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Isolating Vector_insert Junctions from Yeast Arttflctal Chromosomes

Gary A. Silverman

Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 USA

The physical mapping of complex ge- of the set. (13) By analyzing partial or the basis of STS generation by random, nomes can be achieved by assembling complete restriction fragment patterns single-end, clone-limited (isolation of an contigs of yeast artificial chromosomes (fingerprints) of individual h phage or STS from one end of a clone), and dou- (YACs). In the early stages of map con- cosmid clones, contigs spanning exten- ble-end, clone-limited strategies (isola- struction, randomly generated markers sive portions of the Escherichia coli, (14) C. tion of STSs from both ends of a clone). can be used to screen YAC libraries, order elegans, (is) and Saccharomyces cerevi- Clearly, the generation of STSs via the the clones, and assemble the contigs. siae (13'16) genomes have been con- double-end, clone-limited strategy, espe- However, as the maps increase in size, structed. Contig construction using cially in the latter stages of map con- this process becomes less efficient, as YACs has proved more arduous. The fin- struction, is the most efficient method randomly generated markers are less gerprinting of YACs by restriction map- for completing contig assembly. (24) In likely to add new clones to the ends of ping, although feasible,(17'18) is con- practical terms, however, the benefits of the contigs. This problem can be over- founded by the large genomic insert, contig construction by a directed ap- come by a more directed approach such repetitive sequences, multiple YACs in a proach can be offset if methods for iso- as the generation of markers from the single cell, and chimeric fragments. As lating STSs from the ends of the clones ends of YAC inserts. The purpose of this an alternative to fingerprinting meth- are inefficient or labor intensive relative report is to consider the practical aspects ods, Green and Olson proposed the con- to those used for generating random STSs. of the methods used to isolate vector- cept of sequence tagged site (STS)-con- The need to develop methods that insert iunctions from YAC clones. Al- tent mapping. ~19) STSs are small, single- easily and reliably yield terminal DNA though many techniques are available, copy fragments in the genome that can sequences from the genomic insert was the high throughput and success rate of be recovered or detected by unique PCR apparent early in the evolution of YAC PCR-based strategies may prove to be the primers. (2~ Conceivably, YAC contigs cloning. This was prompted by the sim- most efficient means for closing the gaps spanning entire chromosomes could be ple notion that the termini from YAC in- between contigs and completing the assembled by using STS-specific PCR as- serts will maximize a chromosomal walk physical maps of complex genomes. says to screen libraries and detect over- by detecting clones in the library with The advent of yeast artificial chromo- lapping clones. This concept was sup- the least amount of overlap. The purpose some (YAC) cloning systems has facili- ported by the use of 16 STSs to align 30 of this report is to review the utility of tated greatly the mapping, cloning, and YACs into a 1.5-Mb contig spanning the the techniques used to isolate YAC vec- functional analysis of complex genomes cystic fibrosis gene region. (19) On a larger tor-insert junctions. The plethora of (as reviewed). (1-3) YACs spanning the eu- scale, the generation of additional STSs available techniques suggests that no chromatic segments of the human y(4) should permit complete mapping of an preferred method has emerged. How- and 21 (s) and extensive portions of the entire genome. In the early stages of map ever, PCR-based techniques, rather than Caenorhabditis elegans (6) and Drosophila construction, the random generation of conventional or k phage sub- melanogaste/7) genomes attest to their STSs may prove to be the most efficient cloning, have experienced the most importance in genome mapping. The method to initiate contig assembly.~z1-23) widespread use (Table 1). All of the tech- positional cloning of disease-associated However, if the probability of isolating a niques provide the means to isolate STSs genes such as the neurofibromatosis random STS is predicted by the Poisson that can be used to build contigs and fill type 1, ;8) adenomatous polyposis coli distribution, then the efficiency of map gaps. In addition, these end fragments (APC), ;9'~~ and the Huntington's disease construction will diminish greatly as the can be used to assess the extent of over- genes (~1,12) also relied on cloning and contigs expand to cover 60-80% of the lap with other clones, determine telom- mapping with YACs. genome. ~z4) Specifically, calculations eric-centromeric orientation of YACs, The physical map of a genomic re- based on the Poisson distribution predict increase marker density for pulsed-field gion can be deduced by the assembly of that 60% of the total effort would be re- gel electrophoresis (PFGE) mapping, contiguous clones (contigs). Contigs are quired to complete the final 13% of the generate new restriction-fragment length a collection of cloned DNA segments map if a random approach is used exclu- polymorphisms, and identify chimeric with individual members that share sively. Palazzolo et al. (z4) present com- YAC clones. overlap with at least one other member puter simulations of contig building on The techniques described in this re-

