
Low German influence on the Scandinavian in late medieval times – some comments on loan words, word-forming, and names


Særheim, I. 2019. influence on the Scandinavian languages in late medieval times – some comments on loan words, word-forming, syntactic structures and names. AmS-Skrifter 27, 153–161, , ISSN 0800-0816, ISBN 978-82-7760-183-0.

There was a strong influence from the Low German on the languages in in late medieval times due to the considerable economical and cultural contact and interaction between northern and the Scandinavian coun- tries in this period, especially the Hanse . The was especially affected, but also the grammatical structure and names. Some place-names from south-western seem to reflect Low German influence. The loans from Low German are well integrated and adjusted to the structure of the Scandinavian languages.

Inge Særheim, Department of Cultural Studies and Languages, University of Stavanger, -4036 STAVANGER, NORWAY. -mail: [email protected]

Keywords: loan words, place names, Hanse, Scandinavian languages, , language contact

Got synth jw! – a in Low have a wounded heart. Everyone has his own things to remember.' German leading to murder The quarrel ended with a murder, which is the reason in in 1498 why this incident and conversation was recorded. Arne A medieval letter (diploma) from 1489 reports on a quar- was stabbed by Lidvord, who probably was a soldier and rel during a drinking party in Sauland, Telemark.1 In the had learned the foreign language abroad. fight following the quarrel one of the participants was This is, however, not the whole story about this inci- killed. It started when an expression in Low German was dent. According to another diploma from 1488,3 Lidvord used in a toast: Got synth jw! This has often been inter- had half a year earlier murdered another person. His case preted as ‘God bless you!’. However, Jahr’ suggestion that was under investigation, and he had a so-called kongs- it means ‘Good health to you!’, is probably more likely, cf. dagsbrev or gridsbrev (‘letter of mercey’), telling that he the German toast Gute Gesundheit Euch and the French was a free man as long as his case was under investigation. À votre santé.2 During the reported incident in Sauland the farmer, Arne, 'Lidvord drank to Arne and said: Got synth jw! Arne was offended by the soldier, Lidvord. Arne was hit twice answered: I am not familiar with that babble. Helge said: without wounded by Lidvord who used his weapon We must babble something. Arne answered: Let us speak (a skothyrna, i.e. ‘hellebard’). This obviously started the our father and , we will not become more fight. highly respected than they [i.e. forefathers] were. We are The quarrel started with a toast in Low German. It not familiar with that language, we ‘kabretta’ mouths [i.e. would, however, be to to far to say that Arne died as ‘cheese spread’ mouths]. Let us not babble so that we bab- a martyr, defending the against ble off our neck bone. Lidvord moped and said nothing. foreign, in this case Low German, influence, even though Arne said again: We have enough words [or: Enough has this document apparently reflects negative attitudes and been said], and we must be aware that the man might feelings towards the use of a foreign greeting. The form of

