“Ptbp Budg B $93,6
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The Gave Thaie All 66éTV27 Mm & Incorporating The Hicksville Edition of the Mid-Island Herald ILLUSTRATED NEWS Vol. 3 No. 52 Hicksville, N.Y. Thursday, June 8 1989 35¢ 1989 Anton Community Newspapers of Long Island per copy All Rights Reserved. Central Office Phone: 747-8282 ae $93,6 i raw Re: “Ptbp Budg b NO io Boob . abpilj che is or whether the teacher to- she would like to see the Regent review mittwool piby‘arwa cut CARA b 493 particul program...It’ a very courses offered from the beginnin of the at a speci duc ad way In addition Mr. Ben- meetin of doin thing schoo year. Mrs. Miltenberg said “that ina tion T S ~ held on Voters a “nett said “student#ren&# the May 31 hadtejecte participatin in lot of cases a program tha can’t be taugh to $46,780, a of votes numbers that we&# tike to see”. budg b margin 340 Onl 50 per- a student in 10 months can’t be taug to a on May 10. cent of the students wh attended last year’ studentin six weeks” and advocated restruc- The new propose of summer school in Mr. budg +46,686, passe Regen August. turing the summer school reflects the elimination program. of summer school at Bennett added that he though “w will be Board Trustee Carole Wolf also favored the hig schoo ($63,60 and #30,00 reduc- able to come witha much better up program” reviewing the summer school program and tion in supplie and materials Board trustee Patricia the Rooney onl the way extra hel was offered to student board member wh Melissa Mast Jennifer Benicken mak their Summer School voted at the May 24 Schoo board trustee Daniel MacBride add- meeting to retain summer school, said that ed that the way dow Disney Main Stree US Board trustee Mark Cardella commented ‘bottom line here is the althoug the board was disappointed with children... don’t thin it that he thoug the board, asa whole, made reall matters[wh the results and were well aware of com- the if it one kid the an error in cutting an educational program passi rate is] help in some students did benefit from the Music plaints district then I think we should vote for it”. Departm Hits (summ school) at its May 24 meeting Mr. program. Sh said the board ha been told Mr. Cardella’s Cardella then mad a motion to reconsider motion to put summer the school was the hig addressi problem schoo back into the was defeated A Hig Not in the motion eliminatin summer school at the budg b Disn and that the curriculum was being looke in- a vote of Mr, Cardella Mr. MacBride and hig school and to put the 63,60 it would 4-3 Jim McCrann to, Mrs. Rooney also said that the afterschool By cost back into the budg Mrs. Rooney voting to restore summer school. program to hel students prepare for the High School Writer Other Propos Cuts “We were not the desired in the math and science was” getting results, Regent areas Mrs. Wolf made a motion to eliminate explaine boar trustee William Bennett as started in and she was concerned that Hicksville Hig School musicians last May $4,30 in supplie which were to be used for h stated reasons wh the board had decid- this was “too late” She said “Ithink we do- month struck a hig note in their careers on summer school. Her motion was defeated, ed to eliminate summer school. “We haven& in too th streets of Orlando, Fla., where the this earl [eliminati summer school] 5- (Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Wolf voting yes). group th the teachers and got ability to assig to the I urge [th board] t plac it back in the Mr. Arena mad a motion to eliminate a performe ina series of speci concerts in- summer school that would the budget total of in and materials. cluding a para stint on Disne World’smain program get $30,000 supplie His desired results...the we the sum- School board drag onl way get preside J Ann Miltenber motion was unanimously approved. mer school staffed is under the seniority said she didn’t “think the [summ school] The board then voted After a year of planning and months of unanimously to system and it makes no difference what the program is effective” In addition, she said that hard work, 18 music students, togethe with (continued on page 2) 10 chaperone embarked o a journe of 2 great magnitud the likes of which Hicksville Hicksville Loves a Memorial Parad High School has never seen. Da he music departme encountered some trouble at first as the bankruptcy of Eastern Airlines, on which the students were original- ly booked, almost prevented the music departme from flyin down to Florida. “At one point,’ said band director, Jame McRoy, “it looked like [the migh be cancelled. But, luckily, everythingS