T i I E Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND OAZETTK ESTABLISnKD 1R40. I ROCKI.AND COLRIRR GHTABLISHliU 1874.1 $}rfss is fbc ^tcjftmcbean |£fbcr flint $lot»s tbc $Horib at &tao dollars a $car l TWO DOULARft A TEAR IN ADVAKCG, 1 SINGLE COPIES PRICK FIVE CENTS.

V o l . 7.— N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1888. N umber 4 .


THE BIG RAFT He Is in the Field as Republican Nom­ Delivered at the Recent Session of W h a t Well-Known Shipmaster Has Cochran A Sewall with their proverbial Pomona Orange by A. J. Tolman. To Say. inee for Governor. promptness have adjusted the losses on the T. lion. II. IL Cleaves is well known to all of D. Biekmore fire at Tenant's Harbor and the Brothers and Sisters.—I have been selected Capt. I. W. Sherman of Camden, a native of Allenwood fire at Vinalbaven. Mrs. Biekmore to deliver nn address of welcome to you, in Islesboro in this county, is master of the ship ottr readers by reputation, while be is person­ ROBINSON&PRICE HAS BROKEN ally known by many o f nor prominent citizens. hehalf of the members of Pleasant Valley Frederick Billings, the largest American ship receives 81975 95 and Mr. Allenwood #1843.- He has already proved himself a good friend 44. Grange, and it is with feelings of pleasure that that tloats salt water. The ship recently ar­ lining ju-d returned from Boatcn wp <-an give you And I must get rid of the pieces to to onr city, being identified with many of its I bid a cordial welcome to the husbandmen rived at New York from Liverpool, after an business interests, anti the following article S H O T T H E FOX. make room for my Spring (foods. and matrons of our little county and their absence of two years and a quarter, having I Grand Trades! children, the coming men and women of our made a circuit of the globe, ('apt. Sherman is from the Press of .Ian. 24th will not One of ottr young sportsmen bad a tooth In tho following Good*: Now I do not sty I am going to give land, hut I trust that you have already re­ now at his home in Camden where ho has been I a"^ prove uninteresting reading, yanked the other day. and while under the in­ ceived a warmer welcome and one that is of interview ' '.:y » eorresoondent of the Boston 1 ^ r' f-,'oavc‘l nndotibfedly the strongest Ladies’ and Gents' Slippers, fluence of gas took an part in an imag­ these goods away, but shall make the more satisfaction to you than ’his brief ad­ Sunday Globe. Although a democrat Capt. r‘n,tdi3ate yet suggested tty the republicans,and Sherman does not Itelleve in free ships. In we fiti. to see how the party can do better or inary fox chase. As the tooth yielded to the “ “ " Silk Scarfs, Prices soLow that all may buy ; this dress, a grasp of the fraternal hand, and a gentle persuasion of the forceps, the young reply to questions from the Globe rorre-por* keven as well by the cholee of any other candi­ “ “ “ Collars and[Cutfs, cheerful “ I am glad to see you balay." It Is hunter went up into the air about three feet the custom of Pomona Grange to meet once In dent the captain said . date. selling goods below cost cannot be. shipping interests of j The numerons friends of ex-Attorncy Gen- with the exclamation: "lie's shot the fox! “ “ “ Silk Handkerc’fs, every month. But the weather at times is un­ “ Well, so far as th - 1 eral llenrv B .' leaves will present his name to He's shot the fox !” done, but 1 will sell for the next 30 favorable, or the roads in a bad condition, so this country arc concerned, we are about done " “ “ Fine Hose, with sailing ships When 1 first went to New the Republican Slate Convention, which will that the meetings are not all n« well attended Orleans and Mobil.', some 40 years ago, those ; be! held in Portland, a«n candidate for tbenom- “ “ “ Fins Boots&Shoes days all my stock at such Low Prices as they should be. The timo passes quickly, ports were full of American ships, and now ina'ion forfiir Governor. Mr. Cleaves was born) RIVERS AND HARBORS. there is hardly one goes there. The English in Bridgton, and is nearly 48 years o f age ------[Ladies' Walking Shoes, and the months roll by, and the day will draw lie has an excellent military record; he en­ 1 hat if you examine it, you will be tramp steamers are taking the trade. I am I he Secretary of War has prepared a | p -p; to a © a My lather was coasting at the time of the war called forthu’xprcssions of support from many straight long filler of ihe t»efft to show you my entire stock. Before farming, a judicious use of fertilizers, and leading Republicans all over the State. Mr. Wednesday lmt the water rose so he had to Havana tobacco, fre« from of 1812. The English drove him into Castine, sticks, stems, filth, or tlavor- growing only those crops which are found and he, with others, took to the fort, hut final­ Cleaves east his first vote for President lor w ait. lng, iiiid to be hi every way haying look it over and convince remunerative. Abraham Lincoln, 'n 1864, while a soldier in the BEST CTGAB 1OR lb ly had to leave it. 1 first took charge of a ves­ the field an I in front of the Rebel army. Vo­ CENTS MADE IN AMEK, T Rockland, its the capital of Knox County sel at the age of 21, and 40 years ago I took SOUTH HOPE. 1(’A. A trial proves this _ yourself that I sell ting as be fought, be has always been an ear­ assertion. and the largest market for her farm products, charge of a ship. Since that time I have never nest Republican, and enthusiastic in (he sup- been at home more than a year and a half at a ASK FOR SLEEPER'S N. & S. is unsurpassed as a market by any place on | port of Republican principles. Hi:(n-01 -tm :-L(K e—Mrs. Anu Mahoney is time. 1 have been some 20 voyages anatnd i The nomination ot atp'old soldier" will liinl CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN ANY the coast between Portland and Bangor. Be­ the word—to tlie East Indies, the China seas i a hearty response In the heart- of the Repnh- in S earsm ont....II. M. Cole lsgetting in his sides the Knox ft Lincoln railroad which runs and the west const of America. During that supply of ice....T he storm of Jan. 25 was time I have never lost a vessel or had a mis­ : licans of Maine who still appreciate the sacri­ PLACE IN KNOX COUNTY. two trains per day to the westward, we have hap. fice of those brave men, and who, in view 01 vu.-y bad here. The teacher and scholars were a daily line ’ y water llio busy portion of the ' the tendency of the present national administru- obliged to remain at the school-house all night '•I have seen some pretty rough weather and ! tiou to obliterate the distinction between loyalty year to Boston or Bangor, a daily to Mt, been through live hurricanes. About tlie hard­ | and disloyalty, will he glad to emphasize their ....T h e ivood-ehoppers are very busy here 6. B. SLEEPER A.- CO., Factory, BoatsMk est I was ever in was Inst November—off the now ... .F. P. Noyes has aline colt which he Trade Murk. Reg. Dec. 30,‘ 1887. m u n i Desert and the islands, communications two eoast of Ireland, near Cape Clear. For several i devotion to tlie principles symbolized by the or three times per week by steamboat lines : Stars and Stripes, by following in the coming is training. WDOUI1CRY, I.ATltAM A CO., \Vh«il


T h e re-anlnr wi-t-bly clrrntatl»n of the C ot r if u - Has been filled up with some very nice ice CONTINUATION Personal Paragraphs of More or Less THE WALLS MUST COME DOWN! O a l ’.F.TTI Is •-’Il.-.o. Thin in the l.ir — eral weeks ago stated the need of a fuel society think they woVl make no mistake. Col. I'. in this city, and would lie glad to see this gen­ 2 5 c . Job Lot SHORT LENGTHS quure box the store in u hot coffee fountain. On the left of our readers, at home and abroad, from .P tiK c lin tree for ornament, was consid­ is tlie crockery and silver ware department, Maine to California, in some substantial way. ered the nolil.y tiling anil rafts of them were j while in the center large display wicker baskets 5 O c . SPECIALS. sold. Now it’s only once in n great while there is a call for a hox'xyf paper collars, wtiile we of fruit arc arr.inged. The counting room is NOTICE. Marked Down from 81.00. 40 in. Brown Cotton, 7c. douht lf a box of pof^r cuffs can he bought in | in the rear and is large pleasant and e.nven- Go to II. M. Pillsbury, 66 Broadway,and get th l, city. In the iln.vD id paper eollurs and j ient. It i-a very handsome, roomy and well two snow shovels for 70 cents. Fruit Short Lengths, 8c. ’huffs there were no laiindfbst where linen could arranged place of business, and doubtless a Chairs lo mend, to mend, any hoy or girl CHILDRENS HAND-KNIT HOODS b e ’“done up.” Notv we IttK^ fwo excellent big business w ill be done there. who bring- me a chair to mend and takes it Rem nants Tea Co.. . . Remember the mutual election of AT 50 CENTS. ing Flannel, 20 cts. the other bar Ians along our coast frozen solid officers Thursday evening... .Slate Secretary 7 dollars down to $ 4 .0 0 . to (lie outer islands Rockland points with jus- J Lawn lice will conduct special religious services VERMONT DAIRY in Large Quantity. Marked Down from 37 1-2 c ts . . tillable pride to her broad, sheltered harbor for men at the Association building at 'J. 15 a. auii intiinatls that if there are ah.' railroad- I m.. and 1 !>. in...... There will lie an anniver­ Former Prices §1.00. 6 “ 3 .0 0 . that are looking for an open harbor for a ter­ sary reunion and supper Monday evening next K E O XT IX 10 pieces Tabling, now selling minus that we have something here that will in iht i oins. Members past and present urc 5 “ “ 2 .5 0 . till tile bill. All, there, Castine I linked FROM $3 TO $6 A BARREL. at a Great Reduction. — *••------OnOCETlIES ! FURS. The question of exempting new indiisiries GREAT SCHEME 1 job lot Barnsley, Half from taxation has been under discussion some­ • ------A eboleu stock wholesale ami retnll at Low Prices what the past week. Cities and towns that are Which a Very Fertile Rockland Brain ------PLEASE CALL AT ------BOAS, MUFFS and FUR Bleached, worth 75c, at 50c. growitig and prosperous have done and are doing just that thing. Ifu firm is looking for a Originated. NO. 9 RIBBON, (in Blue only), by the yard at greatly re­ place to locate it will decide up u lie place Had I lie t. rribi, .old weather Iroze solid a stretch (). 15. FAXES, duced prices as these goods BLANKETS. wants it had enough to hid for it Itundolph, a of wiitct tiiulii at Rockport. It was a six-inch, 336 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND. At 25c fo r 10 Yards. little Kennebec towii.j'Jsl split oil'from another dead-inch main, with few takers, so that there .MUST BE SOLD SUHE. Kennebec town, is to have a new shoe factory was little (ircubition, but two hydrants were 75 c ts ., ivoi’th $1.( 0. next spring. A shoe linn was looking lor a involved, so thut it was quite ticn ssary to To the Judge o f Probate fo r the County place Io locate. While Waterville, Gardiner thaw tt out. Supt. J. 11. Howard was equal to Fancy Cloakings. $ 2 .5 0 will buy a pair of ' and other places were discussing and arguing the emergency. A -mall steam boiler was of Knox. ‘as.to whether this or that hail better be done, placed mi Iht ground, with a length of steam The undersigned represents, that auiau-IFowles $1 quality marked down to $2 . SG A RI s E T B L A N K E T S , "Randolph acted, bid for the factory, got it, and hose utiin lied, to which was a piece of half-inch of Anpleloii, in said County, died on the Will day * now the oilier disappointed places are realizing galvanized pipe. The snow was shoveled off, of Del- inter la-7, iuie.tatv, leuvhiu personal estate A N EW LOT OK marked down from $4.00. what chomps they were. A man who has , the guivanizid pipe put down to the ground, th amount (if tw e n ty dollar-, to 1-e adiulniskre.l : lieeo in business in a place for years wants io Wherefore youi petiouoer. wid-'W of sold d.-cea-. d, REMNANTS. and steam iet on. Tlie' wav the host tame out urais that letters of administration on sold rotate 10 pieces Figured Madras at • know.why he shouldn't lie exempted too, if the ot the ground and pipe below was a caution. may be granted to Uti. D- Wilson of ftearsmoot, new industry is t I.et such an argument pre­ Cloakings, Pant Cloths, Flan­ Some 200 leet of pipe was quickly thawed out Waldo Couuty, (sigoe(J) A yOWLES. 0 1-4 cents ; Marked Down vail, and the new industry with its hundred or in this way. C L O A K S ! nels and other Woolen so employes locate somewhere else. Then the The snow was then shoveled back and it is KNli.Y COUNTY—I" Probate Court, held at Rock from 12 1-2 cents. xliusincss mao will ask himself if be hus'nt been thought that the ground lor thut 200 feet will land, on the third Tuts,I y of January. IsM. Goods, all measured up and a consummate idiot in bungling about a few dol­ not freeze up again this winter. On tlie foregoing petition, Ordered, I ba* notice lars ill (axes and thus drive uway hundreds of be given, by publishing a copy Iherool uud of ibis At a Fearful Heduction. ready for the fearful redue. • dollars in trade.The principle of exempting new ------>•«------ordt-r, three* weeks suceessive-ly, prior to the cei.ts yard ; worth 25 een industries from taxation for a time may not lie Assemblies seern to be almost us popular as third Tuesday of February uext, iu tlie O urtcr- tion. (russtts, a uewspapet printed In Buckland, that all entirely proper,but if other towns and cities do knitting bees, three separate assemblies txdng persons Interested may attend at a Oouit ot 1 robate it Rockland should do s o .If wtwmn tire plums in successful operation Harmony Hall, then to be b, Id iu Rockland, and show cause. If we must put our bauds into the pudding, for Armory and W ashington Hull. They are all nny, why the prayer of said petuiou should uol he that is just whut our rivals are doing. It isn't wed conducted and help materially to relieve grnuted. E M WOOD, Judge. a Inatfer Of choice or principle, but one ot the tedium of this quiet winter seasou, and we BROTHERS. necessity. If we waul business, we must bid fail to see what objection there can be to such A true cop of the petition and order thereon. Fuller & Cobb. 7or it. amuse tU'.tit. A tte s ':—A. A. B e a t o n , Begistvr. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTW: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1888. 3

Whoo ? Perry Bros, are still hanling rock for their FO R S A L E . new wharf. , A t th e office o f O. L. B a r t l e t t , handsome Off­ FOLKS AND THINGS. The ferry-boat no.” touches at Woolwich. ice Screens, Carpet*, Etc. * The M. S. C. boys return to college this The first arrival of freight in Rockland since OPEN AND READY jew -REGumn weekly circulrtior-? b50 week. the snow and ice embargo, came over the Knox T O L E T . A Lincoln Tuesday night, being carted across A Nsw House, 7 rooms, elegantly furnished, VALENTINES Get your free tickets for the Y. M. C. A. FOR BUSINESS! A L A M E N T the Kennebec at Bath. pleasantly located, supplied with Oyster Elver Wa- Anniversary. let. Apply to Charles Winslow, while driving one of Satn’l 4 L. W. BMNNKR The Odd Fellows expect to dedicate their IN AIHIITION TO STOCK AI.WATK < 4RRIED. WE By One of the Unfortunates. Derby's teams out of the Williams quarry new hall tho 22nd inst. HAVE PVT IR A— Tlionc knitting bde»! Those knitting bees! Friday, was severely injured by a blow CAUTION This 1m to forbid all persons putvhs*ing or nego­ For five cents an evening,you go when you pleas. The city coal dealers report little coal, bnt from the whiffietree. The tug broke and the tiating a note of hand from J. <». Piper to Carrie All bnt we poor men, who our ten cents must pay, plenty of hard wood. whiffietree flew bank striking him in the abdo­ II. Richardson, dated -Tune or Ju ly , 188H, th e same Or else from these meetings they keep us away. having been lost or mielai and anew one given. VALENT Work on the inside of the new school-house men. There are fears of serious internal injtt- 4-G* C A ER IK H. KICK AHURON. Ho T woubl advise ere the W inter be gone, is progressing rapidly. ies. We open a knitting bee club of our own. VERY CHOICE LINE OF GOODS The Atkinson House Furnishing Co., arc AT HOME AGAIN. Those knitting bees! Those knitting bees! shipping goods today to Ashville, N. C. AMUSEMENT CALENDAR. WM. J. ROBBINS notifies hla friend* that he Though the wator pipes burst and the water pails i* homo again and will attend to all kind* of PA Cochran A Sewall, Rose Bros., J. G. Pottle l’KK HA N G IN G and P A IN T IN G . Order* m at That we never had room for before. freero, Coming Events Cast Their Shadows be left at G. W . D r a k e ** for the present. 4 and others sport new and nobby signs. Yet our wives and our daughters they leave us Some Time Before. alone, Chas. T. Spear gives bis patrons sample cups Americus Hook A Ladder Co., Feb. lltli. REMOVAL. CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, NUTS, And list to no reason, to those bees they have gone. of his savory MandchilngJava coffee this week Ml** C. 8. Keene ha* removed her dr« ** making Murray A Murphy, in “Our Irish Visitors,” rooms from Central Block, to r Block, opjx> And though we have tiled hard to laugh them away, free. Feb. 10th. FIGS, IHTES, HOSEY. I’m afraid those same meetings are having full site the store of W, O. Hewett fit Co. 4-6 Daniel Boone’s "Wild West Co..’’ I'eb. 28th. sway. ice 23 inches thick is being cut at the Chickc- wa ikie. John Clough has about 2000 tons Myra Goodwin, March 12tli. FO R S A L E . P.dfC.Sardines, Fancy 4 Plain Cheese Those knitting bees! Those knitting bees! stored. “ Skipped by the Light of the Moon.” April An “Old Comfort*’ Sleigh, new last winter. As usnal, the ladies do Just as they please. l«th. Been run about two weeks, inquire at 3 L’l R aWKIW St . PICKLES, LIMES, OLIVES. They have one at the North End, and one at the O. P. lllx has been home from Boston and Charles I.. Davis, “ Alvin Joslyn,” May 1st. South, reports car-coupling matters in a very favor­ Floy Crowell, Aug. 13th, for a week. In short, our stock now embrace* everything he And .mother one midway,and yet lliere’s no drouth. B O A T W O R K . able condition. longing to a tlrit-cla** Tea and Fancy Grocery While we stay by our fireside and smoko o ur ease, J. B. Loring, boat builder, is prepared to do at marine work of all kinds, new work and jobbing. Our bettor lialf skips for those same knitting bees, Some of our smurtics tiroke windows in AMUSEMENTS Store. All Maine can now »h<»w nothing better in Fancy pulling boat* and yachts a specialty. It* line than the PHOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOGRAPHS. Jones Block, occupied by the Salvation Army, 3 LixfiKF.r W h a r f , Rockland. l’is no use to stop them; I’ve tried it in vain, Sunday evening. One week trom today occurs .iK llook A And the very next week they would go It again— Ladder Go’s big time in Farwell Hall. S,rw WANTED. So if we earth have their «weet prosenee nt horn,1, M. M. Gcnthner is fitting tip for himself a one of the foremen of the three hose companies MIDDLE STORE IN THE NEW BLOCK. McLOON & CROCKETT, We bad better help out on tlds knitting bee boom. jewelry stand in the northern half of H. 11. in the city will get an elegant and expensive And our dimes and our quarters send in for to Burnham’s store. diamond pin, while some lucky dog will draw that elegant plush parlor 6ct now on exhibition cheer, The Maine Historical Society meets in WANTED. And help out that '’Home'' which they hope will ap in Central Block. The drama, the east of BICKNELL TEA CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS, Portland Thursday. True P. Pierce, esq., characters of which we gave last week, will he T» m tv-five good,.,. -t,INTKLLI<>K.VT OIKI.8 4 pear. A Ma n x . to do piece work on cloti.'og. Wh>*< ler| mid Wil­ member for this section, will attend. especially good, and tlie indications are tl.at son Machines fun by power t 'Iso Pant Makers Farwell Hall will lie packed full. Refresh­ and Finishers. Machine* furnirffi'.-d tor home woik. Ash Wednesday comes next week. Some 100 tickets have been sold for the ments of all kind4 will be served and if it isn't Apply to 321 Central Block, - Rockland, Me. A liock.of geese Hew over the city Sunday, Hook A Ladder levee. If you wish for a the biggest time yet then the Hooks have lost ' . A. IB »SE, M. W. M H W H i \ - ALL TO BE GIVEN AWAY! their grip. i New and Elegant Room* all on one fioor, only one ticket get it at once nt Spear A .May’s. —TO TH E— heading north. Tlie Mission Band connected witli the First VESSEL FOR SALE. flight of*talr* and fitted tip with F. S. Kweotlau l has toted .1. E. Hanly's safe A meeting of the C. L. S. C., will he held in Baptist church will hold a coffee and cake sale The schoom r .LG. Cowell, 02 tons, tight and HOI.HEKS OF 50c TICKETS, strong. Well found in Sails, Rigging, Etc., nearly i ito his now office. the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Saturday evening. In the church parlors next Thursday evening, All Improvements in the Photo­ to raise funds for their special missionary work. new. I- a good sailer,w.-11 adapted for LlnmCoaM- The Washington Hall assemblies begin ing or Fishing. The net earnings of the Knox f. Lincoln lor All are’ invited lo help out the good cause. Ad­ E. B GAR D N ER, HOOK AND LADDER graphic Art. December were 811,571.60. Thursday evening with music by Meservey mission free. 2 A Bucksport, Maine. and Dcniulli. Large Sky light made after plan* of Scientific Kx If this icy weather continues sand will he- NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. | perience and capable of making all kinds of single THE CHURCHES. LEVEE & BALL! picture*, und cHjweially Large Gronpe. W e shall 'tne an expensive article of commerce. Ilanly A Lord have Imught a house lot on W«- have this duy admitted Jam*s H. Ht- V'-r into J make Purchase Place of Hon. Samuel Bryant and partnershipmrfii’ r*hip and- ...... henceforth the tirm name w41 he AT FARWELL HALL, Bath appropriated S5Q to help the Knox Charles E. Young. Tlie Sunday evening services at the Congre­ Hpear. May It Stover A LL KINDS OF PICTURES Lincoln remove the ice from the Kennebec. SPEAK n M AV. i King Solomon’s R. A. Chapter held its regu­ gational church were conducted by the Golden Koeklund, Jan. 7 ,1SSH. Fnest lav, February 4 - and fin'.«h them in F4r*t elaiw Style, *uch a* T in - Andrew I). Pottle of this city, father of Sands Missionary Society, n juvenile organiza­ tyjx?*, zMiri..ett“, Card Victoria, Cabinet, P ro m e­ lar business meeting Thursday. Several pe­ Andrew Pottle, lias been granted a pension. tion connected with the church. Master nade, Boudoir, Panel and Impelia.1, all titions were received. Charles Case, president of the society, called AV AN T E D . L i s t u r Ralph Blnckington has a young Byron hound the roll, and the tneinliers responded by rising Highly Finished in First-class Style. Quite a large delegation irom Hamilton of the same blood as Dr. Heffcngcr’s hounds. and repenting some passages of s ’riptiirc, or 1 « ri.final Plush Parlor Suit, 60 —a l s o - Lodge attended the District session held at some statement of missionary work. These,-. 2 Hanging Lamp, f» 00 A little lime on tire in Perry Bros, shed was West Camden, Wednesday. retary.Miss Grace Simonton,and tlie treasurer, A Number Shaggy Kittens, :t Half-dozen Silver Spoon*, 3 00 IOPYING AM^NLAttGINti responsible for an alarm of lire Sunday noon. Master Fertile Singhi, rend their reports in a -APCI.V TO— . 4 Silver Castor, 6 (10 Let all of our readers, who are interested in business-like manner. Excellent music was f» Driving Whip, 3 00 size, 1-4 to life Saturday forenoon Reuben Benner slipped , poultry matters, hand their names to the com­ furnished by a choir of eight members of the i iv r. n . h t y n i jE t t . r. Book of Poem*. f> 00 7 Necktie, 1 00 01 the ice and fell, breaking one of his arms. society. It was a very interesting service...... BY THE PLATINUM PROCESS. mittee mentioned by us last week. At the First Baptist church Sunday evening * Barrel Flour, Quite a number of our people have been over F. M. Shaw, after a connection of 20 years two candidates, a lady and a gentleman, were 9 G ent’* Muffler. These print* are absolutely permanent, •rid* to Bath to witness the ice cutting operations I hi Amberiua Pitcher, I absolute!? powerless to fade them. We w iL^ witli the Singer Sewing Machine Co., has re­ baptized...... The Lincoln Quarterly Meeting is Hair Goods Emporium j 11 lufuut'* Toilet Set. in Oil, Water Color, India Ink and (>ayon, «>«,« on the Kennebec. held wiili the Baptist church at West Camden ! 12 Bird C age, will endeavor to fill orders as promptly as is consis­ signed his position to engage in other business. today and tom orrow... .liev W. M.Kimmell,at 1 Ki Barrel of Flour, tent with satisfactory work which we think our ex. The elegant plush set to lie given away at A truck horse showed considerable speed by the elinreh of Immanuel, has commenced a 14 Scotch Cap, terience will guarantee. The very 16 Courier-Gazette—ohe year, vith small pictures sent to be copn the IL A L. levee is on exhibition in the store running away Friday. He came from tic? series of lectures on “ Statements of Beliefs." 1 vacated by the Bicknell Tea Co. 'I'lie first was given Sunday on“ Man’s Belief in MRS. W. P. CLARK, OUR FRAJIE DEPARTMENT. South-end, and was stopped at the Brook after a Divine Being," and proved very interesting 16 Fancy Ink Stand, • District Lodge, I. O, G. T„ had a very pleas­ clearing himself from the jigger. and instructive. Removed From 276 Main Street 17 Box Candy, We shall keep in stock a large variety of mould­ I IS Pair Rubber Boots, ing* of all grades, such a* Hard Wood, Composi­ ant anti profitable session at West Camden There will he a "Butterlly" supper at the — TO— All who are interested in the formation of u Universalist church tomorrow evening. Supper ; 19 Map of L'nited State-, tion, Bronze, Gobi Metal and Gold. Will makt- Wednesday. will be served for 25 cents and all who attend ! 26 Box Toilet Soap, 1 20 frutne* to order of all grade* to tnit customer*. Republican Club are requested to be present SPOFFORDBLOCK.°“ rdhT ^ ods67 tore 21 Box Cigar*, f. 00 Hoping to receive a share of patronage we wilt Thursday was Candlemas day and as it was at tlie meeting in the City Council rooms, next will get a gay butterfiy. It will be something endeavor to give satisfactory work. new and pleasing...... The meetings at the the ! 22 2 lb*. Tea, 2 00 perfectly clear believers in the old adage can Thursday evening nt seven o’clock. — ALL K ixns o r — Barrel of Flour, I 00 SI. E. Church last week were verv interesting Ham, 3 00 * A look for more winter weather. Will Kennedy is having a handsome, cottage and productive of good result.Mr. Ilansconi was ( lothe* Basket, 4 00 McLOON £ CROCKETT, Turkey Red Table ’ ever, 1 00 A. H. Whitford, secretary of our Y. M . C. assisted by Rev.Tboinas Hogue of Waldoboro. monument of Southern Falls marble manu­ This week meetings will beheld Tuesday and F u r Cap, ‘2 60 3«1 CENTRAL BLOCK, - KOTKLAXU A., has lensed the cosy tenement on Park factured at Bryant A Cobb's, to be placed over Friday, with a special meeting lor young men Box Starch, I 20 SOCIABLES, LEVEES, LODGES ANI> street, to lie vacated by A. W, Sewall. the grave of his brother, Edw. Kennedy. Wednesday. Thursday evening the past ir wi 1 ?=o Box Raibin*, 3 On lecture on “ Women.” Allure invited. Ad­ 2 lb*. Tea, HOME CIRCLES, Snow-slides Sunday badly tangled the tele­ There will be work on the 1st ami 2nd de­ Felt 'Fable Cover, mission 10 cents. Pair Men’? Rubber*, AHL YOU SOT AWAKE TIIA T— graph and telephone Hues, and the repair force grees in Gen. Berry Lodge, K. of P., next — ----- — ------Preserve*, was shinning slippery posts all day. Box < amly, Xylophone, Whistling, Ocarina and4 Thursday evening. There were two applicants BRIGHT CHILDREN. 5 lb*. Coilee, C. F. Tuttle has bought the interest of Her­ at the lust meeting. Gen. Berry Lodge is flour­ Box Soap, 1 SO Harmonica Solos Rockland Opinion- i'lie v< ;ir, 1 00 bert Allen in the grocery store at the South- ishing. It Wanted a Drink—It Is a Bad Name Have become the leading and popular ,3 lbs. Tea, 2 00 >. W hy end. He bus worked np a nice business there. The captain of a coaster, which recently dis­ Anyhow. Pair Towel*, 2 00 Muffler. 2 00 Esten Porter assists him. charged casks and hoops for Perry Bros., is The little daughter of a former Rockland I 4 00 lady, now residing in Boston, awoke in the 2 ft. of Wood, Several drunken men had a narrow escape looking for 8210 which he claims certain den­ G ent’* Muffler. 0 00 night and called for a drink of water. On I W k? - - 1-2 cord Wood, 3 00 MR. GEORGE izens of the “ Point” relieved him of. No ar­ trom drowning while wandering over the ice in being told by its parents that it did not need a j Picture of Volunteei -tram. -I 3 00 Whistling & H nnnj the bay one day last week. They were res­ rests have been made. drink, it answered convincingly ns follows: 1 Smoking Set, “ F.s 1 do. The wet's nil out of I's stomachy." ; The Moat Difficult Colors of Hair silver Pickle Jar, llib h lll^ cued by Win. P. Cook and Clifford Sin itli. Tlie enterprising people at the Head-of-the- Easily Matched. who also can furni* The young scion of a well known Rockland *£~Buy a 6te Ticket which eulitle* you ton Re Pleasing Gem*, com The tramways in the Doherty quarry arc Bay have organized a Knitting bee or social for family has been away on a visit with its moth­ 4®"l,rivate Room* for Charupocing I.a lb -' Hair. served Seat at the play, a Chance in the Prize* lion*, Song*, Oddltle. and Admission to tlie Ball all for 50 CENTS. again running. Stipt. McLoon tapped the big tue purpose of raising funds to repair the er, returning last week. On tlie wav home lie 60 tor bodge und Home EntertaTN was much interested in hearing tlie names of fonnd __ discharge pipe and gets the water for the big school-house. They recently lieid a very places called. When the hrakeinan called the FOR S A L E SATISFACTION O C A O I boiler therefrom, pending the repairs of the pleasant and profitable supper at I,. L. Hender­ somewhat unpleasant title of Dainnriseotia the —in — Address, - Rockland li'g water main. son’s. They report some 880 in the treasury. little one was particularly interested mid look­ ing out of tlie window asked iiis mother in W. E. SHEERER, TENANT S HAB0R Send stamp lor Circular and Sample Progn* A cat with a history died at the home o f The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies awe-struck tones: “ Mamma, is ibis a had «g *N. B. Thia opportunity is only foi Auxiliary, Y .M . C. A., will.be held at the j place 5" time; it ends when I find permanent « inpio^ Prof. A. T. Crockett Wednesday. The animal STALLION BLACK SI LTAX, by Atufrr*on c z : at my trade, Marin* Engineer. was the pet cat of the late Geo. W. Brown, rooms, Friday afternoon, Feb. 10th, at three o. Knox, he by Gen. Knox— dam of MeB*engrr blood. BOOK POSTING. Splendid black, 16 hand* high, ami weigh* luj.V lb*; and passed through the burning of Cnpt. in. A full attondunec is requested as tlie pro­ half brother of fa*t mure Lucy A. posed amendments to tlie constitution offered Arthur Holmes, book-keeper for the ltoek- Brown’s residence, dying at the good old age liinil Beef Co., is prepared to intend to all kinds BROOD MARB-Kecordol‘2.52 at Went Cam- 15 years. at tlie last meeting will come up for action. of book-posting, auditing of accounts, and den, ha* line 2 year old eolt that can be *eeii at the stable. They have the ice pretty thick up Belfast book-keeping in all its brandies. Mr Holmes Crews are still at work cutting ice on the has had fourteen years experience nt the busi­ Two-year old gelding GLOCCEoTEll, by Dor Kennebec at Batli and the ferry-boat will soon way. When the Rockland went up there last Chester, out ot the Knox-Drew mare Minnehaha, a ness and those who have had business dealings beautiful mahogany bay. week Cupt. Sawtelle walked on the ice up the witli him are referred to for recommendation. FLOUR! shake hands with the Woolwich shore. The Eight month*’Old eolt, HARBOR PILOT, out soft weather of Sunday and M onday softened channel with his hand oil the gunwale of tlie of Minnchahu, by Black Pilot. the ice considerably. Our railroad men have steamer, while she was pulling along at a live­ .1 /. A 7 0 //A' SOLD J /' HE A SQXA Hl.E HA TES. worked with indomitable energy to overcome ly rate. There’s no fun and less m oney steam- MVivtbs. W. E. SHEERER, Pillsbury’s Best, 4 Tenant** Harbor. the most Insurmountable obstacles. boating in tliy.e times. Ri’ss e i.L—Rockland, Jan. 15, to .Mr and Fred R. R ii*hc1I, a daughter. We are in receipt of an ornamental and very The sixth and Inst assembly in the Armory Bi T i.rit-K o i klaudjJan.utl, to .Mr. and .Mr*. I i-A ST OPPORTUNITY! $ 5 .5 0 correct metallic thermometer, kindly given us course occurs tonight. It has been a most en­ B utler, a hoii. Bakkk—Rockland, Feb. 1, to Mr. and Mr*, d r CHEAP EXCURSION T i by Rtieter A Co., of Boston, proprietors of the joyable and well conducted series, and those Baker, a non. - x CJ Per llarrel-. Highland Spring Brewery. Accompanying the who have attendod are under deep obligations G in n —On I’* Head, So. Thomabtoii, dan. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Ginn, a non. ( a u ...... thermometer is an elegant calendar in a setting to the managers lor a number of very pleas­ ( ’a k ho ll—Went Carndcii, Jan. 2S, to Mr. AUFORN1A• I o f veneered wood that surpasses in beauty any­ ant evenings. There has been ail average of Mr*. N athaniel Carroll, a son. C. a n d P . , ; Goi'LD—Warren, Jan. 24, to Mr. and Mis. G / $ 72 from SI. Louth Ua Iron Yhniiitttlu Ko thing of the sort we have thus far seen. They 35 couples and a very congenial party, too. Gould, a *on. gS6 0 from Ktue-SHCity hwiisttbttty Unvia .Mi-M.mn i’-i i I'tiftHc lly REVERE HOUSE, occupy conspicuous places in our office. 1 >Avis—North Waldoboro, Jan. 20, to .Mr. Tickets are good for six m onths,limited toeixty days Simonton Bros, brought in some changes Mr*. Ira Davis, a daughter. for going pasHiigo with stop over privileges nt pleas­ BOSTON, $ 4 .7 5 Dr. 11. C. Levensalcr of Thomaston, Medical that they wished made in their advertisement A ura--Vinalhaven, January 2S, to Mr. and ure within limit of west-bound passage. Special ex­ Edward W. Arev, a son. cursion trains leave St. Louis ^D irector of the State Department, G. A. It., this week, and remarked as they laid them Route. February 1 Gth a ' ” — ‘ ...... Pei’ H arreK Pacificjr.v m v Railway l-’ebri...... ’ Hrth Ail no upon Neal Boston and Maim*, Eastern, Fitchburg ami his consented to deliver the Memorial Day down by the editor's ear: ‘•There, ’tis just officesOffices in the United P'.f{bates and Canada will sell tick­ Low-t il depots, centres of business and places of Blarriaqts. ets to Lo*Los Angeles. SaSan Diego and Han Franoisco oration in this city. Dr. Levensaler is a twenty-eight years this week since we com­ »or this EXCURSION.! uiiiiisenmut. The Best Trades Offered in tlucnt speaker, and one whose literary tastes menced advertising in tlie GAZtrrn.” The Remodelled, Relurnished, Newly Dec­ th e C ity. and constant reading and study have provided Pllli.ulioO H —S.MIT11—R oeklaud, Feb. 3, by Rev. moral of this is in tlie “ applying on't." Tlie L. L. llunscom , Fred B. Philbrook and Liona A. orated, and now kept on the witli an inexhaustible fund of valuiible infor­ linn is making preparations to double their Smith, both of Appleton. CHARCOAL! mation. We congratulate Edwin Libby Post c.'o i.son—( ’i.a kk—Rockland, Feb. 5, by Rev. G. store capacity. 8, Ilill, Emerson G. Colson aud Rosie B. < lark. EUROPEAN PLAN Al.so HAVE ON IIVNH A I.AIU.E KTO.H <»E ALT* mi their wise elioiee. — HINDS o r— One of tlie finest marine paintings we ever B k a zik k —IIo f f s e i—Thomaston, Jan. 31, W. J. I Room* all lurge und comfortable; el<*gant suites, Brazier, ot Cushing, and Olive Hofi'scs, ol' Warren. Lewiston Jtiiirntil. “ One ol the Governor’s saw is that of Cnpt. A. A Dunean’s line w ith baths attach, d; ample public parlors ; gentle, M« N e il Mc K innon—Rockland, .Ian. 26, at St. S .C . P rescott & Co. j men’s cate and bllllard-room added, ami first-class Council who was snowed in on the Knox A schooner, the James Boyce, Jr. J. G. Bubbidgc David's church, by Rev. Fr. Peterson, lleetor F. in every respect McNeil of Boston, and Annie J. McKinnon, of TILLSON’S WHARK, ROCKLAND. Lincoln railroad, last week, reports a great of ibis city is the artist. The picture is perfect Rockland. I ROOMS FROM Wl.OO A WAY VI'. Grain&Poultry Supplies game of base ball in the ear by a nine of drum­ in every little detail, while the poise, water, Mi i .lku—Bl n n e ii—W aldoboro, Jan . 23, Edwin | ,1 F. >1 Ell KO W A CO . Propi’ietoi N 1 L. Miller and Lena G. Benner, both of Waldoboro. IIA R V E Y r its facilities for quarry GEO. C. CHAMBERLAIN, M. D.f which will lie held in the same place next J. E. llaiiJy, esq., now’ occupies bis hand* months, 14 days. lug large surfuet* stones for platform s, etc. It also Thursday evening. All are invited. 'PEEL—Toumit’s Harbor, bt. George, Jan. 27, has harbor accommodations for tlx* largest vessels. some quurters in the new block, trout central W., daughter of Cupt. James S. ami tlie For terms inquire at CAMDEN SAVINGS BANK, W. F. NORCROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Haiiiiltou Lodge, I.G .G .T ., installed the otlice. The real estate otlice of Hanly & Lord late Esther A. Teel, aged 7 years, > mouths, 6 days. Rockport, M e, or of J . IL MONTG< >M KRY, Cam- 2GO Main St., icockluntl. A knoi.d—A pplelon, January 24, Hannah M., den, Me. 17 OFFICE IN PILLSBURY BLOCK, following officers Saturday evening, D. D. C. is also here. The northern front otlice is occu­ widow* of Ambrose Arnold, age—San Francisco, Cub, Dec. 21, I.avinia L., Attorney & Counsellor ai Law, Physician & Surgeon, S., Carrie Ripley ; I. G., Bessie Hewett; O. G , possession of the otlice in Ulmer block,vacated wife of ( apt. K, Boyd, a native of New York, lor Fred Gregory. Hamilton Lodge is in a very by J. E. Ilanly, und Miss C. S. Keene the merly of Rockland, aged 62 years, 10 months, 7 ROCKPORT MAINE. [6uece«aor to Dr. K L. Kxtubrooh.j days. Savings Bank Block. Notary Public. 4W*^ii|fht Calls answered from the O | nourishing condition, having 92 members in room in the same block vacated by Mrs. W iley Thom aston, l’eh. 4, Isa*' W iley, for- Wilson &. White Block, Main St. good standing. Clark. m-i ly of (’ashing, aged ye; lieJilciicc No IO K(jeklaii

