T i I E Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND OAZETTK ESTABLISnKD 1R40. I ROCKI.AND COLRIRR GHTABLISHliU 1874.1 $}rfss is fbc ^tcjftmcbean |£fbcr flint $lot»s tbc $Horib at &tao dollars a $car l TWO DOULARft A TEAR IN ADVAKCG, 1 SINGLE COPIES PRICK FIVE CENTS. V o l . 7.— N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1888. N umber 4 . ADDRESS OF WELCOME H IS V IE W S. H O N. H . B. C LE A V E S. PROM PT PAY THE BIG RAFT He Is in the Field as Republican Nom­ Delivered at the Recent Session of W h a t Well-Known Shipmaster Has Cochran A Sewall with their proverbial Pomona Orange by A. J. Tolman. To Say. inee for Governor. promptness have adjusted the losses on the T. lion. II. IL Cleaves is well known to all of D. Biekmore fire at Tenant's Harbor and the Brothers and Sisters.—I have been selected Capt. I. W. Sherman of Camden, a native of Allenwood fire at Vinalbaven. Mrs. Biekmore to deliver nn address of welcome to you, in Islesboro in this county, is master of the ship ottr readers by reputation, while be is person­ ROBINSON&PRICE HAS BROKEN ally known by many o f nor prominent citizens. hehalf of the members of Pleasant Valley Frederick Billings, the largest American ship receives 81975 95 and Mr. Allenwood #1843.- He has already proved himself a good friend 44. Grange, and it is with feelings of pleasure that that tloats salt water. The ship recently ar­ lining ju-d returned from Boatcn wp <-an give you And I must get rid of the pieces to to onr city, being identified with many of its I bid a cordial welcome to the husbandmen rived at New York from Liverpool, after an business interests, anti the following article S H O T T H E FOX. make room for my Spring (foods. and matrons of our little county and their absence of two years and a quarter, having I Grand Trades! children, the coming men and women of our made a circuit of the globe, ('apt. Sherman is from the Portland Press of .Ian. 24th will not One of ottr young sportsmen bad a tooth In tho following Good*: Now I do not sty I am going to give land, hut I trust that you have already re­ now at his home in Camden where ho has been I a"^ prove uninteresting reading, yanked the other day. and while under the in­ ceived a warmer welcome and one that is of interview ' '.:y » eorresoondent of the Boston 1 ^ r' f-,'oavc‘l nndotibfedly the strongest Ladies’ and Gents' Slippers, fluence of gas took an active part in an imag­ these goods away, but shall make the more satisfaction to you than ’his brief ad­ Sunday Globe. Although a democrat Capt. r‘n,tdi3ate yet suggested tty the republicans,and Sherman does not Itelleve in free ships. In we fiti. to see how the party can do better or inary fox chase. As the tooth yielded to the “ “ " Silk Scarfs, Prices soLow that all may buy ; this dress, a grasp of the fraternal hand, and a gentle persuasion of the forceps, the young reply to questions from the Globe rorre-por* keven as well by the cholee of any other candi­ “ “ “ Collars and[Cutfs, cheerful “ I am glad to see you balay." It Is hunter went up into the air about three feet the custom of Pomona Grange to meet once In dent the captain said . date. selling goods below cost cannot be. shipping interests of j The numerons friends of ex-Attorncy Gen- with the exclamation: "lie's shot the fox! “ “ “ Silk Handkerc’fs, every month. But the weather at times is un­ “ Well, so far as th - 1 eral llenrv B .' leaves will present his name to He's shot the fox !” done, but 1 will sell for the next 30 favorable, or the roads in a bad condition, so this country arc concerned, we are about done " “ “ Fine Hose, with sailing ships When 1 first went to New the Republican Slate Convention, which will that the meetings are not all n« well attended Orleans and Mobil.', some 40 years ago, those ; be! held in Portland, a«n candidate for tbenom- “ “ “ Fins Boots&Shoes days all my stock at such Low Prices as they should be. The timo passes quickly, ports were full of American ships, and now ina'ion forfiir Governor. Mr. Cleaves was born) RIVERS AND HARBORS. there is hardly one goes there. The English in Bridgton, and is nearly 48 years o f age ----------- [Ladies' Walking Shoes, and the months roll by, and the day will draw lie has an excellent military record; he en­ 1 hat if you examine it, you will be tramp steamers are taking the trade. I am I he Secretary of War has prepared a | p -p; to a <dose before we think of it, never to be not In favor of free ships but would like to listed a« a private soldier tinder Co!. William 1 convinced that J sell Better Goods recalled. So let us treasure up the lessons see the subsidy bill pass. That is the only Wirt Virgin in 18(12, and at the expiration of statement of balances on hand for the im- , z that we may learn here, brought about by thing that will -ave us. If that passes we can Ills term of servin re-enlisted with Gen. provementot rivers and harbors N o v 1887.