Ministry Ministry \s the international journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association and has been published since 1928.

Hello, pastor Association Secretary Editor Emeritus A member of a small church shares important insights with his new pastor James A: Cress J. Robert Spartgler Editor International Advisors Maylan Schurch Wjltaore D. Eva A. Abdulmajid, Alejantjro Bullon, Jaime Castrej©on, Oae Yurr Gho, Assistant Editor Walton Wlraley, Ekkehardt Steelier, Julia W.Norcott Joel Musvosvi, Peter Roenfeldt, 8 Editorial Assistant William C! Scales, Jr., Heikki Silvet, Sheila Draper John Willmott, Eric Winter Mini churches, maximum challenges Professional Growth and Pastoral Advisors Inter-church Relations Leslie BaunKjartrter, S. Peter A pastor perceptively tells the stories of his ministry in four small churches Nifcolaus Satelmajer Carnpoel, Michael Cerna, Jeanne Hartvretl, Mitchell Hensort, Sreg Hal Gates Contributing Editors Kelson, NormaOsborn, Leslie Sharon Cress Pollard, Dan Smith, Steve Willsey Rex D. Edwards Walter L Pearsort, Jr. Advertising 11 JoelSarli Ministry Editorial Office How group dynamics impact your ministry Kit Watts Cover Design Pastoral Assistant Editors Trent Truman Congregational size decides some "ground rules" for pastors© roles and leadership John C. Cress Cover Illustration FresYick Russell Renatta Roberts Monte Sahlin Maylan Sctercti Lorerr SeitoW NAD Subscriptions Steve Hahson Consulting Editors 14 Matthew Bediato, Ben Clausen, Overseas Subscriptions Raoul Dederert, Teofiio Ferretra, Ministry Editorial Office We©re still here Ron F!owers,©Robert Folkenterg, Book Reviews: Andy McRae An illuminating view oftheplusses of life and ministry in smaller congregations Joiln M. Fowler, Roland Hegstad, Resources: Catherine Payne Kathleen Kuntaraf, Robert Peach, Special Projects: Martin Weber George Reid, Angel Rodriguez, Tape of tne Month: Norman Yergen Loren Seibold Penny Shell, William Stiea, Russell Staples, Richard TibKts, Edward Ztnke 18 Our church has risen to a new life! To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Editorial preference is to receive manuscripts on The inspiring and instructive story of how a small, dying diskette with name, address, telephone number, fax, church rose to become a dynamic congregation and Social Security number (if US citizen). Send all editorial correspondence to 12501 Old Columbia Daniel B. Martella Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. Telephone: 301-680-6510; Fax:301-680-6502; E-mail 21 (CompuServe): 74532,2425 or 74617,3610 (editorial offices). Writer©s Guidelines available on Sexual sin: Could it happen to you? request. A pastor©s candid account of what precipitated his fall Subscriptions: us$26.95 or $39.95 (airmail) for 12 and how he has dealt with the consequences issues worldwide, single copy us$2.50. To order in North America, send name, address, and payment to I. B. Lazarus .Subscription Desk, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Overseas subscribers should 24 contact the Ministry Editorial Office. Dynamic new computer resource for pastors Subscription queries and changes of address: Call toil-free 1-800-456-3991 or 301-791-7000, ext. New CD provides pictures, video clips, graphics, 2439, or fax 301-791-5018. charts, and sermon texts for the busy pastor Ministry, (ISSN 0026-5314), the international journal James A. Cress interviews Don Gray of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association 1997, is published monthly by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and printed by the Review 26 and Herald8 Publishing Association, 55 West Oak The music of great preaching Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Member A great musician draws lessons from a great preacher Associated Church Press. Standard mail postage paid at Hagerstown, MD, Ministry Is available on microfilm Wayne Hooper from University Microfilms International. Call toll-free 1-800-521-0600, or mail inquiry to: University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Ml 48;I06,PRINTED IN THE U.SA IN EVERY I S S U Vol. 70 Numbers

3 Letters 28 Pastor©s Pastor credits: .Texts credited to NKJV are from the New King James Version. Cdpyrigtt ©1979, 4 Editorial 30 Resources 1980,1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. .Used by ; . permission. All rights reserved, ©.©,". y©.. ; ,; .© '„ "

2 Ministry/September 1997 Homosexuals in the church have read from deny that this verse refers 2:1, 2) regarding Sabbath sanctity was ever As a reader of 8-10 years© duration, I to the weekly Sabbath. changed. Incidentially, post-canonical want to commend you for your openness After admitting that, however, he writings and later Christian practices don©t to the sins and the stumblings of us declared that the weekly Sabbath is still count. humans Christian and otherwise. I binding, only it should be "stripped of its particularly appreciate the thoughtfulness Jewishness." If that is true, should we keep Ministry©s new look and love that went into the production of the appointed feasts (yearly) and new Wouldn©t you know it! As you properly your November 1996 Ministry on moons (monthly), and just strip them of praise the "new look" of Ministry while homosexuality. The whole debate is a their Jewishness? Didn©t Jesus do for those maintaining a "certain professional challenge to all Christ©s people, and your feasts the same thing He did for the dignity" one comes to the closing treatment of it was refreshingly weekly Sabbaths? paragraph of your March 1997 First nonjudgmental. E. Bruce Ross, retired The passage says not to let anyone Glance only to find therein the mistaken pastor, United Church of Canada. judge (condemn) you for not keeping the use of the two words "in tact" instead of appointed feasts, new moons, or the "intact." AIDS educational tools Sabbaths. If the annual feast days and the These embarrassing little glitches will In order to devise an effective strategy monthly feast days of the Old Law are not somehow creep in no matter how attentive for fighting the spread of AIDS and caring to be bound on men, according to the one is to detail. for those already infected, I would like to same verse, neither is the weekly Sab In any case, Ministry is attractive, very suggest that it is necessary to have factual bath! Frank Jamerson, Lakeland, readable, and dignified to an ever- analytical information as to how HIV is Florida. increasing degree and here is one reader spread and the agencies directly involved who votes affirmatively that you have from unbiased sources. This would enable William Richardson replies: Given its succeeded in your efforts to improve your major efforts to be directed at the primary creation origin (Gen. 2:1, 2), the weekly publication. I wish you well. Michas M. cause or causes. A balanced approach is Sabbath God planned and sanctified did Ohnstad, North Branch, Minnesota. also necessary to overcome the influences not have any "inherent" Jewishness. It was of orchestrated misinformation. designed to bless and meet the needs of the Editorial Comment: Thanks, you©re To this end I would like to recommend human race. This permanent aspect of the absolutely correct! two videos: AIDS: What You Haven©t Been Sabbath and its continuing observance, Told; and (for use with young people in Paul does not refer to in Colossians (see Excellent magazine! I look forward to SDA high schools and youth meetings) No H.C.G. Moule, quoted in my article). In the articles often very beneficial. Second Chance. They are both available contrast, the feasts and new moons were The new layout may please you; from Jeremiah Films, Inc., Box 1710, part and parcel of Judaism, so were however, the print is too small. Dennis Hemet, California 92546. Telephone: 909- radically altered when symbols gave way to Wiggs, pastor, Ruth©s Chapel Free Will 652-1006. Although both have been made the reality of Christ on the cross. So also any Baptist Church, New Bern, North in an American context, they address the narrow, limiting Jewish elements that had Carolina. issues from a worldwide perspective. become attached to the weekly Sabbath David R. Lowe, pastor, Edenthorpe, (keep in mind the various "Sabbath Because I have been a busy, well- Dorcaster, United Kingdom. controversies" between Jesus and the Jewish intentioned pastor (just retired, Barstow leaders). But because of certain gnostic Church of Religious Science) for 24 years, Sabbath: nailed to the cross? learnings, some Colossians were clinging to I have found Ministry the first read and I found the article by William rituals while denying Christ. Such behavior most respected of all monthly periodicals. Richardson on "Sabbath: Nailed to the is anathema for Paul. But the only weekly I will never need a more "reader friendly" Cross?" (May 1997) very interesting. Sabbath he faults is a Christless Sabbath. or white-spaced magazine to inform and Mainly because he admitted that the word My belief that Paul continued to observe a excite me as I continue with my teaching "Sabbath" in Colossians 2:16 refers to the Christ-filled weekly Sabbath is based on and writing. weekly Sabbath and is the same form what he seems to have done every Sabbath Thank you for 24 (and continued) (plural) as in "the heart of the fourth (preached), and the lack of any scriptural good years! Reverend Dr. Scotti Dole, commandment." Most Sabbatarians that I evidence that the creation ordinance (Gen. Barstow, California.

I If you're receiving Ministry bimonthly and haven't paid for a subscription, it's not a mistake. Since 1928 Ministry has been published for Seventh-day Adventist ministers. We believe, Free Subscription I however, that the time has come for clergy everywhere to experience a resurgence of faith in the authority of Scripture and in the great truths that reveal the gospel of our salvation by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ. We want to share our aspirations and faith in a way that will provide inspiration and help to you as clergy:'We hope you will accept this-journal as our,outstretched hand to you. Look over our shoulder, take what you want and find helpful, and discard what you can't use. Bimonthly gift subscriptions are available to all licensed and/or: ordairted clergy. Request$>$nou!rJ be on church letterhead and addressed to the editorial office. ' • • '

Ministry/September 1997 3 © hat was our not left our apartment even for groceries. first year of Pastors can Jim was fending for himself, and his lack T ministry. of housekeeping skills was evident. Dishes The conference filled the kitchen in ail stages unwashed, president phoned washed, drying, and ready to put away. As I Jim and told him to be funny too! struggled to get ready for church, I assume sole surveyed the mess and was glad the church S H A R 0 N C R E S responsibility of our would be cleaner their rules on confining large, prestigious congregation for a few the union office. Out of the corner of my food to one room had not changed! months during the interim between two eye I could see Jim and the matriarch Between Sabbath school and worship senior pastors. Jim hung up the phone, standing several feet away. service, the head elder met me in the foyer. wiped the nervous sweat from his face, Now, you must understand that I was "We have two very important guests here and informed me that "the lemonade brought up with the philosophy that all today," he began. "You must take them incident" was not held against us after all. people are created equal. That meant rules home for dinner." That incident had taken place two apply equally to everybody. So I began my "Are you kidding?" I was stunned. "You weeks earlier, during the crowning glory speech: "Excuse me, sir, but you will need know I have been sick all week, and I don©t of our congregation the debt-free to finish your lemonade and cookies have anything prepared or even any dedication of our beautiful church. The before you leave the fellowship hall." groceries to fix, and my house is a weekend-long celebration included He did not slow down. disorganized mess. We will have to make important church officials from all levels "Sir," I continued, stepping closer and other arrangements." of the church. Even the division president wondering if he was hearing-impaired, "we "No other arrangements! You are the had promised to joined the celebration. are asking that everyone finish their snacks pastor©s wife. It©s your job." The head host was known for her before they enter the rest of the church." I knew it was futile to argue, so I got in meticulous organization. A church "Young lady, do you know who I am?" the car and drove home. Nothing there matriarch, her expectations for me as a he loudly questioned. had changed in the hour I was gone. young pastor©s wife were high. I was "Of course," I smiled. "That©s why you Surveying the meager rations in the simultaneously awed and scared to death want to set a good example." pantry, I realized the meal would be much of her. She performed every task perfectly, The matriarch turned beet red while less than I would want to serve to guests. with a professional ease that came Jim blanched. Rushing up, they began So I got out the best china, trying to naturally. I was determined that I would mumbling diplomatic explanations to the convince myself that the simple rations show her and the whole congregation that perpetrator while I was quickly relieved would look better on pretty dishes. I could live up to all that they expected. from guard duty. When Jim brought the men, they were They could count on me. So the conference president©s tele gracious. However, when we sat down at When the day arrived, things were phone call was a relief. Maybe that union the dinner table, it was evident that I had going well until the time for refreshments. official didn©t hold a grudge. Maybe he not planned this meal very well. What can The church matriarch stationed me at the did not report me to our conference you do with two packages of macaroni door of the fellowship hall with strict president. Maybe he did, but because our and cheese, a box of frozen peas, and hard instructions that I was to permit absolutely conference president was such a great guy, bread? I scraped the frost off some old ice no one to leave the room until they had he ignored it. cream so we were able to have a bit of finished their lemonade and cookies. She Humor and embarrassment seem to dessert. did not intend to have our beautiful edifice have followed me through 25 years of I was thoroughly embarrassed, not sticky with drink and crumbs. So I began ministry. Jim thinks I attract "incidents" knowing the worst was yet to come. Our my duties. Members and guests were like some dogs gather fleas. two little Yorkshire terriers, Kouchie and politely turned back as they attempted to Ajax, were thrilled we had guests. exit with their snacks. Things were going Dinner for two? Thankfully, their friendly antics diverted well until he started through the door. Just a few weeks later, while we were much of the attention from the food and I knew he was important. After all, he basking in the joy of our interim leader lack of housekeeping. was one of the featured guests for the ship, two more church officials (from the It didn©t take long to finish this meal, weekend and was seated at the VIP General Conference, no less) arrived so Jim invited all of us to sit in the living luncheon table. He made "life-and-death" unexpectedly just as Sabbath school was room, which was only about three steps decisions concerning pastoral careers. He beginning. from the table. I decided not to clear the was a respected and prestigious official in I had fought the flu all week and had dessert bowls, because the guests might

