
Third Edition ___

International of - INSEEC School Monaco, April 12 - 13, 2018

Paper submission deadline: November 20th, 2017

Conference Coordinators

Jean-Louis Chandon, Gilles Laurent & Pierre Valette-Florence

Scientific Committee

Barbara Bickart (Boston University, USA), Marie‐Cécile Cervellon (EDHEC, ), Jean‐ Louis Chandon (INSEEC, France), Darren Dahl (University of British Columbia, Canada), David Dubois (Insead, France & Singapore), Silvia Grappi (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy), Young Jee Han (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea), Oliver Heil (University of Mainz, Germany), Liselot Hudders (Ghent, Belgium), Barbara Kahn (The Wharton School, USA), Jean‐Noël Kapferer (INSEEC, France), Anat Keinan (Harvard , USA), Philipp Klaus (International University of Monaco, Monaco), Eunju Ko (Yonsei University, South Korea), Gilles Laurent (INSEEC, France), Angela Lee (Northwestern University, USA), Felicitas Morhart (University of Lausanne, ), Maureen Morrin (Temple University, USA), Joe Nunes (University of Southern California, USA), Nailya Ordabayeva (Boston College, USA), Mario Pandelaere (Virginia Tech, USA), Béatrice Parguel (CNRS & -Dauphine, France), Michel Pham (Columbia University, USA), Srini Reddy (Singapore University, Singapore), Paurav Shukla (University of Essex, UK), Bernd Schmitt (Columbia University, USA), LJ Shrum (HEC Paris, France), Pierre Valette‐Florence (Université -Alpes, France), Joëlle Vanhamme (EDHEC, France), Luk Warlop (University of Leuven, Belgium & BI, Norway), Klaus‐Peter Wiedmann (University of Hannover, Germany), Keith Wilcox (Columbia University, USA), Arch Woodside (Curtin University, Australia), Judy Zaichkowsky (Simon Fraser University, Canada), John Zhang (The Wharton School, USA). Topics

Since 2000, we have observed a very strong growth in the sales of the Luxury sector. At the same time, the number of academic articles devoted to Luxury has increased exponentially. Accordingly, the objective of the third edition of the biennial Monaco Symposium on Luxury is to advance knowledge on luxury by bringing together international scholars from different disciplines and top level practitioners working in the field of luxury from all over the world. The formal program comprises both academic papers and sessions featuring presentations by Luxury managers and . In addition to this formal program, a friendly and informal atmosphere of exchange between academics and practitioners characterizes the Symposium. In that spirit, each academic paper will be given a full 30 minutes for presentation in order to facilitate exchanges between participants and the managerial presentations allow ample time for questions from and interactions with academics.

We invite papers from academics of all disciplines and from practitioners with experience and points of view on luxury. Papers may be based on, but are not limited to, the following:  Luxury in the digital age  Customization and digital innovation for luxury brands  Contribution of technology to and services  Social media and luxury  New concepts to better understand luxury consumers: psychology and social interactions  The growing importance of experience in luxury  Premium vs. luxury, downward extensions, democratization, masstige  Cross-cultural consumer segmentations for luxury  Brand personality, consumer personality, media personality  Luxury for different age cohorts  Generativity in luxury  Counterfeiting from the consumer side  Managing luxury brands: brand equity, personality, extensions, etc.  Hyper luxury, upward extensions  Fashion and luxury  Luxury: global vs. local strategies  Balancing tradition and innovation for luxury  Luxury and sustainable development  Social responsibility in the luxury industry  Luxury communication: traditional media and digital innovation  Managing counterfeiting from the brand side  Customer relationship management for luxury brands  Celebrity endorsement and sponsorship  Pricing luxury  New concepts in luxury retailing  New modes of acquisition and disposal for luxury products  Sensory Luxury Branding

Reviewing procedure

Papers must be submitted before November 20th, 2017.

We call for original papers, written in English. Papers will be selected based on two double- blind reviews (from members of the Scientific Committee and from ad hoc reviewers). Authors will be notified before January 15th, 2018 as to the acceptance of their manuscripts and may be asked to prepare a revised version.

Authors have two formats for submission to the Symposium, either a short 7 pages extended abstract or a 20-25 pages full paper, double-spaced in Word. The first page will be reserved for the title, the name of the author(s) and the address (including e-mail). The second page will contain the title, a summary (200 words maximum) and key words. References and format will follow the Journal of Business guidelines.

E-mail submission only: please send your submission to all three conference coordinators as an attachment, naming your file as follows: full last name of the first author and an abbreviated title (e.g. name-title.docx). [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Authors keep the full copyright on their text. After the conference, authors may submit revised versions of their papers for publication in a Special Issue of Journal of Business Research that will be guest edited by the conference organizers (Chandon, Laurent & Valette-Florence). Since authors keep the copyright, they are free to submit their paper for publication in any journal of their choice.

For the Journal of Business Research special issue, manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages, double spaced, including appendices, tables (within the text), and references (MS Word, A4 paper, 2.5 cm or 1 inch margin on all sides, Times, 12 points).

A Best Paper Award will be announced during the conference.

INSEEC Business School and the International University of Monaco (IUM)

The conference will be jointly organized by INSEEC Business School and the International University of Monaco (IUM).

Created in 1975, INSEEC Business School has developed into the French leading private group in with over 23,000 students, 120,000 alumni and a budget of 230 million euros: INSEEC U. With a research center and a strong network of and business partners, in France and abroad, INSEEC U. educates the economic players of tomorrow. Based in Paris, , , Chambéry-Savoie, , Monaco, , and , INSEEC U. consists of three Management “Grandes écoles”; an engineering school; a political sciences school; an international university; undergraduate and graduate programs in management with specializations in the luxury, digital media, wine & spirits, real estate and sport sectors; specialized schools in communication and high Preparatory schools for administration. The INSEEC U. Research Center has become one of the most dynamic, fast growing research centers in Marketing. It now comprises 57 researchers in all areas of management, with strong focuses on marketing (25), (24), strategy and management (8). For more information, consult: https://www.inseec-u.com/ https://recherche.inseec.com/

International University of Monaco, with 60 nationalities represented in the student body and faculty, is the premier institution for higher education in the Principality of Monaco. Monaco Business School offers an AMBA accredited full time and part time MBA, and six specialized MSc degree programs, including two in luxury business: Luxury Management & Luxury Hospitality and Event Management. The MSc in Luxury Management proposes 2 specializations: Goods & Services and Luxury Retail Management. For more information, consult: https://www.monaco.edu/

Key dates: Deadline for paper submission: November 20th, 2017 Notification to the authors (first round): January 15th, 2018 Early bird online registration: until January 31st, 2018 Latest online registration: March 31st, 2018

For More Information: www.monaco-symposium-on-luxury.com