} " " Braces, Etc., Etc. drive the English nut. As It is the English Francis Fessenden for three years. He served than any other ‘•tore in Knox County discussion or in any other manner, that will imder Col Virgin in 1862-3, In Maryland and The balances are In most instances held | , . , - 0 . , _ flag is bound to kill the American shipping. in reserve for r anwigencas likely to arise be- • ** We have a Bargain m a f|£ace, assist ns in oar labors or make ns belter I In 1862, according to Secretary Fairchild’s Virginia; in 1863 Iwith Geri. Fessenden in the at the Lowest Prices. men ano women. On the other hand we must ; report, we did 75 per cent, of the carrying Department ol tho Gulf and in the Red River fore additional funds can he made available or . fine Hand Sewed, French Kid Button j trade, and now we do hut 14 per cent, of it. campaign: and in 18*41-65 was under Sheridan are too small in amount to wake it advisable Shoe overlook any incidents that arc displeasing, in the Shenandoah valley, and remained in ! I predict that in less than five years from now, to them. Rockland Harbor has a balance of ------------- ---------------------- and when we separate at the close of our day's l unless something is done, the American (lag active service until after the surrender of laic, session let it he with a feeling of fraternal ' will Ire driven front the ocean. Take our ship when he received nn honorable discharge. $907, Penobscot River 81164, Belfas*. Unrtwir 1 . love, and our meeting today one of pleasure, 1 for instance. She was built here in Camden During his service he always enjoyed the good 82-806. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. OVERCOATS, ULSTERS i some over two years ago, at a cost ot 8145,- will of his comrades and the confident', and and leave a golden mnrk upon the memory. ! 000. She has made- two oyages around the J esteem of his superior officers, and in the Inn- Rockland is not a farming town. Her busi­ world, and has not paid 3 per eetit. on her Kuage ol his (•oiiniianiling otlleer, was a “ brave FISHING FACTS. South Store, Rankin Block, ness is the production of lime to the extent of cost. She is a large carrying ship -carries and tearless soldier. At the close ot the war. ROCKLAND. Men's and Boy's Suitings, -1000 tons dead weight, and is a line sailing '-waves returned to Bridgton,and in 18t,8 MAINE. over a million of casks per year, which is sent vessel and a lieautitul ship. There is no: was admlited to the bar In Oxford county; he Sjtearing stray flounders through tlie ice I.. 8. ROBIKHON.J I IIAIU.K3 PRICK. all over the country, furnishing employment money in going out from New York at 16 , tminciltately entered upon the practice ot his seem- to be about tlie only occupation left our CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS AND for many men, horses and vessels. The shillings und coming back at 20. The port. : profession, and removed to Portland in 1869. fishermen. charges remain the same as when business. He has trequcntly been honored with impor- amount produced in the county would be not was good.. Our vessel pays port charges of tant positions ol public trust by his fellow-chi. The Canadians,having failed in their attempts SUITINGS, far from two millions of casks per annum. four cents a ton in and out and 85 n foot in ' rens. serving the ' tty taithtully and witli ahill- to secure a settletn.int of the controversy to Many of our farmers are engaged in some por­ and out of San Francisco. New York charges lY 111 Jb ’’ legislature, and as its city solicitor. -nit themselves, having resumed their former tion of ibis business, buttling the rock, manu­ 85 a tout in and out and $21 a day wharfage.
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