Issued, Tuesday Thursday Saturday T he Courier-Gazette F.nlrred as Sen.-a ri.i Mai] Matte, Established January, 1846. By The Cour-i .ixetlr. 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, July 1, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPT V olum e 9 4 ...... Num ber 78.

SOl'T ball challenge The Courier-Gazette [EDITORIAL] THREF-TIMES-A-WEEK Games wanted with soft ball te:.n THE QUEENS ARE CHOSEN TWO MILLIONTH VISITOR UNDER A RIVER AND OVER IT eta ttr • • • • Editor In Rockland Please address M The total attendance at the World's Fair to date WM O FULLER Associate Editor ager Jack Smalley. 19 Willow Stic Virginia White and Blanche Crockett Chosen is something under 11,000.000. and 50,000.000 more visitors are With “The Sleepy City” On One Side and Wide PRANK A WIN8LOY/ telephone 1248-W. expected. In this connection it is interesting to note that the theme production in the Perisphere, originally planned as a Subecrlptlons |3W) Her year payable For Vinalhaven’s “Sesqui” Awake World’s Fair On the Other |u advance: single copies thief cents free show, has become one cf the best revenue producers at tlie Advertising rates baaed upon clrrula Hon and very reasonable. SUPPER,PLAY Exposition, the two-miilionth patron has visited it. The NEWSPAPER HISTORY Theme Center, most publicized structure on the Fair grounds, (By The Roving Reporter-Final Installment) The Rockland Gazette was estab­ i •• cost $1,200,000 and consists of the 710-foot-high Trylon and lished In I84fi In 1874 the Courier was and Old Fashioned Dane established and consolidated with the the Perisphere. 200 feet in diameter. With less than nine Roast Long Island Duckling Gazette In 1882 The Free Press was weeks of the exposition passed and the attendance of persons with Apple Sauce ...... 1.50 established In 1855 and In 1891 changed Thursday, July 6 Its name to the Tr'hune These papers living outside the metropolitan area increasing dally, the gate Tomato Stuffed with Crab­ consolidated March 17. 1897 . tew * AT 1101*1 -RANGE IIALI. receipts of the Perisphere have totalled nearly $500,000. The ad­ meat Salad ...... 125 MAUT1MKU9G mission charge is 25 cents. Those who have already attended Soft Shell Crab on Toast, Tar­ ♦ *•« Hi liellt IL < «■>*«■ Church the nMT*®ntEM « ' tar Sauce ...... 1.26 *•« If God be your partner nuke ••• the World's Fair, and those who plan to do so, will have become ••• your plain large. ••• Supper 5- •• 1° 7.(Mb—25c ‘-TH t 1 the FOX BLANDS enriohed by the knowledge that the two greatest drawing cards Two Broiled Lamb Chops 1.25 - Dwight L Moody ••• $MU - H* ■ ■ * at the Fair are the theme center, here referred to, and the Individual Chieken Pie ...... 125 ••a ••• I’Uy and l hence 8.30—25c 78 . | General Electric building where they stand in line for an hour, Home cooked cold meats with Potato Salad ...... 1.25 Read The Courier-Gazette sometimes in order to gain admission. The United States has > *v *• every reason to feel proud of "The World of Tomorrow,” but Chicken Croquettes with Fresh It leads everybdy gasping for breath to know how tire next one We passed over so many bridges Mushroom Sauce ...... 1 00 Fresh Asparagus Salad with can beat it. hi the course of our Journey to O------O------O Devilled Egg ...... 100 Philadelphia and the World's Fair Boiled Tongue, Horseradish DAILY EXCURSIONS MONOPOLIZING THE STAGE that I aim almost dizzied by tlie Sauce ...... „...... 1 00 attempt to recall them. The last Ham and Eggs, Country Style .. 1.00 TO THE Is the country becoming prize-fight conscious. It seemed ■-H /*/ one was the Tri-Borough Bridge, as though almost everybody listened to tlie broadcast of the Gardens Well Advanced work on which began in 1929, and ■ 6,’V Louis-Galento fight or read it In the daily newspapers next Bridgeport we found all dolled SESQUI CENTENNIAL -*4 Which cost the neat little sum of morning. The big man was easy for the negro champion, but up for some kind of a VF.W cele­ $24,600,000, exclusive of the land not quite as easy as the experts had predicted, and radio com­ bration, and we had a chance to rights. It parallels roughly tlie | witness a portion of the parade. The Queens Contest which h a s; tendants Mary Maker, Marion Tol- mentators continue to heap praise on the loser. been building much enthusiasm In ' man, Pauline Smith, Corinne Hell Gate railway span. The) Here lt wa£ lhat j foraed a chanoe Vinalhaven and North Haven dur-, Greenleaf, Lois Weibster, Olive -o------Queens terminal Is at 25th avenue acquaintance with John M. Ray of Ing the past two weeks resulted In Amiro, Eleanor Sawyer, Louise and 31st street; the Bronx terminal 625 John street. He was appar­ EXPERIMENTAL PASSENGF.RING tli, election of Virginia White, who Burgess and Emily Winslow. Miss at 134th street and Cypress ave­ ently much pleased to meet any­ led the field in Vinalhaven with a Crockett as "Miss Columbia" will The Dixie Clipper was headed across the ocean Thursday nue. The span over Little Hell Gate body from the Penobscot Bay sec­ total of 198,3(X) Blanche Crockett be attended by her Court of Honor with its first 22 passengers. These early adventurers naturally consists of two steel arch spans, tion of Maine iuto which he had wbo was chosen a- Miss Columbia, including Mercedes Calderwood gave birth to much apprehension. Will they be shadowed by each 375 feet in length with a pier sailed on pleasure craft many times led in North Haven's contest with a Virginia Beevrage, Erma Grant, some catastrophe in the near future, or will passenger trans­ In the center of the waterway. The in former years. total of 161.854 votes cast in her Barbara Joy. Ida Wooster, Beatrice portation between the two continents become as prosaic and span over the Bronx Kills is de­ Bridgeport was evidently having favor. Mills. commonplace as travel on streamlined trains? signed as a fixed bridge that could a gasoline war, for they were selling Both queens "Miss Vinalhaven” The cast of 200 people taking part be made to serve as part of a mov­ eight gallons for 96 cents. and "Miss Columbia” will be In the b-pectaele has been rehears­ able bridge If the waterway is made At New Haven we swung onto • • ••••'* navigable. The total length of the cr>. ned at the premiere perform­ ing day and night and a most elab­ BAIL NOT ACCEPTABLE Route 15, College Highway for Wil­ II n i l ance of the historical pageant spec- orate program is anticipated. Xos- main bridge is 13,560 feet. There limantic. We found ourselves In the ta< "Fox Island, on Parade” Sun­ tumes including the elaborate Co­ Shrewd Democrats planned a very clever scheme to run are supporting piers on Randalls heart of a fertile garden country day evening at 8 30. The spectacle lonial, the charming 1800’s and the Senator Burton K Wheeler of Montana on the ticket with Island and Wards Island where men and women were busy will be presented at the baseball gay nineties combined with the President Roosevelt. The only trouble with the plan is that “Cars And Courtesy'' picking peas and applying Paris park Sunday evening and Tuesday many others promises a colorful Senator Wheeler refuses to climb on the band-wagon, and Traveling homeward, leaving the green onto rugged looking potato openly declares his belief that Roosevelt should not seek a noise and bustle of the great me­ STE*MER W. S. WHITE evening. picture and an inspiring review of plants. In North Brantford men This comfortable, well ofRcerrd and well man wd st- rmship will Miaa White as ' Miss Vinalhaven” the Island's history which one can- third term. tropolis astern, we had plenty of and women seemed to be on even leave Tillsons* Wharf will be attended by her Royal At­ . not afford to miss. O------O------0 time to reflect upon what we had terms in the fields and gardens. I DAYLIGHT TIME QIO1ED IN THIS AD' ERTl'LMENT seen and what we were still seeing, saw one place called “Restland SATURDAY, JULY 1—9 00 A. M. ANU 3.15 P. '1. THE PRESIDENTS TANTRUM Medical Examiner H J. Weisman and the latter for the moment con­ Farm." It must have been a tour­ SUNDAY. JULY 2—9.00 A. M. (ONI TRIP, cerned that splendid four-lane MONDAY-TUESDAY. JULY 3 AND 4 A Suicide At 79 pronounced it a case of suicide. (Herald Tribune) ist home, for who ever heard of 6.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. M. The deceased had followed sev­ Rarely has the President made himself quite as ridiculous highway which extends out through Rest on the land of a farm? III Health and Grief Cause eral vocations. He had conducted a as he did on Tuesday, in his press conference, when he bitterly Westchester County. Merritt Evidences of Hurricane FOR VINALHAVEN AND THE attacked the Senate for its proposal to return to Congress the Parkway—two names to conjure Cherry cider made Its appearance Pearl Fiske To End His milk route, worked at the McMullen latter's time-honored control over the value of the dollar. Un­ SESQUI-CENTENNIAL stoneyard, and did farming in *a with. No wonder that the State of at various places along the route— Life able to advance any logical reason why he should continue to Ride in com plete com fort on bis small way. He was still suffering retain these powers committed to him to meet a "temporary Connecticut is so proud of Its all you can drink for 10 cents. from the effects of a fall at the time emergency* in 1933, the best strategy that Mr. Roosevelt could achievement, and certainly no mo­ But it has an acid flavor which smart, twin screw steamer. Rot ntl' Li ing alone in his 80th year, a of his death. devise was to charge that the Senate action was a vote to torist can object to paying the 10- makes two glasses about the limit trip only ...... victim of ill health, and inconsolable "return control over the dollar to Wall Street; and that It The deceased was married to Miss cent toll which is now imposed. of the thirstiest. And of course TICKETS GOOD ONLY DAY ISSUED over nc loss of his wife. Pearl Fiske, was a serious blow to the "national defense.” I think back over that long ride a a, : known resident of Ingraham Clara Eugley, who died several years Fortunately, one need not go outside Mr. Roosevelt s own it's a clever scheme to extract k ago. There were no children. The through green woodlands, with Hill, committed suicide Thursday statement to find the answer to his absurd charges. In one dime from the purchaser who oth­ surviving relatives are two sisters. breath he calls attention to the amazing stability of the ex­ never a disfiguring sign to mar the forenoon by shooting himself erwise might have wanted only changes during the war crises in Europe last fall and this beauty; with no bicycle riders to thri h the head with a 38-calibre Mrs. Walter J. Fernald of this city, one glass. j and Mrs. Fannie Moore of Dorches- spring, when the dollar, the pound, and the French franc offer a constant menace, and with revoi er. were held steady in the face of the greatest international Durham still shows the effects of no pedestrians either on the right H. had been dead some hours j ter. Mass. flight of capital ever seen in the world's history; in the next last fall's tropical hurricane. The side or the wrong side. My mind whei the body was feund in his Mr. Fiske was widely known in breath he asserts that in spite of the continuance of the sta­ curious manner In which the gale bilization funds—which were entirely responsible for this per­ goes back also to that significant NOW FOR THE FOURTH! ! bedr. m at 2.45 by Joseph Bennett. this city and vicinity, his friendly struck here and there has excited formance—the “international exchange speculators'- will cre­ sign which I saw: "Care and cour­ 1 who , as iti the habit of doing er­ : nature winning to him many who comment upon the part of every­ ! will be saddened by the news of his ate havoc with the dollar unless. In addition to this control, tesy conserve life and limb.” How Highest Qual­ rand: tor Mr F.ske. he (the President) is permitted to retain his present authority body who has traveled through JAM, untimely fate. true! And what a pity that every­ ity. to reduce the dollar further in terms of gold. New England since the gale oc­ Now, the man In the street may not know as much about body does not live up to it. curred. B ggest Assort­ foreign-exchange techniqu? as Mr Roosevelt (who has the Traffic Cops arc Human FIREWORKS Beaver Camp girls arrived Thurs- advantage of having once headed a company which dealt in A Uall Upon Prof. Snow ment. We encountered our first traffic Ro. kland's Leading fireworks | day and started the season right depreciated German marks), but ordinary common sense must And so we came to Middletown A n Handsomest -tore for Over 20 Years by breakfasting at the Copper tell him that these statements cancel out. To say that the cop in Westchester County. He the town which boasts that fine In­ P eces. I... zest and Most Complete Kettle, where they have done the Senate's action means a reversion to conditions prevailing in looked at our Maine number plate, stitution known as Wesleyan Uni­ "toeli in T astern Maine 1931- 33 just simply is not true. It is true that this country but apparently didn’t see anything versity, which numbers among Its Lowest Price*. ' same thing for many seasons. They would be in the postlon of having a more or less fixed currency JAMES DOND1S were followed by 14 members of the else suspicious so he went on about faculty that brilliant Knox County Buy Your To­ in terms of gold, while the currencies of England and France Opp Perry's 'Iain St. Market | Affords Lake Camp, who also broke would not be so fixed, but Mr. Roosevelt conveniently neglects his own affairs. A bit later Gonia educator. Prof. Wilbert Snow. It 78* It day! ' their fast at the Copper Kettle. to point out that under the so-called "modern international gold felt somewhat drowsy so drove his was not an easy matter locating standard" the heart of stabilization rests with the huge foreign car off the right hand lane onto the him during that busy commence­ exchange funds. No such mechanism was in existence during grass. Along came a State patrol­ the period 1931-33 To suggest that any foreign-exchange ment day. but we persevered, and speculator, or any group of speculators, could buck these huge man and we had visions of a pos­ found not only the professor but THORNDIKE HOTEL BUILDING JULY FOURTH AT LAKEHURST funds, each of them backed by unlimited financial resources sible reprimand But we did the his Rockland wife, formerly Jean­ of its national banking system, is pure, unadulterated nonsense. officer an Injustice, for he merely nette Simmons. Both were eager DANCING FIREWORKS— Whofeiale, Rd-0 As to Mr. Rodsevelt's remarks about "national defense," wanted to know If we were in to have us stay for the evening ex­ all that can be said Is that, coming from him, they were better trouble, and stood ready to help us •i;--8 July 4th, Monday, Midnight left unsaid. If this country is financially unprepared for a ercises. but we felt compelled to de­ Our third experience with a traffic 12.00 TO 4.00 A. M — D.S.T. great international emergency, then its weakness lies not in its cline It seemed as If everybody In cop that afternoon came when we Tuesday, July 4th, Night exchange position but in the national budget, which, thanks Middletown knew Prof Snow, and to the New Deal administration, is in an infinitely worse posi­ stopped for lunch and parked he was s|M)ken of In terms of high 9.00 P. M. TO 1.00 A. M — D.S.T. tion even before a possible new war than it was at the con­ alongside the highway instead of clusion of the last one. esteem SALLINEN’S BODY & FENDER SHOP LLOYD RAFNELL where the other cars parked Inside Somewhere In the vicinity of And His TEN GEORGIANS the grounds. Tlie officer was nice Hebron we saw a large boulder N« worries in parking about it, and it has been my ex­ Daiu'ing Every Sat. N. B. Ameriean Legion Dance July 13 PRIDE IN PREMISES (Continued on Page Eight) WELDING and BRAZING 78*lt perience that State patrolmen are all nice, if you only meet them EXPEK WORK ON The residents of Broadway, north, have been as busy as bees the past few weeks painting, grading, and tidying up half way. admit you are wrong, and WEATHER MAN SAYS COLLISION REPAIRS lawns. It is an evidence of civic pride which could well be don't try to be argumentative. For today—Fair in New Eng­ % By emulated in other sections of the city. The neighboring towns An Interesting Menu land, 1 xccpt Maine where the Bernard (Reuben) Gray MAID WANTED have shown unusual activity along this line the past spring It was getting well past the noon drizzle will diminish thia after­ and it is up to Rockland not to get caught napping. hour before we saw the first oppor­ noon. Somewhat cooler. Hu­ with 12 v ,r»' experience t / o S tunity to partake of food. Nearing midity less, making for greater L ICO Maver ck St. Rockland (P ‘ferably Swedish) under 35 years of age, to the end of the Merritt Parkway I comfort. Sunday—Clear to partly cloudy ROUTE NO. I BYPASS TEL. 315 j cot k and keep house for family of three in small looked down over an embankment and saw many cars parked around Monday—Continued fair. 78*lt >1 OVER A H H E “BIG HOUSE” cot ige. Good salary. Return to a building which had a red roof. with family in fall. Simple rooking; nice home. The sign said "Red Barn, ’ and we Items Of Interest Concerning a Well Ordered presently found ourselves at an inn YOUR FAVORITE POEM Write MRS. W. HANNAN, Owl’s Head, Me. where they had colored waiters, If I had my life to live again I 77*787 7 ’ Maine Institution plenty of style, but also plenty of would have made a rule to read soma poetry and listen to some music at 1888-1939 comfort and good table service. It leant once a week. The loee of these was in the town of Westport, Oonn. tastes Is a loss of happiness.—Charlie Darwin A HALF CENTURY OF SERVICE The population of the State Prison, which saw 22 Inmates go out on their For the benefit of other travelers which recently reached a new high, good behavior for the June and July and the cafes in this city and vicin­ PRAYER FOR A BRIDE'S HOUSE has now dropped to 408, thanks to allotment. As the Superior Courts ity I am reprinting a portion of the She la ao young, dear Lord, so very Fifty-one years ago we commenced t erve people in this young. announcement the exercise of the parole privilege, (Continued on Page Four) June 17 luncheon menu, with She In ao wide c w t and naively sweet. keallty who desired to own their homes, md the business ha- prices: She does not dream or great rooms. been a success through all this lime. Tl ere are a few "impl, draped and hung In accordance with the will of the late Miss Delmonlco Steak with French With master paintings, ruga where reasons for this success. some queen's feet Fried Onion Rings ...... $2.25 Have lightly trod She dreams of title L. icy C. Farnsworth, the homestead at No. Broiled Filet Mignon with Instead: We make loans only on real estate. l\,. charge only 6 Per­ Spend The Fourth A small, new house with freshly paint­ cent interest. The expenses of making a i m with us are small Fresh Mushroom Caps ...... 2.25 ed doors. 21 Elm Street, Rockland, will he open to the AT With hand-atltchrd curtains, and above only the cost of looking up title and makin, od recording p.i|iers Whole Broiled Live Lobster, her head Drawn Butter, French Fried Bright dishes gleaming through wee public on Wednesday, July 5, from 10 A. M. cuptxiard dourn No commission or bonuses Small me : ily payments, about SANDY SHORES Potatoes, Individual Salad the same as rent, cover all chargee and pn off the loan m 139 She'll learn, tome day. the value of old to 2 P. M. Admission $1.00. SOUTH POND Bowl ...... 2 00 things. months. You want a home. We are ready help you get it. Sirloin Steak with French When eagerness la still, and she le ROUTE 1, SOUTH WARREN wise Fried Potatoes ...... 1.75 BOATING BATHING Knowing the disillusionment time Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, M t Fresh Lobster Newburg ...... 1.75 brings— FISHING But now. theres ao much springtime Rockland Loan & Buildin Association Broiled or Southern Fried In her eyes. Trustee SPECIAL MENU And this la her first house—W hsts’er Chicken ...... 1 50 18 SCHOOL STREET, ROCKLAND, MAINE HOME MADE ICES You do, J Cold Boiled Lobster, Fresh Veg­ Let everything about lt. Lord be . . , 78-tf 78-79 78* It new! etable Salad ...... I-50 -Christie Lund Page Two Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday. July 1, 1939 Evcry-Other-Day

The Courier-Gazette Mrs. John Hughes, Arthur Husc, McGoldrick Honored Mrs J. Albert Jameson. Mrs. Henry THKEE-T1ME8-A-WEEK AN EVENT TO REMEMBER P. Johnson, Mr and Mrs. Ralph C. First National Stores’ Vice Couldn’t Do W :l iout Them All we like sheep have gone Johnson, Mrs. Frank Jones. astray; we have turned every one President On Live Stock • Mrs. Percy Keller. Miss Mary A to his own way; and th? I.orcl hath Balokovic Concert In Camden Great Treat For Keunlston. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Board laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Krementz. Mrs. E. Copeland Lang. Isaiah 53: 6. Garden Club Delegates Mrs. Millard Long. Mrs. Charles B F McGoldrick, vice president Lord. Mrs Blin W. Lum-den. Mrs. i in charge of the meat division of Fred Is Proud Of It A graceful compliment was paid that it was a sacrilege to appitud, Maurice B. Lovejoy, Mrs. Herman First National Stores, has been e’.ec- and a rare privilege extended, to the the number w? • so imbued with A. Lowe. Mrs. Arthur E MacDon­ ' ted a director of the National Live — I holy reverence. ald. Miss Florence Marshall. Mrs Stock and Meat Board. Chicago, Manager Linekin Tells Of members of the Garden Club Fed­ eration of Maine and the Camden Mr. Balokovic's playing is marked Frank Mason. Mrs. Bernard F whicli represents the entire live the New Lincoln Lubrica­ Garden Club by Zlatko Balokovic. by ocautiful sustained singing tone, Matthews, Mrs. Herbert D Max­ stock and meat industry and is I composed of producers and feeders, tion System internationally famous Jugoslav eclor, and fi-eling, with smsutve- well, Mrs. Mary C. McEvoy, Mrs violinist and a summer resident ' ness for building tone and tor dell- John Mclnnes. Mrs. Robert M. Mc- llv? stock marketing agencies, meat Some thing radically new in the packers and meat retailers. Mr. line of automobile lubrication equip­ ment is to be seen in the newly in­ stalled Lincoln System of mobilu- brication at the Park & Union street station of Waldoboro Garage Co. The system is housed in the east­ ern end of the new super service station with entrance on Park

Left to right—Arthur Smith, O. B. Brawn. Chii- $ inis ell. Jami.- Gtay. Prriy Dinsmore and Lewis Phillips Still alarm or box ataim Ihr incaib-rs i. le n t Station crew pic Johnny on the spot. Rock­ land's fire losses are greatly minimized since the L'rnir.-.' g tut men t car..c Into being.

