CSO needs your help to make a difference as a community organisation. www.csocape.org.za We are grateful for your continuous support VOLUME 37 No 2 MARCH 2020 www.cjc.org.za Young Israeli inspires Celebrating Tu B’Shevat WIZO AGM audience in service to community

Herzlia and Holy Cross Grade 5 pupils pose with Cape SAJBD director Stuart Diamond and Rabbi Emma Gottlieb. Chairs of BZA WIZO Cape Town branches: Leina Sank, Adele Saven, Shelley In celebration of Tu B’Shevat on proper place to eat lunch outside. If Friedman, Janene Currie (Chairman BZA WIZO), Ros Lewenson, Kim Daitsh (for Kim Monday 10 February, the Cape you pass the school at 10am on any Wener), Louise Slavin, Beryl Verblun, Rochelle Bloomberg (for Sue Lipschitz), Ashna South African Jewish Board of weekday, you will see them eating Diamond, Cecily Mendelson, Ettie Buch, Temma Gad, Irene Moss and Michelle lunch on the sidewalk of the dead- Miller. Kneeling: Barbara Schulman and Liz Campbell. Deputies (Cape SAJBD) teamed up with one of Herzlia Primary’s end street between the school and the church. Close to 130 BZA WIZO encouraging talk on improving Grade 5 classes to undertake a members and guests gathered volunteer commitment and numbers. beautification project at Holy Cape SAJBD director Stuart Diamond A guest of the SAZF, Asif is head of at the Marais Road Shul hall Cross RC Primary in . addressed the group of around in early February for the the Carmel Coast Regional Council 100 Grade 5 pupils from the two organisation’s 118th annual on Israel’s Mediterranean coastline. he Cape SAJBD identified a need schools, next to the future playground He drew many parallels between general meeting. Tto plant trees on the grounds explaining how the mix of orange and the challenges faced by both next to the school that principal lemon trees will one day bear fruit that uest speaker from Israel, Asif Israeli and South African volunteer Nomthandazo Zweni hopes to soon they can enjoy, and provide shade GIzak, was a breath of fresh organisations, from the perspective call their playground. At the moment, when they break from classes. air, giving a most interesting and of the younger generation. the pupils of Holy Cross RC have no

Continues on page 15 Continues on page 31 Chaiyenu arrive in Cape Town on their SA tour

In February, Chaiyanu brought Each year, when the groups return to a group of seriously ill Israeli Israel, the doctors treating them remark children aged 6-18 years, who are that the children are filled with hope and undergoing challenging cancer excitement, which helps tremendously treatment back home, to spend an in their treatment and recovery. In the words of a parent, “The Hope Tour to amazing 11 days in . South Africa is a beautiful dream come his group, made up of children true, a journey that is life-changing for Twho require daily medical and our special children.” living assistance, some of whom are in In the past year Chaiyanu has touched wheelchairs, brought their tremendous the lives of close to 800 very ill children ruach on their first day in Cape Town to and their families, bringing hope to those a party set up in their honour, sponsored devastated by cancer. by Café Riteve, , Jacob Gitlin Library, SA Jewish Museum, Cape They have a jam-packed, exciting Town Jewish Community Centre, Cape schedule planned that will be reported Town Holocaust and Genocide Centre on in the April issue of the Chronicle. and King Cake.

Find your Jewish Literary Festival Programme inside — see pages 21 – 24 2 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 CONTENTS VOLUME 33 No 5 JUNE 2016 VOLUME 37 No 2 MARCH 2020

Regular contributors Features Page 3 Lindy with a why Page 17 Maiyan Karidi on Pumpkin Orange Page 4 Subscriptions Your Jewish Literary Festival Pages 21-24 The Jewish Literary Festival Programme 2020 Programme inside Shabbat times Pages 21 – 24 Page 30 Justin Asher on moving on from tragedy Community Noticeboard Page 31 The Board celebrates Tu B’Shevat in Cape Town Page 5 United Jewish Campaign Page 34 Habonim Dror turns 90 Pages 6-7 Mensch Page 35 Ben Cohen on the ‘Judensau’ Pages 8-10 Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies Page 40 Environmental developments in Israel Pages 12-14 SA Zionist Federation Page 14 Telfed Page 15 BZA WIZO Page 16 Temple Israel Page 18 Union of Orthodox Synagogues Pages 19, 20, 25 Cape Jewish Seniors Association Page 26 Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School Page 28 Jacob Gitlin Library Page 29 Anton Katz on affirmative action Page 30 Family Announcements Pages 32-33 39 Page 34 Maccabi Page 36 Cape Town Torah High Melton Cape Town Holocaust and Genocide Centre Page 37 Jewish Community Services Page 38 Nechama 36 40 Page 39 Simcha Page Page 41 Chronic Ads Coffee Time Page 42 Chabad on Campus Page 43 Craig Nudelman on rejection SA Jewish Museum 15 CJC EDITORIAL BOARD CSO emergency Zapper SnapScan Chairman: Lester Hoffman. Ex-officio: Ben- Banking details: number for security and Zion Surdut. Committee: Julie Berman, Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square; medical emergencies Geoff Cohen, Stuart Diamond, Kristy Evans, Branch code: 020 909; Acc no: 070 703 493; Barbara Flax, Rael Kaimowitz, Myra Osrin, Acc name: The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust; 24 hours Jonathan Silke. Editor: Lindy Diamond, Acc type: Current rjHD_Q3Z Secretary: Tessa Epstein, Layout: Desrae 086 18 911 18 Saacks, Digital coordinator: Lisa Shapiro

DISCLAIMERS ERRORS, OMISSIONS AND CORRECTIONS The Cape Jewish Chronicle regrets any errors or omissions that may occur in the paper and, where possible, will attempt to rectify these in a subsequent issue, should such a measure be deemed appropriate. No repeat advertisement or credits will be given for small typographical errors which do not appreciably lessen the value of the advertisement. The appearance of an advertisement or photograph does not necessarily indicate approval or endorsement by the Editorial Board for the product or service advertised or photograph reproduced, and it takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the reliance upon the information contained therein. LETTERS AND OPINIONS Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or its sponsoring bodies. Letters submitted anonymously will not be printed. However, by agreement, the writer’s name may be withheld in the publication. Letters are published subject to space being available. The Editor and the Editorial Board have the right to decide on the inclusion of any item submitted for publication. Letters may be edited for clarity, space and/or language. KASHRUT Unless otherwise stated, food and catering services advertised in this publication are not under the supervision of the Cape Beth Din. FINANCIAL You should always obtain independent expert advice prior to making any financial investment, commercial or other decisions. Do not enter into any transactions of the above nature, based partly or wholly on the content of any advertisements or articles published in the Cape Jewish Chronicle. Cape Jewish Chronicle Samson Centre 87 Hatfield Str Gardens 8001 PO Box 4176 Cape Town 8000 phone 021 464 6736 email [email protected] Editor Lindy Diamond Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 3 Lindy with a why Why goldfish may deserve an apology

By Lindy Diamond, Editor Cape Jewish Chronicle You probably won’t read to the to each cultural item. This results in end of my column. “Everyone a more rapid exhaustion of limited knows” our attention spans are attention resources. When comparing getting shorter and “people the global daily top 50 hashtags on don’t read anything anymore”. Twitter, in 2013 a hashtag stayed in the top 50 for an average of 17.5 In our world of fast-paced hours, in 2016 it’s 11.9 hours.” immediacy if it doesn’t grab us straight away, we just keep Anecdotally, I just have to look at my scrolling. TLDR. Too long, own behaviour; choosing series over didn’t read. longer movies, Watching Facebook’s fast growing videos offering, where bout five years ago Microsoft short clips of Jamie Oliver and Asurveyed 2000 participants Graham Norton can suck up my and studied the brain activity of 112 entire afternoon, and my reluctant others using electroencephalograms downloading of TikTok for my eldest (EEGs). Their findings? The average daughter, to which — in a cruel twist human attention span was down from of fate (and much hilarity for her) — I 12 seconds to 8. Putting us 1 second am now addicted. All these short- behind the much-maligned goldfish. burst attention grabbers, instantly forgettable, easily digestible. It The sort of information in this study, wouldn’t seem a stretch to say that of course, is read in much detail by my attention span is shorter than it parents who worry for the attention was and that the next generation are spans of their progeny. As writer even more affected. Oscar Shwartz wryly notes in an article for The Outline, “[Microsoft’s] But then I read every word of an findings came out at a time when article online that runs to 3000 psychologists, concerned parents, words. Or I read a wonderful novel. and Boomer pundits had just gotten Or watch every dramatic minute of over the novelty of having internet Les Misérables. It’s not that we are on phones and were starting to see incapable of concentrating. Perhaps how it was ‘destroying’ our brains. We we choose our willingness to expend were suddenly living in a world where concentration based on the content one had to take trips to the Mojave and it’s perceived value to us. or read long biographies of Winston I would argue that this inability to Churchill to reclaim those four lost focus isn’t a flaw, but an evolutionary seconds.” adaptation: The ability to move Science Daily reports that “In a more between tasks that require high focus recent study on the increasing rates and ones that don’t makes us the of change within collective attention, successful, only marginally neurotic scientists studied Twitter data from species that we are today. 2013 to 2016, books from Google It gives us the ability to concentrate Books going back 100 years, movie on a complex task while also being ticket sales going back 40 years, and aware of our surroundings. We can citations of scientific publications drive our cars while planning our from the last 25 years. In addition, morning at work and making a mental they gathered data from Google note to pick up milk later, while singing Trends (2010-2018), Reddit (2010- along with our favourite song on the 2015), and Wikipedia (2012-2017). radio. The world is fast-paced and “They found empirical evidence of not everything requires total focus. ever-steeper gradients and shorter Maybe the goldfish had it right bursts of collective attention given all along. 4 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Voluntary subscription now due for 2020 Community Noticeboard R350 MACCABI We need your support to provide you with your monthly dose Upcoming trials: Cricket, Futsal, Tennis, Water Polo. of all that’s been going on in Jewish Cape Town see page 34

TEMPLE ISRAEL Purim Carnival 9 March 4.30pm Temple Israel Wynberg See page 16 for details

CAPE TOWN HOLOCAUST AND GENOCIDE CENTRE Exciting events in March See page 36

JEWISH LITERARY FESTIVAL Banking details: Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square; 15 March 2020 Branch code: 020 909; Account no: 070 703 493; Account name: See programme in this issue, pages 21 – 24 The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust; Account type: Current

Please email confirmation of payment to [email protected] and kindly SAZF FILM CLUB quote your communal number, which you can find on your address label. The Cakemaker Please also inform us of any change of address. Thomas, a young German baker, travels to Jerusalem when his lover, Cheques to: Cape Jewish Chronicle, P O Box 4176, Cape Town 8000, Oren dies in a car crash. Thomas starts to work for Oren’s widowed Credit card: We no longer accept credit card payments over the wife, who owns a small cafe in downtown Jerusalem. phone. Please visit our office between 9 and 1 on weekdays. Sunday 29 March 6.30 pm See page 12 for details. It’s easy to pay with your phone SOUTH AFRICAN JEWISH MUSEUM Zapper SnapScan Zvi Suchet’s The Radiant Portal Suchet’s art explores Talmudic symbolism through his unique photographic illustration. Until the end of March.

rjHD_Q3Z See page 43

MENSCH Launching Project Bayit Thursday 2 April at SA Jewish Museum. See page 7 for details.

NETZER Mini Machaneh 3 – 5 April See page 13 for details

HABONIM DROR SOUTH AFRICA turns 90 this year See page 34 for details of Habonim Ultimate Gathering in Israel


Shabbat and Yom Tov Times Date Portion Candle lighting Ends earliest latest 6 March/10 Adar Tetzaveh/Zachor 6.15pm 6.57pm 7.48pm 13 March/17 Adar Ki Tissa/Parah 6.15pm 6.48pm 7.38pm 20 March/24 Adar Vayakhel/Pekude/Hachodesh 6.15pm 6.38pm 7.29pm 27 March/2 Nisan Vayikra 6.15pm 6.29pm 7.19pm

N.B. Please note that the times indicated are the earliest times for candle lighting. Please consult your Rabbi. Follow the Chronicle online

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R 180 000 - R 359 999 32 13% R20 Donor Contributions % by Category R 90 000 - R 179 999 50 10% R15 23% 23% R 54 000 - R 89 999 53 6% R10

Trusts & R 18 000 - R 53 999 197 10% R5 Foundations Amount (Millions) Amount R0 Under R 18 000 1752 9% 25 - 45 45 - 65 65 + 77% Individual's Age Total 2120 100%100% *Excludes Trusts, Foundations & Businesses Families & Individuals

HOW WE CONNECT WITH YOU 77% HOW YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE 100s of face-to-face meetings & 1000s of phone calls

By donating to the UJC you amplify our collective strength to make the world a better Annual gala dinner & business breakfasts place.