153 Inge Særheim the language used is sometimes regarded as more impor- thousands of loan words in Norwegian and in most other tant than the content. languages (except for Icelandic). Loan words often come with new products, ideas and phenomena, because of close contact between people, cultures and languages.7 Language influence The loans often come from a culture with prestige, eco- Nowadays many English words and expressions are nomically as well as cultural. The significant Low German loaned into the Scandinavian languages, for example influence on the three Scandinavian languages in late within computer sciences (hardware, software, pc), petro- medieval times is a result of considerable cultural contact leum industry (offshore, supply, supervisor), sport (corner, with in this period, due to shipping team, coach), popular culture (beat, rock, country), trade and extensive trade, especially the Hanse trade. and service (catering, service). Many articles and products It has been suggested that the and have English names: juice, milkshake, chips, jeans, tape. in late medieval times used a type of pidgin language Many shops, companies and restaurants also get a foreign or (a mixed middle language) when they name. English words and names do not fit well with the spoke together,8 due to significant differences between Norwegian , neither the phonology, morphology the languages. Nowadays researchers often take the view nor spelling, e.. words like slacks, chips, jeans and fans. that they understood each other because of the relation- For some of the words the Norwegian Language Council ship and similarities between their languages (or rather has suggested alternative spellings, like jus (juice), sørvis ), however, they had to adjust to each other when (service), keitering (catering) and teip (tape), however some they spoke together. It has been suggested that they used of the norwegianized spellings are not used very much. a special type of semi-communication,9 or rather passive It is not widely known amongst the general public that or receptive bilinguisme.10 In other words, they under- the influence from Low German in medieval times and stood the other language (), but they were not able later was stronger than the English influence nowadays. to speak it themselves. The Germans spoke German and These loans are often difficult to discover, due to the fact the Norwegians Norwegian, however they adjusted their that they are well integrated in the grammatical system dialects when they spoke together, and they used many of the Scandinavian languages. Loan words from Low words that were common in the two languages.11 Rambø German are normally easy to pronounce, spell and con- uses the term receptive bilinguisme to describe the com- jugate, whereas loans from English are difficult to adjust munication between Germans and Norwegians in this to the language structure. This is to some extent due to period.12 She underlines that the language and dialect the fact that the Low German loans through hundreds of contact situation was different within the Hanse area in years have been integrated in the grammatical structure. northern in this period. It is almost impossible for Norwegians, and Danes to have a conversation in their own languages with- out using many loan words from Low German. According Typological change of the to Torp, almost a third of the words used by Norwegians Scandinavian languages in a common conversation have Low German origin.4 The German influence coincides with an important This has been illustrated by the following example: typological change of the Scandinavian languages in late ‘Skredderen tenkte at trøya passet, men kunden klaget og medieval times, that is the loss of the case system and the mente at plagget var kort og tøyet simpelt og grovt’ (i.e. development from a so-called synthetic to a non-synthetic the tailor thought that the jacket would fit very well, but language (also called a more analytical language), namely the customer complained and thought that the garment a language with less and more fixed sentence was short and the fabric rude and of poor quality). Only structure. The influence from Middle Low German three of the sixteen different words in the Norwegian ver- (MLG) in this period might have enforced this transition, sion are of Scandinavian origin, i.e. at (‘that’), og (‘and’) due to the fact that this influence was very strong and and var (‘was’). The remaining thirteen words are loan the contact situation lasted for a long time. Some of the words from Low German.5 Even the Norwegian words for linguistic changes in this type of contact situations may ‘language’, i.e. språk n., and ‘thought’, i.e. tanke ., come be described as levelling (such as the lack of u-, from Low German. strand instead of strond) or simplification (e.g. two gen- It is quite normal to loan words from one language ders instead of three). to another. During language contact words change The special development of the dialect might to first, before the grammatical system.6 There are tens of some extent be a result of the strong influence from Low

