March 2015 | VoluMe 8 | Issue 1 — In ThIs Issue——————— Stiletto 2 Greetings from sJI 3 sistahs Doin’ It For ourselves 2014 4 Good news 6 Justice for Jennifer laude 6 First Trans Mayor in India 7 Prisons are not sexy Bazant 7 southern Poverty law Micah center case by rt a 8 T aJa’s coalition 9 l etters from the Inside 12 a herstory of the #BlacklivesMatter 1230 Market St #705 San Francisco, Ca 94102 Movement
[email protected] 15 reclaiming MlK’s legacy of Militant Internationalism TRANSGENDER GENDER-VARIANT & INTERSEX 16 Black liberation JUSTICE PROJECT is for all of us 17 TGI Justice and #BlacklivesMatter 18 Trans Women of color speaking Truth to Power 20 s t. louis Trans liberation March 20 outreach 21 srlP campaign Victory 22 “liberation, not Deportation” #BlackTransLivesMatter 23 ally updates #BlackImprisonedPeoplesLivesMatter Photo: Julia Carrie Wong ally uPDaTes skills and qualifications, not past convictions. sterilization of people in women’s prisons. This NL G & tlc the question on applications for employment, win was the culmination of decades of hard in 2015, tgiJP has expanded our relation- housing, public benefits, insurance, loans and work and organizing, both inside and out- ship with the national lawyers guild and other services, means lifelong discrimination side of prison. We forced public attention on and exclusion because of a past arrest or con- transgender Law Center to better inform our California’s history of eugenics, and modern viction record. We have chapters throughout organizing work and legal advocacy work. day practice of controlling bodies and families. thank you to the deepening relationships that California, with our most active chapters are in the SF Bay Area, Riverside, and Los Angeles.