Events & LaunchPad community Your contribution maintains the community's proud network of schools, welfare organisations, and other communal bodies. Social media & email appeals

3 DIVISIONS | 35 CAUSES Jewish Care Cape Israel United Appeal16% UNITED COMMUNAL FUND 16% 29% 29%



United Communal Fund 55% ISRAEL UNITED APPEAL

ujc.org.za 6 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

Mensch change-maker PROJECT of the month is also the 1st project bayit investor BAYIT Howard richman >> green elepahnt backpackers

Maxwell Dicks, our full-time Handyman I had previously with all at Green Elephant Backpackers in good intentions, assisted in Observatory, has been looking after the building of an informal our properties for the past 5 years. He structure, which turned out to ensures that our properties are kept be an expensive disaster as Ikhaylami then came up with a design and 2 in good condition and our guests are we didn’t have the knowhow, so I know how costing proposal for a 42m structure to comfortable.Yet every night he would these projects can go so wrong and I was accommodate the whole family in 3 seperate go home to his family of four living in a very nervous of embarking on a project which rooms plus a lounge/kitchen and toilet. This dilapidated backyard shack in Lentegeur, I wasn’t sure would yield the requisite result. is a relatively large structure and hence the . costs including additional cladding was way Green Elephant is a small business and had over what we could afford. We decided that Max lives in a tiny structure barely large been going through a rough period after two the priority was for Max and his family to enough for him and his wife, let alone their years of drought induced low occupations children. When it rained, the roof leaked and and we simply could not afford the outlay. have a sound structure with a proper floor slab and partitioning for 3 rooms to start the structure could not insulate them from off with. We could always add additional the outside temperature, hot or cold. The As fate would have it, a few days after Max’s cladding and extras later. structure had no running water and took request, I found myself at Mensch’s Project Bayit launch presentation at Limmud Cape electricity from the house it was attached to. Ikhayalami proposed a payment plan over Town. Well, how good was that for timing. 18 months which was affordable to Max and Max also had no tenure over the property and Project Bayit in partnership with Ikhayalami Green Elephant who agreed to co-pay for the was constantly threatened with notice by the were offering a practical solution. Ikhayalami new structure. landlord who would gouge Max for electricity would use their expertise to design and build money far in excess of actual usage. a new structure (or upgrade an existing one) Building began and was completed just in time for Max and his family to move into their and Project Bayit would provide the loan Max has been on the City Council Housing new home in the new year. waiting list since 2001 – 19 years he has financing. been waiting for a home. I am so grateful to Mensch’s Project Bayit “I couldn’t wait for the and Ikhayalami for this collaboration, we I had for some time tried to explore presentation to end to sign-up.” would never have been able to give Max and alternative options and tried to navigate the Within a week iKhaylami had met with the his family a practical solution to their housing various low-cost housing options, but came new landowner and Max and his wife Melissa needs in such a short and cost effective way to naught. without them. and agreed on a floor plan and a draft lease In early August last year, Max informed me agreement. Max and Melissa would own the Howard Richman that he had been offered a nearby backyard structure and could move it if required should [email protected] space onto which he could build a new the lease not be renewed. structure and was seeking a staff loan to For more info on project bayit please attend the launch on 2 april 2020 >> finance the building there-of.

next up... meet 3 mensch network members creating positive change for all in South Africa:

Shifra Kevin Samuel Jacobson James Ginsberg

Shifra Jacobson is a popular adult Kevin James is a green economy Samuel Ginsberg is a designer of electronic educator, trainer, lecturer and facilitator. She entrepreneur with a very clear vision - devices. has over 35 years’ experience, working with Net Zero. He is involved in various green He graduated from the University of Cape diverse communities in Southern Africa, enterprises and NGOs working to make this Town (UCT) in 1999 with the degree of BSc other parts of the continent, the United vision a reality. Eng (electrical) with first class honours and Kingdom, Israel and Germany. He is the founder and Chief Executive again in 2001 with an MSc (Eng). Jacobson holds a Postgraduate Diploma in of GCX an environmental sustainability After 15 years of teaching at UCT Samuel Women and Gender Studies, an Advanced company that provides tools and expertise now runs an electronics design company Diploma in Adult Education and a Diploma to large, complex organisations to set called Kovco Laboratories, and a social in Movement Therapy in Special Education. and track more ambitious environmental sustainability targets. project called Sigthsense - a shack safety Shifra currently is the Hub Coordinator at and convenience device aimed at improving GCX focuses on data analytics, zero waste The Counselling Hub. A low-cost counselling the lives of shack dwellers by reducing the strategic consultancy and zero waste centre in Woodstock. risk of catastrophic fires and other risks. technologies. Kevin is a director of the Green www.counsellinghub.org.za Building Council SA. www.sigthsense.com [email protected] www.gcx.co.za | [email protected] [email protected] See our website for more amazing Mensch Network Members! www.mensch.org.za Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 7


a jewish response More than a quarter of the population of Cape Town are living to the housing crisis informally in dilapidated shacks. Please join us for the official in cape town launch of Project Bayit and learn how we can all make a practical difference. THU 2 APRIL 2020 SA JEWISH MUSEUM RSVP: [email protected] Email or check our social media for more information. 02.04.2020

Project Bayit is a partnership between Mensch and iKhayalami, made possible with the support of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation. launching PROJECT BAYIT

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Phone: +27 87 551 0813 WhatsApp: + 370 600 68454 Email: [email protected] www.LithuanianJews.com 8 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

KEEPING IT REAL ‘Remembering is intrinsic to Judaism’

Stuart Diamond, Rabbi Stuart Serwator represented Executive Director, Cape SAJBD the Jewish community at the Remembrance Day ceremony held at the Cenotaph war memorial on Carrying Heerengracht, by invitation from the Cape Town Beth Din, on my flag on 11 November 2019. my shoes he idea to observe silent remembrance Tfor those who died for their countries The end of January saw emerged globally after WWI, for which me jumping on a plane to 245,419 South Africans of all races volunteered in military services. In 1918, Washington DC for my second many areas in South Africa called for a halt Cohort 5 gathering of the of activity at midday to ‘direct the minds of the Schusterman Leadership people to the tremendous issues which are Programme. This time we focused being fought out on the Western Front’. Then- on the topic ‘Leading Others’. Sir Harry Hands made Rabbi Stuart Serwator and Kevin Ashton, the Honorary Life Vice this policy official in May of the same year. set off, with head full of thoughts and President of the Gunners’ Association Western Province On 14 December 1918, following the signing suitcase full of warm clothes, not better care of one’s community and city. I of the armistice in November, Capetonians showed an knowing that it would be my Veldskoene impressive public display of remembrance. At the firing “Gather clothes we no longer need and donate them that would be my inspiration. It would be of the midday gun —which we have all come to know to charity. In this way, we clothe the needy. Send get- a small stitched South African flag on and love— traffic came to a halt, hats were raised and well-soon cards to relatives and friends who are ill by the back of this pair of shoes that would Cape Town communities stood in silence as the Last post, fax, email, WhatsApp... or deliver it in person. In move and motivate me to push myself to Post and Reveille sounded in the streets. this way, we show care for others. Help a parent with a my limits over the five days of training. chore. In this way, we show respect for our elders. Write Rabbi Serwator called the recent commemoration an We all face the daily pressures that see a thank-you note to someone who has helped you. In impressive and sobering annual event, where he was us running from one space to the next, this way, we show gratitude. Help someone find what seated next to the only other faith leader in attendance, confusing our priorities. How often do we they’ve lost. In this way, we show kindness. Participate a Tswana Congregational Church minister from switch off the tech and focus on our own in a local park, river or beach clean-up. In this way, we Vryburg. The minister currently serves as a Chaplain in presence. Why is understanding our express care for our environment. Lastly, interview a the South African Navy and is stationed in Simonstown. Jewish Identity and the role it can play grandparent, elderly relative or friend and write down in our small community so important? “He was visibly impressed when I told him that Vryburg their life stories. In this way, we honour elders and and Mafikeng had Jewish communities,” the rabbi said. show care for transmitting traditions and histories. This For me that flag represented a core is appropriate for Remembrance Day. By doing these facet of my identity, and my role and During his speech, for which he lit a symbolic candle, things, let each of us be the flame making the dreams responsibility as the only South African Rabbi Serwator pointed out that ‘remembering is intrinsic come true of those who died defending South Africa!” on the fellowship. At the Board, we do a to Judaism and features in prayer services daily’. lot of work focussed on fighting for the He ended his speech by chanting the Hazkarah. “In short, we must learn from history. G’d wants us rights of Jews, in a loud, articulate voice Following the event, several people told him how happy to build a better world on the bases of faith, freedom that unpacks justice. they were that a rabbi attended, speaking and singing. and justice.” After the ceremony, the hosted That flag reminded me how we at the Quoting then-Chief Rabbi Professor Israel Abrahams’ participants for lunch at the Civic Centre, where Rabbi Cape Board must work to ensure that speech at Remembrance Day 1951, he emphasised Serwator was accommodated with a kosher meal from all Jews in our community can carry that today’s society needs to become ‘better women Café Riteve. their personal flags and have a place and men’. He suggested a few practical ways to take at the table. What I most love about our Community is that we are made up of many different coloured and textured threads, that when intertwined, create a glorious and beautiful tapestry. Our 2020 strategy and vision entitled Standing Up, Opting In will see our lay and professional teams creating as many opportunities for communal members to strengthen their Jewish Identity as we can. This will allow all communal members to have a stake in fighting for the issues of justice we face in our daily lives. Let us make 2020 a year where we Don’t Talk but ACT, Don’t say but SHOW and Don’t promise but PROVE the contribution that we can make, while proudly carrying our own flags in our Mayor Dan Plato and Kevin Ashton among others community, and South Africa. respectfully lower their heads during prayer Rabbi Serwator inspiring community care with his speech

Cape Jewish Board of Deputies capesajbd www.capesajbd.org Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 9

Welcoming artefacts from Germany Enriching the Gitlin Library Steffie Buechler came In honour of Cape to England in 1939 from Town Pride 2020 Glauwitz, Germany (now (17-28 February), Poland) to work as a domestic LGBTQIA+ activist servant, having taken a one- Jacqui Benson and month needlework course ‘for the Cape Board are female emigrant Jews’. joining hands to ith a testimonial from the Paula expand the Jacob WOllendorff Housekeeping School Gitlin Library’s queer for Jewish women, she was able to get literature content. a life-saving domestic workers visa to go to Ealing and work in the house of acqui started this a Jewish doctor, Dr Rachwalski. She Jproject independent was later followed by her brothers of an organisation Henry and Alfred, who arrived in the towards the end of 2019 Kindertransport. They never saw their when she co-founded a parents, Jacques and Kate, again. Jewish reading group Gwynne Robins thanks Andrew Newall called A Rainbow Librarian Janine Rodgers, activist Jacqui Benson Alfie (Alfred), now 95, became a for his generous and thoughtful Judaica Thread with Mitchel and head librarian Jacqui Rodgers show some of their favourite titles in the library. kosher caterer in Ilford, working from donation. Joffe Hunter. The home to cater for large weddings and translation of its message is, “On the group is named after “The goal is to deepen the level other celebrations. He visits South other hand, to my dear friend Jetty Noam Sienna’s anthology of the of understanding society has for Africa for Pesach each year and gave from your friend Benno. First day same name, a collection of more LGBTQIA+ identified people, that a talk on the Kindertransport at the Sukkot, 23 September 1926, Libau.” than a hundred sources on the we as a community can support Holocaust Centre in 2019. intersection of Jewish and queer people who, regardless of their Libau was a popular port of identities. religious views, are human beings Steffie married Albert Newall in embarkation for ships from the England in 1944. Albert was a talented grappling with myriad questions Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linie or ‘DOAL’ “Working our way through this on identity. I want to create the artist, sculptor and photographer who — the German East Africa Line — anthology, I began to consider what moved to South Africa in 1946. Steffie opportunity for people who have travelling to South Africa. Therefore, the Jacob Gitlin Library has on offer never had to question their identity passed away in 1972, aged 52. Albert presumably, it was Benno’s farewell for people like us,” Jacqui said. passed away in 1989, aged 69. and never had to question related gift to her. Inside the bag, there is a Jacqui is a passionate member of concepts for themselves to Their son Andrew, who was born in page from a bone notepad with the the Jacob Gitlin Library and enjoys engage safely, learn, and gain an Krugersdorp, was prompted by the name ‘Watussi’ scribbled on it. The exploring its many sections. understanding from the literature recent tragic loss of his life partner Watussi was a DOAL ship that was that shares these life experiences. of 19 years to donate some Judaica scuttled off in 1939. So, “I got excited at the thought of more “These are the conversations we items to the Jewish Museum and the presumably, Jetty left on the Watussi. personally-relatable books being need to be having. We’ve been Cape Board’s collection. This gesture available in this space, and started raised in a heteronormative world, A second plaque on the bag, in reaching out to authors who write is also in honour of his late mother and Yiddish, reads, ‘Yeta Fas, from Matty, and we need to understand this her brother, Alfie. the kind of literature I’m missing in world doesn’t include everybody. 30 September 1926’. Why did Matty Jewish spaces.” The objects include a beautiful and add their name to Benno’s farewell gift We’re at risk of alienating a lot of rare silver filigree bessamim box a week later? And did Benno ever see To date, former Constitutional people if we continue to keep this shaped like a train engine and a most Yeta (Jetty) Fas again? Court judge Edwin Cameron has world in place.” gladly donated and gifted his books unusual pendulum clock shaped like a The Jewish community is very grateful While the initiative is being Magen David with Damascene inlay. to people like Andrew Newall who dedicated to Cape Town Pride There is also a fine brass, copper and appreciate and value the past, who 2020, the Cape Board is gold inlaid Damascus ware tray with want to ensure that heritage items of partnering with Jacqui on an Hebrew inscriptions and a depiction of historical significance are retained and ongoing basis to enrich the Jacob Moses in the bulrushes, a small brass cherished and who decide to honour Gitlin Library with more diverse Chanukiah, and an interesting leather their family by donating such items to and representative books. We’re handbag that has been engraved. the community in their names. calling on the community to help The handbag tells an unfinished story. source or donate queer literature, The Cape Board welcomes any further film and music. It has the intertwined gold initials ‘J’ information that pertains to these Books that include LGBTQIA+ themes and ‘B’ on it, and a silver plaque in items or individuals. and storylines available at the Jacob To donate, get in touch with Hebrew and German. The current Gitlin Library. Janine Rodgers on 021 462 5088. We want to tell your stories, so to Jacqui’s library drive, saying if you’re getting involved in the he feels honoured to have been initiative, please also reach out to approached. [email protected]. “Melanie Judge was also very If you’re LGBTQIA+ identified affirming of my idea,” Jacqui said. and would like to join A Rainbow “These donations will not just be Thread, contact Jacqui Benson on books off home bookshelves but [email protected] or reach out to the Facebook group A small brass Chanukiah; a fine brass, copper and gold inlaid Damascus ware tray with will stand alongside the works of Hebrew inscriptions and a depiction of Moses in the bulrushes; a rare silver filigree prominent community members. ‘Jewish LGBTIQA and their Allies’. bessamim box; the mysteriously inscribed handbag of Jetty (Yeta) Fas.

Cape Jewish Board of Deputies capesajbd www.capesajbd.org 10 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

Interfaith concert unites Cape Town in harmony

The Cape SAJBD hosted an Interfaith Concert at Temple Israel Green Point on Wednesday 5 February. The event was created in honour of the United Nations’ World Interfaith Harmony Week, having taken place from 3 to 7 February. oordinated with great care Councillor Matthew Cby Gwynne Robins, the Kempthorne from the City diversity in religious leadership of Cape Town addresses and musical performances the audience attracted an audience as varied. A theme of peace and Archbishop Stephen Brislin prays for harmony emerged as religious Khoisan community preparing for prayer by Chief peace Autshumao Mackie leaders shared their prayers, and the performances that followed were impeccably delivered and received in warmth. Cape SAJBD chairperson Rael Kaimowitz opened the event and City of Cape Town councillor Matthew Kempthorne delivered a Dr Bhadra Shah listens to message from the city. Director other prayers Stuart Diamond closed the evening with a word of thanks, saying how inspiring and important interfaith work is. The Cape SAJBD thanks everyone in attendance, particularly the religious leaders and performers. Your generosity of spirit goes a far way in creating a unified community. Children from Vuka Nomtombhoyi performing A Herzlia student leads the choir’s song Sheikh Mogamat Moerat Responding to antisemitism on campus If an antisemitic incident of the incident was a student or remove them without approval from Think carefully about what happens on your campus: someone from off-campus. It will your university. you have seen or heard, so you make a difference in how campus DON’T: Call for bans on free speech. can figure out how to respond. DO: Call campus security, or call security and the administration deal Focus instead on countering bad Stand up against hate! CSO immediately if there is any with the matter. threat to your safety or that of your speech with good speech. DO: Report the incident by calling fellow students. DON’T: Give up. It’s important the Cape SAJBD, who can provide to show how much this event or DO: Document the incident. If support and advice. Your report incident hurts you, and share you discover antisemitic graffiti or will help us keep accurate data and those feelings with your fellow posters, take a photo of the scene, combat antisemitism. then call the campus security and students. The actions you take tell them you need them to come and Show pride in your Jewish can increase understanding take an incident report. identity and heritage. and lead to collaboration. DO: Report the incident to campus DON’T: Use hateful language to You can respond authority as a bias incident. Even respond. Your goal should be to effectively. Empower your if campus security determines that show why bias is hurtful, not to even campus community to the action was not illegal, you’re the score. learn from the event, and ensuring that some type of follow-up DON’T: Take matters into your to take steps to ensure will take place. own hands. If someone puts up it doesn’t happen again. DO: Try to find out if the perpetrator antisemitic flyers, for example, do not Report hate!

