David Ross Engelke

EDUCATION 1974 University of Wisconsin, Madison, B.S. () 1979 Washington University, St. Louis, Ph.D. (Biological Chemistry) Advisor: Robert G. Roeder

POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING 1979-1983 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, Advisor: John Abelson

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 1983-1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1989-1996 Associate Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry, The University of Michigan 1996-2015 Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan 1995 Interim Director, Medical Scientist Training Program 1995-1998 Director, Cellular and Ph.D. Program, The University of Michigan 1998-2007 Founding Director, Program in Biomedical Sciences, The University of Michigan 2000-2007 Assistant Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, UM Medical School 2008-2012 Associate Dean, H. H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies University of Michigan 2009-2010 Founding Director, Michigan Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) 2010-2015 Associate Director, Michigan PREP 2013-2015 Chair, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan 2015-present Professor of Chemistry, University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular , UC Denver | Anschutz Dean of the Graduate School, UC Denver | Anschutz

CONSULTING POSITIONS 1989-1994 Parke-Davis 1990/91 Merck Inc. 1994 NeXstar, Inc. 2000 Parke-Davis 2001 Pfizer 2002 PTC Therapeutics, Incyte, Imgenix, Ambion 2003 Promega, Nucleonics, Pfizer 2004 Benitec, Promega 2004-2005 Benitec Science Advisory Board 2007 Somalogic, Inc. 2010 Allozyne, Inc.

2 SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 1. Grant + Program Review Service Ad hoc reviewer, National Science Foundation 1984-present Member, NIH Molecular Cytology Study Section 1991-95 Representative, NIH Director’s Chairpersons Meeting 1992 Ad hoc member, ACS review panel 1995, 1996 Ad hoc for NIH site visits (2) Member, NIH Biology 2 Study Section 1997-1998 Chair, NIH CDF6 Study Section 1999-2001 Ad hoc for NCI intramural site visit 2002 Ad hoc for NIH CDF2 Study Section 2002 Reviewer, Norwegian Research Council 2003-2010 Reviewer, U. of Miami Biochemistry Dept. Review 2007 Reviewer, U. of Illinois, Chicago, Graduate Programs 2008 Reviewer, U. of Oklahoma Cell Biology Program 2009 Reviewer, Ohio State U. College of Biological Sciences 2009 Ad hoc for NIGMS Genetics ARRA applications 2009 Reviewer, UCLA Biochemistry Dept. and Program 2010 Ad hoc for NIGMS MGB Study Section 2010 Member, NIGMS Special Emphasis study sections (2) 2014

2. Journal Review Associate Editor, RNA (1999-2009) Editorial Board, Nucleic Acids Research (1990-2015) Frequent reviewer for: Biochemistry EMBO J. J. Mol. Biol. Mol. Cell. Biol. J. Biol. Chem. Nucleic Acids Res. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. RNA Science Genes & Development Nature Cell Nature Biotech. Molecular Cell Nature Structural and Molecular Biology

RECENT EXTRAMURAL INVITED PRESENTATIONS (2002- PRESENT) 2/02 Seminar, Sherbrooke University (Quebec) 3/02 Seminars, Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland) 5/02 Session organizer, International RNA Society Meeting (Madison) 5/02 PTC Therapeutics seminar (New Jersey) 6/02 Incyte Genomics seminar (Newark, Delaware) 6/02 Speaker and session organizer, RNA Polymerases I/III meeting (Asilomar) 8/02 Ambion Inc. seminar (Austin, TX) 10/02 Seminar, University of Notre Dame (South Bend) 11/02 Speaker, “RNA in Drug Development” meeting (San Diego) 12/02 Seminar, City of Hope National Medical Center (Los Angeles) 1/03 Seminar, Nucleonics (Malvern, PA) 1/03 Seminar, Geisinger Clinic (Danville, PA) 1/03 Seminar, Penn State U. Medical School (Hersehy, PA) 2/03 Speaker, “Applications of RNA Interference” conference (San Diego) 2/03 Invited course lecture, Imgenex (San Diego) 3 2/03 Seminar. Stratagene (San Diego) 2/03 Seminar, Michigan State University (East Lansing) 3/03 Speaker and session chair, Gene Functional Analysis Conference (Santa Clara, CA) 4/03 Seminar, U. of South Carolina (Columbia) 6/03 Seminar, Promega (Madison) 6/03 Seminar, Pfizer (Ann Arbor) 9/03 Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University 9/03 Speaker, American Chemical Society meeting, New York 10/03 Speaker, International tRNA Symposium, Banz, Germany 1/04 Seminar, NIH campus 3/04 Seminar, University of Saint Francis 4/04 Seminar, University of Rochester 5/04 Speaker, Benitec session at RNAi meeting, Boston 6/04 Speaker, RNA Polymerase I + III Conference, Asilomar (sent student substitute) 9/04 Speaker, Sherbrooke (Canada) RNA meeting 9/04 Seminar, University of Toledo 10/04 Seminar, Indiana University 11/04 Seminar, Brown University 2/05 Seminar, Ohio State University 4/05 Seminar, Colorado State University (Fort Collins) 5/05 Seminar, U. of Massachusetts (Amherst) 5/05 Seminar, U. of Colorado (Boulder) 8/05 Seminar, Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis) 10/05 Seminar, Oberlin College 01/06 Seminar, U. of Georgia 05/06 Seminar, U. of Missouri 05/06 Speaker, RNA Polymerase I+III meeting, Asilomar, CA 10/06 Seminar, U. of Arizona 11/06 Seminar, U. of Colorado Health Sciences Center 11/06 Seminar, Michigan State University 5/07 Speaker, Cancer Research UK, London 11/07 Speaker, Michigan Society of Fellows 6/08 Speaker, CIRTL meeting Madison, WI 6/08 Speaker, OddPols meeting, Quebec City, Canada 9/08 Seminar, U. of Oklahoma 9/08 Invited Speaker, Midwest Yeast Meeting, Northwestern U. 10/08 Seminar, Penn State U. 6/09 Speaker, RNA Society meeting, Madison 9/09 Presenter, Nuclear Structure and Dynamics meeting, France 1/10 Seminar, University of Southern California 2/10 Seminar, University of Missouri 6/10 Speaker, RNA Polymerases I + III meeting, Airlie Center, Virginia 7/10 Session chair, World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore 10/10 Session chair, GREAT group, New Orleans (Program Committee) 11/10 Keynote speaker, MCB Symposium, U. of Iowa 8/11 Seminar, University of Alberta 5/12 Seminar, Stowers Institute (Kansas City) 6/12 Speaker, Session Chair, RNA Pol I+III meeting, Airlie Center, VA 5/13 Speaker, EMBL, Heidelberg 4 10/13 Seminar, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 6/14 Speaker, Symposium for Anita Hopper 6/14 Organizer, speaker, RNA polymerases I, III, IV + V meeting, Ann Arbor 9/14 Speaker/Session Chair, International tRNA Conference, Kyllini, Greece 5/15 Organizer, Future of Bioscience Graduate and Postdoctoral Training Conference, Ann Arbor, MI 3/16 Speaker, Colorado RNA Club, Boulder 5/16 Organizer, speaker, RNA polymerases I, III, IV + V meeting, Ann Arbor 9/16 Speaker, RiboClub, Sherbrooke, Canada