154 AmS-Skrifter 27 Low German influence on the Scandinavian languages in late medieval times

German. Bergen is often described as a dialect island, a productive in Norwegian, and have been used to form situation which is quite different from other Norwegian new words with Norwegian word stems. Especially -heit cities, like , and Stavanger. Among the (-het) is much used. The use of word forming elements characteristics of the Bergen dialect, differing from the loaned from another language represents influence on surrounding dialects, which have been suggested as pos- the grammatical system and shows how strong the Low sible influence from Low German,13 are lack of u-umlaut German influence was in this period. Several words (e.g. strand . ‘shore’, not strond), schwa- in endings formed with the mentioned affixes are recorded in writ- (e.g. kaste vb. ‘throw’, not kasta), lengthened consonant ten sources from the early fourteenth . Examples instead of (venn m. ‘friend’, not ven), lack of i-umlaut of modern words in the Norwegian in the of strong (kommer ‘comes’, not bokmål formed with four important affixes are: kjem), monophthongization (øge n. ‘eye’, Nøstet, not auga, an-: anmode (‘request, urge’), anse (‘regard’), ansette *Naustet), two genders instead of three (Engen, Marken, (‘employ’); ansikt (‘face’), andakt (‘devotional, prayers’), Stemmemyren, Sandviken, not *Enga, *Marka etc.). anfall (‘fit, attack’) However, some of these changes are most likely to have be-: begynne (‘begin’), betale (‘pay’), bevare (‘protect, started before the arrival of the Hanse. Nesse mentions preserve’), bekjenne (‘confess, admit’), bety (‘mean, sig- several features appearing in the Bergen dialect in the nify’), befale (‘command’), beholde (‘keep’), berette (‘tell, Hanse period, among them sin-genitive, te as report’), begravelse (‘funeral’), begynnelse (‘beginning’) mark, development from three to two genders and the for-: forlange (‘demand’), forandre (‘change’), forbanne ending -et in the of weak verbs.14 (‘curse’), forstå (‘understand’), forkaste (‘reject’), forsiktig (‘careful’), forgjeves (‘in vain’), forakt (‘contempt’), for- ståelse (‘understanding’) The sin-genitive – -het (-heit): rettighet (‘right, privilege’), frihet (‘free- a syntactic structure dom’), rettferdighet (‘justice’), kjærlighet (‘’), sannhet A syntactic construction which was inspired from spo- (‘truth’), trygghet (‘safety’), menighet (‘congregation’), ken Low German in late medieval times is the so-called ydmykhet (‘humility’). sin-genitive,15 found in examples like mannen sin hatt (‘the man’s hat’) and Eva si bok (‘Eva’s book’). This is also called garpe-genitive, which is an expression from the late Loan words from Low German 1800s. The word garp m., referring to Germans in Bergen in the Scandinavian languages in medieval times, has in the got a Hellquist, who has studied the age and the origin of the somewhat negative meaning, ‘bragger’. Swedish vocabulary, gives a description of the strength of The sin-genitive is especially used in the dialects in the Low German influence on Swedish.16 He states that if West-, Mid- and North-Norway, normally referring to Gustav Vasa had not regained the country’s independent ownership. It is nowadays getting more and more used in position, and if the movement had not had the dialects in and in written Norwegian, such a strong national character as far as the language is especially in a less formal style. A similar concerned, the might have developed expression is used in (oral) Dutch, Jan zijn hoed ‘Jan’s into some kind of Low German.17 According to Skautrup hat’, and in West-Frisian, Jetze syn hoed ‘Jetze’s hat’. Low there are more than 1500 words of Middle Low German German sin, as well as High German sein and Dutch origin in Danish, in addition to many words formed zijn, means ‘his’, which in Norwegian in some cases is with and prefixes that were also loaned from expressed by the sin (i.e. ‘his/her own’) and in Low German.18 Most of these words are also found in other cases by /hennar (‘his/her’, i.e. belonging to Norwegian. another person). Nynorskordboka ( dictionary) contains more than 90,000 words, including almost 30,000 word stems.19 Some 13,000 of the words are loan words, imported from Word-forming other languages, among them 2021 from Middle Low A number of words containing word forming elements in German.20 Numerically, there are more loan words from Middle Low German were loaned into the Scandinavian two other languages – (4089) and Greek (2120) – languages in medieval times, words with prefixes like however, a large number of the words from these two an-, be-, bi-, for- and unn-, and suffixes like -aktig, -bar, languages are scientific and technical terms, normally not -heit, -inne and -makar. Some of these suffixes became used in a common conversation. Loans from Middle Low

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Fig. 1. The mountain plateau Hytteheia in (Vest-). The first element hytte f., which is a loan word from Low German, refers to a so-called falkehytte, a small cabin used by Dutch falcon-trappers. The word falk m. ‘falcon’ is also a loan word from Low German. In several Norwegian toponyms, such as Falkhaug, Falkhytta, Falkfangar- fjellet, this word refers to a catch-site for falcons. The word for ‘falcon’ is valr m. (photo: Inge Særheim).