4 Ministry/September 1997 stories from pastoral families around the decide to help carry them into the ©going to the dogs.© " I could imagine world for a new book a collection of kitchen horror of horrors! colleagues spreading the story throughout parsonage humor. And we need your Trying to make polite conversation, the headquarters. Physical sickness gave entertaining tales. In this editorial I have we were unaware that Kouchie and Ajax way to mental anguish! shared with you a couple vignettes to were no longer with us. Then the Four years ago, when we were asked to which I am attaching my name. Not all of tinkling of china caused us all to look come to our present positions, my first my own escapades will be identified. You simultaneously at the table. The dogs question to Jim was "Are those two men can choose to have your name attached had somehow managed to jump from still working there? If so, we can©t go I or remain anonymous! Specify, please! floor to chairs to table and were now could never face them!" He assured me So send in your most embarrassing contentedly walking on the white linen they had long since retired. or humorous stories to Shepherdess tablecloth, methodically licking the last International, General Conference of of the ice cream. I was mortified. Share the spice in your ministry Seventh-day Adventists, 12501 Old Shooing them off the table, I began Now, why tell these tales from the Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland explaining that they had never before past? They are only the first of such 20904, U.S.A. If you use a computer, done anything like this... "events" that have spiced up 25 years of send the diskette along with a hard copy. The guests left abruptly, explaining ministry in which I have managed to If you use only a pen, by all means, send that they had suddenly remembered embarrass myself or those around me. us your handwritten experiences. other appointments. When we visit with other clergy The book will be published in 1998. "They will go back to the General families, I find that they too have As with the cookbook Seasoned With Conference and tell everybody about the experienced their share of memories that Love, all proceeds will go to help pastor©s wife whose dogs walk on and eat they would just as soon forget! pastors© spouses share the good news of on the table," I moaned. "They will talk Here at Shepherdess International we Jesus Christ and His soon return. about how these young ministers are are collecting humorous and embarrassing

What©s the 1 UlUUlOl or Most Thing That©s Happined to You?

Shepherdess International is compiling the funniest and most embarrassing things that have happened to clergy wives. We want your story in what promises to be a delightfully humorous compilation. Your name may be withheld in the publication if you wish.

Also, suggest. . a /title(s) for this collection of parsonage humor:- ;|f .it wins, you'll receive $100 (ministers' wives only).

Proceeds from this book will fund pastors' wives' projects to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Ministry/September 1997 5 ni \ j. j.

here you are, sitting in the speaker©s chair on the platform, with a stiffly self- _ . conscious elder on either side of you. You look like a nice person. We©re glad you©re here, and we hope you like us.

Maylan Schurch is I don©t want to add to your already-bur and tell us what your parents were like. Tell pastor of the dened shoulders, but I©ve got some things I us about your hobbies then and now. Shoreline and wish to say to you. You©ve already driven 75 I©m not saying make your entire sermon a Bellevue churches in miles to get here this morning, and as soon string of autobiographical adventures, but Washington. as your sermon is done you©ll shake a few right now you©re like one of those life-size hands and speed toward an early-afternoon cardboard celebrity photographs people stand service 50 miles farther down the road. beside to get their pictures taken. The quicker By the time this large, sprawling district you tell us who you are, the quicker the "card lets you spend enough time with us so we board you" will disappear. The more human really start knowing you, and before you get we think you are, the quicker we will tell you a call to greener pastures, here©s what I our stories, if you care to listen to them. would like to say to you while you©re still Assume we mean well. You don©t know fresh in the saddle. Grandma Growl yet, but trust me, you will. That©s her across the aisle, giving you a pen You©re a stranger to us etrating gaze. (Don©t call her Grandma It©s more important than you think. We©re Growl, of course, and if it slips out, don©t off the beaten track here. We don©t have a tell her where you heard the nickname.) lot of practice dealing with strangers. You©re Grandma Growl rules the organization probably the first new person through our she still insists on calling "Dorcas." Her doors in what? Six or seven months? So deep concern for the poor is lacerated regu you©ll find most of us cautiously polite while larly by the cynical knowledge that every we learn about you. You may feel like an third client is probably "working the sys outsider for a while, but bear with us. tem." All this internal pressure doesn©t al There are a couple ways you can help ways make her a pleasant person. Grandma move us more rapidly through this period. can©t stand change. She©s seen fads, includ Tell us about yourself. True stories. Tell ing earnest, whirlwind-change-stirring pas us where you grew up. Were you a farm kid tors, quickly come and go. She©s convinced or a city kid? Describe your childhood home that change often signals erosion of prin-


6 Ministry/September 1997 ciple, that first lurch down the slippery slope. Tell us why you love us. We©ve had pre Remember to cherish Mary Ann and the But if you©ll just listen to some of cious little positive feedback about our Jensens Grandma©s stories and deep concerns, and selves. Nobody ever sent a Mission Spotlight I mentioned Grandma Growl earlier. try to see things from her point of view, in a team out our way to talk about our explod Mary Ann and the Jensens also work hard couple years she©ll be your most loyal backer ing growth. Rather than encouraging us, it and care a lot but best of all, they©re happy and cry like a baby when you have to leave. seems as though the conference is always Christians. Because she cares, she cares fiercely and riding us about goals we never had a hand Mary Ann teaches our one adult class uncompromisingly. We all care, in our way. in setting. and spends as much time preparing for the Otherwise we wouldn©t be here any more. Give us a pat on the back once in a while. 17 who attend as she would if the class were And if you show us that you care too, you©ll One single, solitary personal note from you, 300 strong. She encourages class discussion find that as we watch you and how you care, written in your own handwriting (even and keeps us going with her humorous com the way you care will begin to rub off on us. though you claim it©s wretchedly unread ments and questions. able), will earn you a place in our hearts. A The Jensens are quieter, but just as We wonder why you©re here relaxed, lean-back-on-the-couch, non- friendly. They don©t toot their own horn, but I mean, get real. Nobody begs the confer fund-raising visit (call ahead first, please, so you will notice that somehow the church ence for this district. So (a) you©re very inex we can show you our best side) can charge budget is always met at the end of the perienced and we©re supposed to train you; our spiritual batteries for weeks. month. And you©ll probably never know (b) you©re entering the ministry after coming how many potlucks Mrs. Jensen has saved from another career, and we©re your launch We©re rather discouraged about our role with her three casseroles or how many kids© ing pad; (c) you©re within a few months of in the remnant boarding academy tuition they helped pay. retirement and this was the only place they Evangelists have conditioned us to be I©ve got a few suggestions for cherishing could find for you; or (d) forgive my frank lieve that Jesus© coming is right around the these saints of God. ness, but you©ve been a bad boy or girl some corner. If that©s true, we ought to be grab Lavish attention on them. Behind her where else and you©re starting over here. bing friends and relatives by the wrist and quirky smile, Mary Ann is struggling with One thing we are sure of: if you©re like our hauling them to church every week. But some of the same theological issues your previous pastors, the very instant you get a we©re not. We©re proud of our faith and professors guided you safely through back sniff at something better, you©re outta here, ashamed of it at the same time. Our last in the seminary. Once she thinks she can maybe to a two-church district, or maybe a evangelistic series, six years ago, brought in trust you, she©ll ask you about them, and she plum single-churcher. And of course, we don©t a beautiful young family that has now moved will gasp with relief as you explain the rea blame you you©ve got your career to think across the state, and a woman who©s now liv sons you still believe. about. But again, there are a couple things you ing in a halfway house for the developmen- And the self-sacrificing Jensens need to can do to help defuse our cynicism. tally disabled. People who©ve lived out here be earnestly and regularly thanked. Write Promise us a specific time period. If you a long time (normal people, anyway) don©t them notes every time you hear of some be can solemnly vow you©ll stay with us three change affiliations very quickly. nevolence they©ve bestowed. Spend time years or maybe four, this will give us a deep And you need to remember that church with them too. They, like Mary Ann and sense of encouragement. Time and again really isn©t a huge part of our lives. We©re Grandma Growl, are your disciples. we©ve come to the place where we©ve just not a large congregation with something Back our dreams. Don©t let us fool you. begun to see those humorous chunks of hu- happening every night. Basically, church for At first we©ll give you the impression that we manness in our pastor and have dared to let us is 9:30 to noon on Sabbaths, and for six want you to come up with all the programs. ourselves begin to love him or her when we or seven diehards, prayer meeting. Maybe a few of us even believe that. But what hear by the grapevine that the following Tell us true, recent, and as-local-as-pos- you need to do is get us all together for Sabbath is his or her last. sible stories about how the church at large mally for a visioning session or informally We©ve seen our church program just be is going forward. Be our grapevine for good after a church potluck and ask us what gin to gather momentum and enthusiasm things that are happening in the big church dreams we have for our community. only to be swept out of the way to make in the state capital. Tell us the latest news We will watch you cautiously for a while room for someone else with a different per about the thrilling radio ministry that sev to see if you©re serious or whether you©re just sonality and set of skills. eral physicians are sponsoring in the next going through the formality of asking us our Turn down a couple calls while you re here. state. Keep us posted on the evangelistic ex opinions before you launch your own care And let word of those refusals get out. That plosion among migrant workers. And please fully crafted plans in our direction. But if we will refresh us like watered flowers. You re don©t tell us these stories merely to "guilt" sense you really mean it, we©ll step forward fused a better offer because you like us! And us into getting our own program going. cautiously and offer our views. And then if I can promise you one thing the longer Even though such stories aren©t quite as you stay out of the way, we will catch fire, you stay here (assuming we©re both willing thrilling as if they were happening to us, they and you will not be able to extinguish us! to work on the relationship), the more you might just spark a flame of creativity in our So welcome, Pastor. Glad you©re here. I©ll will be loved and respected. own hearts someday. be praying!

Ministry/September 1997 7 MM CHURCHES, MAXIMUM CHAUINGES Tm he small church congregation has become the experimental laboratory and ,M proving ground for new, usually inexperienced interns. Pastoring one or more small churches often develops the gristle a new minister needs before moving on to bigger and broader fields of pastoral endeavor.

Hal Gates, L.L.D., is However, having enjoyed 14 years pastoring Outreach to the 15 or so inactive members pastor of the Oak in a number of small churches, I might aptly was nearly nil. Harbor/Friday be described as having a small church mind The little lost church suffered from a lack Harbor districts in set. Here are some of my reflections on the of identity and low congregational esteem. Oak Harbor, essentials of four small church situations in It was striving to survive a severe collective Washington. which I have pastored. depression. It was wounded, abused, rejected, suspicious, and grieving. Its condition was, The little lost church without question, critical, and life-threaten As a 44-year-old task force lay pastor, I ing. Barring a miracle, any positive survival was called to take over a small church in an prognosis for the church was doubtful. economically distressed logging and lum This church needed a purpose and es bering community. The congregation was tablishment of goals that were simple, at made up of survivors from a neighboring tainable, and measurable. Only with a lot small church, closed as a result of the dwin of JOY (Jesus, others, yourselves) mingled dling membership©s inability to meet church with love, affirmation, acceptance, and for obligations. The original membership had giveness could it hope to survive. been decimated by "church bashers" who, The first order of business was to apply from inside the church had succeeded in the principles of the serenity prayer: we completing the shattering that outside forces needed the courage to change the things we had started. could, accept the things we could not change, The church officers consisting of two and insight to know the difference. As a older deacons, one active woman elder, and church we prayed openly and honestly to six or eight other members were commit accept the fact that without divine interven ted to making the church survive. Half of tion, we were dead! We sought diligently to this membership commuted some 25 miles apply the principles of Philippians 4:4-8. to the church on narrow, crooked roads. The courage to change the things we