GRANT SUPPORT Ongoing support R25 GM086262-06 (PI: Barald, Engelke is co-I) 12/01/08-09/01/15 0.0 calendar NIH/NIGMS $1,488,602 total costs Michigan Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program This training grant provides up to 10 underrepresented minority recent bachelor’s degree graduates with the opportunity of a 1 year research and preparation for graduate school in the biosciences. Engelke was originally the PI at the time of award, but changed to co-Investigator (and Associate Director) after becoming Associate Dean of the central graduate school in 2009. the first year with permission of NIGMS. OVERLAP: none

DGE-1553798 (PI: Engelke) 09/15/15-08/31/20 0.0 calendar NSF $184,000 total costs Graduate Research Fellowship Program The purpose of this grant is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science and engineering. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering. This appointment of Dr. Engelke as the new Dean of the UC Denver/Anschutz Graduate School is pending approval of NSF. OVERLAP: none

Completed Support RO1 GM082875-01A1 D. Engelke (PI) 07/01/08-04/30/12 Agency: NIGMS “Nuclear Organization of RNA Polymerase III Transcription” PI: D. Engelke, 25% effort The goal of this proposal is to understand the spatial organization of RNA polymerase III transcription units in eukaryotes and the mechanisms by which these genes are organized.

Cayman Chemical contract (Engelke) 05/20/13-05/19/14 Cayman Chemical Company This contract was to create nucleic acid aptamers that recognize specific histone modifications.

R25 GM086262 (PI: K. Barald, co-I D. Engelke) 12/01/08-11/30/17 0.0 calendar NIH/NIGMS $341,310 annual direct costs Michigan Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program This training grant provides up to 10 underrepresented minority recent bachelor’s degree graduates with the opportunity of 1 year research and preparation for graduate school in the biosciences. Engelke was originally PI, but stepped down to be co-investigator in 2009 and resigned in 2015 to accept the position in Colorado 5

HRD 1038099 (PI: J. Weiss; co-I D. Engelke) 06/01/11-5/30/16 0.0 calendar National Science Foundation $1,250,000 total costs Building Bridges, Creating Community and Wise Mentoring: Building Institutional Capacity to Enhance Diversity in STEM Disciplines This is an institutional grant to coordinate campus-wide activities in promoting the diversity in the STEM disciplines and optimizing the success of young scientists. I resigned in 2014 since I had changed administrative positions at the University of Michigan

HONORS AND AWARDS 1979-1980 Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund, Postdoctoral Fellowship 1980-1982 National Research Service Award in Genetics 1993-1994 Faculty Recognition Award, University of Michigan 1999-2000 Board of Directors, the RNA Society 2003 Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, University of Michigan 2004 Distinguished Faculty Lectureship, University of Michigan Medical School 2005-2009 Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows 2007 Rackham Graduate School Distinguished Faculty Mentor Award 2008- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2012- Member, UM League of Educational Excellence 2013- Academy of Medical Educators

MEMBERSHIPS AND OFFICES IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1986-92 Genetics Society of America 1987-94 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1983- Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Program 1983- Genetics Training Program 1983- Medical Scientist Training Program 1994- RNA Society (1999/2000: member of Board of Directors) 1994- Cellular Biotechnology Training Program 1995- Chemistry/Biology Interface Training Program 1997- Organizer, Michigan RNA Society 1999- Pharmacological Sciences Training Program 2003-2009 Graduate Research, Education and Training (GREAT) group of the AAMC 2003- AAAS 2008-2012 Council of Graduate Schools

TEACHING ACTIVITIES 1983-1987 Biological Chemistry 808 (Advanced Biochemistry II) 1984-1987 Biological Chemistry 500 (Medical Biochemistry) 1984-1986 Biological Chemistry 416/516 (Biochemistry Laboratory) 1986-1996 Medical Fellow Research Training Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology 1988-1991 Biological Chemistry 590 (Biochemistry of Gene Expression), (Course Director) 1992-1998 Biological Chemistry 571 (Nucleic Acid Structure and Dynamics) 1992-1998 Biological Chemistry 572 (Biochemistry of Gene Expression) (Course Director) 1992-1998 Biological Chemistry 578 (Biochemical Techniques) 6 1994 Genetics Short Course on “The RNA World”, organizer 1998 Biological Chemistry 596 (Critical Analysis) 1996-1998 Cellular and Molecular Biology 850 (Student Seminar) 1999-2001 PIBS Short Courses 501/503 on research integrity,course director 1999-present Biological Chemistry 550 – macromolecular structure and function, course director until 2010 2002-2003 Cellular Biotechnology 504 – lectures/discussions on nucleic acid therapeutics and diagnostics. 2003,2005 Molecular and Integrative Physiology 555 – session on RNAi 2005-present Biological Chemistry 650 Eukaryotic Gene Expression –sessions on RNA polymerase structure and pol I/III transcription, Course director 2013- 2005-2007 Chemical Biology 501 601, sections on NA structure and RNA selections 2009-2010 Biological Chemistry 552 - for MD/PhD fellows