Gregory Essay 'were soot: thteatii -. ith actual ' ely new Constitution At last anarchy. Then D. : shays start- Constitution was signed. A bit- Second In the Contest, Wri* ed the "poor reb-Ilian'reb-Uian" ter struggle ensued before ratifica­ against the State . rtties. The tion was obtained by the nine ten By Virginia Bowley people scan felt inpt fcr a states necessary to put the new plan Herewith is presented the essay Ocvcrnment whk :ld net cn- 1into effect- but finally the people wer induced to accept It. and it was for the Gregory's annual contest in i force its own I: , ind in 1786 This is Fittst National Stores- Vice ag red by unanimous vote that Rockland High School on 'The Be­ when tile uniot the States, President B. F. McGoldriek Geoige Washington should be ginning of the Republic" written by seemed on the p ' 1 dissolving, Miss Virginia Bowley. winning sec­ i a movcm nt wa> tcJ W revise President. McGoldrick will represent the Na­ E it was. on April 30. 1789. in the ond prize: the Articles of C t ration. tional Association of Food Chains Senate chamber of Federal Hall. On April 30, 1939, the American There assembl'd hc following Among other national organizations Nev. York City, that George Wash- people will celebrate the one hun­ year at Philade a Constitu- represented on the Board are Na­ inc,.jn took the solemn oath as the dred and fiftieth anniversary of the j tional Co:.ventio: . c of the m:st tional Asociation of Retail Grocers. First President of the United States beginning of this free and peace- notable bodies Si­ :ng in Ameri- National Association of Retail Meat loving Republic. am hlstcry. Oeot a ■ Washington of America. Dealers. Institute of American Meat 1 was Its pi-siding clficer. and it in­ 1th unwavering zeal and courage Manager Fred L. Linekin of IV. Taking an active part in the annual convention of the Garden Club Federation cf Maine at Camden this Packers Farmers Union. National ’ eluded su n stati sm ti as Benjami.i he ptuceeded to administer the af- G. Co.'s Park St. Station who invites week were: Left to right, Mrs. Richard Krementz of Elizabeth. N. .1.; Mrs. IV. G. Gribbel cf Philadelphia ] Live Stock Marketing Association, Franklin. Jamr \Vt.son. Jam es' fai of the Nation under the pro- you to see, land try I the Lincoln both of whom have summer homes at Camden: Mrs. A. R. Benedit t of Montclair, N. J. and Medomak. Me.; an.l National Live Stock Exchange vi ms of this new constitutor our ancestors endured; little do we Madison. Edtnunc RsnJolph. Alex- System. Mrs. Pearl G. Willey of Camden. American Farm Bureau Federation, realize the discouragements which Nat' Wool Growers Assoe'ation, I th»\ have endured for one hundre Klnley. Mrs I. L Merrill. S r . Mrs they met with dauntless spirit, that and Chat es Pin. krey street. It is of the pit type, the pit , ol Camden, in presenting a recital' cafe shading National Orowers Swine Growers 1 fifty years, as the fundament. J Hugh Montgomery, Mrs. David they might create a nation, as L The Coiventior. , invened on May being abnormally large with spaces at the Opera House Tuesday night In Mr. B.ierwald. Mr Balokovic Asso-ialior., American National coin later said "By the people, an 1 25th and sat until September 17. lav. of this great Republic. Morley. Miss Jane Sewall Murphy. on each side under the concrete as a feature of the two-day annual had an accompanist of uncanny Live Stock Association. Mrs. George Newbert. Mrs E. Stew­ for the people, that shall not pe: . 1787 Th re wet long md spirited The Board initiates and encour­ Those Shanghai. China, and In- floor for storage of equipment pi ■ , ;On of th? Federation in Cam- skill One not exactly say from the earth" debates: and an agrem ent was The pit is ventilated to prevent art Orbeton. Mrs. Alice Pender. ages education and research on live Let us turn back the pages of reached oily after many omprom*- dia cars should not be taken to any possible gas inhalation. dzn. that he overshadowed Mr. Baloko- Mrs. James Perkins. Miss Frances stock and meat products and dis­ history that we may see how- ses. whirl led to the cr ation cf an J seriously. The car is driven in the usual It has been ten or more years I vie, for it Is not an easy thing to E. Perry, Mrs. Standish Perry. Dr seminates information about meat free nation was born. position over the pit. but there is since Mr. Balokovic had been heard' overshadow a superior artist, but Saul R Polisner. Mrs. Rufus Por­ ln the diet and its relation to health. When the thirteen colonies much unusual from this point on in a Camden concert, and it was his work carried a distracting ele- ter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Riker Proctor. Among many specific Board activi­ dared their independence roll because the Lincoln Svstem brings realizcd at once that in those years | ment that did not permit a thorough Mrs. Benjamin W. Rand. Mrs. ties are the meat cooking schools, STARTING TODAY! to the operator in the pit direct feed hc ha'' made tremendous stndes- not enjoyment and appreciation of the Eugene Rich. Mrs Walter Rich. Jr., which last year had an attendance colony established a governr. lines from 100 pound drums chassis, only in his art but ln stage P « » -1 violinist. In Mr Baerwalds piano Col and Mrs. E. A Rctobins, Mrs. of more than 720.000 housewives in of its own. and so became a s tie by itself. grease hypoid gear and gear lu- ence and p0lse' A strlkln«1>' hand’ «rouP the Handel number was done E E Rokes, Mrs Rodney E Ross, 163 cities, and the merchandising brication greases etc all under : somf man h€ has a fin€ dignily of ^ ^ t f u l l y . Mrs Theodore Ross. Mrs. Edmund service which put on over 700 meat After the colonies declared th m- BLl’E SONOCO selves independent the Article of pressure so that it is not necessary manner rnd a gracious seriousness Patrons and patronesses for the A Rothwell. Mrs Frank B Rowell. cutting and preparing schools in for the operator to leave the pit that make a profound impression cencert were; Mr. an.1 Mrs. Felix Salmond. Mrs. 191 cities with an attendance of Confederation were prepared by WHERE" during the whole grease job. An­ or hi.: audiences. Assisted at the ' Miss Emma S. Alden. Miss Anne Arthur Sewall 2d. Mrs. Mark W Over 4CJ.000 meat merchandising Continental Congress and i ' o SHELDON FILLING STATION submitted for approval to the \ - other great advantage lies in the piano by Helimut Bacrwald, this M AlJen. Mrs Howard Apollonio, Sewall. Mrs. Wentworth Shackle­ men. program was given: | Miss Teresa Arau, Mrs Charles W eral States The Articles wen WARREN, MAINE fact that the entire supply of greas­ ton Mrs. Richard Shaw. Mrs. Ed- Mr McGoldrick has been head at es used is protected at ail times in Handel . ... Sonata o Minor Babb. Miss Elizabeth Barry. Mrs. ward B Smalley. Mrs Henry of the meat and produce division of last approved by all the State :i> “Stop and Let Us Serve You” 'Tempo* di Riga?’ *** Alle*11 h . P Blodgett. Mrs Edward W 1781. They provided for a ( n- the huge white enamel cabinet Emaltr. Mrs. George W Smith. Mrs. First National Stores since its in- dust proof and dirt proof so that Cesar Pra nek Sonata in A Staler Bok- Miss Bessi‘ B 'Aers Mrs. John Reger V. Snow, Mrs. Car! H Sonn- ception. His home is ln Quincy. gress to recommend laws, but lOt Allegretto ben moderato. Allegro Braun. Mrs A Brown. Mrs. tag. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Stalker. Mass. fcr a Prc-ldent or other exec the grease is forced under pressure Ree itat lo-Fan tasla Allegretto doco . . _ _ .. Marion E. Browt Mrs. O R Brown Miss Helen Staples. Miss Marian power to enforce them. from the enclosed drums through Handel ' Chaconne ln G Majoi U r , p B Bryr.e. Miss Charlotte Stetson. Mrs. H. H Stickney. Mrs Tnc recommendations cf permanent pipe lines to the grease H Baerwaid Scherzo ln C Minor * CIVIL SERVICE CHANCES gun terminals. LhotkanOSOl° Helimut Baerwaid Buffum. Prof, a - d Mrs. Burnett. Allston K Thorndike. Mrs Eugene gress could be carried cut it: • nyi WANTED Manager Fred L. Linekin wel- ^rm*n°»»ky. La Fontaine DArrtwiie Mrs Jame" Cars f.. Jr Mr. and Tobev Mrs W alter E. Tobie. Miss The U S Civil Ser-, ice Cominis- Sta'e only by the Governinn f FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS to , comes visitors at .11 times to the J S e t? Albert H Cha,neld' Mf8 D°n ' Anne B Townsend. Mrs. William ! sion announces open competitive that State. The States fail' OX IMPROVED REAL ESTATE ( ■ new plant. While interest today Xov*cek- Perpetutim Mobile Clark. Mrs. Walter Cleveland. Vaughan. Mrs. Orris S Vickery, exminations for Inspector Engi- agree to plans which would gi: j Government needed revenue is naturally strongest in the new Mr. Balokovic's numbers were Miss Mary Loui- Codman. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs L. E. Wardwell, Mrs. i neering Materials. Electrical >Sub- n d , Julius Waterbury. John Webber, marine Construction!, and for In- Congress found ltse'f helple t? COLLATERAL LOANS grease installation " rl’OfTn to display his many- I Harnc B. Coc._M: r- J. Cornells, M I RED I'.Y LISTED STOCKS AND BONDS enforce upon the states the ; ivi- many intriguing features and every sided art. the two sonatas in fact Mrs. James F. Creighton, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wickstrom. spector Engineering Materials, Me- arrangement made for their com- c,nbodving Phase of tech-1 Ralph Crimmlns. Mrs. Thomas A Mrs. Pearl G Willey, Mrs George chanical 'Submarine Construction!, slons for the peace treaty of 1783. fort and up-to-the-minute service nlq',P Th' AI,eKro alld Adagio ; Crimmins. Mrs W J. Curtis. S William-. Mrs. Abbie Gould Wil- $2900 a year, for filling vacancies in regarding fair treatment fi the ROCKLAND SAVINGS BANK torics; and 's • 'it ■ t:'l- ______movements of the Handel sonata Mr. and Mrs. It xlord Daniels. son. Ralph Wilson. Mr. and Mrs these positions in the office of the Esl.ll,lisbril 181.8 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. SHIP FOR REGATTA , were particularly well done, and Mrs. Fred R E. D an. Mrs. J. H John Winchell. Mrs Winfield Inspector of Machinery. U S Naw. er of western forts. 27Stf | the "Rondo" was fascinating in Defrees. Mrs. E. 1. Denny. Mrs. Witham. Mrs. Fred S Woods, Mrs Groton. Conn. Times were hard, and the les Senator Wallace II White. J r . Its ’■clocity. In his LnaT group the George M Derry. M L A Dodge. D Pre-ton Wysong Jr., Mrs. Ernest Due to receipt of Insufficient ap­ has been informed by the Coast plaintive passages cf the "Creation Mrs Charles B DoltCf Mrs. Joseph Young -Gladys Heistad. plications, the U S Civil Service Guard that, pursuant to his request, Rhapsody" and the enchanting clu- Dondis. Mrs. Waite iTown. Mrs Commission reannounces open a Coast Guard boat will be detailed sivcncss of "LaFontaine d Aret- Marion R Dudley. Mrs Arthur C. Twilight league Standing competitive examinations for Cop­ to Rockport for the sportsmen re- huse" stood out as some of his most Dummer. Mrs. Lawrence H Dunn. W L. PC. persmith. $8 928 $8 448. $7 968 a gatta there Aug 2 to 5. inclusive. delightful playing However, th" Mrs James Durham Mrs. Thomaston .... 3 0 1 oqq day, and for Shipfitter. $8448. The Senator has asked the Navy high light of his numbers was the D Eekler. Mrs. William Ellingwood. 1 Rockland ...... 3 0 1 000 $7,968, $7 488 a day; for filling va­ for a ship also but has not yet re­ encore Schubert's "Ave Maria"— Mrs. Arthur J Elliot. Mrs Richard : Rockport .... 2 1 .666 cancies in these positions ln the GOODRICH ceived a reply. | it could not be played more exqui- O Elliot, Mrs. G. B Farnswc .... 1 2 .333 Navy Yard Service Portsmouth. ------sitely—it was an outpouring of the St. George 0 3 .000 N. H Qualified per ons are urged New Hope for little victims of foul, and when it was learned that I Foxwell, Mrs T. J. French. M r Warren ...... 0 3 000 (FULLY GUARANTEED) infantile paralysis; how science is Mr. Balokovic's mother had passed I Donald Hills Fuller. Mrs. William experimenting in growing nerve away only last Thursday, in Jugo- O Fuller. FrcJ H. Gabbi. Mrs. L fibres bark into helpless muscles slavia. It was well understood that Bliss Gilchrest. Mrs. F P. G lover., COMMANDERS told in « full page feature in the it was an oil'pouring of the soul, a Mrs P. J. Good. Mrs Alvah E American Weekly Magazine with tribute of reverence and love. Mr j Greenlaw. Mr. and Mrs W G riffin the July 2d Boston Sunday Adver- Baiokovic was deeply respected for i Gribbel. Mrs. R. H . Griffin. Mr ’ 0 / User. 78*lt carrying out his promise of the re- j and Mrs. Hamilton Hall. Miss Mary cltal. and had it been known ger.-! Hanna. Miss Alice Hansen, Mrs erally that night of the lass he had I John E. Hanson. Miss Ionise Ha-1 DON’T WORRY! Vesp-r A. Leach Specialty Store / 0 has extended Its amazing 59c-79e suffered, it would have been fitting zeltine. Mrs Maine Hill Mrs. Lu- 50 Summer Sale through Monday. July tribute to have passed from the clus W Hitchcock. Mr- J. Hale everything is in my 3. Look on page three, this news­ hall in silence after the "Ave Hodgman. Mrs. Clyde 15 Holmes. OFF Maria"—Indeed, as It was many felt Parker Hooper Miss Jessie Hosmer. paper for detailed prices.—adv.“ SAFE DEPOSIT BOX II RE GULAR TIRE PRICES

Comforting words, if you can say them I ' gular S p ecial Pru e after fire has destroyed your home. But SIZE Fii l Lin'- Good rid, THE ULTIM ATE IN SERVICE the insurance policies and household C em m an ri Tire Prl" - inventory are safe. You can bui d again. W? arc pleased to announce that we have Cheering words, as you stand looking 4.40-4.30-21 , $11.10 at the debris of a ransacked house. But 4.75-3.OO-I9 . 11.45 pul in service at our Park Street Station a precious jewels, keepsakes, and impor­ 5.25-5.50-18 .. 13.35 LINCOLN SYSTEM tant papers were not taken—because they were not there to be taken. 6.00-16 ...... 15.95 MOBILUBRICATION There are a thousand risks to valuables I’rlres InelU'le Y.iur Did Tires ~ The most efficient, safest, most dependable A S A F E kept in your home, but one place safer than any hiding place of yours—a safe lubrication system. Operator never leaves the DEPOSIT deposit box. Rent one now. The rental • These are brami nrw, fully gii; antced Gmdrleli Ti: . Every one carries a lifetime guarantee service pit No chance for dirt in grease. cost is small. The best protection you BOX NOW by America’s oldest li> maker. They arc full dimension tii . built with an extra deep, extra wide can b u y . You Are Invited To See This tread. Act now. Take advantage of the greatest tire bin •( the year: This offer expires midnight July 4th. Mode! Equipment In Operation


There will be a special midnight "A Reader's ' point is so well tak­ Ben Ames Williams vacationing show at Park Theatre on Fourth of en that there will be no further oc­ at Hard Scrabble Farm at Sears- July eve, Monday night at 11.15. casion for criticism after today's mont, is seeking material on the TWILIGHT LEAGUE Issue. Revolutionary period, 1776 to 1784, Patrons of the Knox Twilight In Union for a novel to be published NEXT WEEK'S GAMES League games would ike to see the Yesterday's storm was not cs-1 this fall or winter, Sibley's His­ Sunday—St. George at Rockland; Rockport at Thomaston. pecially popular with the summer i CH U RCH ES grass cut at Commui ity Park. tory of Union and Sibley's original Monday—Camden at Warren. people, but it was powerful good! notes on Union have been perused In spite of mam conjectures for the gardens. The communion will be observed at by Mr. Williams who during the Tuesday (July Fourth) morning—Rockland at Camden; Thom­ SERMONETTE the close of the service. Prayer aston at St. George; Rockport at Warren, Afternoon—Camden at there will be green pel* at the City summer will explore the Georges meeting Tuesday night at 7.30. Thomaston; Warren at Rockland; St. George at Rockport. Farm for July Fouril They were Glare J. Herbert, well known Io Religion Not On Deelinr River at Union Common for such • • • • F-iday—St. George at Camden; Rockland at Rockport; Thom- planted April 20. all of the Eastern Maine Lions j IV other material as he can find. In TALK OF THE TOWN At St. Peter's Church iEpisco­ asfon at Warren. Clubs, has been elected King Lion of Hon Frank H. Ingraham and addition, he hopes to interview some pal i Rev. E. O Kenyon, rector, the A tulip garden on Orove street was the Bangor Club. the writer are members of the of the oldest citizens of this town, •COMING FVENTS CAST TIIE1B services for tomorrow will be ap­ SHADOWS BEFORE’* raided recently and a,I of the blos­ Interdenominational commission to discover facts that have been many requested its conttr.u-.r ». fest of Watertown, Mass. Ernest propriate for the fourth Sunday .Inly 1 Wultioburo Special town soms stolen. The thief left behind of Maine. For one, I have not handed down from generation to The young people's robed choir and meeting. JACK JOHNSON HERE after Trinity: Matins at 7.10; Holy Bridges and Leslie Wellman are July 26 Thomaeton Annual summer a fob chain which ha- been viewed 3 yet ascertained the strength generation on the Revolutionary Instrumentalists will also assist ln passing a vacation at the Wellman concert at Baptist Church. Jack Johnson, former heavy­ Communion at 7.30; Holy Eucha­ with interest by the authorities. The of the other faiths represented, period. the musical program. Pastor Smith home. July 28 W C .TIi. Field Day and plc- weight champion of the world, rist and sermon at 10.30. nlr at Ingraham HUI chapel owner may possibly receive an early orthodox or liberal, which some will close the day with a message Aug. 2-5 —Rockport Regatta-Sports­ was dining at Paramount Res­ • • • • Miss Alberta Swett of Waterville men's Show call. day I hope to present in The entitled, ‘Christ, the Bread of taurant Just as this newspaper At the Congregational Church the TENANT'S HARBOR passed last weekend at the home Aug. a O w ls Head Church Fair at Courier-Gazette's church column Life." In preparation for the ob­ Library building. went to press. He was enroute morning service of public worship Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mathews of her parents Mr. and Mrs Fred Aug 15—Annual field day of East­ The meeting of iRuth Mayhew But of the I can speak. servance of the J