3:141-1509 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 1054-9803/93 $5.00 PCR Methods and Applications 141 Downloaded from on October 4, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

TABLE 1 Methods for Isolating YAC gene, is subcloned into a plasmid vector. _URA3 side) are linearized by endonu- Vector-insert Junctions The appropriate clone is isolated by clease digestion and are used to trans- URA3 complementation of E. coli con- form yeast via a lithium acetate proce- Plasmid rescue taining the pyrF mutation. (26) dure. Transformants are selected for Plasmid rescue after vector arm Newer YAC vectors such as pYAC- lysine prototrophy, pICL and pLUS inte- modifications, in vivo neo, (27) pJS97/98, (28) and the pGS966- grate by homologous recombination Conventional subcloning k phage 999 series (29) permit plasmid rescue from into the ampicillin resistance gene of the both sides of the cloning site. They con- LA and a segment of pBR322-related se- Genomic sequencing tain ColE1 origins, antibiotic resistance quence in the RA, respectively. Integra- PCR genes, and several common restriction tion site-specific PCR assays can be used Alu-vector sites in both vector arms. As an added to confirm that plCL and pLUS are in- anchor-vector feature, some of these vectors contain T3 serted appropriately into the vector inverse or T7 bacteriophage RNA polymerase arms. By linearizing the plasmids before promoters that permit riboprobe synthe- transformation, 70--100% of the lysine sis from either side of the cloning site. prototrophs contain integrating vectors port have been successful in isolating The widely available Washington Uni- at the appropriate pYAC4 site. As ex- vector-insert junctions from the left or versity, (3~ CEPH, (31) ICI, (32) and ICRF (3~) pected, transformation with nonlinear- right arms of the pYAC series of vec- human genomic YAC libraries were con- ized plasmids dramatically reduces the tors. (zs) For reference, the left arms (LA) structed using the pYAC4 vector. To fa- percentage of Lys + cells with correct in- of pYAC vectors contain the CEN4, ARS1, cilitate plasmid rescue directly from sertions. Plasmid rescue of the YAC vec- and TRP1 sequences, whereas the right these clones, Hermanson et al. (34) devel- tor-insert junctions is achieved by di- arm (RA) contains the URA3 gene. With oped a set of integrating plasmids to ret- gesting miniprep DNA of the Lys § some modifications, these methods will rofit the pYAC4 vector arms with ele- transformants with a prove useful in isolating terminal frag- ments present in the newer vectors: dual that cleaves in the polylinker, ligating ments from DNA propagated in other ColE1 origins of replication, antibiotic the restriction fragments, transforming cloning systems (e.g., Pls, BACs, PACs, resistance genes, and clusters of restric- E. coli and selecting for ampicillin (plCL) and cosmids). tion sites (Fig. 1). These plasmids, pICL or kanamycin resistance (pLUS) (Fig. 1). (integrating into CEN side with LYS2) Over 50 end fragments, up to 20 kb in and pLUS (LYS2 integration into the size, were rescued using this technique. PLASMID RESCUE The isolation of a YAC vector-insert junc- tion by plasmid rescue was described by Burke et al. (2s) YAC DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme that generates a te- lomere-free junction fragment. The frag- ments are self-ligated, and the resultant plasmids are used to transform E. coli. The advantages of plasmid rescue are its technical simplicity and the ability to obtain fragments as large as 20 kb. These fragments can be used as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes, and their larger size also increases the likeli- hood of obtaining unique sequence in- formation. Unfortunately, the original design of the pYAC series of vectors placed a ColE1 origin of replication and ampicillin resistance gene only on the LA. Furthermore, the limited number of available restriction sites in the vector arm (XhoI, NdeI) limits the usefulness of this technique to isolating those ge- nomic inserts that have either a XhoI- SalI or NdeI rare-cutting restriction site within -20 kb of the LA cloning site. FIGURE 1 Plasmid rescue using integrating vectors. (A) Yeast are transformed with the integrat- ing plasmids plCL or pLUS. These vectors contain a multiple cloning site (MCS), a yeast selectable Although the RA does not contain a marker (LYS2), and a segment that is homologous with sequences in either the left or right YAC ColE1 origin of replication or an antibi- vector arm. Integrating vectors are linearized before transformation to enhance homologous otic resistance gene, vector-insert junc- recombination. (B) Integration of pICL and pLUS into the left and right vector arms, respectively. tions can be rescued indirectly. YAC DNA, (C) Plasmid rescue is achieved by digesting YAC DNA with a restriction enzyme that cleaves in the digested with an enzyme that yields vec- MCS and at an unknown position in the genomic insert (C)). The DNA is self-ligated and used to tor-insert fragment containing the URA3 transform E. coli. Adapted, with permission, from Hermanson et al. (34)

