The Canadian Parliamentary Guide 284254
NUNC COCNOSCO EX PARTE THOMAS J. BATA LIBRARY TRENT UNIVERSITY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation * •) Entered according to the Act of Parliament, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, by CHARLES H. MACKINTOSH, In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. A*, «r THE CANADIAN AND ANNUAL REGISTER, 18 7 7.' EDITED BY C. H. MACKINTOSH. ESTABLISHED, 1862 OTTAWA : CITIZEN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, SPARKS STREET. 1877. Don de la Disliotheque de la Legislature du Quebec 0^,5 ,f)H- 1*01 ■ . ' /> Clubs in Canada, “.rational ’’—Bay Street, Toronto. Goldwin Smith, Esq M A President; Lieut.-Col. T. C. Scoble, Secretary. ' ’ “Si- Jamesv—Corner of Dorchester and University streets Montieal. W . H. Kerr, Esq., Q.C.,^President; John Brown, Esq Secretary and Manager. ’ “ Stadacona ’’ Corner of St.Anne street and Esplanade, Quebec. Hon. D. E. Price, President; Henry J. Pratten, Esq., Secretary “Halifax—152 and 154, Hollis street, Halifax. Robie Uniacke Esq., President; H. W. Johnston, Esq., Secretary. “ Toronto ” 1 ork street, adjoining Rossin House, Toronto. Hon. William Cayley, President; Major Draper, Hon. Secretary. “ Rideau ’’—Wellington street, facing Parliament Buildings Ottawa. J. M. Currier, Esq., M.P., President; Robert Sinclair! Esq., Secretary. “ Carleton ” — Dufferin Bridge, facing Eastern Departmental Building, Ottawa. T. D. Harington, Esq., President; Edward Waldo, Esq., Secretary, “U- E " ~ King street west, Toronto; A. B. Campbell, Esq., Resident Secretary; Alfred Boultbee, Esq., Corresponding Secretary. 11 Hamilton ’—Corner of James and Main streets, Hamilton. Edward Martin,Esq., Q.C., Chairman of Managing Committee; F.
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