At The “Big House” WALDOBORO (Continued from Page One) VINALHAVEN’S GRANITE’INDUSTRY ft ft ft ft LEARNED HOW TO DRIVE MRS. LOUISE MILLER are now on their vacation period it [ means there will be no further acces­ Correspondent sions until fall, and meantime there ft ftft ft fill be further paroles for the August T el. 27 and September allotments. M ean­ time work Is proceeding steadily on Mi's. George Brown and daugh­ the construction of the west wing an- ter, Isobel, of Brookline, Mass., ar­ 1 nex and the Prison Farm barracks, rived Friday to visit several weeks the two to be completed In Novem­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Os- ber. The brick work on the new un- j bornle Welt. nex is all done, and the unit is ready ■ Mrs Hilda Somes Is at Christmas for its roof. Cove where she has employment for Cement was being poured this the summer. ; week for the Prison Farm barracks 1 Mrs. Lawrence Nadeau of Bath which will be a 60x100 foot one story spent Friday with her parents Mr. structure of brick and concrete, matte and Mrs. O&borne Welt, Everett as nearly fireproof as possible ft • Welt returned to Bath with his sis­ j will have sleeping quarters for 83 1 ter, Mrs. Nadeau. Imen. with recreational facilities also j on the grouud floor In the base­ Mrs. Carl Becker and son. Wil­ ment will be the dining room and ‘ liam of Farmington are visiting her ; kitchen, the heating plant and a parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Flint. vegetable cellar. Mrs Fred Boggs and Miss Made­ For theifltst time In the history of lyn Kane are attending the sum­ the Maine State Pruion the inmat 's mer session at Gorham Normal of the Prison Farm will be fed cafe­ Rockland High School students who passed the Safety Driving Test, after instruction by State Highway Poliee. School. teria style—a method which Is in Miss Jeanette Boggs is visiting vogue in many other modern pen'll relatives In Rockland. THORNDIKEVILLE A numbers will Include club collect, institutions. This will permit a more Robert Somes Is visiting his uncle, ___ _ -jC WARREN • ‘lute to the flag led by the Forget- ' careful check of the eating tniple- Scott Somes in Edgecomb. CojI Levenseller, Mi Richard. W ine-not Girl Scout Troop, vocal se- ments "V'l A special town meeting will be New York City and Jonsle Duntht* lection by the male quartet. Roger -phe Prison Farm furnishes a held tonight at the high school au­ of West Rockport, called Monday ALENA L. 8TARRETT reague, Chester Wyllie. Charles bonle (Or about 44 men on the aver- ditorium. Articles to be acted up- on friends and relatives in this Correspondent Wil-on and J.Jin Robinson A sil- age, but when the new barracks are on concern tax liens on property i place Mr levenseller formerly] ver collftlon will be taken to benefit completed the number will be al- and the closing of the Oross Neck made his home with his uncle Lin- T»1 49 the Junior high schcol fund most doubled, and this will further School ley Merrifield who resides here The business will follow the pro- relieve the congestion at "Tlie Big gram. j House.” Marlene Monahan lias been a re­ Mrs. Madeline C Porter who was Sheldcn's filling station car claim cent guest of Mrs N 8 Reever. employed in Worcester during the one new distinction. He Is the first Mrs. Robert Andrews and Mrs Thirteen men are engaged in the Miss Florence Orff has been a winter has returned and is now em­ Sonoco dealer east of tlie Carlton Mina Riir went Friday by motor construction of the Barracks, all recent Portland visitor. ployed at tire Community Sweet Bridge. to Montreal, where they will sail to- | inmates excepting the overseer, day on the Duche-s of Richmond Mrs. C. B. Stahl, Mrs Stanley Shop. Dr. Judson P Lord and Oerald ' lor a two-months cruise which will Poland, Mrs. Edward Connor and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Bryant ef of Brown wll attend the double header And speaking of the Prison Farm. son, Richard, were Rockland visi­ Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Upham game in Boston. Sunday Yankees take them down the east coast, It Is interesting to know that War- tors Thursday. and daughter Marlon of Rockport, vs. Red Sox. | through the Panama Canal, up the den Welch has 13# acres under cul- A group of friends surprised Mrs. 1 Russell Upham and family of Rock- Rev Mr Stackhouse and daugh- ' west coast as far as Alaska and re- ■ tivation this summer as compared Louts Martin Thursday night a t ' land were visitors Sunday ai Ada ter. Miss Allison Stackhouse arrive ,urn' deluded in the trip are visits | with only 90 last year, This in- her home on Friendship street with Upham's. today from Monticello, for the ween- ] t0 ,,le New York J,Kl 80,1 Francisco eludes 30 acres of potatoes, and a World's Fairs. Their itinerary in- I relative increase in beans, peas and a miscellaneous shower. Those in Mr. and Mrs F A Crabtree and end R ev Mr. Stackhouse to preach eludes New York, Kingston Jamaica, corn. the party were Mrs. Lydia Colwell. son Albert were guests at Will Ar­ Sunday at the Baptist Church. Crust bal, Canal Zone Ixjs Angeles, "We expect to raise 7500 bushels Mrs. Warren Colwell. Mrs. Wayne ringtons in Appleton recently Stanley Farrington of 8cuth Han­ Heald. Mrs. Wilbur Hilton, M u Honolulu Yakutat Bay Alaska. Sit- of potatoes this summer," Warden George Davis of Port Clyde over, Mass , was guest last weekend Elsie Wtnchenbach, Miss Arlene ka, Juneau, via the Chatham Strait; Welch told The Courier-Gazette re- boarding at Lester Merrill's and of Mr. and Mrs Clifford M. Spear. Wlnchenbach. Miss Arvilla Win- Vancouver, British Columbia via porter, and there was a look of satls- employed at E W Mathews & Son East Warren. chenbach. Miss Laura Creamer, Fuca Straits, Victoria. B C , San faction upon the countenance of th? In Unio-i. Miss Frances Spear of Portland is Miss Nellie Moody, Miss Constance occupying her home for the summer. Francisco, Los Angeles. Acapulco, former Aroostook sheriff, to whom i Kenneth Crabtree, a recent grad- Newbegin and Miss Mary Miller. Mrs Clarence Telman returned Mt xico. with a six-day tour of Mex- potatoes is one of the most im partant Games were played and refresh- I uate of u - of M lla* em p.oym en. Monday from Boston, where she had ico. returning to the ship at Vera, words in the dictionary. As the ments served. | 81 old Town- Mr. and Mrs. Crab- been guest of relatives In Peabody, Cruz. Havana, up the east coast, and Prison uses on the average 2500 ’ ______Waldoboro High School won tr«e were visitors Sunday at the Salem and Gloucester. She was ac­ at port of Montreal, Sept. 7. On the bushels, there would be a surplus of JSSL.tant to the deputy warden in customs office and out of the back signal recognition at the State Fu- ]home of Mr. Crabtree s parents In The Old World companied by Mrs Martha Ander­ first four days of their trip they will 5000 bushels which will be sold to | the product;On of the whole instl- door of the same into a gondola. ture Farmer's Convention at Orono 1 Linley Merrifield has been -uf- be accompanied by Mr. and Mr.i. I other State institutions sen of Lakewood. Ohio, and Salem tuticn. This took us through several little Wednesday when a poultry Judg- j fering from an ear infection the Wj!lows Mas; and by Ada Lewis Burgess of North Weymoutn, . . . . Some Extracts From Foreigr FothtrglU of Danvers Mass Mass . who will leave them at New The Prison Farm has 1400 pullets The Maine State Prison s news- winding canals eventually into the ing team composed of George past two weeks. Travel Letter Received Teague and Merton Newbert were Mr and Mrs Lester Merrill ac­ Mrs La Forest Davis returned ‘ York to ■‘tl«'nd U»e World s Fair on hand at the present time, to-1 paper known as "Vox,''plays an lin­ Grand Canal and down into our gether with 600 adult hens. Six lo acclaimed the State Champion companied by Mr. and Mrs. W C. Tuesday to Vlnalhaven after a visit 1 portant part in the affairs of the By Rockland Couple hotel. Thus enaed our fine sea ten cases of eggs are shipped weekly Poultry Judging Team. These boys Wellman of South Hope were callers with Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Davis. Junior High School Building penitent .ary. Both from a literary voyage and began our land trip. lo the State Hospital in Bangor. and a news standpoint it Is a de­ • Second installment! together with their agricultural Monday on friends in Waldoboro, Willis Vinal and Richard Dunn ci Ground was broken Thursday Venice is ail that the guide books cided credit to the institution. Upon caving Athens, we sailed say jt ;s and we found jt a most jn- teacher, Richard Gerry will rep- Mr. and Mrs Joseuh Regniod and Thomaston were on Munlu in morning lor the $8,000 junior high Tht. p ,.^ had a large surpms tf renent Maine at the World's Poultry granddaughter Jane Perry and M s L-.and on business. Tuesday. w< stward around tlie Greek Archl- teresting city. In spite of its net- st hool building, cn the John Davis peas, corn, greens, etc., last season I. Congress in Cleveland, Ohio from Ethel Savage of Camden were guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wentworth of SOUTH THOMASTON pelago into the Adriatic sea and up *'°rk of canals, there is plenty of lot This lot contains 28 acres, half and was able to supply the State July 28 to Aug. 7. About 60 coun- [ Tuesday at Lester Merrills' . Hope were recent supper guests of of which is field and is located on Hospltal ln Augusta with 15 tons of , I the Dalmatian coast. We made opportunity to follow the narrow tries will be represented at this Mr. and Mrs. Roy Croteau of Mr and Mrs Harold Drewett. Mrs Bertha Sleeper entertained One step at a little known port path beside them into the little the eastern side of the river on a canned goods. convention. The entire expenses Rockland called Sunday on Mrs Charles Littlehale and crew are cross road between the eastern road at bridge Thursday afternoon Mrs-'diied Ra,usa in what is now Jugo seen parts of the city. Naturally of the trip will be paid by a com- Croteaus father W S. Lothrop. r. zing the barn cn the former John to Union and the Camden road. It The Prison shops are the busiest I Lucie Allen, Mrs Mary Burgess, siav;a. Personally, I had never the town was full of sight seers merclal feed company. C.l ments property, recently bought is about ten minutes wa.k irom the ln the history of the institution, and aiul Miss Elizabeth Till Dainty hi a j of this place but it is without *'hen we were there, but it is a by Mrs. Robert Andrews village centre, and Is near the home In this connection it is interest ig sandwiches, chocolate cake and xcept on the most beautiful seen- ver>' busy Place in its own rl«ht EAST FRIENDSHIP iced drinks were served. ery 0{ tbe whole trip. High moun- Klnce B stl'l is one oT die lmpor- EAST LIBERTY Mrs Frank Rowe, Mrs. Phlll.p j Of f rank Peabody to know that the Maine S tate Prison Mrs. Susie Davis of Rockport S.mmons and Mrs. Geoige Newbert The two room building 36 by 51. for fiscal year ending July 1st Miss Sylvia Tyler spent a few, tains descend perpendicularly to Italian seaports. Mrs. Belle Pearson has returned visited at It W. Bradford's the past attended the Wednesday sessions of will set back 150 leet from the tarred ! did *e5 00° *'orth ‘>usineas In days in Warren recently as gui st cf the sea. and nestled at their feet Wt' regretted leaving Venice but her grandmother Mrs. Fmma Fo. ter is a little walled town that for 500 in order to see some of Italy In the to Thorndike after a few weeks visit week. the Maine Garden Club Federation road. A 50-foot walk will meet a previous years the am ount has with Gertie C. Skinner. Howell Smith of Rockland held m Camden i semi-circular drive in front of the ranged from $40,000 to $76,000. at the home of Mrs. Annie Watts. years was an independent city I short time that was available, we Mrs. Nellie P ratt and family of been spending a week at Roscoe Mrs Delm Hayes, and daughte '. • bulIding thp drjye ,g fw t ,.t The busiest department within the Mrs Annie Dennison and Mrs »'hen Venice was the Queen of the w'ent by train to Florence. The Kennebunk visited at the home of , Marshall s. Miss Maria Hayes of Somerville. thfi tnds and Wldenjng in froW walls is where they manufacture Elizabeth Mitchell attended the Adriatic We came very near to > fa*n°o-s art center and home of ex- her brother Herbert Skinner re­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payson of | Mass . arrived Thursday and after thp buildjng t0 24 {eet number plates for motor cars. For graduation of Miss Barbara Mitch- leaving the ship at this point and ! cellent leather and silver ware and cently. Massachusetts are at their camp ' visiting George Teague for a few the coming year 250,000 plates will ell from Portland High School Iasi koing no farther. Certainly if pos- j linens captivated us and we stayed Adin Hopkins of Camden, county A new bridge near Steven's mill formerly the Hatch farm, days will spend July at the Perry be turned out. The style for 1943 week sible. we shall return there some longer than we intended. From commissioner, is donating time in is under construction. Miss Irene Doe lias employment cottage, at Holiday Beach. day and stay longer. ! Florence, we took one of the super staking out the location, most of is an aluminum background, with Miss Mary Bartlett is guest of Leroy Howes and family have at the sardine factory in Rockland, Mr and Mrs C E. Overlock visited The next day we crossed the streamlined electric trains of the wnich was done Thursday. A gas green numerals. her niece Mrs. Woodbury Brackett moved to the house which he re- I Mr. and Mrs Fred McLaughlin Sunday with Mr and Mrs. William * * * * 1 in Houlton. Adriatic to the Italian side and ; Ital*an state railway to Rome. This shovel is doing the excavating (or Even with all of the shops running cently bought from F. J. Hooper motored Thursday to Boothbay Morrison in Portland. Mrs Hv- Mrs. Marion Lindsey and family landed at noon ln Venice. A!- jtrain was a very superior article the cellar or basement. full blast Warden Welch found con­ Mr. and Mrs. Hooper have moved where Mr. McLaughlin attended A land Hussey of Haverhill, Mass . also have returned home for the sum- though, one h< ars a great deal iand *'ould compare favorably with The school committee and select- siderable unemployment on his to John Adams' house. fishery meeting. On return they guest at the Morrison home on that mer. about this city, we did not realize ' any of the famous zephyrs of our day came here for & few days visit i m<-'n have charge of the erection of, hands, and this undesirable situa­ Earland Esancy is ln a critical were accompanied by their grand­ Miss Bernice Newborg of Arling­ that ocean liners of the size of ours we-an which is Georgetown, Mass., and Howard that Warden Welch plays no fa­ the fact that many of the articles hours. and Mrs. Ada Conant. It was Mrs. Collins of Danvers, Mass., received In Paraguay there is a firefly vorites and is bent upon giving were brought from India and other 'Marion Watts) were completely1 our favorlte Italian city. We left Dr. John Smith Lowe, D. I ) , of Conant's 89th birthday. only slight cuts and bruises. Tlie which flashes a red light at the ' everybody a fair show. Also that he places by Mrs. Louise Allen when surPrised when greeted by strains of I nlcs^ 0111 belongings in a hotel ends of iis body and green one j Rockland will deliver a patriotic car is completely demolished. Mr. A large group attended the wants living conditions in the prison she was a young girl, and sailed on tbe "Wedding March" and the ap- ,bere and hiking only a knapsack along the sides. It is known as the ' address Thursday night at a nuet- Esancy is an employe at the Dan­ shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. made as humane and comfortable as long voyages with her parents, the P'aif* of nearly 100 friends and set out for an day tour In M railway beetle. ling of the Woman’s Club Other vers State Hospital. Thomas Williams for Mr. and Mrs. conditions will allow. late Capt. Edward and Mrs. Watts r«l9tlves. The bride and groom Swi,'w r*and Alwood Mitchell (Ida Williams) Baseball is all the talk, and the Pieces of carved ivory were exhibit- WPr€ escorted to a long table in Fhal part of our trip was really ORFF’S CORNER who were married recently. Prison is living up to its reputation cd by Mrs. Nellie Wiggiti and were front of the stage on which gifts highlight since we spent ail Callers at O T. Keene’s Sunday of producing a winning team. The the work of her brother while held ’lad **911 placed. Meanwhile Mrs. , our ,*”’e *n A,,xs ex" Mrs. Lizzie Dudley and Miss Helen VINALHAVEN & ROCKLAND STB. CO. were Mr. and Mrs. Leland John­ sport began the middle of April, and as prisoner during the Boer War Victoria Clement sang "Oh Promise s to Cannes, France, re- Mr. and Mrs. David Esancy were Mr. Porter was a salesman for VINALHAVEN LINE ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE I young married couples. However turned to Naples and then out callers Tuesday evening on Mr. and Central Maine Power Co. and had STEAMER W. S. WHITE j an immense wedding cake made by through the Mediterranean, stop­ ' Mrs. Ormond Keene. WELDING many friends in the business world Read Down ! Mrs. Mitchell was soon presented ping at Glbralter, across the Atlan­ Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Sprowl have PORTABLE AND SHOP WELDING EQUIPMENT and throughout the State, many of Daily , _ Dally Daily ,. a, j and cut by Mrs. Colby and served to tic to New York, all In eight days Exit Except * returned from a trip to the World's BLACKSMITH WORK OE AI.I. KINDS whom attended the funeral. A'Z.S Sun. sat. * iz. £ 2 I the guests; punch, cookies and a from Genoa. Sun. i Fair. COPPER AND STEEL TANKS M ADE TO ORDER He is survived by his wife, a son A?M A.M.P.M.A.M. AJU.A.M.P.M. TRUCK BODIES MADE AND FRAMES STRAIGHTENED variety of cakes were also served After tearing around like that Fred Tilden of Massachusetts is Carleton and daughter Mrs. Geral- 5.0H H.00 2.15 8.00 Lv. ROCKLAND, Ar. 9.4511.45 5.30 CASTING OF ALL KINDS WELDED OR BRAZED I and good wishes extended to the for the summer, it was hard to come a visitor at George Fish's. dyn Luke. Interment was in Lud- | <1.05 Lv. NORTH HAVEN, I I I Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable I young couple. The party was un- down to earth, but the day after wig cemetery amid flowers many G.15 10.00 3.30 9.15, Ar. VINALHAVEN, Lv. 8.30 10.30 4.15 JOHN W. MARSHALL j der the able management of Mr. we arrived in Cleveland, the schools Read Up Correspondents and co’itrlbutors and beautiful. TELEPHONE 2-11 WARREN, MAINE and Mrs. Harry Waterman opened and we have been hard at * New York (rain connection Saturday only. arc asked to write on Only One 75-tf 78&81 work ever since. side of tlie paper Read Tlie Courier-Gazette Read The Courier-Gazette Phil and Ella Riley, Every-OtKer-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, July 1, 1939 Page Five