8 Ministry/September 1997 could started with our facility. We were at With high expectations and enthusiasm, can-American, Chinese, Tongan, and Span tempting to "look alive." After much yard this humble congregation also suffered with ish teachers and other leaders all working work, cosmetic and structural repair, and identity problems as it struggled to become together in one accord! disposal of years of accumulated stuff, we a church in the Seattle, Washington, mega Our outreach and evangelism programs had a fairly modern-looking facility. lopolis. My wife and I were the second pas included: public meetings; Revelation and Then came the work of "fixing the folks"! toral family to serve this new 2-year-old felt needs seminars; group Bible studies; My experience as an Air Force medic taught congregation, birthed by volunteers from Regeneration, a Christ-centered, 12-step me three principles of triage: (1) start with other surrounding churches who saw the support group network dealing with addic the least wounded, (2) get them up and go need for an Adventist church in this older, tive-compulsive family dysfunctions; the Go ing, and (3) make them ministers to the densely populated area of the city. Ye prison and street ministry; and the COSA more seriously injured. These brave saints came together and (Christ Overcoming Sexual Addiction), The healing that took place dovetailed started a church in the living room of the COPE (Christ Overcoming Problem Eat with the new identity the church took on as first pastor©s house. From this humble gen ing), and SOA (Survivors of Abuse) out- a congregation of "hugs and healing." All of esis came the growing need for a bigger reaches. this coincided with God©s divine interven We tried to touch people where they tion in response to our determined requests. hurt, ministering to their needs by becom With these changes came a foundation upon ing a place where they could deal with and which to build a strong small church. Soon find healing for their dysfunctions. We a visitor or two showed up on Sabbath. We strove to make our church a place of recov welcomed and loved them; accepted, af ML heheli little ery and regeneration, where brand-new firmed, and forgave them. We hugged them, T creatures in Christ could each become min helped them, and invited them to our weekly church suffered from a lack isters of reconciliation and ambassadors for healthful fellowship dinner. Our Sabbaths God (see 2 Cor. 5:17-21). became celebrations of God©s Lordship and of identity and low Our membership grew, became stable, leadership through Christ Jesus. congregational esteem. It was and achieved church status. A term lease was We held a small but enthusiastic Christ- finally secured, and later a building was pur centered evangelistic series, as much for the striving to survive a severe chased. We had come together in the begin congregation as for the community. We saw ning with Jesus Christ at the center of our that we could do "all things through Christ collective depression.... life together. We stayed together, made who strengthens [us]!" (Phil. 4:13, NKJV). progress, worked beside one another, and Soon we had two baptisms in the re This church needed a purpose achieved a measure of success that the Lord stored baptistry, which had, through lack of had blessed! use, become a storage area. It was a joy to and establishment of goals I believe that in all of this it is important repeat this more times in two years than in to make sure that we as leaders are process the previous two decades. Our spirits soared that were simple, attainable, ing our issues and not falling into some of on the wings of an eagle. We were restored and measurable. the control, codependent, chaotic traps that and transfused with the blood of Jesus our are often so much a part of any recovery Lord! We were becoming a functional mem ministry. If these personal issues are not dealt ber church in the family of God! with, we may end up a "dependent" pastor We did all we could to hold high before church home. A rented church facility pro leading a "codependent" congregation. us the fact that it was the restorative, regen vided a place for a dynamic series of meet erating power of God, through Jesus Christ, ings, conducted by a visiting evangelist. As a The small church seeking to adapt who had brought about these changes, and result of this and other activities, many came After four years of exciting city ministry not our own efforts. We thanked God hum into the new congregation, including the in Seattle, another call came to another small bly for all He had done. He had "supplied pastor from whom the church had been church several miles and a ferry ride across all [our] needs according to riches in glory rented. However, as a result, the church we Puget Sound, in a quaint and quiet fishing by Christ Jesus" (verse 19, NKJV). were renting canceled the lease, leaving our town with a Norwegian heritage. The church After two years I was called into full-time growing congregation homeless. Attempts to had been established many years before by internship and hesitantly left the little lost rent other facilities brought an array of prob seriously committed, salt-of-the-earth, church, which had found its way. lems as we searched for a permanent home. fiercely independent Seventh-day Adventists. Our congregation was like a beautiful The church found itself beset by culture The superachiever small church crown adorned with an array of diverse jew shock, reeling in its nonacceptance of the Our next small church had altogether els. A Caucasian pastor; an Egyptian head reality that "change happens." A growing different challenges. It was the new babe on elder married to a Lebanese head deacon boat industry, tourism, the U.S. Navy sub the big city block. ess; a Samoan elder. Then there were Afri marine base, commuters, and shopping

Ministry/September 1997 9 centers created a demographic revolution to us for outreach, growth, evangelism, sup to time assuming actual pastoral duties. in the area. port groups, community service even the The Oak Harbor congregation gladly The congregation needed to ask, "How church school had the potential of devel shares its pastor once a month with Friday do we respond to the expansive changes oping into an outreach program. Harbor. The time, distance, and geographic brought about by growth and development With elders in charge of "visit teams" and and demographic conditions make this two- all around us?" But fear of an unknown fu lay pastors in training, our vision became church district nearly impossible for one ture and fear of change was paralyzing them. our mission. We claimed the promise that pastor to conduct any kind of consistent Again, the lesson to learn was to accept the with the faith of a grain of mustard seed we ministry in both churches. things that cannot be changed and have the could move the mountains of doubt, fear, The Friday Harbor church provides wor courage and creativity to change what can frustration, and resistance to change. God ship services and nurture to four primary be changed! built mountains of hope, one fulfilled prom islands, each with sparsely populated rural Visioning became a foundational con ise at a time. John said: "There is no fear in areas, plus 20 tiny, mostly summer-popu cept. To paraphrase a well-known biblical love; but perfect love casts out fear" (1 John lated islands. Given these constraints, the text: "Where vision is lacking, the churches 4:18, NKJV). only possible solution has been to find a fail" (see Prov. 29:18). We saw the mere pos One important aspect of small church qualified layperson who, as a task force pas sibility of embracing a viable vision as some ministry is the discipleship of lay and assis tor, can carry out the day-to-day ministe thing to get excited about. It was inspiring tant pastors. A retired Marine officer came to rial and pastoral services of the church. simply to think of the possibilities opened help with the work in the church and became Chris, baptized in Friday Harbor, under a literature evangelist. As my head elder he stood the island temperament. He had was ready, willing, and able to take on the task worked in youth evangelism with me in Rus of pastoring the church when I was called to sia and had spent two years in the Washing my next district. He has since become a full- ton Conference. As the task force pastor, time intern pastor of two small churches. Chris has been instrumental in establishing lay training in all the islands. He has now The mother church and the mascot stepped into the role of full-time intern pas Nearly three years ago I was overjoyed tor in Friday Harbor. at a call that came to me to pastor a two- In less than three years, all church growth church district that stretched 105 miles, with statistics have doubled, proving again that 45 islands in the upper northwest corner of the discipling of lay pastors in small church the state of Washington. What a homecom- training grounds is a win-win plan. ing! Seventeen years before, my wife and I had been baptized together in the Friday The bottom line Harbor church, now the second church in I believe God calls us to minister to folks this district. The challenges to minister and in out-of-the-way places, to teach them to meet the needs in this most unique and pris be the ministers of reconciliation. As pastors tine place are, to say the least, awesome. we are to disciple, enable, and empower our Oak Harbor, the first church, is on people to do ministry. When specially called Whidbey Island. Fifty-five miles long and less persons come along, we need to train, assist, than two miles wide, Whidbey is accessible and allow them to take on the work to the by ferry at the south and west, and by bridge degree they are led, and are willing to be led. to the north. The Oak Harbor church, located Our ministry needs to be from a Jesus- in the northern part of Whidbey Island, is filled heart spilling over into every life we also the home of the naval air station and meet. Being Acts I:8-type people, we need to the sea plane base. The church congregation empower others wherever we are sent to serve. has a foundation of island pioneers, retirees, There is a desperate need among us and our civilian support persons, and an ever-chang people to know God. Introducing people to ing body of military personnel. God in a small-church setting is often easier, :1.1M"« f ',1 •iTWi'^f'S't't^' i -©fHrJi©f »* f- •••' Severe weather conditions in winter and friendlier, and more fulfilling than it is in 'fit I I." *• 'i Hit f , " I t :!. • % "iV'U f I,' * 'I the presence of many tourists during the larger, more stress-filled church situations. At ©f * v tmmiiMinMmmtm^iy/lll * summer tend to impede the three forms of Increasingly I find this prayer rising in travel available: road, water, and air. Thus a me: "Just give me a little church or two, with ready and willing laity is a necessity, not only a few disciples, 0 Lord. Open the door for us to brave these elements, but to be and give us the strength of Your Holy Spirit minutepersons in the services of the church, to be ambassadors for You. In the name and filling in wherever needed, and from time power of Jesus Christ. Amen."

10 Ministry/September 1997 How GROUP DYNAMICS IMPACT YOUR MINISTRY astors who have served congregations of different sizes know that "little" Pchurches are different from "big" churches. If they took a course in "group dynamics" years ago, it is likely that the textbook focused only on the relational processes typical of small groups.

sislHI Monte Sahlin is More recently, however, researchers have tion. A structure of programs and sub assistant to the identified "congregational dynamics" as a groups under a team of leaders working in president of the systems view of life in a local church. It partnership with the pastor is the central North American works from the assumption that a signifi dynamic for this pattern. Division of Seventh- cant portion of what happens in a congre Where the average attendance is more day Adventists for gation is influenced by patterns related to than 300, the group is called a "corporation- research and the size of the group.1 style" church. These are complex institutions. development. The most significant indicator in the life The largest actually contain several congre of a congregation is the average attendance gations, each more like one of the other pat at worship services. This is a count of people terns present in smaller congregations. present, regardless of age or membership status.2 Where this number is 50 or less, the Single-cell congregations group is called a "single-cell" congregation. About 20 percent of all congregations in The group dynamics are much like those of the United States and 59 percent of Seventh- an expanded small group or an extended day Adventist congregations in North family. America have fewer than 100 members. Many Churches with an average attendance of studies indicate consistently that average 51 to 150 are called a "pastor-centered" con worship attendance is equal to about one half gregation. The role of the pastor becomes the membership of a congregation, so almost central in this type of congregation. all of these are "single-cell" churches3 Attendance of 151 to 300 qualifies the Leadership in this type of congregation is group as a "program-centered" congrega informal and rests in the hands of two or three

Ministry/September 1997 11 "patriarchs" or "matriarchs." These individu now the members depend on the pastor to Unlike most Protestant denominations in als have influence largely because of their long keep them connected. North America, the Seventh-day Adventist tenure in the group. They exercise leadership Church growth in a church of this type Church has most of its pastors who serve this even when they do not hold any elected of is directly related to the work of the pastor. type of congregation assigned to two- or fice and even when they do not wish to. The congregation expects the pastor to win three-church districts.The classic literature The pastor is usually not the leader of a new members and guide their assimilation and the baseline studies presuppose a full- single-cell congregation, especially when his into the group. When the pastor introduces time pastor in a pastor-centered congrega or her tenure is only two or three years and a new member and asks the members to tion, while almost all Adventist pastors in he or she has one or more other congrega accept the person into fellowship, most in this category are half-time or less per church. tions to serve. What the members of single- the group will readily do so. cell churches want is someone to preach and Leadership is invested in the pastor. In Large churches provide quality pastoral care, not leadership fluential members expect him or her to About a third of the congregations of all for change or growth. communicate with them, but they also look faiths in the U.S. have 300 or more mem Entry by newcomers into a single-cell con to the pastor to chair the decision-making bers; 21 percent have 500 or more members. gregation is difficult The group is comfort Only 13 percent of Seventh-day Adventist able with those whom they©ve known for churches in North America have more than some time and not motivated to assimilate 300 members, although these 600 congre new members. This is one of the reasons small gations contain the majority of the total congregations usually do not grow except membership. during the first few years of their existence. uccessful Most of these congregations likely fall into Successful soul winning in small churches 5 either the program-centered pattern or that requires the involvement of one or more of soul winning in small churches of the corporation-style church. A significant the patriarchs or matriarchs. An influential requires the involvement number of churches with 300 to 400 mem person must adopt the new member into the bers continue to hold on to the pastor-cen fellowship in order for the group really to of one or more of the patriarchs tered dynamic. This can be noted where there accept the new person and make a success of are 300 or more members and yet average the relationship. The same is true for mem or matriarchs. An influential worship attendance stays at 150 or below. bership transfers. If the pastor-centered pattern is the The highest value in these small churches person must adopt the new model for the literature on pastoral minis is survival. Members have found over the try, then the program-centered pattern is the years that one survival tactic is to not take member into the fellowship in underlying assumption upon which most the clergy seriously. They have come to ex denominational polices and materials are pect a high turnover rate among pastors. order for the group really to based. For example, the Seventh-day accept the new person and make Adventist Church Manual calls for the Pastor-centered congregation church board to be made up of the depart The largest portion (42 percent) of con a success of the relationship. mental leaders in the congregation. This is gregations of all faiths in the U.S. have 100 typical of the program-centered pattern, but to 299 members. This range accounts for 28 can be dysfunctional in other dynamics. percent of Adventist congregations in North In a program-centered church, leader America. Again assuming that for almost all meetings of the church and provide a sense ship is invested in a team, not one, two, or of these churches the average worship atten of direction. They expect their pastor to pro three individuals. Formal processes of elect dance is about half the membership, these vide leadership in the "big" projects of the ing leaders and making decisions are impor would fall into the pastor-centered pattern. church painting the children©s rooms, the tant. The congregation sponsors a number In these churches the role of the pastor annual fund-raising program, or an evan of activities or groups a choir, a Pathfinder is central, and he or she is expected to relate gelistic seminar. In order to get members Club, a witnessing program, seminars of personally to every individual. The primary involved in various church tasks, the pastor various kinds, etc. expectation is that the pastor will serve as must delegate. Strong lay leadership for the variety of primary caretaker, nurturing the fabric of Expectations are high in pastor-centered specialized ministries is the key element in relationships that make up the congregation. congregations and they can be hard on the a program-centered church. The role of the A pastor who does not visit the mem pastor©s spouse and children. As church pastor is no longer primarily "front-line" bers and does not announce to the congre growth moves toward an average attendance delivery of pastoral care, but planning and gation each week who is in the hospital, who of 150, it often slows to a halt simply be program development, recruitment and is having a baby, who is moving away, etc., cause the pastor becomes exhausted and training of volunteers, coordination, and is in trouble. This size of church has grown incapable of keeping up with all of the ex consensus building. too large to function like a small group, and pectations. Church growth comes indirectly from a