came together Mr. McRoy credited Perkins Travel Agen cy with salvagi th trip. Accordin to Jac Perkins of the agency, never before had he faced the proble of hav- ing such large group booked o an airline that went backrup In order toremedy the situation, Perkins Travel absorbed the more than $11,000 that was lost to Eastern Airlines and rebooked the group on two Continen- tal Airline flights and one TWA flight. “We made a commitment and we try to follow throug on our commitments,’ said Mr. Perkins. Most of the students, thoug initially con- ; cerned about the demis of Eastern Airlines, vii ; 2 would be E were confident that the proble (Fro Lef Grandma Mar Hebron from Florida Michae (21 Barbara Hebron ca out marched resolved, Orchestra director, Tom Buttice, to watch Barbara’ husban Ed an son, Brian (5 march in thefapara for St. Ignati CYO Hicksville Middle Schoo Band wh will retire after this did not year, worry Ed and Barbar hav been Hicksville residents for eig years unde the direction of Hilar Sperb at all. “T knew we were goin to go. [hope that we weren&# goin to walk, but [knew we were going to go, said. And on Thursda May 25 the students bega their journey. Th first thin the students noticed after exiting Orlando& International Airpor was the swelterin temperatures which reached first the mid 90s So the music department few moments in Florida were spentin search of air-conditioning. Aftera quic swim at Orange Lake Coun- try Club where the lodg for the fou days the students prepare for a concert at the Mercado Shoppi Village. The concert at Mercado included all per- formin concert groups. The music that the performe was from both their Pop and Spring concerts, Most students hadlittle pro- after the blem putting on such long concert lon and little of the trip sleep as many Hicksville Girl Scout under the direction of Members of William M Gous Jr., Pos No 321 For more Memorial Day festivities 14. (continued on page 20) program chairman Pa Dwye Veterans of Foreig Wars see page rectaasaceten S ian 8, 1989 Page fod New - Thursday, June Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, Park Boar Reduce Budg (continued from page !) with Bennet’s remarks tha students adop anew propose budg of #46,686,71 cern Mr. school which would increase th tax rate #1.5 over could attend East Meadow’s summer Mrs. Rudin, that would the year, bringi it to $28.2 per when, according to other hundred.Bre not bean easy trip for studentslivingin part of Hicksville. The meeting ended ona Public Sessio discordant note as Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Resident Roge Engert, representing the Rudin traded remarks regardin matters Hicksville Hig School Band Parents Associa- whic they felt ha led to the defeat of the tion, thanked the boar for their support of first budge the board will be on the hig school Music Department trip to The next meeting of Walt Disne World last month, “Ourkids did Wednesd Jun 21 at 8:1 in the Administra- great he said addin that Hicksville has been tion Buildin Results of the second budget scheduled to b a this asked to come back. In connection with the vote are reported Ban Festival bein planne for Septembe meeting, Mr. Enger aske if the budg were defeated 42 agai and the district was o austerity, could Legi Auxiliar the Festival g forward if the Band Parents Association “footed the bill”: Mrs, Miltenber Install New Officer indicated that she would get back to Mr. Charles Unit No, 42 1. Last week, Wagner student Enger b Jun Middle Scho staff and Elk member distribute anti- theme bookcover to of the American Legion Auxiliar in Hicksville Resident Arlene Rudin questione Mrs. Awareness Committee membe Art Schmall an Hicksville installed its new officers for the last month. Bac row (L- Hicksville Lod Miltenber regardin summer school. Mrs. and Sal Amico socia director Elaine Milani Asst Princip Jose Giambalvo Miltenber stated agai that she thought 1989- year. co- The ne officers are preside Florence Elk’s Committee Chairman Murra App Hicksville’s program neede restructuring Millie se- and that she didn’t “think it could be done Ruhe first vice presiden Egan Marie Gamble recor- while the existing [progra is running”. cond vice presiden Elk Teac Middle Scho Student About Gertrude Reichein and Dru Mrs. Rudin said “that perha the program din secretary: Geraldine Seitz. Hicksville Middle about drug bad drug dru identifica- need restructuring’, but that a program was treasurer: Eight grade at the goo the awards tion, and After viewing the started to students which wasn& started Attendin auxiliary’ county School took part in a dru education pee pressure.