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The major disadvantage of this proce- of pBR322 ) into the AccI site of the poly- priately. After ligating the size-selected dure may be the expenditure of time and linker. This creates the vectors pUC19-ES restriction fragments to the vector, Rec- effort necessary to complete this multi- and HS (Fig. 2A). In pUC19-ES, the AccI E. coli are transformed and plated at a step cloning process. However, the abil- site adjacent to the PstI site, but not that density of -200 colonies per plate. Col- ity to isolate many large-size end frag- adjacent to the XbaI site, is preserved. ony lifts are hybridized with either 32p_ ments may justify this investment for Conversely, in pUC19-HS, the AccI site labeled LA or RA probes (Fig. 2B). These some positional cloning experiments. adjacent to the XbaI fragment is pre- probes can be prepared by PCR or by re- served, whereas that adjacent to the PstI striction endonuclease digestion and site is destroyed. The AccI site is compat- random priming of the isolated frag- CONVENTIONAL SUBCLONING ible with ClaI-digested DNA. The pres- ments. These pBR322 sequences are ad- Sublibraries of YAC DNA cloned into )~ ence of the stuffer fragment after diges- jacent to the SUP4 region of pYAC4 and phage or plasmids can be used to isolate tion and gel electrophoresis confirms do not hybridize to pUC19. Approxi- vector-insert junctions. Although these that the vector has been prepared appro- mately 1-4% of the colonies should hy- techniques are reliable, they are too time consuming and labor intensive for anal- ysis of large numbers of clones. We have found that total yeast DNA partially di- gested with MboI and size fractionated by gel electrophoresis is suitable for liga- tion to replacement vectors such as )~DASHII (Stratagene) or EMBL3. We rou- tinely screen 104-10 s plaques by hybrid- ization with a 32P-labeled LA-specific (2.7-kb BamHI-PvuII pBR322 fragment) or RA-specific (1.7-kb BamHI-PvuII pBR322 fragment) probe to obtain sev- eral clones containing the pYAC4 vec- tor-insert junction. A scheme for directly subcloning into modified pUC19 plasmid vectors has been developed by Chaplin and Ger- aghty ~3s'36~ (Fig. 2A). Total yeast DNA is double digested with a rare-cutting re- striction enzyme that cleaves in the vec- tor arm and a frequent-cutting restric- tion enzyme that cleaves in the genomic insert. The frequent-cutting restriction endonuclease may also cleave in the vec- tor arm but not in the interval between the rare-cutting restriction site and the EcoRI cloning site. For LA vector-insert junctions, the DNA is digested with ClaI and either SacI, KpnI, SmaI, BamHI, XbaI, or SphI. For the RA, SalI is combined with either SacI, KpnI, SmaI, BamHI, XbaI, SphI, or HindlII. The use of several fre- quent-cutting restriction enzymes in- creases the chances of obtaining a clon- able fragment. After digestion, an aliquot of DNA is subjected to gel elec- trophoresis, blotted, and hybridized with either LA or RA probes (Fig. 2B). Subsequently, vector-insert fragments in the range of 2-7 kb are size selected by gel electrophoresis. The purified DNA FIGURE 2 (A) Modified pUC19 cloning vectors for isolating YAC vector-insert junctions, pUC19 vectors were modified by inserting, in both orientations, a 475-bp TaqI stuffer fragment. Appro- fragments are ligated to a modified priate double digestion of the vector is confirmed by gel electrophoresis and visualization of the pUC19 vector that was double digested stuffer fragment. (B) Reagents for plasmid cloning of YAC end fragments, pYAC vector arm probe. with the appropriate restriction enzyme. Map of pYAC vector demonstrating positions and sequences of left- and right-arm-specific probes The original pUC19 vector was modified and primers. The location of the pBR322 BamHI sites that were destroyed during vector con- by subcloning a 475-bp TaqI stuffer frag- struction are shown for orientation. Adapted, with permission, from Chaplin.(36) These probes ment (derived from positions 653-1128 will not hybridize to the pUC vectors.