Cape Jewish Board of Deputies capesajbd www.capesajbd.org Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 11 12 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

VIEW FROM THE CHAIR Well, Netanyahu has staked his The shooting down of the Ukrainian than ever may contest the elections, reputation and his place in history on passenger jet and the consequent fewer parties than ever will likely pass his stand against Iran, and has done protests against the regime in Iran, the threshold of over 3% and that only more than any other politician to make further play into Netanyahu’s hands. eight or so parties may be elected to the world aware of the malevolent As do the visits by Vladimir Putin and remain members of the Knesset. role that Iran plays in the region. Zelensky to Israel for the international So, when Donald Trump took out Holocaust Conference in Jerusalem. Taking everything into account A short Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, however, it still looks unrealistic that no one could have been happier than Back to the elections. Even though a right-wing block will gain sufficient synopsis of a Netanyahu, because Soleimani was intensive jockeying between parties seats to form a majority of over 60 Israel’s (and particularly Netanyahu’s) and candidates is taking place, I seats. With the Arab parties uniting very complicated number one foe. Soleimani made it his predict that the results will largely behind the Joint List, they are mission to completely destroy Israel remain the same. As no one party targeting 15 seats, although likely to situation and he had the firepower to be able can attain a majority, the contest will gain at least 13 seats, but it is almost to carry out his threat. In an instant, be decided by which parties can form unthinkable that they will form part By Esta Levitas, Trump changed the whole ball game, the largest blocks. Unless Netanyahu of a coalition government on the Chairman, SAZF Cape Council and once again America reasserted is sentenced, his chances of forming left. Maybe after three elections, the itself back into Middle Eastern politics, the largest (right wing) block remain two largest parties, Likud and Blue albeit as an unpredictable player. the likely outcome and as I indicated and White, will at last come to their The first to applaud Trump with the above, may be strengthened due to senses, and join in a unity government Don’t be surprised if Benyamin loudest applause was Netanyahu, geopolitical events. Some smaller that represents a broad spectrum of Netanyahu makes a comeback in and the relationship between Trump parties, particularly the extreme Israeli citizens. Israel’s third election in less than and Netanyahu will no doubt boost right wind Otzma-Yehudit party may 12 months. With all the corruption Netanyahu’s image as a global leader disappear or agree to compromise by charges still plaguing him, how with influential leaders as his close joining with a right-wing block. What can this be possible? friends. is clear, is that although more parties

The Cakemaker Sunday 29 March 2020 18h30 Nelson Mandela Auditorium - Gardens

Bookings: Contact Yvette 021 464 6714 or [email protected]

Light refreshments will be served. NO CHARGE, donations welcome.

Find us SA Zionist Federation - Cape Council @SAZF_Cape www.sazfcape.co.za Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 13 14 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

THE ISRAEL CENTRE school twinning which is a partnership between Another new project will be #MyCommunity photo the teachers of the Herzlia primary schools and exhibit, made of photos created by people in all four Herzlia Middle School with teachers in Israel. This communities depicting how they choose to capture twinning has been going on for many years and has their sense of community. developed some valuable educational programmes. An exciting new project was presented whereby An exciting beginning to Another ongoing project we decided to continue a group of young professionals from all four is sending Israeli madrichim from our partnership communities will go on a journey to a different 2020 with the P2G steering region to work with the youth movements at their country where together they will bond, learn about committee machanot, either in summer or in winter. The their heritage and bring back what they have projects also include new programmes like a learnt to their communities. There are many more By Michal Ilan, Community and Aliyah Shlicha professional twinning between welfare organisations programmes and ideas and we are always looking in Beit Shemesh / Mateh Yehudah and welfare for more fresh and exciting ways to create a people- If you were given a budget and told you could organisations within the Jewish communities in to-people connection. create any project that would bring Israelis and Cape Town and in Johannesburg. South Africans together, to learn about one Do you have ideas or want to get involved in one of another and strengthen their connection and A delegation from Cape Town’s JCS and the existing projects? Contact the Israel Centre at their community – what would you do? What Johannesburg’s Chevra Kadisha went to Israel at [email protected] 021-2862131. would you create? the end of 2019 on a pilot trip to meet their potential partners. They will continue working together in It doesn’t happen often that we can dream and 2020, learning from each other and hopefully make our dreams a reality, but this is exactly establishing the best way to collaborate and foster what P2G allows us to do. In late January a personal and professional relationships. We hope group of professional and lay leaders from our that this professional twinning will be used as a Partnership2Gether communities (Johannesburg, model to connect people from other fields through Cape Town, Beit Shemesh and Mateh Yehudah) their common interests or occupation. got together for the annual steering committee meeting. At the meeting, the different members There are many new initiatives, including extending learned about the needs of each community and the school twinning to delegations of pupils who will came up with an exciting plan for 2020 that would be hosted by their peers. The first delegation will benefit all partners. be hosted by Herzlia Middle School in March 2020. A group of 16 grade 9’s from Tzur Hadassah will The P2G steering commitee on a game farm just outside of The projects include ongoing programmes like spend a week in Cape Town. Johannesburg

Find us SA Zionist Federation - Cape Council @SAZF_Cape www.sazfcape.co.za


369 South Africans received food + cards each month, including the 1community8,0 members00 LONE SOLDIERS elderly, physically or mentally ill, single 194 turned to Telfed for parents and families-at-risk (NIS 1.2M) without families were INFORMATION supported by Telfed SOCIAL WELFARE 3,000 Counselling sessions 476 SCHOLARSHIPS awarded to students (NIS 2.4M) 16,800 290 hours of voluntary VOLUNTEERS community service 300% undertaken by gave back to YEARS Increase in scholarship the community OF SERVICE applicationsin recipients looking after

89 25,000 ALIYAH & KLITA SOUTH/ERN NIS 8M NATIONAL EVENTS AFRICANS TO RAISE in Israel, Students 2 26 601 through a in the Samson new arrivals guided 4,734 variety of Government SASI program through their immigration charitable AWARDS OF supporting & absorption in Israel ATTENDEES communal EXCELLENCE South Africans projects studying in EACH YEAR Israel 60 CHILDREN

SUBSIDISED EMPLOYMENT HOUSING received English 641 people benefitted from Career Counselling in lessons through Up to below market-rate rental 227% 30% Increase in Aliyah Telfed Ethiopian accommodation for olim sessions ommunity nitiative 2,320 over last 5 years C I 213

Add: 19/1 Schwartz St, Raanana, 4321224, Israel Toll free from SA: 0800-997-495 Tel: +972 9 7907800 Email: [email protected] Facebook: /Telfed Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 15 Continues from page 1 Young Israeli inspires WIZO AGM audience

ZA WIZO BChairman, Janene Currie, reported on the highlights of 2019, presenting some special awards to a few remarkable members of its Executive for their exceptional commitment, dedication and leadership. In acknowledgement of World WIZO’s Special honours for their outstanding contribution to 100th anniversary Heather Blumenthal, Janene Currie, Asif Izak, Hila Zetler, Rowan Polovin, Tamar the organisation went to Tessa Sanders and Donné celebrations. Lazarus and Moonyeen Castle Querido, as well as Tessa Scher and Felicity Isserow pictured here with BZA WIZO Chairman, Janene Currie Janene also honoured the chairmen and members of the 13 WIZO Cape Town branches for their generous contribution of time, energy and enthusiasm. WIZO also thanked their sponsors, whose generosity made it a very special event. Photographs: Special mention for their innovation and creativity in the production of their beautiful hand-made greeting cards were Mimi Eddi, Yda Yolande Kretzmer- Tollman, Janene Currie (Chairman BZA WIZO), Rita Wagenheim and Keyes Merlyn Segall 16 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

Consider This

By Rabbi Malcolm Matitiani Vehavta L’rei’acha Kamocha Rabbi Akiva referred to South Africa and marriage officers. expression that should be celebrated and marriages but and sanctified by a religious wedding I also strongly hold the Torah command “Love I was appalled and upset by the ceremony. Our belief in a Just and the view that all your neighbour as yourself” venomous homophobia expressed Merciful God cannot be reconciled religious leaders must demonstrate (Leviticus 19:18) as an all- by many members of the attendees the fact that many people judge others compassion and love to everyone embracing principle in the who claim to worship a Merciful and based on their sexual preferences. no matter their sexual and gender Loving God. Instead of a rational and Torah (Sifra, Kedoshim, Chapter History has shown that many people orientation. I ask these more practical discussion of the marriage 4:12). An expansion of this question their gender identity and conservative religious leaders to laws of the Republic of South Africa, directive is the teaching of for centuries these individuals have recognise that there are more liberal the level of discourse descended Hillel that one should not lived in torment because of societal forms of their particular religions and into hate speech against members judge another until you have stigmatisation. that instead of speaking hatefully of the LGBTQIA+ community. Many arrived in their place (Pirkei about members of the LGBTQIA+ religious leaders expressed their fear As we enter the third decade of the community they refer them to Avot 2:4). If we are all created that they would face jail time if they 21st century the secular world and religious leaders who are willing to B’Tzelem Elokim “in God’s refused to officiate at a same-sex secular law has given transgender assist them to celebrate their love image” and “God saw all that marriage and some even stated that and other sexual minorities dignity and help raise a religiously observant God had made and found it people who do not conform to the and freedom from prosecution in family in a congregation that will very good” (Genesis 1:31), then heterosexual stereotype are doomed many countries around the world provide them with a spiritual home. it follows that we should view to eternal damnation. including South Africa. There 73 countries where homosexuality Our secular democracy enshrines the all human beings as sacred. While I understand that many is criminalised, and 12 where the human rights of all residents of South conservative religious people view n October last year the Department death penalty is instituted for same- Africa. These constitutional rights Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 as a Iof Home Affairs called a meeting sex relations. Surely religions who supersede religious law. Jews have strong prohibition of homosexuality, with religious leaders to discuss preach that all people are created suffered anti-Semitism for millenia, and the Talmud (Shabbat 56a and their planned restructuring and B’Tzelem Elokim should take the culminating, in the murder of six Yevamot 76a) has teachings, which streamlining of the Marriage Laws lead in eradicating any form of million Europeans simply because many Jews interpret as a prohibition of South Africa. Currently there are persecution and discrimination they were Jews. The treatment of against Lesbianism, hatred of people three separate laws: the amended against all minorities. members of the LGBTIA+ community is surely a worse offence. Many liberal Marriage Act of 1961, the Civil Unions with dignity and compassion is a theologians and religious leaders As a Progressive and Liberal Rabbi Act of 2006 that covers same-sex human rights issue, cause that we (including this author) disagree I believe that everyone has a right marriages, and the Recognition of should all cherish and pursue. Let with such views. Progressive Jews to their own beliefs and opinions Customary Marriages Act of 1998 us all follow Hillel’s dictum that we and liberal Christians and Muslims and I respect the right for individual that covers polygamous traditional should not judge another until we see all loving relationships as valid religious observers both lay and African marriages. The DHA wants to have arrived in their place. incorporate all three in one Act that expressions of individuals’ sexual professional to disagree with me on will make it easier for the citizens of orientation gender identity and the issue of same-sex relationships Huge crowd celebrates a decade of Chessed

More than 250 people gathered for Shabbat Chessed in Wynberg on 31 January as we celebrated a decade of this incredible service in our congregation. ith Rabbis Greg and Emma leading Wour volunteer musicians in a beautiful Erev Shabbat service with a delicious brocha afterwards, Progressive Jewish ruach was truly on show for all to see. Temple Israel Cape Town is filled with pride and kavod for what Chessed, initiated and led by lay leaders, has brought to our congregation. Temple Israel Wynberg filling up for Shabbat We look forward to the next decade and more. Chessed

Mazaltov to those who celebrated Bnei Mitzvah with us last month:

Sophie Chames Sienna Simon Ronin Miller Sam Frankal Noah Berman 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 February 29 February Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 17 Pumpkin orange, the Samurai and a billboard

By Maiyan Karidi A few years and 3 cyclones ago, flowed out onto the road, apparently on a small tropical island in cheerful to be ‘uncontained’. Panic. the Indian Ocean, where chaos I grabbed a piece of cardboard and exists in slow motion, a strange began trying to scoop whatever I convergence transpired. could back into the container. Cars were starting to hoot. “Can’t they burning inspiration to paint my SEE what’s happening?!” My feet Alittle art shop with happy, deep were sliding in my shoes, the red jeep and meaningful colours led me to was transforming into orange. my dream scenario, choosing from a As I lifted my head with desperation, I display of four thousand five hundred saw the billboard. It was right in front color tones and shades. Selecting of the traffic circle. An advertisement the right colour for our outside wall, for the paint company, with a giant for me, was of utmost importance, digitally manipulated PUMPKIN an investment in our spiritual ORANGE splash, for all to see. ‘WE existence. It only took me two hours HAVE YOUR COLOUR’ — it shouted of rumination before making my final at me. fateful decision. This is a clear sign, I thought. The Wintergreen for the inside and planets are aligned, all is well. We Pumpkin orange for the outside. are exactly were we are supposed I will save you the philosophical to be. How else could one possibly proofs of why these carefully explain this. We did paint the shop selected colors where based on drivers seat of my bright red Samurai a doubt. by sunset, with a lot less paint, and it actual universal truths exactly in tune jeep and the Pumpkin orange behind We entered the traffic circle and I really did look beautiful. with our consequential venture into the passengers seat. heard a boom, turned around and the unknown. “All set, let’s do it!” I grinned “Aaaargh…….nooooo, stop!”. The Karidis are an Israeli/South I felt complete, balanced, safe in the triumphantly to my husband who African artist family who have lived The Pumpkin orange was bursting knowledge that later that day I would is my best team mate in these and worked in South Africa, Israel, out of the five liter container with be merrily painting my wall to the situations. He drove off while I sat, a Mauritius and Fiji. glee. It was flowing like volcanic lava sound waves of Vivaldi’s Summer happy passenger visualizing my little under the seat and onto my feet, These stories form part of a series floating out of my little shop window. shop coming alive by sunset. Along as Tovi stopped the Samurai in mid of experiences of Jewish identity in I laid my Wintergreen behind the the highway we discussed the finer flight. I opened the door and the lava extraordinary locations. details, it would be beautiful, without


