Table of Contents (Online, Part 1)
PERIODICALS Postmaster send address changes to: PHYSICALREVIEWCTM For editorial and subscription correspondence, PHYSICAL REVIEW C please see inside front cover APS Subscription Services (ISSN: 0556-2813) P.O. Box 41 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 90, NUMBER 6 CONTENTS DECEMBER 2014 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Nuclear Structure Stretched states in 12,13B with the (d,α) reaction (5 pages) ................................................ 061301(R) A. H. Wuosmaa, J. P. Schiffer, S. Bedoor, M. Albers, M. Alcorta, S. Almaraz-Calderon, B. B. Back, P. F. Bertone, C. M. Deibel, C. R. Hoffman, J. C. Lighthall, S. T. Marley, R. C. Pardo, K. E. Rehm, and D. V. Shetty Intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation of 104Sn: Moderate E2 strength decrease approaching 100Sn (6 pages) ..................................................................................... 061302(R) P. Doornenbal, S. Takeuchi, N. Aoi, M. Matsushita, A. Obertelli, D. Steppenbeck, H. Wang, L. Audirac, H. Baba, P. Bednarczyk, S. Boissinot, M. Ciemala, A. Corsi, T. Furumoto, T. Isobe, A. Jungclaus, V. Lapoux, J. Lee, K. Matsui, T. Motobayashi, D. Nishimura, S. Ota, E. C. Pollacco, H. Sakurai, C. Santamaria, Y. Shiga, D. Sohler, and R. Taniuchi Probing shape coexistence by α decays to 0+ states (5 pages) ............................................. 061303(R) D. S. Delion, R. J. Liotta, Chong Qi, and R. Wyss Pairing-induced speedup of nuclear spontaneous fission (5 pages) .......................................... 061304(R) Jhilam Sadhukhan, J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, J. A. Sheikh, and A. Baran Evidence of halo structure in 37Mg observed via reaction cross sections and intruder orbitals beyond the island of inversion (5 pages) ................................................................................ 061305(R) M. Takechi et al. From the lightest nuclei to the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter with realistic nuclear interactions (5 pages) ...............................................................................
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