,nle was trembling in Hie balance m Cochran A. Sewail’s portnnitiri to send (h e m by faithful hand Knoxville: through-to (he Federal lines. Il was in DARING AND SUFFERING. Some ilnys or weeks nfler Hie eontple- Beware of Scrofula The Only Remedy' V ain to ask permission of the Confederate FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, lion of this mournful tragedy a man enme authorities, a s they hail apparently tried Scrofula Is prnhnb’y more (fpnprnl than any >OR to the old depot nt Stevenson. Ala., which —A N D — to keep everythingrelatfug to us from the other disease. It Is Insidious In character, was then used as a storehouse by the and manifests Itself in running sores, pustular A History of the Andrews Railroad Federal forces. Federnls. lie seemed lo be a slriinger, Accident Insurance Agency. Contagious Stood Poison. eruptions, bolls, swellings, enlarged Joints, The erection of the scaffold began nt and went cautiously lo Sergt. William Raid Into Georgia in 1862, Chattanooga, hut ou the next ilay the Hunter Myers, of i'ompafiy K. Thirty- abscesses, sore eyes, etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla CAPITAL BEPRESKNTKD OVEH| Mr. P. B. Adams, Union. South Carolina, inovementsol the Federal* hail become so expels all trace of scrofula from the blood, writes : *• I wax afflicted with a terrible case third Ohio, and asked to speak with him of blood poison for about thirteen months. I threatening as to produee quite a panic at alone. Myers al once assented and look leaving It pure, enriched, and healthy. NINETY MILLION DOLLARS. was treated by the best physicians, and used By W ILLIAM PITTENOER, Knoxville, suspending the court martial “ I was severely afflicted w ith scrofula, and various kinds of remedies, but received no MEMBER OF THE EXPEDITION. him into tlie room. Tlie man looked lo Lonses Adjusted end Pntd at this Office. substantial relief. I finally tried the Swift A there, and lending to the removnl of see tlial no one was near Hie door or win­ over a year had two running sores on my neck. Specific, and about four bottles cured mo everything which could lie spared further T ook five bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla, and am sound and wi»U.” dows, and then said: “I have papers in l*f» MAIN OTRFKT, ROCKLAND. Col. B. II. Kleser, ed ito r and proprietor of [Copyriiflit.'.l, 1887. by W ar Publishing Co.. K. Y., south. (In the (1th of .Tune, the day be­ cured.” C. E. Lo v e j o y , Lowell, Mass. th» Opelika, \la.. Htfies, under d ate of and published by arrangement with them.] my possession w hich would cost me my August 3, 18S?, writes: “ When I was fore that fixed for the execution, (Ten. E. life if tlie Confederates should discover ('. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me., had serofulous a young man. through Indiscretion, I con­ Kirby Smith wrote no less than thirteen Ihenion me. (want logel clear of them .” sores for seven years, spring and fall. Hood's tracted a disease which has stuck to dispatches from Knoxville in different me for years. Some five or six years C H A P T E R XTX. Myers look the pnjiers ami glaneed over Sarsaparilla cured him. since I was troubled with pains, so as to directions, the general purport of which A. J. ERSKINE make It difficult for me to walk. Having LAST PAAS. them, finding the letter of Andrews to his advertised the S. S. S. in my paper for several was that the enemy was advancing with mother and his “will,” already quoted. S a lt R h eu m Fire, Life and Accident rears, I concluded I would trv it to sec if Andrews had now bnf four days more overwhelming forces, and that Chatta­ Tsoneof the most disagreeable diseases caused there was any effleney in the* medicine. I He was perfectly familiar with our expe­ INSURANCE AGENCY, commenced using It according to directions I of dungeon life between himself anil eter- nooga would fall nnd East Tennessee have dition, belonging to the same company as liy Impure lilood. 11 is readily cured by Hood's and used half dozen hotties. I was once at a i nity. Escape was impossible unless there to b e abandoned, and giving directions for I’arrott. This made it easy for him to Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. 238 Main Street, - Rockland, Me way station and, getting left, I walked the | should be a rapid advance of the Federal lines of retreat and for removing the William Spies, Elyria. O., suffered greatly (Room formerly oocnpied’by Cobb Lime^Co.) seven miles and havo never felt any return recognize tlie great interest of the piqiers, of the old malady. After experiencing the I forces—a possibility which did come very stores. <»f course, to arrange for an exe­ from erysipelas and salt rheum, caused by Lohrcb nd|i'n»te vancing enemy, might have led to a very crack <-pen and bleed. He tried various prep­ the cake when necessary and set up front six through the lines. On inquiry tlie man to eight thousand ems without any Incon­ die. Most utiexpectetlly a letter written sudden pardon;and, accordingly, Andrews said lie was a fireman on the Georgia arations without aid; finally took Hood's Sar­ venience. I semi you thb without solicit tv at this lime and in some way carried and Id s companions were ordered to At­ saparilla, and now says: •* I am entirely well.” tion. State railroad, and tliat lie had been em­ Mr. F. Woehl.211 North Avenue, Chicago, through (lie lines has come to hand, and lanta once more on the early morning ployed for several years in Hint eapucity. My son had salt rheum on tils hands and tinder date of June 12, 18H7. writes : ° l deem throws great light upon his cliarneler nnd train There was again tho excited O. G. M OFFITT, It my duty to thank you for the cure T rc- ills native place, however, was Hagers­ on the calves of Ills legs. Ho tood Hood's '•“i- - -1 from your excellent medi.-'ue. i thoughts at this period. He managed in crowds, an invariable neeoiiqianiiiient of town, Md., and he hud stood tlie ways of Sarsaparilla and Is entirely cured.” J. B. traded a very severe case of blood txdson- our frequent transits over this road; but, Fire and Life Insurance. lng about two years ago. Hearing of your some unknown manner to get writingnia- the rebels as long ns he could, and Was Stanton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. medicine, I went to a drug store, the pro terial ami ivroto two or three letters. in addition, the fact, that- A ndrew s was to now anxious to get home. Myers wanted M* '.oste, adiuited at this office,.** prletor of which persuaded me to buy a One, no doubt, was Avrtttrn to his betrothed die wiifi puhlislied, and he was taunted H o o d ’s S a r sa p a r illa 278 Union Block. Rockland.: Me. preparation of hl3 own, which he said was to know how he came In possession of tlie a sure cure. I used six bottles of Ids stuff in Flemingsburg, but never received. fveiine'.ii’.y with references to ids npproneh- papers, but lie declared tliat tie dared not Hold by all druggists. ^ l;s lx fo r p (k Made only and grew worse all the time. At last I got mg doom. These he bore with his usual by (). I. HC*OI> LO., Apothocarles, Lowell, Mass. disgusted and despaired of a cure. I met a Another wan written to his mother in tell. Finding that he hail nothing more friend who told me that your medlotnc bad Missouri. The contents of the latter «fn calm, sad patience. to say, he was sent under guard to Hunts­ jOO Doses Ono Dollar cured him. I went, to the same druggist An instance in connection wMh these again and dem anded your tried Iclne. Ile rc- only lie given as they are remembered ville, from which placo it was easy for luctantly sold me twelve bottles, and I i after an interval of many /jerirs by one persecutions Is especially pathetic. A Mr. him to reach his old home; ami the pnjiers 0. E. HAHN-& CO., who rend the letter. ITxoid Ids mother Whiteman cnincon the ears, and, advanc­ also, after considerable detention, arrived that lie was to d;Xaiid that, all he re­ ing to where \udrews was, accosted him. at. their destination. again Iclne.’ gretted w a s t l y t ) S had been' aide to do I’arrott. who gives the account, was The account of the escape and recap­ House, IShip, Sign, ^Ornamental _ . J . N. ___ so little‘■■•r ale country; that many other sitting on tho seat behind, und could not ture of Andrews was published in Tlie residing In Ellav ______<¥____, In a Inter recounting tho Infallible sue* „ so”.:- bail left, their bones blenching on help hearing all the conversation. Ciiieinnati Commercial, alsiut the 10th of > ^ffiSUandi Artistic he has In curing contagious blood poison southern b it tie fields; that he had Iried The m erchant said, ‘’W hat can you do, •June, and reached the sister of Miss Lay- cases In his extensive practice, writ** •Those who know the almost inevitable, to do his duty, and was now seeking t ho Mr. Andrews, about (tint §10,000 I let you ton, with whom tliat lady then made tier PAINTERS AND DECORATORS, perm anently dangerous ufi'cijjp’, ,.i mercury pardon and favor of (Jod. There were havo for the purchase of quinine and home. As she was already in deep dis­ will welcome your discover, j. of y y s. n« a other things?" MS UK.*---ALSO DKALBKS IN ------Ixx.n to Immunity. Tflo medical profession, many other half remembered expressions tress been me of Andrews’ long delay always w»irv of proprietary medicines, Is sim ilar to those w hich are. given in tlio Andrews replied, “'Mr Whiteman, tiiis without any message, they did notdaro to ‘ omiiig slowlyjXild in some cases secretly, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, to the use s. S. S. in coses of blo.d dis­ letter below. is no time to talk ubont money. If you toll her the perilous situation in which her order. or' course a medicine that cures The following communication addressed had done as I w ished you to do in Chat­ noisonln«g jn jtn worst form m ust purify tho lover was placed. Hut near the end of Artists’ Materials, Brushes. bloears to manded tlio department, and all the pro­ CONSUMPTION, ___ i weeks successively, that they may uppe From all over the country come thousands of dogson my trail. It v.ns uapo-.•!:,!•• to eludo have been no unseemly taunts or disorder. ceedings were under his authority. W hat 'a VtUmtc Court to be held in Rockland, iti said tatements of the wonderful cure.- made by this them. 1 v.a i tried tiy court luarlial nnd received To Mr. Scott Andrews gave substantially seemed to us very remarkable was that a county, oi^the third Tuesday of Februurv next medicine. This medicine is n een earnestly en;;a;?-d iu preparing to meet my I vocate, I lie prosecutor against us. Neither scribed as follow : Three undivided eluhtlis of u (lod ill P":: ;e. And I havo found that peace of respectful distance. Mr. Scott spoko tho right of wav four rods wide, running southeasterly mind mid iranqiiillity of soul that oven surprises words that lie judged fitting; Itev. Mr. had we that privilege, and cannot there­ ucrosa land owned in common by said ward anil fore give the [mints thut were most relied Albert N.Kales and Charles bales insuid Rockland myself. I never supposed it possible I lint a man I Conyers led in prayer; Ilev. Mr. Connor S< -From Camden street to land o f C-liarh s Kales, being could feel ik> coiiipleton ohnugii under similar I administered some religious counsel to on for our conviction. In fact, members two rods wide each side'of ami parallel with ill circumstances. How 1 would like to liavo oca I the patient prisoner, who probably of tlie court visited us and said that we centre line of the Limo Rock Railroad road b d, a hour’s ehat witli you; but this I shall never havo ! thou g h t th a t all the sins of which lie re- would lie acquitted of the charge against uow located and staked out; said right of way to be In this world, but liopo and pray tliat. wo m ay pouted were h ; than till) sin of rebellion us, which v ad that of lurking about Con­ used by the Liine Rock Railroad Company for the meet Iu heaven, where the tr. ubles mid trials of purpose of building and opera* ing the Limo Rock of which the' rere guilty. Nocol'ln was federate eamps at Cliattanooga, Dalton and ■ ' < & Railroad over, along and upon the same, in such this life never cat. r. What the fete of tho bat- Marietta as sides, and only held as prison­ mice of I ho ( arty will be I am unahle to say, hut provided, Im : I’ ay hundred feet away ; manner as may be most convenient tor wuid Lime the grave was already open. Tlio signal j ers of war. This inspired in ns a strange Ro* k Railroad Company, with all the soil that the I ho|H> they will not share thofato of tin Ir lender. <5 -> said Lime Rock hailrond Company may find it nec­ ANODYNE If they r turn, [Ollie two or three of them will was given, nnd the not uncommon bung- | and, as tlio issue proved, nil unwarranted essary to excavate in said right of way, in the call on you mid the rest of the friends, mid I hope ling of an execution added new horrors. degreo of hopefulness. Our own aeknowl- building of said Railroad. That an advantageous you will receive them kindly. They nro noble Tho cotton ropo stretched so that tlio edgmentof what we did, widi h )\e linked offer of six hundred and seventy live debars has fellows, mid v. it give you a whole history of tlio been made for the same, by the Lime Rock * tail road shackled feet reached tho ground. ‘‘From witli the statement tliat we laid boon de­ o Company nt Rockland, in said county,which offer it affair. Ptenr.<- acquaint, illy friends with my fate. tailed from our commands without our I will try to write to some two or tints) more motives of humanity” tlio ground was is for the interest of all concerned imme .lately to shoveled away, and tlio soul liberated. consent and witli no knowledge of the j^ccopt, the proceeds of sale to he placed at interest before luy execution. Tell J. D. Jackson, should nature of tho expedition on which we were Tor the benefit of said ward, fluid Guardian there­ there he me. little claims that liic; leetol to set- Tho pathos of this death is lndeserib- j fore prays for license to sell and convey the above tlo, to pay them, aud keep tho horse. 1 dou’t uhle. T’lie drop falls und tlie mere physi­ sent, mid tlie evidence of some of those described real estate to the person making said FO R USTTEF^IsTAU thluk there lire any, but there may lie. In ro- I cal agony is soon over. Tlie body, weak- • who had seen us on tho train or uidcil in Offer. •uir capture, constituted tho evidence in CA8TKRA FALEfl. A .3ST 3D gard to other matters, do exactly as io tructed enod by tlio last terrible struggle for life Is or • 1 left. I V, rate several letters, liut never the case. But we have reason to think KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court held ut Rock, —made not so mueli for self us for tlio Uf. MARX K. WQUDEynn land, ou the third Tuesday of Januury, 1888. EXTERNAL VSE. received any. Phase reml this letter to Mrs. j the whole result was predetermined, inkles, mul tell her tiiat I have thoughtof her | loving heart In far away Flemingsburg— although our attorneys were confident On the petition aforesaid, O r d e r e d , That no. The Most Wonderful Family Remedy Ever Known. cannot, long resist. Then tho corpse is tice be given by publishing a copy of said petition kiudne-s many limes, a id that I liopo we may tliat we could not bo convicted of being 8 — Diphtheria, Croup, AaHima, Bron« meet in heave i. where we shall enjoy tlio pres­ taken down; the horror bound spectators with this order thereon, tlireo weeks successively, ralgia, UJiuumatimi spies. Tlie tact that we were not placed prior to the third Tuesday ^f February next, in the ’ . HacKlULT ence,T theL' r l foivvtr. Give my kind st re­ still linger. Tho poor remains of n man Courier-Gazette, a newspaper primed in Rockland, gards io Mr. EeldesuiSo. According to the emu se ol superb beauty and princely endowments | iu irons hero for the first time during tin that all persons interested may attend at a Probate ey Troub.eu. of n.nure, it will not lie long till we s all meet ia neurly two months of our imprisoumeut OH HEADACHE LCZENGE8. Court then to bo held in Rockland, ami show ______Larati Back, Lnmencaa are carried to tlie shallow grave on a litt!o I Prepared by Mai l; RAVood. and SoreneBH in Body yr Liiuba. C ircularo freo that happy country. Blessed thou .lit! Reaiem- tended to increase our hope. a m V j euuse, if any, why the prayer of said petition hill crest, und there, near a large stone, b u n , M.Ll.. l. .-i'l c:,.drill u( I. S. JOHNSON i CO., BOSTON, MASS. her me also lo tic young Indies of Flemingsburg, But anotlier element of l’nr greater im­ ? A should not be grunted. “which muy mark tlie grave, if any friend [ tho New H.nup lilio C< i n : K. M. W OOD, Judge. especially t i U ss Kate Wallingford and Miss portance tlian the mere machinery of tlio DX X.imdc Hast r. Hoping wo may meet in that ever wants to know where it is,” ns a rul lfi .u lr: Jirdi, aifiocl ly OX A true copy of the petition und order thereon. spectator charitably said, lie is laid to trials entered now into the determination 2-4 A tte st:—A. A. B e a t o n , Register. better country, I hi I ) ou a long anil last fare’.' ell. of our destiny. Tlio trial of one of our J. J. Axuiusws. rest. There is no shroud. Tlie only i | t a k e H.'s are thorcult of tiilriy AND grave clothes aro the tattered garments J men—there was no ajqiarent order in tlie years’ study cud expurl- B ill The following was added on the sumo selection—was finished eiudi day. Tlio m eutlnan extensive inetb left from the last sad ruee for life. Can crud . p K/ . sh eet; the reader conceive anything more pitiful next day another was taken. I have DJC teal practice, They aro EOIAUSTEB VITALITY. CiUTTXSooot, Teun.. June 5, 1HU2. never doubted that tlie enemy’s intention 1 L L I S T K A T IV E S A M P L E I III J!. t. • xi i ,,a. !