History of Washington County
History of Washington County. Ella Mitchell Atlanta, GA 1924 DEDICATION TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS'FROM 1882 TO 1924 WHO HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY ME THE FACTS RECORDED HERE THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS DEDICATED That the history of the men and women who made Washington County may be kept for future. generations, the Washington County Federation of Women's Clubs have had this book written and published.. The officers of the Federation at this time are as follows:· President . ..... MR.s. ARTHUR A. RAWLINGS, Sandersville, Ga. First Vice Pres .. ..... MRS. MACON WARTHEN, Warthen, Ga. Second Vice Pres .. ... MRS. JOHN F. TANNER, Sandersville, Ga. Secretary . ........ MRS. WILLIAM BRANTLEY, Tennille, Ga. Corres. Se:retary . MRS. FRED B. RAWLINGS, Sandersville, Ga. Treasurer ... ............ MISS LOUISE BROWN, Tennille, Ga. Parliamentarian . ....... MRS. C. D. HARDWICK, Tennille, Ga. Editor . ............. MRS. H. M. FRANKLIN, Tennille, Ga. f .MRS. DAN C. HARRIS, Sandersville, Ga. Advisory Committee~ MRS. THOS. A. WICKER, Sandersvill~. Ga. ( ...... MISS ALICE SMITH, Tennille. Ga. Membership in the Federation whose labor of love made possible the printing of this book are the SANDERSVILLE WOMAN'S CLUB SANDERSVILLE TRANSYLVANIA CLUB SANDERSVILLE ROUND TABLE CLUB SANDERSVILLE SOROSIS CLUB SANDERSVILLE MUSIC CLUB TENNILLE FINE .ARTS CLUB TENNILLE WoMAN' S CLUB SISTERS COMMUNITY CLUB WARTHEN WOMAN'S CLUB The Federation acknowledges with gratitude the assistance of the Kiwanis Club of Sandersville, in this work. PREFACE In November of 1922, at a conference of the High School Superintendents and the School Superintendents of the Coun ties of the Tenth District, Mrs. E. R. Hines, President of the Federation of Women's Clubs of this District, brought before the conference the matter of having a history of each- County written to be taught in the schools.
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