12 Ministry/September 1997 well-honed strategy that involves the work What does it all mean? of many individuals. Public evangelism is Most pastors will never serve in a pro important, and equally important is a care gram-centered or corporation-style congre ful, intentional program of individual fol gation. Most will, however, spend the early low-up and new member assimilation. part of their career trying to apply their pro Many successful pastors of program-centered fessional education to single-cell churches congregations are using computer software that seem to defy the textbooks. that allows them to track potential and cur The exceptions are important. African- Toronto rent members, groups, and activities. American congregations, at least in the When a church moves toward the cor Adventist Church, tend to be larger than 2000 poration-style pattern, additional pastoral Anglo congregations, although they rarely staffing is added. Typically a program-cen have multiple pastors on staff. And there is tered congregation has one pastor even no evidence that the research reported here You Could though it has other staff members office applies to other congregations Hispanic, manager, youth worker, personal evangelism Asian, etc. Be a Speaker worker, family counselor, social worker, or Many pastors will experience greater at the World Ministers Council parish nurse. These staff members are usu professional fulfillment if they recognize the ally not clergy. When another clergyperson kind of congregational dynamics that de f you©re interested in presenting comes into the congregation, things become fine the context of their ministry. More can at the World Ministers Council, more complicated. be achieved by guiding the boat through the I Associate pastors inevitably have a "con currents than rowing upstream. tell us about a "can©t-miss" seminar gregation" of their own, no matter how Some will undoubtedly object that group you would like to share new much they are committed to supporting the dynamics should not determine the mission material and fresh insights on a senior pastor. This is normal, and the most of the church. I agree! Mission is about subject that will inspire, instruct, productive pastoral staffs simply use this where the boat is headed, not how we get to encourage, and inform the life and dynamic for church growth. our destination. work of your colleagues in ministry. The fast-growing megachurches actually This approach is consistent with Paul, consist of a number of small congregations the great missionary pastor, who first an Write a proposal including the within the church. Associate pastors are as nounced: "Though I am free and belong to following information: signed to specific congregations and held no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, Your name and position accountable for their growth. to win as many as possible. To the Jews I Subject of seminar Large churches are important to the mis became like a Jew, to win the Jews. ... To Title of seminar sion of the church today because of mount the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I Languages in which you can teach ing evidence that the baby boom generation have become all things to all men so that by (now 32 to 51 years of age) and the baby all possible means I might save some" (1 Cor. How the seminar will benefit bust generation (now 22 to 31 years of age) 9:19-22, NIV). pastors or pastoral families prefer the high quality of worship and wide Six things you will teach in this menu of programs that large churches can 1 Arlin J. Rothauge©s seminal work in this seminar area, Sizing Up a Congregation (1984), is avail provide. For example, Adventist boomers able from the Episcopal Church Center in New Six "do-able" things participants typically want to be in a church near a day York City. Lyle E. Schaller has produced a series will learn academy. of books and articles along the same line, and Your handout on computer disk Don©t be confused by the fact that these other studies have been published by the Alban When and where you have pre same generational segments prefer a high Institute in Washington, D.C. Studies by the North American Division Office of Information viously taught this seminar degree of personalization, such as small and Research and the Center for Creative Min Four pastor/administrator refer group ministries and informal dress at wor istry also show that the same dynamics can be ences who have heard you pre ship. In fact, large churches have the resources observed in Seventh-day Adventist congrega sent this seminar tions as well. necessary to provide personalization. A video/cassette copy (if Church growth in large churches is re 2 Data on percentage of Adventist churches by size is from the North American Division recorded) lated to meeting the needs of younger adults Office of Information and Research Report 1, (under 50) and providing a wide range of Demographic ProfHe of the Adventist Community Send to: James A. Cress choices for those who participate. This in in North America. Data on percentage of cludes opportunities for significant public churches of all faiths by size can be found in From General Conference Ministerial service in collaboration with Christian chari Belief to Commitment: The Community Service Association Toronto 2000 Activities and Finances of Religious Congregations 12501 Old Columbia Pike table organizations such as the Adventist in the United States (Washington, D.C.: Indepen Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). dent Sector, 1993). Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600

Ministry/September 1997 13 r T j. j

hen I was a boy growing up on the North Dakota prairie, I©d look in every encyclopedia and geography book I could find for a mention of my state.

Loren Seibold is I hoped that someone in the bigger, busier As I read through professional journals pastor of the Seventh- world where things really happened sensed or study new church programs that have day Adventist the significant things about us: how we filled tumbled down from somewhere far above me church in Palo Alto, our days, the richness of our lives, the tex in the church hierarchy, it is evident that even California. ture of our relationships, the satisfaction we though most churches are small,1 programs felt in our achievements. As I paged through are designed for the fewer that are large. The those volumes I©d see, under the headings journals are rich with resources to help the of other states and countries, pictures of tall, youth minister run a jet-hot youth program. snowcapped mountains (in North Dakota But most churches don©t have a youth pas you can see for miles from the most insig tor or even a skillful, trustworthy, highly nificant knoll); tall city skylines (the tallest motivated layperson with enough time on his building in my world was a grain elevator); or her hands to fashion an active program. and oceans (on our farm a cattail-crowded There are informative articles on how to set pond was a significant body of water). up committees for music and worship, and When I finally found the section on how to divide your church into small groups. North Dakota, I was always disappointed. But many congregations are no more than a The article was invariably short and in small group. The articles on innovative lead cluded pictures of wheat fields, cows, and a ership are fine, as long as you don©t forget grain elevator, all of which I could see by that the real leadership often lies with patri looking out of my classroom window. archs and matriarchs of the congregation It seemed like every other state had some who are kind enough to allow the pastor to attraction that merited attention: Disney- think he or she is running things. Leadership, land, Mount Rushmore, Old Faithful, the in that case, often has more to do with love Empire State Building, the Golden Gate and personal attention than with organiza Bridge. North Dakota had cows and wheat. tional flowcharts. It©s the breadbasket of the nation, but so what? Wheat and cows don©t make interest Disappearance ing reading. All the interesting things were "It is ironic," notes Carl S. Dudley, "that happening someplace else, where there were the ubiquitous majority of churches (the small more people and more resources than we congregations) needed to be ©rediscovered© by could lay claim to. the minority (the larger congregations)."2 This is how many members of small Large Protestant congregations are a relatively churches feel: they wonder if anyone out recent phenomenon in North America. Even there knows that the heart of God©s church though there had always been a few large "first is still beating in the thousands of little con churches" in downtown areas, by the turn of gregations across this country and around the century the size of the average congrega the world. tion was only 150 members. The model of a

14 Ministry/September 1997 successful church was a congregation served A special ministry small churches have to hold to. That©s espe by one full-time "generalist" pastor. "Small churches," according to Dudley, cially true in small towns and rural areas, But the startling growth of some congre "are usually portrayed as miniature versions where not just church membership but even gations in the rapidly swelling suburbs after of the larger congregations," when in fact the population of the community is dropping. World War II led to a new model of what a they are psychologically and socially quite The world all around them is changing; but congregation should strive to be: a top-man different.3 Dudley was among the first to the church is at least one place that will stay aged organization, with abundant financial note that small churches are so unlike large relatively the same. In the church, members resources, led not by a generalist, but by a churches that they require an approach to can conserve their values and beliefs, their team of specialists. Such congregations are ministry quite different from the corporate relationships and friendships, and their sense modeled unashamedly on the corporate one. Rather than giving small churches a of what is right about their world. The present world and are run by standards of "organi condescending pat on the head and a few seeks reference in a sacred past that seems, at zational efficiency." From the denomina hints and tips, Dudley paints them as the least in the soft-touch photos of collective tional headquarters on down, it has become memory, more glorious and successful. It is accepted without question that good no accident that small churches pass both churches are big churches, and that the kind n their strengths and their social pathologies of clergy positions these big churches pro along from generation to generation, even vide are the standard of professional success. though the entire group is replaced. As a result, small churches have nearly dis . . he startling Small churches conserve not just tradi appeared from the serious planning agenda tional ways, but traditional relationships. of most denominational offices other than growth of some congregations Where large churches are composed of as a thorny problem of finding people and many overlapping social groups, small resources to serve them. High-profile mod in the rapidly swelling suburbs churches are often just one social group in els of what a small inner city church should after World War II led to a which everyone knows everyone else the be are few, and models of what would consti good and the bad about them. New people tute success in a village or rural church are new model of what a may have a difficult time being assimilated. virtually nonexistent. Most programming for Someone who has been in the church for ministries targets the larger suburban church, congregation should strive to 10 years is still a "newcomer." That goes for and for good reason: small churches are less new pastors, too. likely to possess the people, the means, or the be: a top-managed Leadership is also a matter of tradition. I will to respond to the kinds of programs de organization. ... As a result, once served in a country church in which one nominational planners generate. family had for generations supplied the Similarly, even though small church small churches have nearly church elders, another had always supplied ministry is strikingly different than large the Sabbath School teachers, and a third had church ministry, there are few denomina disappeared from the serious supplied the treasurers. My first attempt to tions that recognize a track for small church mix things up a bit crashed in flames in specialists. If small churches are merely planning agenda of most nominating committee. failed big churches, small church pastors are denominational offices. Small churches are sometimes infuriat- thought of (and sometimes think of them ingly tenacious.They survive long after it selves) as those who aren©t skillful enough would have been efficient for them to close or to have been promoted to a larger venue. merge greatly complicating the task of dis But most ministry doesn©t happen in living skeleton of . In a world trict pastors and denominational managers. churches of thousands, with choirs and pipe of social change and mobility, he says, they Conventional church growth wisdom organs, multiple pastors, full-time secretar provide strengths that are sadly lacking in prescribes a flexible organization, respon ies, vast parking lots, and packed sanctuar many of the more "successful" churches: sta sive to new ideas coming from professional ies. Most of it happens in the thousands of bility and continuity of relationships. leadership, serving a flexible and open so small parishes across the country, where It is that stability that most often bedev cial group. Though this approach has been dedicated pastors are marrying and burying, ils the ambitious pastor. "They won©t let me a source of success in some congregations, trying to find someone to lead the teens or change anything!" a pastor once complained it undervalues small churches. organize the potluck or sing special music. to me. This pastor was the sixth this church Small churches, while stubbornly con Never exploding with growth but far from had had in 10 years. Each one had flown into serving the traditions of the past, also con dying, either. Never particularly efficient, town with the intention of changing every serve such valuable qualities as traditional and often organized more like a family than thing and each one had become frustrated theology and traditional attitudes. Where a corporation, small congregations dominate at not being able to overturn 100 years of Christian love and caring have been the foun Protestant Christianity in number, if not in tradition in six months. dation of the church, those qualities, too, are collective attendance and prestige. Tradition is sometimes the only thing conserved from generation to generation.