■ , i i- i, w.. uiT.w I than 111,111 thetlic V|ewview presented justju s t before tlie T A ILK AND damp earth is thrown on the cold up- w as to go through tho whole list in the A pleasant in Lu t* ind u ctio n , same way, and we were not at all solici­ convenient, and wonder­ Yen vilHiu i .Hie tru n k anil on.! black valiso; I turned fare? 1 tie busy brain, from which tous as to who should come first or last, fully caickiit. th.* valise bushas my namenamp in red IoJo tcistors onmi thothe end,eiul, camecamo daring enterprises aud cool action, ! DX OX tho t'lhor had my inline mi a paper pc: U*d on tho is quiet forever. Tlio limbs tliat toiled so liut that did prove to he of tremendous 1 W TAKE arc Warranted to Cure A N I> end; t), ‘»e arc at. tbn City lintel at Nashville, ia far 'or patriotism, fame, perhaps for ven- ' importance; for a vigorous advnneo Heartburn la C. wJautsi. care of die old porter on the third II or. These, ! gen nee, ami at last for life, labor uo more, of the Federal armies upon both Sour B tooichU 10 u.lautco. wil h is,up ails, 1 present in you. Mr. Hawkins, ■ Tlie heart so true to country aud com- I Knoxville und Chattanooga caused o . Hcadftcho iu 00 ULlnuteg. OX you will find at tho Louisville hotel a large lady’s miles, so faithful under forms of false­ Gen. Emit Ii to give up East Tennessee for Cojtivtaeu in S dayi. M 7 THYSELF., tru k, uo mark ou it, aud is cal inly empty. ‘ hood, is stilled. Tho utngi; t deptlis of lost, und to dissolve the court anil send us T A K E DyapepsU in b dLaya. AND eat .Medical W ork ou M anhood, Nervous uir.1 l'leus ■ take n to Mr. bind u p ’s. near Mill Crea k | A WITHOUT PAIL. MB i- Debili y, P rem ature Decline in Man. Ex adversity have been sounded, and tlio I ull iu hot haste to Atlanta, Ga. Seven ehureh.ou the Maysville und Flomiugshurg turn- | lnul then been tried. A delay of live days D.K. : V ,'afi y, Ac., f:r., mid the untold uiistTier ,nke, nn l nspiest him to pr 'seul it ho Miss enemy can touch him no more. Even tlio I Caa be procured of any OX i_r froui iadiacreiiona or excesses; 300 pageu. hlLL2» Efizalsdli laiytau for me, and ob.igo, welded shuckcls, which seem to hind iu l in tills udvunee would have finished the itialiy bound iu gilt., pitisiiu. Con tains morr 1 T A K E (trial size cents). J. J . Asiiuew s. the grave, iiavo lost their power. It is I whole twelve—including the writer—at AND in valuable prescript ions, embracing even b en t by mull anywhere. BJS fie remedy io the pharinacopudu for all at uh well that man lias one refuge from every J tlie rate they were proceeding. But the Make New, Rich Blood! (This was proved and recorded as a will ! whole twelve were sent uwuy together, *»n:e uis'-ases. It is einphulicully a book foi Thrwi (lilts wvro a w,,ii,icr(hl dnwaverv. No ollicri at Fiemingsburu ou the lid and liltii of i earthly misfortune; and as evening gath- J D.K. wooDBun, wtsroN t co., i ii. Pii e only $J. by mail, postpaid, con tike tlu-in iu tlw worlil. Will poMlirely curs or nilino ered its simdows over tho litllo heap of j having seen or heard nothing to show a tvntot.14, H. If. OX all munin r of ilUe«*o. The infoi inaiion araiind o.,.-o Jan u ary , lHik’J. The money referred loin difference in tlie position of tlie five and v i * i » v r n i s h a m i ’I.k f k k k t o box Id worth h ii llmta (he e'-a of u h,,x of ,ullx. Pino freshly turned eartli iu tho wood—a spot ti.r the clause, “do exactly as instructed lie- ' tlie seven, and urrivintJin Atlanta just u DOOLITTLE & SMITH, u.ii i.. .Wloai.'i’d li eu fur flic uexl B Ortiji- out about liieui. an,I you u th ultt uys be tliutiktul. Osa fore 1 left,” was flu!) drawn from bank , long uureooguizod—was ho not better off I >«., or cut thin out. »» >UU iua>m-n r t*e i II.1. * oom . Jhuetruteil pamphlet free. Sold e 'n > - than tlio comrades from whom ho had ' week ufter tlio exeeutiii of Andrews. We ..hires bit. W. II PAHKKIi, , h. re, or ••■nt hv mull for a’.'i els. hi »luinp«. 1>U. I. S. and loaned for tiio beuetll of Lite poor.) ' i t and 26 Trciuout (Street, Boston. Oll.x: yU A Co., C'.SIVM llobul. Si., Ifo SIOS, Jl.XiS just parted, or ihose more distant, witoso bail heurd of that t< riflile event in Knox­ 4 Culliuth stm t, Bostuu, Mass. After writing these letters Andrews had ville; hut, while our sgirow was deep and but two days to live. Uo watched for •— THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE; TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1881

poignant, n n r liojK-ftillWftS either for the adds: “They were gallant men, who LOWEEZY. A Lovfj.y Woman. seven who had been tried or the five would have stood unshaken in the immi­ Overheard one say of her, “ By heaven! she's KNOX AND LINCOLN RAILROAD. whose trial had been interrupted Was not nent deadly breach. They were picked Joftlar. painted' ! "Yes,” retorted she, indignantly .and ARRANGEMENT OF TRAIN8. diminished, for Confederates hnd always men, chosen for their soldiery qualities; by heaven only"! Ruddy health mantled her been saying to ns that his ease was much I never kin forgit the day cheek, entrhoned on the rose and Illy. Yet yet in a moment every cheek blanched to That we went out a walkin’ this beautiful lady, once thin and pale, with Two Through Trains from Rockland to more aggravated than ours. the lily's whiteness. In another moment, An’ aot down on the river bank, An’ kept on hour* a-talkln’; a dry hackink cough, night-swaets, and slight Boston Daily. In Atlanta we were placed in the upper spitting of blood, seemed destined to fill a con­ room of a large brick building, surround however, they rallied and appeared firm He twiated up my apron atring, and unflinching.” Scott and MacDonell An’ folded It together sumptive^ grave. After spending hnndred’s of ed by guards. The remainder of the An’ aald he thought for harvest time dollars on physicians withont benefit, she tried MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1887. parly who were with Andrews were Mien gave them such counsel as tlie flying ’Twut cnr’ue kind o’ weaiher. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery; her A88ENGEK TRAINS will leave Rockland at placed in another room of the same build­ need, recited Io them appropriate Scrip­ improvement was soon marked, and in a few 8.15 a . m., and 1.15 p. M. Due in Bath at The «un went down as we sot there — P m ing, which was the city jail. Two great ture passages, ami prayed with them. months she was plump and rosy again, the 10.45 A. M. and 3.40 p. . W lint followed is so extraordinary Mint Joaiar seemed uneasy, pM«enWnt 4 r«. m. ber feeling. A half witted fellow who “I agree to nil you say. I would most gladly been away attending school, has returned cation was magical, it ullayed tlie inflauiution From Bucksport, Mondays and Thursaayg, a JAMES PYLE, New York. afford them relief, but," lie continued, “my orders hnd been put in witli tho Tennesseeans home. and the next morning my head was as dear as aboiit 11 a in. y Sold Everywhere. camo to me mid wanted to play a game of are peremptory. I am required to execute them a hell. One hottie has dono me so much good Fr« m Sullivan at 0 a. m., Bar Harbo2, atOn.'m., today and havo not the slightest discretion. If I Capt. John Burgess, wife and son of Vinal- (hat I am convinced ils use will effect a perma­ Mondays and Thursdays. cnnlsl I had been fond of the game, hut disobey my orders I am ilabloto bo cashiered never played it after (his day I Now I haven have been visiting relatives in this pluce, nent cure. It is soothing, pleasant and easy to CHAS. E. WEEKS, Agent, Rockland. and disgraced." apply, and I strongly urge its use tiy ail suffer­ CALVIN ALSTIN, Agent, Boston. struck tlie greasy pack from his hand and He proposed to show me his orders, bn t I told their forn cr home. ers.—Geo Terry, Llnlc, Falls N. Y. WM. H. H ILL, J r ., Gen. Manager, Boston. hade him leave me. him ids statement was sufficient. ’.Valter T. Tolman and Miss Leila Mossman Apply Balm into each nostril. I was compelled to return ami announce my From over tlie way wo heard the sound of Vinalhaven came to this placo last week to New York & Bangor Steamship Line. of voices, muffled and indistinct because failure. I was then naked If I would transmit, T he Postmaster, of tlie two iron doors between; then tlie some messages to their friends. I said certainly, visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Weston Ames. THE A 1 STEAMSHIP opening and shutting of doors, the passage if tlie military authorities would allow it. They Sch. Wasp, Capt. Hiram Smith, went to Winchester, Mass., says: I am personally then dictated ttieir messages, brother MacDonell acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Carleton, and LUCY P. MILLER of several persons up and down the stair­ writing tliree in bis memorandum book and 1 Matinicus Rock last week to carry Jarvis and was astoni-hed at the remaekahle efleet of your WIIJ. SAIL way, and last the sound ns of solemn writing four in mine. There worn lint, .sllglit Bradbury Grant, who bud been to Vinalhaven Snlphur Bitters in curing their son, ami its EVERY WEDNESDAY reading. verbal differences in their messages, nnd the fol­ to see their father. Mrs. Grant and children re­ large sale is undoubtedly due to the fact that A little while after—I cannot judge of lowing may be tukeitns a sample of the whole: it is an hone-t medicine. I know of many —FROM— Q the Greatest Blood Pur □ the length of time spent in such fearful “I am to suffer death this afternoon for iny turned with him en route to Vinalhaven. others who hove been cured by its use, and I Pier 15, E.R.,New York for Rockland, agony—tlie ministers in tho other room loyalty. I am t rbe to the old llug and trust in Capt. Hiram Smith is freighting lobsters to do not think too much can be said in its praise KNOWN. Gotl'H mercy for salvation.” Yours truly. Leaves Rockland Each Saturday P. M. This Great Gcrmnn Ilefficlfle is think it must havo been more than mi Vinalhaven. I hour—the door opened and our comrades Tlie name of tlie parly nnd number of his regi­ Geo. P. B r o w n , P. M. for New York. I -ticnncstniiil best. 12Si|ososof SUL-^w, ment was attached. Colds, chicken pox and sore throats are very I l-HUllIlITTKIWforJI.OO.leBHthiiii^ 5 camo back, one by one; but tlie change in From Alonzo S Weed, Publisher of Zion’s Touching at ROCKLAND,(Tillson’s Wharf),Rock­ fc one cent a iloso. It will cure “ Tlie messages were not sent because of some prominent here nt present. them was fearful. My own friend, George technical objections nt tlie war department. Herald, 35 Bromtield street, Boston: "Sev­ port, Belfast and Bucksport. Goods taken for all worst cases of skin disease, fri D. Wilson, was lending, his step firm, Ids _— ------eral Bottles of Adamson's Botanic Cough Bal­ points in Maine. Freight received daily.. Thia Qa common pimple on the fin Immediately after this failure to get tlie sam have been used in my family with the lino affords shippers speedy transportation with ro that awful disease Scrofula., form erect, but his hands firmly tied, and least- respite in the inexorable orders, the no rehandling ot goods. Low rales of freight and SULPHUR BITTERS Is his face pale ns death. “What, is it?” HOW TO CURE A COLD most gratifying result. We esteem It as one of most favorable u rms of insurance. I ■ officers read tlie sentence of tho court the best of medicines.’’ Trial bottles 10 cts. hcbt medicine to use In some one asked in a whisper, for his ap­ eases of such stubborn a martial, which directed tho hanging of FARE TO NEW YORK S< deep seated diseases. l>oA,eysan*oul pearance silenced every one. the accused “ns soon ns this order shall bo ADVICE TO MOTHERS. not ever tako #ofor rf, ut 2 o'clock j . in., touching c .yj Immediately^Tbo young, the aged am I tot- D of the ministers will mako that plain. 1 death itself whicli seemed so horribln to laryngitis, bronchitis and consumption, it may the United States, and is for sale by all drug­ Rev. W. J. Scott was requested by Col. locate in tlio pleura, producing dangerous Hurricane Island each»way. ( || Is your Ur-^teringaro soon made well by our comrades as tliey took their last leave gists throughout the world. Pricu 25 cents a G. A. BAFFOKD, Agent, Rockland Ine thick,/ 2-cent si,'imps Io P. Ordway A .Co., you come to die than I nin.” I could bowel-, serverally or all nffeeted. Therefore, at 7 o*clock, arriving in Boston in Boston,-thus., lor lie-.t m edical w ork p iib ll-h cd ? scarcely release his hand as lio muttered, tiie first tiling to he done is to restore the fun- neat-on for earliest train s fo r JL«»w- “God bless you,” and turned away. Clion of these organs. Because of its effect up­ .11, L.v.m, W altham , Lawrence, Provideiico, w Shadrack was careless, generous and on the skin, the old-fashioned "rum sweat” WtirccHter, Fall Itlver, Kpringfleld, New was an excellent method to restore the action York, etc. 'I’llrough Tickets to Boston at princi­ merry, though often excitable, and some­ pal K. R. Stations. times profane. Now he turned to us with of the pores of the skin But It is u danger­ J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. ^pen/ ous method to use, because so few people are a forced calmness of voico whicli was willing to coniine themselves to ihe house long more a (Tee ing than a wail of agony ns enough io recover; mid to expose ones self ho said: immediately uftera sweat or warm bath, is “Boys, I’m not prepared to meet my risking your I fe. Jesu s." In treating a cold among our nctivo New When asked by some of us, whose tears England people, some ineihoo must be used A V a l u a b l e Anti-Apoplectinfl wero flowing fast, to think of heavenly that will admit of a person attending to their mercy, lie answered, still in tones of daily labor as ueual. Is a preparation that lias long been in use by a phy­ Among such people, probably more colds, sician of forty years active professional exi>ertonoe, thrilling raininess, “ I'll try, I’ll try, but more eases of catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, I know I’m not prepared." B o o k . and the claims that are made for It huve thousands cough and hoarseness, havo been cured by tbc o( limt# been verified. It ts a combination of tho Slnvcns, who was a man of immense use of Julmson’s Anodyne Liniment tlinii any m ost potent remedies known to Medical Koieno strength and iron resolution, turned to oilier remedy known. The large circular preserving the Fluidity and FUIIITY of the B his friend BulTuni and could only urtlcu- wrapper around eaeli lioitle contains simple and ihe Integrity of the Blood Vessels, should] late, “ Wife—children—tell”—wlieu utter­ and plain dirreetions for treating and curing all Below wo givo a partial tablo of suffer from Dizziness or Pressure In Head, I ance failed. these complaints. The proprietors, I. S. John­ son & Co., 22 Custom House St. Boston, M ass, contents of tho fourth edition of tho before Eyes, Pain Around or Palpitation ot B John Scott was well educated, and had will send to any address, free, a valuable Puln In Region of Heart with feeling of suffoca left a very pleasant home in Findlay, <). pamphlet on the subject. Or for 35 cents, they Flower Family Formula Book: — Ringing Sound In Ears, Numbness or Prickly sen Father and mother, brothers and sisters will send one bottle of Johnson's Liniment. tlon of Limbs, especially the Arm. Pain betweJ havo always been among tho most re­ Six bottles tor #2 00. express paid to any ex­ I. Formulas for tho Toilet. Shoulders and in Bide, Dry Cough Flatulence, Sm spected of the citizens there. lie had press ofilee. Stomach, or if sufferin; from Geuerul Debility vsj Mo.ft than twenty years ngo It was Introduced | been married but tliree days before enlist­ If. Tho Care of tho Hair. laoss of Appetite, procure a bottle of A ull-A p^ throughout New England an it' remedy for I’ouglis, I ing, and now tlio thought of his young tine, iu uot only Colds and l ’uhuonary compluintH. Since ita intro- 1 III. Tho Care of tho Teeth. luction it bus constantly won it- wav Into public , mid sorrowing wife nearly drove him to EAST WARREN. IV. The Treatment of Consumption favor, mill now it is ihe nnivcr>«!d cision that SAMUEL SLAVEN8. MARION A. ROSS. despair. He (ould only clasp his bands ADA.USON’B BOTANIC BALSAM u the J , J. ANDRCW8. in silent agony. V. Sore Throat. Miss Annabel Morse ot Rockport is visitli g WILLIAM CAMPBELL. JOHN SCOTT. Campbell laid a half smile on his strong PREVENT BEST REMEDY FOR CURING FIVE OF THE RAIDERS EXECUTED. face, but if was terribly unreal, witli tio relatives in the place. V I. Croup. Apoplexy, but cures Paralysis, Rheumatism, Heart light in it, as lie pressed our hands, and VII. Headache. Disease, Angina P< ctoris, Chron.c Droopkx*tlu Shocks, lost the use of •251 h Street and Fourth Avenue. New York. told them that lie was tlie bearer of un­ X. A Word to the Wotueu. one side of txdy. Antl Apoploci luo " curvd me ; I Price 10, 36 and 75 Ceule. welcome tidings. Thia arrested their fallen heir to quite a nice property by the death am now able to attend my farm work. For sale by all Urn best Druggists. RAZORVILLE. N. C. Austin. attention, but they were still unprepared of a rich uncle. X f. Contagious Diseases. • for I ho Idow that followed. Then Scott, It took the people of this place Saturday, XII. Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, with tlie brevily whicli was tlie best kind­ Miss Lottie Farrar, who has been visiting . . left arm and hand which « <• had lost from im CATARRH CLY’S Sunday, Monday and a part of Tuesday to Apoplectic shock She is lu her eightieth year ; knits, ness, with a few questions unswered, friends in Rockland for the past few weeks, re­ Bilious Colie. clear the roads so that they were passible. u-wtt and docs light duties suitable to her age. £*ILV1|si — CREAM BALM guve Mie full u ntil, every word living like turned home Wednesday. X iff. Burns. J. W. Beatty. mi added stall, tilling them that tliey It is almost impossible to do any business in Col. J. K- Fox. Burlington. Vt., says; For Dyspep­ U tilises the Nusal Iiu.