GRADUATE STUDENTS Engelke lab (total 15) Jon M. Huibregtse (1983-89, Biological Chemistry) (postdoc mentor Peter Howley) (undergrad U. of Michigan), currently Professor, University of Texas at Austin [was Genetics Training Grant fellow, UM Cancer Research Institute Fellow, won Lee Murphy Memorial prize in BC] Claire F. Evans (1983-90, Biological Chemisty) (postdoc mentor, Michael Oldstone) (undergrad U. of Alberta), former Asst. Member Scripps Research Institute, Director of Therapeutic Programs, Ichor Medical Systems [was Rackham Predoc Fellow, Thurnau Predoc Fellow] Jae-Yong Lee (1985-91, Biological Chemistry) (postdoc mentor, Andrew Feinberg) (undergrad Seoul National U.), Professor at Hallym University in Korea Melissa W. Hull (1986-92, CMB) (postdoc mentor Nancy Woychik) (undergrad Princeton U.), Currently Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, NYU [Genetics Training Grant Fellow] Anthony J. Tranguch (1991-94 as PhD work in Engelke lab, MSTP student) (undergrad U. Pennsylvania), currently Psychiatric Staff at Columbia University and in private practice [was Life and Health Insurance Fellow] Eileen Pagan-Ramos (1991-96, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad U. of Puerto Rico), currently senior scientist with Promega (Puerto Rico) [was Merck Predoctoral fellow and won Dziewiatkowski memorial Award for outstanding dissertation in BC] Joel Chamberlain (1992-97, CMB) (undergrad Tulane U.), currently a Research Assitant Professor at the Universtiy of Washington [was CMB, won 1st place poster prize at Symposium, received NRSA for postdoc, currently ] William A. Ziehler (1993-2000, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Case Western Reserve U.), was senior scientist/group leader at Rubicon Genomics, currently intellectual property attorney [won Coon and Dziewiatkowski Awards in BC] Chatchawan Srisawat (1995-2002, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Mahidol U., Thailand), Assistant Professor at Mahidol University [won Christman Award in BC] Shaohua Xiao (1999-2005, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Zhongshan U., PRC) postdoc, UCSF [won Lu Award, Coon Award, Lee Murphy Memorial Award in BC, Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, currently Lab Director at ] Daniel Coughlin (2003-2007, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Hilldale College), Law School,[Pharmacological Sciences Training Grant fellow, currently attorney] Rebecca Haeusler (2003-2006, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Mass. Inst. of Tech.) (Genetics Training Grant fellow, won in BC the Christman Award, Christiansen Award, Coon Award, Rackham Dissertation Fellowship; Rackham Predoctoral 7 Fellowship, Dharmacon Award for best speaker at Rustbelt RNA meeting, UM Distinguished Dissertation Award, currently Assistant Professor at Columbia U.] Matthew Pratt-Hyatt (2003-2008, CMB) (undergrad U. of Missouri) [CMB Training Grant Fellow, currently Assoc. Laboratory Director, Great Plains Laboratory, Kansas] Michael Marvin (2005-2010, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Albion College) [Cellular Biotechnology Training Grant fellow, currently postdoctoral fellow at UCSF] Dave Pai (2007-2011, Biological Chemistry) (undergrad Johns Hopkins Univ.) [Genetics Training Grant fellow, currently postdoctoral fellow at Scripps Research Institute]

Dissertation Committees, other primary advisors (total 100) Penelope Nazos (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1984) Steven Triezenberg (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1984) Michael Quasney (CMB, PhD 1985) Tammy Antonucci (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1985) Deborah Gumucio (CMB, PhD 1986) Ellen Collarini (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1986) Timothy O’Toole (CMB, MD/PhD 1987) Shelley Berger (CMB, PhD 1987) Peter McGarvey (Biological Sciences, PhD 1988) Beverly Davidson (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1988) Michele Marceau (CMB and Biological Chemsitry, PhD 1988) Steven Highlander (CMB, PhD 1988) Andrew Prongay (Biological Chemistry, 1989) Sandra Baldauf (Biological Sciences, PhD 1990) James DeZazzo (CMB, PhD 1990) Steven Haney (Biological Chemistry, 1991) Susan Wilson-Gunn (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 1991) Claudius Vincenz (Biophysics, PhD 1991) James Sumner (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1992) Mohammad Pashmforoush (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1992, co-mentor) Beom- Seok Yang (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1992) Pengbo Zhou (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1993) Mark McClain (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 1993) Beth Kelly (CMB, PhD 1993) Stacey Minskoff (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1993) Liquian Zhang (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1993) Brian Ernsting (CMB and Biological Chemistry, PhD 1993) Paul Bain (CMB, PhD 1993) Karherine Tamai (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1993) Eric Burright (Human Genetics, PhD 1994) Todd Gray (CMB, PhD 1994) Mark Hannibal (CMB, PhD 1994) Patricia Racenis (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1994) Diane Retallack (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 1995) John Valdes (CMB, MD/PhD 1995) Alan Curnow (Medicinal Chemistry, PhD 1995) Mark Szczypka (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1995) Muneesh Tewari (CMB, MD/PhD 1995) Deborah Lu (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1996) Liwu Li (CMB, PhD 1996) Jeannine Scott (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 1997) 8 Christian Weber (CMB, PhD 1998) Fan-Lu Kung (Medicinal Chemistry, PhD 1998) Keith Koch (Biological Chemistry, PhD 1998) Catherine Browning (CMB, PhD 1998) Matthew Wolfgang (CMB, PhD 1999) Jeffrey Withey (CMB, PhD 2000) Bart Staker (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2000) Nicole Robson (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 2001) Susanne Nonekowski (Medicinal Chemistry, 2001) Dinari Harris (Biophysics, PhD, 2003) Eric Humke (CMB, PhD 2002) Seong Noh (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2003) Narayani Moorthy (CMB, Ph.D. 2002) Vladimir Ramirez-Carrozzi (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2002) Anthony Ludlam (Biological Chemistry, 2003) Dinari Harris (Chemistry, PhD 2004) Yannan Shen (Biological Chemistry, co-mentor of record, left) Seonok Lee (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2004) Jessica Flynn Dice (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 2005) Jeremy Day (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2004) Jennifer Fuentes (MCDB, PhD 2006) Sohee Jeong (Chemistry, PhD 2005) Jennifer Willard Furchak (Chemistry, PhD 2006) Amanda Culbertson (Chemistry) Andrew Andrews (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2006) Katherine Hicks (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2005) Fred Derheimer (CMB, PhD, 2007) Adewumni Onafuwa (Microbiology + Immunology, PhD, 2007) J. Kristin Smith (Chemistry, PhD 2008) Lei Wang (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2008) Eric Garcia (Microbiology and Immunology, PhD 2010) Michael Khodadoust (Immunology, PhD 2008) Tushar Menon (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2009) Stacie Bulfer (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2010) Heather Claxton (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2010) Jennifer (Willard) Furchak (Chemistry, PhD 2009) Veronica Burns (Biological Chemistry, PhD 2011) Gabrielle Todd (Chemistry, PhD 2011) Wanshin Lim (Chemistry, 2013) Aimee Richards (Microbiology + Immunology, 2013) Heather Krueger (CMB, current) Elizabeth Dethoff (Chemistry, 2011) Amanda Day (CMB, left for teaching education) Nathan Blewett (CMB, 2013) Mario Blanco (CMB, 2013) Jamie Van Etten (Biological Chemistry, 2014) John Moldovan (CMB, current) Erika Cline (CMB, current) John Androsavich (Chemical Biology, 2012) Mark Taylor (Biological Chemistry, 2014) Jia Sun (Chemical Biology, 2013) 9 Matthew Marek (CMB, 2014) Erin Miller Taylor (Biological Chemistry, current) Xin Liu (Chemistry, 2014) Jordan Rowley (MCDB, 2014) Anirban Sahu (Mol. Cell. Pathology, current) Nancy Wu (Chemistry, current) Michael Howard (Biological Chemistry, current) Bradley Klemm (Biological Chemistry, current)