German belong to the most used words in Norwegian – in die, fey’ got the meaning ‘cowardly’. In some cases, the spoken dialects, as well as in the two standard languages, two elements of a appellative were translated nynorsk and bokmål. from Low German to a Scandinavian language, as in It may be added that nynorsk traditionally has had a the Norwegian kunngjera vb. (‘announce’) from Low more restrictive (puristic) attitude than bokmål concern- German kunt maken, and innbyggjar m. (‘inhabitant’) ing the use of words containing a Low German prefix from inbuwe.21 or . In spite of this Nynorskordboka includes many Some of the loan words came directly from Low words formed with a Low German prefix or suffix. In German to Norwegian, others came through Swedish Icelandic most of the loans from Middle Low German in and – especially – Danish. Much influence came through literature from the century of the Reformation have been daily conversation in the cities, especially with the Hanse replaced by vernacular linguistic material. The puristic in Bergen, and often in lower classes. Germans settled in attitude has, as mentioned, also been tried in other the cities where they worked as tradesmen or craftsmen. Scandinavian languages, especially in nynorsk, but has They often got important positions due to their skills, been less successful there. Faroese is in a middle position. discipline and economic situation. The loaned elements In some cases a loan word from Low German competed spread to the areas surrounding the cities, especially for some time with an equivalent word in Norwegian, and Bergen, Oslo and Tønsberg. later replaced it. Among the examples are straks (‘right A number of loan words from Low German came with away’; ON þegar), ganske (‘quite’; cf. ON ǫllungis), evig new products, goods, tools and professions, often linked (‘eternal’; ON æverðeligr, ævinligr), men (‘but, however’; to city life, handicraft and trade. But also words for ON en), fri (‘free’; ON frjáls), klaga (‘complain’; ON kæra), thoughts, beliefs, feelings, qualities and new ideas were gå (‘go, walk’; ON ganga), stå (‘stand’; ON standa) and loaned. Some of the earliest loans refer to the Christian nåde (‘grace’; ON miskunn). religion, the church, court life and organization. The semantics (meaning) of a word in Norwegian was Many words represent city life, administration, trade, in some cases replaced by the semantics of the same shipping and travel: borgar (‘citizen’), rådhus (‘ hall’), word in Low German, for example the ON menigheit (‘congregation’), selskap (‘party, company’), ríkr ‘powerful’ which got the new semantics ‘rich’ from handel (‘trade’), rekneskap (‘account’), ballast (‘ballast’), Middle Low German, whereas ON feigr adj. ‘fated to mast (‘mast’), seilas (‘voyage’), reise (‘travel, journey’).

156 AmS-Skrifter 27 Low German influence on the Scandinavian languages in late medieval times

Fig. 2. The small medi- eval church on the is- Talgje was built . 1130–1150. The wealthy family lived here. This family had lead- ing positions in society, and had close contact with countries around the through trade (photo: Inge Sær- heim).

