Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Image libre de droit http://www.fotopedia.com/items/flickr-429123216 Queen Elizabeth II

HELP ! wise: sage caring: attentionné corgi: corgi dorgi = dachshund + corgi (teckel + corgi). Le premier « dorgi » est né du croisement d'un corgi de la reine et d'un teckel de la princesse Margaret, sa soeur. crosswords: mots croisés factory (pluriel: factories): usine trip: voyage


1. Elizabeth II (pronounced'the Second') is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. She is also the Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Batté Apolline 6°8 Da Ponté Quentin 6°8

2. And she is the Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

BEAL Alex 6°9 SAMBOU Zoé 6°8

1/7 3. In 2012 she is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee ( 60 years on the throne). She was born on April 21st , 1926 in London. Her father was George VI, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Her husband is Prince Philip, Duke of .

Maratrat Océane, 6°9

Image libre de droit http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2688982 The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

4. She became queen on February 6th, 1952. Her official birthday is on the second Saturday of June. She was crowned at Westminster Abbey on June 2nd, 1953.

Delarue Corentin 6°8

5. She has four children: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales Princess Anne, Princess Royal Prince Andrew, Duke of York Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex.

FERE Maude 6°9 MIMOUN Maéna 6°8

2/7 6. And she has got eight grandchildren: Prince William of Wales, Duke of Cambridge Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales Peter Phillips Zara Phillips of York of York Lady Louise Windsor James, Viscount Severn

HOUSSAYE Enola, 6°9

7. She is not very tall. She has got blue eyes and a beautiful complexion. She is hard-working, conscientious, wise and caring. She has a good sense of humour. She wears colourful clothes and decorative hats.

Roquigny Thomas 6è8 Michel Justine 6è8

Image libre de droit http://images.cdn.fotopedia.com/flickr-140857588-hd.jpg A beautiful picture of Queen Elizabeth, dressed in pink

3/7 8. She lives in in London. She spends weekends at , in Windsor, near London. She spends Christmas at Sandringham House, in Sandringham in Norfolk (in the south-east of the country). And she spends the summer at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Salfrand Romane 6è9 Rosay Angélina 6è9

Image libre de droit http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/292212 Buckingham Palace Her Majesty's residence

Image libre de droit http://www.freefoto.com/preview/31-36-27 The Changing of the Guard, Buckingham Palace

9. She has 7 dogs: 4 corgis called Linnet, Monty, Willow and Holly and 3 dorgis named Cider, Candy and Vulcan. She has got racehorses as well.

THIEBAULT Mathilde 6°9

4/7 Image libre de droit http://www.fotopedia.com/items/flickr-262758945 A smiling corgi

10. She likes her job. She enjoys walking her dogs, going to horse-races, watching television, doing crosswords, reading P.D. James novels and dancing. She loves horse-riding. She is very fond of dogs and horses.

Lessard Lucas 6°8 Marquaille Titouan 6°9

11. She doesn't like playing tennis, exotic food or cigarette smoke. And she hates wasting money.

ELONG Timothée 6*8 PATIN Léa 6*9

12. She visits schools, hospitals and factories. She opens universities and new buildings. She goes on official trips. She opens Parliament every year and she meets the Prime Minister every week.

Walraevens Jeanne 6°8 Giffard Nathan 6°9

5/7 13. She is Head of State, Head of the , Head of the Armed Forces, Head of the Commonwealth... She represents the nation. She reigns but she doesn't govern. She is a respected head of state. She has reigned for 60 years.

Asselineau Mathilde 6°8 Robillard Virgile 6°8

Image libre de droit http://fr.fotopedia.com/items/flickr-134474709 A waxwork of Queen Elizabeth II at Madame Tussaud's in London

6/7 14. The Diamond Jubilee emblem was designed by a 10-year-old girl.

GOSSET Thomas 6°9

http://www.archambault.ca/mp3 The Diamond Jubilee emblem
