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J. (; I Lac~ ,: . of Black Historian Triggers BSAA Walkout By DICK WATTS the classroom. nuthorl7.atlon was given last spring for of the man as a scholar." Miami's Black Student Action The group proceeded to 207 the department to begin a search for It also was announced that at a Association staged ~ walkout' from the McGuffey to discuss the problem and qualified people . Five offers were meeting of the history department at Black history class Tuesday, Feb. 18 to await the arrival of President Phillip extended and all five were turned noon Tuesday, a committee comprised to protest what they felt was Shriver who had agreed to be present down. Two gave money as the prime of Profs. Ronald Shaw, Jack Kirby and discrimination on the part of the for the meeting. reason for refusal. two said that they Richard J ellison had been chosen as a History department concerning the DUring the interim, Payne were happy where they were, and the search committee to look for a black hiring of a Black professor. expressed some of the Black students fifth wanted to finish her graduate history specialist. The dispute stemmed fro'm the feelings. work." Possible recruits wh.ich arc being department's decislon to place the "This is a white univer~ityand we When questioned why the Dlack watched are Harvard Sitkoff of Queens hiring of professors in British history aro tired of the run around. The history professorship took third and Roger Fischer from Sum Houston and ancient cultures before the hiring university needs black people. If priority behind Uritish history and State College. of a black historian. anything is going to be done about it, ancient culture, Shriver explained that "My own regret is that As students entered Prof. James it must be done now. We are not here "The history department concluded authorization (to hire a blqck Rodabuugh'$ history 222 class, Terry to jump off and cause trouble- we are that they must fill existing Vacancies professor) was not made earlier," Ramsey, chairman of the BSAA here for an education." before they could fill other positions." continued Stone. "If the authorization academic committee, handed out When Shriver arrived, Payne One point which Shriver kept had con,~ last fall much of this trouble leanets explaining the reasons behind reiterated agnin the Black students repeating was that the history would have been avoided." the walkout. The entire statement was dissatisfaction of the priority system department was looking for someone A fter the meeting adjourned, published in the Feb. 18 issue of the established by the history department of Ph .D. caliber to fill the position, a Ramsey impressed the fact to Shriver STUDENT. and asked Shriver why a black point which proved unsatisfactory to that the walkout was not a personal Paul Payne, president of the BSAA, professor for Black history had not the whole assemblage. attack against Prof. Rodazuugh but read the handout to the class and as been hired when the promise had been Prof. Ralph Stone of the history thut the blllck. students felt that no Prof. Harris G. Warren, chairman of made last year to begin a search for department commented, "I think that whlte person could teach the course tlie history department, arose to one. we are hung up on certificntions. The effectivelv. speak, tho students began filing out of Shriver responded that "the position should be filled on tho basis (Continued 1' .5, Col.l) • • OMc.tlltml Collc,e Newspaper In the Un lied States WALKOUT --President PhDllp R. Shriver listens to opinions of black students after some VOL. 92, !NO, 37 F.riday, February 28, 1969 Eat. 1826 Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 150 students walked Ollt of a meeting with the history department in protest over offerings in black history .--Photo by Holmes. Senate Sends Restructuring Proposal To Faculty Council, Reiects Boycott 'Year of Definition' 'Boycott Uejection' l3y ROUERT FRIEDENBERG After lIIonths of research, careful corrections, Why did Student Senate vote down il pmpos al exacting re·examinations and u student body to "cndorse the boycott of classes for Wecl nesda y, mnndate, the Student Senate passed the finalized Fcb. 19, proposecl by the Black Student Action proposal for 1I Decislon·Making Structure for Assoc iation (BSAA), Fcb. Hl'? Miami University Tucsday night. This was the question I'ISAA pr es id ent Pilul Promising to muke this your II "year of Payne and four oth er memb ers wilnted ill1SWer ecJ definition" the Senate initiated action by Issuing II when thcy confruntcd the Senat e TuescJay. Declaration of Participation. l3 efore thc discussiu n bogan Senate president "Discussion of student Issues Is Irrelevant and Jim Friedman explaincd that after th e proposal ilbsurd so 10llg ilS Studcnt Senute cont inues as a was voted down he had phoned senators, and a toy