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lexus.co.za 18 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 19 No Place like Home Out and about with members

Almost 95% of the elderly live in some form of independent household. Home ownership was a major goal after World War 2, and millions achieved this goal, many remaining in their homes after paying off mortgages with hard work. deally, your ageing loved-one will be able to ‘age in place’ in the Icomfort of his own home. Having to move can be very traumatic when it tears an older person out of a familiar neighbourhood where they have well-developed social relationships. Major factors influencing where an elderly person lives are their financial situation, deterioration of the property and whether they can maintain it. Adv. Anton Katz addressing members at the twilight supper On the other hand, many elderly people who wish to ‘age in place’ face the prospect of social isolation, high home-repair costs, rising property taxes and property concerns. The threat of crime and increased traffic can make the area less than ideal at times. Areas where there is more peace and quiet can have a lack of safe public transportation for those who no longer drive. No matter what neighbourhood one lives in, many older person who own their home may face special challenges. They may become more frail and need assistance in maintaining and repairing their home, such as installing grab bars in bathrooms or ramps at doorways. Lifting to appointments and/ or shopping West Coast members being visited by Dr Anastasia Tomson and assistance with personal care might become a problem too. Ensuring that they have sufficient nourishing food is also important Social and Personal and they may need hot meals and groceries delivered. If possible, engage with your ageing loved one to see what We extend a hearty mazeltov on the Anita Stoch — grandson adjustments need to be made to assist them to adapt a home to fit following special occasions: Ida Surovsky — granddaugher the changing needs for as long as possible. Births Birthdays Henny Bernstein — great grandson Sydney Kaufman (80); Ruth Mink; Preventing Isolation Rabbi & Rebbetsin Green — grandson Morris Rozen (80); Pearl Selibowitz; Hadassah Friedman — granddaughter Doreen Seidle; Selmae Miller; Eunice Loneliness can be a seriously debilitating condition for an elderly Joyce Reitstein — great grandson Movsowitz; Dawn Veiner (80); Lucy person. Visiting regularly, enables both the adult child and elderly Roni Snitcher — granddaughter Woolf (80) parent will often relax your loved one who will often be prepared to Barmitzvah We extend our sincere condolences wait patiently for the next scheduled visit, instead of ‘bugging ‘you Dorothy Bagraim — grandson to our members who have lost family all the time close contact is appreciated, even if the relationship Shirley Greenstein — grandson members: has been strained in the past. Special occasions are important, Collette and Barry Levin— grandson Frida Farkas — husband especially if the partner is no longer there. Even if the older person Dale Matthews — grandson Sybil Castle — husband feels fine being alone much of the time, there is a difference Moira and Zack Shapiro — grandson Lilian Sheldon — daughter between being alone and being lonely. Involve as many family Shirley Stoltzman — grandson Anita Sherman — son members as you can to assist in preventing isolation. Engagements New Members Janice Bloch — grandson Joan Alpert; Gail Aronson; Trevor and To Drive or Not to Drive? Shirley Elvey — grandson Rina Band; Regina Donninger; Anita Anna Glass and Isaac Joffe Gerber; Margo Kilborn ten Tusscher; Most adults hope to keep driving as long as they live. However, age- Marriage Maureen Pizzi; Leonie Segal related factors such as vision problems-loss of central or peripheral Janey Casper — grandson vision and cognitive impairment can make driving a hazard for your loved one and for other drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Older drivers might have higher rates of traffic violations, collisions and fatalities per kilometre than younger drivers and also tend to have Special events in March more serious injuries when being involved in an accident. Senior citizens can feel threatened when told it is time to give BOOKING ESSENTIAL FOR ALL FUNCTIONS up their driving privileges. It can also be a hardship because OUTINGS without a car it is much more difficult to run errands or get around. Southern Suburbs 2 March Toeka Stoor Museum and coffee shop The ideal is for you to be able to drive as long as possible, but 9 March Red Shed without jeopardising anyone’s life. This might be limiting driving 16 March Stellenbosch to daylight hours. 23 March Horticultural tour of Vineyard Hotel 30 March Cape Town Harbour Water Taxi Tour If your ageing loved ones can no longer drive, investigate Sea Point 18 March Horticultural tour of Vineyard Hotel alternatives in the community, such as shuttle bus services, public 19 February Babylonstoren buses or making arrangements with siblings or friends to take turns 25 March Red Shed in the Waterfront transporting to doctors, shops and other places. 10 March Pajamas and Jam Restaurant Being Considerate 24 March Soet Emporium in 31 March Toeka Stoor Specialist Shop Whenever possible, to whatever degree, involve your ageing loved West Coast 3 March Vineyard Hotel one in every lifestyle decision. Seek to understand your elder’s 17 March Red Shed thoughts and feelings alongside the practical needs. Think about MEN’S SCHMOOZE how your loved one’s feelings and needs may change and seek to Milnerton 6 March Rabbi Deren make decisions with them, not for them. Southern Suburbs 18 March Adv Stephen Powell Sea Point 25 March Adv Stephen Powell Consider how you and other family members can help your elder TWILIGHT SUPPERS live the life of their choosing and much of the time, the right place Southern Suburbs 18 March Glynnis Breytenbach is home. Sea Point 24 March Tzilli Reizenberger Diana Sochen Executive Director Milnerton 26 March Lisa Chait 20 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Cape Jewish Seniors Events Calendar APRIL 2020

Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Sea Point 10.00 Craft with Yvette and Jeannette R20 Sea Point 9.15 JOY Programme with Alon Ashel Learners and Sea Point 9.30 Shopping with 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 Seniors. Malcolm R20 Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 10.15 Yiddish mit Veronica R10 Milnerton 10.30 Men’s 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 2.00 Bridge and Kalooki R10 Schmooze Group S/Suburbs 10.00 Bnoth Milnerton 9.30 Kalooki R10 with Richard Newman SUBSCRIPTION 2020 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 S/Suburbs 10.30 Pop in with the Companions R10 Jewish Minorities around 11.00 DVD Series R10 1.00 Kalooki R10 the World R10 Your CJSA subs for 2020 were West Coast 10.30 Pop In Jazz morning with Irving Freeman The Hit due on 1 January and we Parade with Jewish Influences R10 appreciate it greatly if your subscription is paid timeously. Subs can be paid at any of our Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 branches or via EFT Sea Point 10.00 A musical Pop In with excerpts from Aida with Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Denise Bremridge R10 10.00 Talking Point with Colin R10 Sea Point 9.30 Outing to Dunes Restaurant in . Tea for own 1st day Pesach Good Friday R180 2.00 Reminiscing with Hazel R10 12.00 Bridge classes R10 account. R30 2.00 Scrabbble. All welcome R10 Milnerton 10.00 Pop In with Shirley Kantor illustrated talk on her Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 Office Closed Our banking details are ABSA 2.30 Yoga with Leina R10 family’s journey from Vilna to Calvinia 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 2nd Day Pesach Cheque Account Number Milnerton 10.00 Jazz morning with Irving Freeman R10 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 Office Closed 4062830510 S/Suburbs 9.30 Outing to Dunes Restaurant R30 Tea for own S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 11.00 DVD Series R10 Branch Code 632005 account. 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 2.00 Yiddish mit Rita R10 West Coast 9.30 Outing to Babylonstoren for a specialised garden tour. R50 includes entrance. Tea for own account. Tour begins at 11.30

Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Friday 17 Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Sea Point 10.00 Movie Morning. Bohemian Rhapsody R10 Easter Monday 10.00 Talking Point with Colin R10 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 7th Day Pesach 12.00 Bridge classes R10 Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 8th Day Pesach Office Closed Milnerton 10.00 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 Office Closed Office Closed 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Men’s Schmooze Group with Richard Newman S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 Jewish Minorities around the world R10 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 11.00 DVD Series R10

Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 Friday 24 Sea Point 10.00 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Sea Point 9.30 Outing to R30 Tea for own account. Sea Point 9.15 JOY Programme with Alon Ashel Learners and Sea Point 9.30 Shopping with 2.00 Reminiscing with Hazel R10 10.00 Talking Point with Colin R10 10.30 Men’s Schmooze Group with Richard Newman Seniors. Malcolm R20 2.00 Scrabble games All welcome R10 2.00 Beginners Bridge R10 Jewish Minorities around the world R10 10.15 Yiddish mit Veronica R10 2.30 Yoga with Leina. R10 17.30 Twilight Supper with author and journalist Heidi 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 Milnerton 10.30 Pop in with the Companions R10 Lampert speaking on her new novel Milnerton 9.30 Kalooki R10 Milnerton 18.30 Twilight Supper with Shawn Levine on his trek to 3.00 Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein R10 Milnerton 9.15 Outing and horticultural tour of the Vineyard Hotel 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 Nepal and Everest R80 S/Suburbs 9.30 Outing to Starke Ayres Garden Centre R30 Tea for R150 including tour, tea and transport (there are stairs). 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 S/Suburbs 10.30 Pop In with Leo Turvey R10 own account. 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 2.00 Kalooki R10 2.00 Yiddish mit Rita R10 S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 11.00 DVD Series R10 West Coast 10.00 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 17.30 Twilight Supper with Dave Steward of the FW de Klerk Foundation R80

Sunday 26 Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Sea Point 9.30 Outing to Starke Ayres Garden Centre R40 Tea for own Sea Point 9.15 JOY Programme with Alon Ashel Learners and Freedom Day Public Holiday 10.00 Talking Point with Marcia R10 account. Seniors. 2.00 Beginners Bridge R10 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 10.15 Yiddish mit Veronica R10 Office Closed Milnerton 9.15 Outing to Dunes Restaurant in Hout Bay R40 Tea for Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 11.30 Exercises with Mariamne R10 own account 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 Milnerton 9.30 Kalooki R10 S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 11.00 DVD Series R10 S/Suburbs 10.30 Jazz with Irving Freeman R10 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 2.00 Kalooki R10 10.30 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 West Coast 10.30 Art with Sharon Lopis R10

DIRECTOR: Diana Sochen 021 434 9691 [email protected] ADMIN: Amanda 021 434 9691 [email protected] search CJSA on Facebook


Rubi and Anne With compliments With compliments from Aggie Hirsch Chaitman in memory of from Ben Rabinowitz in Foundation Freddy memory of Shirley

MEYER HIRSCH THE HAROLD AND Goldschmidt GOLDSCHMIDT BEATRICE KRAMER Family Foundation FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 25 Events Calendar APRIL 2020

Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Sea Point 10.00 Craft with Yvette and Jeannette R20 Sea Point 9.15 JOY Programme with Alon Ashel Learners and Sea Point 9.30 Shopping with 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 Seniors. Malcolm R20 Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 10.15 Yiddish mit Veronica R10 Milnerton 10.30 Men’s 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 2.00 Bridge and Kalooki R10 Schmooze Group S/Suburbs 10.00 Bnoth Milnerton 9.30 Kalooki R10 with Richard Newman SUBSCRIPTION 2020 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 S/Suburbs 10.30 Pop in with the Companions R10 Jewish Minorities around 11.00 DVD Series R10 1.00 Kalooki R10 the World R10 Your CJSA subs for 2020 were West Coast 10.30 Pop In Jazz morning with Irving Freeman The Hit due on 1 January and we Parade with Jewish Influences R10 appreciate it greatly if your subscription is paid timeously. Subs can be paid at any of our Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 branches or via EFT Sea Point 10.00 A musical Pop In with excerpts from Aida with Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Denise Bremridge R10 10.00 Talking Point with Colin R10 Sea Point 9.30 Outing to Dunes Restaurant in Hout Bay . Tea for own 1st day Pesach Good Friday R180 2.00 Reminiscing with Hazel R10 12.00 Bridge classes R10 account. R30 2.00 Scrabbble. All welcome R10 Milnerton 10.00 Pop In with Shirley Kantor illustrated talk on her Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 Office Closed Our banking details are ABSA 2.30 Yoga with Leina R10 family’s journey from Vilna to Calvinia 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 2nd Day Pesach Cheque Account Number Milnerton 10.00 Jazz morning with Irving Freeman R10 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 Office Closed 4062830510 S/Suburbs 9.30 Outing to Dunes Restaurant R30 Tea for own S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 11.00 DVD Series R10 Branch Code 632005 account. 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 2.00 Yiddish mit Rita R10 West Coast 9.30 Outing to Babylonstoren for a specialised garden tour. R50 includes entrance. Tea for own account. Tour begins at 11.30

Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Friday 17 Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Sea Point 10.00 Movie Morning. Bohemian Rhapsody R10 Easter Monday 10.00 Talking Point with Colin R10 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 7th Day Pesach 12.00 Bridge classes R10 Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 8th Day Pesach Office Closed Milnerton 10.00 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 Office Closed Office Closed 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Men’s Schmooze Group with Richard Newman S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 Jewish Minorities around the world R10 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 11.00 DVD Series R10

Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 Friday 24 Sea Point 10.00 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Sea Point 9.30 Outing to Rhodes Memorial R30 Tea for own account. Sea Point 9.15 JOY Programme with Alon Ashel Learners and Sea Point 9.30 Shopping with 2.00 Reminiscing with Hazel R10 10.00 Talking Point with Colin R10 10.30 Men’s Schmooze Group with Richard Newman Seniors. Malcolm R20 2.00 Scrabble games All welcome R10 2.00 Beginners Bridge R10 Jewish Minorities around the world R10 10.15 Yiddish mit Veronica R10 2.30 Yoga with Leina. R10 17.30 Twilight Supper with author and journalist Heidi 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 Milnerton 10.30 Pop in with the Companions R10 Lampert speaking on her new novel Milnerton 9.30 Kalooki R10 Milnerton 18.30 Twilight Supper with Shawn Levine on his trek to 3.00 Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein R10 Milnerton 9.15 Outing and horticultural tour of the Vineyard Hotel 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 Nepal and Everest R80 S/Suburbs 9.30 Outing to Starke Ayres Garden Centre R30 Tea for R150 including tour, tea and transport (there are stairs). 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 S/Suburbs 10.30 Pop In with Leo Turvey R10 own account. 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 2.00 Kalooki R10 2.00 Yiddish mit Rita R10 S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 11.00 DVD Series R10 West Coast 10.00 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 17.30 Twilight Supper with Dave Steward of the FW de Klerk Foundation R80

Sunday 26 Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Sea Point 10.00 Ageless Grace with Joycelyn R25 Sea Point 9.30 Outing to Starke Ayres Garden Centre R40 Tea for own Sea Point 9.15 JOY Programme with Alon Ashel Learners and Freedom Day Public Holiday 10.00 Talking Point with Marcia R10 account. Seniors. 2.00 Beginners Bridge R10 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 10.15 Yiddish mit Veronica R10 Office Closed Milnerton 9.15 Outing to Dunes Restaurant in Hout Bay R40 Tea for Milnerton 9.30 Art Classes with Karen Cohen R25 11.30 Exercises with Mariamne R10 own account 9.30 Ageless Grace with Cathy Hudson R20 1.45 Bridge and Kalooki R10 1.30 Mosaic Classes with Sonia Norrie R30 S/Suburbs 10.00 Ageless Grace with Yvonne R20 Milnerton 9.30 Kalooki R10 S/Suburbs 9.30 Kalooki R10 11.00 DVD Series R10 S/Suburbs 10.30 Jazz with Irving Freeman R10 2.00 Knitting Group. All welcome R10 2.00 Kalooki R10 Muizenberg 10.30 A morning with Chris Eden of Bridges for Peace R10 West Coast 10.30 Art with Sharon Lopis R10

PROFESSIONAL STAFF: Sea Point: 021 434 9691; Milnerton: Hajiera Safidien–Maloon 021 555 1736; S/Suburbs: Monique Nieuwenhuys 021 761 7960; W/Coast: Stacey Melmed 074 405 5186


With compliments With compliments THE SILVERMAN Stanley and Zea Lewis The Susman from Ben Rabinowitz in FAMILY FOUNDATION The Jack & Ethel memory of Shirley Foundation Goldin Foundation Charitable Foundation

With compliments With Compliments The Henry Van Embden Kalman, Esther and Family Foundation Michael Maisel Trust 26 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

"Torah Im Derech Eretz" Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School 2020 Leadership

During the holidays, someone asked me if I could give them one I am most humbled to present my first address in The Jewish word to describe the Phyllis Jowell School. The word that resonated Chronicle as the Principal of Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School with me the most was ‘growth’. ‘Growth’ is referring not only to the (PJJDS). I am delighted to be integrated into the Jewish Community in Cape Town. physical numbers of our school.

