Records of Empire, Monarchy, Or Nation? the Archival Heritage of the Habsburgs in East Central Europe
Please do not remove this page Records of Empire, Monarchy, or Nation? The Archival Heritage of the Habsburgs in East Central Europe Niessen, James P. Niessen, J. P. (2007). Records of Empire, Monarchy, or Nation? The Archival Heritage of the Habsburgs in East Central Europe. Ab Imperio, 2007(3), 265–290. This work is protected by copyright. You are free to use this resource, with proper attribution, for research and educational purposes. Other uses, such as reproduction or publication, may require the permission of the copyright holder. Downloaded On 2021/09/25 19:22:13 -0400 Ann Laura Stoler, The Pulse of the Archive Ab Imperio, 312007 "~CT~CTB~HHOTO~H~HMII", Hnu xa6ki~yca B k~~nep~~~fiCPiTJ'aUklkl. C~oyJIep PaCCMaTpHBaeT H 3~0~~0~anb~b1fiaCneKT 3TOrO "~H~HHx",AeMOHCTpH- pyx COOTBeTCTByIo~HeBO3MOXHOCTEI IIpOYTeHHR AOKJ'MeHTOB EIMIIePCKklX ~JIac~efi.CT~T~R 3aBepIlIaeTCII pa3MbILUJIeHHRMkl 0 npOH30LUeAIlIeM B aHT- pononoruu, n~~eparypsoiiTeopuu s Hcropue "~~XHBHOMno~opo~e", ze. Jim NIESSEN 06 OTXOAe OT IIOHllMaHEIII apXHBa KaK HCTOYHHKa B nOnb3y FIOHHMaHHR apXHBa KaK CY~S~KT~,Pi 0 nOTeH~kiaJIbHOM 3HaYeHHH 3TOr0 IIOBOpOTa AJBI HMIIePCKIlX II KOnOHkianbHbIX HCCJI~AOB~HI?~~. RECORDS OF EMPIRE, MONARCHY, OR NATION? THE ARCHIVAL HERITAGE OF THE HABSBURGS IN EAST CENTRAL EUROPE" Germany, Austria, and greater (pre- 1918) Hungary existed for centuries in a relationship that we may call imperial: they were held or brought into connection by various dynasties' ambitions. In the modem era, however, this ambition took on a new, national light as subject peoples asserted their rights.
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