THOMASTON. ROCKPORT. WARREN. CAMDEN. Sailed the 3d sch. Sebago with ice from A. L. Payson has opened his store at the sta­ Hon. E. Cushing was In Belfast last week. D. Martin Payson ami wile, of Boston, ar Rockport Ice Co. for Cicnfuegos, Cuba. tion. A. H. Knight returned to Waltham, Friday. GREAT MARK DOW N SALE! in town. Nattie Roger! is at home from Boston where Now would be a good time for talking up the Warden Bean brought live ronvicts to the .Mrs. John H. Eells has gone to Woodstock, he has been employed since last fall. Georges Valley K. R. N. B. M. S. Prison from Portland last week. Thurston Bros., of South Union, shipped 50 F— Mrs Norton, of Boston is at the house of her J. S. Foster, esq., has been confined to his C. II. Ames of Rockland visited us last house for a few days by temporary illness. caskets over the road last week. week. mother, Mrs. David Catos on Water street. Local fishermen have been doing qnite a The Knights of Labor bold a levee and ball Cant. L. P. Heal has recently moved into his Another wedding soon. Full particulars new house on Main street. business patching pickerel from the ponds the next week. nt Union Hall on Thursday evening. 9th inst. past week. Will Hoflses, of Portland, is visiting his The Woodbury, Capt. A. A. Fcngar, has Williston Grinnell of Searsport was in town been doing excellent service in our harbor and Trains have been delayed nnd freight has Wednesday. GOODS parents on the Heights across lower bridge. vicinity. moved slow. Corn nnd grain Is limited in Capt. Wm. J. I/>rmond will leave this week supply, as none could cross the river at Bath Hon. F. E. Richards, bank examiner, was Fred Cole and Joe Shepherd have been spend­ last week. in town Thursday. to rejoin his ship J. B. Thomas in New York. ing a short vacation at home from their schools T-- The Rockport Icc Co. have hail a hard time Deacon Joseph Gotland tell on the iced side­ in Boston and Waterville. Thomas Walker lias gone to New York on business. to clear Lily Fond of snow. walk last Tuesday and severely injured his r . B. Cooper and Cyrus Richards are in arm and thigh. Seth Andrews lias been putting ill ice the The Band boys had a pleasant social dance Portland this week in attendance as jurors in in their hall Saturday evening. Collector Joseph K. Moore, of the M “'do- the U. 8. court. past week. boro Custom District, has returned from his Wood Is being hauled in to the mill and shoe The ladies interested in the “ Home for Arrived the 29th ult sch. Sebago of Portland Aged Women" hold an entertainment soon. visit to Washington, D. C. in tow of tug to load ice from Rockport Ice shop quite plentily the past few days. Harry Putnam and George McFarland ar, The telephone has been transferred from STINGS’ Co. for Clenfuegos. Some of our people aro catching pickerel at E. B. HA T. A. Hunt's office to F. S. Sherman’s store. teaching a class In penmanship at the Gram­ Arrived the 3d, sch. Helen Montague, in tow 1 North Pond, and a few trout have been caught. mar school house on Green street. of cutler Woodbury, to load ice from Rockport ; Corn is rather scarce here at the present, The candidacy of Gen. H. B. Cleaves meets Dr. C. F. Malbon has our thanks for a copy Ice Co. for Pensacola. i owing lo the embargo across the ferry at the approval of the old soldiers in this vicinity. of the Roman llrrald, published every Friday Engineer Evans has moved into the house I Bath. Sch. Sebago cleared from tlie custom-house at 23 Piazza di Spaque, Rome, Italy, on the recently occupied by Charles Harkness, and he j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Abbott of Rockland here the 3d, for Cienluegos, loaded with icc ns on goods, but shall offer our same street on which the doctor is located In and his wife are now visiting in Bath. i passed the Sabbath here nt Mrs.Abbott’s aunt’s from the Rockport Ice Co. Below we give a Few Quotatio the practice of dentistry. Deputy Collector Sherman is having a neat j Mrs. O. E.McIntire's. Will Dyer, who formerly worked for Smith, Charles A. Copeland and Emery S. Kcllar go i office fitted np at the hotel office formerly occu- If we believe what we hear many fast horses the tonsorial artist here, lias accepted a situa­ whole stock at the same Low Prices: as delegates from P. Henry Tillson Post to the tion with Ferd G. Slnghi of Rockland, for two 1 pled by J. S. Fuller—a very convenient and arc in town, only waiting for good travelling ,'t Plush W raps. 820 each : marked Department Encampment G. A. R. at Port­ , central location. to get the kinks out of them. years. Ball Yarn, best quality,8c per ball. land this week. John D. Morse and Wm. B. J. B. Swan was a delegate from Camden to down from 830. Brown aro the alternates. Bark Jennie Harkness,Capt.E. T. Amesbury, Rev. Mr. Bray of Brunswick occupied the I nrrived at , N. S. W ., Jan. 25th, 95 days pulpit of the Cong’l church Sunday. There the annual session of' the District Assembly Last Wednesday evening about 10 o’clock a out from New York, and is reported chartered was no preaching at the Baptist. K. of L. held at Waterville commencing 2 Plush Cloaks, 833 ; marked down 10 iu. Colloti only 7c; worth Sc. fire was discovered in the office of the black­ from there to Genoa. Jan. 26. smith shop of D. W. Woodbury. The tire de­ Our road surveyors don't seem to be F. J. Higgins A- Sons bought a handsome from 845. partment soon turned out, and the fire was ex­ Walter Richards, a young man about 16 very polite, as they arc trying to get all the 1 case good quality Dark Print, years old, whllo coasting on his sled down the tbnnk-ye-marms out of the road. pair of white horses last week. They nre tine tinguished doing but little damage. The ori­ steppers. They have one of the best livery I Plush Clonks. 825 ; marked down only Ic per yd. gin of the fire is unknown. side of Amesbury Hill to the northwest of the Our boys lire getting their smelt houses on stocks in Knox county, hill, lost control of his slod nnd was thrown the river, in hopes of obtaining a goo I catch. from 835. A largo party sat down to drive whist last A number of the boys on Elm and Union Thursday evening at the pleasant rooms of Mr. into the gravel pit and had both wrists broken. Not many havo been taken as yet. 1 case Hctnuanls White Goods for A musical society of about fifteen members streets are remarkably smart. They have 5 Plush Cloaks. 822 ; marked down and Mrs. Silas W. Masters nt the Knox House Clarence Holt, onr young confectionery shoveled out the church, the school-house and aprons from 5 to 10c per yard, worth and were their gnests for the evening. The re­ was formed at the residence of Charles F. Ilich- man, is confined tiy sickness to the house. His a number of crossings since the recent storm. from 8 2 8 . sult of the contest resulted in Miss May Cat- nrds Wednesday, and is to meet one evening brother George is looking alter his store. double tlie money. each week during the winter for practice and Sch. Roger Drury, Capt. Delay, cleared land and W. C. Crawford winning the prizes, William Burgess nnd son John of Cape last week for Curacoa loaded with ice from 3 Plush Cloaks. 820 : marked down and Miss Olive F. Delano and Prof. Buehmann entertainment, F. A. Packard being elected Elizabeth visited his native place last week, president. Rockport Ice Co., and she also took the re­ from 825. Ladies’ and Children’s Loggins at winning the boobies. After the contest was stopping at his sister’s, Mrs. Larry lvel- mainder of the pontoons lor the bridge out over the party sat down to an elegant supper Arrived the 31st ult sch. Roger Drury, Daley, loeh’s. half price to close out. served in Landlord Bickford’s best style. The from Boston to load ice at Belfast and take on there. All of our Newmarkets und Hag- party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Masters,friends seven pontoon boats and a t5-foot steam launch The “ Celebrated Case,"by the dramatic club, For the past week up to Saturday night Inns marked down from S3 to 85 each. in town, and Fred H. and Charles H. Berry and iron work for pontoon bridge from Brain- is to be plnyed here on the 10th and 11th nt Camden Harbor has been frozen over solid. Ladies’. Misses' and Children's and wives from Rockland. hall at Camden for Curacoa, but on account of Glover Hall. Secure your tickets early, as the Everybody who owned skates was on it skat­ We have a good assortment of sizes, play is such that standing room will be at no ing, and a nuinlicr of ice-boats were construct­ nnd customers can secure :i BIG Hose, marked way down to close. ice m Belfast Bay received orders to load icc at dlsiount. SOUTH THOMASTON. Rockport. ed, which went like the wind, but the wind TKAHE by buying now. Owing to the low state of the mill pond and Saturday night spoiled the fun. 1000 pieces New Ilatnburgs just Miss Maggie Butler is sick with a cold. Business is brisk on the pond and in the ice the settling of the ice on the dam, a clearing houses, the Rockport Ice Co. and Carleton & ~The weather lias been remarkably cold here 10 doz.Ladies’ Vests,37 l-2c each : in. Look at the line line of Matched Jonathan Norton of Matinicus is visiting Co. hnving about 15 teams and over 200 men at away of the ice was deemed necessary to pre­ the past week, so cold iu fact Hint, one day a his brother. Amos Norton. work for them. The ice is in prime condition, vent the weight of ice breaking or doing dam­ cat belonging to a young lady friend of the w orth 50c. P a tte rn s . Mrs.John A. Chndwick has gone to Palermo 24 Inches thick, and extra teams were obtained age to the dam. writer, while sitting on the head of n barrel to visit a sick sfster-in-law. in Rockland to rush the icc along while co'd | The late snow storm has caused much delay that the caves bad dripped on, waiting for a Children’s Vest and Pants. 25c; New lot of Broadcloth Suitings, all in doing business, roads arc in bad condition feline friend, actually froze there, and had to The Ladies Masonic Aid Association is hav­ weather lasts. worth 37 l-2c. colors, only 81.50 per yard. ing a new floor laid in the luncheon rooms of and it is about impossible for lumber men to have her paws cut out of the ice. The fo'lowlng officers of St. Paul’s Lodge, get to their road lots. the Masonic Hall. Wm. Tripp is doing the F. & A. M., were impressively installed by It. An “Old Folks Leap Year” party and social Gents' Blue Mixed Shirts und work. W., II. L. Shepherd, Past District Deputy of Those who are in the habit of waiting for dance was held in the G. A. II. Hall Wednes­ New lot of Sattecns at 12 l-2e. The young folks spent a very pleasant even­ the 9th District, assisted by Past Master W. A. the train until It came appreciate the use of day evening last. Over thirty couples were Drawers, 87 l-2c; worth 81.25. ing at a n y jj, given by Miss Maggie Me Con- Merriam, at Union Hall, Monday evening of the telegraph to keep them informed regarding present, a large proportion of whom were the time of arrival. comrades of the Geo. 8. Cobb l’ost and their New lot of French Sattecns, v ery i hle M<(Sjv evening of last week. last week: F. W. Andrews, W. 51.; H. B. 10 pieces Bine Mixed Flannel, 8. Jea^W raves left for W’atcrvilleyesterduv, Eaton, J. W .; P. B. Cooper, Treasurer; II. II. The telegraph office at the station is doing n wives. A picnic supper with hot tea and coll'ce was served during the intermission. handsome patterns. where he enters Coburn Classical Institute. Carey, Secretary ; Allen II. Sylvester, S. D .; fair business. Mr. Dunbar of Damariscotta is 20c; worth 25c. Calvin Sylvester, J. D .; Charles Evans, S. S .; operator and the agent is learning -the business Tyler with violin and piano accompaniment Joseph Green has returned from Biddeford. L. Keller, J. S .; L. Brewster, S. W .; I. and will take charge as soon as capable. He'll furnished music for the dancing. Mrs. Jos. N'ew lot o f G ingham s ju st in. When are we to have the privilege of hearing Main, Chaplain; A. J. Morton, Marshal; wade through with it us quick ns any one, we'll E. Clark, Mrs. 51. E. Richards and 5Irs. J. F. Cashmere Gloves. 25c a pair; the Iopas Clnb ? David Upham, Tyler. An intercstilng mason­ wager. Tobin were the very efficient managers. It worth 37 l-2c. Peter Aageson has bought the John Shaw ic address was delivered by Past Master W. A. The Ladies Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. was a very pleasant occasion and much en­ Good quality Gil Cloth Carpeting, place at Sen 1 Harbor. Albee of Cumden. Ail excellent supper was Lockie, Thursday afternoon. It is hoped there joyed by all present. 5 pieces Turkey Red Table Linen. only 25c per yd. served in Masonic Hall, after which a dance will be n large attendance. Mrs. Agnes Bartlett, teacher of the Elm was enjoyed in Union Hall. APPLETON. 25c; worth 50c. These goods are street school, has been quite ill. O dear me, have you seen the toboggan caps • Wilbert Gusbee has been sick some two warranted fast colors. Full assortment of Oil Cloth Car­ The Old Folks Ball Monday evening of last PULPIT HARBOR. They are something wonderful to behold, so weeks. Somo better at last accounts. week was largely attended and hugely enjoyed. gay are they with their cunning little tassels Edward Tyler, who has been ail invalid for peting, the best quality and in hand­ Music of the best quality was furnished by Good sicighing between the Harbor and the hanging gracefully over the left ear. In pas­ Thoroughfare. several years, and w hose home is with B. F. Hem. 1 latnbnrgs at one-half price. some new patterns. “the big three,” Dcmuth, Meservey and Doh­ sing along the street you look up suddenly and Sprague, esq., is failing. erty. We uoticed some Vinalhaven teams on our think the sun is setting in all bis splendor; a roads Sunday. little farther oil you meet another that reminds C. F. Wentworth has bought the Appleton The many friends of Mrs. Daniel II. Gilman, Mine farm or so much of it, including build­ REMEMBER THIS IS z4 RIG MARK DOWN SALE, AND CUST0M- There was a dance at Union Hall Monday- you of a bouquet of pansies and larkspur. neo, Miss Grace C. Thorndike of this place,can Dear boys, we little thought the day they started ings, as is situ ited on the Westside of the road. heartily congratulate Mr. Gilman for what night of last week. ERS WILL GET BARGAINS IN EV ERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR STORE they know of his wife, nnd can congratulate for Camden they would be togged out in such I'. S. Gu-ltcc went to Belfort two weeks ago, The ice took Herman Dyer’s lobster ear, a manner before they came home! where he has a situation as commercial trav­ Mrs. Gilman from what they hear of mooring and all from Bartlett's Harbor Thurs­ her husband. Parker Lermond, son of the late John Ler- eler with Andrews Brothers, manufacturers of FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. day. clothing. Why not start a singing school. inond, who was lost in the ship A. 1). Snow There are 53 horses and eolts in town and near Duncannon on the Irish coast, recently Edward Couch hus sold his place to A. H. The M.E. sociable nt John Ingram's was a not one of them but would be called a line ani­ received a letter from a shipmate, James Wentworth of North Appleton. Joseph G. financial success. mal. Rannll.wbo is now across the water, informing Wentworth will occupy it. G. C. Duntou lias S T I N G S , $ B. D. Littlefield did not make his usual trip R. G. Bubbidge's team went to Carver’s him that he had written to the authorities nt the bought of 5Ir. Couch the half of the Gilman $ E . B . H A Friday and Saturday. Harbor Wednesday nnd got a load of corn and above place, giving a description of some of the plrce owned by him. „ Eugene Brown gave an enjoyable euchre meal. ship’s crew with whom he was acquainted, Next Saturday, ou the premises, will be sold CENTRAL BLOCK. party to a few of his friends Saturday evening. E. C. Calderwood, Fred Brown and Iliratn among them being Mr. Lermond, and in reply at public auction all the personal property of he was informed that the description of one Will Ames of this place is very sick with the Carver took a ride to Carver's Harbor one day- the late Joseph W. Ulmer, consisting ol bay, last week. agreed with a description of Mr. Lermond und stock, cooper tools nnil farming tools, flic meas'les at Northport. His mother was called that a carpenter’s rule was taken from his pocket UNION. there vtfednesday. sale will be held at 10 o’clock a. m. Some of the men worked fur Mr. Windsor and was in tli» hands of the police. The re­ Cooper Post, G. A. R., wishes to raise mure The sutqraung men who attended the chop­ last season and got $3.50 a duyfor themselves mains were buried in the church yard at Bally- Two sons of Zcnas Fuller of Appleton Ridge money lor the monument hind, and will, lhal ping bee atAlr. Wm. Buttlers’ report a good and horse. hack, 1 1-2 miles from Arthurstown. have recently been appointed postmasters. worthy object in view will present two line time and a Ijohj,tifuI supper. There is not a bag of corn or meal in the Win. S. Fuller of Bristol, who runs a large dramas in town Hall next week. Tlie first VINALHAVEN. store, and is connected with the Bristol ice Co. The party givtqi by Mr. and Mrs. Hewett stores. F. II. Smith at tlio Thoroughfare sold When shall we have another trot .