Our team is committed to ensuring that our children receive a Obviously at any school, over the course of the year one should balanced education and that the Jewish way and religion is integral witness the children as they mature, acquire more skills and become to our schooling experience. wiser by the day and Phyllis Jowell is no exception to that. Our Campus Rabbi, Rabbi Gavi Ziegler, with whom I work very However, what is unique to Phyllis Jowell is the children’s attitude of closely, ensures that the Jewish aspect of our children's education receives proper attention and he guides us with great care and wanting to learn more, as well as their eagerness to improve their commitment. skills and general knowledge.

Torah Im Derech Eretz, our motto, is not an after-thought but the What are the ingredients that have contributed to making ‘growth’ guiding star which leads our educational processes and the way we the way I would describe the school? do things at the Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School. Torah with the way of the world and proper conduct is the ethos of our school in The first ingredient I would say is Simcha, happiness. The Talmud which we have confidence. In my opinion, there is no surer way to tells us that a person only learns where his/her heart desires. (‘Happy’ raise our children other than with the very Word of G-d being integral to their education. would have been my second option for the one word to describe PJ).

We are proud to state that in addition to such a solid foundation, we The second aspect that is a major contributor to this type of attitude follow the International Primary Curriculum which facilitates the is to have a ‘growth mindset’. Professor Carol Dweck, of Harvard acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as University coined the term ‘fixed mindset and growth mindset’ to international mindedness (having an awareness of ourselves and describe the underlying beliefs that people have about learning and others). Our students are given a holistic foundation that enables intelligence. When students believe that they can get smarter, they them to excel in any high schooling situation, wherever they may choose . put in extra effort which leads to greater achievement.

Our children at Phyllis Jowell are given the opportunity to express Mr Thomas and myself look forward to partnering with our parents, themselves through the arts, music and sport, hereby discovering staff and of course the students to continue fostering this special and themselves, exploring the world and enjoying life. Here children also distinct attitude found in the Phyllis Jowell School. learn from their outstanding role models i.e. the committed staff who exemplify sound ethics and values. Fun, happiness and warmth, are Rabbi Gavi Ziegler in the atmosphere at PJJDS.

Campus Rabbi Please feel free to visit our school to experience our beautiful school with its homely feel.

T.J.Thomas Principal Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 27 ADVERTORIAL


ROSE LERER COHEN PhD THE GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE [email protected] OBTAINING AN EU PASSPORT ROSE LERER COHEN PhD THE GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE [email protected] OBTAINING AN EU PASSPORT YOUR ANCESTRAL LINK TO LITHUANIA Your ancestors who were born in Lithuania and immigrated to South Africa, YOURIsrael orANCESTRAL elsewhere to start a new life andLINK thus broaden TO their LITHUANIA horizons, have GIFTED you the chance of receiving citizenship of the country of their birth. Your ancestors who were born in Lithuania and immigrated to South Africa, Israel or elsewhere to start a new life and thus broaden their horizons, have GIFTED you The Lithuanian the Governmentchance of receiving is restoring citizenship citizenship, of the they country are givingof their you birth. the opportunity to broaden your horizons. With over a decade of success, with clients in South Africa, theThe UK, Lithuanian Australia, Governmentthe US and Israel, is restoring we look citizenship, forward to they sharing are giving our knowledge you the opportunity and expertise to broaden your horizons.with With you andover obtain a decadeing ofyour success, EU passport. with clients in South Africa, the UK, Australia, the US and Israel, we look forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise with you and obtaining your EU passport.

Did you know that a Lithuanian passport grants its holder visa-free If your ancestor immigrated to South Africa during the years of access to over one hundred and fifty countries, thus granting you Lithuanian Independence between 1918-1940, you may be eligible travel-freedom? I can assist you to achieve this, by leveraging your for Lithuanian Citizenship. Did you know that a Lithuanian passport grants its holder visa-free If your ancestor immigrated to South Africa during the years of family history for your LithuanianAre you Citizenship. eligible for Lithuanian Citizenship? access to over one hundred and fifty countries, thus granting you Lithuanian Independence between 1918-1940, you may be eligible South Africans are generally granted Lithuanian Citizenship in the travel-freedom? I can assist you to achieve this, by leveraging your for Lithuanian Citizenship. ccording familyForto thefamily history past decade,forlore, your andLithuaniantogether The with Citizenship. first my Lithuanianand most partners, important I have step Oursimplified ancestors manner; immigrated by descent. to YouSouth can goarchives back three showing generations. that your ancestor Aoccasionallybeen with facilitating documents Lithuanian in inCitizenship the process Reinstatement. to attain WeLithuanian have AfricaSouthTherefore, fromAfricans ifmany youare generallyhaveof these a great-grandparent granteddistricts Lithuanian lost orwho Citizenshiprejected held Lithuanian Lithuanian in the citizenship, your possession,Forsuccessful the you past applicantsdiscover decade, togetherinthat South citizenship Africa,with my Australia, Lithuanian reinstatement the partners, UK, the is USIto have andprove andsimplifiedcitizenship, sub-districts. manner; you should by Adescent. benumber able You to can ofqualify goeligibility back to threebecome will generations. be Lithuanian denied. 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As anis ex-Southreinstating African I speak your language, I understand KretingaCitizen yourself. Marijampol You will ėhave Mažeikiaito prove the family connection through Oxford English Dictionary eligibility granted if your ancestor lost or forfeited hisOnce or her Lithuanianthese two Citizen conditions- are citizenship to thepersons requirements who can of theprove South African applicant, and am familiar with Rokiskisan unbroken Siauliai chain ofTaurage, documentation Telsiai all the way up the family tree Your ancestors who immigratedis theto improve fact of their having future, the have necessary gifted ship for any reason. fulfilled, supporting documents are their eligibility.the supporting documents required to augment your application. anduntil Ukmerge,you reach your Utena, ancestor Vilkaviškis, with Lithuanian ties. 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This enables medemonstrate to gain an understanding a continuous thread The conditions for assessing Uzventis, my ancestral town is in the reinstatement,yourpassport and wings. thus facilitator beThey granted did specializing not a live in ain void.Lithuania, They leftI want behind to ashare culture, the Followingof the ancestry my first andconversation the framework with potential for betweenassessing clients, eligibility.youthey andcomplete your As aancestor. significance of the documentseligibility located in are the asLithuanian follows: archives. The sub-districtgenealogist of and Kelme. family researcher and citizenship facilitator, I review passport that friendswould enableand extended visa-free family. As an historian, genealogist and an eligibility questionnaire. This enables me to gain an understanding documents that prove your eligibility, lead to additional documents this questionnaire in a different light, notI onlyhave as a toolfacilitated to prove successful access to overpassport one hundred facilitator and specializing fifty in Lithuania, I want to share the Theof theformer ancestry Prussian and the frameworkterritory offor assessing eligibility. As a and all these together unearth1. a Lithuaniantreasure trove ofCitizenship your history. Law:These eligibility but also as the basis of a family treeapplications and the means tofor glean Lithuanian countries, enablingsignificance travel-freedom? of the documents located in the Lithuanian archives. The Memelgenealogist became and family an researcherautonomous and citizenship facilitator, I review documents give you the opportunity to learn of your past while additional information. citizenship in South Africa, Australia, documents that prove your eligibility,Under leadthe toLaw additional of Citizenship documents of partthis ofquestionnaire Lithuania inunder a different the Memel light, not only as a tool to prove If you are indeedandserving alleligible, these as leverage together you can for unearth yourgo European a treasure Citizenship. trove of your history. These eligibility but also as the basis of a family treethe and UK, the the means US toand glean Israel; and will be Lithuania, for descendants to be Statute in January 1923, until it was back three generations.documents give Therefore, you the opportunity eligible forto citizenshiplearn of your reinstatement, past while additionalA marriage information. document may reveal a maidenpleased name that to wasassist unknown and guide you with On February 16, 1918 Lithuania became an independent country, re-annexedor the names by Germanyof grandparents in March and great grandparents. Birth if you haveserving a great-grandparent as leverage for your Europeanit is mandatory Citizenship. that the ancestor held your application. with Kaunas/Kovno serving as the capital. At the Paris Peace confer- 1939.documents It comprised may reveal the threenames districts of siblings that were born after your who held Lithuanian citizenship, you citizenship of Lithuania between A marriage document may reveal a maiden name that was unknown ence in 1919, the Lithuanian Jewish community was granted broad of ancestorKlaipėda, immigrated. Pagėgiai andDeath Šilut documentsė. oftenPlease state contact the reason me atfor rlerercohen@ should be ableOn to February qualify 16,to become1918 Lithuania became an independent country, or the names of grandparents and great grandparents. Birth autonomy in internal affairs,February including matters16, 1918 of religion,and June social 15, death. Information of this kind is vital whengmail.com. seeking information Your free for consultation a Lithuanian citizenwith Kaunas/Kovno yourself. You serving will as the capital. At the Paris Peace confer- documents may reveal names of siblings that were born after your welfare, education and culture.1940. Their languages, Hebrew and 2. hereditaryArchival diseases. research: School reports, documentswill include of membership assessing of your eligibility, have to proveence the infamily 1919, connectionthe Lithuanian Jewish community was granted broad ancestor immigrated. Death documents often state the reason for autonomyYiddish, were in internalpublicly recognized,affairs, including and Jewish matters primary of religion, education social was death.youth Informationmovements, of of this political kind is affiliation, vital when reviewingof seeking religious information affiliationyour forand documents, through an unbroken chain of On February 16, 1918 Lithuania Rigorous archival research in all welfare,made compulsory education and and free culture. ofbecame charge. 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Your quest for EU citizenship is of primePlease importance view and my proving website, www.kin- Lithuanian Jewry with unparalleleduntil itdevelopment was occupied of Jewish by thereligion, Soviet statetion mayclearly reveal that the your fate ofancestor family members. was thoughtLithuania and remained culture. independent until it was occupied by the Soviet eligibility is the main aim of archival research,search.com but there to is learna bonus, more about me Following my first conversation with Union on June,15 1940 following the a citizen of Independent Lithuania. Union in June 1940 following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. On June Youryou canquest learn for aboutEU citizenship ancestors isthat of remainedprime andimportance behind. of the and professional proving services I a potential client, they complete an This clause is part of Citizenship law Lithuania22, 1941 remained – Operation independent Barbarossa,Molotov–Ribbentrop until the it wasGerman occupied army Pact. by invaded the Soviet the eligibility is the main aim of archival research,offer. but there is a bonus, eligibility questionnaire. This enables based on a court decision of October UnionSoviet inUnion June setting1940 following in motion theIndependent the Molotov–Ribbentrop Holocaust inLithuania Lithuania. Pact. wasNinety On dividedJune four you can learn about ancestors that remained behind. me to gain an understanding of the 2017 and cannot be overlooked. 22,percent 1941 of –the Operation Jewish population Barbarossa,into of twenty-three Lithuaniathe German was districtsarmy decimated, invaded and includ furtherthe - ancestry and providesing many relativesthe framework of the immigrants to South Africa. Soviet Union setting in motion subdividedthe Holocaust into in Lithuania. sub-districts. Ninety four If a document is located in the for assessingpercent eligibility. of the Jewish population of Lithuania was decimated, includ- ing many relatives of the immigrants to South Africa.