Ministry/September 1997 15 The strength of the small church is in hu rents of Christian love run strong and deep. Far from growing, the church has lost man relationships, Dudley explains. "If we Dedication to the Lord©s work is second to people decade by decade, just as the commu define the church by the business Bs of reli none. Children continue to learn about nity where it is located: some have grown old, gious institutions budgets, buildings, and Jesus, discouraged people find strength for some have moved away, some have met un bodies the small church comes out on the another week, thinkers find challenging dis timely deaths, and nearly all the young people short end. But the small church appears cussions, lonely people get a hug or a solid have gone elsewhere to seek their fortunes. I much stronger when measured by human handshake, and friends clasp hands. In many can think of very few baptisms into that con relationships. If the church is defined by the small churches you©ll find surprisingly ex gregation other than the church©s own chil number of people who know and care about cellent preaching and music, thoughtful dren or an occasional person marrying into one another by name, then the small church Sabbath or Sunday school discussions, spiri one of the church©s families. By all the most has already grown."4 Often folks spend gen tual lives of remarkable richness, and people frequently mentioned standards, that church erations finding ways to absorb even rather passionately active in outreach ministries. has been a failure and should close. eccentric characters into the fabric of the But an evaluation based on growth alone church family. While it is true that they don©t cheats the church of the credit it deserves. accept newcomers quickly, Dudley asserts n Looking back several generations, I can that, given time, small churches do some count at least two-score children who grew thing even more significant: they adopt them up in that little church who went on to live into the family. Relationships, once formed, . . here is much lives of Christian service: church school are for a lifetime. "In the small church," teachers, ministers, denominational presi Dudley explains, "everyone has a place."5 that is lovely about small dents and treasurers, literature evangelists, New pastors are JJQ exception; they too Christian book center managers, college must earn their place in the social fabric. church life.... Children professors, physicians and nurses, directors Given enough time (which seldom happens), continue to learn about Jesus, of church hospitals and nursing homes, and a pastor can become a trusted part of a small overseas missionaries. Even among those church family rather than a transient and discouraged people find who didn©t serve the church professionally, meddlesome outsider. All of this takes a spe an extraordinary proportion are still faith cial sensitivity that can never be taught in strength for another week, ful believers and raising their families as organizational efficiency training. faithful believers. The best small church pastor I ever met thinkers find challenging In short, the effect of that little congre served a Methodist congregation in the ru discussions, lonely people get a gation on God©s work has been phenomenal! ral Midwest. I rarely saw him exhibit either There are emissaries from the Cleveland, organization or efficiency, but he never hug or a solid handshake, and North Dakota, Seventh-day Adventist lacked warmth and enthusiasm. He opened Church across this continent and around doors by being friendly and a good listener. friends clasp hands. the world. That little church has been a suc All the town businesspeople knew him; so did cess! I often wonder how that congregation, the residents of the nursing home. If he©d and thousands like it, would react if the nothing else to do, he©d wander up and down Yet as they compare themselves to what comparisons with large church programs Main Street meeting people or visiting in the they see as the ideal church the growing, that make them feel inferior were replaced cafe. He attended every Kiwanis Club meet energetic suburban congregation many with affirmations of their own successes. ing, and was almost always at the sidelines in small churches live under a cloud of failure. Now I am far from the prairies. The the team colors, rooting for the high school Recently I read an article written by a de church I pastor in California is small too, basketball team. He became fully and deeply nominational executive recommending that but instead of looking out on wheat fields a part of the community and betrayed no small churches that haven©t grown in a de and cows, it fronts on some of the most ex ambition to be anywhere else. In his congre cade be closed. They©re not showing signs pensive real estate in the country. Instead gation he knew who the traditional leaders of success, he opined, and are wasting per of farmers, I preach to Stanford students and were, and he was sensitive to their authority. sonnel and other resources. Silicon Valley engineers. He waited years before cautiously suggesting I thought of the little family church in The dynamics here do, in fact, differ changes to them. By that time, they loved and which I grew up in the barely-there hamlet from those of the rural churches I once trusted him, and would have followed him of Cleveland, North Dakota. I recall the folks served; education and resources and a sur anywhere. He was the first true small church in my church often feeling somewhat left be rounding city do make a difference. Yet even expert I ever met, and he was an inspiration.6 hind by the rest of the world. New church here we treasure the rich qualities of small members were being added by the hundreds church life: the network of relationships, the Failure and excellence in California and in Africa and in Argen respect for tradition, the desire to build trust There is much that is lovely about small tina but not among the farmers of with one another, the preference for a per church life. In many small churches the cur Stutsman County. sonal rather than a programmed ministry.

16 Ministry/September 1997 The most important thing I©ve learned fewer than 200 members. Source: From Belief to reluctant end to the practice of his specialty: af is that we©re not at our best when we try to Commitment: The Community Service Activities ter six years of building an excellent reputation play big church instead of being what we can and Finances of Religious Congregations in the in his community, he was judged by his bishop United States, 1993 Ed., (Washington, D.C.: Inde to be a pastor who must, whether he liked it or be: an excellent, intelligent, thoughtful, and pendent Sector, 1993). However, it is social struc not, be promoted to a large suburban church! active little congregation. I think of my 200- ture, not book membership, that defines the small 7 From time to time I read of denomination member church as a specialized ministry to church; while a big church is a collection of many ally sponsored retreats for pastors of large our community. We©re not Macy©s; we©re a small social cells, a small church operates as a churches. They face special needs, it©s argued, and small, classy boutique. We©re not Safeway; single social cell. need particular encouragement. It occurs to me 2 Carl S. Dudley, Making the Small Church that lone pastors of small churches, particularly we©re a little gourmet deli. We know we can©t Effective (Nashville: Abingdon, 1978), p. 22. those in rural areas, probably need the camara do it all, and so we focus on trying to do what 3 Ibid., p. 22. derie and support more than any other clergy in we can do best. 4 Ibid., p. 47. the Christian church, and could most benefit ''Ibid. I am convinced that this specialized min from an encouraging program focusing on their 6 istry has a niche. There are enough people Ironically, it was his success that brought a unique needs. who choose small churches in preference to larger churches with more people and pro grams just down the road, that it would be a mistake to insist that every church reach for megachurch status. We can do much to attend more thought fully to the needs of smaller congregations. More programs won©t do it, but more sensi tivity and appreciation might. Pastors of With this Baby Dedication Kit by Kay Kuzma, you small churches, especially those in rural ar can use your computer to create personalized baby eas, often feel lonely, discouraged, and frus dedication services in a short time. trated in their attempts to put into practice what their seminary professors, professional Memorable Baby Dedications journals, and denominational leaders suggest This sourcebook contains 24 sample baby dedication they ought to be doing.7 These clergy and the services and hundreds of ideas for making the event members they serve need frequent and sin special for the family. Free accompanying disk cere assurance that they are part of God©s includes all three books in the series. Can be used in church, accepted by grace for their best ef Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. Paperback. US$29.99, forts and celebrated for their successes, even Cdn$43.49. if they never grow numerically. Most impor tant, we can begin to regard ministry to small churches as a specialty, not a failure. In Praise of Children A delightful treasury of poems and quotes Until the day when God pours out on CHILDREN earth an unprecedented measure of the Holy about children. Ideal for reading at Christian Spirit, there will be small congregations that baby dedications, Sabbath school and church programs honoring Mother©s Day and Father©s grow little, if at all. The good news (and Day, and other family-oriented celebrations. there is, indeed, much of the paradox of Hardcover. US$19.99, Cdn$28.99. grace in it) is that we©re still here, in thou sands of small congregations, quietly min Preparing for Your Baby©s Dedication istering Christ©s love to the communities we This guide for parents includes dozens of ideas for touch, and God is still at work among us. creating memorable baby dedications, summaries of Whether you read about us in the journals different service types to choose from, and advice for or not, there is a gentle richness in our small helping parents prepare personally for raising children church lives, a loving texture to our relation for God. Paperback. US$9.99, Cdn$14.49. ships, a thoughtful fullness to our days and an excellence to our efforts. Not all of God©s churches are growing in These Review and Herald products are available at your membership. Some are simply growing in local Adventist Book Center. Call 1-800-765-6955. grace. Prices and availability subject to change. Add GST in Canada. Visit us at 1 63 percent of churches in America have less than 300 members on their books; 47 percent have

Ministry/September 1997 17 OUR CHURCH HAS RISEN TO A NEW LIFE! Tm hrough the years millions have marveled at the lifelike appearance of the ML man who founded the Soviet Union. But the secret to the fine preservation of Lenin©s body is a team of artists who monitor the decomposition of the corpse and replace missing or decomposed pieces with wax!

Daniel B. Martella In the end only 40 percent of the serenely re noted the language barriers in reaching the is pastor of the posing body is actually Lenin, while the re growing Hispanic community. One woman Prove, Utah, maining 60 percent is nothing more than wax. wiped away tears as she remembered how Seventh-day How like my small churchl I thought to the church body had been wounded by an Adventist Church. myself. Caught in the vortex of a death spi gry dissident church snipers. ral, our church had become decaying flesh As we talked we began to see that these and wax an Ichabodlike shadow of its things community demographics, mem former glory. Sabbath mornings bore the bership transfers, and angry departures by chill of death, as a faithful few sat with fro dissidents were factors over which we had zen faces and vacant stares for what felt like little or no control. They were beyond our an extended funeral. ability to change and therefore beyond the realm of our responsibility. Only after re Assessing the church leasing ourselves from artificial guilt were Our journey out of the dead church cem we free to focus our energies on things we etery began one evening when I found the had the power to change. courage to ask our church board some hard We turned an important corner when questions: How in the world did we get this Bill suggested that our church©s future must way? What is it that has pushed us to the be linked to our shared identity. "Who are brink of congregational extinction? Like a we as a church?" he wanted to know. "What dam breaking loose, a torrent of pent-up things are important to us? What are the as frustrations rushed forth. sets of our church? What changes do we Fran reminded us of the families who had need to make in order to embrace our op moved to Boise to find work in the growing portunities for the future?" software industries. Another cited the famil Answers fell into place slowly in the iar litany of our limited success in influenc months to come, like pieces of a puzzle, and ing our strong Mormon community. Carlos with each piece God©s vision for our future


18 Ministry/September 1997 came into sharper focus. Together we de disgrace a church. A few things done well On my way home from the elders© meet fined our objectives and strategic plans for would serve us better in renewing a positive ing it occurred to me that my role in refining the church©s future. United in our mission, church image. our essentials was to provide excellence in we were on our way to becoming a dynamic When we got back to our church that af preaching. I pulled over to the side of the road little church with big dreams. ternoon Irene announced, "The first thing and on the back of an envelope wrote down we©re going to do is give this place a facelift." my credo for an effective pulpit ministry: An outward focus We agreed that the peeling paint, frayed car Christ-centered grace, biblical integrity, The next step in our growth caught me peting, and weeds reflected the run-down Spirit-driven passion, practical relevance, by surprise one afternoon when I happened spirit of our church. With a little paint from and a commitment to Adventist basics. These to meet Ralph puffing on a health club the hardware store, some inexpensive, lightly are the principles that are now helping me Stairmaster. "What are you doing here?" I used secondhand carpeting, and a few vol connect with our congregation in a way that asked my friend. "Paying the price for my unteer work bees, the church was given a edifies believers and evangelizes seekers. holiday indulgences," he answered, smiling. whole new look without costing us a fortune. Scaling back the scope of ministry in our "Like the church, I©ve been eating too much As weeks passed, church members could be church and committing ourselves to excel and exercising too little." His words hit home. heard to say, "We don©t have to be embar lence in the essentials has been a vital element The church paradigm by which we operated rassed to bring our friends here any more." of our church©s comeback. While we will never was rich in nurture but lacking in outreach. replicate the high-octane worship services Ralph took his ambitious resolve from and ministries found in large churches, a the health club to the church. In his Sab warm glow of satisfaction settles over our bath school class and hallway conversations congregation when we know that we have he began to inspire the saints with a new ne evening done our best to honor God in the basics. passion for soul winning. "There is little to 0 attract new Adventist families to our com at an elders' meeting, one elder Pastoral credibility munity," he would tell them, "so we need to Church life on the fast track had taken focus on growing new converts." nudged another and said, its toll on my pastoral personality, so I was With Ralph©s encouragement, we left the looking forward to a reality check at our church "fat farm" and committed ourselves "Let's update the worship annual ministerial conference. The keynote to an ambitious outreach endeavor that service. With a growing speaker hit a home run for me when he said, would culminate with evangelistic meetings. "The ability of our churches to reach their Our new plan for congregational health number of members and guests God-given potential will be in direct propor worked magic. Church board meetings be tion to the spiritual integrity of our pastors. came focused on outreach instead of on coming to church, we simply Building a bond of credibility with your con mundane maintenance matters. We planned gregation is one of the most basic require a parenting seminar that brought a steady must make this time count." ments of successful pastoral ministry. If your stream of fresh faces to our church. Our people can©t count on you, you©ve lost it." members became experts in hallway evan During the break I wandered off by my gelism. Church growth through friendship Commitment to excellence self to consider the implications of what I became the heartbeat of our congregation. Seeing the church building newly refur had heard. Pastoral credibility begins with me, One morning I drove a group of our bished inspired us with other possibilities. I mused. It rises out of the kind of person I Community Services leaders to the regional One evening at an elders© meeting, one elder am. My vital connection with God. The qual federation meeting in a nearby city. We nudged another and said, "Let©s update the ity of relationship shared with my family. The couldn©t help noticing a number of beauti worship service. With a growing number of consistency of my convictions as a person and ful megachurches along the way. "Sometimes members and guests coming to church, we pastor. My capacity to love people genuinely. I wish we could have a church like that," simply must make this time count." Pulling During the second session we broke into Karen mused, "with a full slate of ministries an old bulletin out of his Bible, Ralph pointed discussion groups. "What does it take to es and heart-stopping worship services." The out the advantages of updating the design tablish pastoral credibility in the church?" our others agreed. "On the other hand," Irene with some new fonts and a bit of computer facilitator asked. A colleague next to me sug interjected, "trying to imitate these tall- clip art. Susan added, "Our congregational gested that people become comfortable with steepled ministries is a surefire recipe for singing could be given new wings with a their pastor when he or she is a real person mediocrity and burnout for a small church. combination of classic hymns and contem who shows honesty, sincerity, and a true con I think that it is better for small churches to porary choruses." Another elder suggested we cern for each member of the church. Another concentrate on doing a few things well." begin a garden of prayer. Wrapping it all up, in the circle reminded us that ministry is more As we moved through the intersection, Carlos advised us to tie each worship service than keeping church machinery going; it is lov my mind slipped into a reflective gear. Irene together with a theme that both believers and ing people radically and being there for them. was right. A multitude of muddled ministries seekers could follow easily. "Before we break for lunch," our facili-

Ministry/September 1997 19 tator said, "let©s make a list of practical how- to©s for building pastoral credibility." One young woman said, "You©ve got to be with the people. You©ve got to move slowly through the crowds at church and get on your knees to talk with the kids." A silver- haired pastor remarked, "You©ve got to per form your basic pastoral roles in a competent way. Keep your promises. Live within your budget. Meet your deadlines." Another added, "Be there when it counts: when there©s a death in the family, when the kids graduate from high school, when they©re in the hospital. You©ve got to love them through times of tragedy and tri umph." Rounding off the discussion, a grin ning seminarian stood to remind us that a positive attitude always makes a difference. In the months following this "mountain- top" retreat, the challenge to show personal integrity has continued to hold my feet to the fire and my heart close to the people God has given me to love. A bond of credibility is slowly building that will hold us together as we move toward God©s glorious horizon.