- will be given next Tuesday evening, and 300 bushels Mouday and Tuesday. has been appointed postmaster of the Walpole is the well-known play “ Caste.” The following turned out to be a perfect success. After play­ I George Carver has a 10-cent counter on Main office, and James C. Fuller lias been appointed ing several games a treat of ham sandwiches, We hope the cutters will not not undertake I street. participate: "Hon. George D'Alroy," H. T. coffee, doughnuts and 'apples was brought on to break up our bridge of iec in the Thorough­ at North Appleton, where he is established in Millay ; "Captain Hautree," S. G. .MeAlmau ; in an abundance. fare as it is all the chance we have to get from I Constable Julian made a seizure of some ol trade with Wilbur Waterman. They are doing “Eccles,” C. I. Burrows; “Sam Gerridge," ■ the “critter,” Saturday night. a thriving business, keeping a team on the road, At a ststed meeting of Knox Lodge, F. and our island at present. S. N. Butler; “ The 51arqiiise de St. 51aur,” and buying apples and country produce in Mrs. L. R. .Morton; “ Polly,” Miss Rena A. A, 51., held in Masonic Hull Saturday, the The north shore road was not 'passed by About all we could hear oil the street lust general. -following officers were elected for the ensuing teams from the 17th until the 29th mi account , week was about the horse trot. Duntou; "Esther,” 5Iiss Loin Burton. Gil year: llobcrt A. Darrington, W. 51.; F. E. of snow. They were nearly cleared out three Col. T. G. Libby of {his place lias been NORTH WASHINGTON. Wednesday evening the laughable “ Alllietcd fellers,S.W ;I. N. Morgan,J.W ; M. D. Amos, times, but only to be tilled again. , granted a pension, reissue. Family” will prove tin attraction. The "fam­ E. W. Lessner is still confined to bis house ily" is as follows; “ C. Crotchet,” I-’. L. jensurer; J. 51. Bartlett, Secretary ; E. .1. Mil- It was quite a treat to get our CiiiniEit- by sickness. 0 3 ] hk. D .; H. N. Wiggins, J. 1).; Committee i Gitr talented painter L. A. Coombs has re­ Whitten; “B. Frizzy,'’ II. T. Millay; "Dr. G. r I h G a z h t t e s the same day they were printed, ns cently sent three of his line paintings to a pur­ 5Ir. and 5Irs, A. C. Collins visited relatives Linton," Geo. Whitney; “ L. Staple," F. E. O e-« S ance. Geo. L. Putman, Geo. Green and we did last week, instead of getting them four , Spakjing. chaser in Roeklund. and friends in this place lust week. Burkett; “ Clarence,” S. X. Butler: “ John or live days Inter us we did the two weeks .Mrs. Daniel Harmon lias been quite sick Henry," F. A. Gleason; “ I. Seizer,” S. G. lietore on account of wind und ice. The steam-lathe al the Sands will start up at c l a r k ’s I s l a n d . once, under the charge of Chas. Haskell, turn­ with fever, but is said to be gaining. MeAlmnn; “ Mrs. Crotchet,"Mrs. I.. It. 51orton; H o A crew of men worked the packet through ing out columns for the Auditorium Building at Mrs. Jones ol Windsor has been visiting "Daisy,'' 51iss lletta Duntou; "Doll," 5Iiss John Robbins huMettirncd home . the iee from the entrance of the harbor Thurs­ Chicago. Georgia Burrows; “ Dorothy,” Mrs. George day,and got her nearly up to II. W. Beverage’s her daughter, 51rs. John (Hidden of Ibis place. Whitney; “Betty," .Miss Lola Burton. After Q d S=* S James Demritas has lxmglit a small horse of Josiah Calderwood and wife from Little 5Irs. Jones drives one of the best teams in tills Phillip Ulmer. wharf, where she will lay until the iee clears Wednesday evening’s entertainment a social away. Thoroughfare drove over Iron Point Narrows, vicinity. dance will be given in Engle Hull. Refresh­ O > d - 2 The li. of L. dance was postponed on account landing near Widow Mureh's place. It is said by F. A. Joyce and E. Grant threshed about There is estimated to be about three feet of ments will be served both evenings. Tlie < 3 S of bad weather. the oldest persons to be the first team that ever snow on u level in this vicinity and iu many object is a very worthy one. amt all should 1500 bushels of grain in town last season, crossed the Narrows. mostly oats. Some farmers sow wheat with places it is drifted to a depth of from tour to attend, help out the good cause ami get more Mrs. llobbins one day last week. their oats and say it makes ail excellent. horse Green’s Island is connected by ice to l-'ox seven feet. than their money’s worth. If the weather i H = S Newton Hall has returned home from Gard­ i fodder. Thnt accounts for our fat horses, per- Island for the first time in thirteen years. So A. A. Skinner is still on the sick list, bul prove stormy tlie dramas will be held Friday iner where he hus been cutting ice. , haps. much iee Inis formed about tin- Hurlior us to be hopes to be aide ut an early date to attend lo und Saturday, the 17th ami 18th. Tickets arc A pitrty assembled at C. L. W. Hall’s Mon­ a serious hindrance to tlie Pioneer in tier his long neglected business and call upon his now oil sab- at J. C. Bin-Ion’s. As both packets are frozen in we are obliged daily trips. many friends with a well selected stock of day evening of last week to a wedding rqcop- SOUTH CUSHING. lion olf William Richards and bride, Miss to go to Carver,! Harbor and take the Pioneer With this moderate spell of weather we feel goods. in order io get to the muinlund. Our mail has encourugcd amt hope we have seen the worst oi A. 11. Rivers lost a valuable bor.se Iasi week Laura/Leach. The bride is an attractive young to go that route at present and is liable to go Geo. Forrest Lessner recently uurehiised of lady nnd the groom is one of our smart voting onr winter, and if it will remain wiili us long the well known firm of J. It. Halcomb A Co. William .Morse lias moved to New Hamp­ so until the middle of March. If so there will enough to clear the buy of iee we shall leel that men. The gifts were many and useful. All have to be considerable corn, meul and line­ ot Cleveland, Ohio, one of their best imported shire. our connection with the Main will be milt'll violins, which we should say to lie equal to any enjoyed themselves there and we wish the feed hauled from Carver’s Harbor, adlstaneo of more pleasant. Oral Nason of Washington was in town happy couple long life and prosperity. instrument of the kind in Washington. Friday, about twelve miles, as our harbor froze up Mrs. Rebecca Lane of Lane’s Island passed j so unexpectedly it left our merehonts with WILEY’S CORNER OWL'S HEAD. awu.v oil Sunday morning. She was one of the A. 1!. Rivers has bought a line, two year old [ rather a small stock of such goods. older residents of the Island. Her age was 82 Adam B. Kclloeh bus gone to New York lo coll of Win. .Morse. 5ljrs. I antra Ryder is very ill. 1 A little soil of Mr. and Mrs. David Tolinan years. The cause of her death was pneiiinoniu. ship. John Brown lias moved into the house lately Tbe chapel is lathed and the inside stagings came near being drowned one day last week. She was the widow of Capt. Timothy Lane and (’apt. Edward Waits has gone to Boston to occupied by William Morse. vn. He was sliding near the bunk by the Narrows, was an estimable holy, respected by all. Her join his vessel. At the horse trot at Brand Cove, Thursday, which never freezes over. Being unable lo steer mind and faculties were retained to the lust. the horse of Ralph Davis ol Friendship took I’he Ladies Aid Society will meet with .Mrs his sled, he went over the hunk, falling a dis­ There was a chopping bee at Mrs. Ellie how ihe lead. tier S , next Thursday, tance of about 15 feet striking ill the water. Saturday, the day announced lor the trot, Kinney’s Tuesday afternoon. .st-S lur Sunday school reunion will occur next He wus soon rescued by Freeman Leadbetter. wus storiny but a good crowd assembled ou Quite a number of our young people went to HOPE. t Rlay evening. Parents are requested to ae- Carver’s Fond at the lime slated to witness tin- The little fellow wus chilled mid bad some of race. .1. S. Black was on the truck at an early South Warren to tlie dunce Thursday evening. Miss Flora Wright is teaeliiugat John Woos­ Phipany their children. his teeth knocked out. If it luid been low ter's. water be would have been dashed In pieces on hour with his speeder, Hilly expecting to par­ Since the recent eohl snap M. George and Capt. Rodney Arev is preparing to put new ticipate iu u race, but Lute did not put iu an Cushing have been connected bv a free bridge. D. A. Puysai) has sold a livv-aere wood lot to Idlings into schooner Delaware, and make the sharp rocks of the shore. appearance und niter waiting some time the Albert l’eaise. Whatever other repairs are needed. Alden Harrington of Cushing lias purchased crowd dispersed. tin- late George Harrington homestead, ami Boy babies uretlie eorreel style tills year worn NORTH WALDOBORO, lie claw-chowder supper at Capt. Thomas GEORGE'S RIVER. It's always something new at tile Rink. has moved on to it this week. o n 'b e breast, girls being entirely obsolete in 51. J. Dow was in town recently. ‘Ruddocks' Tuesday evening, engineered by This time it will he a grand mask ball and val­ ibis vicinity. Jfe young ladies of this place was a success, Some of our woodmen have begun to haul Chas. il. Kclloeh bus left tlie employ of Jolm Miller la visiting relatives here. wood to market. entine celebration to be held next Tuesday. Geo. Green of South Thomaston mid contem­ Every one says that K. I.. Bills lias the hand­ hie elaiu-eliowder was delicious and the cake Comic valentines und dance orders combined John Studley lost a horse a short time ago. Told fruit, under whieb tin tables groaned, w e re A spelling school was held Thursday- evening plates working at Spruce Head. somest young cow that Ila- been owned around in tlie school-house iu district No. 1. will be distributed und all will be remembered. here for a long time. J.B . Welt closed a very successful term of very tempting, flic sum net led was h it. Good music will be provided and Officer Gray LINCOLNVILLE. school in this district last week. School in district No. I closed Friday, alter will preserve order. Admission 50 cents, ladies NORTH APPLETON. a very successful term of eleven weeks, taught Miss Alice Parker, ubu has been leaching iu FRIENDSHIP. Tiie team belonging to Austin Eugley rail 25 cents, costumed ladies free. the McCobb district, is at borne. away, one day lust week, throwing the leader Miss Caro Meservey is visiting in Cauideu. by Clifford 1. Pillsbury of Rockland. Elder R. Hull of China preached iu Ihe Ad­ The funeral of John Grant occurred at the Will Stevens lias returned home from Acre vent ehureh Stimhiy. down ami dragging him some distance, hut W. Allartus Clarke mid friend Lester Davis fortunately no damage was done. A. 51. Harding is very sick with a carbuncle Union church Sunday. Rev. W. 11. Littlefield island where he has been teaching. Victor V. Tboiupsuil returned home train on his neck. crossed mid recrosscd the George's River one officiated. After the services Star of Hope day lust week--the distance of one mile. It is Lodge, l.O .O . F., of which deceased wus a Mrs. Murtiu Sylvester died Friday week ol Conneelieut tsulurday. A gentleman who lives on a farm a few miles’ Miss Harriet Hall of Appleton is visiting measles, and her daughter .Mrs. Will Heal, Sell. Jennie Filley, Capt. Chadwick, has fin­ Miss Minnie Duntou. said to be the second time it has been crossed 1 member, took charge and the remains were out of Augusta reports the rats in his ham so lor alaiut ten years. 1 conveyed to tin- Roberts cemetery. Mr. Grant living iu the same house, is very sick. ished loading iee ui the Forest Lake lee Co. School at Magog has closed alter a success, Ralph V. Williams, while sliding down hill, was a genial, kindly man, highly respected by Howard liragg hus returned home irom Frank Miller mid wifeof Winthrop, formerly thick and driven to such extremes by hunger tui term of ten weeks. got hurt quite badly. He was steering a horse- i all who knew him, and was a soldier iu the Istesboru where lie lias been leaching, mid of Waldolano, are vi»iiiug relatives iu Friend­ lhal they had gnawed Ihe hoofs of some of Gtis Trundy of China hus been holding sled and was between the shafts on a limid- 1 late war. sinned yesterday for Waterville to pursue Ids ship, Ihe cattle. T he hoofs of one young heifer had meetings at the church the past week. And sled. He dropped them and they caught in the studies. this week J. W. Morrison is holding meetings Our church is occupied tor religous services INGRAHAM'S HILL been so badly gnawed that they bled eousider- crust and broke them bulb short oil'. nearly every Sabbath and we think it would he News lias just reached here that Mrs. Mary ably. in the same place. safe to say every Sabbath. Both Sunday Bartlett, daughter of B. Robinson of this place, Mrs. li. B. Ingraham is quite sick . . . . Ernest The ladies of Georges Valley Lodge, 1. (). CUSHING. school and preaching is being conducted by has died quite suddenly ut her home iu Massa­ Holman, who hus been at home for a fort­ The intense cold weather of ihe past two G. T., gave a supper in iheir hall, Saturday, There was a horse trot on the liver Weduet Rev. W. 11. Littlefield, who has always taken chusetts. She leaves a daughter about ten night’s visit, returned io Waterville yesterday weeks has frozen ihe 1‘enobseol to uu unusual and the following officers were installed ; C. a great interest in this direction. The meetings years of age. The bereaved family have the ....M iss Carrie Clark has been quite sick. i ..William Bean; V. T., Myra S. Dyer; Chap­ day. deplli, mid in the iiarraw.- ut Verona Park it are interesting and certainly some good must sympathy ol the eommuiiity. By invitation of Mr. und Mrs. W. G. Hol- lain, J. A. Wentworth; Secretary, A. M. Mrs. A. R. Riv still -outiiiucs in poor spring from them. . We are pleased to note wasjound that iee lo the depth of tea feet had Smith; F. S„ Isiuie Hull; Treasurer, C. A. health. WEST APPLETON. iiiun quite a number of friends and neighbors that the town of Vinalhaven has a good assembled at their cottage lust evening to in­ formed the whole width of the river. This is Towle; Munhall, W. I), liurtlctt; Guard, Rose B., youngest son of Mi and Mrs i church and a good number ol church-going Mrs. I.izz.ie Proal lias been quite sick, but caused by the iee sinking iindernemh the sur­ Andrew Bean; Sentinel, G. A. Hall. is better now. augurate a series of knitting beesat Ingraham's K. F. Sheriuuii, is very sick. people, and the word of God is being preached Hill, for the benefit of the Old Ladies’ Home face ice mid Iree/iug into u solid mass. from ils pulpit every Sabbath. We have no Sidney Maddoeks is slopping at Joel Mud- M VRTINSVILLE. Elam D. Condon bus trailed farms with Mrs. at Rockland. Mrs. Alfred Crockett was ebosen Mary Young of East Friendship. salaried preacher here at present and what docks' of this place. president; Mrs. William Whitney, vice-presi­ T he Eairfield .Imiiiiul reports that the peonl. There will Ire a social dance in Martins’s Mrs. Fannie Freeman mid sou Clarence are Mr. Littlefield is doing is free gratis, und cer­ Willis Maddoeks is chopping lumber for dent; Mrs. Sarah Sherman, secretary; Miss of Skowhegan arc not very well pleased Hall next Tuesday evening, with miisie by- tainly we can't find much fault about the Lyman Maddoeks. Maggie Everett, treasurer. T he second meet­ Gale A Atkius. Henry M. Clark is floor at the home of Rev. J. D. Payson, in Camden. price. The Subbalh School Is very interesting Mr. Shurtleff is to put the pulp mills on w J. 51. Hart, ol 'Michigan is visiting his broth­ ing will be held next Monday evening with manager and 11. C. Clark engineers the ulluir. Gil account of the whooping cough the school and instructive, is well attended and must Airs. William Whitney. powers which he recently bought o f K Clam stew and other refreshments will Ire ill district No. 2 taught by Miss Edith -M. Hunt result in good. Ought we not to upureciute er, James Hart and other triends of this place. Brothers, it had been hoped that a j; has closed. ------A—«•»- — served ui intermission. All are cordially in­ the services of one who leads off in this di- Fine Plains Lodge, I. G. G. T , at Bnrkelt- Mrs. J. Nichols,jpi Calais, nearly So years mill would be erected The price paid vited, and a first-class, gilt-edged time is guar­ S. D. Hunt has purchased u horse oi George i reetion and dispenses tlie word of God to our ville is now iu a nourishing condition. The anteed. It is ill good hands and all who attend R. Conant of Thomaston and Daniel Brazier I people r I know all w ill answer ibis ill Ihe . sisters will furnish a supper for the lodge this old and partially bind, fell ou the stove Thurs­ about $11,000. The cost to Keene Brat can count ou a pleasant evening. one of Mr. Quimby ol Roeklund. i affiruiulive. Thursday evening. day night and watftatally burned. was about $52,000. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1888