I will be visiting Cape Town in March and am available for free consultation for Lithuanian and Polish passports. Call me on 0875 510 790 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment. We can also have a Skype or Whatsapp consultation. 28 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 JACOB GITLIN LIBRARY

Please visit www.gitlinlibrary.co.za to view all new books and the entire Gitlin collection

THE LOST KITCHEN by MIRIAM GREEN. The heartfelt story of a daughter painfully losing her mother to Alzheimer’s. FICTION Miriam’s love for her family is immense and she advises the THE AGE OF LIGHT by WHITNEY SCHARER. A brilliant reader on how to weather these painful times, savouring the portrayal of the tumultuous working and romantic relationship days for what they are. Miriam weaves poetry, recipes and between photographer Man Ray and model Lee Miller in Paris. anecdotes into the details of her family’s struggle to maintain As an older woman, Lee is asked to write about her relationship balance and laughter as Naomi deteriorates knowing they with Man. Scharer intersperses Lee’s memories of the 1930s need to keep her memories alive. with her later years when she fulfilled her own dream to be a photographer. A page-turning story depicting the wild spirit of PSYCHOLOGY an artist’s soul. RECOVER FROM BURNOUT by JUDY KILPIN. Life coach THE LAST COLLECTION by JEANNE MACKIN. Told from the Kilpin discusses that burn out is a condition that affects men alternative perspective of fashion designers Elsa Schiaparelli and women from all walks of life. Her book suggests practical and Coco Chanel, and the American artist who befriends them steps to address this legitimate syndrome, which affects our both. The novel set in 1930s France under the threat of a Nazi body, mind, emotions and relationships. If you find yourself invasion highlights the rivalry between the two whose ideas pleasing others at your expense, giving more than you have about women’s fashions and politics differed. Mackin skilfully then you need to read this book. Kilpin suggests ways to set sets the story of these creative women against the backdrop of your pace to survive and flourish. their exotic lives. RANGE by DAVID EPSTEIN. The author provides a wealth of AT THE WOLF’S TABLE by ROSELLA POSTORINO. A novel thought-provoking material suggesting that one should strive based on the true story of the women conscripted to be Hitler’s for broadness throughout one’s career. Nobel laureates in food tasters. Rosa Sauer whose husband is at the front has science are more likely to have artistic pursuits outside their been conscripted to be a taster at Hitler’s secret headquarters. field. On examining successful athletes, artists, musicians, Living under such stressful conditions caused them to divide inventors and scientists, Epstein discovered that generalists into those loyal to Hitler and others who were not. Secrets tend to be more creative than those who only heighten their and resentments grow as it becomes clear to them that the knowledge in one specific area. Germans may be on the wrong side of history. THE BOOKISH LIFE OF NINA HILL by ABBI WAXMAN. In CELEBRITY this witty novel Waxman introduces us to Nina Hill. She works DRAMA OF CELEBRITY by SHARON MARCUS. In this in a bookshop and spends her time reading, and talking to her compelling book, Marcus will change the way you think of cat Phil. All this changes when she is notified that her father, celebrities. Drawing on scrapbooks, personal diaries and who she never knew, has included her in his will. She suddenly vintage fan mail, she traces celebrity culture to its nineteenth has a large family who wish to welcome her into their fold. century roots. Her theory is that celebrities are elevated by Another intrusion into her ‘bookish’ life is a handsome man a combination of the press and the public. She focuses on who is equally passionate about quizzes. legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt who became a superstar through her lifelong engagement with the media. THE WORLD THAT WE KNEW by ALICE HOFFMAN. During the Nazi purge of Germany, a mother desperately seeks a way THE LIFE AND AFTERLIFE OF HARRY HOUDINI by JOE to save her 12-year-old daughter Lea. Turning to her faith she POSNANSKI. The author takes the reader on a tour of this finds help from a rabbi’s daughter, Ettie who creates a mystical escape artists life as well as other present day magicians Golem from magic and clay in exchange for train tickets to who were inspired by him. Posnanski tells us that Houdini’s escape herself. The Golem, Ava, is compelled to keep Lea safe genius was for publicity and romantic grandstanding. Close from harm. Hoffman expresses the agony of the Holocaust and to a century after his death, his magic endures through his humankind’s capacity for love. charismatic personality and ability to conjure captivating illusions. He remains an iconic figure in cultural history. NEW ISRAELI FICTION PAIN by ZERUYA SHALEV. Iris, an Israeli woman survived a HOLOCAUST suicide attack ten years previously and had to come to terms LIFE AND LOVE IN NAZI PRAGUE by MARIE BADER. An with the aftermath of physical pain as well as the loss of the account of Jewish life in occupied Prague, told through moving love of her youth. Now after years of living without joy despite letters. It is the tragic story of a late-life love affair between being married and having a family she reunites with him. Marie Bader and her cousin Ernst Loewy. The letters paint a However, her son is soon to be drafted and her daughter has vivid picture of her life under Nazi occupation revealing the fallen under the influence of a cult like leader. Iris has to make heightening anguish she suffered until her deportation to a choice — between passion and commitments. Theresienstadt in 1942. Marie’s great-grandson found these letters hidden in a suitcase in his parent’s attic. FLY ALREADY: STORIES by ETGAR KERET. A short story collection by Israeli award winning author Keret displaying his BITTER RECKONINGS by DAN PORAT. The author sheds love for humanity, brilliant revelations and wit. His characters light on eight landmark cases where kapos were on trial with grapple with parenthood and family, war and games, memory the best-known case that of Rudolf Kastner. He provides insight and love. These stories surprise, entertain and move. into the young state of Israel in the aftermath of the Holocaust The thread that weaves these pieces together is our inability to when some survivors were alleged to be collaborators and communicate and see the world around us. denounced to the authorities. Porat invites us to put aside moral judgement and consider what it means to be a victim in BIOGRAPHY extraordinary circumstances. MY BEAUTIFUL DETOUR by AMY OESTREICHER. Before her prom, Amy planned to attend college followed by a career on Broadway. However, she woke up months later from a coma learning that she may never eat and drink again. She slowly Discover the benefits of becoming a Friend of the Gitlin. recovered but with life’s everyday miracles came memories Email [email protected] or call 021 462 5088 of sexual abuse by a trusted mentor. Amy discovered the resilience to survive and find her inner strength. She offers strategies to empower individuals after trauma. Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 29 A view from the bar Affirmative action must be rational Apartheid officially ended deal with this “problem” of unfairness and often war. South Africans, led reasonably likely in 1994. In South Africa and fraudulent appointments the by Nelson Mandela in the early to achieve equality discrimination on the basis of Minister established a policy to deal 1990s, sought a different route must mean that race and other crimes against with the corruption and the domination based on healing past divisions and there is no proof humanity came to an end. A of the industry by white males. The consciously building an open society of a rational link Minister’s policy was to the effect based on democratic values, social between the new legal system was enacted. that of every ten appointments the justice and fundamental human policy and the purpose sought to be he Constitution expressly first four would go to black females, rights.” achieved. Accordingly, I hold that the the next three to black males, the impugned policy is also irrational.” Tprotects equality; so everyone The Court held the Minister’s next two to white males and the tenth is equal before the law and has the transformation policy was unlawful So the policy of affirmative action to a white male. The 4, 3, 2, 1 race/ right to equal protection and benefit and declared it to be invalid. The can in limited circumstances be part gender appointments were to be of the law. But the Constitution also reasoning was that although it may of South African law. It is permitted made on a strict rotating alphabetical recognised that the playing field was have been desirable to clean out and to address past injustices in order to basis. So, a massive liquidation of a not equal. So it permits Parliament and transform the insolvency industry level the playing field and give all a mining company could be handled other state bodies to take affirmative for the reasons put forward by the fair opportunity. But any attempt to by a relatively junior practitioner, action steps (transformation) to Minister, he did not demonstrate by impose transformation measures and the estate of a relatively small promote the achievement of equality. evidence that his 4, 3, 2, 1 policy must be rational. The law or policy corner butcher shop that had The measures may be designed would achieve the desired changes. must properly advance a better and gone under could be dealt with by to protect or advance persons or The statistics he relied on in deciding fair society. Over time, it will probably the most experienced insolvency categories of persons disadvantaged to adopt his policy were incomplete become more and more difficult for practitioner on the list. A group of by unfair discrimination. Does that and in many instances inaccurate. the state to justify a discriminatory insolvency practitioners challenged mean that any affirmative action or How could a policy developed policy on the basis of affirmative the Minister’s policy, complaining transformation measure would be on incorrect facts be considered action. The argument would be that it violated rights, including the lawful? If the government imposed rational? It could not. Thus, the that so many years after the end constitutional right to equality. I, in my an affirmative action policy that only policy was objectively invalid and of apartheid the disadvantage capacity as the judge, was required black woman could be appointed was set aside as being unlawful. The complained of no longer applies to to consider the challenge. What as police officers for the next ten Constitutional Court agreed with the those whom the policy is designed was important was how the Minister years would that policy be lawful, High Court. Justice Jaftha stated: “I to benefit. justified the policy; the Minister was constitutional and valid? And have already found that the policy is required to demonstrate how his 4, 3, secondly, who would decide whether not reasonably capable of achieving 2, 1 policy would achieve his aim of Anton Katz SC, a senior counsel it was lawful? equality. The reasons supporting this rooting out corruption and level the practicing at the Cape Bar, was finding are equally applicable to the The second question is easy to playing fields. a member (2011-2018) of the UN answer. It is the courts who decides rationality enquiry. This is so because Human Rights Council working group the lawfulness of all government By way of introduction I commented: the failure to prove that the policy is on mercenaries. action. Whenever and wherever the “Equality is an aspiration. More than government take action it must do so three hundred years of inequality on a rational basis; and if the action and pernicious disadvantage (unfair taken is not rational the courts will discrimination) at the instance of invalidate it. Rationality means that the State cannot be thought away the government action at a minimum overnight by raising a new flag and must serve the purpose it was adopting a new supreme law. More designed to achieve. In a challenge is required. to governmental action the Court will The Constitution recognises this and consider what the government claims requires protection of all rights in a its purpose is and consider whether transformative way. This approach THE ALL NEW TOYOTA COROLLA the conduct is properly crafted to informs constitutional jurisprudence achieve the stated purpose. But and defines the right to equality, which when is the exercise of public power requires remedial measures as a key in fact irrational? Is the test for element of that right. Such measures rationality objective or subjective? seek to redress the disadvantage NOW AVAILABLE The courts have accepted the caused by past practices. The rationality test is objective. It is not Constitutional Court has recognised what the court thinks is rational that that such measures may adversely counts. It is only what as a fact is affect some, but that this is the rational that is relevant. necessary price to pay to enjoy The courts have in a few cases been social cohesion and the vision of the required to consider challenges to Constitution. For this reason, whilst the validity of affirmative action/ white males, for example, may decry transformation policies designed to ‘affirmative action’ as it affects them, level the playing field in the name of carefully crafted affirmative action equality. During a stint as an Acting plans and policies are necessary to Judge in the High Court, Cape ensure that the divisions, bitterness Town during 2013 I was called upon and resentments that have divided to decide the validity of a policy by South Africa society and the stark the Minister of Justice concerning disparities between those on the the appointment of liquidators in different sides of the colonial and the insolvency industry. There was apartheid divide are overcome. evidence of widespread corruption in Division and bitterness could lead, the appointment of liquidators, who it and in many societies does lead, to was suggested consisted of mainly conflict and destruction. white males. An appointment to a A failure to appreciate and deal with large estate is usually lucrative, and historical fault lines on a sustainable is highly desirable. Most liquidators of basis and unresolved resentments sizable estates were white males. To can and do lead to civil conflict 30 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Family Announcements Moving on from tragedy is hard. But it’s necessary CONDOLENCES — THANK YOU By Justin Asher RUTH DOBRIN They say, time heals. They say, poverty-stricken community of Lavender We would like to thank all our wonderful family and friends if you really want to make it Hill while my brother Ricky made a for their love, support and kindness shown during our beloved through the future you have to delivery to SA Kinderhuis — a children’s Ruth’s illness and her passing. She will live on forever move on from the past. But what home in the Cape Town city centre. in our hearts. they don’t say is time can often So what’s next? Well, there’s no doubt Deeply mourned and never forgotten. feel like forever, the past is all Mom has a long journey ahead of her if you hold onto and the future is she’s truly going to be able to move on. Bertie, Stephen, Jackie, Harel, Wayne, Cammie incredibly scary after tragedy. The memories of losing your daughter and all her grandchildren will haunt you forever but when you truly ake no mistake, holding on to tragic understand the magnitude of moving on, Mloss — or any form of tragedy for you’ll realise that memories never fade that matter — is definitely the biggest ARTHUR GETZ — they help you build for the future and mistake you can ever make and while become a pivotal part of the future you. We acknowledge and appreciate the great support facing the future with one less part of our many friends and family, notably the Getz family, of your life seems scary, moving on is In order for Mom to take her next on the passing of our beloved Arthur. totally necessary. ‘moving-on’ step, she probably will need to open up about her feelings, share Forever in our thoughts. My sister passed away in November, them with a professional, and rebuild 2011, at the age of 15 — just a month Deeply mourned by his loving wife Bernice, children her confidence and love for herself. short of her Sweet 16. She had been But this first step, the one of cleaning and grandchildren Merle, Shaun and Darren Levin, Patricia, battling cancer for about a year and Nolan, Adam, Becky, Jonathan and Gina Newman (USA) out the room, is a form of acceptance quite literally passed on in my arms while in my eyes. It’s a way of saying I now she was being treated at an advanced accept what happened and I’m willing to cancer clinic in Seoul, South Korea. acknowledge this tragedy. And so, with HARRY MEYER KANTOR Her unexpected death (at that point) this, even though I’m no psychology completely shattered our family but we We would like to thank Rabbis Benchlouch, Rabbi Feldman, expert, I end off by breaking down what had no idea the effects would still be felt I deem to be the important steps in the Sephardi community, friends, and family for their support eight years on. and kindness on the sudden passing of our beloved Harry moving on — because as impossible, z”l. During the week of shiva and throughout the mourning, Although Kim left us with a song she difficult and teary as it might be — it’s your meals, visits, calls and messages were sincerely recorded 10 days before she passed absolutely necessary. appreciated. Harry’s lifetime of dedicated service to his away, for me to move on I had to find GRIEVE your tragedy. This phase is clients in Zimbabwe and beyond, love of family, community more. I had to do more. So I wrote a vital. Take the time you need, shut out building, support for the arts, optimism and enthusiasm book, filled with chapters, featuring your nearest and dearest, but don’t for life will inspire and sustain us forever. her story and the journey our family rely on this as your way-out because began. Although the book stopped short grieving is just the first step and if you’re Lina, Gary, Michael and Linda Kantor, Miranda and Tamsin of covering her final moments in the Kantor, Janet Kriseman and Doron Lichtenstein not careful; everyone around you will amazing city of Seoul (I will still write rush through these steps and you’ll be this sometime), while the world around left feeling alone if you take too long. us continued to tick over, my battle to MINNIE KATZEFF move on was long underway. ACCEPT that life has thrown this tragedy on your lap and believe it’s We wish to express sincere appreciation and gratitude to There’s no manual for this and there’s now about how you bounce back Rabbi and Rebbetzin Liebenberg, Claremont-Wynberg no right or wrong way. The only way which will define who you are mentally Shul, family, friends, the Cape Town and Edmonton, is what feels right for you but that and in a physical manner. Whether Canada communities, Highlands House, Dr Howard Chait shouldn’t stop you from doing the basics you believe in God or not, the world is and Dr Derek Miller, for the care, compassion, support and and embracing the future because constantly challenging us to improve, to condolences on the passing of our dear mother, sister, if you don’t, the reality is a lonely and do more and to generally just be better grandmother and great-grandmother, Minnie Katzeff. depressing future. humans. Use this stage of acceptance as a means to come to terms with your Minnie was a woman of valour who was always kind and So if it went right for me, did it go right tragedy and accept that this was the gentle, and valued family above all. for everyone else? For the most part, yes, but for my Mom moving on would will-of-the-world. We will cherish our memories forever. prove impossible. It wouldn’t matter ACKNOWLEDGE the tragedy you’ve Howard and Alison Katzeff, Mark and Sharon Katzeff, what you said, it wouldn’t matter what come to accept by opening up and Jacqui Jacobson, Gertie Jacobson and their families the internet suggested; she would do it seeking professional guidance. Keep her way and she would do it in her own a journal of your days, speak to a time. This past December 14 (2019) saw counsellor and reinvent yourself. For in us celebrating what would have been this phase, you will start to fall in love HAYLEY SEVITZ VARENBERG Kim’s 24th birthday. To mark the special with yourself all over again. You will We are totally devastated at the sudden and tragic passing day, Mom took her biggest step in eight begin to find the confidence to wake up of our beloved Hayley zt’l. in Israel. years — with the help of my brother and every morning with a smile on your face sister-in-law, Mom cleaned out Kim’s and a spring in your step as you finally We express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the room. From top to bottom. No dress was find yourself able to embrace the future. community for the outpouring of love, care and support. overlooked and everything from socks It’s with this approach I was able to Special thanks to Rabbi and Avi Popack to toys had finally been packed away grieve, accept and acknowledge my and Rabbi and Nicole Green. and laid aside for young girls in need. It goes without reason that this probably sister’s passing; and while some may Hayley will live on in our hearts and memories and through should have, or could have, been done a take longer than others to go through the numerous projects being undertaken in her name. fair bit earlier in Mom’s journey, but she each stage of moving on, it’s the only way you’ll find peace with your future self. Eli, Alan, Pauline, Belinda, Ariella, Josh, their families wasn’t ready — until now. and Aubrey Mom took a major step in her journey to move forward as she cleaned out To receive a PDF or Soft-Copy of Love To place a family announcement, email: [email protected] Kim’s room with plenty of items making You Kim by Justin Asher please e-mail or phone Tessa 021 464 6736 (am) their way to the young girls in the [email protected]. Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 31 Board, Herzlia and Holy Cross RC celebrate Tu B’Shevat in community service