Celebrate success The renewal of our church culminated at the end of the year with a praise and thanksgiving celebration. The glow of new life shone in the eyes of members old and young as they crowded into the church to rejoice in God©s goodness. After a time of exuberant singing and heartfelt prayer, members began sharing their perspectives on our journey through the year. "When so many moved away," Karen reflected, "I felt abandoned and defeated. Now I am beginning to see that those folks are a gift from our church. They are disciples we have helped develop and have given to other congregations across the country." Ralph jumped to his feet to recount the joy of seeing seven new members join the body through baptism. "This is not the same church I joined 12 years ago," an elated Fran beamed. "We are truly a family now." As fellowship melted into worship and we lifted our praise to God for effecting a resurrection and new life in our congrega tion, we knew that a new day had dawned for this small church. Though the journey has been slow and sometimes painful, Spirit- inspired principles have sparked a resur gence of hope, vision, and morale.

20 Ministry/September 1997 PASTORAL PRESSURE POINTS

m JuU W1 UU i

y life was like a storybook. The beginning was mistake prone and painful. .Youthful curiosity, willful ignorance, and poor choices contributed to placing me on the fast track from childhood to the adult life.

/. B. Lazarus is a pseudonym. Dissatisfied and unfulfilled, I needed what my contribution to this world was. I something to give me purpose. It was then was making an impact. I was making a that the story changed, and it was scripted difference. I was seeing firsthand lives better than I could have dreamed or changed and many people becoming planned. enthusiastic about Jesus. Life was good, or It began the summer of 1979 when I so I thought. For with every special gave my heart to Christ. I had a new assignment or project, evangelistic Master, and He was in control. The most meeting, revival, or Week of Prayer, I was powerful part of this new life was a deep building a wall that grew taller and taller. yearning to tell others about what I had This wall symbolized my successes and found. This was my calling. I was to be a accomplishments. On this wall I stood tall. minister of the good news. What had Yet on this wall there was barely room for touched and changed me was now to be me, let alone family, friends, or even the shared so that it would the same for One I claimed to love most, Jesus. others. There was nothing that concerned Nevertheless, I felt that life was good and me more. It didn©t take long for my all was well. unique abilities and talents in ministry to The story of my life was playing out far be recognized. As a result, I was chosen to better now than years before. There was no fulfill some rather special ministry call for alarm. I was destined for a happy assignments. ending. Little did I realize that the higher With the passing of months and years I the wall became, the more distant I would saw what the Spirit of God was doing become from those I claimed to love. through me. It was exciting. I had found This distancing began with Christ. I

Ministry/September 1997 21 PASTORAL PRESS found myself studying only to deliver a not supporting her, I became more aloof extend myself to them was ignored or powerful message or to have the correct from our relationship. treated coldly. and most informative answer for the The wall even affected my family. I was They had adjusted. They had learned many people who depended on me for too busy to stop work to visit parents and to negotiate their lives without me, or so it their spiritual growth. I had lost sight of siblings, attend family reunions, bond seemed at the time. With this loss of my own need to grow and fellowship with with nieces, nephews, cousins, and close balance, Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall. the Saviour. The higher my wall became, friends. I was too high to come down from I began to gulp down the appreciation the farther I seemed to be from Christ. my wall, and there was no room up there of others in large quantities. Their The distancing continued with my on top for all of these. attention was used to fill the void in my wife. I found myself neglecting her for the It was at this point that my balance own life. My needs were being met by sake of ministry. I assumed she©d under became disrupted. Having separated those I served. The need to communicate stand my calling and take her rightful myself from all those who truly loved me, and relate, to belong and fit in, to feel place to the rear of the work I held so I was "successful" but lonely. I was riding special, were no longer supplied by my dear. I rationalized that if I was the best at the crest of pastoral excellence, but all by God or my family, but by those I worked what I did professionally, she would be myself. I wanted desperately to reach out with and for. I no longer listened for proud to stand at the foot of my wall in to my wife, my family, my God, yet I encouragement from my wife, but only support of what I was called to do. Yet by didn©t know how. It seemed any attempt to from those whom I felt understood me, my work, and my now misguided purpose. The more I paid attention to others, the less I paid attention to my wife. The more I talked with others, the less I talked to my wife. MNBtffii The more I left my wife on the outside &SEXUM.JT* of what I was thinking, feeling, and desiring, the more I needed others on the inside. I was reeling like a drunkard on the for Church Professionals top of my self-built wall. Knowing what I needed and where those needs could be supplied, I, like a drug seeker in need of a fix, passed the God-ordained sources that A pond of experts explore had been graciously given me in my wife, 1 Causes of sexual problems in ministry, family, and Saviour to be satisfied by those What to do when an attachment occurs, I worked for. Appropriate professional behavior, Then carne a massive jolt. News that When does an employer become legally liable for indiscretion r my mother had died floored me. A hurt When, according to law, does pstoraJ rare become irresponsible How common are sexual problems in clergy marriages? like no other penetrated every part of my When does touching become harassment? being. But I had to be strong. Others Must child sexual abuse he reported? would need me. I must get the family Including dramatised -DtgMttes that portray through. My shoulders would be the compromising situations. cushion that the family could rest on and draw strength from. I would dry tears, hold hands, and be there. I would stand USI75.00 on my wall, for this is what the family Order (SOUS %2-M-M needed. Yet, I was missing the greatest foraBtkw (S17) MI-3643 need, my own. Once the ordeal was past for everyone else, it was only beginning for me. Who would I talk to? Upon whose shoulder would I lean? Who would help to dry my tear-stained eyes or hold my trembling hands? The answer would change my life forever. A month after my mother©s death, during a concert I promoted, the choir sang an old Negro spiritual, "Sometimes I

22 Ministry/September 1997 PASTORAL PRESSURE POINTS

Feel Like a Motherless Child." As I listened, grief overwhelmed me. Retreat ing to a private place, I thought to spend a few minutes alone to collect myself. But I was joined by a woman whom I had helped through a difficult time several years earlier. Now she was there ^.l-fill^ ; • for me. It began with an embrace and ended with a kiss. But that was just the first night. Humpty-Dumpty was not reeling any longer. He was falling. I couldn©t remember how long it had been since I felt loved and desired. I was feeling that way now. I lost all sense of right and wrong. The passion I had robbed from myself through the years by ignoring my wife was being shared with another. "What am I doing?" Crash! Humpty- Dumpty had a great fall. How did I arrive here? A place called unfaithful, dishonest, deceitful, adulter ous. Yes, the man of purpose, called of God, had fallen. I knew this problem had to be corrected. The affair had to stop and never happen again. It must be kept quiet. Maybe after a period of time it would be as if it had never happened. But this was not just a fall, it was a great fall! It did not happen on that one night, but over a period of years. It was induced by an inflated yet false sense of how important I and my work were. It was perpetuated by neglect of the wife God gave me, by ignoring the family He placed me in. It piece under some part of my life that I tion. Because it takes time, let the healing was fostered by feeding and nurturing thought was unaffected by my failure. begin now. Allow Jesus to gather the everyone but myself. While it was Bewildering and frustrating. How can this broken pieces and put you together again. something I caused, it was not something be corrected? The truth is, it may never all This is more important than anything any I could fix. It could not be repaired by be fully corrected. When a trusted cleric of us could do. It could mean our very friends, family, or another man of God. falls, for whatever reason, life is never salvation. When we wander, God knows "All the king©s horses and all the king©s altogether the same again. both where we are and how to get us back. men couldn©t put Humpty together again." But Jesus can fix it! He is the Master While sexual sin takes us out of God©s This fall caused a shattering that, try as Potter who specializes in mending what©s will, it does not take us out of His reach. I might, I could do very little about. The been broken. His love for the erring is The hand of God is not too short that it broken pieces began to cut me up from never failing. It is undying and relentless. cannot save. "As Moses lifted up the the inside and then started further damage He wants to heal us. We must recognize serpent in the wilderness..." (John 3:14). in other parts of my life. It splintered my today that often a moral failure is more Just as the Israelites in the desert took that home, injuring my wife and children. than a sexual act. It©s an ego, an attitude in which hurt them and lifted it up to God Without mercy it took the career I loved which one thinks more highly of oneself and were healed, so in Christ we can take and was so effective at. It confused my than one ought. It©s the neglect of the our mistakes and sins, lift them to God in friends, colleagues, and those I had served. people who truly matter in life your prayer and faith, and trust Him to heal us. Broken pieces are still turning up years spouse, children, parents, siblings, close I am discovering with each new day more after the fall. Occasionally someone steps true friends, and most of all, your Saviour. of the power of God to restore and repair on a broken piece of my mistake and is The deterioration of these relationships what©s been messed up because of sexual hurt as a result. I too discover a broken happens over time. So does the restora sins. You can too!

Ministry/September 1997 23 Don: That©s the beauty of this resource. Dynamic New Computer You can have high-quality pictures that are easy to use and easy to modify. You can preach the sermons just as they are, or you Resource for Pastors can rearrange the sequence, add your own material and illustrations, or modify the charts and texts for a different version of Ministerial Association secretary James tion. For example, we need to communi Scripture, etc. You can even translate the A. Cress recently sat down with his former cate to the young and even the middle- material into any language. You are in boss and mentor, Don Gray, to discuss how aged by the means with which they are control. The program allows you to new technological advances can improve familiar. Slides to illustrate your sermons rearrange the pictures and video clips in our presentation of the gospel. may have been great in the seventies and any order to suit your preferences. Jim: Don, when I began public eighties, but state-of-the-art technology is Jim: That sounds encouraging. But my evangelism as a young pastor, state-of- used, expected, and understood today. next obvious question is: What new the-art technology meant two projectors Jim: I wish such technology were computer hardware must I purchase to with a dissolve unit. I suspect things have readily available to a technologically use such a resource? changed. challenged pastor like me. Don: Yes. Cutting-edge technology Don: Pastors like you are the reason everywhere is focusing on the future. North American Division Graphics was What worked and was accepted in the created. Our task is to make it possible for seventies, or even in the eighties, is totally busy pastors to use the computer to out of date today. We are just three years illustrate graphically what he or she wants away from the new millennium. No other to communicate. Any pastor with basic generation has ever witnessed the computer skills can now have photo unbelievable developments in communi graphs, texts, and charts that will rival the cations that we are experiencing. Comput appearance of a 35mm slide. ers and the CD-ROM, along with satellite Jim: I use a computer for word downlinks and the Internet, have all processing, electronic mail, and prepara enhanced our ability to communicate. tion of simple graphics. How do I move Today you can let everyone everywhere into this new type of computer usage? simultaneously share the same informa Don: We have chosen the CD-ROM as tion. For example, the recently completed the medium for making this material Discoveries in Prophecy series was available to the busy pastor. The CD has transmitted to five continents. the capacity for all the pictures, video Don: All personal computers sold today clips, graphics, charts, and sermon texts are capable of running software for slide for the entire NET ©96 series. presentations, and many of these can also Jim: Video clips? Are you telling me I play video clips. If a pastor has an older could illustrate a sermon not just with computer, it is quite possible that it, too, photographs and charts, but with action can do a good job of playing the presenta videos? tions. In general, if your computer is a 486 Don: Computers are now capable of or faster with a CD-ROM, has at least playing video clips with the quality of a Windows 3.1 and a minimum 16 MB VCR, yet with personal control of starting, memory (32 MB recommended), all you stopping, and sequencing. In our new CD would need is a video adapter and you resource we have included all the action would be able to use it for giving presenta clips as well as the slides from NET ©96. tions. Of course, you will need to connect We have even included these clips in two to a video projector or large-screen TV. different CD formats one for higher Jim: That©s all I need? I think my Jim: So do satellite broadcasts mean quality and a second for broader compat laptop meets those parameters. there is no longer need for a pastor to ibility. Don: You might want a few extra personally proclaim the gospel message in Jim: I hear you talk about all the slides, options, such as a remote mouse so that his own community? videos, and sermon scripts from the you can control the slide show without Don: No. But today©s savvy pastor must satellite series. But what if I don©t want having to be near your keyboard, some sort use tools that speak to audiences in ways just to preach someone else©s sermons? I of backup device, such as a tape drive, and they are accustomed to receiving informa want a product that is uniquely mine. a removable cartridge hard drive. A full

24 Ministry/September 1997 instructional manual comes with two CDs. The manual is thoroughly illustrated to walk you step-by-step through the process of using the materials. It is specifically written for those new to computers and computer graphics. Also, a program for viewing the slides is included on the disk so you need not purchase any other software. Jim: What about wider use than just public evangelistic meetings. How else can I use this resource to enhance my presentations? Don: A pastor in Las Vegas uses this material to illustrate his weekly sermons. He says his church services have come alive as he modifies the photos and text to illustrate what he wishes to communicate. He can also create his own pictures, using a scanner, and add these to his bank of available illustrations. I believe that this tool will give many pastors confidence to hold their own evangelistic meetings with up-to-date technology. Jim: Don, I know you well enough to realize that this is just the beginning. What do you envision for the future of this resource? Don: When you buy the original program, you will receive a discount on future programs, such as those planned by Kenneth Cox, Dwight Nelson (NET ©98), and Lonnie Melashenko©s upcoming series to go along with the Discover Bible Lessons. Eventually we intend to produce a library of all the pictures we have from all of these programs on a single high- capacity DVD disc. Then you will be able Vol. 2 Net ©96 Kit - $249.95 ($50 off $299.95 reg. price) to arrange 10,000 to 15,000 pictures in any (plus $10.00 S & H) order you choose. This extensive collec Upgrade from Vol. 1 Net ©95 Kit $149.95 tion will provide an excellent resource (plus $10.00 S & H; must own registered copy of Vol. 1) from which to draw for creating new lectures, illustrating video series, etc. Super Special! Ultimately, any pastor can fully Buy both Vol. 1 Net ©95 & Vol. 2 ©96 Kits $350.°° illustrate any sermon and project quality representations for the congregation. (plus $15.00 S & H; must be purchased together) Using this new technology, we can more easily attract people to the old, old story , ;. i ,. _ ..,, , ., of Jesus and His love. James A. Cress is the secretary for the eminars Unlimited Ministerial Supply and Continuing Education Ministerial Association at the General © ; Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Don Gray has served as a pastor, church administrator, and ministerial secretary. Throughout his career, however, his first love has always been training and equipping pastors and laity for ministry.

