie L. Clair on behalf of Creditor Bauer Hockey Inc [email protected] Brian C. Walsh on behalf of Creditor Citizens Business Capital [email protected] Brian Edward McGovern on behalf of Creditor WMI Chicago LLC [email protected], [email protected] Brian Edward McGovern on behalf of Creditor Route Triple Seven Limited Partnership [email protected], [email protected] Brian James LaFlamme on behalf of Creditor Bauer Hockey Inc [email protected] Cherie K. Macdonald on behalf of Creditor Reebok-CCM Hockey US Inc [email protected] Christopher J Fong on behalf of Creditor Bauer Hockey Inc [email protected] Christopher J. Lawhorn on behalf of Creditor The Grewe Limited Partnership [email protected], [email protected];[email protected];[email protected] Curtis David Smith on behalf of Creditor Cobblestone Properties LLC [email protected] David A. Sosne on behalf of Creditor Bauer Hockey Inc [email protected] David A. Warfield on behalf of Creditor Gordon Brothers Finance Company [email protected] David J. Reier on behalf of Creditor TSG-TH Acquisition Co LLC [email protected] David J. Reier on behalf of Creditor TSG Enterprises LLC [email protected] David L Pollack on behalf of Creditor Novi Town Center Investors LLC [email protected] David Michael Blau on behalf of Creditor RLV Troy II, LP [email protected] Diane D. Carter on behalf of Creditor Warrior Sports, Inc. [email protected], [email protected] E. Rebecca Case on behalf of Creditor Datotel LLC [email protected], [email protected] Eric Robert Blythe on behalf of Creditor Reebok-CCM Hockey US Inc [email protected] Howard S. Smotkin on behalf of Creditor Datotel LLC [email protected], [email protected] Janice R. Valdez on behalf of Creditor Datotel LLC [email protected], [email protected] Jay R. Indyke on behalf of Creditor Committee Official Unsecured Creditors' Committee [email protected] Jay W. Hurst on behalf of Creditor Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts [email protected], [email protected] John F. Ventola on behalf of Creditor Gordon Brothers Finance Company [email protected] John J. Hall on behalf of Creditor Committee Official Unsecured Creditors' Committee [email protected] Julia Frost-Davies on behalf of Creditor Citizens Business Capital [email protected] Case 16-44815 Doc 638 Filed 11/17/16 Entered 11/18/16 00:01:16 Imaged Certificate of Notice Pg 22 of 22

District/off: 0865-4 User: jerj Page 2 of 2 Date Rcvd: Nov 15, 2016 Form ID: pdfo2 Total Noticed: 2

The following persons/entities were sent notice through the court's CM/ECF electronic mail (Email) system (continued) Kevin M. Newman on behalf of Creditor North American Tapes LLC [email protected], [email protected] Laura Uberti Hughes on behalf of Creditor Citizens Business Capital [email protected] Madeleine Wallace Milan on behalf of Creditor WMI Chicago LLC [email protected] Matthew J. Ochs on behalf of Creditor John Richard Boh [email protected] Matthew S Layfield on behalf of Debtor Hipcheck, L.L.C. [email protected], [email protected];[email protected] Matthew S Layfield on behalf of Debtor PBC Selling Corporation [email protected], [email protected];[email protected] Matthew S Layfield on behalf of Consultant Clear Thinking Group LLC [email protected], [email protected];[email protected] Matthew S Layfield on behalf of Attorney Polsinelli PC [email protected], [email protected];[email protected] Matthew S Layfield on behalf of Debtor THI Selling Corporation [email protected], [email protected];[email protected] Nicholas J. Zluticky on behalf of Interested Party Kim Roy [email protected] Office of US Trustee [email protected] Robert D Tepper on behalf of Creditor Alecta Real Estate USA LLC [email protected], [email protected] Robert E. Eggmann on behalf of Creditor TSG Enterprises LLC [email protected], [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected] om;[email protected] Robert E. Eggmann on behalf of Creditor TSG-TH Acquisition Co LLC [email protected], [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected] om;[email protected] Ryan C. Hardy on behalf of Debtor THI Selling Corporation [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected];[email protected] Steven Christopher Conway on behalf of Creditor Missouri Department of Revenue [email protected], [email protected] Steven M. Wallace on behalf of Creditor Rockville Pike Joint Venture LLLP [email protected], [email protected] Thomas H. Riske on behalf of Creditor TSG-TH Acquisition Co LLC [email protected], [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]. com Thomas H. Riske on behalf of Creditor TSG Enterprises LLC [email protected], [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]. com Vitaly Libman on behalf of Creditor KIR Minnetonka L.P. [email protected] Vitaly Libman on behalf of Creditor Kimco Crossing 803, LLC [email protected] Wendi S. Alper-Pressman on behalf of Creditor Oak Valley Centre LLC [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], TOTAL: 52