Load Shedding Schedule - April 2020

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Load Shedding Schedule - April 2020 ESWATINI ELECTRICITY COMPANY (EEC) Head Office, Eluvatsini House, Mhlambanyatsi Road P. O. Box 258 Mbabane H100, Tel: 2409 4000, Fax: 2404 2335 www.eec.co.sz Toll Free: 800 9000 Energy for the Future LOAD SHEDDING SCHEDULE - APRIL 2020 Possible load shedding for the month of April 2020. Please find your location in the groups below and refer to your load shedding schedule detailing the affected areas. Kindly note that in the event our customers successfully reduce their consumption, it may not be necessary for load shedding to take place. The April schedule has been modified from previous month, therefore there may be changes from the norm. Stay home and stay safe from COVID-19. DATE DA Y GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C GROUP D 1 WED AM M A E AM EARLY MORNING 05h00 - 09h00 2 THU M A E AM MORNING 3 FRI A E M 10h00 - 14h00 AM M 4 SAT E AM M A A AFTERNOON 14h00 - 17h00 5 SUN AM M A E 6 MON M A E AM E EVENING 17h00 - 21h00 7 TUE A E AM M 8 WED E AM M A GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C GROUP D 9 THU A E AM M Pigg's Peak 3480 Mayiwane 3970 Endzingeni 3810 Mayiwane 3940 A E 10 FRI M AM Sihhoye 2660 Mayiwane 3950 Sihhoye 2670 11 SAT A E AM M Dvokolwako 1320 Sihhoye 2690 Nkhaba 3860 12 SUN E AM M A Pine Valley 810 Nkhaba 3890 Nkhaba 3880 Pine Valley 830 13 MON AM M A E Mpisi 5640 Kent Rock 824 14 TUE M A E AM Nkhaba 3870 Moses Hlophe 5350 Balegane 2610 A E Balegane 2630 15 WED AM M Mpisi 5650 Siteki 1230 16 THU E A Moses Hlophe 5360 AM M Moses Hlophe 5340 Thompson 622 Kent Rock 827 17 FRI AM M A E Siphocosini 925 Moses Hlophe 5330 Moses Hlophe 5380 Siphofaneni 5740 18 SAT M A E AM Magwabayi PMR 559 Manzini 1 508 19 SUN A E Moses Hlophe 5370 Thabankulu 3977 AM M Usutu 1093 E A KaLanga 1240 Mpaka 1227 20 MON AM M Big Bend 5014 21 TUE A E Sidvokodvo 630 AM M Lobamba PMR 958 Edwaleni 104 Matsapha 2300 22 WED M A E AM SPM 108 Hlathikhulu 2180 Manzini 1 504 Usutu 1094 23 THU A E AM M Manzini 1 507 Sidvokodvo 636 Lawuba 4360 24 FRI E AM M A Sidvokodvo 2950 Mankayane 1070 Nhlangano 2 4230 25 SAT AM M A E Lawuba 4350 Nsoko 5060 26 SUN A E Mankayane 1030 Hlathikhulu 2170 M AM St. Philips 7950 Lawuba 4370 27 MON A E AM M Ncandweni 1960 Lawuba 4340 Nhlangano 2 4240 28 TUE E A Lobamba PMR 935 AM M St. Philips 7930 Mhlosheni PMR 4670 Nhlangano 1 2120 29 WED AM M A E Siphocosini 920 Kent Rock 823 Ngwenya 1 3260 30 THU M A E AM Nkoyoyo 3220 GROUP A Affected Area GROUP B Affected Area GROUP C Affected Area GROUP D Affected Area Luhlangotsini, Nkomanzi, Pigg's Peak 3480 Endzingeni, Mgungundlovu, Mayiwane 3940 Ngonini Malanti Primary Mayiwane, Mawombe, Mayiwane 3970 Lugongondlawne, Herefords, Endzingeni 3810 Mphondla, Emvuma, Emzimnene, Vusweni Sihhoye 2670 Tshaneni Mayiwane 3950 Mantfuntini, Nkamanzi Makhonweni, Entandweni Sihhoye 2690 Mananga Mnyokane, Malanti, Nkomanzi, Sihhoye, Mangweni Tingonini, Ekufikeni, ElShaddai, Embutini, Maphalaleni, Nkhaba Dvokolwako 1320 Manzana, Mnjoli Nkhaba 3890 Mphofu, Ntab'inezimpisi, Luhlangotsini, Dryhoek, Ndeva, Nkhaba 3880 Inkhundla, Nkhaba Royal Sihhoye 2660 Kraal, Malolotja Pine Valley 810 Mbuluzi Mhlangatane, Ndwabangeni, Lusekwaneni Mabhawu, Mnyokane, Mavula-Nhlambeni Nkhaba 3870 Thembelihle, Golf Course, Bhudla, Mpisi Training, Ngogola, Nkhaba Clinic Kent Rock 824 Mnyokane, Nkhaba, Malolotja, Dalriach, Woodlands