Some refer to the military, such as fane (‘banner’), fange (e.g. forgjeves ‘in vain’; ganske ‘quite’; likevel ‘still’; tem- (‘prisoner’), flukt (‘escape’), kamp (‘fight’), krig (‘war’), meleg ‘quite’), conjunctions (men ‘but, however’) and ruste (‘arm’), to cort life, e.g. tårn (‘tower’), jakt (‘hunt’), (akk) are represented.22 falk (‘falcon’) (Fig. 1), dans (‘dance’), helt (‘hero’), tapper (‘brave’), and to the church and the society: geistlig (‘cleri- cal’), plikt (‘duty’), fullmakt (‘authority’). Loan words from Low German Some loan words refer to specialized functions, pro- fessions, tools, articles etc.: malar (‘painter’), skomakar in an inheritance document (‘shoemaker’), slaktar (‘butcher’), skipper (‘sailor’), from Talgje (1366) arbeid (‘work, labour’), reiskap (‘tool’), verktøy (‘tool’), One example of a medieval letter (diploma) from rural lampe (‘lamp’), lykt (‘torch’), glas (‘glass’), papir (‘paper’), Norway containing many Low German loan words is svovel (‘sulphur’). Words for musical instruments were an inheritance document written on the island Talgje loaned, orgel (‘organ’), trompet (‘trumpet’), basun (‘trum- in Ryfylke on 2 June 1366.23 This diploma deals with a pet, trombone’), as well as words for vegetation (fruit wedding between Ingemund Utyrmesson and Holmfrid and vegetables), frukt (‘fruit’), kirsebær (‘cherry’), pære Ånundsdotter, and the valuation of the property of the (‘pear’), roe (‘turnip’), and animals, hingst (‘stallion’), bride, Holmfrid and her brother, Gunnar Ånundsson. kamel (‘camel’), løve (‘lion’), rotte (‘rat’). Holmfrid and Gunnar belonged to a wealthy family living Many loan words refer to home life and rooms, furni- in Talgje, the so-called Gaute-family, which had leading ture and equipment in the house: kjøkken (‘kitchen’), peis positions in the society, and counted members that were (‘fire place’), skap (‘closet’), tallerken (‘plate’), gaffel (‘fork’), married within the Norwegian and Danish royal family krus (‘mug’), spise (‘eat’). Words for garment were loaned, (Fig. 2).24 According to custom records from a tøy (‘fabric, cloth’), laken (‘sheet’), bukser (‘trouses’), skjørt ship from Talgje (called Isaksbussen) visited Lynn several (‘skirt’), strømper (‘socks’), støvlar (‘rubber boots’), strikka times in the years 1303–1306.25 (‘knit’), as well as words for personal relationship, fetter The many words for different types of clothes and house (‘male cousin’), svoger (‘brother-in-law’), slekt (‘kin, rela- equipment mentioned in this document from Talgje tives’), and personal characteristics, kjeltring (‘rascal’), indicate that this family had close contact with countries kjettar (‘heretic’). around the North Sea through trade, including northern The loan words represent different word classes, espe- Germany. More than twenty evaluated articles are identi- cially , verbs and . However, also fied with a Low German loan word, however the diploma