By Mathilde Myburgh Tu B’Shevat heralds in the blossoming trees and the beginning of the coming cycle of fruit. It is often referred to as ‘New Year for Trees’. The name derives directly from the Hebrew date, the fifteenth of Shevat. Tu stands for Hebrew letters Tet (9) and Vav (6), which adds up to 15. uring the event at Holy Cross RC DPrimary in District Six Rabbi Emma Gottlieb shared the story of Tu B’Shevat and the legend of Honi the Circle Maker. Holy Cross pupils with the fruits of Honi was once journeying on the road and Cape SAJBD director Stuart Diamond gets stuck in their labour saw a man planting a carob tree. He asked this playground in 2020 will go on to serve the man how long it will take before this tree future generations, and is inherently good. bears fruit, to which the reply was seventy years. He further asked the man whether Community member Delia Scott took he is certain he will be alive another a special interest in the school while seventy years to witness it, to which the leading reading sessions at various man replied he found grown carob trees underprivileged schools around Cape around the world as his forefathers planted Town. Together with principal Zweni, she for him, the way he is now planting for his has seen to various interventions at the children. Honi sat down to have a meal and school, including the levelling of two small was overcome with sleep, later dreaming fields next to the school grounds. She is that he saw a man gathering fruit from the currently crowdfunding the cost of fencing carob tree. Honi enquired whether he was the grounds, planting grass or laying the same man who planted it, to which the turf, planting trees around the perimeter man replied: “I am his grandson”. Rabbi and furnishing it with benches and other Emma emphasised that what is done at equipment. Carrying trees across what will hopefully be a playground in the future

citizenship, whether they can prove their 32 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 33 34 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Habonim Dror Southern Africa (HDSA) turns 90 this year

By Dave Bloom

Habonim Dror Southern Africa has been a part of the landscape for (HDSA) turns 90 in 2020. This Jewish youth in South Africa. important milestone will be Norman Lurie brought the idea back marked by a unique seven-day to South Africa in 1930. His charisma program in Israel based at the and inspiration ensured that Habonim Yearim Hotel in the forests just quickly grew into the largest, most outside Jerusalem: popular Jewish Youth movement in South Africa in the twentieth unday 18 October to Thursday century. Originally, along with Cape S22 October Kaleidoscope: a Town-born Bertie ‘Sandpiper’ Stern, multi-dimensional exploration of Habonim was envisioned as a scout Israel through a wide-angled lens movement, and it adopted motifs and challenging participants to critically facets of the Scouts; embracing a examine what they see, hear and closeness to nature, learning survival experience. skills, uniforms with scarves, toggles, Friday 23 October to Saturday 24 belts and berets and principles of October The Habonim Ultimate ‘good citizenship’. However, the Gathering (HUG): a magical multi- historical circumstances of World generational gathering celebrating War II and the establishment of Israel, yesterday, today and tomorrow. This quickly transformed it into a Zionist will be a combination of fun, debate movement committed to building the and meeting up with old friends in the fledgling state and educating South true spirit of the movement. African youth about Israel — and its importance for world Jewry in general Organisers are hard at work to and South African Jewry in particular. ensure Kaleidoscope-HUG will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and Since those early years, hundreds urge all current and former members of thousands of Jewish youth have to register via the website www. passed through the shichvot of habo2020.com. Habonim Dror, generation upon generation. And, while we may age A special and significant discount and grow out of the youth movement, for limited numbers is available for the ethos, the experiences and the South African bogrim who sign-up by education of the movement never the end of February. For ninety years, leave us. It is a part of our identity, to Habonim (and later, Habonim Dror), be a boger of Habonim.

www.habo2020.com facebook.com/groups/Habo2020

REGISTER NOW Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 35 What should be done with the ‘Judensau’?

By Ben Cohen for JNS.org “Here in Wittenberg, in our That legacy in large part explains the the Wittenberg church features senior officials to combat anti- parish church, there is a sow ongoing, furious political and legal an information board that explains Semitism at all levels. Invariably, carved into the stone under tussle in Germany over whether the the ‘Judensau’ in all its historic these officials present their task which lie young pigs and Jews ‘Judensau’ carving should remain on ugliness alongside a monument proactively, rather than managing who are sucking,” wrote Martin the wall of the Wittenberg church. commemorating the 6 million Jews or containing anti-Semitism, the murdered by the purpose of their efforts is to eradicate Since the late Luther, the founder of the Nazis. In this it once and for all. 1980s, there have Protestant faith in Germany, way, the counter- been periodic Germany’s courts have These officials are smart people, in one of his anti-Jewish argument goes, attempts to have the so far rejected all legal and so they undoubtedly know tracts. This particular example an image that was carving removed efforts to have the that eradicating an idea is pretty was titled “Vom Schem once a source of on the grounds much impossible, particularly one Hamphoras” — an insulting ‘Judensau’ removed from German national that because a as durable as anti-Semitism. As the church. and Christian pride corruption of one of the names straight line links Harvard University Professor Ruth has been recast for God in the Jewish tradition the ‘Judensau’ of Wisse summarised it in Jews and as a symbol of that is inscribed above the medieval times with the Nazi ideology Power, her magisterial study of anti- Germany’s shame. carving of the female pig on of modern times, its continued Semitism, “[U]nderestimated by the church in the German city presence amounts to anti-Semitic To a fair-minded person observing Jews, largely ignored by genuine of Wittenberg which Luther incitement. As one German Jewish this debate from the outside, the liberals, and embraced by politicians referred to. leader recently put it, the ‘Judensau’ merits of both of these opposing of the Left and Right, anti-Semitism became the most effective or Luther, the grotesque ideology in Europe — the Fimage of the ‘Judensau,’ ideology of the twentieth which depicted Jews century that came closest engaged in humiliating to fully achieving its goal.” physical contact with an animal that is prohibited to Political trends in Europe them, symbolised the status and the United States of the Jews as a people in this century confirm ‘chosen’ not by God, but by that however much anti- the devil. Semitism is portrayed as a wicked superstition of When Luther published this the past — as alien to our tirade in the middle of the digital democracy as child 16th century, the ‘Judensau’ labor, or any other relic of carving was already a our society’s historic sins historical relic, having been — it remains anchored in struck onto the outer wall the present. Sure, you can of the Stadtkirche church in put the ‘Judensau’ carving 1305. Some 701-odd years in a museum, but its later, the ‘Judensau’ remains method of provocation — exactly where it was: a demonising Jews through graphic testament to the A view of the anti-Semitic German engraving known as “Judensau” on the Wittenberg Parish Church in visual associations — is long-established, murderous Germany. Credit- Wikimedia Commons. still active. anti-Jewish tradition in Germany that also encompassed is “unseemly, obscene, insulting, arguments are easily understood. After all, anti-Semitic caricatures Luther, the anti-Semitic rabble- offensive, libellous, and a portrait of One possible resolution has been through the ages have shown us rousers of the 19th century, and hate speech and anti-Semitism that suggested by Felix Klein, the top not only Jews frolicking with a pig, ultimately, the Nazi regime. defames Jewish people and their German government official tasked but also Jews as drinkers of gentile faith.” with combating anti-Semitism, who blood, Jews as Christ-killers, Jews as There should be no doubt as to the said that the ‘Judensau’ should be sexual predators, Jews as grasping Yet Germany’s courts have so far message of the ‘Judensau.’ Luther extracted from the wall of the church moneylenders and all-powerful rejected all legal efforts to have himself called for the burning of and placed in a museum. Because bankers, and more recently, Jews as the ‘Judensau’ removed from the synagogues and Jewish holy texts, in a museum ruthless colonisers church. In the accused Jews environment, of of Palestine, latest development, of committing There should be no doubt course, you can “[U]nderestimated by subjecting an Michael Düllman, a ritual murder and preserve the indigenous Arab as to the message of the member of Berlin’s Jews, largely ignored thundered that past, as well as nation to indignities ‘Judensau.’ Luther himself Jewish community by genuine liberals, and rabbis should be shape how people and cruelties called for the burning of who has been embraced by politicians forbidden from understand the that they learned campaigning teaching Judaism synagogues and Jewish objects on display of the Left and Right, directly from the for the carving’s “on pain of death.” holy texts, accused Jews of before them. anti-Semitism became the Nazis. committing ritual murder removal, had his most effective ideology The sinister- appeal rejected by Above all, putting The ‘Judensau’ is looking Jews and thundered that rabbis a regional court the ‘Judensau’ in Europe — the ideology an integral part of who delightedly should be forbidden from last week, which carving in a of the twentieth century this history; how we gathered around teaching Judaism “on pain left him vowing to museum, as Klein that came closest to fully explain this horrible the female pig in the of death.” take the case to proposes, would achieving its goal.” image is, in the ‘Judensau’ carving, the European Court send the signal that last analysis, more Luther underlined, of Human Rights, this is where anti- important than were the same Jews who could be if necessary. Semitism itself belongs, too. Over the where we locate it. seen living among and exploiting last decade, in Germany and in other This outcome was arrived at not Ben Cohen is a New York City-based upstanding Christians. Four centuries European countries, as well as within — it should be emphasised — journalist and author who writes before the gas chambers were the European Union bureaucracy, because the court regarded the a weekly column on Jewish and constructed, the logic of genocide there has been a trend of appointing was starting to unfold. carving as inoffensive, but because international affairs for JNS.

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The school salutes its students for and standards to South their stellar results on their SAT Africans and the SAT is In 2019, CTTH graduated its exams, with a schoolwide average of a prime example. It is fifth class of matriculants 1332/1600 (83.3%) compared to the recognised and mandated after graduating its inaugural international average of 1059/1600 by many universities class in 2015. The class of 2019 (66.2%). Multiple students scored around the world, and high consisted of three outstanding as high as the 96th percentile scores can qualify learners graduates, Leah Hepple, Batya (1380/1600)! for bursaries and academic scholarships. It also leads After realising that the only testing Hepple, and Jesse Hautemann. to recruitments and fast- centre in Cape Town (at UCT) held The girls all chose to spend tracked acceptances at exams only on Shabbat, CTTH this year in Israel, with Leah top universities. The CTTH gained authorisation to set up attending MIdreshet Harova in Testing Center is open to the city’s second centre just to the Old City of Jerusalem and any eligible 11th or 12th- accommodate Shabbat observant Batya joining Midreshet Amit. grade high school student students with Sunday sittings. citywide wishing to pursue Jesse chose to begin her aliya The tests are graciously hosted this opportunity. process and IDF enlistment. at Herzlia High School. This year, he SAT exam (Scholastic the centre experienced increased The Matric class of 2019, TAssessment Test) is the most interest and registration from parents was well prepared by accepted college entrance exam and students wanting to add this General Studies Principal globally and tests for both readiness important international benchmark Mrs. Daniella Conibear for tertiary study as well as core to their educational portfolios and and Morah Dani Rafael to critical thinking and reasoning skills. tested Jewish students from across take the SAT after rigorous the city on both the PSAT and SAT. practice tests, revisions, As an international school, all CTTH Leah Hepple, Jesse Hautemann and Batya Hepple and guided focus and students are required to take the CTTH has been leading the trend strategy sessions in areas camps, and youth groups, and attend SAT exam in their matric or grade 11 of bringing International curriculum years. requiring improvement. extra Torah learning programs like the Youth Kollel. In addition to top international education, the school aims to CTTH is accredited by USA-based inspire and impart in its students to Accrediting Commission for Schools give back to our local community. Western Association of Schools Already, CTTH students help lead and Colleges (ACS WASC), and services in all of Cape Town’s certified as an Independent School Shuls, read the Torah, run many by the Western Cape Education community children’s services, Department. Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 37 38 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 With you in your sorrow

Last month a young, vibrant woman, Hayley Varenberg (nee Sevitz), beloved daughter of Pauline (past director of Nechama) and Alan Sevitz was taken from the world in a tragic accident in Israel. In our quest for consolation, we have asked Rabbi Kalman Green from Constantia Shul to share some thoughts and Torah insights with us. Our heartfelt condolences and wishes go out to Pauline and Alan, their children, son-in-law Eli and brother Aubrey Katzef. Hamakom Yenachem Etchem. Avigail Popack