Hlarine Orpiutnient. RAILROAD MATTERS. B L O W N U P. Something of Intercut to Ilongekeerere The directors of the Castine and Bangor The office of housekeeper being in­ Scb. Delcwnre is at Owl's Head repairing. Alden McLain bad n serious mishap nt the Railroad Company held an informal meeeting McLain quarry, Friday morning. He was at separably connected with that of Sch. J. 8. Bcacham, Ginn, is frozen in at Tuesday, and after hearing the report of Gen­ work on a bluff on the wall of the quarry. Belfast. eral Manager Devereaux in regard to the pro­ The duelling with which he was charging the home-keeper, is indeed a responsible Sch. Red Jacket, Arev, is at Danversport, gress of the survey, a notice was sent to the hole prematurely exploded blowing Mr. Mc- one, and she who performs its duties ice bound. western parties who have made proposals for I.aiil off the bluff, falling a distance of 30 feet. with proficiency and cheerfulness de­ building the road to be in Bangor when the He was removed to his home in an insensible Sch. J. B. Holden, Look, i3 at Mobile load­ survey is completed and draw up specifications ing lumber for New York. condition. His injuries, while severe, have serve commendation. Economy, for a contract. not proved ns serious ns were at first thought, skill, neatness, and good taste go a Scb. W. L. White, Whitmore, arrived at and lie will entirely recover. Mr. McLain Port Royal, 8. C., Sunday. long way toward the accomplishment BLACKINGTON'S CORNER. had a narrow escape a few weeks ago when Sch. Miltord, Haskell, cleared Saturday the pump-honst exploded, and about one year of the happiness and prosperity we from Norfolk for New York. The oldest child of E. S. Bird is sick with ago had his leg broken in the quarry. all desire. Seh. Mabel Hooper, Hooper, left Newport diphtheria.... Mrs. Harriet Crockett of Ash ------News Wednesday for New York. Point is visiting Mrs. 8. M. Bird. It will be her task to make home GOOD DIRECTONS. Sch. Ringdove, Marston, arrived nt St. Our knitting bee lias organized as follows; with the material and means which Augustine Friday with lime and hay. President. Mrs. 8. M. Bird; Vice. Mrs. J. E. men furnish, to turn mere dwelling Rhoades; Secretary, Mrs. W. L. Blackington; George L. Knight hands tis the following Sch. J. R. Bodwell, Metcalf, is loading lum­ Treasurer, Mrs. Ezra Whitney. They mot houses into centres of attractive do­ ber at Wilmington for New York at $5. address, which a bright employee of the firm Wednesday evening with Mrs. Almon B ird .... with which he is connected, E. 8. Jaffrey A mestic life. * Seh. G. M. Brainerd, Tolman, loads Tues­ Miss Josie Cushman is quite ill---- Robert day from F. Cobb A Co. for New York. Packard returns to Maine State College In n Co., New York, wrote on n letter to another Upon her chiefly will fall the duty Seh. Ella Pressey, Nash, is at New York, few days. employee of the firm : of ornamental life, cultivating its frozen in. The crew have arrived home. Kind postman, If my writing’s plain, taste, keeping its moral nature alive. T aka tills to Mr. lsanlh Hain. Sch. Jennie Cheney, Cushman, Is in Port­ , AN ICE TIME. He calls bis home and always will The woman who is to be happy and land, with lime for New York, frozen up. Tim pretty town of Circleville, useful as the maker and mistress of Sch. L. T. Whitmore, Gross, was all loaded Revenue Cutter Woodbury, Capt. A. A. 't he -tatc for Blaine Is hound to go— Saturday from Aines A Co. for New York. Fengar, arrived here Tuesday evening. Capt. Tlie good old stale of Ohio. home must know the art of home Seh. Georgia Berry, Ginn, was loaded Fri­ Fenger reports mnny bays, thoroughfares nnd making and home ruling. day from A. F. Crockett A Co. for New York. hartiors on the coast frozen and closed to sail­ ing vessels. In several harbors and thorough­ OUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. & The carrying out of ideas such as Scb. Wm. 11. Allison, Bluckington, is on the fares the iee ranges from 8 to 16 inches in now are conceived would even a few way to Fernandina to load lumber for New John R. Alley ot Boston has fot warded to thickness. Bays in mnny instances are frozen years ago have been accomplished York. solid to the outer islands, and until a change of us ooo of his handsome engraved calendars. Sch. James Holmes, Ryder, passed the wind brings in sufficient sen t< |break up the ice, only al a great expenditure of time in nuulh of our harlxir Tuesday for Belfast from only the most powerful steamers can penetrate A. J. Turner has ngnin remembered us—this traveling, and a large outlay in mon­ Boston. time with a copy of the special illustrated edi­ It. The Woodbury was engaged Tuesday In ey, but now, thanks to the enterpris­ Sch. Nina Tillson, Green, sailed from Bos­ cutting out nnd placing in safety seven vessels tion of the Oakland Tribune, an Immense and ton Wednesday for Wiscasset to load Ice for in the vicinity of Rockport. 8hc brought the highly interesting production. ing Manufacturer, Lively Competi­ Pensacola. Portland schooner Mattie B. Russell Inside the tion in Trade, tlie Modern Credit Rockland breakwater Tuesday evening, for Sch. Ann Eliza, Bishop, is nt Edgartown System, and Low Prices, all assist frozen in, with coal from New York for H. O. safety. INGENIOUS IMPLEMENT. Gttrdy A Co. the ambitious house-wife in provid­ NEW CLOTHING STORE! Sch. H. E. Willard, Brown, arrived here STEAMBOAT SPARKS. J. II. Simonton has in use In his clothing ing herself with a home that for years Friday with corn from Portland lor ihe Rock­ manufactory a machine for winding goods, perhaps, has existed only in the im­ land Steam Mill. The steamer Caroline Miller will make :o which is a great labor saver, working rapidly agination. Sch. Laura Messer, Gregory, left Monday of anil perfectly. It was devised nnd manufac more attempts to go up river this winter. She Without ascribing too much credit last week from Charleston for Weymouth, has been taken otf tho route and proliably made tured by B. K. Muddocks of this city. Mass., with guano. her last trip to this State,as the Lucy I*. Miller to ourselves, we think we can point Sell. Levi Hart, Capt. (files of Tenant's will liegtn on the route as soon us the iee is out out how we have added no little to Harbor, was sunk by ice at her wharf in in the spring... .Tlie Boston A Bangor .Steam­ NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Philadelphia Friday. ship Company has harvested its season’s supply the comfort and happiness of all that < R O C K L A N D > Sch. Warner Moore, Crocket', is nt Charles­ of ice fiom the Penobscot,and 750 tons of splen­ have favored us with their patronage. • • Lincolnville is having n siege with mea­ ton with coal from Newport News. She loads did I c from fourteen to sixteen inches has been It is universally acknowledged, wc stored in their bou-cs.It Is the best lot the com­ sles nnd canker-rash. phospbuto rock there for 'Richmond. believe, that healthful competition in­ Sch. A. F. Crockett. Thorndike, is at Hart pany has harvested for many y ears... .The American Express Company’s messengers on * * A new postoifiee has been established variably results in low prices, and Island, frozen in. She has coal from New at Cedar Grove, Lincoln County, with Wm. G. York tor Salem, at S1.6J and,discharged. the Boston A Bangor Steamship Company's practically there was no competition line and the Bar Harbor Steamship line have Ford, postmaster. Sark Wallace 11. Flint, I>cWinter, arrived at been withdrawn for the present on account of in tlie House Furnishing Business in Buenos Ayres from New York, the 29th alt , a the ice embargo. The express from Bangor • » Wilde S. Grant, Islcsboro, Henry Pen­ CLOCKING CO. Maine prior to our establishing our­ .'19 days passage—very quick. She is a tlyer. for Bur Hartior is going there bv wav ot Ells­ dleton, Northport, anil II. B. Wright. Wash­ selves here, and that the coinmotion Jupt. Oliver Stevens of ihe Thomaston worth by stage...... The City of Richmond will ington, have been granted a pension. schooner Ella M. Walts arrived home Friday. resume her regular trips on Tuesday,March Gib caused by the launching of our hark The schooner is at New York, frozen in and (weather permitting), and thereafter until fur­ • * Mrs. II. C. Poitlo ot South Montvllle has not yet subsided is equally true, We have opened the Store formerly occupied by C. F. K IT­ cargo of lime partly discharged. ther notice will leave Portland Tuesdays ami has a dictionary that was printed in Edinburgh, Fridays at 11 p. m. Returning, leave Macliias- for the dealers are ever troubled by Seh. I. T. Whitmore, Gross, on her arrival Scotland, and dated Aug. 10. 1777. TREDGE, with a Fine Stock of 1 here last week reported passing off Portland port Mondays and Thursdays ut C o’clock a. our movements that must necessarily m., connecting nt Portland with the 7.30 a m. Head the main-boom with mainsail and rigging * ♦ Li 1831 David Pierce, of Belfast, hkd a be continuous, from out- nature and attached ot some wrecked craft. Otf Seguin train for Boston, arriving at Boston at 11 contract to furnish all the oars used by the \ a. m...... The Rockland, Capt. Sawtelle.is run the volume of our business. she passed a vessel's bowsprit with flying jib whalemen of New Bedford and New London. boom and geHr. ning between this city and Belfast, or as near to it as the iee will allow, touching ut Camden, He got $69 per thousand feet and shipped 100,- Of our Credit System we will say Sch. Sadie F. Caller, Capt. W. G. Tibbcits, ice permitting. She runs Wednesdays ar.d 000 feet annually. Tlie oars were white ash that no system has yet been devised inrnierly of this city, arrived in Astoria the Saturdays. A trip was tried on Wednesday that affords so many advantages to l'Jtll ult., from San Pedro to load lumber tor tint considerable ice was encountered and she and were made mostly in Montvllle. A set St. Helena. Capt. Tibbetts reports rough could not reach her destination but was obliged comprised a sterl ing oar, two 22 feet long, two the buyer and a t tlie. sam e tim e is not weather in which he carried away Ids bowsprit to stop nt the Belfast ship yard where the 20 feet long and two 18 feet long. harsh or unjust in any sense, on some ."id foretoptnast. freight and passengers were landed on the iee. Burk C. F. Dixon, Capt. G. W. Rhodes, is The Katahdin will tie ready to run to Bucks­ * * Freeman Creamer, a blind man, who accounts it is to be preferred to the n w 94 days out Iroin Caleta Oliva, Chili, with port at any time when the ice leaves the river. lived alone in a shop in the western part of Casli System, so men of means testi- nitrate of soda lor llam pt.a Roads, for orders, ...... The Lucy P. .Miller will leave New York Waldoboro, where he manufactured brooms, fy - . was spoken Dec. 1 otf Cape Horn. L.v ik u . -A next Saturday, for this port and up river. She t .legram received lust night reported hei ar- will probably return Wednesday, the 15th...... was found there in an unconscious condition. W bile these are the main reasons ------AND SHALL OFFER SOM i al utter 92 days passage, with rough weather. The Rockland reached Bellast Saturday. His forehead was bruised and his hands were why our prosperity is a tiling to be The cutter Woodbury made a bold dash frozen. It is supposed that he fell by reason desired by the citizens of the State, into the lower part of our harbor Saturday and of a shock of paralysis, or other similar cause. wliii bard work managed to reaeli Atlantic MORE CURIOS. there are many others equally valid wharf, removing therefrom schooner S. A. He lived alone by preference, nnd is said to why our success is to be hoped .for, Paine of Provincetown, which has been in Capt. A. G. Hunt has favored us with n have accumulated several hundred dollars since and the faithful house-wife should TEM PTING BARGAINS! here for repairs and towed her out into the huge pod, 12 inches long,from Queen’s Garden, his blindness. He was taken to a neighbor's have an interest in, one of which is, bay. St. Thomas. house, where he died soon after. Seh. Jennie G. Pillsbury, Wall, at Jackson­ there never was a time previous to ville Jun. 29, from Rockport, reports encoun­ Cupt. A. A. Duncan has donated to our col­ our coming when the exacting cus­ tered a heavy gale on the 17th, and four large lection a petrified shark’s tooth, found In the HORSE HAIRS. tomer could get every want supplied To introduce our goods. Our stock is all New and Fresh, tiaga tilled with oakum soaked with oil were Carolina phosohate beds, a 'd a big petrified hung on the bow, which prevented the waves J. E. llanly, esq , drives a very handsome with as little difficulty as is now ex­ from breaking over the vessel, thereby saving molar of some herbivorous animal, presuma­ chestnut gelding, who answers to the proud just selected in the market; bought for Spot Cash and h r Only four gallons of oil were used. bly a hippopotamus, found in the sumo place. title of Monarch. He is just from Connecti­ perienced, for all that has been placed Sch. Hunter of this port, Whitten, which He also has given us a specimen of rock for­ cut and came from Kentucky within a year. upon the market having sufficient arrived at New London Friday from Vinalhnven He stands 13.3, weight 1020 pounds and is six merit to warrant a continuance of the mation from the cave of Bellair, Matanzas, and years old. He is a beautiful roadster and a via Vineyard Haven, reports having been in manufacture, may be found at our i.Jlision with an unknown srbooner between some valuable coins and paper money. fearless family lio rse.... Dr. O. I. Bartlett has B U Y S X-aQAAT. Pollock Rip und Shovellul Light, and lost E. W. Thurlow has added to our collection anew 5 year-old roadster,ot good blood,bought headquarters, and in one of our many ot Ulmer A Orbeton. iibboom and headgear. An N W gale prevailed a specimen of ore from the noted Silver King branches. And we are continually and there was considerable drifting ice. Set upon the alert for novelties and ev­ -ignal of distress and was assisted to safe an- mine Arizona. PENSIONS ALLOWED. iiorngo by Capt. Tuttle and crew of Monomoy C. F. Ayers lias given us an antiquated shin­ erything that is at all likely to be Lite Saving Station i he Hunter will repair gle that was taken from St. Paul’s church, cor­ We glean the following pension notes at wanted by any of our numerous cus­ at New London. She Is bound to New York with stone for the llarlein Bridge. ner of Fulton street and Broadway, N. Y., in Gen. Cillev’s olliee; tomers, whether in high pi iced, medi­ Ship Gamaliel, Capt. D. E. Crockett, for­ 1881. The shlnglo was laid in 1764. and is Elbridge L. Orbeton, West Camden original, um. or low grade goods. merly ot this city, has been lust ut sea. Isaac therefore 124 years old. Ills In an excellent 11 Maine Vols., at $5 per month from April 3th '86. We are aware that an article of 1 iregory, Jr., of this city was mate. L x t i.r — state of preservation. OVERCOATS & ULSTERS'' ' apt. Crocked and wife and the mate of the Mary J. Genthner, Nolileboro, at $12 ner this kind will provoke a query how ' vst oarque Gamaliel passed through Bruns­ W. W. Ulmer, who has heretofore remem­ month. Mother of Thomas S., Co. I., 21st much will it cost to furnish iny par­ X wick, Ga., Friday cn route lor Baltimore. bered us, brought in some notable curios yes­ Maine, • lor, chamber or kitchen? The barque sprung aleak in a fierce gale, an I terday. There has been some considerable Geo. W. White, Brewer, U. S. N aw , reis-ue At Less than they could be bought at wholesale the firs/of the was picked up by sch Belle Higgins In lat. 29 A knowledge of your requirements, discussion as to whether explosive bullets were and increase al $11 per mouth, from May 4;h. O TH AT IH AT THE — month, and that you want to furnish Ship William 1 Babcock left Port Town­ cluding in bis list the fast steamer Caroline *#*Every article bought of ns will be found exactly as repre- send ldili insl.for Hull, K , Wilk 73.033 centals Miller, which makes the run from this city to a parlor, not elaborately, but tasty. of East Oregon wheal, the largest wheat cargo BOSTON MARKET, Wc will allow for a l’lirlor Suit, llair I nn $ jnted or money refunded.*** •ver loaded at any Puget Sound port. The New York in 40 hours, und thus brings the C loil. or I’lu-li, [ $oU.OO ship’s expenses in port were $2759, including markets ut Goiliam under our very noses. Il Corner Park and Union Streets, us wc have them from 35, 37, 41', towages, etc. Rockland doesn’t double her 8000 population riocltlzaiitl, — M nixic. 7)0, 75 and $100 or more. Sell. N. Esterbrook, jr.. Vesper, linm Balti­ within the next few years il'L be because our 39 yard- I'ape-irv Brii-aids Uurpet, 25.50 more for liosion, was towed into Vineyard R E A D th e s e prices, 1 marble Top Taiile, 30x28, (j 1)0 NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS! Haven T uesday Iroin out of the ice near Cross people are so lacking in enterprise that they 1 l’lattdrm Rocker, velvet, 5 00 Kip Slionls. ’ Steam tug Argus towed will allow wido-ttwako contemporaries to ap­ compare them with others, unJ then call and bee I Wfiaiitot, 5 00 sch Cii.v of Augusta, Meadv. Iroin Damaris­ propriate wbat is Rockland’s due. if we keep the 1 rgi st and In st stock o f G roceries in tin; city 1 Small Fancy Table, 3 00 The Best Patent Flour Milled for...... fcS.P) cotta for Norfolk, out of the iee at Cross Rip. the doors shut new business will go in where 2 Kngx, 6 00 — — — »♦»------The best Uniter Process Hom Milled for.... 6 25 1 Mantel Mirror, 10.00 the doors ure open. Swing wide the doors and Tlie choicest Roller Pr iccss Flour milled for 5 GO A choice rit. Louis Flour for...... 4.76 3 Window Shades, complete, 3 00 American tishing selio .tiers in distress at when there Is an opportunity to secure new 3 Sets Window Drapery, 15 00 Halifax were refused permission to sell the'r A good dt Louis Hour for...... 4.60 business corral it. Ail ot these Flours are guaranteed or money ROCKLAND CLOTHING CO., fares. reluuded. $128 50 It seems from Labor Commissioner Mathews’ M O L A! HO Thus it will be seen that the whole 1 report that in ilie list of common iuboters kiln And the city coal bins are experiencing a best in tlie city for 60r. Park und Union Sts., Rockland, Me. R ockland, A mun was lined $10 and costs at Waterbury, hour of need. W . A. K i m b a l l , : M an ag er. Coun., for attempting to shoot his wife. Mas. T. B. BtcxuoitE. FRANK DONAHUE. , 8 THE ROCKLAND COTJRIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1888.