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 45 UM undergraduates have undertaken research projects in my laboratory, both as part of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and individually. In addition I take part in mentoring sessions with the UROP program on graduate school preparation and have mentored underrepresented Postbacchalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) fellows, in addition to being founding Director and Associate Director of this program.


Department of Biological Chemistry 1984-1987 Graduate Admissions 1984-90,92,93,95, 97-99, 2001-2004 2007-2009; 2012-2014 Chairman’s Advisory Committee 1988-1989 Departmental Internal Review 1990-1993 Space and Renovations Committee 1991-1992 Faculty Search Committee 1996-1998 Summer Undergraduate Program, Chair 2000-2003 Seminar Committee (chair) 2001-2003 ad hoc review committee for joint recruiting with main campus 2003 Chair, Biological Chemistry faculty search committee 2004-2010 Biological Chemistry curriculum committee 2010-present Biological Chemistry faculty awards committee 2011-present Biological Chemistry Development committee 2011-present Chair, Biological Chemistry faculty search committee 2013-present Biochemistry Master’s program admissions committee 2013-2015 Interim Chair, Department of Biological Chemistry

Medical School 1990-1996 Cancer Research Committee 1990-1998 Medical Scientist Training Program Operating Committee 1992-1994 Institute of Gerontology Faculty Search Committee 1995 MSTP Interim Director 1995-1996 Cultural Diversity Assessment Steering Committee 1996-1997 Diversity and Career Development Committee, Chair of Subcommittee on Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows 1998 Joint Recruiting and Admissions Task Force (graduate programs) 1999-2008 representative to the Graduate Research, Education and Training group of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2000-2008 Assistant Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies 2001 Basic Science Research Building design subcommittee on common space 2004-2006 Task Force for the Research Enterprise 10 2005-2008 Biological Sciences Scholars Committee, co-chair 2006-2008 Student Biomedical Research Programs, Associate Director 2006-2008 Clinical Translational Science Award Education Component, advisory board 2013-present Dean’s Advisory Council, Medical School 2013-present Research Board of Directors, Medical School 2013-present Endowment for the Basic Sciences Operating Committee

University 1988-1990 Center for Molecular Genetics Executive Committee 1990-1991 Genome Center Executive Committee 1990-1991 Genome Center DNA Sequencing Core - Director 1988-1998 Michigan Cancer Center 1990-2008 Cellular and Molecular Biology Program Committee 1990-1996 CMB Oral Prelims Coordination 1990-1998 Phoenix Memorial Executive Committee (oversees nuclear reactor) 1990-1998 Medical Scientist Training Program Operating Committee 1995 Interim Director, MSTP 1995-1996 Associate Director, CMB Program 1996-present MSTP Policy Committee 1996-1998 Director, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program 1998-2008 Director, Program in Biomedical Sciences; Chair of most committees 1999-2002 Rackham Graduate School Executive Board 2000-2001 Rackham Graduate School Distributive Learning Committee 2000-2001 Rackham Graduate Student Parent Task Force 2000-2002 Rackham Graduate Divisions Re-evaluation 2002-2003 Life Sciences Institute Cell Biology Task Force 2002-2005 Provost’s Faculty Advisory Committee 2002-present Cellular Biotechnology Training Grant Policy Committee 2003-2004 Rackham Division I review board 2004 Chair, Chemical Biology curriculum committee 2004-2005 ADVANCE review committee for presentations 2004-2007 Chemical Biology Program Committee 2005-2009 Michigan Society of Fellows 2005-2012 Coordinating Committee, Michigan AGEP Alliance 2005-2008 Distinguished University Professors Selection Advisory Committee 2005 State of Michigan Committee of Scholars (graduate programs review for the Van Andel Institute) 2007-2008 ADVANCE Science and Technology Excellence Program (STEP) Committee 2007-2008 Rackham Interdisciplinary Task Force 2007-2012 Michigan Mentoring Initiative Committee (Rackham), currently called Mentoring Others Results in Excellence (MORE) committee (Chair, 2011-2012) 2008-2012 Founder and reviewer, Postdoctoral short course on bioscience teaching 2008-2012 Associate Dean, Rackham Graduate School Associated committee service: Web site steering committee Budget Committee Rackham Leadership Team Agenda Public Relations Committee Graduate Program Reviews 11 Student Fellowship and Research Grant Reviews Faculty awards and grants review committees Bridges Programs Advisory Committee Rackham Executive Board ex officio 2009-2012 Promotion review board, Provost’s office 2009-2012 co-Chair, University Postdoctoral Advisory Group 2009-2012 Provost’s Student Administrative Strategic Advisory Committee 2009-2012 co-Chair, Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship Task Force 2011-2012 President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Advisory Committee 2011-2012 Graduate School representative, UM-Peking University Joint Institute 2012 Chair, Provost’s Review Committee, School of Pharmacy 2013-2015 Interim Chair, Department of Biological Chemistry 2015 Organizer, National Meeting on Future of Bioscience Graduate and Postdoctoral Training


1. Engelke DR, Ng SY, Shastry BS and Roeder RG: Specific Interactions of a Purified Transcription Factor with an Internal Control Region of 5S RNA Genes. Cell 19:717-728, 1980.