A MAID CALLED MILLS Roving Reporter THE LYRIC MUSE DOESN'T FLY THE JOLLY EOCE r ] POLITICAL GOSSIP STARTS (Continued from Page One) Whom You Will Take To Your Heart When She Talks painted to represent a huge fish. Connects Carl Moran With U. S. Senate— Not And we saw the tulip tree main­ About Household Matters tained by the State of Connecticut. Going To Be Porch-Sitter Starting Over Again BROADCAST BY MARJORIE MILLS iMonday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 1.30 p m. o e r Stations On through Columbia and Wind- WNAC, Boston; WTAG, Worcester; WCSH, Portland; WTK . Hartford; haven. Gonia everywhere trying to 9 The possibility that E. C. Moran, W1CC. Bridgeport; WEAN, Providence; and WLBZ, B angf). Publication Limited to Brief might get a leave of absence if he match a sample of paper for a Poems Jr., may relinquish his present plum wanted it, and the Administration I local customer, of Original Composition as a member ol the U. S. Mari­ We’re trying i Cut the cantaloupe into long, By Subscribers were agreeable. j ^ e saw the very large factory to round up a J slender sections, remo e rinds and time Commission, and run for Unit­ Thurston was here a few days where they manufacture thread in group of bright ! inedible portions and marinate in ed States Senator, Is contained in ago with Mrs Thurston, and Willimantic, Conn. It is the same ideas t o d a y j the grapefruit syrup for a few FANTASY the following story which comes 1 kind of thread which I used to see (For The Courier-Gazette! from the Press Herald's Washing­ in my old homestead known as passed on by hours. Then drain a d mix with Lonely heart — a feeling, oh. how f r i e n d s w ho the grapefruit pulp. Arrange in strange. ton Bureau. “OUT.," which, I always under­ Enfolds itself about this soul of mine: • • • • telephoned to nests of lettuce lea\ ea, sprinkle stood, meant Our Nice Thread. We Winding its web of weariness around— Gossamer threads of political ask a question lightly with pineapple and garnish Leaving me longing still. stopped at a gas station, where there And yet—I think I never shall forget gossip are weaving between Wash- • and left a sug- ‘ with cherries. The loveliness of you that once was was a woman In charge, who was ington and Maine, as M aritim e1 mine. very fond of the Marjorie Mills gestion or two ! Raspberry Whip Not Just a passing fantasy of fate Commissioner E. C. Moran, Jr. by way of tip! One and one-quarte; cups ras.p- But part of me. my deep abiding broadcasts. She told of the se­ strength. starts back home Friday "for a nice Sucli as a rose when growing seeks to vere damage wrought upon her or fee foi help berries, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 vacation of a week or so.” He ex­ have; property by the tornado, and re­ received: It’s a pleasant custom egg white. Clings to the mother root. pressed astonishment when asked some of you have adopted; you ask , Pin ingredients ln bowl and beat Is lost without marked philosophically that it was So he-» vou gone and left me waiting if there were political significance a case of "starting all over again" a question and some stray bit of with wire whisk until stiff enough here to the trip, and if he m eant to run information is tucked into the let- ' to hold its shape (about 33 min- Within -ie grotto of my lonely heart. Riding from Chaplin Into Hamp­ —Dorothy Harvey for the Senate, on a Democratic i ton we experienced a delightful ter as payment but we haven't the utes). Pile lightly on dish and chill Rockland ticket, with Fulton J. Redman for j It *t It It change in the weather. The ex­ names of the people who handed thoroughly. Surround with lady Governor and Paul C. Thurston,: SUNRISE COLD treme heat of New York had given out the following telephone tips. Angers or slices of sponge cake and former Maine Highway Commls-1 |For The Courier-Oazette| place to a cool afternoon which For Instance does the Aower serve with soft custard, sioner, for Congress from the First I Upon the sunrise waiting tky made motoring an unalloyed pleas­ holder wobble about in your best strawberries may be ased instead 1 see bright bars of gold District. low bowl or container? Melt a;of raspberries If desired. A treasure store Immense I spy ure Of value all untoid "Why I haven’t thought of such | 1 ttle paraffin in the bottom of the ■ Mofha Clvam Angers things," he exclaimed. Asked to I Martha Fuller Inn I claim them for my very own bowl and press the Aower holder One-half cup Land O Lakes but- These riches I have found affirm or deny, he laughed and i The slipper hour brought us to into it, then long-stemmed, heavy cpp g(fbjjg coffee, (4 cup That morning light to me has shown Martha Fuller Inn in Hampton In graciousness profound said he was like the politician who j headed blossoms won t tip it over, j conft-ctioners su?ar, 1 tablespoon The building was erected In 1722, “never affirmed or denied any­ Hill hr dmp a rliuier plum fur a An inner coating of paraffin some-1 cornstarcb Let others seek the burled gold. but the fluffy biscuits, fresh from The long lost treasure store thing." He wouldnu't talk politics r That ancient pirate haunts may hold the oven, were not made on that And find It on some shore He said he expected to go to S'nite? proof again too. , unll] it js , mootb j light. Add i Maine again for the launching of date Like everything else on tlie Their wealth with mine will not com- Da you u e rag and gras, rugs in coffee confectlon. r's sugar and pare the Red Jacket Aug. 28 and stay table they were simply delicious. summer and do the edges curl? D.p cornsUreh and blend lht mlxtures. 1 In satisfaction sweet. chummed around considerably with The night was so long and the This glory that the skies declare about a week. That would be both I lie corners in weak starch and they ig prPad thickly betwe. n lady Angers, With promise rich replete Maritime business and vacation, he Roprisentative Smith, of the Sec- air so delicious we decided to "keep ouq Maine District, which adds to on farming," and we rede Into will lie Hat on the Acor thereafter. | MENU Sailing, ‘ailing, over the bounding main. Above we see the “Capt. I may Inherit by God's grace explained Asked if he would go Someone asked about washing Kidd." built and owned by Laden K. Green, Jr., the boat which was That city of pure gold to Maine again in the fall, he said the political fog Mr. Thurston Rockland at 10 o'clock Sunday Breakfa t Eternal treasures there embrace booked rugs. Immerse in rather launched from a Main street a'.'ic. said he wasn't going to run for any­ forenoon, very tired but fully Ocean Sprgy Crai.berry Juice Its heavenly charm behold he never planned ahead. Mrs. (Mo­ hot suds and rub gently or lay the Allison M Watts thing according to Mr Smith, but agreed that even sleepless travel Cocktail ran will accompany him to Maine rug Aat and scrub with a brush and Jamaica, Vt. he also said nobody could ever pre­ has its rewards. Wheatena KesseU's Swing Band with Arthur It It M It A fortnight ago Mr Redman was soapy water. Then rinse thoroughly dict what they might do in the fu­ In a previous Installment I men­ Toasted English Mifflns with Brcwn at tlie piano, will play at Me­ here, talked to Moran and went but don't hang it up to dry. Wet VINALHAVEN JULY THE FOURTH ture. Roy Fernald, candidate for tioned having mislaid the name Poached Eggs morial hall Monday night lor the (For The Courler-GazetteJ home to write a piece saying Mo­ burlap sags and the rug will lose its Maine Governor, was here at the dance, sponsored by the American ran is leader of the liberal Demo­ and address of a former Portland shape. Lay it out Aat to dry and Coffee July, the Fourth, a date that e'er doth MRS OSCAR C. LANE ljpgion, in honor of the flesqui-. fill crats of Maine and th at Moran same time, staying with the Smiths, man named Norton, who had vol- size the back with fairly thick Dinner The patriot's heart with glorious thrill Correspondent Centennial Queen, Miss Columbia Of prideful Joy thanksgiving, praise; said all Democrats ought to unite but he wouldn't say anything ex- i unteered in front of Independence starch. Chicken Pie Ma hed Potatoes Glad that we live In present days, cept that he was back from the | Hall to doanything he could for and Court of Honor. to win success for the party. Moran Someone told us of planting cress, Buttered Asparagus In freedom's land, not ruled by kingly Mrs. Mildred Peppard son William • • • • hand— has always been a New De-1 Demo­ Townsend convention, and that he | "you Maine fellows." parsley, chives, and shallot ln chil­ ’Cantaloupe Salad A country ever true to righteous cause Is pursuing his campaign In- [ A Lengtlirning Mi leaf• and daughter Susan are at Old Farmer "Grads" Assemble crat, and last year announced he dren's enameled tin beach pails •Thompson's Spa Chocolate Harbor for the summer. Trie Alumni banquet was held Long may Old Glory wave o'er land would sit on his front porch and tensively. j In my mall the other day came a lor a gay kitchen window garden in Nougat Pudding and sea. Tue-day night at Union vestry, fea­ Proclaiming we are peaceful. Just and drink lemonade while the campaign Moran was in the House Wed- 1 letter from my old friend Alf Elden Coffee Mr. and Mrs. William Young of free. an apartment. The humidity rising turing the annual get together with was on, which meant th a t he did nesday, when monetary and neu- j of Portland, one time manager of Camden were recent guests of Mr. May we be spared unrighteous wars from the sink seems to be good for Supper a large number present. It was But eer defend all righteous cause not support Old Deal Democratic trality measures were under con- i the Western Union telegraph office and Mrs Raymond Webster. God bless our country, keep It strong any plants you start there too. Fresh Fruit Salad served by Union Circle, the tables candidates in Maine sideration, and lunched with Repre- I in this city and since then a free- Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchey of and true; Here’s an idea we've decided to Cold Chicken Watermelon Pickles prettilv decorated with cut Aowers. Eer loyal to the flag of red and white Another interpretation of gos­ sentative Brewster. Brewster Is a lance news writer. He wrote: Wellesley. Mass, are guests at The and blue adopt that someone sent along. Do •Raspberry Whip After the banquet the president Elizabeth O Marsh candidate for the Senate, and if he "The man you met was undoubt­ Mcors, Lane s Island. sip is that Moran will look around you save old magazines and then •Mocha Cream Fingers extended congratulations and best Rockland should defeat other senatorial can­ edly a nephew I not a son I of the Mr and Mrs. Mark Smith of Bos­ R It K It to see what crop of Roosevelt dele­ never remember which one had the Iced Tetley Tea wishes to those present, followed by gates he can get for the conven­ didates, Including Governor Bar- late O W. Norton of the Portland ton arrived Wednesday. They are CERTAINTY article or inforamtion you wanted? a report of the secretary. Letters tion. Asked whom he would see in rows, and Moran should be a can­ Express. He went into some other •Recipes given. visiting Mrs Smith's sister, Mrs I For The Courier-Gazette : How about clipping the contents from out of town members were Maine, he wasn't very explicit, but didate, then the pair sitting so kind of work In Philadelphia." Charles Boman. We cannot expect the span of our life page and Aling it, then if the maga­ read. Will run beneath skies always blue— apparently he isn't Just going to amicably at lunch Wednesday And so goes another successful APPLETON RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Charles I/>nfest and Nor can we expect to always have tasks zines arc piled in order by months Theseofficers were elected: Presi­ That are easy and pleasant to do “sit on his front porch." would put on a fight such as Maine Roving Reporter trip into Mem­ son Robert of Rochester N. Y.. a r­ it's simple as anything to And the dent, Pauline Smith; vice presi­ His term runs to 1942, but he | hasn't seen for some time ory's archives. I don’t know what Mrs. Ella MaoLaughlln of Warren rived Wednesday and are at Seal No. Into each life must come clouds back issue one wants. Someone was guest Thursday night of Mrs. dent. Edith Nickerson: secretary. and rain. number this made, but I do know Bay Farm for the summer vacation. And each heart must know Its own else suggested keeping a note book , Evelyn Pitman. Hazel iRcberts; treasurer, Cleo Robbins in honor of Mrs. Sarah F that my aggregate mileage must Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook have care. of reference on magazine articles Each weary pilgrim must chafe 'neath WEST ROCKPORT now be 21.000 for weekend trips Doris Hustus has returned home guests over the Sesqui-Centennial, Shields; executive committee, Lois a load _____ , Seavey of Pleasant Point. Cake but that sounds as though only the since the late fall of 1932. I hope after spending a few days with her a a Callahan of Augusta, and Webster, Emily Winslow, Virginia That sometimes seems heavy to bear Members of the Singing-Sewing and ice cream were served. Those trderly souls woul maintain the somebody has derived half as much sister Mrs. Beatrice Moody. Mr. and Mrs Arnold and son Man- White. But we can be sure we ll see sun after Girls 4-H Club and the Amateur present were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert practice. Cheers were given for all classes, rain. enjoyment from reading them as I Ruth Mitchell of Burkettvllle j son of North Vassalboro. Know Joy when our sorrow Is gone, Farmers Boys’ Club attended the Young and son Roger of Rockland, We ve had the suggestion of using teachers and schcol board. The have from making them 1 have passed a few days recently with Mrs ; Mrs. Gf urge Hyland, daughter Experience peace, after harassing pain Knox-Lincoln 4-H Field Day at Mr and Mrs Herbert Murray and oblong wire dish drainers from the guest speaker was Prof Ralph Burns And flnd rest when our labor la done another ln view for later ln the Thomas Williams. Betty and son Oeorge of Rockland -Nellie M Ervlne Union Fair grounds Wednesday.1 family of Port Clyde, Lewis Young Ave and ten for transplanting can­ of Dartmouth College. Remarks Tenants Harbor season, but maybe it will not ma­ Mr. and Mrs Alwood Mitchell are visitors at Mr. and Mrs Jack They were accompaned by their and son Lewis of Rockland ning jars to and from the cellar were also made by Hosmer Jones of M R It It leaders. I Mrs. Josephine Simmons accom- terialize. It promises some highly but perhaps you missed it. They’re were visitors last weekend at the Phillips Hartford, Kenneth Black, Tennes­ FAREWELL TO SPRING interesting material. Miss Stella Young oi Rcckland is Miss Emily C< >;nce is home from panted by Misses Josephine Thomp- light and inexpensive and not so home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wil­ IFor The Courier Gazette] guest of her cousin. Miss Mary Neil­ see and Laura Sanborn of Augusta. Harborside for a week | son and Pauline Thompson, spent (The End 1 slippery as trays. The same wire liams. The e musical numbers were Ane- You epoke so gently mid the winter's son. chlU Mrs. Robert Nutt M artin arrived Thursday in Augusta. P 8 —Quite likely The Black dish drainers can be inverted over Mrs. Hugh McCornson. Mrs Ruth ly rendered: Vccal solos, by Mrs. That soft winds touched the trees upon Mrs. Merle Hutchins, daughter the hUl Monday night from Florida, called -Patriotism That Wins" will be Cat will be with you for the Fourth tiny seedlings to keep off stray dogs Esancy and son. Dean were callers Blanche Kittredge. Harry L. Coombs Janet and on Richard of Rockland And buds awoke and raised their petals by the Illness of her mother. Mrs lhe message top^ of Pastor Stuart of July issue if the fire crackers and children, used as a toy basket, Friday at Mrs. Evelyn Pitman's. and Ernest Arey; vocal duet, Ruth high are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Angus To smile up at the warm glow in the Robert Nutt who Is at Knox Hos- Sunday morning in the Baptist do not scare her away.—R R tc carry small washings lo the line Brcwn and Carolyn Calderwood; sky. Mr and Mrs. W. M Newbert were Hennigar. pital for treatment. ) chapel at 10.30. Miss Thelma Mil- and as garden baskets with a sheet trombone solo, George Swears, ac­ business callers last Saturday in Miss Ellen Wareham cf Concord, The valleys and the hillsides heard you Mrs. Hemv Kontio entertained ler wlll the soioist The com- cf oil cloth for lining. companist, Mrs Leola Smith. call Rockport. Mass., arrived Friday for a visit with t.'e Tuesday Club this week. There munlon will be served following the O W L’S H EAD Are you going to adopt any of Selections were played by the or­ And. waking from their long and deep­ Mrs. Nellie Merrill of Somerville, her aunt. Mrs. L. R. Smith. ened pall, will be a muling next week at the morning sermon. The Sunday these ideas And haven’t you one chestra, George Swears trombone, Responded to the stony brooklet's ring Mr and Mrs. B A. Bass of Mass., is spending a few weeks with Almon Young. Jr. of Rockland And bid the happy wood folk wake and home of Mr.-.. Henry Keller. School will convene at 1145; eve­ of your own to contribute? Leon Arey saxophone, Bruce Grin- sing Springfield are at their Holiday her daughter, Mrs. Edith Fuller. is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack The Mission Circle met ThunLiv ning service of song and praise at dle saxophone, Lou Merrithew ban­ Beach cottage. Thompson's Spa Chocolate Nichols. Now all the realm lies within your v th Mrs. J F Heal. Mrs. Lizzie McCorrison is guest charm 7, the pastor to speak on "Ques­ Nougat Pudding Mrs. Simon Drew and daughter. jo, Flavilla Anderson drums, Ola Church services Sunday start at Miss Joan Emery of Camden was of friends in Hollis. Ames piano. This same orchestra And flowers bloom outside your shel­ tioning Obedience." The Church One quart milk. 1 cup granulated Mrs Grace Rcsario of Portland are tering arm 9.30 a. m. with preaching by th’ recent guest at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Pitman furnished music for the dance held You go away Into a rest so fair, welcomes all who have not a church sugar, 1-3 cup cornstarch. 2% were callers Sunday at the home visitors at Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Drew's A shining garland flowing from your pa-tor. Rev. J W. Hyssong. Sunday home, or who are away from their Arthur Bain for a few days. tablespoons pastry flour, 3 ounces later in Memorial hall. hair of Mr .and Mrs. Alfred Standish Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lenfest and school follows at 10.30 In the eve­ own church to worship ln its serv­ Barbara S.nlth has returned from chopped walnut meats, 2 >4 ounces in South Waldoboro. son Arthur of Reading. Mass , are in Sometimes Spring takes life by the ning at 7 will be held the monthly ices. The mid-week prayer serv­ a visit with her sister, Mrs Mau­ chocolate, tj teaspoon salt, 1 tea­ hand Joel Pennington of Bangor dined town for the summer. NORTH HAVEN And leads the way Into a silent land. utdon service at which the pasior ice will be Thursday at 7 30 rice Barter ln Isle au Haut. spoon vanilla. Mrs. Grace Kessell. Mrs 'Lillian Townspeople turned out in large Content to let us sleep in her embrace w.ll speak. Tuesday at the home of Mr and Oblivious of earthly time and spac Mr and Mrs. Frank Pearson of Scald milk, break chocolate and Mrs. W M. Newbert. Pachadorpb Mr. and Mrs. William numbers Sunday to hear and greet _ Maurice P Hill Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins and , N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs.. put into double boiler and stir un­ Kessell and daughter Lillian of New­ Rev John Alexander of Keuka Park Rockwood Miss Blanche Collins arrived home ROCKVILLE A miscellaneous shower was held R R R R J C. French of Roslindule have til melted, then add scalded milk, burgh, N Y . are guests of Mr and College Church. In the morning Wednesday from a trip to Boston Friday ngiht for Mr. and Mrs Al­ ROSES Mr and Mrs. George Post o! returned home after three weeks' gradually to chocolate and stir Mrs. Oscar Lawscn. he preached on the theme "Fences." I and Gloucester, Mass On the return wood Mitchell of Burk'-ttvllle at the IFor The CourierGazette| Syracuse, N Y. arrived Thursday stay at Norcross Point. constantly until smooth. Sift • • • • and at night his theme was "Turn­ Journey they visited relatives in home of the bride's parents, Mr June, the month of rosea; by car to spend a lew days with Mrs W B Adams and family of sugar, cornstarch, and flour to­ At I'nion Church ing on the Lights". Dr. Alexander Sunshine and rain discloses Scarboro and were accompanied and Mrs. Thomas Williams. About Fragrant blossoms hidden there Mrs Post's mother. Mrs Philip Longmeadow. M ass, are at their gether and add to Arst mixture. The Circli will serie a public returned Monday to Dresden where In green foliage, how fair! home by Mrs. Collins' niece Miss 100 guests were present. The liv­ Tolman. i summer residence. Easter Hill Jor When It starts to thicken add salt. baked than supper tonight at the he is spending a few days with his Viola Plowman of Scarboro. ing room was attrfetively decorated Here by the rose bush I stand. the season. William Adams has as Cook approximately 20 minutes, vestry at 6.3d Thpre will be a roll mother. During his stay here he A bouquet of roses in hand; Miss Barbara Merrifield has been After a short visit with her in American Beauty red and white, Seems as If they almost whisper. guest Robert Stedman of Spring- take out of double boiler, add van­ call of mcm'ters and home coming was entertained in the home of Mr. visiting her niece, Miss Carolyn brothers Miss Martha Thurston has while the color scheme ln the din- "Love us as you would a sister " field Mass. illa and walnuts. Grease pyrex ministers. A turkey dinner will be Merrifield In Union this week. returned to Boston __ „ , . ing room was blue, pink and white and Mrs. Hanson T. Crockett. Vho could keep from loving them cups or custard cups with Land O n j . . - served Sunday at 1 o'clock and Ash Mr. and Mrs. Fred Popp and son As they sway from graceful stem? Charles Perry and son Robert of t k,... . I Roses and ferns were used for Aoral Among the leaves they flnd repose, Correspondents and contributors , ,‘S . 