
Fish ➔ Kingdom: Animalia

➔ Phylym: Chordata

➔ Three Classes: 1. Jawless fish () 2. Cartilaginous fish (chondricthyes) 3. Bony Fish () Fish Characteristics ➔ for breating ➔ Backbone (vertebrae) ➔ Paired ➔ Closed ➔ Two-chambered

Wat te s ar t he! Fish Internal Features External Features Fins Fish ➔ Water flows over gills as fish opens and swims ➔ Water flows opposite direction of blood flow ➔ O2 diffuses from the water into the blood ➔ Gills are made of thousands of filaments ➔ Gills are covered by the (gill cover) Fish Respiration Reproduction ➔ Most reproduce sexually, and fertilize their externally ➔ /rays fertilize internally ◆ Some keep their eggs in their uterus (viviparous) ◆ Others will lay the eggs oviparous) ➔ Spawning is the process of fertilizing eggs ➔ Baby fish are called FRY Jawless Fish ➔ : Agnatha ➔ No made of ➔ Soft (no scales) ➔ 7 gills ➔ Lack a ➔ Examples: Lampreys, Cartilaginous Fish ●Class: ●Swim constantly to force oxygen into their gills ●Caudal (tail) is large/strong ●Skeleton made of cartilage (not ). ●5-7 gill slits located on each side of the body ●Examples: Sharks and Rays ● 350 different of sharks ● 300 species of rays and skates Bony Fish ➔ Class: osteichthyes ➔ Skeleton made of bone ➔ Teeth are fixed onto the upper ➔ Swim bladder: air filled sac that helps them with ➔ Do not have to swim to breathe (can move gill covers to force water over gills.) ➔ Examples: Trout, Perch, Pike, Goldfish