Ministry/September 1997 25 THE Music OF GREAT PREACHING m^or17 58 years I have been a more-than-casual observer of preaching. As a A career minister of music, it has been my privilege to sing for, sit behind, say amen to, and analyze the style of scores of evangelists, pastors, teachers, lecturers, and preachers of all kinds and styles.

Wayne Hooper was For 35 of those years it was my good for came to hear old-fashioned Bible preaching. the director of music tune to work with and be inspired by one of Second, I believe that the style of his for the King's the greatest H.M.S. Richards, Sr. From the great preaching had much in common with Heralds for the day he graduated from Campion Academy many of the elements of great music. These Voice of Prophecy. in 1914 until the late 1930s in California, he concepts have been developed over many He is now retired held one evangelistic campaign after an years of exposure to great preaching. H.M.S. and lives in other. In tents and tabernacles he preached Richards, Sr., is a prime example. California. the Word seven nights a week, almost always to capacity crowds. Melody Shortly after I joined the King©s Heralds This is the succession of notes that most Quartet in 1944 for Pastor Richards© people remember about a piece of music. radiobroadcast, The Voice of Prophecy, we The words "The hills are alive with the held a five-week campaign in the newly sound of music" call instantly to mind the completed Sligo Adventist Church in captivating melody of that song. Ellen White Takoma Park, Maryland. Big crowds came advised: "Ministers should speak in a man every night. And through the years I heard ner to reach and impress the people. The him preach hundreds of sermons at camp teachings of Christ were impressive and sol meetings, Weeks of Prayer, and youth con emn; His voice was melodious. And should gresses, in churches and public halls, out not we, as well as Christ, study to have doors, in prisons, and at General Conference melody in our voices."1 "His voice was as sessions. How the people came when his musk to those who had listened to the mo name was announced as speaker. Often notonous tones of the rabbis."2 there was standing room only. Richards had melody in his voice as he Why did so many people come to hear preached. I have tape-recorded a sermon he this man speak? First and foremost, he was gave at the Illinois camp meeting, June 12, God©s man, and he knew God©s Book. They 1971, on John 14 and the second coming of


26 Ministry/September 1997 Christ. As best I could, I have transferred Besides a rhythm of single words, there quences as highly original, resourceful, and the pitches of his voice and the approximate is also a rhythm of phrases. Richards loved varied, three qualities that explain the success duration of each syllable to a music staff. the great hymns and often quoted from of his music and which might also make our You may get an idea of how he sounded as them for powerful effect. Still today I can sermons more successful. you sight-read the melody and the rhythm hear him inserting these John Bowring lines of the note values. Notice how he reaches a into a sermon: Modulation high note climax on the words "His shout!" "In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering Modulation is shifting to another key and "They shall hear His voice!" o'er the wrecks of time; somewhere in the piece. Changing to an All the. light of sacred story Gathers round other key in music is very refreshing, espe cially after we have been in the original key The Bi -ble teach - es the rap-ti its head sublime!'

3 Galatians 6:14 was one of his favorite for a while. texts: "God forbid that I should glory, save In many of my arrangements for the 2 When Je-sus comes, he comes with it sbou in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." King©s Heralds, I used this device to main Rhythm, rightly used, is a powerful force tain interest and to give each voice the op in music and in speech. portunity to carry the melody. Because of 3 wakes the dead! They shajl hear his voiee You know when he was the natural range of your voice, it is easy to This is just a sample of the melody in his Dynamics get stuck in a monotonous range or key of preaching voice. In this example he used an There are six levels of soft and loud used four or five pitches. Most of us have at least octave and a third in range, and many differ in ordinary music: pp, p, mp, mf, /, and ff. an octave (eight notes of the diatonic scale) ent note values. And notice the rests. You may Some pieces even use ppp and ff for very that we can use easily. find it helpful to do a similar analysis on one soft and very loud. How many of these dy If you think about it, you can modulate of your recorded sermons. See if there is a namic levels do you make use of? Sadly, most to a higher key if a segment of your sermon kind of pleasing melody, or if you have too of us are willing to glide lazily along on mf suggests it. You remember our example of the many stay-on-one-note-too-long phrases. (mezzo [medium] forte [loud]), putting ev H.M.S. Richards "melody" was an octave plus eryone to sleep in the process. I heard a good three notes. He sang bass in a college quar Form preacher recently make a special point by tet. Normally such a low voice would peak Most great music compositions have a whispering an entire sentence. Everyone around middle C or the D above it. One night form that is recognizable: introduction, leaned forward to make sure and catch ev while preaching to a large camp meeting theme A, development, theme B, develop ery word. A good symphony usually has one crowd, I "clocked" him using my pitch pipe ment, recapitulation of theme A, coda, fi or two loud passages in each movement, sav (softly) as emphasizing a climactic point on nale. This, of course, is just one of many ing them for the important moment or the G above middle C. That would be a fairly musical forms. The form of a sermon can musical phrase. The preacher who shouts high note for a tenor! Yet he did it easily, sup take many shapes, but it should be well or too much seems to be saying, "Everything is porting the tone from his abdominal and dia- ganized. Listeners are happy when it is ob important, and nothing is important." Continued on page 29 vious the speaker has a plan for getting from Changes in the dynamics are essential. And here to there. We love to recognize progress. remember, as you speak more softly you A presentation that rambles aimlessly will must increase the intensity so you can still never keep the congregation awake. be understood. At all levels of dynamics, a suitable projection must be maintained. Recycle your old . Rhythm Send them back into battle This has been defined as the systematic Sequences Upcoming evangelistic grouping of notes with regard to their du By sequences I mean the repetition of a meetings in ration. We are well acquainted with the definite group of notes or chords in different Africa march and other regular rhythms. Most of positions on the scale. Martin Luther King, urgently our speech rhythms are irregular and flow Jr.©s famous "I Have a Dream" speech contains need along with the natural accents of the words a good example of sequence. The repetition used Bibles. and phrases. Once in a while, for effect it of this phrase at the same or slightly differ might be good to use a regular pattern of ent pitch followed by a variety of answering note values. Here is a favorite sentence phrases made a dramatic moment the whole Box, label, and ship via surface to: Richards used: world remembers. The mind is easily led from point to point and eagerly awaits the diver (USED BOOKS—NO COMMERCIAL VALUE)\ sity of each answering phrase. The composer George Wheeler, Treasurer | Seventh-day Adventist Church friends! I want to tell you. Edward Elgar (one of my favorites) was criti East African Union You see, I was able to assign regular note cized by some for using this device to excess. Milimani Road—P.O Box 42276 I Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa J values, pitches, and bar lines. But other critics complimented his use of se

Ministry/September 1997 27 r ore than resources on which I can rely to help wait for church structures to catch up with 70 men accomplish our objectives of ministering the need. You can begin an effective men©s Mifrom the to men and encouraging them to more ministry in your congregation right now. church I last pastored effective ministry themselves." He also Terry Etter, director of an interdenomi recently spent an describes a men©s advisory that has been national men©s ministry, recently published entire weekend in a established to help foster this ministry. eight ways to start a great men©s group for stadium filled with What is the role of men©s ministry? For your church. He says: other Christian several years Phil has led men©s retreats for 1. Men must be personally invited. males. Their purpose in attending this the members of his own congregation. Men will not readily respond to bulletin convocation was to seek deeper personal More recently these activities have included announcements or flyers. Instead, leaders spirituality, to affirm faithfulness to their a conferencewide invitation for other men should invest their energy in developing a marriages, and to enhance their personal to join in seeking more effective utilization system of personal invitations, ideally spiritual leadership. of opportunities to witness, to minister, coming from a friend. These great rallies, sponsored by and to reach other men for Christ. 2. Utilize shared leadership. Men©s Promise Keepers, one of several organiza Another encouraging development has groups often fail because they are initiated tions that help local churches in the quest been the increasing genre of Christian and led by one man rather than a team. to make disciples of men, often attract up literature addressed to men©s spiritual One man might have enough motivation to 50,000 attendees. Their activities, which and drive to organize a single event, but include passionate calls to break down usually not enough to sustain ongoing barriers of racism and denominational Now is the activities. bigotry, have stirred fear in the hearts of 3. Have an outreach mind-set. Avoid some casual observers, who wonder if timefor the temptation to become inward and abuses to religious freedom might follow in exclusive. Consistently and intentionally the name of all churches uniting. However, invite new and unchurched men to those men who actually have participated men©s participate. in these events, which regularly fill large 4. Meet for a specific, limited period of sports stadiums to capacity, report a much ministries time. Most men are reluctant to make greater emphasis on revival and personal long-term, open-ended commitments. spirituality than any political agenda. Offer a short-term experience with the Has the time come for a church- option to renew or opt out. Try seven one- sponsored ministry focused on men? I journey. Several such books have impacted hour meetings, take a break, and begin a believe so. For nearly a decade the my own life. Two creative Adventist new short-term cycle. Department of Women©s Ministries has authors, Ray Dabrowski and Dick 5. Meet in a comfortable, nonthreaten- demonstrated effectiveness in mobilizing Duerksen, have produced a book of ing place. A home, workplace, or restau laywomen for energetic service by devotionals specifically geared to male rant is preferable to your church if you are focusing on gender-specific issues. issues. This book, 600 Minutes With God, attempting to reach unchurched men or to I am not alone in a growing conviction and a companion cassette tape, 60 Minutes develop cross-denominational fellowship. that Christian men should focus on male- With God, present real-life experiences of 6. Don©t assign homework. Most men specific issues that affect our lives, and Christian men struggling for spiritual would rather skip the meeting than show thus present a Spirit-controlled witness to relevance. Captivating chapter titles such up embarrassed because they failed to the power of the gospel as we go about as "Full-Throttle Christianity," "Kiss Her complete a study assignment. our daily lives in our jobs, our homes, and Hand and Go for It," or "Battling the 7. Allow men to discover Bible truths our neighborhoods. Demons" make this is a highly readable for themselves. Don©t lecture. The key For example, the Washington Confer and inspiring resource that dares men to responsibility of the leader is to facilitate ence, at the impetus of President David embrace Christ passionately and to discussion by asking open-ended questions Weigley, recently appointed a pastoral become the spiritual leaders they are that invite answers. Encourage discovery couple, Phil and Jan White, to be director designed to be. (Note ordering informa rather than setting yourself up as the of men©s and women©s ministries, respec tion in the resource section on page 30.) expert. tively. Of his new assignment, Phil says, "In While I strongly advocate that church 8. Don©t ask men to do something for this role I©m not really doing anything new. leaders follow the example of the Washing which they are unprepared. Avoid calling It has officially expanded to the whole ton Conference and officially appoint a on men randomly to read scriptures or to conference, and I now have better men©s ministry leader, you don©t have to pray. Many men are unable to read well or

28 Ministry/September 1997 are embarrassed to pray in public. Either ask for volunteers or recruit participants ahead of time. Heaven©s Lifestyle Today The future of a men©s movement lies in whether the enthusiasm of stadium events Your Health in the Context of Revelation 14 can be transferred to thousands of small groups fostering continued spiritual In Heaven's Lifestyle Today William growth among men. Dysinger, M.D., M.P.H., instills you with a Try this for your own church and let me know what works. We will continue to new awe and respect for God©s incredible explore this issue as you share with us creation, the human body. With the gift of your own experiences and journeys in life God gave us, can we do, less than men©s ministry. ; glorify Him :wfth the vitality a healthy / The music of great . lifestyle gives "our service jo Him? TlliS; .book i*ill;;}ilspire yqurtg-give yotlr.©.Best to continued from p. 27

phragm muscles. I don©t recall his ever be coming hoarse from abusing his voice.