1 er' ‘ Wt 'nlxture flnd | decorations throughout the rooms chcwdcr Monday anil Tuesday noons oi Melrose. Mass., were visitors last North Conway, N. H , have visited What ts more lovely than a rose? PORT CLYDE are asked to write on Only One Place in Ice chest to chill. Serve Tbe happy coupk W(,re tlw with Capt. Almond Miller as chef. weekend at the home of relatives Susie E Brown this week Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. with whipped cream Sunday school will be held tomor­ Rockland Perry. side of the paper and plain ents of many lovely gifts. here. R R R R Mrs. Addle Kelso who has been cream. row at 10. At the 11 o'clock ervice Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scoffield of VICTORIES ill. Is being cared for by Mr. and Cantaloupe Salad Rev. A. A. Callahan, superintendent Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Albert (For The Courler-aazette| Mrs. Bert Simmons. One can crushed pineapple, 2 RAZORVILLE of the Augusta district, will be guest Wooster of Vlnalhaven were in town If gaining victories we may urt an­ Rev John Holman attended the speaker. The choir will sing the other. conference in Sunshine. ripe cantaloupes. 1 can grapefruit, Mrs. Mae Hibbert of West Wash­ recently to visit relatives. Our fondest hopes should still be 2 dozen fresh cherries, lettuce. anthem "Blessed Is the Nation" and Misses Cornelia Staples. Meriam unfulfilled. Mrs. Catherine Ellis went Tues­ ington is at the home of Edith a duet "I Will Give You Rest" will be And dreams we might have had become Overlock, the latter haviiig suffered Staples and Alberta Wallen of Con­ but memories; day to Monhegan on the steamer WHY DON'T YOU ORDERj sung by Mrs. Blanche Kittredge and Shall ever be If thus our Father Nereid. a sprained foot and bruises recent­ necticut have arrived for the sum­ willed. DaH anthracite? Harry L. Cocmtos; organist Leola mer and are occupying the Coombs Mrs. Mildred Torferson of Vinal- ly. but Is now much improved. Smith. And they who would ln life attain high RIGHT NOW PRICES Koof-Aid Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Brann and farm a t the north shore. honors haven have been spending a few Sunday night at 7 o'clock there A special meeting of Unity Guild Must scrutinize each step along the days with Mrs Addle Kelso. ( ARE REDUCED. Heber Farrar are home from the will be an "Old Home Service" with way. j hurricane region in New Hamp­ will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock And with unfailing courage find each Mr. and Mrs. Phinney of Port I GLASSES « v remarks by all former pastors weakness. ag, shire. at the church to vote upon the dis­ To build for this; the part they have Clyde are ln Canada to spend the JV AT grocers flL A present. The chclr will sing "Ta«ce to play. Fourth. THAT'S JUST WHY I'Mj Mrs. Maud Howard was a visitor posal of the merchandise from It To the Lord In Prayer." Avis M Miss Helen I. Oilman and Miss 1 Tuesday in Augusta with Mr. and China. We ever look with longing to the fu­ ORDERING OUR Johnson will be soloist. O E. Arey Mrs. Mary Brown has arrived ture Penelope P. Whitehead of New Mrs. V. Cummings. will sing “The Oclden City." For triumph or success that life may WINTER'S SUPPLY from Camden, accompanied by her hold. York have returned to their cottage Merle Marr is shingling his house There will be no prayer meeting And when we fall, with patience we TODAY. sister, Mrs. Carrie Frye who will must nurture, "The Periwinkle" for the summer MAGIC WATER and making other repairs on his during Sesqui-Centennial week. spend the summer here. Strive but the harder; that we reach Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simmons buildings. Ushers Sunday are Richard Wil­ our goal REMOVES Episcopal summer services begin have returned home after spending Prof, and Mrs. Norman Fradd liams, Floyd Robinson. Bernard Sunday in the Thoroughfare Church Dame Fortune la Impartial In her giv­ a few days ln Attleboro. Mass. They and family have arrived at their Erickson and Arthur Nelson. ing. at 10.30. During July and August But each one must be worthy; should were accompanied by Mrs. Alice farmhouse here. be kind. CALL 487 MILDEW services will be held in the old For smug self satisfaction has no vir­ Trussed and Miss Elsie Puffer of Miss Margaret MrKnlght's class Don't worry if your clothes tue. Lowell, Mass. at the chapel Friday night was well -I/IIS Church at Pulpit Harbor, at 10.30 There ts no Joy In selfish peace of become mildewed. Cote's standard time; evening services in mind Mr. and Mrs. W tngenrath and M. B. & C. 0. PERRY Magic Water is the Anrst attended. O n e S p o t l£ 11 Aphida Rose B Hupper daughter Miss Ackers of New York thing you ever used for Archie Hibbert was a recent call­ Flea Killer the Thoroughfare Church at 7.30. Tenants Harbor S19 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND are at Mrs. Etta Teel's for the sum­ taking out mildew—with­ er on friends ln this vicinity. Monday the Unity Guild cleaned out injury to the fabric. I repaired and a new walk built. The mer. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Dyer and the Church from basement to cell­ For sale at all Grocers. to Mex Bear Benlu ing. Tuesday the floors throughout front door has been stained and A surprise party was given re­ Beware of Imitations. Oeorgla Hibbert of Rockland visit­ CARROLL CUT KATE other minor repairs made. cently at the home of Mrs. Oeorge ed Monday in this community. 71-104 were varnished. The steps have been Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, July I, 1939 Every-Other-Day

GLEN C O V E Probate Notices In Everybody’s Column THOMASTON CAMDEN ROCKPORT Mrs. Martha M. Thurston of Bos­ STATE OF MAINE Advertisement • in thia column not : lost and found : to exceed three lines Inserted once for ft « « ~ ton was guest of Mrs. Sarah Luf­ « « « « « « « « To all persons Interested In either of 25 rents, three ' tmes for 50 cents. Ad­ the estates hereinafter named ditional lines centa each for ons NOTICE Is hereby given of the I. -. BHIRLFY T. WILLIAMS kin. GILBERT HARMON LIDA O. CHAMPNEY At a Probate Court held at Rock time. 10 cents for three times. Five land. In and for the County of Knox ol deposit book numbered 4055 and the Correspondent Mrs. Alice Gregory and Monira Correspondent Correspondent small words to a line. owner of said book neks for duplicate In on the 20th day of June 111 the year - i accordance with the provision of the Z\ ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft * of our Lord one thousand nine hun­ z\ zs /** 3:odgelt of Somerville arrived Wed- ' dred and thlrty-ntne and by adjourn­ , | State Law KNOX COUNTY TRUST ( Co.. Warrell Branch By Earle Mi'ln- nesday for thc summer. Telephone 713 Tel. 22M ment from day to day from the 20th Tel. 190 day of said June. The following mat­ 1 tosh. Treasurer, Rockland, Maine. June Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Campbell of ters having been presented for the FOR SALE * ! 16. 1939 72-S-78 action thereupon herelnaiter Indicated 4 Billy Creinhlon of East Milton, Portland were callers Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Joy have re- The Baptist Loyalty Class, Mrs. ’ It Is hereby ORDERFD * — — — — ” - - Mass., is with his grandparents. Mi' on Mrs. Mary Hall turned to Vinalhaven after caring Hazel Cain teacher, held a picnic 1 That notice thereof be given to all S C R I Red nrted chick*. U S Pul- parsons Interested, by causing a copy lorutn clean, n display at Delaware and Mrs. N F Andrtws for the sunt- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Humphrey for Mrs. C H. Joy who has been Wednesday at sandy Beach. A of this order to be published* three weeks successively In The Courier-Ga­ Feed Store P rk St . city and at my I W ANTED I mer. very ill but is now improving. wclnle roast was an enjoyable lea- farm Write «■ phone for prices. M and daughter Karleen of Concord, zette a newspaper publl-hed at Rock M KTNNEY. homaaton; St George. Jchn M. Wadsworth, who it cm- ture of the day. augmented by boat- 1 land In said County, that they mav Rrt Tel Tenn U Harbor 56-14. 76*78 Mrs. Geneva C. Eek went Tues- Mass., were recent guests of Mr. and . . 1 appear at a -Probate Court to tie held A pay check every week handling es day night to Miami. Fla . called by Mrs. Everett Humphrey. poyed in Bangor, is spending t h 'i Ins and games. At the business at said Rockland on the 18th day of TWO counter for sale. 9 ft long and ' tabllshed landscape and nursery bust July A D 11*39 at 8 o'clock In the 14 ft long a ’ shower hath C M I nets Knox County Experience tin the death of her husband, William Robert Gregory as home from Bur­ weekend with his faim’y on C entral! session these effiers were elected: forenoon, and be heard thereon If they BtAKF wal'lpa r tore. Main S t. city necessary. F.iru 8»i', weekly KNIGHIIT see cause. 76-781 BOSTWICK Newark N Y. 78" It R Eek, which occurred Tuesday dett College for the summer. street. i President. Ncrir.a Hoyle; vice presl- ARTHUR H HUNTER late of St morning at the St Francis Hospital, Dr and Mrs. C. Guy Robbins of i dent. Canlce Wilson; secretary. NEW outhoai motor boat 16 ft long WORK wanted evenings, care of Hudson Barrows who has been 111 George, deceased Will and Petition for sale HER! 1RT BAUM Tel 492-M____children or will work during week as Miami. is gaining but remains confined to Lawrcn-e. Mip s .. are at their eamp Milt'rpd Ames; treasurer. Phyllis for Probate thereof asking that the 78-80 helper TEL 355. 77-79 "Juniper Lodge," Lake Meguntl- Carleton; suo-recretary, Althea same may be proved and allowed and Mrs Fred Dean and Mrs. Ray the house. that Letters Testamentary Issue to GOOD bsrga .a In one and two fam cook for the summer. Joyce; sub-treasurer. Mary Hawkins. Susie B Hunter of St George, she be­ Uy houses; weold like offer on R-nom Mayhew and ycuns sen weie guests ing the Executrix named in said Will house In grxxl .inditlon good location; Services will be resumed Sunday Capt W L. Robbins went Friday without bond Mondav of Mrs. E P Starrett. at the piano; two piano ducts, also a large fan ■ to trade fur city home at 10 30 a? the First Congregational to Bay Head, ,N J„ tc take to Cam­ THOMAS I. YOUNG late of Vlnal- I. A THUR97'»N Tel 1159 78-tf TO LET I “Country Gardens" an English folk Mrs. Lewis Hanley and daughter Church. den the yacht Cynthor for summer haven. deceased Will and Petition RAKING nm hlne for sale, pair of melody, and "Two Guitars." a Rus­ for Probate thereof, asking that the extra hafts MORRIS GORDON 6 Tea Gertrude went Thursday to Vi­ Rev. W F. Brown, pastor of the parties. same may be proved and allowed and FOUR-room apartment to let, bath; nalhaven to visit her mother, Mrs sian folk melodv, by Glenice Ler- that Litters Testamentary Issue to St . Tel 1184-.’ city 78-80 water paid; 815 month; adults. 7 Pine Baptist Church, will speak Sunday Mrs. Marion Richards with Mr. ' Dr Sargent Jealous, son of Mr. Carolyn L Bray of Owl's Head, she 100 R I. RE1 pullets for sale KEN St.. Thomaston. TEL 35-11 78-7R Flora Ames They will be joined mond and Beverly Kirkpatrick; se­ at 11 o'clock on the famous Ger­ being the Executrix named In said NFTH OVERLC 'K, West Meadow Rd and Mrs. A V McIntyre of Warren and Mrs. Lionel F. Jealous of Will, without bond i FURNISHED apartment to let at 14 Tuesday by Mr Hanley, who will lections from Tony Wons' Scrap­ elty. 7B 80 i MASONIC ST city 78-80 man Nazi prisoner, Martin Nie- motored to Machias Wednesday for I Thomaston, who graduated from spend the holiday there. book by Duane Perron; recitations, FRED E ACHORN late of Rockland, BROILERS t r sale. 2 lb s. or over. moeller. The subject will be the day. I the Philadelphia College of Os- deceased Will and Petition for Pro­ 55c each R I ITTLE, 22 Meadow Rd MODERN front room, central and “Every Day Mother's Day" and bate thereof, asking that the same may Thomaston 76-781 quiet; bathroom floor Call 28 or 30 Miss Jean Harriman, daughter of "Nlemoellcr's Freedom " The Church The Trytchelp Club met Monday : teopathy and Surgery June 3, bc- be proved and allowed and that Letters 1 Masonic St . TE1 1177-J 76-78 "Sorry Little Miss" by Joan Vina!; Testamentary Issue to Nellie E Achorn COCKER spaniel puppies for sale ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harriman of School is held at 9.45; pastor's TEL 1164 i 78-80 FIVE-room apartment and bath to and other selections from Tony n.ght at the Baptist vestry for pic- ^an h*4 internship at the Osteopa- of Rockland, she bung the Executrix let also furnished or unfurnished three Hartford, Conn., h is been visiting u!b.I.e . ^ a.'S/ L ! ? ; J,n‘d' W:? k .qd* t ’ me .-upper meeting, with 14 thic Hospital of Maine In Portland named In said Will, without bond. NEW milch Jersey cow for sale room apartment and bath Apply 7 her aunt, Miss Margaret Jordan and Wens' Scrapbook by Bruce Perron hcur Fervjcc ^ ur5day nlght at 730 FRANK B HILLS, late of Derry. New CLARENCE ROBBINS. South Hope EI-LIOT ST . Thomaston. Tel 24 77 tf present. Plans for a varied program this week. 76-78 her father, F. H Jordan. She went The next public supper to be held A1I serviccs arc one hour Hampshire, deceased Exemplified copy I APARTMENT to let. adulU only 15 of meetings during July were dis- I J^ft'ous. a native of Winslow, of Will and Probate thereof, together ONE 20-foot motor boat, with Chev OAY 8T. 77-79 Thursday to Camp Wawrnock, Jef­ at the Baptist Church by the U- At thf M?thodlst Church morplng with a Petition for Probate of Foreign rolet motor; nb« row boat. 12 ft long, ___ dies' Circle will be July 26. and cursed. Next week the club will be , graduated from Ixbanon High Will, a.-ktng that the copy of said will , with oars, and urlocks the Ktttrldgr , ,.b 'r™n’ . tenement to let at 7A ferson. to spend the summer. worship tomorrow will be at 10.30 entertained at the home of Mrs School, Lebanon, N. H„ and attend- may he allowed, filed and recorded in I drug store sign one 22 ft long, the 1 Mechanic b t. bath hot water n£,wl ” Mrs. Orace M St rout will have the Probate Court of Knox County, other 8 ft Ion. both 25 Inches wide renovated rEL 592-R or 1194 W 77 79 Russell Davis and Dwight Stanley o'clock, preaching by the pastor, Ethel Speer. ed the University of Vermont and charge of the program presented by Clyde Butler of Thomas-, will trade any f the above for horse | 5 ROOM flat and bath to let 8. of Monhegan returned Tuesday subject, "Reviving Old Customs." Bowdoin College. He is a member ton. | cows modern or antique furniture t W HALL. 109 Park St 76-78 Winfield Knight and John Rob- : HAROLD B KU.ER Tel 5-25. Wash­ from a week's fsihing trip at Moose- Mrs. John Hanson and sons. Ed­ followed by the Sacrament of the | of the Kappa Sigma and Iota Tau ESTATE BENJAMIN 8 WHITE ington ____ 77-79 ap> bin went Friday to Virralhavcn with HOUSE, late of Rockland, deceased rooms, bath; unfurnished 05 NORTH head Lake. ward and Carl, of New Ycrk city, Lords Supper. Music under the Fraternities. the E. O. Drew obstet­ Petition for Administration, asking’ Good sound, lever horse for sale MAIN ST 74-tf are vi.-it.g her mother. Mrs Hilma their radic and scund equipment that Edith M Randlett of Augusta. or , weight 1500 -exo ptlonally good worker Twinty-ninc members of the Fed­ direction of A F Sherman. Church rical and Gynecological Societies. some oth«r suitable person, be ap-1 SAM SMALL upper Park St 77-79 SOME man Is evld~ntly looking for Johnson at Morse's Corner. for the four-dav Sesqul-Centcnnial , . _ a good room large, cosy well located erated Church Pathfinders enjoyed school and Bible classes at 11.45; ! celebration While there they w ill' the <*or8e 8 S' Rothmeyer Gas- pointed Admx with wnu bondnoun j FURNITURE fir sale dining room’ and with modern eontenlenres If so, a picnic and weinie roast at Sandy- Miss Gladys Hutchins of Mon­ happy hour service at 730, song ESTATE FRANCES O SMITH, late of ' set. living rootr -el and other for write to X L . Tire Courier-Gazette stay at the home of Mrs H arry! troeuterological Society and the Rockland, deceased Petition for Ad- nlxhlngx. Call anytime at 11 T _8T Shores Tuesday. Transportation hegan was overnight guest Thurs­ service with Edward Manning as office. 75 tf Young. Pediatrics Society. ministration, asking that Katharine D 1 city _ . . — -— THREE and four room furnished apt. was provided by Mrs. Percival Pier­ day of Miss Agnes Hanley. guest speaker; soloist. Mrs Weston Much interested in athletics. Dr Berry of Roekland. or tome other suitox BLACK Cocke Spaniel puppy for on Warren 8t . to let. Inquire 11 , Mr. and Mrs. A. P Spear go to I able person, be appointed admx * ’' “ isale. three months o»d Apply 6 TA L -’ JAMES 8T 68-tf pont. Mrs Harold F. Dana, Her­ Mrs. Ruth Oray has returned from P Holman. Church night service hood | BOT AVE. 76-78 Higgins Beach today to visit then Jealous managed the Thomaston THREE five room tenements to let - bert Lewis and Rev. H. F. Leach. Portland where she spent a few will be held in the vestry. Thursday , d>ujHter packard of j Twilight League team two seasons ESTATE MARTHA P LAWRENCE. THREE bulldo puppies for sale, very , flush, lights and basements—85 a month The Federated Circle will hold Its at 7 33 and the monthly meeting of late of Groton. Mass . deceased Flr-t 1 pretty MRS ROSE HUPPER Tenants' O D OOULD. Warren. Me 66-tf days. Montreal, over the holiday. Mrs. and Final Account of Francis Peabody ' Harbor. Tel 4 3 78-81 annual sale of cooked food, needle- the official board In the vestry Mon­ Miss Gertrude Havener is guest decea-ed Executor, as rendered by- HEAiLu furnished rooms and fur­ | Mr and Mrs. Fred Lindquist of Packard is spending the month of ....Samuel...... H Batchelder and B Nasou , PURE bred Guernsey cow and calf nished apartment to let. FOSS HOUSE work, aprons and candy July 8. at Morse-s corner, have returned from day at 7.30. this week of friends in Rockland. Hamlin executors under the will of | J?r, V le Tel 8-5 77 Park 8 t . Tel 330. 78-tf July at the beach. said Francis Peabody Union 76-78 the former E. K Wincher-ba. h stor Wisconsin. where he has had em- Dr and Mrs Eugene Davis of The Baptist service tomorrow will ROOMS to let at 15 Grove St TEL Newton Oraflam has employment 579-W MRS FLORA COLLINS 78-tf on Main street. Members having Ventr.or. N J . are making a sum­ be at 1 o'clock wilth sermon sub­ . . ? ^ o ^ Ede?e ^ LLIrr?GHAM’ , ployment. at H;tel Samc.>el for the season m V , F, rst and nla View Wed nd Sat . July A W FOUR-room apartment to let, all needlework or aprons to go in the mer's visit with their parents. Mr ject “Heaven;" church school at 12; modern Apply at CAMDEN and Mrs Reddington Robbins returned Mrs Charles Smith, who has been ArVaV n in th sV V allowance GRCSE warren road between sale are requested to get them to ( M|ami Wcdnesday aftcr I and Mrs Arthur Davis and Mr. and YPSCE______meeting at 6. At 7 union Anna R DHIh’kbam. Admx Camden road Br ute 137 and Thomas ROCKLAND WATER CO Tel 634 78 tf visaing her granddaughter. Mi».1 „ „ W pe, Rneknorl B an - ESTATE WILLIAM L BROWN, late «°n at Beechwood 8 t Route 1 Tel I Mrs. George Hodson. sertice at the West Rockport Bap o{ App|rton ,)e<.ea.Pd p!rst and nna. for appointment Thomaston. 