157 Inge Særheim also contains loan words from French, English, Frisian 100–101), ON rekkja, is used with a new semantics, ‘be and Dutch. Among the loans from Middle Low German enough, suffice’, coming from MLG. are: - tæpete (line 12), tepete (line 18); ON tapit n., MNo Personal names tepet n. ‘blanket, carpet, bedcover’, from MLG teppet, Personal names, especially male names, were also loaned 26 tappēt. in the Scandinavian countries from German in medieval - linlokum (line 14, dative), langhen lak (line 29), times and later.44 In Norway, the male name sparlak (line 22); ON lak n. ‘blanket, bedcover’, from came after 1000 and Henrik (Heinrekr) before 1300. 27 MLG laken ‘cloth (mostly of wool)’. Names appearing after 1300 are Gotskalk, Hermann, - kullt (lines 29, 33); ON kult n. ‘stitched quilt, cover’, Konrad, , Lodvik and Otto, and around 1400 28 from MLG kolte. (and later) Didrik, Engelbrekt, Henning, Kort, Kristoffer - mottul (lines 29, 33); ON mǫttul ‘mantle’, from and Markvard. These names often came with German 29 MLG mantel. tradesmen and Germans living in Norwegian cities. - dukar (line 49); ON dúkr ‘(table)cloth’, from MLG Such names were given by Norwegian parents to their 30 dōk, dūk. own children, probably due to the prestige that German - piltsens (line 99, genitive); ON pilz n. ‘woollen citizens had in this period. The most important gateway 31 undershirt’, from MLG pils, pels. for these names was, as one might expect, Bergen, where - strikskaut (line 62); ON strikskaut n. ‘knitted such names in late medieval times were used much more 32 headscarf ’, cf. MLG stricken vb. ‘knit’. than other places in .45 - kertistigga (line 43), kærtihialm (line 43); ON Female names are fewer and they were less used, most kertistika f. ‘candlestick’, kertihjalmr m. ‘chandelier’, cf. likely due to the fact that there were fewer women than 33 MLG kerte. men among people from northern Germany living and - morteel (line 45); ON mortél n. ‘mortar’, from MLG working in the Norwegian cities; this group mainly 34 morter. counted tradesmen and craftsmen. Among the examples - stempele (line 45); ON stempel ‘stamp’, from MLG of female names are Magnhild and Valborg.46 stempe().35 - leuiser (line 45); ON leviser, from MLG līfīsern ‘armour’. 36 Low German influence on - potter (line 46); ON pottr m. ‘pot, pan’, from MLG Norwegian place names? pot, put.37 The form of some Norwegian place names seems to be - panna (line 47); ON panna f. ‘pan’, from MLG a result of Low German influence. One example is the panne.38 unexpected and striking form and pronunciation of the - kranz (line 66); ON kranz ‘wreath, garland, crown, city name Bergen (Old Norse Bergvin and Bjǫrgvin) with diadem’, from MLG kranz.39 toneme (i.e. pitch accent) 1.47 One would have expected - smælt (line 66); ON smelt n. ‘enamel’, from MLG toneme 2 in a vin-name with two syllables in Old Norse, smelt.40 like in Sandven (*Sandvin) and Løge (*Leikin). Another - sælsarum (line 70); cf. OSw salser ‘sause boat, gravy opinion is presented by Sørlie,48 who takes the view that boat’, from MLG salzēr etc.41 the special form of the city name Bergen is normal devel- opment in the local dialect. Several of the above mentioned examples are so-called Another example from the same area is the place-name unassimilated loans, that is words from Middle Low Det naua (Det naue), denoting a narrow sound and pas- German used without adjustment to the phonological sage on the eastern side of the island Herdla (North- or morphological system of Old Norse, e.g. pilz ‘woollen ). This name seems to be related to Middle undershirt’ and leviser ‘armour’.42 In the document there Low German nouwe ‘narrow’49 and nauwe are also examples of loans where an Old Norse word or with similar semantics,50 cf. Dutch het Nauw van Calais, another morphological element from Old Norse is added, denoting a narrow part of the English Channel between or the word is in other ways adjusted to Old Norse, e.g. Calais and Dover.51 strikskaut ‘knitted headscarf’, cf. ON skaut n. and MLG I have suggested that the town name Kopervik on the stricken vb., and serdeilis (lines 38, 48, 81 in the docu- island of Karmøy might have got its present form as a result ment), ON sérdeilis ‘especially, particularly’, where the of language contact, cf. spellings like Coperwijck (1588) final element reflects MLG dēl.43 The røkker (lines and Coperwyck (1608) on Dutch charts, maybe influenced