Repetition fax;||68Q-6502 If a musical phrase is beautiful, we en joy hearing it again later in the piece. It con tributes to the unity of the song and makes was a master at keeping us on the hook dur hearing him. His voice and style of presen it memorable. If you work hard in prepara ing transitions. tation were musical in all of these ways. tion and find a fresh creative way to say something, it should be worth repeating. It Coda Improvisation is doubtful if we remember much from a This section brings the piece to the con This word applies to a soloist who, near discourse that goes on from one idea to an clusion. Often it reuses themes from earlier the end would improvise a cadenza that was other and another without any repetition to in the music and may enlarge upon them to several measures of music not written down seal it in the memory. make the conclusion effective and brilliant. in the score. Richards was an avid reader and Once while traveling with Richards in a Beethoven sometimes made the coda the a keen observer of life all around him. So car, we were listening to a dynamic radio most creative and interesting part of the even if we had heard a certain sermon be preacher. He used the phrase "God wants a movement. He even introduced new musi fore, it would be different each time. Dif man! A man who ..." followed by a descrip cal ideas here. About sermon construction ferent and fresh because of the way he would tion of that man©s qualities. Then again, there is an old saying, "Tell ©em what you are work in something that he had read that day, "God wants a man! A man who ..." He re going to tell ©em, tell ©em, then tell ©em what or some new insight he had gained from his peated this phrase about six times. We all you told ©em." That last phrase is the coda. study of the Bible. enjoyed hearing his style. Can you think of Ellen White sums it up well in these words: an idea or gem of truth in one of your re Finale "The human voice is a precious gift of God; cent sermons that you helped your congre Similar to the coda, the finale applies more it is a power for good, and the Lord wants gation remember by using repetition? specifically to the last few measures. In your His servants to preserve its pathos and sermon it may be a big dramatic climax, or it melody. The voice should be cultivated so as Transition may be a quiet appeal to the heart. Which to promote its musical quality, that it may fall This is a passage that connects two sec ever it is, when you are done, quit! We all sag pleasantly upon the ear and impress the tions of a composition. Even though these a bit when a preacher goes on and on, pass heart."4______musical notes are less important, they still ing several great stopping places. "Let your 1 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church must carry enough interest to hold our at discourses be short... .You may gain the repu (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., tention. How often have we seen a preacher tation of being an interesting speaker."3 1948), vol. 2, p. 617. bring a section to a rousing, mountain peak I©m sure there are other elements we 2 , The Desire ofAges (Mountain View, climax only to lose the moment completely Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1940), p. 253. could cite to show the correlation of great 3 , Evangelism (Washington, D.C.: Re by fumbling around in the next valley for music to great preaching. In all those years view and Herald Pub. Assn., 1970), p. 177. words to start the next idea rolling. Richards with H.M.S. Richards, we never tired of 4 Ibid., p. 667.

Ministry/September 1997 29 BOOKS irrepressible influence to the development undone, likes, dislikes, families, and of Sabbatarian theology and practice. He friends are all part of the mix. The reader The Seventh-Day Men: also affirms that the "English seventh-day quickly becomes involved as part of the Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism movement was more a spontaneous caregiving team and not a passive observer in England and Wales, 1600-1800, response to the recovered authority of the of what©s happening to someone else. by Bryan W. Ball. Clarendon Press, Oxford Bible than a historically or geographically Therein lies the uniqueness of the book. University, Oxford, England, 1994,402 conditioned phenomenon" (p. 46). Thus I highly recommend the book to pages. the revival of Sabbathkeeping in Britain parsons, persons, and parishes. It will serve The book is a result of 10 years of bears little evidence of a nationally as a ready-to-use study. Each chapter is research tracing the existence, activities, and organized movement, which accounts followed by a reflective interpretation to chief persons of the widespread partly for the gradual decline and eventual promote discussion and encourage further Sabbathkeeping movement in Britain disappearance of most Sabbathkeeping reading from the bibliography provided. during the seventeenth and eighteenth congregations in England by the early Rev. Cn. Gordon S. Price, rector emeritus, centuries. Ball carefully documents from nineteenth century. Christ church, Dayton, Ohio. that era the existence of more than 100 Ball validates his findings from Sabbathkeeping groups, mostly and primary sources, avoids speculation about Just Say the Seventh Day Baptists, but also Calvinists, any of his data, and aims rigorously at Word: Writing for Congregationals, Huguenots, Independents, objectivity. The book is written in a the Ear, byG. , and Quakers. Some of these relaxed, nonpedantic style all too rare in Robert Jacks. William Sabbatarians even observed biblical health scholarly literature. It will command the B. Eerdmans Pub. laws, an indication that their recovery of respect of all readers who are interested in Co., Grand Rapids, long-forgotten Bible truths was extensive. this remarkable but almost forgotten 1996,195 pages, Ball cites the literature of such great portion of church history. Brian Jones, paperback. Sabbatarians as Traske, Brabourne, and pastor, Lewisburg Seventh-day Adventist G. Robert Jacks, associate professor of the Stennetts. These writers were suffi Church, West Virginia. speech communication in ministry at ciently influential to have provoked a Princeton Theological Seminary, has done flurry of anti-Sabbath books and tracts All Kinds of Love: Experiencing all preachers a great favor with his manual during the 1650s and 1670s from such Hospice, by Carolyn Jaffe and Carol on preaching so people can hear. eminent divines as Baxter, Owen, and Ehrlich. Baywood Pub., Amityville, N.Y., The book is part textbook, part Bunyan. But defenders of the Sabbath 346 pages. workbook, and always entertaining. It proved irrefutably the perpetuity of God©s All Kinds of Love, a book about "good seeks to help preachers write sermon law as integral to the new covenant. Some dying," gently narrates the personal manuscripts (whether they read them in Sabbatarian authors gave pointed experiences of the dying, their families, the pulpit or not!) that will help them exposition to Daniel©s prophecy (Dan. 7) friends, and caregivers, as they interface speak in ways that people listen. Included that foretells and anathematizes Rome©s with their unique gifts and needs through are instructions about the proper use of attempted change of God©s law in the miracle of hospice. questions, ordering the sequence of ideas, substituting Sunday for the true Sabbath. The authors are well qualified for the getting rid of excess words, developing Ball asserts that the Protestant resolve job Carolyn Jaffe is cofounder of style, doing rewrites, and using and telling to free the church from all Romanist Hospice of Metro Denver, and Carol stories (these alone are worth the price of influences and heresies gave strong, Ehrlich, Ph.D., is chair emeritus of audio the book!). The book provides many and speech pathology at Children©s usable examples of sermons, stories, and Hospital, Denver. They present nine conversations. Andy McRae, associate stories of people with faces, feelings, fears, pastor, Sligo Seventh-day Adventist fantasies, choices, and decisions. Church, Takoma Park, Maryland. Written in a conversational journal/ diary form, the book is an attitude Ministry and the American Legal changer and emphasizes that death is System, by Richard B. Couser. Fortress primarily a personal experience wherein Press, 1993. Book: $9.95 Cassette: $5.95 the uniqueness of each individual is As a pastor, are you obligated to reveal a Call AdvenTaft Media honored and affirmed. Thus the needs of confession of criminal conduct told you in 800-440-3140 the body, mind, spirit, past, present, confidence by a parishioner? Can the local future, things done and things left zoning commission prevent your congrega-

30 Ministry/September 1997 tion from building a new sanctuary on the property owner, and other regulatory 1948. Together they served as instructors property given to it specifically for that matters such as copyright. at Columbia and Laurelwood academies purpose? Should you allow your custodian, Part 3 addresses risk-management and in pastorates in Oregon; Lincoln, who wishes to do so, to receive pay for only issues: how a church can and should Nebraska; and Keene, Texas. In Keene some of the hours he or she puts in conduct itself within the rules set out in Ellen served as family life director for the maintaining the church building? part 2 and in doing so minimize its Southwestern Union. They also served on The local school board allows all other exposure to liability. Chapters in part 3 the staff of Union College, Lincoln, groups to rent the school auditorium, but address the organization and governance of Nebraska, for 16 years. when you want to use it for evangelistic religious entities; the hiring, supervision, For 10 years, concluding with their meetings, they refuse. Can they legally do and firing of employees; the church as wage retirement in 1992, Ellen and Floyd served that? One of your members has a conflict payer; compensation and taxes; purchasing, the Ministerial Association of the General between work schedule and Sabbath maintaining, and altering real property; Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, observance. Can that person be fired for accounting for funds; supervision of where she, along with Marie Spangler, refusing to work on Sabbath? You didn©t children; the pastoral counseling relation founded Shepherdess International, the check the background of the new ship; litigation; and liability insurance. entity of the association that provides schoolteacher, and you are now hearing Four caveats are in order. First, it must nurture, encouragement, and training disturbing reports of a sexual nature. always be remembered that the law is a resources for ministers© wives. In fact, it is Should you be concerned about the moving target. It changes daily. Second, fair to say that Shepherdess International church©s liability and your own for this book is not a substitute for qualified would not exist if it had not been for negligent hiring and supervision? legal counsel. As Courser rightly advises: Ellen©s determination and tenacity. Richard Courser, a New Hampshire "Always get qualified legal advice when Ellen received the President©s Award attorney specializing in civil litigation, has dealing with specific problems." Third, from the Association of Adventist Women written a volume that will help you this book deals with American law. It has in 1992 and was chosen Woman of the answer most of the foregoing questions. only limited applicability anywhere else. Year for Church Life in 1995. The plaque The author being a member of the Fourth, the book does not answer all the that honored her reads, "For undaunted Christian Legal Society and obviously a questions. This is not a criticism of the spirit, validating and enhancing the work practicing Christian, Ministry readers will author; merely a reminder of the vastness of ministers© wives, worldwide." find his convictions and positions of the subject matter. This volume is the Ellen, a mother and homemaker at compatible. For example, Courser is best I©ve seen in its balance and complete heart, is survived by her husband, Floyd; evidently familiar with the idea that ness. Mitchell A. Tyner, associate general her mother, Opal Hendrickson; her separation of church and state places us counsel, General Conference of Seventh- brother, Larry Hendrickson; one daughter, beyond regulation: "Lack of knowledge or day Adventists. Tamara; three sons, Terry, Ted, and Tim, naivete is sometimes compounded by the along with Tim©s wife, Wendy; and two theologies of separation from the world or INMEMORIAM grandchildren, Katie and Lily. religious convictions that claim to During memorial services July 14, in transcend, but may in fact conflict with, Wishing Medford, Oregon, Ellen was eulogized by civic obligations. Ministry effectiveness is consolation for her Bruce Johnston, former president of the impaired by unnecessary conflict with family and friends North Pacific Union, and special tribute to civil authorities and by the failure to order from around the her ministry was presented by current church business to minimize liability world, we an Shepherdess coordinator Sharon M. Cress exposure and maximize use of the nounce the death and Ministerial Association secretary church©s financial and organizational of Ellen Bresee. James A. Cress. Alf Birch, of the Oregon resources." Sound familiar? Ellen Louise (Hendrickson) Bresee was Conference, also paid tribute to her Courser©s work has three sections. Part born in Puyallup, Washington, January 15, influence in the conference where Ellen 1 contains a thoroughgoing discussion of 1928, and died peacefully in her sleep July and Floyd had retired. the interaction of the U.S. Constitution 13,1997, after a 12-year battle (including Only in eternity will the full impact of and religion. Part 2 focuses on the law as 60 months of chemotherapy treatments) Ellen©s selfless life and devoted ministry be applied to religious entities: ecclesiastical with cancer. fully comprehended. Until that glad organization, legal privileges and Ellen met her husband, Floyd, former resurrection, the influence of her life will responsibilities of clergy, church liability secretary of the Ministerial Association, at be felt continually in the lives of pastoral for torts and contracts, the church as Walla Walla College and joined her life families around the globe. Even so, come regulated employer, the church as and ministry with his on September 5, quickly, Lord Jesus!

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November 1 - December 6 Signs of the Times editor Marvin Moore (left) Nightly except Monday and Thursday joins Voice of Prophecy speaker Lonnie Invite your community to learn how prophecy has been fulfilled and what we can Melashenko for seven radio interviews, expect in earth©s final days. This seminar emphasizes Bible facts-replacing speculation October 12-19. They discuss understanding about prophecy and end-time events. Don©t miss this opportunity of a lifetime for your what©s coming, developing a character for the church to participate in Kenneth Cox©s Satellite Trek Through the Bible! end time, knowing the Bible, and learning to deal with fear of the end time. These dynamic gospel presentations will be transmitted live by satellite across the United States and Canada. To set up a downlink location at your church, phone To find a radio station airing these programs 909-359-0967. If you already have a satellite dish, you may also phone this number for in your area, phone 1-800-732-7587. information about the satellite and channel number where you can tune in. neVotce of Prophecy BOX 53055 LOS ANGELES, CA 90053