191-3", the committees as soon as conveni­ spending two weeks at her home Edward Auspland. the past week, re ­ ent Mrs Nina Leach has charge The Rotary Club held a ladies' tbt Church. The pastor will use as account presented for allowance by ,«r write Thoma--on. -- R F D ~Box 97 here. turned today to her home at Deer Maynard M Brown. A d m r ______78*81 t ♦ of the fancy work and Mrs. Edith night picnic Wednesday at the cot­ subject "Can a Religious Man Be Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacFarlan-i. fsle Mr and Mrs. Auspland and ESTATE wrLLARD M BROWN late YANKEE horse rake fPr sale used [ Summer Cottages ; Hathorne the aprons. Mrs. Selma tage of Alton French. Coleman Saved." of Appleton, deceased First and final WINIFRED WHIT with the-r children. Wmnifred. Rob­ children accompanied her and will j Mr. and Mrs William Wclfe ar.d account presented for allowance by NEY P F D No. 2 Box 89. Waldoboro Biggers and Mrs. Margaret Stone Pond. Mr and Mrs. French had Maynard M Brown, Admr I______76*78 j ert, and Richard, went teday to Ash­ remain over the Fourth. children of Philadelphia have ar- COTTAGE to k t at Meguntlcpok are the cooked food committee and pr-pared a tasty shore dinner which ESTATE MARIA B PONTIAC five passenger spsort coupe I land to be guests of relatives over Mr and Mrs. B P Wooster and rived to spend the summer with her ESTATE MARIA B LOW late of , c'ed"r'ght RAN tJ’ke. five ixv-m- seren ed porch, r . Mrs Mary Cric has the candy tabic was cooked on their huge open Boston Mass, deceased First and KTVST ,n7r' r l, m * 7^8 ‘ UlC ' lights, .radio. _ Inquire the holiday. Mrs. Fi ink McD:nnell are at the.r j Madame Lea LuboshuU at Anal acrnint presented for allowance BRITTO8 MARKET Tri 78 city 73*78 Miss Olive Leach starts Saturday- fireplace and served at outdoor cottage at Spruce Head for the sum- _ ncr on Bcaucharnp 5treet. by Ann G Nay of Boston Mas.* . Admx HOT Point e!r-*trlc stove for sale., The Federated Sunday School will , erxtd condition- xlao oil heater for hot COTTAGE to let furnkslvd. electric on her duties as assistant hostess at . _ , , i tables on the shore of the pond i mer. Mrs. McDonnell goes to Ban- , ______JTtED H. BERRY; late of | water MRS ANN CONDON. Green Kt hght- near Allard I iieni r ■ _8pruce hold Its annual picnic Thursday at , was thc mw,t,ng under thr gundgy McDonnell Rockland, deceased First Tru.t Ac Tboma-ton 70-78 ! Head Island. RUTH STEWART 122 Montpelier count pre-jented for allowance by The Camden St 78-80 Sandy Shores. Members ire « -. administration of President Percy whc u now charge of a N E Tel. Why should not the proper for- Portland National Bank. Truster SINGER electric sewing machine for . . . ~ . . , „ _ Mrs Luther Clark. Capt and Mrs Rale, cabinet moiel. Dractlca’ly new; I H )bb?» p,ond_1“ wii i aoi! Leland Hart and Mrs. Flora Barn­ quested to meet at the CongreSa- Keller Thc first mw,ting 1B July & an(J i mallties of business conduct be ob ESTATE OZORA TURNER late of also mahogany .Iclrola and 23 Thomaston, deceased First and final dark blue ru Chaffee of Belmont. Mass . and Miss Williams went yesterday to Bangor Attest: cense to 8ell certain Real______Estate Mail ordera filled McLAIN SHOE HOUSE for sale. barn, garage hen- Cipper, a Wellesley student, were where they will represent Williams- Peggy Smyth. Glee Bryant and Sabattus have been guests this week E R KEENE ated In Rockport, and fully d t c rlh e h STORE Rocklano 78 tf | house garden all planted; very rea- City Clerk untv T S « C nmPnren nte? o ' _Knox i MCONDITIONUO electric range, for *’nablf 1 PLEASANT ST Thom.storv overnight guests of Mrs. Lillian Unit. American Legion Aux- Katherine Libby; gold attendance of Rev. and Mrs. J W Hyssong. 75-S-78 oJil?dlanT Company of Rock,and sale. 839 50 lnsta ed (as per our regu- Comerv Tue.-day enroute to their iliary. at the Annual Department stars. Betty King; silver atten­ . Iar policy) two t , choose from. CEN- I SMALL house In Thomaston. Maine. dance stare. Ruth Packard. Paul­ ATE ANNA BATZE. Allen, of TRAI, MAINE POWER CO.. 447 Main Modern Convenience- Good location. homes from Bar Harbor. i Convention of the Legion and Aux- O^rmany First and Final Account St Rockland______78-)f Price Reasonable. FRANK D. ELLIOT. ine Libby. Evelyn Libby. Merit presented for allowance by Elmer c 78 tf Virgiria Rocs and Patricia Rocs iliary Mr and Mrs F L S Morse Davis of Rockland Agent of Estate oj DRY hard wood per too), fitted. 11 25. rlv :na'' Sawed ti |5. Ion. badges were awarded to: Frances W1?.*. B’ tze of Berlin. Germany for 81.05. M B A C O daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and St mley Copeland went yester- PERRY. Tel 487 78-tf I Kobs, drawing and painting, de­ Walther Ritter of said Berlin, the duly * R Rors, went Wednesday to spend day afternoon. Mrs. Morse and Mr POWER BOATS FOR SALE d?an>'ntW< and legally Ruallfiei Ouar- three weeks at Camp Laughtn:; j Copeland representing William - sign, hostess; Beverly Grover, Notices of Appointment hotv-ekeeping. hostess, architecture ESTATE MARTHA P LAW!' J MISCELLANEOUS Loon at Lake O ippee. Waterboro Brazier Port late of Groton. Mass., deceased Peti­ Mrs. Warren Ford is attend*ng Miss Barbara Batchelder observed clothing. Bibliophile, community tion to Transmit Asset*, presented by I Ch . r L V-ude. Register of Pro ] PAINTING, papering of all kinds, safety. book binding and first aid; SSSf**?!.^ W ,P: A bate foi the Co mty of Knox. In the plastering, brick, crincnt and tuck thc summer session at Farmington her birthday anniversary Wednes­ Two new Cabin Power Boats, pleasure or fishing, diuTL Samuel H Bah State f Maine .ere-by certify that In work A w U RAY, 3 Adama at., Salem, Mass.. Surviving Trustees Normal School. day night with a party cf friends Christine Ooodman, first aid. hos­ the following e»t.»te« the persons were Rockland 78-tf no motors; one 28x8 feet, the other 26x7'/2 feet, I „ ,E^ ATE ADELIA L. MASTERS late appolned Administrators. Executors, Mr and Mrs. Edgar Cobb and and relatives at the home of her tess. architecture: Ruth Reynolds, of Thomaston, deceased F ir s t Trust Guardians and Conservators and FOR your repair work and used part-v, hostess; Peggy Smyth, housekeep-; | Account presented for attowance by the date- hereinafter named: see the poor man's friend LEWIS daughter, Mias Virginia Cobb of Al- | parents, Mr and Mrs. Philip Batc'.i- low price, half down, balance quarterly. Knox Count}’ Trust Company Trustee TIMOTHY E VfcNAMARA late of YATTAW, corner Rankin St and Old County Rd. 77*82 fred were visitors in town Wednes- j elder in Belfast. ing. book binding; Glee Bryant, ESTATE CARL W MOFFTTF Rockland decea -d Timothy E Mc- fads, hostess, first aid; Katherine ' Rockland, deceased pir«t Fli Innls °f Rockland was appointed LAWNMOWERS called for, sharpened day night. Mr and Mrs Cobb com- * * * * presented for allowance h,.AcS?!J?1 rvnoi Admr June 2. 1139. and qualified by and delivered Prompt, dependable ing to attend the meeting of Orace | In The Churches Libby, hostess, housekeeping, first C. A. WINCHENBACH & SONS I Secutor7"” 1 Company ”f R '■ ")d filing bond on imp date service Tel 791.. URIE HARDWARE JOSEPH H Mf-UVLN Jate of R/»ck- CO . Rockland 78-tf Chapter. O.ES., and Miss Ccbb call- ( St James Cathol.c Church Ma>s aid; Ruth Packard, first aid; Maxine land demand. Gilford B Butler of Duflell, hostess, first aid; Pauline WALDOBORO, MAINE 1 IRAM A DUNTON late qf South Thoma-stor. was appointed Exr . WATCHMAKER — Repairing watches, ing on friends. at 9 a. m. Rockland, deceased First and final June 20. 1930 aid qualified by filing clocks, antiques all kinds. Call an.l Account presented for allowance hv deliver. 8 ARTHUR MACOMBER 23 Mrs. lamer Locke of Portland ar­ Baptist Church. Sunday School Libby, housekeeping, hostess first Florence A. Dunton. Admx V bond on same date EDITH A. LEXPEST late of Thom Amesbury St.. Rockland. Tel. 958-J. rived Thursday to visit her mother at 9 45. morning worship at 11, thc aid; Evelyn Libby, housekeeping, JESSIE MAU8S BRADFORD late of aston. deceased. Frank D Elliot of 78-tf Mrs. Emina Seavcy at Mrs. Nida subject cf thc children's story ‘The first aid; Phyllis Chapman, scholar- Bridgeton. N J. deceased Exempli­ Thomaston was appointed Admr. C T SEXATOL Tablets, for males only, fied copy of Will and Probate therrof A June 20. 1939. and qualified by fil­ gland product Reconstructive tonic. Copelands until after thc holiday. Twin Giants," and of thc regular .-hip. book binding; Eleanor Leigh­ together with a Petition f r Prn££; ing bond on same date Increases metabolism and stlmuates a sermon, "Thc Need of Action o f ^ l d w !i|W1"' a"klnK ,h '" "»■ copy L. G HUPPER. (Otherwise known as heaithv condition. 81 per bottle. Mrs. Gcortc Jcnkin.-, of Amherst, ton. first aid. of said Will may be allowed filed and Llllias G Hup|»er» late of Tenants Har­ WALMSLEY, 373 Main fit., Rockland. Music for this service includes the Mr. and Mrs Clarence Burgess of recorded In thc Probate Court «,| Knox bor. deceased L Bird of Rock ______74-tf Mass., and Mrs Frank Kendall of County, presented by Walton Brad­ land was appointed Exr June 20. 1939. Springfield. Mass., arc guest;, of Mrs. organ prelude, "Andante Cantobilc" Hagerston. Md.. will arrive Monday ford of said Bridgeton. New ler-cy and qualified by filing bond on same I Adies Reliable hair goods at Rock- date land Hair Store, 24 Km fit. Mall order* • Tchaikovsky, the offertory, "A for a visit with his parents, Mr. ESTATE LILLIAN O. HUPPER, late solicited. H. C. RHODES. Tel. 519-J. J A. MoEvoy. HOLIDAY T^,nants Harbor, deceased Petition ELIZABETH I B^PEE late of Rock­ Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Grafton ex­ Memory" iNcarlngi. the anthem and Mrs. Charles Burgess. T " r Confirmation of Trustee asklne land deceased Edward K Oould nf 78-tf "Hear. O My People" < Frederick I that Alan L. Bird of Rockland i,e con Rockland was nppointed Exr. June 20. pect to return tcda.v from a wedding Mrs Edna Smith is visiting her firmed as Trustee of the estate Biv„ . 1939. and qualified by filing bond on | trip through the White Mountains Stevenson) with incidental solo by daughter In Portland In Trust for the benflt of Earl I ,'ames same date now cr formerly of Cllfon.-ii„ Ma- CLARENCE E DANIELS late of; Miss Margaret L. Simmons and a The comedy, "Lucky Night," co- Rockland, deceased Grace H Daniels! and visiting relatives in Plainfle.d. SPECIALS ?Pd , Donald Leslie Marshal; West genuine C i^nrfravci t l ( I U 3 u d **““ ’ prcacnt«d ,r' '»‘i Alan of Rockland was appointed Exx . Junej Vt. selected soprano solo by Mrs. Fai'h starring Myrna Loy and Robert 20. 1939 and qualified by filing bond on same date , Mrs. Earl Woodcock begins her ! U Brown. The Communion Ser- Taylor, will be shown Sunday and We are pleased to offer the following ' ESTATE ADA B MERRIAM late of STATIONERY | Union deceased First and final Ac­ LESLIE A. ROSS late of Rockland, duties at the Heme Industries Shop vice will follow this morning service. Monday at the Comique Theatre. deceased Mildred F Rom of Rock­ At The Lowed Prices in History! count presented for allowaim hv Wll land was appointed Exx . June 20. 1939, The subjeit of the evening sermon Miss Helen Cripps Is employed son L Merriam, Admr at "Montpelier" today. Brand New First Line Tires without bond. Visiting Cards Daniel Young went last night to is "Idle Words." Prayer meeting at thc Boynton-McKay Drug Store Th^n.^d^^^'an^^^ OSCAR A OREENROSE. late of Rock­ port. deceased. Ida C. Greenrose of 300 paneled card*, choice of 4 Vinalhaven to visit relatives, plan­ will be held Thursday night at 7.30. for thc season. Rockport was appointed Exx.. June 20, sizes and 30 stylos of engraving, Until July 5th KCeSU? U rT r t' 11 •“°Wa,,cc by 1939, without bond ning to return tonight. Federated Church. Sunday School PLATE INCLUDED, only — $1.65 ESTATE ALTON E PERRY Ute of CYNTHIA M PHII>BROOK late of at 9 45. morning service at 11, the Camden, deceased. Franklin D. Phll- Thc Happy Heme Mnkcrs 4-H WITH TIIE THEATRES s o ^ ' e deceased Petition for pcr. Wedding Announcements subject of the sermon, "God In Ac­ Manager Charlie Ruggles needs, at the following prices I bv' Prank’ ? S' Bur'8' Lo' Presented brook of Camden was appointed Admr . Cl"b attended the annual field day by Frank E Perry of Roekland Admr. June 20, 1939. and qualified by filing or Invitations Wednesday in Union. Clubs from tion." Thc anthem for this service two thousand dollars so that he can I bond on same date 4.50x21 POLAR ...... $4.50 I FREn M BLANCHARD, late GEORGE A ACHORN. late of Rock On whito or ivory stock—wed­ Knox and Lincoln Counties com­ is "Soldiers Of Christ. Arise," by ' properly train his fighting protege. I !jco*’n7r; re ^ r f o rF,r i',-',;'ccfl^ land, deceased. Marcia E Achorn of ding or plato finish. Inside and Rockland was appointed Admx . June ©utstdo envelopes, and PLATE IN­ peted In the games and races, Jef­ Adams. The Sacrement cf the Fred MarMurray. Charlie sells half­ 4.75x19 ...... 4.75 20. 1939. without bond. CLUDED ...... 58.25 fersonian Farmers Club taking first Lord's Supper will be cb'erved fol­ interest in his fighter to William ! ERNEST C. McINTOSH. late of 5.25x17 ...... 5.50 ESTATE DANff" ci WFNTWnn-rn Vinalhaven. deceased Fiances M Oll- place and the Abnakls Chib of Ten­ lowing this service. Collier. Sr. Irene Dunne is co- ! fol€ °f Appleton, deceased, petition chrest of Vinalhaven v as appointed Social Stationery Pentecostal Mtssion. A conven­ starred with MacMurray as his wife I 5.50x17 ...... 5.50 W oSs'hee‘"nf’ t*1Oni ,a"kln" ‘hat Helen Admx . June 20. 1939, without bond Special alylea for men and women. ants H ariri, second. Pictures were solt?h!eh^, f API’loton. or tome other WILLIAM A HASTIFOS late of A choice of lovely colors, mono- taken of thc clubs having perfect tion is being held at this MUsion in the Paramount, “Invitation To) t™ m x\,rthobo£; •pp°,n,ed adm,n,s- Thomaston deceased Frank D Elliot 6.00x16 ...... 6.00 of Thomaston was appointed Admr.1 / nd on samel den Pinal Account presented for al 500 business cards or Hammermill there being approximately 100 per­ Vesper A Leach Specialty Store prayers?" little Casey Johnson asks gwance by z M DwVnal of Camden. date. FORD, MERCURY, LINCOLN ZEPHYR AVA B UAWRY. fate -if Rockland, Bond letterheads, PLATE IN­ sons present. The lestival was In has extended it* amazing 59c-79c hardboiled Allen Jenkins, in this deceased. Beulah L Alfm of Rock-1 CLUDED, only______J7.95 Summer Saie through Monday. July scene from RKO Radio's tense J l i t ^ o f ^ r HA,NNAH E WHITMORE land was appointed Exx . June 20. 1939. charge of the men who gave the men.. I Camden deceased Fourth and qualified bv iftllng bend June 21 ’ USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1939 customary excellent service. The 3. Look on page three, this news­ screen drama. “Five Came Back." bv Z Pfesentcd tor allowance The Courier-Gazette paper for detailed prices.—adv.’ at Park Theatre Monday and Tues- ! by z M. Dwlnai of Camden Trustee RfUHARD HOWARTH. late of Cam- | program following wa>. Soles, Witness, HARRY E WILBUR Fs den. deceased. Ooldle F Howarth of "Trade Winds ’ iKeeli and "Three j day. As a gangster who is seeking J quire. Judge of Probate Court ^or Camden was appointed Exx . June 20, Kli°* County. Rockland. Maine 1939. and qualified [by filing bond June For Jack (Weatherlyi, by William to take the child %f his bass to safety | WALDOBORO GARAGE CO. Attest: 23. 1939 Attest: T. Smith. Jr.; a group of musical ' Andrew Rekila’s these two arc part of thc big cast | ROCKLAND AND WALDOBORO CHARLES L. VEAZIE. CHARLES L. VEAZIE. readings. "Baseball Game" (Smith), j headed by Chester Morris, Luc'he Register Register New Shoe Repairing Shop CORNER PARK & UNION STS., ROCKLAND 78-8-81 78-8-84 "Her Oown" (Sachs) and "Thc Ball and Wendy Barrie. Special S E L U z ^ is at 299 Main St. Americans Come" (Fay Foster), bv midni"nt show Fourth of July Fve. TEL. 475 There is an anfiel imprisoned in Raid the cynic: "Man te made of Mrs. Blanche fi. Morion of Rock­ Over Lamb's, Cleaners Alonday night, at 11.15. Complete , ...... — ..W g* I3Stf a block of marble, but it takes t I dust and water: his middle name is WANT-ADS land, with Mrs. Ralph W Tripp show. Ail seats 35 cents— adv. sculptor to let her out. I Mud " Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, July I, 1939 Page Seven

