The Future of


Discovering and Studying New and Exploring the Origin of the Elements in the Universe Atomic Nuclei are Made of and

 The number of protons, Z, determines the chemical element.  The atomic weight is given by A = Z + N, where N is the number of neutrons.  Fewer than 300 isotopes are stable, all others are unstable (“radioactive”).  Short-lived isotopes cannot be found on earth -- they have long decayed since earth was formed  Some radioactive isotopes provide major medical benefits through diagnosis or treatment of diseases; others have important applications, e.g., in biological sciences, environmental sciences, archeology, national security and energy generation.  We are now able to produce thousands of rare isotopes in the laboratory and explore their properties. From Simplicity to Complexity

RIA heavy CEBAF few nuclei RHIC quarks gluons


quark-gluon few-body systems many-body systems plasma QCD free NN force effective NN force QCD Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

TJNAF or Jefferson Lab or JLab or CEBAF = Continous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider The Chart of the

Heavy Elements?

Known Nuclei Fission Limit? Drip Line?

Neutron Drip Line? Nuclear “Structure”

U. Müller et al., Phys. Rev. C30, 1199 (1984) The march of time for The Table of Isotopes What is an exotic nucleus?

Normal Nucleus: Exotic Nucleus:

6 neutrons 16 neutrons 6 protons (carbon) 6 protons (carbon) 12C 22C Stable, found in nature Radioactive, at the limit of nuclear binding

Characteristics of exotic nuclei: Excess of neutrons or protons, short half-life, or proton dominated surface, low binding Size of a “normal” Nucleus

Textbooks: 1/3 R = r0 A

r0 R Size of “exotic” Nuclei

Textbooks: R = r A1/31/3 Textbooks: R = r00 A Halo Nuclei The Earth

Apollo 17 Crew, NASA Borromean Nucleus: 11Li

Neutron Neutron

9Li Brunnian Links

Robert Scharein Department of Computer Science University of British Columbia Connecting Quarks to the Cosmos

1. What is dark matter? 2. What is dark energy? 3. How were the heavy elements from iron to uranium made? 4. ….. NASA: Timeline of the Universe The Origin of the Elements

X-ray burst (RXTE) RIA intensities (nuc/s) 4U1728-34 > 1012 102 p process 1010 10-2 106 10-6

r process

10 15 20 ss Time (s) e Nova (Chandra) c o 10 r different solar abundance abundances halo abundance V382 Vel p nearly identical abundances Ne p 1

r er? et Th chronom

0.1 - U

10 20 30 Relative Abundance Wavelength (Α) CS22892-052 EC (HST) 0.01 40 50 60 70 80 90 Element Number

Metal poor halo star protons Supernova (Keck, HST) (HST) neutrons Target Fragmentation

Random removal of protons and neutrons from heavy target nuclei by energetic light projectiles (pre-equilibrium and equilibrium emissions). Projectile Fragmentation

Random removal of protons and neutrons from heavy projectile in peripheral collisions

hot participant zone projectile fragment

projectile target

Cooling by evaporation.

projectile fragment World Wide Effort in RIB Science

Louvain-la-Neuve 3 Beijing Atomic ARENAS Energy Institute SIRIUS GSI Brenda ANL NSCL Coupled FRS/ESR RIKEN Cyclotron Upgrade Dubna Radioactive Beam Factory RIA Munich TRIUMF ISAC MAFF Lanzhou Notre Dame JAERI/KEK LBL Bears Delhi NSC Calcutta VECC TwinSol Texas A&M Legnaro SPES GANIL CERN ISOLDE ORNL LISE/SISSY REX-ISOLDE HRIBF SPIRAL Sao Paulo Catania EXCYPT Plans/Projects at Target Fragmentation Facilities

ORNL/HRIBF Plans/Projects at Fragmentation Facilities

The K500⊗ K1200 Project


---A Dream Factory for Particle Beams--- National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory

Plant Science Greenhouses Biomedical & Physical Sciences

Plant Biology Laboratories




Nuclear science, astro-nuclear physics, accelerator physics, and societal applications NSCL

 250 Employees Faculty of over 20 physicists and chemists Technical staff of over 100 employees Over 100 students, including 40 graduate students Over 675 separate users to date from over 143 organizations worldwide

 Nuclear physics graduate program ranked #1 in nation where rare research is conducted (#2 overall) Coupled Cyclotron Facility Fragmentation Reaction

18O beam t = -10-22 sec d = -10 fm .00000000000039’’

9Be target

t = -5x10-23 sec 18O d = -5 fm

80 MeV/nucleon 40% speed of light 278,000,000 mph 9Be Production of 11Li

t = 0 sec d = 0 fm

t = 10-22 sec d = 10 fm 11Li Definitions/Numbers

1pnA, 80 MeV/nucleon, 18O, 8+

Energy Beam Intensity Energy per nucleon: 80 A MeV Particle Current: 1pnA Total energy: 1440 MeV Electrical Current: 8enA Momentum: 7096 MeV/c Particles: 6.25x109/s Velocity: 11.7 cm/ns Power: 1.44W 0.39 c Rigidity: (p/q) 2.96 Tm Production of Fragments

~10pnA 18O 80 MeV/nucleon

~100 11Li or ~1/109 11Li/18O A1900 Fragment Separator