Mpisi 5640 Mdumezulu, Ndabeni, Thulwane, New Luve, Nkiliji, Lukhitsi, Nkhaba 3860 Mhlosheni, Hawane Thulwane, Mafuteseni, Msabane Mpisi 5650 Mbelebeleni, Ekutsimuleni, Balegane 2630 Dvokolwako, Madlangempisi Dalriach East, Fontyn, Mdzangwini, Sidvokodvo, Lubhaceni Pine Valley 830 Mzaceni, Maguga, Ebulandzeni, Hlobane, Pine Valley Balegane 2610 Kent Rock 827 Checkers Sterkstroom, Ticantfwini, St Nkamanzi, Cetjwayo Moses Hlophe 5340 Ticantfwini, Mphembekati, William Siyeni, Ticantfwini, Michaels Moses Hlophe 5360 Makholweni, Sicelwini, Sobhuza Clinic Moses Hlophe 5330 Maliyaduma, Global Moses Hlophe 5350 Pitcher, Fairview Mphembekati, Bhodo, Siphocosini 925 Sigangeni Village, Madonsa Moses Hlophe 5380 Kalanga, Lonhlupheko, Logoba, Matsapha, Mbekelweni Manzini 1 508 Mhobodleni Moses Hlophe 5370 Siteki 1230 Lukhwakhweni, Lukhula Mbikwakhe Clinic, Mhlaleni Magwabayi PMR 559 Ngculwini Magevini Flats, Mbuleni, Eteteni, Bhunya Police, Msahweni, Macembe, SOS Village, Kalanga Clinic, Malindza, Sulutane, Thompson 622 Swazi National High, Kwaluseni Usutu 1093 Luhleko, Majotini, Ngogodla, LeMgabhi, Kalanga Inkhundla, KaLanga 1240 Mhlabubovu, Mawelawela Correctional Mzilikazi behind Fire, Mpaka 1227 Dvokodvweni, Sigcaweni, UNISWA Nazarene Tjedze Siphofaneni 5740 Gilgal Railway, Tri Cash, Tums WaterWorld, Mayoloza, La-Mgabhi, Sidvokodvo 630 Sidvokodvo Farms, Kalangakalingeni, Edwaleni 104 Gebeni Thabankulu 3977 Vuvulane, Mafucula, Tsambokhulu Hhukwini, Dz ebe, Tiyeni, Dvumbe, Kholwane, Moti Lobamba 958 Lomahhina, Dlangeni, Manzini 1 504 Ngwane Park Big Bend 5014 Crookes Hlathikhulu 2180 Madulini Ngweni Nhlambeni, Njelu, Mfabantfu, Lozitha, Zombodze Mbulungwane, KaHhohho, Jerusalem, Edwaleni, Mphini Matsapha 2300 Lawuba 4360 Gundvwini, Hillview, Nhlentjeni, Mbelebeleni SPM 108 Umphakatsi, St. Bernard Montigny Forestry Compound, Gundvwini Nazarene, Mission Sidvokodvo 2950 Usutu 1094 Dwalile, Mongcongco, Lundzi, Phola, SWSC, Jabulani, Simemeni, Zakhele, Eticancweni, Nkwalini, Bugeleni, Siphula, Mlambo, Nzongomane, Mashobeni, Manzini 1 507 Mpuluzi, Zondwako Nhlangano 2 4230 Ngwane Park, Sidzakeni Esikhaleni Selusekwane, Gege, Magubheleni, Dudusini, Siyendle, Nkonyeni Precast, Nkonyeni Golf Mabovini, Ngwemphisi, Thembeni, Sicelwini Sidvokodvo 636 Gege, Gege Border post Fakudze, Mahlangatsha, Estate, EI Ranch Mankayane 1070 New Heaven, Ntuli Location, Ngenesakeni, Magele, Mgomfelweni, New Hlathikhulu 2170 Mashayekhatsi, Nkomonye, Nisela Safaris, Lubulini, Salem, New Ward, Mdabula, Madulini Hebron, Edilini, Sidwala Lawuba 4350 Ngudzeni, KaNdzameya, Nsoko 5060 Mqonqwane Lushikishini, PWD, Ncandweni 1960 Ncandweni Mankayane 1030 Mabovini Kadeda, Cana Ntjanini, Phansesigwe Lawuba 4370 Hluthi Town Mathendele, Ecinisweni, Zombodze, St. Philips 7950 Lawuba 4340 Moihook, Mbeka, Mbhoke Holneck, Maseyisini, Ndlovunga, Ekuthuleni. Mthombe, Mahlalini, Swazi Lizzkhar, Mlilwane, Nhlangano 2 4240 Nhlangano 1 2120 St. Philips 7930 St Phillips Lobamba 935 Mahamba, Matimatima, Makhosini Mhlanga, Ngwabi, Makhwelela, Sitjeni St. Marks, Sifundzani High Mhlosheni PMR 4670 Mhlosheni Mbangweni, Nzongomane, Khiza Kent Rock 823 School, Malunge, PTS, Golf Siphocosini 920 Mantabeni Ngwenya 1 3260 Motshane, Hawane, Zamani Nkoyoyo 3220 Mpolonjeni Course CALL CENTRE: 800 9000/2508 3333: Eswatini Electricity Company Self-Service *8888# Email: [email protected] .
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