Portland Latin School THE VIKING SHIP. SCHOONER ETTA GOTT Our Magazines for February. A NOTABLE TERM. PORTLAND, MAINE. An Interesting Discovery at Gokstad. Driven Ashore in a B linding Snow The Febrnary number of Harper's Magazine Celebrated Cases to be Tried at Bangor Rest faciHtlen for instruction in Academic Studies, a NeWdner’e Jfrrgutfne. Storm. shows no falling off from ihc excellence of the in Februaiy. with Military Drill. Faculty Theo. F. Leighton January issue. (Yale), Joshua E.Crane (Brown), Head Masters; The interest in tbe proceedings of the next . No .object so thoroughly fascinated me , A shipwrecked crew took passage on the , Mr. Henry James comes to the front with a Chas. E. Cushing (Yale), Edmund A. DeGarmo in a visit to Norway and Sweden during , Pionecr Wednesday morning of this week for > "°’cle»cr °"e 01 h” I» •’ >'«»<* Criminal term of the S. J. Court for Penobscot (Hamilton),Masters ; Prof. R. F. Klenner, Tactician . "Louisa Pailant,” anil Is cleverly illustrated by eonnty, to be held in Bangor, beginning Feb­ and Instructor in the Modern Languages. Board­ the su m m er of 1882 "as th e splendid e x ­ Rockland bound for their home in Gloucester, 1 C. S. Reinhart. William Black contributes ruary 7th, will be wide spread, extending even ing Students admitted on anv date. For full inform­ ample of ancient shipping discovered ation address either of the Head Masters. 51 88 Mass. Their story, as they tell it, is one of ( the second installment of his novel, "In Far beyond the limits of the State. shortly before at Gokstad, on one of the Stain and Cromwell will tie tried on a charge terrible happenings. They left Gloucester, Lochaber." None of the interest roused in the ^ORKEP- peninsulas of southern Norway. Tile opening chapter in the January number is lost ot burglary at. tlie Dexter Savings Bank, in 8>°l0 First Mortgages in Kansas length from stem to stem over all is 78 the ltlh uit. in the schooner Etta Gott fitted in this 1878, nnd the murder of Its treasurer, the late for George’s fishing. On their,way to East- , C. II. Farnham's “ Quebec” is a lively John Wilson Barron NEW SYSTEM OF BEE-KEEPING I During the nelt 90 ly matters. In the Easy Chair Mr. Goorge There will be several other cases of minor cord of three strands, and thia was not They man­ William Curtis discusses the authors' readings importance, and altogether the term will be tbe- most Important known in thc history of the driven into tho crevices, but laid in when aged to get the 6tove and prov isions from ibeir at Cbtckering Hall; shows the folly of not vessel, thc day after being cast away, and thus entertaining because on cannot enter! lin like Countv. the planking was put together. his rich neighbors; destroys tuc happiness of The proceedings will lie specially reported From this method of construction, as saved themselves front freezing and starv­ Democrats who have fondly believed in the for the Commercial, and will appear in both well ns from the character of the relics ing. myth of Jefferson simplicity; and then re­ the dally and weekly editions. The daily will The crew of eleven men remained in tills lit­ views the musical season in New York .Finally be sent one month for GO cents or to those who found and the use of the vessel at, a are now subscribers of the Weekly Commer­ tle cabin until rescued by a party from York’s something is said of tho Sharp trial fiasco not means of sepulture, Mr. Nicolayscn in­ altogether eomplimcntry to juries, in the cial, lor 50 cents. The subeription price of fers thnt it was built during tlio Inter Island, who discovered them from a fire bea­ Study Mr. Howells discourses about Emerson, the weekly is only 31.00 per year, or 50 rents iron age, or between A. D. 700 nnd con they had burning to attract attention Whitman, Cervantes, Dr. Holmes, and other from now until after tbe next September elec­ 1.000. (The early ago comprises tho They remained upon York's Island one week [authors and books. The Editors Drawer tion. first seven centuries after tho Christian abounds in amusing points. Mr. Warner fs a t 1 and as 6oon as thc ice would permit rowed hi* best in writing about “ The Condcirension POTATO POINTS. era.) The decoration of the trimmings from there in a dory to Vinaihavcn, arriving to Literature and to the Stage.” on the prow, gunwale, and stern-post, here Tuesday last, Benjamin Coombs bringing February Wide Awake bus come; bright the numerous carvings, both upon the them to the boat with his team. Tuesday with pictures and full of entertainment and Pant-out A Griffiths,commission merchants, ship and the relics, together with the night they were quartered at the McDonald wisdom for young folks. One scries of papers Philadelphia, have issued tlie following circu­ handy use of colors, exhibit n very alone is enough to make thc fortune of a mag- lar : - ... I House. The captain did not come this way, 1 azine, “ The Children of the White House" by but went to Dccr Island to wire tho owners of Mrs. Upton, a familiar sketch of the children In New York State and through the West it EVERY PAIR SOLD WITH a i r o o d s For in her palmy davs, before seems as though "everybody was confident H G '. thc disaster. of John Adams with many curious portraits the beginning of the eighth ceDtury, Ire- , , , , .. . end relics. "About llosa Bonlicur” by Henry thnt the crop would be light” everywhere, and FOLLOWING GUARANTEE. land outstripped every o th er country of ! T,lc schoo,lcr is a wreek thou«h Pr0‘” . Bacon is accompanied by copies of several of most everybody put away a considerable GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. E urope in m in iatu re-p ain tin g and th e «>’ly sails, rigging and many other things will her pictures with a portrait ot the artist herself quantity, "without letting anybody know 1V»g. Islands" the crop is large, and to catch thc NO. 276 MAIN STREET, sheer gavo to it a model which does not i They were a fine lot of young men. Thc Fay Adams occupies himself with .Esop, the (O ver F . C. K night & Co.’s), story-teller. And many more. The number cream of our American markets, I besides the For Sale by W. 0. Hewett & Go. suffer in com parison w ith th a t of tho following are their names: James Campbell, Is very rich, varied and interesting. A sample numerous smaller shipments ninde already in The Only Place in the City thnt Manufac­ Galatea, or I he best of tho yachts used [Michael Driscoll, John McCannon, James copy can...... be obtained...... by .... _____ sending...... five cents...... to Jan.)mnch heavier shipments than usual are ture Their Own Goods. 6* on the English coast for sailing in deep Frazier, Abraham Johnson, Charles Tirrell, the publishers, I). Lotlirop Company, Boston, contemplated—two steamers on the way and loading now are to bring 10,000 sacks each HANLY & LORD, w aters. I t had th o a d v an tag e , how ever, Wm. Colson, Charles Johnson, James Caiier | _,The high promise with which the Atlantic from London and Liverpool lo New York, as a Monthly began tbe current year is well sus­ of a flattened bottom am idships, w hich and one by tlie name of Peterson. commencement only of the Scotch exports. 276 MAIN STREET, must have secured to it much greater [ tained in tbe February number. A most im­ Our German correspondents say there Is an portant crisis is reached in the fresh nnd fasci­ immense stock of Dutch potatoes promised to MINARDI steadiness than the English cutters; “**' " nating story by E. H. House, entitled “ Yone something, in fact, between tho cutter America soon as the weather pel mils, it is Real Estate Brokers and Agents. IN THE WEST. Santo : a Child of Japan," several characteris­ evident that all are holding for " b ig prices" in and the fiat, keellcss boat of the centre­ tic chapters are added by Charles Egbert Crad­ tlie spring; and ii is equally apparent that Have several line pieces of Properly in board type—8un' i< Andrew Lang has a readable paper on "Realism the PILES, ETC. "nR inents indicate thnt there w ere th irty - | placid mirrored water bespoke the glory and and Romance," John Morley’s address before plies the vital phosphates essential to tlie sys­ PRAISED - By . ALL I tw o shields and sixteen pairs o f oars, majesty of Him who said: “ Let the waters un- the Edinburg Pbilosphical institute, entitled tem, and assists digestion. No other bakiug REM 1XGTOX STANDARD nnd as two men were necessary to handle ' C,cr t,1L‘ heavens he gathered together unto one "Aphorisms,” lias his habitual brilliancy o f powder docs this. GET THE GENUINE. BUY, TRY, JUDGE. one oar of this size, the row ers alone I Pla™’ a,nd lot theidry land appear.” style and treatment. Other readable contribu­ Dr. itcu.l. W llllnni*. <>r Itoekliiiid, 25 cts. at Druggists, or trailed on receipt of stumps. must have been sixty-four in number - ^ ‘.d?7 trnnd-,cd along'- ■!brough ,he tions are “The Ilosicruciun Brotherhood,” by TYPEWRITER, _e£o :e* ze’I zt.il c o . , new london, conn. British Dominion, and at night fall passed thc Arthur E. Waite, and “The Parable of Indian says: Which has by true merit taken lirst place among •St. Clair lliver at Detroit into Michigan,accoin- i Art." There is an excellent short story by the "1 take pleasure m stating tliat I have q-ed all competitors. The mudilnc is exceedingly sim­ THE NEW REPORTER. panifil|bv numbers of young men from the New j Marquis of Lorno. The minor papers" are Horsford's Bread Preparation in tny family, ple, requiring no genius to run it, as any person .KIRK’S England and Middle *States on their way to , worthy of the magazine. for a number of years, witli perfect satisfac­ cun write letters on it from the moment it is re. ‘Looki ... here,” ,» , said . the editor , of the i various points in the west, some of whom were * i r ceived, and in a short time can write two or thri i Kurnlvillc Bugler, in an oflendeil tone, i greatly elated with prospects of wealth and .,A «,?,.5i«do,i’i t , » !,’■ J!) "“.tf?1"-? of tion. 1 consider it tlie very best preparation times as fust as with the pen and with much more to I he new reporter, who hailed from j unbounded happiness, from information they l, yy“ ir, /. MAINE. "Nothing important?” howled tlie try. You must get you a cap immediately." ables them to render to writers the assistance 41 without which they would often lie unable to it does all that is claimed for it in restoring to editor. "Listen to ‘bent’ No. 1; ‘Jona­ At the Ellsworth station a friend was in th e ‘start of life' those essentials which are lost waiting with a span of line horses, and con­ market their manuscripts. Tlie address of the than llriggs has accepted the position of Bureau is, F. O. Box 1905. Boston, Mass. in milling ouv higher grades of flour. By its assistant hostler at tho Red Bull Tavern." veyed us to our place of destination four miles away. Alter recruiting a fow days and visit­ use we restore those essentials, whieli we can­ Isn’t tliat important enough? Briggs With this issue tlie fourth volume of thc ing two schools, we went to Webster City, tlie Forum is concluded; and tho number that not do witli any other bread preparation with X has several friends in tins town who will shire town of Ellsworth County, twenty miles make up this voliimn contain many of the most which I am acquainted.” lie delighted to hear of his elevation. distant, to pass an examination by the county important utterances on topics thn’t have tieen Dr. F. K* IIlttJK'ock, of Rockland, superintendent Of schools, which ordeal usually And here’s another interesting item yon uppermost in tbe public mind, including arti­ say s missed. lusts from two to two und a half days. cles on tbe surplus by Speaker Carlisle mid tlie A. F, C ro c k e tt & Co. Each applicant who is fortuuute enough to lion. Wm. I). Kelley (more than 100,900 copies “ it seems to me that the theory ot the Aud tlie editor read from his esteemed receive u certificate obtains one according to his of each of which were published;) the series uerve-buildiug properties of Horsford’s Bread loathsome contemporary: or her ubilily or rank us teacher. Those who “ Books that have Helped Me,” which has sug­ Preparation is chemically correct.” "William Wordswortli Browne lias pass a lirst-elass examination receive a No. 1, gested many similar autobiographic sketches Dr. F. G. COOK, OF ROCKLAND, any* — DKAKEKcJ IN ----- nailed a dozen uew slats on his back those of the second grade a No. 2, and those of both in England amt in tbe United States; The “ My views with regard to Horsford's Bread tenen. Mr. Browne is constantly mak­ the third grade a No. ,'i certificate. Your bum­ essay of Prolessor J. Peter Lesley, on religious FLOATING SOAP ble servant obtained a No. 1 and was awarded subjects from a reverential scientific point of Preparation are in accord with those of Dr. --IS-- ing improvements about bis premises, a four months school, which he finds very view; Gov. Foralters’ defense of tlie Republi­ Hitchcock.” T H E C H IE F and our oitizonsgenerally should emulate pleasant. Thc parents of the scholars are from can party; Mr. Halstead’s and Senator Col- D r . O. L. B artlett, of Itueklninl, aays his example.’! And Brown is one of our various states of the Union, New England, quett's discussion of the scries of article on the COAL. For tho Bath, Toilet and Laundry. "The bolting of the wheat extracts those subscribers’ too," added the editor. Southern, Middle mid Western, also from , ...... Public...... school.. system from it very important Snow W hite and Absolutely Pure. Norway. In a week or so, if it moderates, and I point of view, principles, namely, the phosphates, which If your dual or does not koep White Cloud Soap, ‘•But tins is not all. Here’s 'beat’ No. are so essential to auimal cxistonee. It is pend' 10 cent* for suinple cake to the niaker», we don’t freeze our lingers,nose and ears again, ;! ‘Our highly esteemed young friend, will inform you about the ins and outs of a FEBRUARY CENTURY asserted by men of note, among whom is liar- Broken, Egg, Stove and Augustus W. Noggins, ap|ieared on tlie prairie life 1. J. Bi'itrox. on Liebig, of wide repute in Europe, mid this JflS. S. KIRK & CO., A delightful essay by James Russell Lowell, street yesterday afternoon, wearing a eouutn, tliat Prof. Horsford's Bread Prepara­ CHICAGO. mi Walter Savage Landor, is one of the many tion restores tlie phosphates to tlie refined flour. Franklin Coal brand-new shiny silk hat, which was tlie At tlie fifth anniversary of Sbcpley Camp, features of the February Century. Mr. Ken­ nan's series, which is important enough to lie Sueli being tlie ease, tliis preparation should cynosure of all eyes, aud was purchased S . o f V., Iield at Portland Wednesday, Col. T. at Tubbing* one price hat store.’ torn by the Russian consul from copies of tlie lie found in every household.” (i. Libby was present ami encouraged the boys "These three 'beats’ don't look well Century sent to that country,receives u notable Dr. C. It. Cole, ol' Kueklitiiil, aays: A. F. CROCKETT & 00. with tbe following bright remarks: addition in tlie study of “ A Russian 1‘olitieal for a re|N>rter who has Itatl ten years ex­ “ For several years past I have used Hors­ I am proud to be witli you this evening. I Prison.” Theodore Roosevelt writes, also in a perience in New York journalism. You popular vein of "Ranch Life in the West," with ford’s Bread Preparation in my family, in­ see you open your meetings with tlie true in­ stead of cream of tartar, or any of the numer­ Crockett Block, North End, must do better.” stincts of a soldier. It is becoming, no doubt, intimate knowledge of Ids subject which is The new reporter said be would, and for me to inform you of tin- noble objects of largely the cowboy. "Pictorial Art on the ous baking powders. I find tliat it not only Stuge” is a subject upon which Mr. und Mrs. makes healthful mid delieiuus bread, but be­ the next issue of tho Bugler, contained our organization, tbe Sons of Veterans. Our ROCKLAND. object is to keep green tbs memory and the Edwin Blushlichi throw much curious light lieve that it restores to the flour the vital phos­ the following important matters of local history of our fathers; to spread and muiuiuiu the same being treated from an artistic point ot phates whieli are lost by d ie modern methods p in \ifi£o| in te re s t: the doctrine of universal right and justice and view,with pictures by Mr. lilashlield and much of milling.” entertaining information withal, ’the Rev. "Our urliane friend, Joseph Winkle, loyalty. Witli such principals before us,[ ask Dr. F. N. Huston, of Koekluuil, aaya: you can our brothers co astray. It becomes Dr. J. M. Buckley, editor of “The Christian “ L. F.” Atwood’s Medicine contuini accompanied the handsome Miss Susuu Advocate," adds to bis paper on tlie Mind-Cure “ 1 have leurned from those who have used Greene to ehmcii last Sunday morning. you. ladies, to eiieer them on in this noble all the curutivo propertied, in u concen­ work. 1 euiiuot lorget the Ladies Auxiliary. and similar phenomena, n curious study of Horsford’s Preparation, that it is entirely sat­ trated form, of the so-called auraaparillus. Joseph looked smitten.” God only knows what we, the G. A. it., would Astrology, Divination, and Coincidence. Dr. isfactory and does all that is claimed tor it.” Buckley may tairly be considered to have done It Unsafe and reliable Blood Puritier, “Deacon Snyder bought a barrel of do without the uolile and patriotic Auxiliary, D r. Fred A. Davis, uf Sear-port, aays: prepared with the greatest bkill and cure. In the hospital can 1 ever forget your work ? a great public service by bis exposition of cur­ hard eider yesterday. The deacon is a “ Horsford’s Bread Preparation lias been ThouAMiids bear testim ony to ith value in good judge of cider." God grant that you will ever respect those who rent frauds and hallucinations in ibis field. gave their lives tliat the nation might live. The lietioii is by Edward Eggleston ("The used iu my family for some time, with the Dyspepsia, Liver ami Bowel difordera, “Henry William Sbuttleworlh. our Graysous,’) by George W. Cable ("Au Large”) greatest satisfaction, and is, iu my ju igment, A. J. BIRD & CO., from which complaints are produced pojuilar bill poster, visited his mother- a short story "The Governor's Preroga­ excelled by none other in the market, as it un­ ----- DKALKRSIS ----- many «*as«is of Humor aud Scrofula. tive, by Octave Thanet. Miss Eggleston's it- in-law, in Mixon township Tuc alay. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? doubtedly restores the most nutritive princi­ Thia remeoyhasu remarkable record of His visit was very brief.” lustration of “ Big Bob” shows that in her we have a substantial addition to the list of illus­ ples, tlie phosphates, khicli have been re­ 38 years’ success in curing. Take “The storm on Monday night blew Your stomach ol course. Why r Because moved in tho refining process which thc flour ouly “ L. F.” Atwood’s Bitters trative artists. down old Mrs. Wilkins' clothes-line. if it is out of order you me one of the most . I |fh e variety of the number as ulajvc slmwn undergoes.” with red “L. F.” trade m ark^ -:C-O-A-L,:- Two of Wilkins' shirts, which had been miserable creatures living. Givo it a fair, hou- j is in no way impaired by two important papers Dr. Gao. C. llorur, of Searaport, say* . orable chance and see if il is not the best friend left out over night, were so badly soiled to v/hieli a large number of readers will turn you have in the end. Don’t smoke in the first ot all, viz: 1 Gen. Sberuian's study of "Having long used Horsford’s Bread Prep­ H A R D W O O D . that they bad to be washed over again."’ morning. Don't drink in tbe morning. If "The Grand Strategy of the War"- in which aration iu my family, I can testify to its su­ I DO NOT LIKE “Squire Simmons lias had a night you must smoke and driug wait until your there are interesting comparisons with foreign perior merit as a huking preparation, and can Lobewiibuiit I)r. Beth Arn latch put on Ids front door. The Squire’: stomach is through with breakfast. You can military operat ous, and characterizations of fully recommend it to others us being the oue uhi'sCoughKiiivr Hl the Iiou m - , tW() ^ons nnj g atin g io be big lx»ys how .” drink more und smoke more in the evening aud the relation of the different Union moveiiienls thing uecdo l to restore to refined wheat flour (t D a wuudertul re Flour, Groceries, Provisions, it will tell on you less. If your food fer­ throughout the war;and 2 'Tlie Lincoln History the phosphates lost iu the process of refining.” , “That’s something like.” said the ments and does not digest right,—If you are in which the narrative deuls with the Confeder­ COUGHS i t COLDS. editor when be read tlie loeai page. troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of the ate Commissioners, the Cabinet opinions on Dr. C. F. Bus*, of Itoekport, aaya: PRESSED HAY AND STRAW. ' 11. Wicukvr, Frogtuwn, III. Keep up that style, aud our bribc-takiDg, head, eomiug up of the food after eating. Bil­ ihe reinforcement of Fort Pickens (given from "I have used Horsford’s Bread Preparation d ll druggist, 2ic, 50e 4 $1.04. lour uolutuued contemporary across tlie iousness, Indigestion, or any other trouble of unpublished MSS,) aud Lincoln’s tussle with in my family tor several,years, aud can cheer­ Dr. belli Arnold's rfootbing the stomach, you had best use Green’s August Seward, in which it was decided whether tlie fully recommend it to the public.” & c . luiuiciided way will soon lie forced to emigrate or Flower, us no person can use it without imme­ Cement, Lime, Hair, commit suicide.” Secretary ot State or president should rule Ihe Send to Rumford Clie*ileul Work*. Frov • J diate relief. country. ideuce, R for Cguk Book, Free.