2. Sakonju S, Brown DD, Engelke DR, Ng SY, Shastry BS, and Roeder RG: The Binding of a Transcription Factor to Deletion Mutants of a 5S Ribosomal RNA Gene. Cell 23:665-669, 1981.

3. Engelke DR, Shastry BS and Roeder RG: Multiple Forms of DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase in Xenopus laevis. J. Biol. Chem. 258:1921-1931, 1982.

4. Fuhrman SA, Engelke DR and Geiduschek EP: Binding of a Transcription Factor to an Intragenic Control Region of the Adenovirus VA I RNA Gene. J. Biol. Chem. 259:1934-1943, 1984.

5. Straby K, Engelke DR, and Abelson JN: In vitro Transcription of Linear DNA Fragments Carrying the tRNAArg-tRNAAsp Gene Pair from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA 3:167-171, 1984.

6. Engelke DR, Gegenheimer P, and Abelson JN: Nucleolytic Processsing of a tRNAArg-tRNAAsp Dimeric Precursor by a Homologous Component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem. 260:1271-1279, 1985.

7. Huibregtse JM and Engelke DR: Dideoxy Sequencing of Double Stranded DNA. Recomb. DNA Tech. 6:38-39, 1985.

8. Huibregtse JM and Engelke DR: Direct Identification of Small Sequence Changes in Chromosomal DNA. Gene 44:151-158, 1986.

9. Huibregtse JM, Evans CF and Engelke DR: Comparison of tRNA Gene Transcription Complexes Formed In Vitro and in Nuclei. Mol. Cell. Biol. 7:3212-3220, 1987.

10. Prongay AJ, Engelke DR and Williams CH Jr: Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Thioredoxin Reductase. In Flavins and Flavoproteins (Edmondson, D.E. and McCormick, D.B. eds.), pp. 107- 110, Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, New York 1987.

11. Engelke DR and Gottesfeld JM: Interaction of tRNA Transcription Factors with Satellite I DNA from Xenopus laevis. Gene 62:323-330, 1988.

12. Engelke DR, Hoener PA and Collins FS: Direct Sequencing of Enzymatically Amplified Human Genomic DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:544-548, 1988.

13. Leontis N, DaLio A, Strobel M and Engelke D: Effects of tRNA Intron Structure on Cleavage of Precursor tRNAs by RNase P from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucl. Acids Res. 16:2537-2552, 1988.

14. Huibregtse JM and Engelke DR: DNA Sequencing from Complex Double-Stranded Templates. DNA and Prot. Eng. Tech. 1:39-40, 1988.

15. Huibregtse JM, Engelke DR and Thiele DJ: Copper-Inducible Binding of Cellular Factors to Yeast Metallothionein Promoter UASs. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 86:65-69, 1989.

16. McGarvey P, Helling RB, Lee J-Y, Engelke DR, and El-Gewely MR: Initiation of rrn Transcription in Chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis bacillaris. Curr Genet 243:293-298, 1989.

17. Prongay AJ, Engelke DR and Williams CH Jr: Characterization of Two Active Site Mutations of Thioredoxin Reductase from Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 264:2656-2664, 1989. 13

18. Lee J-Y and Engelke DR: Identification and Partial Characterization of the RNA Component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase P. Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:2536-2543, 1989.

19. Huibregtse JM and Engelke DR: Genomic Footprinting of a Yeast tRNA Gene Reveals Stable Complexes over the 5’-Flanking Region. Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:3244-3252, 1989.

20. Evans CF, Engelke DR and Thiele DJ: ACE1 Transcription Factor Produced in E. coli Binds Multiple Regions within Yeast Metallothionein Upstream Activation Sequences. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:426-429, 1990.

21. Evans CF and Engelke DR: Yeast Extracts for tRNA Gene Transcription and tRNA Processing. Meth. Enzymol. 181:439-450, 1990.

22. Engelke DR and Gottesfeld JM: Chromosomal Footprinting of Transcriptionally Active and Inactive Oocyte-Type 5S RNA genes of Xenopus laevis. Nucl. Acids. Res. 18:6031-6037, 1990.

23. Engelke DR, Krikos A, Bruck ME and Ginsburg D: Purification of Thermus aquaticus DNA Polymerase Expressed in E. coli. Anal. Biochem. 191:396-400, 1990.

24. Huibregtse JM and Engelke DR: Direct Sequence and Footprint Analysis of Yeast DNA by Primer Extension. Meth. Enzymol. 194:550-562, 1991.

25. Evans CF and Engelke DR: Binding of Yeast TFIIIC to tRNA Gene Bipartite Internal Promoters: Analysis of Physical Effects on the Intervening DNA. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 176:826- 832, 1991.

26. Lee J-Y, Rohlman CE, Molony LA, and Engelke DR: Characterization of RPR1: an Essential Gene Encoding the RNA Component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nuclear RNase P. Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:721-730, 1991.

27. Hull MW, Thomas G, Huibregtse JM and Engelke DR: Protein-DNA Interactions in vivo: Examining Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster by Chromatin Footprinting. Meth. Cell. Biol. 35:384-413, 1991.

28. Lee J-Y, Evans CF and Engelke DR: Expression of RNaseP RNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by an unusual RNA polymerase III promoter. Proc. Natl. Sci. USA 88:6986-6990, 1991.

29. Tranguch AJ and Engelke DR: Comparative Structural Analysis of Nuclear RNase P RNAs from Yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 268:14045-14053, 1993.

30. Huibregtse JM, Good PD, Marczynski GT, Jaehning JA and Engelke DR: GAL4 Protein Binding is Required, but not Sufficient for Derepression and Induction of GAL2 Expression. J. Biol. Chem. 268:22219-22222, 1993.