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bridize with the probes. The high per- Primers specific for portions of SUP4 respectively.PCR primer pairs that ampli- centage of positive clones is caused by gene inclusive of the EcoRI cloning site fied >100 bp fragments were developed enrichment of vector-insert fragments are synthesized for both the LA (pYACL2) successfully from -250 of the DNA se- afforded by double digestion with rare- and the RA (pYACR4) (Fig. 3). These quences. The failure of primers to amplify and frequent-cutting restriction enzymes primers are end-labeled in a kinasing re- the correct fragment was caused by mis- and subsequent size fractionation. Using action with [~-32p]dATP and then used reading of inadequate genomic sequence, this technique, Bronson et al. (3s) con- directly in a 10-cycle (denaturation at misreading of good sequence, and synthe- structed a YAC contig spanning a portion 95~ for 1 min, annealing at 50~ for 2 sis of self-complementary oligonucle- of the human major histocompatibility min, elongation at 72~ for 2 min, otides. Us-ing the PCR fragments to complex that contains the class I genes dideoxy-sequencing reaction containing probe DNA filters, 40 linkages were de- HLA-B and HLA-C. 1-2.5 ~g of genomic DNA. The amplifi- tected between the -200 contigs span- cation products are separated by electro- ning the C. elegans genome. phoresis through 6% denaturing acryla- GENOMIC SEQUENCING mide gels. Gels are dried and exposed to Described by Coulson et al., (37) this ge- X-ray film that is backed with intensify- PCR-BASED METHODS nomic sequencing technique employs ing screens. After a 3-day exposure, -150 Alu-vector PCR the use of a vector-arm-specific primer bp of sequence can be read. Analysis of and yeast miniprep DNA in a thermocy- 180 YACs containing C. elegans DNA Approximately one million copies of the cling dideoxy-sequencing reaction. Be- provided sequence from 275 ends. No Alu repeat sequence are interspersed in cause this technique does not employ sequence and double sequence ladders the human genome. (38) Although they endonuclease digestion, ligation, or sub- were obtained from <10% and <3%, re- are present with an average spacing of 4 cloning steps, it is a direct method for spectively, of the reactions. These prob- kb, ~39) Alu elements tend to cluster in obtaining sequence information from lems were secondary to inadequate GC-rich, R bands. ~4~ The 300-bp Alu el- YAC vector-insert junctions. minipreps and multiple transformants, ement consists of a head-to-tail dimer of

FIGURE 3 DNA sequence flanking the pYAC4 EcoRI cloning site. The location of various left arm (LA) and right arm (RA) vector primers used for different PCR applications (see text) are depicted by arrows. The vertical line demarcates LA from RA. Insertions and point mutations not predicted by the composite sequence (i.e., pBR322 and SUP4) are underlined. This sequence was obtained by standard dideoxy chain termination methods (G.A. Silverman, unpubl.).

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two - 130-bp segments that share > 70% 50 mM KC1, 10 mM Tris-HC1, 1.5 mM The generation of Alu-vector PCR homology with an original sequence. ~38~ MgC12, 300 ~M each dNTP, 2.5 units of products may be enhanced by using dif- The 3' end of each Alu monomer is AT Taq polymerase, and 35 cycles at 94~ ferent sets of Alu primers. Breukel et rich, while the remaining portion is 62% for 1 min, 55~ for 45 sec, 68~ for 5 al. (47~ detected PCR products in 14 of 21 GC rich. ~38~ In addition, there is a 31-bp min). DNA sequence analysis of one PCR YACs using different nondegenerate insertion in the right-half monomer that fragment confirmed that it was a vector- (Alu3 or AluS) or degenerate primers is unique to primates. ~38~ Although dif- insert junction. Amplification products (PDJ33 or PDJ34) (Fig. 4A). ferent Alu families have evolved, ~41~ Nel- from both ends were obtained from 60% son et al. ~42~ developed primers, which of the YAC clones. The lower success rate Anchor-vector PCR permit inter-Alu amplification, from a of Alu-vector PCR relative to the other consensus sequence~43~(Fig. 4A). Primers PCR-based methods (see below) is likely Anchor, oligo-cassette, or ligation-medi- that direct DNA synthesis either 5' caused by the length of the DNA seg- ated PCR methods can be used to isolate (#278) or 3' (TC65) of the Alu sequence ment between the Alu element and the an unknown DNA fragment that is adja- are capable of generating specific prod- vector arm being beyond the range that cent to a known sequence. This is ucts from somatic-cell hybrids, YACs, or can be amplified by current PCR meth- achieved by ligating a known primer phage containing human DNA. ~42~ ods. Nonetheless, the simplicity and ver- template to the unknown sequence. The Subsequently, Nelson et al. ~44~ extended satility of this technique (i.e., no endo- presence of known flanking templates their observations by demonstrating nuclease digestion or ligation steps) permits the intervening sequence to be that YAC vector-insert junctions could makes this method an indispensable ad amplified in a PCR assay. Riley et al. ~48~ be amplified by using either of the Alu junct to most large-scale walking pro- adapted this technique to isolate vector- primers in combination with either a LA jects. Indeed, 8.0-, 2.2-, and 1.2-Mb YAC insert junctions from YAC clones. YAC (YAC4L) or RA (YAC4R) YAC vector contigs encompassing Xq26, ~4s~ the DNA is digested with a restriction en- primer (Figs. 3 and 4B). Products were Huntington's disease gene, ~12~ and the zyme that cleaves at a known site in the detected using 100-500 ng of total yeast iduronate sulfatase gene, ~46~ respec- vector arm and at an unknown location DNA and relatively routine PCR condi- tively, have been constructed, in part, us- in the genomic insert. Restriction en- tions (100 ~l volume: 1 p.M each primer, ing Alu-vector PCR. zymes that cleave between the vector-