158 AmS-Skrifter 27 Low German influence on the Scandinavian languages in late medieval times by Middle Low German kopere ‘merchant, tradesman’.52 Most likely this name first denoted one of the small A similar name is found in eastern Norway, close to islands in the sound Karmsundet close to , , spelled Koparwikinni in 1340, but Copperwijck either Bukkøyna, Stutøyna, Fårøyna or Husøyna. At least in a German document from 1466 and Cop(p)erwijck on two of these islands presently have a name containing a charts.53 Hovda has suggested that the name word for cattle. Stut- refers to ‘bull’ and Bukk- to ‘billy- from Drammen is composed with Old Norse kaupari m. ’. It is tempting to interpret Får- as ‘sheep’ (cf. Danish ‘tradesman, merchant’, whereas the similar name from får ‘sheep’), however this animal is normally referred to Karmøy contains the appellative kobbe m. ‘seal’, referring by first elements like Sau(a)- and Smala-, whereas Får- in to a rock called Koparnaglen (Copernagel 1663).54 This lat- Norwegian toponyms often is interpreted as fure f. ‘’ ter suggestion does not seem likely, due to the fact that or ‘furrow, groove’. One of these four islands might in Old the two mentioned names from northern Karmøy are pro- Norse have been called *Nautøy, with naut n. ‘cattle’ as nounced with /p/ in the northern part of the island: /”kɔ(:) the first element, referring to pasture for cattle. In this par-/ (with // in southern Karmøy: /”kɔ(:)bar-/). Due to context it is worth noticing that piles of bones from cattle the location right on the shipping lane in Karmsundet, have been found on the bottom of the sea surrounding close to the old trading centre at Avaldsnes,55 it seems the islands. Maybe the Hanse raised and kept cattle on more likely that the first element in the name Kopervik these islands. is Old Norse kaupari m. ‘merchant, tradesman’, probably The word ON naut n. ‘cattle’ is related to noot in Middle influenced by Middle Low Germankopere with the same Dutch and nōz in , cf. also Middle Low semantics. A parallel from a semantic point of view is German nōtil ‘small cattle’. Parallels to the last element found in in southern , i.e. Kaupaneset ON øy f. ‘island’ are Middle Low German and Middle on the island Eigerøy, where the first element refers to Dutch ouwe and Old High German ouwa, with the same trade, cf. ON kaupa vb. ‘to buy’. semantics. The Germans (and Dutch) visiting Karmøy The toponym Notta /’nɔtɔ/ from Karmsundet on have probably translated a Norwegian island name ON Karmøy might also reflect influence from northern *Nautøy to their own languages by using forms like Notow, Germany. 56 This name, which presently denotes two bays Notau etc., in other words a parallel to Hestholmen, on the small island Bukkøyna, probably reflects the name called P(a)erde holm. The local name Notta /’nɔtɔ/ might Notau (or Notow), which according to German and Dutch have developed from Low German Notau (Notow). This sources from the sixteenth and seventeenth is, in other words, most likely an example of Low German refers to a location situated in the Karmsund area [for influence on a Norwegian place-name. the discussion on the location of Notau (Notow) and the In Baglarsogene (the of the tribe ‘baglarar’) a place identification of the site with Avaldsnes, see the chapters called við Nauteyna is mentioned, that is ON Nautey(in), of Fyllingsnes, Ersland, as well as Elvestad & Opedal in referring to peace negotiations between the tribes ‘bagla- this volume]. rar’ and ‘birkebeinarar’ in Kvitsøy in 1208. This location Written evidence about the medieval port Notau/ might be identical with the mentioned *Nautøy (i.e. Notow has been found in German archives, and this and Notau/Notow) by Avaldsnes.59 This seems more likely other names from the Karmsund area appear on Dutch than an earlier suggestion that ON Nautey in this charts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.57 refers to the small island Nautøy in . Some of the local place names from this area have been interpreted and translated from Norwegian by Dutch car- tographers. Hestholmen is called Perde holm and Paerde Concluding remarks holm (charts from 1588, 1608, 1627), and Store vardane Linguistic material from Scandinavia, – loan words, (also called Høyevarde) is referred to as Groot Warder word forming elements, syntactic structures as well as (1663) and Gr. Warder (1714). names – gives evidence of a considerable cultural contact In old documents the place name Notau/Notow is between Scandinavia and northern Germany in medieval spelled in different ways,58 e.g. Notow (1425, 1434, 1477, times, and strong influence from Middle Low German 1532), Notoy (1434), in nothau (1453, Latin), in notaw on the Scandinavian languages (and not the other way), (1453, Latin), Noto (1453), Natouw (1454), Nothowe (1469), especially on the vocabulary. Even though the influence Nothow (1471), Notoir (1476), Notouwe (1487) and Nothaw was very strong, the Scandinavian languages survived (1584). On old maps the name is spelled Note (1539), as independent languages, due to the fact that the gram- Notuwe (1588, 1598, 1608) and Notu (1588, 1608, 1647, matical structure was maintained, especially the phonol- 1663, 1709, 1714). ogy and the morphology. The most important difference