31. Hull MW, Erickson J, Johnston M and Engelke DR: tRNA Genes as Transcriptional Repressor Elements. Mol. Cell Biol. 14:1266-1277, 1994. PMC358482

32. Tranguch AJ, Kindelberger DW, Rohlman EE, Lee J-Y and Engelke DR: Structure Sensitive RNA Footprinting of Yeast Nuclear RNaseP. Biochemistry 33:1778-1787, 1994.

33. Pagan-Ramos E, Tranguch AJ, Kindelberger DW and Engelke DR: Replacement of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RPR1 gene with Heterologous RNaseP RNA Genes. Nucl. Acids Res. 22:200-207, 1994.


34. Good PD and Engelke DR: Yeast expression vectors using RNA polymerase III promoters. Gene 151:209-214, 1994.

35. Pagán-Ramos E, Tranguch AJ, Nolan JM, Pace NR, and Engelke DR: Analysis of conserved positions in RNase P RNA. Nucleic Acids Sym, 33: 89-91, 1995.

36. Ziehler WA and Engelke DR: Synthesis of Small RNA Transcripts with Discrete 5’ and 3’ ends, Biotechiques 20:622-624, 1996.

37. Pagán-Ramos, E., Y. Lee, and Engelke DR: Mutational analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear RNase P: Randomization of universally conserved positions in the RNA subunit. RNA 2 , 441-451, 1996.

38. Chamberlain JR, Tranguch AJ, Pagán-Ramos E, and Engelke DR: Eukaryotic Nuclear RNaseP: Structures and Functions. In Prog. Nucl. Acid Res. Mol. Biol. 55: 87-120, 1996.

39. Chamberlain, J.R., Pagán-Ramos, E., Kindelberger, D.W., and Engelke, D.R.: An RNase P RNA Subunit Mutation Affects Ribosomal RNA Processing. Nucl. Acids Res. 24: 3158-3166, 1996

40. Rossi, J., Lee, NS, Bertrand, E, Westaway, S, Zhou, C, Bahner, I, Kohn, D, Engelke, D, Good, P, Li, S, and Zaia, J. Ribozyme therapeutics for the treatment of HIV infection: Progress and future directions. J. Clin. Biochem. and Nutr. 21: 69-72. 1996

41. Pagán-Ramos, E., Lee, Y. and Engelke, D: A Conserved RNA Motif Involved in Divalent Cation Utilization by Nuclear RNase P. RNA 2: 1100-1109, 1996.

42. Engelke DR, Pagán-Ramos E, and Tranguch AJ Structure-Function Analysis in Nuclear RNase P. Mol. Biol. Rep., 22:157-160, 1996

43. Lee YS, Kindelberger D, Lee J-Y, McClennon S, Chamberlain J, and Engelke DR: Effects of cleavage site structure on nuclear RNase P RNA substrates. RNA 3: 175-185, 1997.

44. Bertrand E, Carbonelle C, Zhou C, Good P, Engelke D, Chaterjee S, Lee NS and Rossi J: Development of expression cassettes and viral vectors for expressing ribozyme and antisense RNAs in mammalian cells. RNA 3: 75-88 1997.

45. Good, P.D., Krikos, A.J., Li, S.X.L., Bertrand, E., Lee, N.S., Giver, L., Ellington, A., Zaia, J.A., Rossi, J.J., and Engelke, D.R.: Expression of Small, Therapeutic RNA’s in Human Cell Nuclei, Gene Therapy 4: 45-54, 1997

46. Ziehler, WA, Lee, Y, Pagan-Ramos, E, and Engelke, DR: An Active Domain of the Nuclear RNase P RNA. Nucl. Acid Symp. 36: 45-48, 1997.

47. Fan, H, Foodier, JL, Chamberlain, JR, Engelke, DR, and Maraia, RJ: The human La antigen phosphoprotein can regulate 5’ processing of a eukaryotic tRNA precursor. Mol. Cell. Biol. 18: 3201-3211, 1998

48. Ziehler, WA, Yang, J, Sandusky, PO, Zuiderweg, ER, and Engelke, DR: Structural Analysis of the P10/P11-P12 RNA Domain of the Yeast Nuclear RNase P RNA and its Interaction with Magnesium, Biochemistry 37: 3549-3557, 1998

49. Yang, Q, Goldstein, IJ, Mei, H-Y, and Engelke, DR. DNA Ligands that Bind Tightly and Selectively to Cellobiose. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 5462-5467, 1998. PMC20399


50. Chamberlain, JR, Lee, Y, Lane, WS, and Engelke, DR. Purification and Characterization of Nuclear RNase P Holoenzyme Reveals Extensive Subunit Overlap with RNase MRP. Genes & Devel. 12: 1678-1690, 1998

51. Bertrand, E, Scott, FH, Kendall, A, Singer, RH, and Engelke, DR. Nucleolar Localization of Early tRNA Processing. Genes & Devel. 12: 2463-2468, 1998

52. Browning, CM, Cagnon, L., Good, PD, Rossi, J, Engelke, D and Markovitz, DM. Potent Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Gene Expression and VirusProduction by an HIV-2 Tat Activation-Response RNA Decoy. J. Virol. 73: 5191-5195, 1999

53. Paul, CP, Good, PD, and Engelke, DR. The use of small RNAs as expression cassettes for the delivery of therapeutic RNAs. Intracellular Ribozyme Applications: Principles and Protocols, (L Couture and J. Rossi, eds.) Horizon Scientific Press, Wimondham (England), 1999 54. Thomas, B, Chamberlain, J, Engelke, DR, and Gegenheimer, P. Evidence for an RNA-Based Catalytic Mechanism in Eukaryotic Nuclear Ribonuclease P. RNA 6: 554-562, 2000

55. Pfeiffer, T. Tekos, A., Warnecke, J.M., Drainas, D., Engelke, D.R., Seraphin, B., and Hartman, R.K., Effects of phosphorothioate modifications on precursor tRNA processing by eukaryotic RNase P enzymes. J. Mol. Biol. 298: 559-565, 2000

56. Ziehler, WA, Day, J., Fierke, CA, and Engelke, DR . Effects of 5’ leader and 3’ trailer structure on pre-tRNA processing by nuclear RNase P. Biochemistry 39: 9909-9916, 2000

57. Kendall, A, Hull, MW, Bertrand, E, Good, PD, Singer, RH and Engelke, DR. A CBF5 mutation that disrupts nucleolar localization of early tRNA biosynthesis in yeast also suppresses tRNA gene- mediated transcriptional silencing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 13108-13113, 2000

