EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Todd Morehead ContentsJuly 9, 2009 VOLUME 4 issue 23
[email protected] pg. 10 ARTS EDITOR Judit Trunkos saVe This house: morTgage aid program moVes slowly
[email protected] DESIGN News.Politics.Commentary Megan Weeks, Bobby Sutton letters To The reader dear Billy mays 3 VOCAL BOOTH regional Briefs The end of showers on The golden mile 3 Kingsley Waring mr. meaners updaTes on crackheads 4 news Bark park To help enVironmenT 5 PUBLISHER StaTehouse reporT is goVernmenT acTually working? 6 Paul Blake news healThcare By fund-raising 7
[email protected] Ted rall oBama’s half healThcare plan 8 pg. 5 don’T panic! whaT we can do To help iran 9 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES James Wallace CONTRIBUTORS Arts.Entertainment.Etc Andy Brack, Graeme Fouste, Harry S. Iarch, TheaTer BeauTy and The BeasT 11 TheaTer high school musical and 12 q’s 13 Magdalene Kellett, Ismail Lagardien, WR Marshall, music feaTure how will Jackson Be rememBered 14 Will Moredock, Ted Rall, Fred Richardson, soundBoard punk/indie/emo/ska/hardcore/meTal/rock 15 Dan Savage, Mike Serge, Vocal BooTh s.c. hip hop reView 15 Greg Slattery, Michael Spawn, Kingsley Waring rock and roll crosswords 16 ARTs Tyler BlanTon exhiBiT 16 COLUMBIA CITY PAPER Jonesin crosswords “i’m getting dizzy” sudoku puzzles 18 2965 North Main Street pg. 14 Columbia, SC 29201 ask a mexican and saVage loVe 19 803.218.9455 Advertisers in Columbia City Paper assume responsibility for the entire content of the advertisements. The first copy of Columbia City Paper is free. Additional copies are $1 and two-bits each.