9693 House of Representatives
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9693 CONGRESSIONAL _RECORD_-HOUSE JULY 30 field: Provided, That the foregoing appropriation shall be in addi CONFIRMATIONS tion to and shall be covered into and accounted for as a part of the "Tennessee Valley Authority Fund, 1941," as established by the Exeeutive nominatiOns confirme·d by the Senate July 30 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1941: Provided further, That (legislative day of July 29), 1940 purchases may be made by the Authority during the fiscal year 1941 without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised WAR DEPARTMENT Statutes and section 9 (b) of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, Robert Porter Patterson to be Assistant Secretary of War. as amended, when in the judgment of the Board of Directors of the Authority such a procedure will expedite the completion of projects POSTMASTER determined to be essential for national defense purposes by the OKLAHOMA Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense: Provided further, That the extent and location of the transmission lines James W. Blair, Clayton. provided for herein shall receive the approval of such Commission. Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the House HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES joint resolution. In making the request for unanimous con TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1940 sent, I wish to say that the House joint resolution is exactly The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the same as the Senate joint resolution passed by the'Senate Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor of Gunton Temple earlier today, with the exception that on page 3, line 4, after Memorial Presbyterian Church; Washington, D. C., offered the word "defense" the following proviso was inserted by the the following prayer: House: . Provided further, That the extent and location of the trans Eternal and gracious God, with gladness and gratitude mission lines provided for herein shall receive the approval of we are coming unto Thee, for in the revelations of Thy pres sucl:_l Commission. ence and power we find our strength and hope. We pray that Meaning the Advisory Commission of the Council of Na- we may daily validate these revelations by the convincing and tional Defense. glorious certitude of an ever-enriching personal experience. Grant that the challenging Spirit of the Son of God may Mr.- DANAHER. · Mr. President, will the Senator yield? · permeate and dominate the minds and hearts of the Mem Mr. McKELLAR. I yield. bers of this legislative body as they address themselves to the Mr. DANAHER. Inviting the Senator's attention to the duties and responsibilities of this day. House joint resolution, does he not mean page 3, line 5? We pray that men everywhere may be eager to participate The word "defense" appears in line 3 and again in line 5. · in a new spirit of fellowship and understanding. May the Mr. McKELLAR. That is true in the Senate joint resolu will of men be good will and Thy ways their ways. Help tion. I had the House joint resolution before me. It is line our humanity to see that the greatest securities for all are 4, page 3, of the House joint resolution. In other word$, not in weapons of warfare, but in the implements of welfare. after the last word in the joint resolution that proviso was when swords are beaten into plowshares and spears into inserted. pruning hooks, and when men give their allegiance to the Mr. DANAHER. I thank the Senator from Tennessee. Prince of Peace who shal) rule not with the rod of iron but Mr. McKELLAR. I renew my request for unanimous con with the scepter of justice and .righteousness. sent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the House In Christ's name we pray. Amen. joint resolution. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and There being no objection, the joint resolution <H. J. Res. approved. 583) making an additional appropriation for the Tennessee MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Valley Authority for the fiscal year 1941 to provide facilities A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative to expedite the national defense was considered, ordered to clerk, announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the a third reading, read the third time, and passed. following title, in which the concurrence of the House is Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, Senate joint resolution rEquested: 285 is now on the Vice President's desk. I ask that the vote S. 3920. An act to amend the Railroad Unemployment Act, by which the Senate joint resolution was passed be recon approved June 25, 1938, as amended June 20, 1939, and for sidered, and that it be indefinitely postponed. other purposes. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the vote ACTIVE SERVICE FOR THE NATIONAL GUARD, OFFICERS' RESERVE by which Senate Joint Resolution 285 was agreed to is recon CORPS, ETC. (S. DOC. NO. 265) sidered, and the joint resolution is indefinitely postponed. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following com Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, I now ask unanimous con munication from the President of the United States, which sent that the President pro tempore be authorized to sign the was read by the Clerk and referred to the Committee on enrolled House Joint Resolution 583 during the recess or Military Affairs and ordered to be printed: adjournment of the Senate. The PRESIDENT pro· tempore. Is there objection? The THE WHITE HOUSE, Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. The SPEAKER, Washington. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS · House of Representatives. Mr. SHEPPARD, from the Committee on Military Affairs, DEAR MR. SPEAKER: The increasing seriousness of the inter to which was referred the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 286) to national situation demands that every element of our defense strengthen the common defense and to authorize the Presi structure be brought as rapidly as possible to the highest state dent to order members and units of reserve components and of- efficiency, in training as well as in equipment and material. retired personnel of the Regular Army into active military !!'he National Guard of the United States, an integral and service, reported it with amendments and submitted a report vital part of the Army, comprises a body of men who have <No. 1987) thereon. voluntarily assumed an obligation to serve the Nation in any ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY crisis. ·To the extent possible under normal conditions, the officers and men of the National Guard have prepared them Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Senate adjourn until selves for this service, and I am assured that today the guard Thursday next. has reached the highest state of efficiency in its peacetime The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o'clock and 45 history. minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Thursday, August The developments of modern warfare are such, however, 1, 1940, at 12 o'clock meridian. that only seasoned and highly trained troops can hope for 1940 CO}~GRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9691 su~cess in combat. Our .citizen soldiery, no matter how will legislative program, I may be permitted to address the House ing and earne.ot, cannot possibly attain the necessary degree for 25 minutes. of efficiency through their normal training activities. Even The SPEAKER. Is there objection? our professional soldiers required months of intensive train There was no objection. ing to ·bring them to their present satisfactory state. We EXTENSION OF REMARKS know too well the tragedy that ensues when inadequately Mr. LUDLOW. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to trained men are assailed by a more skillful adversary. extend my remarks very briefly in the RECORD. Some weeks ago I asked the Congress for authority to order The SPEAKER. Is there objection? the National Guard into active service should an emergency There was no objection. require this action when your body was not in session. That Mr. KEEFE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex- proposal is no longer sufficient, as I am now convinced that . tend my remarks and include a letter from a constituent. the security of the Nation demands that this component of The SPEAKER. Is there objection? our Army be brought to the highest possible state of training There was no objection. efficiency more rapidly thari its present program permits. Mr. KUNKEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Moreover, this group of men, who of necessity must be among extend my remarks in the RECORD and to include therein a the first to fight in the Nation's defense, have a right to the letter from Lt. Col. Albert H. Stackpole. best preparation that time and circumstance permit. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Realizing as I do the personal sacrifice that a period of There was no objection. extended active duty demands of the National Guard, I have deferred until now any request for immediate action in this WAR-RISK INSURANCE respect. ·I cannot, with clear conscience, longer postpone this Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I ask vitally essential step in our progress toward adequate pre unanimous consent to proceed for 1 minute and to revise and paredness, and I am therefore transmitting herewith legis extend my remarks. lation that, if enacted, will enable me to order the National The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Guard of the United States to active service for such period of There was no objection. intensive training as may be necessary to raise its efficiency Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, today I to a point comparable with that of our small Regular Estab have introduced the following resolution: lishment. Notwithstanding the provisions of existing law, any member of If this authority is granted, I propose to order the guard the National Guard called into the service for training, for State service, or when called into the service of the United States by to duty in successive increments to permit the effective use Presidential proclamation shall be eligible for and entitled to apply of training facilities and equipment immediately available.