On the first night of Chanukah here are three reactions which much as we have free will about how We are not here to explain G-d’s this year — a time of hope, Tthe Torah shares regarding we react, the steps of man are guided ways — we are here to share the a time of flickering light suffering. individually by G-d Alm-ghty, as we pain of the loss, and the darkness recite in a blessing every morning and confusion of not understanding. gathering strength to chase The first, as epitomised by the holy “... haMachin m’tzadei gever...” “Who away the darkness, tragedy sage Nachum Ish Gamzu, is to Rabbi Yosef Ber Soloveitchik is directs the steps of man...” struck a devoted and beloved say: “this too (gam zu) is good” — quoted as having expressed the family of our community, as whatever seems to be happening We understand, in Judaism, that “My teaching that when misfortune Hayley Varenberg — nee Sevitz right now, however it appears, I know thoughts are not your thoughts, nor occurs, then as Jews we shouldn’t why? — rather — למה was killed in a horrific bus that all things come from G-d, and are your ways My way...” be asking — therefore must be intrinsically good. we should be asking — for ל-מה crash in Israel. We understand, in Judaism, that what? — what must be done with this The second response was as much as there is a ‘personal’ ow does one, how do we as situation going forward. exemplified by the great Rabbi Akiva, identity and aspect of the soul, the Jews, deal with and attempt H whose dictum was: “all that G-d does true identity — in its expanded, The saddest day of the Jewish to process such an assault on our is for the good.” The good might not be most essential self — is as a vibrant, calendar is Tisha b’Av — the 9th sensibilities? readily apparent; and the “medicine” indestructible part of Klal Yisroel. of Av — the date which marks the Grieving aside, there are so many might well be extremely bitter and destruction of both our holy Temples fundamental faith issues that are horrific (think chemotherapy), but the in Jerusalem — and do we not here called into question: ultimate goal is good. surely each have our own destroyed temples and shattered tablets in • One’s sense of security in the These two responses are each We understand, in our lives? world very lofty states of mind and heart, Judaism, that a person’s and not many of us can honestly be quality of life, in fact The Shabbat immediately thereafter • One’s belief in a benevolent and expected to live up to them. is referred to as Shabbat Nachamu loving G-d the very vibrancy and — wherein the prophet exhorts us to There is one more perspective to vitality of their being, • Why her? Why not me?! be comforted. suffering. Rabbi Lord Jonathan is not measured by the • What about reward and Sacks puts it most eloquently in quantifiable criteria Rabbi Shlomo Katz (who was here punishment? his 2011 pre-Selichot address. He of bank accounts, a few years ago for Sinai Indaba), quotes the teaching of the mishna at teaches that the word “Nachamu — • Why are bad things happening to possessions, educational the top of this article, that just as we “ — be comforted — is composed נחמו !?such good people are enjoined to acknowledge and to degrees, or even years of of the initials of four words: “Nerot thank G-d for the blatantly good in existence — but rather by Chanuka Mosif V’holech — the our lives, so too, are we expected to their impact for good on candles of Chanukah are to be lit in One recites a blessing for the acknowledge and to bless G-d when the world around them — an ever-increasing order” bad that befalls him just as he bad things happen. does for the good, as it is stated: by whom they’ve touched, The self-same Chanukah that “And you shall love the Lord your And he continues, “In Judaism, we and how they’ve touched. brought so much darkness into G-d with all your heart, with all can recognise and give voice to the so many lives, calls on us to bring your soul, and with all you might” reality that bad things truly are bad light into that darkness... the light (Deut. 6:5). things. Judaism does not confuse of goodness, the light of Torah, the good with bad.” We understand, in Judaism, so much light of mitzvot, the light of G-d — ... “with all your might” means — but dear G-d, there is so much that “ner haShem nishmat adam... (the Over good things (winning a lottery? with every measure that He we don’t understand... candle of G-d is the soul of Man)”; having a baby?), we say a blessing: metes out to you; whether it and that light is to be brought in ever- “sh’hechiyanu, v’kiyimanu, v’higiyanu Why this person?! Why now?! Why is good or troublesome, thank increasing measure — through the lizman hazeh”. Over the bad (eg. like this?! Him. — Mishna Brachot, chap 9, learning of the Torah, through the when a dear one passes away), mishna 5 At the Burning Bush, G-d revealed reciting of Tehilim, through the giving we recite the blessing “boruch to Moses one of the most profound of Tzedakah, through the doing of Dayan ha-emet”. secrets of all: “I show you My face not acts of kindness, through teaching, If the perception of the bereaved is in pleasure, but in the burning bush sharing, helping, befriending... one of pain and loss, we do not use — in pain and suffering. I show you Rabbi Sacks posits that when bad religion to mitigate that suffering. My face not when you want to see it, things happen to us (G-d forbid!), Life it is a perfect song but when I want you to see it.” All things come from G-d We understand, in Judaism, that we can either suffer, endure, or we Whose melody can make you a person’s quality of life, in fact When we face unfathomable can grow. the very vibrancy and vitality of suffering, we are not expected to be strong May the good G-d keep us from any their being, is not measured by better than Moses. We too close our All things come from G-d further suffering; may He supply us the quantifiable criteria of bank eyes and just weep. And if you learn to sing along the strength and the companions to accounts, possessions, educational All things come from G-d. Maybe it takes a G-d to witness so endure; and may He bestow upon us degrees, or even years of existence much pain and be able to bear it. We the wisdom to continue to grow — — but rather by their impact for The love that laughs, the care just want to be human... We don’t until that day when our mourning shall good on the world around them — that cries want to look at G-d’s face in such be ended, and Death is swallowed up by whom they’ve touched, and how All things come from G-d moments. It’s too terrifying. forever, and He gently wipes away they’ve touched. the tears from off all of our faces, There is no answer to a loved one’s Even doubt and even pain We understand, in Judaism, that the as He removes the reproach of His death... an answer would actually All things come from G-d offspring of the righteous — their true people from off all the Earth — for the cheapen the loss, effectively progeny — are their acts of goodness L-rd has spoken it. justifying and validating G-d’s Tony Kosinec — All things come and kindness. from G-d, 1973 actions — which would be totally We understand, in Judaism, that as inappropriate and wrong. Rabbi Kalman Green Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 39 SIMCHA PAGE

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Order online: [email protected] visit our webpage www.komatifoods.co.za call 021 448 2130 visit us at 74 Lower Main Rd Observatory 40 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 Bites from the World Wide Web Environmental developments in Israel Daimler to test Israeli trash-to-plastic in car parts Israeli trendsetters push the envelope on

By Abigail Klein Leichman for Israel21c sustainable fashion By Abigail Klein Leichman for Israel21c German automaker Daimler will see if it’s feasible to manufacture automobile parts from a thermoplastic-like material made from household waste by Israeli cleantech company UBQ Materials. aimler is the first material, UBQ breaks down trash into Dautomotive company to partner basic natural components (lignin, with UBQ, which has developed cellulose, sugar, fibre) and creates a a patented process to convert new sustainable, composite material mixed streams of recyclable and through a closed-loop, energy- traditionally non-recyclable waste efficient process that does not use into a renewable raw material that water, generate effluents, or emit can be made into everyday goods. harmful fumes or residues. Daimler chose to partner with As a raw material, UBQ pellets can UBQ through Plug and Play’s be made into thousands of items Startup Autobahn, an innovation including shopping carts, pipes and A model at the F.A.K.E. pop-up fashion event at the Tel Aviv Port, December 2019. platform connecting emerging trash cans. Photo by Tzipora Lifchitz technologies and pilot opportunities https://www.israel21c.org/daimler- Fashion on demand, upcycled shredded unsold merchandise worth with multinational corporations. to-test-israeli-trash-to-plastic-in-car- ‘trashion’ and ecologically millions of dollars? To produce its thermoplastic-like parts/ responsible digital printing Overconsumption and over- are among antidotes production: Those are two main Israeli innovators brainstorm solutions for to overproduction and reasons why the textile industry is overconsumption. the second biggest polluter (after big oil). And the dizzying pace of supply Australia bushfires id you know that the average and demand leads to widespread American wears a t-shirt seven By Naama Barak for Israel21c D exploitation of garment workers. times before discarding it? www.israel21c.org/israeli- Or that megaretailers like Burberry, trendsetters-push-the-envelope-on- Nike, Eddie Bauer and Urban sustainable-fashion/ Outfitters have regularly burned or Israeli burger chain plans vegan 3D-printed burgers By Abigail Klein Leichman for Israel21c Burgus Burger Bar partners with SavorEat on a system that ‘prints’ plant-based burgers on demand, to be piloted at some of the chain’s branches. ast year, ISRAEL21c reported Lon a 3D printer for plant- StandWithAus Hackathon contestants conjure up ideas to help mitigate the effects based burgers being developed of the Australian bushfires. Photo by Tal Raviv by startup SavorEat. Now, Israeli A prototype plant-based burger printed and hamburger restaurant group cooked by SavorEat’s system. Photo: courtesy the crisis in the fire-torn country. The bushfires raging through Burgus Burger Bar has partnered plant-based burger using ingredient Australia could soon receive aid First place went to the AirKoalaty with SavorEat to finish developing the cartridges. The key ingredient is from Israel in the most Israeli initiative devised by forecast startup ‘digital chef’ system ahead of a beta shelf-stable submicron crystalline way possible — the coming ClimaCell. Based on ClimaCell’s pilot at some of the group’s 100 BBB, cellulose, a zero-calorie derivative together of minds of the forecast technology, the project Mozes and Burgerim restaurants of plant fiber, as a self-assembling startup nation. would allow Australians to make within two years. binder in place of starch, egg whites, an informed choice whether to step gluten or gelatin. n 30 January, some 150 Israeli “Their specialty is burgers so they outside their homes or wait until the developers and activists know how a burger should feel “Today we print one burger at a time,” O air pollution dies down. This could aid gathered in Tel Aviv for an all-night and taste,” says Racheli Vizman, Vizman tells ISRAEL21c. “We wish to people with respiratory diseases, as hackathon aimed at relieving the dire cofounder and CEO of SavorEat. print up to eight at a time within about well as the general population. situation in Australia. “They will help us with every aspect six minutes.” https://www.israel21c.org/israeli- of the formulation of the product.” Called #StandWithAus, the event https://www.israel21c.org/israeli- innovators-brainstorm-solutions-for- saw 17 projects materialise by early SavorEat’s 3D printing platform burger-chain-plans-vegan-3d- australia-bushfires/ Friday morning, each meant to ease can bake, grill or fry a personalised printed-burgers/ Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 41 CHRONIC ADS

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The Cape Jewish Chronicle is also available in digital format. To receive the Chronicle each month in your inbox instead of your postbox please email [email protected] and we will make it happen. 42 Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020

Realistic Optimism

We’re writing this as O-week has just ended on University Campuses around the city. There is an electric energy in the air amongst the student community. It’s a raw energy with so many different feelings, from excitement around new beginnings to nervousness of the unknown that comes with new beginnings. or Ariella and me, the most exciting part is the Chabad Tent on Jammie plaza F(UCT) where we meet first year students shopping around for a society/club to join. We get all sorts of reactions from relief “phew, I’ve found my tribe”, to “hmmm….I’m not so sure about this, I may just wanna take a break from my yids after 12 years in Jewish Day School”. (In our experience, those ones tend to come back in second year, quite happy to be home.) But what energises us most is the feedback we get from students — First years to Post Grad — for why so many choose to join Chabad on Campus. We ask a question in each application: “What are you looking to gain by joining this community?” I’ll share just a few of the answers here: I want to help myself and other Jewish students feel and stay connected with their Judaism. I hope to be able to maintain a strong connection to my Jewish identity whilst Jessica Alhadeff renews her membership pursuing my degree in an otherwise secular environment. A wife ;) A sense of community and a place to stay connected to my spirituality. A connection to my fellow Jews and to help with Jewish matters on campus. Ash’s chocolate chip cookies. I would love to meet other Jewish students and be part of a Jewish family. A sense of community. Ben Zieff (First Year) joins the Family So there you have it. I hope this helps a little to dispel the (very toxic) notion in our community, that “Our youth are apathetic”. They are not! Students are thirsty for Yiddishkeit, for connection, for community and a sense of belonging. And my letter count is running out so I want to end off by thanking each and every one of our partner families in Cape Town (you know who you are) for supporting our students and our special community. May Hashem bless us all with lots of Yiddishe Nachas from our children Kevin Pogrund (CHABaord 20’) Aaron Sherman, strapped (CHABoard 20’), and (and ourselves)! Daniel Barlin (IkeysMinyan macher) Rabbi Nissen & Ariella Goldman Cape Jewish Chronicle March 2020 43 Using my Nudel Thank you for your application, but…

By Craig Nudelman This line is one that I’m sure And numbing people to pain is everyone has seen at least exactly what social rejection can do. once in their lives. The dreaded Elitsa Dermendzhiyska, a mental words signifying that you were health researcher and writer, writes not chosen for the position, about how Roy Baumeister. While conducting experiments in the the job, scholarship, bursary, 1990s, he saw that once people had or journal. been rejected over and over again, ell, you know how it goes. Why? they became emotionally numb. WWhy was I not picked for this? After many experiments conducted, I filled all the criteria, I ticked all the Baumeister called this ‘ego-shock’; boxes. And also, how could I improve similar to the numbness you feel after so I can get the opportunity next time, a physical injury. Dermendzhiyska if it arises? Why was I not accepted? gives the example of cutting oneself on a can of tuna. You might feel Acceptance is something which we nothing at first; it’s as if for a brief crave. It is almost a personal indication moment one’s body shuts down to that we are successful and can rise to shield one against the pain. the occasion. Ohio State University’s C. Nathan DeWall and Brad J. Writing about this topic gave me a Bushman’s recent psychological lot to think about. It showed me that research on social acceptance and those who have been repeatedly rejection was published in Current rejected should be given a lot of Directions in Psychological Science. respect. The emotional state of going DeWall suggests that acceptance through the same trauma again and is part of our need to belong to a again is taxing, both emotionally and particular social group, which is from physically. The fact that people are our early ancestors. able to get back on their feet and find the strength to do it all over again is He states, “We have weak claws, testimony to their indomitable spirit. little fur, and long childhoods; living in a group helped early humans survive So when you read that email and harsh environments. Because of feel your world turning upside down, that, being part of a group still helps just know that there’s something people feel safe and protected, even else out there to look forward to. when walls and clothing have made I know from experience. It’s a hard it easier for one man to be an island world and just getting up in the entire of himself.” The fact that we morning might be a struggle. But are included in something makes us in the words of Rebbe Nachman feel good about ourselves. of Bratslav: “Jews, it is forbidden He continues to say that belonging to despair.” has different parts. And now for a brief “Thank you!” An important one is about people needing “positive regular social This is my 50th column in the Cape contact”. This not only enabled early Jewish Chronicle, and I just wanted humans to evolve in those harsh to say thank you to a few people. environments mentioned above, but First of all, thank you to Lindy, the it allowed them the ability to ease the most wonderful editor, who has put other’s responsibility, through sharing up with me over the past four and and cooperation. But social rejection a half years. You are an incredible is a much bigger issue, and the and patient person, and I am lucky implications can be heavy. In early to have you as a close friend. I also human societies, social exclusion want to thank all the readers of my and rejection meant a lower survival columns. It’s always nice to have rate. Sometimes, social rejection people remark on a particularly good even signified a death sentence, says piece of writing. That is due to my two DeWall. He uses ancient Greece as incredible editors; My mom, Jill, with an example, whereby exile and death her red remarks over my grammar were “treated as equal punishments”. and syntax led me to better my writing capabilities. My wife, Gabi, has put Ethan Cross of the University of up with me saying, “What am I going Michigan used MRIs to see how to write about this month?” for many, physical pain and emotional pain are many months. She is an amazing linked. He explains that instead of wife, mother, and a wonderful and the evolving human creating a whole inspirational person. I love her new system to deal with emotional and my two beautiful daughters pain, “evolution simply co-opted very much. the system for physical pain”. He continues, “Given the shared overlap, Thank you all for the support and it follows that if you numb people to for making me keep on writing. I one type of pain, it should also numb appreciate it greatly and hopefully will them to the other type of pain.” thank you for my 100th column!

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