Mrs. W. M. Drew of Burlington,! Vt., is thc weekend holiday guest of Mrs. George Small. At The Samoset This And That Waiting For The Opening Hour Arthur Smalley was taken to (By Pauline Rickeri Knox Hospital Thursday night for ® S O G ETY Rockland Breakwater. Junr 28 an emergency operation. His con­ Mrs Henry O. Talmadge of Bar dition is considered "fair.'' Members of W I N Club were en­ Harbcr was the luncheon guest to­ tertained at cards and luncheon American Consul to Leipzig Ger­ day of Miss Letitia Pearson of Thursday night by Mrs. Carl Free­ many, David H. Buffum arrived Brooklyn at her cottage "W.vndy man at her home at Glen Cove. Thursday morning for a brief stay, Haugh " Miss Fiances Pearson re­ turned to Bar Harbor for a short Mrs. Vance Norton won thc travel motoring to .Massachusetts for a By K. S. P. prize, other high scores going to short visit with relatives with Mrs. visit. Mr and Mrs. Robert Struth­ Mrs. John M. Richardson. Mrs. Buffum. Then home for thc wel­ ers cl Noroton. Conn . spent last Qardncr French and Mrs. Pauline come that always awaits the Buf- night at the Samoset enroute to Thc elementary srhcols of Eng­ Iheir summer home at St. Andrews Schofield. fiims among their numerous rela­ land have stepped giving children tives and friends. Recent arrivals Include Mr, anJ home-work and are encouraging' Mr and Mrs. Frederick Radie of Mrs. Arthur K norpp. Jr., Forest them to take up useful hobbies such i New Haven, will arrive Sunday for Edward Gordon went to Boston Hills, Long Island: Mrs. Thcrnas J. as needlework, painting, cocking Mrs. Alberta B. Rose of Boston a visit with Mrs. Radie's father. Thursday to attend the Rascy-Sol- Berry, Mrs John Curran. Philadel­ and advanced reading. How would . has been In town for a week, visit- , Jarvis C. Perry. oinon wedding, to be held tomorrow phia; Mrs. David B Burnham. New that work in this country? ing at tile home of her son C harles' at the Copley-Plaza. York City; David B Burnham. Jr., • * • • and daughter. Mrs. Geneva Huke. Mr and Mrs. R. R. Snow and Miami Beach. Fla.; and Mr. and A headline concerning extension j Mrs. Lilian Copping returned last Mrs Rose goes July 3 to Boothbay ] Sidney Snow and family will be Mrs. Thoma s D. Mathes, North of the President's dollar power J night from a month's stay in Cali­ Harbor for a short stay, and will holiday guests of Mr and Mrs. Carl Tarrytown. N. Y. says. "Measure bottled up by Glass | fornia where she visited her sister then spend most of thc summer F Snow. Rcek'.and Breakwater. June 29— for three months is revived when 1 and her son ^ccll and family. Waiting to enter Firs'. Baptist Vacation Bible School about Rockland. Among these attending a shore Miller joins the advocates." If any 1 Mrs Mabcllc Rose regent of Lady Miss Barbara Derry entertained dinner last evening at Thc Samo­ one can read that and understand Dr and Mrs. Burton E Flanders, Knox Chapter. D AR entertained a few out cf town friends at dinner set were Messrs. E W. Miller, Wil­ It. he is American all right. Many Pupils There Mr. and Mrs A E. Orff and Miss • • • • the officers at luncheon, Wednes­ Thursday night at Beach Inn. They liam C. Burke, William F Busch, Barbara Orff have gone to Moose- INVITED MAINE’S GOVERNOR day at her home in Tenant's Har­ later attended thc dance at Oak­ L. B Pinckney. Jam es Parker. Thc earth's revolution around head Lake Highlands for the holi­ Vacation Bible School At bor. At the business meeting which land Park. Boston; Elmer H Ellis. Belfast; E. thc sun takes 365 days, five hours, day. followed, the chairman of various L. Goldsmith. Machias: E. W. 4H minutes and 47 seconds. Littlefield C,lurch a Great committees were elected. the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mills and Vickery. P.ttsfield. Miles T Car­ • • • • Succi io Dr and Mrs. C. D North are hav­ budget made and thc program for daughter * Barbara of Needham. penter, Skowhegan; Kent Hasscn. It is said that the most practical ing as guests over the holiday. Mr the year outlined. Those attend­ Mass, have arrived at Holiday Bangor; and Jerome Knowles. Jr.; boat for water touring is a folding The Vacation Bible School of the and Mrs. J P Cullen of Westfield. ing were Mrs. Maude Blodgett. Mrs. Beach occupying one of the Dun­ Northeast Harbor kayak with fore and aft canvas Littlefield Memorial Church had Mass. Winifred Karl, Mrs. St. can cottages for the summer. decks under which arc roomy, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Burroughs, thc following impressive rostet: Clair, Miss Ellen Cochran, Mrs. Madison, N. J . R. V. Sweet, Jr., watertight compartments for bag­ Mrs C. H Sonntag nas as guests Beginner;:' Department, with Mrs. Hattie Davies. Mrs. Alice Karl and Mrs. Sarah Linnell is having a New York city are also registered. gage. Open canoes arc also popu­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oraefe and fortnight's vacation from the em­ Ralph Norton, Mrs Hiram Cric and Mrs Mary Southard. Mrs. Albert H austetter of New lar. which like the kayaks, arc often Mr Norma Zistcl of Sandusky, O. ployment office, and is visiting in Mrs Sherman Lord as teachers; York arrives today for the season. equipped with easy de-masting sail Miss Feme Browne is visiting at Boston meantime. arrangements. Agnes Fish, Celia Robinson. A r­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Marden deShon thc home of Mrs. Ethel Ludwig. • • • • thur Mosher. Bernard Staples. gilkeson-duimhs Betty Varney, Carl Gray. Richard have returned to Portland, after be­ North Main street before ROing to HOPE GIRL COUNSELOR The Boston Herald reports that ing guests for a few days cf Mr Fortunes Rocks for the remainder 40 Massachusetts boys have jobs at Lord. Shirlcne Lord. Alfreaa Perry, Miss Edna Madeline DuBois and and Mrs. M R Pillsbury. of thc summer. Miss Katherine King True of thc Quoddy Work Experience Pro­ Patricia Achorn. Nathan Wiggin. Paul Gilkeson of Tottenvllle. N Y. Hope will be Camp Craft Counselor ject of National Youth Administra­ Baibara Beecher, M.Iton Glad, were married at old Woodrow Miss Nancy Parker entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Tolman at Camp Hitlnowa. the Camp Fire tion and one wonders if that many Laura Barter. Betty Belyea. Molly Methodist Church Saturday after­ a fudge party Wednesday night, of Portsmouth, N. H, motored Girls' Camp at Litchfield, which Maine boys are doing this work who Barter, Patricia Bisbee Fred Kor- her guests being Miss Bertha Thursday to Rockland to spend the will open its sixth season July 6 noon. are out of High School and need it? pinen, Sylvia Davis, Edythe Nye, Coombs. Miss Eleanor Tracy. Miss weekend with Mrs. Willis Snow. She will be assisted by Miss Vir­ The bride, who was given in • • • • Fcrrest Anderson. Maureen Hard­ Margery Mills and Miss Barbara Lake avenue. Ernest L Tolman and ginia Starkey of Falmouth. Miss marriage by her uncle. John Poep- A person with normal sight and ing, Franklin Esterbrook Jerry Newbert. Several piano solos by Gardner Tolman, West Meadow True was graduated from Camden pel, of Great Kills, was charming color vision can distinguish about Mears. Leroy Gray . the hostess and games, rounded out road. High School. Gorham Normal in a gown of white satin and tulle 160 hues. But many such persons Primary Department, with Miss a happy evening. School and has taught at Wales. with a finger tip length veil. Her arc unable to tell red from green In Elea ncr Dowg Mrs Henry Ulmer, Mrs Ethel Ludwig and Miss She was graduated this past June flowers were white roses and lilies a stop light. Mrs. James Chandler, Miss Bar- Feme Browne called Wednesday on Mrs. T E. Truesdale and Mrs. from the University of Maine with of the valley. Miss Josephine Ro­ • • • • baia Bartlett and Miss Jane Pack­ friends in Waldo. L E. Coie. have returned to their a BS. degree in Education. She dino of Richmond Valley, the Col. Charles A. Lindbergh says ard as teachers; home in Massachusetts, after a visit bride's only attendant, was gowned that this country's geographical po­ Erland Fish, Leslie Esterbrook. Mrs Carl Christofferson was hos­ has served as counselor at Hitinowa with Mrs G H Blethcn In this in lemon yellow net. trimmed with sition does not necessitate the GilJbe:' l ane. Slanlcv Fish. Rich­ tess to T Club last night at a in 1035, 1936 and 1937. city and Mr and Mrs. George Rob­ blue. She carried yellow roses and maintenance of a huge air fleet ard Griffin. Dori Munro, Mildred thimble party and late lunch. blue delphiniums. Vincent Gilke­ Ornver Flora Lewis Roberta S y l­ erts. at their farm in South Thom­ At a meeting of the Roekland ready to enter war on a moment's son of Huguenot Park was best vester. D"« Perry, David Libby. aston. Miss Eleanor Weatherbee, libra­ Community Yach. Club last night notice. man. Walter Gilkeson of Pleas­ • • • • David Ulmer. David Gilc William rian will spend the weekend and it was voted to build a small float Mrs. Ingrid Nelson and Mrs. A ant Plains, another brother of the Hint—Your phlox should be fre­ Bragg Barbara Elwell. Francis holiday as guest of her parents in for the use of tenders, and to equip Lachance, spent Wednesday in groom, and William Wincapaw, a quently sprinkled with sulphur to Jones, Marguerite Bdyca. Betty Malden. Mass. all moorings with can buoys, elim­ Waterville. cousin of thc bride, were the ushers. prevent mildew. Harrington. Vera Varncly, Barbara inating spar buoys. Members of A reception was held at the Elks • • • • Harrington, Vera Varney, C uban Mr. and Mrs Allred Church an­ thc Club are highly pleased with Maine twins arc to have llicir annual gathering at Lakewood. July 13. Mrs H. L. Ingerson. who has Club, Oakwood Heights, after the Thc founder of Rotary Inter- Helen Candage, Glenice Munro, nounce thc engagement of their the interest shown by the new com­ Gov. Barrows was invited Thursday hy this charming pair—Josephine II. been spending a month with her ceremony. national. Paul P Harris of Chicago yiarion Bartlett. Ruth Harm in. Ar- Thompson and Pauline Thompson of Port Clyde. daughter Maryon to Hoyt E. Shu­ modore Stafford Conqdon. who took daughter. Mrs Plercy Dinsmore, Tire young couple will reside al told thc convention delegates that; len,. Miller. Ruth Cur:;\ Dorothy man of Camden. thc initiative in these matters. has returned to her home in Rox­ 129 Eighth street. New Dorp, after if war to be anded. “It will be Petter, Nadine King. Virgin, i Un- age. Julia Henderson, Glenice Har- I Read The Courier-Gazette bury, Mass. Miss I-orea Adams Miss Cath­ a motor trip through thc New Eng­ through the exercise of what most derwood Muriel Cclprlt Mary nngton, Maybcllc DeVinc Eleanor I Parisian Beauty Salon at 67 Park erine Carpenter, and Miss M ar­ land States. people term Christian forbearance. Libby. I Libby Grace Smith Laura Munro. street, will be closed Monday.—adv. Vinalhavrn Excursions guerite Hills of Providence and Mr. and Mrs. Gilkeson are gradu­ I do not use the term in any narrow Junior Department with Mrs. Beulah Curtis, Muriel Young, Lor- Monday and Tuesday Jally excursions to Vinalhaven Bristol are guests of Mr. and Mrs. ates of Tottcnville High School. or sectarian sense," he said. "We Charles A. Marstaller end Mrs. ’ raine Iott. Vesper A. Leach Specialty Store ONE PLAYS GODI Three gamble lovel the very low Sunday excursion Frank B. Gregory, North Main Mr. Oilkeson is employed by the must not be satisfied to be against Helen Beecher as teachers: Senior Department with Mrs. Na­ has extended its amazing 59c-79c Nine challenge the iungleI..Thrills e will be made July 1. 2. 3. and 4. Consolidated Edison Company in war emotionally. We must also be Doris Gray, Barbara Mealey. than Hunt and Rev. Charles A street. Summer Sale through Monday. July amer W. S. White will leave Manhattan. Mrs. Gilkeson who is against it intellectually; that Is. we Jovce Raye. Charlotte Munro, Doro- Marstaller as teachers; 3. Look on page three, this news­ Ison s Wharf at 6 a. m and 3.15 Mrs. Nina Robinson of Portland also a graduate of the Packard must understand the motives of thy Holbrook. Oliver Wiggin Leroy Shirley Curtis. Norina Munro. paper for detailed prices—adv.* m.. daylight time on Monday and has returned home aftcr spending Business School, was employed by war and what it has accomplished Harrington. Ronald lord Walter Hazel Curtis. Violet Oernsh, The- , csday. Saturday sailings will be a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. thc Brown and Sharp in Manhat­ in history. Oriffln, Francis Gibbs, Robert rese Bragg. Arlene Bartlett Leona 9 a m. and 3.15 and one sailing Lester Plummer. tan. Giles, Oertrude Nye. Lucille Hol­ Ijothrop, Ruth Hammond, Sylvia The Courier-Gazette cf recent nday at 9 a. m Tickets are good Thc bride is a niece of Mrs. Wil­ brook. Donald Carter, Donald Dry. Hooper, Lucy Munro. Lunette Gray,! !y day of issue. The White is Mrs Sidney Carr was tendered a COMIQUE liam H. Wincapaw. formerly of date carried an interesting item Oliver Lane, Margaret Dorman, Julia Mealy, Ruth Carter, Elaine | about Knox College in Galesburg. big. able, twin screw steamship, shower at the home of Mr. and CAMDEN. ME. Rockland, and made many friends Dorothy Young, Betty Sylvester. Carroll Dorothy Day, Richard 111., but failed to say this college nfortablc and speedy —adv. Mrs. Harry Carr Tuesday evening. among the younger set while her Margaret Packard. Florence Car- Giles. Alvin Norton, Roger Conant. I Mrs. Carr was the happy recipient was named for thc great Revolution- oladys Day> Caroline Cand- Austin Ulmer. Francis Crc." . Sidney SUNDAY MONDAY. JULY 2-J guest here. of a modern china set. Tasty re- ary General, Henry Knox ^nd a set ______Candage, Garfield Belyea, Geneva ( ! ireshments were served and a joy­ ci chairs from the General's Man------— ~ ‘LUCKY NIGHT” Mrs Mary G riffin lias as guests Thurston, John Braun. Miriam, ous time was had. sion was feund at this college and SUN.-MON.-TUES. I I Dorman. SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW ANNUAL with her daughter. Mrs. Gallagher and purchased for the new Montpelier I Miss Elinor Nye was .secretary, Mr. and Mrs Percy Spurllng and children of Augusta. Ga Monday Nigh', July 4th Eve FLOWERING ROBERT TAYLOR where they grace the drawing room. The grandest love story th at and Mrs Willis Hooper pianist. Mrs Myra Lewis are spending thc MYRNA LOY • • • • 11.15 Why not try Community Build­ weekend in Lewiston to attend Bol- Salt Lake City in Utah has other' has ever reached the screen' PLANTS ing bowling alleys the afternoon The re-opening of the Community : All Seats .'.5r | duc-Stone wedding. Thc bride, interesting things going on besides j and evening of The Fourth. Cool, Miss Blanche Stone, is a frequent TUESDAY.JULY 1 the Mcrmon colony. The manicur­ Sweet Shop under Its former man-1 well ventilated and immaculate. TODAY \strrs, Snapdragons. Zinnias. Pe­ ; visitor with friends in this city. ists have published the results of ager, Mrs. Mattie Powell Is a mat- j tunias. Double Blur Bachelor "LET FREEDOM Ice cold soft drinks —adv. their fingernail studies in a local Buttons. Mixed Phlox. Cosmos. I where she is well known. ter of much satisfaction to that Zane Grey's newspaper and warn people not to Dahlia*. Gladiolus. Scabiosa. RING” neighborhood in particular and thc ''HERITAGE OF Till DESERT" Mr. and Mrs. Franz M. Simmons Cruises arranged, steamship tick­ trust a woman with triangle-shaped With public in general. The service Perennial and Rock Garden J have gone to their cottage in Lew- ets to all parts of the world. M. F. NEI SON EDDY fingernails, and do not expect a man Plants. 1 iston. Mr Simmons has been a Lavejoy„ 140 Talbot avenue, Tel. with long, slim fingernails to 'be a which has made that establishment Bird Houses, Trellises. Wire foe j patient at the Deaconess Hospital I060-J, Rockland. 16-S-tf gcod provider, and above all. do not so popular In formrr years, is be- flower Beds. Bone Meal, Vigoro, in Boston the past two weeks marry a fingernail chewer. It Is ! ing maintained at a high standard. Peat Moss. Etc. easier to get’along with a buzz saw,| VEGETABLE PLANTS Mrs. Thompson Stone and her they say. ' daughter. Margaret have arrived at Danish Ball Head. All Season • • • • Cahhagr I the Stone summer home at Princes The first transcontinental auto­ I Point. Yarmouth for the summer. s FLASH mobile trip was made In 1903 in I have also got a new large . Dr. Stone will Join the family in days of actual travel to complete I Cabbage. It grows as large as a NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS— SUNDAY EXCURSION JUNE 2 5 large basket. They weigh 30 ' August. Dr. Stone, conductor of thc Journey. pounds or more and are railed the Handel and Haydn Society and • • • • | AND EVERY SUNDAY HEREAFTER “Jumbo." Red Cabbage. Cauli­ . Apollo Club of Boston is now in ROCKLAND’S FIRST AND ONLY Installment Collector: "You have flower. Sweet Peppers. Cucumber Iowa preparing for a Festival to be never made h payment on your 1 and Squash Plants. Lettuce. presented by the State University BUTTERMILK BAR piano yet. and why?" "Well, the company advertises, Also have two small Camps to : of Jowa. Dr. Stone will conduct SERVING let at Hosmer Pend at S1.50 per ' a trained chorus of 150 voices and •Pay as you play'.’’ day or $8 per week. a symphony orchestra of 90 players. DIXIE’S HOME-MADE ICE CREAM “What has that got to do with it EDWIN A. DEAN Thc series of six concerts will close I should like to knew?" with thc presentation of Verdi's Re­ WATCH THIS PAPER FOR THE OPENING DATE "Well, I don't play." TEL. 671-J. ROCKLAND. ME. quiem. Dr. Stone will conduct the • • * • 4 Salzburg, Germany has this story entire series. _ i; to tell; The Capuchin monks hav­ * B ______ing occupied their cloister since 1602 a g i t f . - I| have been ordned to evacuate and INVITATION the cloister will be converted into a i ■ n i t j t j youth hostel. The Franciscan clois­ TO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ter and thc palace of Arehbishop QUINNAM'S TAVERN & gbmund Waltz were also taken What next? (Formerly WEBBER S TAVERN) • • • • HAPPINESS’ BEAUTY PARLOR FOR SALE You may b? surprised to learn j A P c n n m o v n ’ w i t h MIDDLE ST., WISCASSET, ME. that Montclair. N. J., has a ladicsi Established Business cavalry unit of 200 expert horse-1 CHARGE RUGGLES Open Saturday, July 1 Modern Equipment Price Reasonable women proficient In all branches of, NOW' PI .AYING cavalry maneuvers. "TARZAN FINDS A SON” Comfortable, Homelike, Excellent • * * • with TO VINALHAVEN, NORTH HAVEN, Food, Reasonable Prices Hint—Cock very large prunes and JOHNNY WEISMULLER MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN STONINGTON AND SWAN’S ISLAND Mrs. Frank Quinnam, Prop. ELMER C. DAVIS remove seeds. Stull with sausage! Joseph McLean, Chef meat, press together, roll in buttered | STMRS. NORTH HAVEN AND W. S. WHITE Insurance and Real Estate crumbs and place In shallow pan formerly of Johnson House, I


An Informal Chat About Knox Hospital— t f . Hour It Serves Humanity GUARDIANS OF OUR COAST (The Eighth Installment in a Series of Articles) What our llghtfceepere and In Miss Nightingale's Footsteps mentor, the student is permitted coastguardsenen are doing to protect coastwise shipping by Response to that Inherent urge to work on the wards a limited Hay and by night. The day's of worthy womanhood, the desire period daily but only under watch- news from many lonely out­ posts along Maine's waterfront. to serve nobly and well, draws' ful supervision. Her every action f • i f ft Siiri Johnson. “Porky” Commercial Lutla Kent, Lurla Civic legions yearly from the ranks ol (is noted b)f a superior, with cor- SENTINELS OF THE NIGHT Mlss America into the nursing pro- rections made on the spot. Thus iDedicated to Ouardlans of Our Coast) fession. a vocation which has been are blended in proper proportion Out where waves fervidly dash on crass aptly described as "one of the most theory and practice, enabling the Frlendlv dng.r! of light extend, beautiful and tender of all the arts apprentice to understand her du­ s’entlne’s of courage to sailor men el life,” , , ties and carry them into effect un- Cluildln • their crafts through perilous In stride with the growth of Knox dei competent inspection. nulded with sparkling entreaties Ta keep off shoals and treacherous Hospital has marched the School , Ethics of the Profession sand; I of Nursing, a valuable auxiliary to | Conduct prescribed for a nurse This Is where guardian llghthoures stand the institution as well as an educa- is of a high moral tone, heightened Silvery Usher shanties are built tional advantage to the community by culture, strengthened by knowl- Borderin'! sands gainst blue of the deep; Sometimes snraved by ambitious wave. Sometimes blasted by wind- that sweep Paul Joues, “Paul" Civic lour Ixiuraine, "Dandelion” This is the famous old side-wheel steamer Cambridge, only ship ever lost on the Bangor-Boston run. wildest storms through winter's sleet Commercial Early Wednesday morning, Peb actually lost on the Bangor-Boston brief existence she had high adven- 1 Muny's the night when moon o erhangs 10, 1886 a young man named Ma- run in its century of existence, and lure, the most notable experience t inching the changing lights loney. residing at Hathorne's Point, in this case there was no loss of next to the final crackup being tlie Out of the night that frightened me ' “ - 1 Yet high on the rocks staunch and Cushing, looked down the Georges life. hectic hours of the hurricane of true Is the lighthouse glowing for me and River, and started post haste for Special pride of the late Capt , September. lHtli) when she drifted you. Thomaston. The reason for his Otis Ingraham of Rockland was the unmanageable for hours, her an- j Oh, gallon, far from wave beat chore. hurry was that nine miles out to Cambridge, called the most beau- chcrs finally holding close to Bearing treasures from Fasterti lands. Watch for the beacon light that guides sea. piled up on Old Man Ledge, tifully appointed ship afloat in her Franklin Island. j Seamen on restless o^eantlde was the wreck of the lamous side day. Capt. Ingraham was asleep in (These steamboat pictorials are Home to the port where love abides wheeler pictured above. His tele- his cabin when the ship struck, but presented as a regular Saturday K S F Rockland Janirs Jordan. "Jimmie" Clvlr phone message to Rockland was the it was due to his prompt action feature in the hope that picturlza- Edward LAw, “Eddie” Civic first intimation had locally that courage and judgment that no pas- tion of the well loved ships of a Portland Head disaster