government, with only the authority to majority of 16 signed a petitiun to "support th ose recomm end to th e various vetoing powers," partiCipating in the BSAA student boyeot t explained Senate President Jim Friedlllan. Wedn esday, Fe b. 19." (Continued 1).5, Col.I) Payne uskecl the Senate, "Why was the motion TOP TEN--Ont of these ten finalists will be chosen Miss Miami the judges brought the 34 entree:; down to len finlliists. FrOln voted againsl?" jomorrow afternoon at 2:30 p.m. lit tlie Heritage Room In the left, LInda Snyder, Nancy Armstrong, Kelsy BIIII ock, Kllthy Senator Dave Frank replied , "I wasn't infor mecl , UPCOMING SENATE ELECTIONS contest which may leael to II MISli Ohio title in the· Miss America McNeil, Sandy Ueery, Mary Frundt, Cindi Diller, Junie Wnlters, enollgh 011 the iss lies, it (the prop osal ) W:IS contest. Sponsored at Miami by Program Board and Pel'si-Cola, Sue Nlederrlter lind Ruth CHulo!l. All students interested in running for 1969·70 presented in a haphazard mUlln er. WilY yo u the preliminary judgings Were Tuesday And Wednesday night as Senate offjee~ and the offices of president and want ed the entire campus 10 boycu tt classes secretllry-trellSlIrer of the sophomore, junior lind instead of just the Black students wasn 't dear." senior c1l1sses should meet next Wednesday ot 4:00 "We're tired of talkin g and hearing lie s. we're 'Mandate' Results 'Encouraging, in the SemIte Chumbers in Warfield. tired of hearing white liberal students suying we're Final A minimum 2.0 acellmuilltive average is for you and then nut duing anything." retorted required for liny of the positions. Phil COllsins, The offkes of Senate president, vice president, "Our whole upprou ch to try ulld change Ihin l-\s Students Attitude W ell-Expressed recording secretary, corresponding secretory, and hu s been to work withill the systelll. There wa s a commitment mudc to try and supply a I3Ia~k By HELEN KATZ U'nivcrsity's power structure was not IIl1lhut trensurer nlllst be filled, Illollg wilh the eloss answer to chargcs thnt the oplnionulre was History professur." saicl Payne. Results of the Mandate for Change which it should be. officer IIQsitio liS. biased, "students arc either for or against II Payne explained, "the History Departlllont had took place Monday, Feb. 17 evoked Ii "A very feasible alternative to the power Petitions nre due Wednesday Mllrch 12, und given point of view, and this was a cUIl1)laigning will begin the next day. I!reliminary a search committee ["ormod to find a Bluck favorable response from its engineers. structure of the University Was evolved," vote- Illore than that - it wus a mandato. professor in the sprin g. Five people were Said co-ordinator Jerry Goldberg, ''The Goldberg went on, "groundwork waS laid elections will be held Mon., Murch 17, and finnl This was the reason it was slunted in one elections, Thursday, Mllr. 20. interviewed, 110 one was found. The cornmillcc Mandate accomplished quite a bit. In a low and a nucleus of informed students Was direction- to indicate a definit e response was discontinucd in the fall and Ih e department key, person to person dialogue, students formed." Put St Inc, chairman of the elections committee concerning the issues in question." can answer questions concerning election put greater emphasis on two othcr arca s' Were sensitized to the fact that the Senate president Jim Friedman said in procedures. (Continlled P.5, Col.4) 1. Do you favor the Governor's proposal to the State legislature to end all subsidy to Final Proposal Drafted out of state students beginning in September 1969? Millett To Recollllllend Bonus }1-'or Miallli By Ad Hoc COtntnittee Yes; 197 No: $307 2. Do you favor the Governor's proposals At Board of Regents Session Today Working against the calendar, the Ad Hoc financial scholarships and the recruitment which would finance a new technical individual presidents were expected to make Committee on Human Relations has i1nd retention of black professors. education system primarily at the expense of By DAVID POLLAK up un official statement to be presented to prepared statements on other proposals such prepared a final draft of its T he YMCA-YWCA human relations existltlg State supported Universities? Editor the Regents touay on Governor Rhodes as the out-{)f'-state subsidy losses. recommendations to be presented to the committee has been circulating petitions on A proposal to tab additional funds for Illorc recen'! proposals . president on Monday. campus supporting the changes Yes ; 249 Miallli to help reduce the loss of ollt-{)f-state , III essence, the statement, to be read by At this tilll e no bill has officially been No; 5632 introduced to the legislature on higher Given the charge of studying the racial recommended by ad hoc committee_ subsidies is to be brought up before the President Shriver, applauded the ;Idded education.