159 Inge Særheim between languages like Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and 41 Schiller and Lübben 1878, 17; Torp 1919, 566. 42 Low German is not the vocabulary – the words – but Simensen 1995, 65. 43 the pronunciation and the conjugation, in other words Ibid., 66. 44 Stemshaug 1982, 40; Pettersen 1981. the grammatical structure. The loaned elements from 45 Pettersen 1981, 2. Low German, namely the words and affixes, were inte- 46 Særheim 2007, 444f. grated and adjusted to the grammatical structure of the 47 NSL, 89. Scandinavian languages. 48 Sørlie 1931, 164. 49 Schiller and Lübben 1877, 205. 50 Verdam 1932, 378. 51 van Dale 1995, 1909. Endnotes 52 Særheim 1999, 32; Særheim 2006, 299f. 1 DN 1, no. 961. 53 NG 6, 24; NG 10, 391. 2 Jahr 2012. 54 Hovda 1974, 79f. 3 DN 10, no. 267. 55 Fyllingsnes 2004a, 99. 4 Torp 1982, 135f.; Torp 1988, 8. 56 Særheim 1998; Særheim 2006. 5 Hødnebø 1971, 41. 57 Fyllingsnes 2004b, 5. 6 Nes 1983, 7. 58 Fyllingsnes 2004b; Særheim 2006; Særheim 2009. 7 Torp and Vikør 2016, 300ff. 59 Særheim 2006, 299. 8 Indrebø 1951, 248; Skard 1967, 126. 9 Braunmüller 1994; Braunmüller 1995, 32f., 48ff. 10 Braunmüller 2012, 95ff.; Jenstad 2016, 469. References 11 Nesse 2002, 137. See also list of abbreviations 12 Rambø 2010, 375ff. 13 Jahr 1995, 14ff. Bjørkvik, 1997. Finnøy. Gard og ætt 3. Finnøy: Finnøy 14 Nesse 2002, 157ff. Kommune. 15 Torp 1988; Sandøy and Nesse 2016, 75. Braunmüller, . 1994. Semikommunikation og lingvistiske 16 Hellquist 1930. simulationsmodeller (om sprogkontakt i hansatiden), in 17 Ibid., 567. U. B. Kotsinas and . Helgander (eds), Dialektkontakt, 18 Skautrup 1947, 102f. språkkontakt och språkförändring i Norden. Föredrag 19 Hovdenak et al. 2006. från et forskarsymposium, 92–97. : 20 Sandøy and Östman 2004, 10. Universitet. 21 Torp 1982, 134. Braunmüller, K. 1995. Forudsætninger for at overtage 22 Torp and Vikør 2016, 300ff. middelnedertyske sprogstrukturer i de skandinaviske 23 DN 4, no. 457, 351–54. sprog, in E. H. Jahr (ed.), Nordisk og nedertysk, 29–54. 24 Koht 1951, 10; Engen 1984; Helle 1986, 119; Bjørkvik Oslo: Novus. 1997, 249f.; Meling 1999. Braunmüller, K. 2012. Semi-communication and beyond: 25 Helle 1975, 164f.; DN 19, nos 466, 498, 505, 508–9, 513. some results of the Hanseatic Project 26 Schiller and Lübben 1878, 533; Torp 1919, 829; de Vries (1990–1995), in L. Elmevik and E. H. Jahr (eds), 1962, 582. Contact between Low German and Scandinavian in 27 Schiller and Lübben 1876, 614; Falk 1919, 56, 207, 209; the Late . 25 years of Research, 95–111. Torp 1919, 360; de Vries 1962, 344. Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi 121. : 28 Schiller and Lübben 1876, 520, 593; Falk 1919, 202, 206; Swedish Science Press. de Vries 1962, 333. van Dale, J. H. 1995. Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse 29 Schiller and Lübben 1877, 32; Falk 1919, 178; Torp 1919, Taal 1–3. : Van Dale Lexicografie. 12th edition. 411; de Vries 1962, 402. Engen, S. 1984. Lagmannsætta. Gard Toreson Ætta. 30 Falk 1919, 38, 210, 225; Torp 1919, 77; de Vries 1962, 87. : Forsand Kommune. 31 Falk 1919, 146; Torp 1919, 488; de Vries 1962, 425. Falk, H. 1919. Altwestnordische Kleiderkunde mit 32 Schiller and Lübben 1878, 433; Falk 1919, 71, 101. besonderer Berücksichtigung der Terminologie. 33 Torp 1919, 275; de Vries 1962, 307. Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter 2, Hist.-Filos. Klasse, no. 34 Schiller and Lübben 1877, 122; Torp 1919, 434. 3 (1918). Christiania: Videnskabsselskabet. 35 Schiller and Lübben 1878, 384; Torp 1919, 712. Fyllingsnes, F. 2004a. Karmøys historie 2. Kopervik: 36 Simensen 1995, 65. Karmøy Kommune. 37 Schiller and Lübben 1877, 365f.; Torp 1919, 497; de Vries Fyllingsnes, F. 2004b. Notow – hanseatane si hamn på 1962, 427. Avaldsnes. Heimen 41, 3–21. 38 Schiller and Lübben 1877, 297; Torp 1919, 483; de Vries Helle, K. 1975. Stavanger fra våg til by. Stavanger: 1962, 423. Stabenfeldt. 39 Schiller and Lübben 1878, 559; Falk 1919, 116; Torp 1919, Helle, K. 1986. Då Rogaland var Rygjafylke, in E. Hovland 317; de Vries 1962, 328. and H. E. Næss (eds), Fra Vistehola til Ekofisk. 40 Schiller and Lübben 1878, 261; de Vries 1962, 19.

160 AmS-Skrifter 27 Low German influence on the Scandinavian languages in late medieval times

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