FIGURE 4 Alu-vector PCR. (A) Consensus human Alu sequence. The location of Alu primers for different PCR applications (see text) are depicted by arrows. The vertical line demarcates the left from the right Alu monomer. The 31-bp sequence unique to primates is in boldface type. Abbreviations: Y = C or T, R = G or A, W = T or A. (B) Example of Alu-vector vs. inter-Alu PCR. Adapted, with permission, from Nelson et al. (42~

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primer template sequence and the EcoRI cloning site must be avoided. For the iso- lation of LA fragments, the restriction enzymes AluI, BglII, EcoRV, HincII, Hinfl, PvuII, and RsaI can be used. For the RA, AccI, BglII, EcoRV, HinclI, RsaI, and PvulI can be used. Additional enzymes can be used if different vector-arm primers are selected (Fig. 3). The use of different re- striction enzymes increases the chances of obtaining a vector-insert fragment that can be amplified by the PCR. After digestion, the DNA is ligated to a partial duplex DNA molecule or vectorette to form a library. The vectorette consists of two oligo- nucleotides, a universal bottom strand that serves as an anchor template and a partially complementary top strand that serves as a linker (Fig. 5A). A similar type of cassette has been developed by Roux and Dhanarajan (49) (Fig. 5B). The vector- ette oligonucleotides contain 11 or 12 bp of complementary sequence that flank 29 bp of noncomplementary sequence. By adding or deleting bases to the 5' end of the upper strand, vectorettes compat- FIGURE 5 Anchors for ligation-mediated PCR. (A) Vectorette or bubble cassette. Adapted, with ible with blunt- or sticky-ended genomic permission, from Riley et al. (48) (B) Anchor-adapter. Adapted, with permission, from Roux and fragments can be constructed. This is a Dhanarajan. (49) potential drawback because the cost of synthesizing an array of several upper strand oligonucleotides may be prohibi- tive. In practice, however, the blunt-end vectorette is satisfactory for many appli- cations as it is compatible for ligation with DNA fragments digested with either RsaI, HincII, PvuII, or EcoRV. The vector-insert junctions are am- plified from the vectorette library using LA (//1089) or RA (//1091) vector prim- ers (Fig. 3) and the universal vectorette primer (//224, Fig. 5A). The universal vectorette primer DNA sequence is iden- tical to that of the "noncomplemen- tary" region of the anchor template (bottom strand, Fig. 5A). The noncom- plementary region of the vectorette con fers selective amplification to this scheme. Because there is no template available for the universal vectorette during the first round of DNA synthesis, only YAC vector-insert-vectorette fragments will be amplified (Fig. 6). During this first round, YAC vector primers synthesize a new top strand that is complementary to FIGURE 6 Vectorette-YAC vector PCR. (A) YAC DNA is digested with a restriction endonuclease the bottom strand. This generates a tem- to yield a vector-insert fragment. (B) Vectorettes are ligated to restriction fragments to yield plate for universal vectorette primer and vectorette libraries. (C) Vectorette libraries are amplified using vector (open arrow in B) and permits subsequent logarithmic amplifi- universal vectorette (stippled arrow) primers. First-strand synthesis occurs only with the vector cation of the vector-insert-vectorette primer, as there is no template for the universal vectorette primer. (D) Only vectorette--vector fragment (Fig. 6). Because no first strand fragments, extended by the vector primer, are available for logarithmic amplification with the synthesis occurred, other DNA frag- universal vectorette primer.