58. Houser-Scott, F and Engelke, DR. RNA Binding Proteins. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, in press, Macmillan Reference Ltd., London, 2000

59. Ziehler, WA and Engelke, DR. Probing RNA Structure with Chemical Reagents and Enzymes. In Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry (S. Beaucage, DE Bergstrom, GD Glick, and RA Jones, eds.) Chapter 6.1, 2000

60. Ziehler, WA, Millikin, CE, Scott, FH, and Engelke, DR. An essential protein-binding domain of yeast RNase P RNA. RNA.7: 565-575. 2001

61. Srisawat, C, Goldstein, IJ, and Engelke, DR. Sephadex-binding RNA ligands: Rapid affinity purification of RNA from complex RNA mixtures. Nucl. Acids Res. 29 (#2): e4. 2001 PMC29685

62. Srisawat, C and Engelke, DR. Streptavidin aptamers: affinity tools for the study of RNAs and ribonucleoproteins. RNA 7: 632-641. 2001. PMC1370116

63. Xiao, S, Scott, FH, and Engelke, DR: Eukaryotic Ribonuclease P: Increased Complexity to Cope with the Nuclear Pre-tRNA Pathway. J. Cell. Physiol. 187:11-21. 2001

64. Scott, FH, Ziehler, WA, and Engelke, DR. Yeast Nuclear RNase P. Meth. Enzymol. 342: 101-117. 2001

65. Srisawat, C, and Engelke, DR. RNA Affinity Tags for Purification of RNAs and RNP Complexes, Methods 26: 156-161, 2002 PMID12054892


66. Scott, FH, Xiao, S, Millikin, CE,S, Zengel, JM, Lindahl, L, and Engelke, DR. Interactions among the protein and RNA subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear RNase P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99: 2684-2689. 2002

67. Walter, NG and Engelke, DR. Ribozymes: Catalytic RNAs that cut things, make things, and do odd and useful jobs. Biologist. 49: 199-203. 2002

68. Xiao, S, Scott, FH, Fierke, CA, and Engelke, DR. Eukaryotic Ribonuclease P: A Plurality of Ribonucleoprotein Enzymes. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 71: 165-189, 2002

69. Paul, CP, Good, PD, Winer, I, and Engelke, DR. Effective expression of small interfering RNA in human cells. Nature Biotechnol. 5: 505-508. 2002

70. Srisawat, C, Scott, FH, Bertrand, E. Xiao, S, Singer, RH, and Engelke, DR. An active precursor in assembly of yeast nuclear ribonuclease P. RNA 8: 1348-1360. 2002 PMC1370342

71. Paul, CP, Good, PD, Li, SXL, Kleihauer, A, Rossi, JJ, and Engelke, DR. Localized expression of small RNA inhibitors in human cells. Mol. Therapy 7: 237-247. 2003 PMID12597912

72. Coughlin, DJ and Engelke, DR. RNA interference. in “RNA Interference: Nuts & Bolts”, (D. Engelke, ed.) DNA Press (Eagleville, PA),pp. 13-20, 2003.

73. Thompson, M, Haeusler, RA, Good, PD, and Engelke, DR. Nucleolar clustering of dispersed tRNA genes. Science 302: 139-1401, 2003. PMC3783965

74. Scott, FH and Engelke, DR. Identification and characterization of RNA-binding proteins through three-hybrid analysis. in “Handbook of RNA Biochemistry” volume 2 (A.Bindereif, R. Hartmann, A. Schon, E. Westhof, eds.), Wiley-VHF, Weinheim, Germany, pp.737-754. 2005.

75. Haeusler, RA and Engelke, DR. Nuclear gene organization: Thinking outside the line. Cell Cycle 3: 273-275. 2004.

76. Wang, L, Haeusler, RA, Good, PD, Thompson, M, Nagar, S, and Engelke, DR. Silencing near tRNA genes requires nucleolar localization. J. Biol. Chem. 280: 8637-8639. 2005. PMC3761214

77. Engelke, DR. and Rossi JJ. (editors) RNA Interference. Meth. Enzymol. Volume 392; Academic Press (San Diego) 2005.

78. Xiao, S, Day-Storms, J, Srisawat, C, Fierke, CA, and Engelke, DR. Characterization of conserved sequence elements in eukaryotic RNase P RNA reveals roles in holoenzyme assembly and tRNA processing. RNA 11: 885-896 2005

79. Walker, SC and Engelke, DR. Ribonuclease P: The evolution of an ancient RNA enzyme. Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 41: 77-102, 2006, PMC2803672

80. Engelke, DR and Hopper, AK. Modified view of tRNA: stability amid sequence diversity. Mol. Cell 21: 144-145. 2006

81. Leontis, NB, Altman, R, Berman, HM, Brenner, SE, Brown, J, Engelke, D, Harvey, SC, Holbrook, SR, Jossinet, F, Lewis, SE, Major, F, Mathews, DH, Richardson, J, Williamson, JR, and Westhof, E. The RNA Ontology Consortium: An open invitation to the RNA community. RNA 12:533-541, 2006

82. Xiao, S, Hsieh, J, Nugent, RL, Coughlin, DJ, Fierke, CA, and Engelke, DR. Functional characterization of the conserved amino acids in Pop1p, the largest common protein 17 subunit of yeast RNases P and MRP. RNA, 12: 1023-1037. 2006 PMID 16618965, PMC1464857

83. Pratt-Hyatt, MJ, Kapadia KM, Wilson TE, and Engelke DR. Increased recombination between active tRNA genes. DNA and Cell Biol. 25: 359-364. 2006 PMC3756803

84. Haeusler, RA and Engelke, DR. Spatial organization by RNA polymerase III. Nucl. Acids Res. 34: 4826-4836, 2006, PMC1635290

85. Moir, RD, Lee, JH, Haeusler, RA, Desai, N, Engelke, DR, and Willis, IM. (2006) Protein Kinase A regulates RNA polymerase III transcription through the nuclear localization of Maf 1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103: 15044-15049. 2006

86. Aspinall, TV, Gordon, JMB, Bennett, HJ, Karahalios, P, Bukowski, J-P, Walker, SC, Engelke, DR, and Avis, JM. Interactions between subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase MRP support a conserved eukaryotic RNase P/MRP architecture. Nucl. Acids Res. 35: 6439-6450. 2007 PMC2095792