had overtaken their crack senger or crew member was lost in long past and happier day may Another week gone beyond re- liner. the wintry sea. waken memories and tales of these ' call; there seems no way to halt It Is that incident that led to the The Cambridge was built In New grand old steamers and the gallant passing of time choice of the Cambridge for the York in 1867 of 1100 tons burden, men who handled them so ably. All Lcoklng back over the past week first in this steamboat pictorial 250 feat long with a speed of 12 suggestions and contributions wll1 we have accomplished little. W ! series, for she was the only ship knots and costing *140,000 In her be most welcome —J. M R.l keep wondering why we should be annoyed by having so much damp i atmosphere. A student nurse in her duteous role as “Guardian of Health'' to expect, being thoroughly familiar NEWS ADS AND RADIO Tune-Up School The electric cable is underground with the properties of drugs ’ World Going To Know About ------at last Tlie ditch has been filled Katherine Jordan, Kay" Through its curr.culuin and affllia- edge and sustained by a will to de- Yet. with all her capabilities, the tions, the principles in care of the velop the finest traits in her nature Camel Cigarettes and Prince Al- The Service Men Of This in and finished to the satisfaction Commercial nurse is no super-human Her feel­ of all concerned Ruth Mel.tilan. Ruth Commercial ill are taught with the solidity of Much is expected of a young woman belt Pipe Tobacco Area Study At Sayward’s ings and sensibilities are of the Mrs. R T Sterling was guest text book groundwork supported by in this field of endeavor because ow- Garage practlcai experience. ing to her frequent and close contact same tenor as her “sisters under Supplementing its consistent Sunday afternoon of Mrs Charles Sterling of Peak s Island. Romantic the calling may be and with people in all walks of life, the skin ' and like them, she ap- newspaper advertising, R. J. Rev- Automobile owners and [ap­ glamourously appealing to the sen- she has the power to make or mar Mr. and Mrs Walker and daugh­ preciates a kindly'word and friendly nolds Tobacco Co. will present two chanlcs alike are interested in the ter Jane of Portland were guests timental lass, but in the final analv- impressions of the laity in regard understanding. Taie point is. then, new radio shows on behalf of Camel intensive tune up and carburetion sis the basic ingredient, hard work.' to the profession Her behavior is Monday evening of R T Sterling that nurses are •’decidedly human i cigarettes and Prince Albert pipe course being and family. eliminates the triflers and reverts subject to the minutest scrutiny and conducted over a the process to a stark survival of open to severe judgment, this due and wish the woiftl to know it. tomacco this summer. period of 12 weeks at Savward'? The Hilts called Sunday on Mrs the fittest. Any girl who success- I in part to the important position Onward and Upward ■ Scientific investigation demon- Garage. Rockland It Is sponsored Clyde Orant of C#Pe Elizabeth Mr and Mrs Fred Young and fully completes her training period she holds in relation to her patient After the student nurse has com- strating advantages of slower burn- Richard Karl. “Dirk” under the high standards of nurs- who mayhap, in convalescence, has party of Friendship recently visit­ pleted her course she may take higher quality tobaccos will be ed the station. Latin Scientific Roger Newhall, "Red” Commercial ing today “has what it takes' and J little else to occupy his mind save up_ i painted out in radio commercials. the State Board examinations, Mr and Mrs. Fred Sterling of the world is the better for her stal- 1 personal estimates. Camel cigarette endorsers will be on the passing of which she is al­ Rumford called on the Sterling wart character molded by a kindly ' Authorities take elaborate mea- quoted on the air. family recently. discipllne. sures to insure beneficial atmo- lowed to proudly bear the title. R Benny Goodman, already broad­ Mr and Mrs W. C Dow spent CIRCUS HERE THE FOURTH Mhnmum requirements for Schools sphere for the Junior Nightingale, N., or Registered Nurse These casting for Camels, will switch to Tuesday evening with the crowd. of Nursmg accredited in Maine Her leisure is gently guided into letters assure the public that she is 1 the National Boradcasting System's Mrs R D Pickett of South Port­ specify that all applicants must | channels conducive to improve- licensed to serve as a graduate 1 Red network July 8 to be heard Sat- land called Tuesday on Mrs. R T. have graduated from a Class A sec- ment; a reference library, suitable nurse They indicate her profes-urdays at 10 p m iE.D8.TJ, The Sterling. ondary school or have education Action and current medical peri­ siona! status. Swing King s million dollar band Arthur Harlow of South Portland equivalent thereto. They must be odicals are available at all times Records of her practical and class will include Sax Player Toots Mon­ was guest Wednesday evening of R 18 years of age or over on date of and she is encouraged in their use room work are kept on file at the dello. Bass Player Art Bernstein. T Sterling. admission and should present a re- Social functions of an approved School of Nursing, in accordance Trumpet Player Corkie Cornelius cent certificate of good health from I type are frequently arranged for with requirements of the State and Guitarist George Rose. Bob Perkin'! Island the family physician. Duration of her greater contentment, Board of Education. These papers Crosby's popular Dixieland Swing Hello, buddies! It is about time the course is three years, three i The ideal nurse is somewhat of a are frequently resorted to for ref­ Band went under the Camel banner this station went on the air, but months of which are passed in af- hybrid—a cross between a saint and erence purposes when the nurse de­ June 27 in the spot heretofore oc­ due to illness and hospitalization, filiation with the Children's Hos- “ scholar, with a balancing streak sires to register in another State. cupied by Benny Goodman Crosby our broadcast has been delayed. pttal in Portlano for study of pedia- °f sheer humanness. Every known The graduate of Knox Hospital will be heard every Tuesday there- We have just returned to the sta­ tries and orthopedics; and seven nicety of personal development hav- School of Nursing is a well-qualified after at 9 30 p. m. lED & T.) over tion after spending a week In Wor­ raonths at the Lynn tMass.) Hos- ln8 been limelighted and recom­ person with positions of unlimited the coast-to-coast Columbia Broad- cester, Mass. Mrs Powers' sister pile! where medical diseases and ; mended during her nursing course. variety and scope open to her These casting System. Mrs Gertrude Hill, returned with the result is, in the best cases, a obstetrics are the intensive sub­ are to be feund in various fields of In addition to the Goodman and us for a visit. well rounded, strong nature rep­ jects. nursing—American Red Cross, in- Crosby bands. Camel will present It was with great interest we read resenting the essence of clean living Theory and Practice stitutional work, private duty. Army “Blondie," a radio version of the about Ke per and Mrs. Muise's chil- Are Nurses Human? Her resolve to follow In the foot­ and Navy, transportation companies highly popular comic strip by that of dren; does not seem possible that Rare is the nurse who considers by the Farrar-Brown Co., Inc steps of Florence Nightingale opens and countless other channels. The name to be heard Mondays at 7 30 "Billy" and Madelyn are out work­ herself "an angel of mercy" or likes Portland and the Allen Electric and for the student nurse an astounding thinking nurse does not permit her P- m- 'E-DS.T.I over Columbia, ing. They were little tots when we to be called one. Neither does she Equipment Co. new panorama of life which neces­ education to halt with a diploma or starting July 3. The radio version were at Mount Desert Rock Made­ care to be placed on a pedestal and sitates personal adjustments on registration certificate, however; IwiI1 maintain the calibre of fine, Designed to educate the service lyn was a great pal of Mrs Powers idealized; but what she does crave every hand, taxing her adaptability, she is constantly on the alert to In- domestic humor on which the man in up-to-to-minute methods who certainly would like to see her is the rating of an average lndivi- perseverance. Industry' and courage crease her knowledge, specialize in j “Blondie" cartoon success rests, of servicing high speed and high now. But in meeting her new status, there 1 uai the treatment customarily certain departments and otherwise Each radio episode in the series will compression motors, the course will We are looking forward to a visit also attaches a gratifying sense of ■ accorded such. prove worthy of the trust imposed.' ** a complete unit with an or- from Mrs. Blanche MacPhail, and Until very recently nurses in this mean much to car owners of tills expansion as serious purpose leads Her motto must ever be "Onward chestra to furnish musical back- trust that she will get ithe rest she her on through the successive stages locality did “24-hour duty.” Maybe and Upward." ground section. It will, among other de6erves. she there u noth. that was the origin of the word, of an enobling career. things. give the owners the oppor­ ing like the Kennebec river. “anger —celestial bodies are not Class room work at the Bok Home “MAINE SIMMER” SOUTH WARREN tunity to have their cars custom Good wishes to Capt. Torrey of for Nurses in quarters similar to known to require repose but the tuned to any desired brand and oc­ Rockport and may he enjoy better same is .scarcely true of flesh-and- that of any school, is the first and " 'Maine Summer' is a refreshing Injured When Car Overturned tave rating of gasoline preferred. health soon. for a time the major occupation of blood nurses who insist that not bit of travel talk written because Mrs Henry H St ckney. 40. of Instructor Dennis of Portland The cards and letters which I re' {•he newcomer. The instructress in yet have they sprouted wings. Per­ the author Edwin Valentine Mit- Belmont, Mass., a summer resident I Junior Tech E S Onfield, engineer j celved while in the Hospital were charge, in addition to being a reg­ sistent effort on the part of the chell, of Connecticut, thought Maine ’ of South Union was taken to Knox for the Allen Company, Lee A llen,; a source of cheer and pleasure. The istered nurse, is a Normal School hospital officials eventually result­ was worth writing about and be I Hospital for observation yesterday I aviation instructor at Revere. Mass. | 5 ^ ^ . thoughtfulness is greatly graduate, trained in teaching In ed in 12-hour service for nurses but cause he enjoyed himself while he . after the car she was operating left 1 and Mr. Thompson of the Farrar appreciated WOC horn •’ r*_____I * al_»»■ « I ____.______I — - n ___ I___- explaining her work, the instruc­ even this schedule is below the was here," Elizabeth Ring. Research the Atlantic Highway, went into a Brown Co were in attendance. Cheerio, fellow coastmen. tress emphasizes that nursing edu­ standard, for an eight-hour pro­ Editor of the Maine Historical R ec-; field and overturned. These men are taking the course: • • • • cation today is by no means a hap­ gram Is the coming order of the ords Survey, writes in the New Mrs. Stickney suffered cuts and Donald Huntley and Earl Say- Great Durk hazard affair, but rather a sys­ day and Is already in effect in many York Herald Tribune for Sunday, bruises and a sprained ankle while ward at Sayward's Garage; B. I. Mrs. Darrell Mann and Mrs. Lev- tematized procedure governed in States. July 2. her husband, a passenger in the ma­ Eugley and C. B Deane of Deane & erett Stanley and children have plastic measure by a curriculum Entering a household fully “ 'Maine Summer' is distinctive chine, suffered minor bruises. She Eugley, Lincolnville: Lawrence arrived for the summer vacation. Above: is shown a portion of the ment from a lofty swinging trapeze. guide prepared by the National equipped to minister Intelligently in that it is practically the only was taken to the office of Dr Free- Richards and A. M. Kobs, of Lee Keeper Cheney returned recently contingent of 36 “funny fellows" Center left to right: Miss Jeane Al­ League of Nursing Education Out­ to a stricken patient, the nurse is book on Maine, summer or winter, i man S Brown of Rockland and Lenfest Garage, Camden; Russell from the Marine Hospital In Port­ headed by Chester iBoboi Barnett. len presenting her equestrienne often expected to assume household that does not begin with the Viking later removed to the hospital. Staples of Staples Garage. Rock­ lines touching upon local or im­ land. his foot much improved. "Ambassador of Fun" (sitting at ballet of 52 dancing girls and 52 mediate conditions are drawn up tasks as well. While the family Invasion, Miss Ring, declares in State Patrolman Ray Foley and port; Russell Thomas of St George Tender Ilex landed lumber June the "lower right”) will keep Rock­ dancing horses simultaneously by the principal as tlie need arises; would be appalled at asking the at- her review. “There are allusions Parker Hennessey, who investigated, Garage, J. Vance Bell of Bell's G a­ 20 for repairs on the second assis­ land circus fans In an uproar of and lecture courses are given gratis tendant physician to carry up a to Maine's historic and romantic said one wheel of the machine went rage, Boothbay Harbor; Allen Cg- tants house and for the construc­ laughter during the entire two- within the three rings and upon the by certain of tlie medical staff. hod of coal from the cellar, they past, but for the most part they are off the highway onto a shoulder and gan of Cogan's Garage. Warren; tion of new walks. Howard Col- hour performance of Downle Bros hippodrome track Recitations and book boning are regard it as entirely within the inoffensive and safe. If they seem the car shot across the highway. Ernest E. Hutchins of Friendship beth and Thomas Woodworth and Circus, scheduled as the feature Miss Jeanette Wallace: who puts well and good, but the average miss bounds of propriety that the regis­ a bit hackneyed to those familiar Garage; M S. Heald of W. D. George Noyes are the workmen. entertalnment, on July 4th. matinee tons of elephants through thelr • • • ♦ is nevertheless anxious to use her tered nurse should sweep the floor with the state, it might be well to UNION Heald Co., Camden. and night at the Airport. Lady at dally. liands in direct application of the or wash the dishes. Not that she observe that 'Maine Summer’ was Raymond Borneman of Warren Superintendent Transferred top Senorita Thressa Morales, in | K Miss Ruby Hoyt, also a co-per­ knowledge gained twixt covers In is unable or unwilling to do just in all probability written for rusti- Rev. J W. Ames filled the puplil Oarage; Edgar Barker of Banter's Capt. Herman M. Ingalls of “The Plunge of Death." the most due time this is gradually brought that, but her technical knowledge cators and not for natives,” the Sunday morning at the Nazarene Garage. Union; E T. Nelson of Nel­ Peak's Island, superintendent of breath-taking aerial accomplish- former who holds the “spotlight" as about but first the student must and energies could much better be Herald Tribune review points out, Church delivering an inspiring son's Service Station, Rockland; C. the First Lighthouse District, In­ she too takes part in presenting make the acquaintance of the dem­ strictly applied to the ill person for "although there is plenty in the message. There was a solo by Mrs. E Messer of Messer's Garage, cluding the Maine and New Hamp­ ministration changes involved in Downie Bros, four herds of per­ whose care she has been specifically book for the latter to enjoy. Cora Mank. At the close of the Union; Arthur B. Farris of Abbott's shire Coasts, reported Tuesday onstration room. Here the prelim­ the consolidation but that all light­ forming elephants. inary pupil learns bed making and engaged and is directly responsible. “The author is convincing in Sunday School session birthday Garage. Union: W E. Barlow of that he had been ordered to report house tenders, boats, stations and the technique of the sick room. The calm attitude registered by what he writes and he writes with candles were lighted for Donald Thomaston Garage; Fred Daven­ Saturday to Capt. T A. Shanley, personnel would become part of the Life-like Chase dolls in adult and the efficient nurse is not indiffer­ feeling," Miss Ring says. “On sub­ Cunningham and Vernon Ripley, port of Philip B. Crosby, Belfast; commander of the Boston Division Coast Guard. Spying Auto Plates Infant sloes lend themselves to ence nor lack of sympathy, it is emo­ jects relative to Maine, outside of the proceeds to go to the foreign Donald Macaulay of Community of the United Coast Guard, when A general order from the Treas­ tion under control. She has been his experience and study, the au­ missions. The Sunday School les­ Garage, Damariscotta and Kenneth the old Lighthouse Service passes practice handling and bathing, ury Tuesday set up 13 districts for The list is dwindling fast, Dela­ sparing the actual patient yet trained to conquer hysteria, to meet thor has the good Judgment to be son for next Sunday will be found Marshall of Leavitt's Garage, out of existence as a separate unit Joint operation of the Lighthouse ware and North Dakota having been awhile till the uniformed novice emergencies with prompt, resource­ silent," she observes. in 1 Kings 3:5-13 and the subject, Boothbay. of Government. Service and the Coast Guard, ac has mastered the knack of just what ful action and with no trace of flus­ “Solomon; A Ruler Who Began The First District, he said, will cording to the Associated Press. I reported by Virl Alley. Elmer Pink- to do and why and when and how. tered nerves. By her all-round An easy way to skin a beet with- Well." The young people's meeting One can appreciate America's become part of the Boston District The change is part of President ham also noted Delaware, and Ger­ Anatomy and bone structure are academic education she can enter - i out bleeding it and causing it to this week will be held in Rockland lsolatiodn in contrast to the many of the Coast Guard, with head­ Roosevelt's reorganization plan No. ald Grant spied a plate from Gymo taught by means of a skeleton- tain the patient in convalescence lose color is to put it in cold water at the tent on the corner of Pleas- i border lines in Europe. In one tiny quarters in Poston and including 2 consolidating the Bureau of Bay, Cuba. Only 3 States now re­ gruesome but valuable for its dis­ as well as treat him in crisis; in as soon as it is cooked. Then draw ant street and Broadway at 6 30 European nation a peasant needs Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont, Lighthouses in the Commerce De­ main to be reported. They are: tinct realism. administering medicine she does the hand gently down each one, and i followed by the preaching service passports to three other countries Massachusetts and . partment and its functions with Montana After the fundamentals have been more than follow the doctor's or- the skin will drop off without at 7.30. Miss Bernice Newbert will every time he rounds up the cows He said that he had not been ac- the Coast Guard In the Treasury South Dakota absorbed to tlie satisfaction of thelders for she knows what reaction wouble. I lead the young people's meeting. In his pasture. qualnted with the details of the ad-' Department. U ta h