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ments ligated to the vectorette will not enzymes enhances the probability of iso- though a single set of PCR primers can be amplified by the vectorette primers. lating a useful fragment. However, it be used for each vector arm, we have PCR products generated by this tech- may be useful to start with those en- found that the combination of certain nique can be reamplified or sequenced zymes that can be used on both vector vector arm primers and restriction en- using a nested YAC vector (LA # 1207 or arms. As with vectorette PCR, care must zymes are more successful in yielding RA #1208, Fig. 3) or vectorette primers be taken to avoid the use of restriction PCR fragments. For the LA, we use (#368, Fig. 5A). DNA sequence analysis endonucleases that cleave in the region primer combinations #5 and #8 with of amplified fragments confirmed that between the two primer templates and DNA digested with MboI and NlaIII (Fig. they contained vector-insert junctions.(4s) the EcoRI cloning site. After digestion, 3). Primers #13 and #8 are used with The YAC vector-vectorette amplifica- the DNA is diluted to a concentration be- TaqI-, NIaIV-, HaeIII-, and EcoRV-di- tion technique has proved to be a robust tween 0.2 and 2.0 ixg/ml. Ligation of gested DNA. For the RA, primers #2 and method for isolating vector-insert junc- DNA under these conditions favors the #3 are used with NIaIV, HaeIII, NlaIII, tions. Success rates exceed 90%. The con- formation of monomer circles (Fig. 7). HhaI, and SphI digests; and primers # 11 struction of 2.6- and 1.5-Mb YAC contigs Circularization reorients the vector and #3 with AccI and HincII digests. spanning the human dystrophin gene (s~ primers and permits amplification of the Megabase-size YAC contigs spanning and the region between D21S13 and intervening genomic insert (Fig. 7). Con- the BCL2, (s9) Huntington's disease, (11) D21S16, (sl) respectively, attest to the firmation of the appropriate terminal and APC (9'1~ genes have been con- utility of this technique. fragment can be verified by DNA se- structed using inverse PCR. In addition, Other anchor-vector PCR methods quencing or hybridization of the labeled Gill and Somerville used a single restric- have been developed to isolate vector- fragment to blots of YAC DNA. (ss's9) tion enzyme and inverse PCR to isolate insert junctions from YAC clones. Kere et In comparison with the other PCR- 12 of 14 end fragments from a modified al. (sz) adapted the method of Mueller based techniques used to isolate vector- pYAC vector containing Arabidopsis and Wold (s3) to isolate 14 insert ends insert junctions, this technique may be thaliana DNA. (6~ Collectively, these from YACs that map to the human X more difficult to perfect. However, once studies demonstrate that inverse PCR is chromosome. Success rates ranged from the technique is established, individual an efficient method for isolating large 80 to 85%. Capture PCR (CPCR) was de- laboratories report success rates that ri- numbers of vector-insert junctions. veloped by Langerstrom et al. ~s4) to facil- val or exceed those of the ligation-medi- itate end-fragment isolation using ge- ated methods. We have isolated YAC vec- CONCLUSIONS nomic DNA or yeast colonies. DNA is tor-insert junctions in 26 of 26 attempts. digested and ligated to a linker cassette. The fragments range in size from 26 to Methods to isolate DNA fragments or se- The ligation products are linearly ampli- 1250 bp with a mean of -500 bp. A1- quences from the ends of the genomic fied using a 5' biotinylated YAC vector arm primer. These extension products, now flanked with known template se- quences, are purified by capture to A LEFTARM INSERT RIGHTARM streptavidin-coated beads or supports. After extensive washing, the extension products are logarithmically amplified <--- ' TEL using YAC vector and linker primers. Us- ing only two restriction enzymes, AluI I digestion and RsaI, the success rate was -85%.

Inverse PCR B Inverse PCR was developed also to iso- late an unknown DNA sequence adja- self-ligation

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Received September 13, 1993; accepted in revised form September 28, 1993.

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Isolating vector-insert junctions from yeast artificial chromosomes.

G A Silverman

Genome Res. 1993 3: 141-150

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