87. Haeusler, RA, Pratt-Hyatt, M, Good, PD, and Engelke, DR. Clustering of yeast tRNA genes is mediated by specific association of condensin with tRNA gene transcription complexes. Genes & Devel. 22: 2204-2214, 2008. PMC2518813

88. Coughlin, DJ, Pleiss, JA, Walker, SC, Guthrie, C, and Engelke, DR. Genome-wide search for RNase P substrates reveals nuclear RNase P is involved in maturation of intron- encoded box C/D small nucleolar RNAs. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105: 12218-12223, 2008. PMC2527892

89. Walker, SC, Scott, FH, and Engelke, DR RNA affinity tags for the rapid purification and investigation of RNAs and RNA-protein complexes. Meth. Mol Biol. 288: 23-40, 2008, PMC2807123

90. *Hsieh, J, *Walker, SC, Fierke, CA, and Engelke, DR. Pre-tRNA cleavage by the yeast nuclear RNase P holoenzyme is rate-limited by slow product release. RNA, 15: 224-234, 2009 [*= authors contributed equally] PMID: 19095620, PMC2648709

91. Walker, SC and Engelke, DR. A protein-only RNase P in human mitochondria. Cell 135: 412-414 (preview) 2008 PMC2803673

92. Marvin, MC and Engelke, DR. RNase P: increased versatility through protein complexity. RNA Biology, 6: 40-42, 2009 PMC2798119, NIHMS164717

93. Coughlin, DJ, Babak, T, Nihranz, C, Hughes, TR, and Engelke, DR. Prediction and verification of mouse tRNA gene families. RNA Biology 6: 195-202, 2009 PMID: 19246989, NIHMSID #109486, PMC2783191

94. Marvin, MC and Engelke, DR. Broadening the mission of an RNA enzyme. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1244-1251, 2009 PMC2800852

95. Pai, DA and Engelke, DR. Spatial organization of genes as a component of regulated expression. Chromosoma 119:13-25, 2010, PMC2809799

96. Hopper, AK, Pai, DA and Engelke, DR. Cellular dynamics of tRNAs and their genes. FEBS Lett. 584:310-317, 2010, PMC2818515

18 97. Walker, S., Marvin, MC and Engelke, DR. Eukaryote RNase P and RNase MRP. in “Ribonuclease P”, pp.173-202 (F. Liu, ed.) Springer. 2010

98. Hopper, AK, Pai, DA and Engelke, DR. Cellular Dynamics of tRNAs and their genes. FEBS Lett. 585: 310-317. 2010, PMID 19931532

99. Srisawat, C and Engelke, DR. Selection of RNA aptamers that bind HIV-1 LTR DNA: strand invaders. Nucl. Acids. Res. 38: 8306-8315. 2010, PMC3001068

100. Walker, SC, Good, PD, Gipson, TA and Engelke, DR. The dual use of RNA aptamer sequences for affinity purification and localization studies of RNAs and RNA-protein complexes. Methods in Molecular Biology 714: 423-444, 2011 PMID 21431756

101. Marvin, MC, Walker, SC, Fierke, CA and Engelke, DR. Binding and cleavage of unstructured RNA by nuclear RNase P. RNA 17: 1429-1440, 2011, PMC3153968

102. Marvin, MC, Clauder-Münster, S, Walker, SC, Sarkeshik, A, Yates III, JR, Steinmetz, LM, and Engelke, DR. Accumulation of noncoding RNA due to an RNase P defect in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RNA 17: 1441-1450, 2011, PMC3153968

103. Rodley*, CDM, Pai*, DA, Mills, TA, Engelke, DR, and O’Sullivan, JM. tRNA gene identity affects nuclear positioning. PLoS ONE, 2011;6(12):e29267, 2011. (* = equal contribution). PMC3242769

104. Pratt-Hyatt, M., Haeusler, RA, Wozniak, GG, Pai, DA, McLeod, IX, Yates III, JR, Hopper, AK, and Engelke, DR. Mod5, a tRNA modifying enzyme, binds to tRNA gene complexes and affects local transcriptional silencing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA110: doi: 10.1073/pnas.1219946110. PMC3746885, 2013

105. Good, PD, Kendall, A, Ignatz-Hoover, J, Miller, EL, Pai, DA, Rivera, SR, Carrick, B, and Engelke, DR. Silencing near tRNA genes is nucleosome-mediated and distinct from boundary element function. Gene 526: 7-15 PMC3745993, 2013

106. O’Sullivan*, JM, Pai*, DA, Cridge, AG, Engelke, DR and Ganley, ARD. The nucleolus: a raft adrift in the nuclear sea or the keystone in nuclear structure? Biomolecular Concepts 4: 277-286 DOI10.1515/bmc-2012-0043, 2013 (* equal contribution)

107. Howard, MJ, Liu, X., Lim, WH, Klemm, B, Fierke, CA, Koutmous, M, and Engelke, DR. RNase P enzymes: divergent scaffolds for a conserved biological reaction. RNA Biol. 10: 909-914 PMC3904588, 2013

108. Pai, DA, Kaplan, CD, Kweon, HK, Murakami, Kl Andrews, PC, and Engelke, DR. RNAs inhibit transcription by yeast RNA polymerase II by preventing binding of the DNA template. RNA 20: 644-655, PMC3988566, 2014

109. Cahyani, I, Cridge, AG, Engelke, DR, Ganley, ARD, and O’Sullivan, JM. A sequence specific interaction between the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal RNA gene repeats and a locus encoding an RNA polymerase I subunit affects rDNA copy number. Mol Cell Biol. pii:MCB01249-14, PMID25421713, 2014

110. Smaldino, PJ, and Engelke, DR. The cytoplasmic and nuclear populations of the eukaryote tRNA-isopentenyl transferase have distinct functions with implications in human cancer. Gene 556: 13-18, PMC4272631, 2014

111. Engelke, DR and Fierke CA. The evolution of RNase P. RNA 21: 517-518 19 PMC4371263, 2015

112. Carrick, BH, Hao, L, Smaldino, PJ, and Engelke, DR. A novel recombinant DNA system for high affinity purification of proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. G3 6: 673-678, 2015