Sixteen Baptist Messenger
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SIXTEEN BAPTIST MESSENGER THE UNDYING FLAME. In the co-operative budget program. These special dav<? in Sunday school were provided for and Christian Education There is a verse In the 6th, Chap, of Lev. that stirs my was especially recognized and set apart for 0. B u hv heart as I think of Evangelism. It is verse twelve and reads state convention which met In Muskogee last November W thus: "And the fire upon the Altar shall be kept burning there- My very soul goes out to you in a plea for help i KPII on, it shall not go out." Man's business was to prepare the from the very depth', of my heart that God has a place for r? altar and let God kindle the fire. Then when the fire was once B. U. in Kingdom work. 1 know your church Is burdened nit kindled it was not to go out but man was to keep it burning. of our churches are, hut I also know that God blesses a NQW it is no small task to keep the fire burning continually and ful giver and that your Sunday school members will triv Owned and Published by Baptist Genera! Convention of Oklahoma because It is difficult I fear that many Churches are shiver- thing if they have a chance." . Mv ing around fireless altars. Many of our Churches are power- less, inactive and filled with dissatisfaction and ynrest because ASSOCIATIONAL MEETINGS, 1926. tbrs, flame which God has commanded us to k&ep alive, has C,P.Stealey/fcditor Oklahoma City, OkIaM August 4, 1926 i.. Vol. XIV; No. 23 flickered out. The Fires of Evangelism will illumine, purify i1 The following is list of Associations with place and tlnmnf and guide us into the ways 6f peace. Most of ;oiir troubles will meeting, with Moderator's name given first then nam* n take wings and fly away when God's men are mitered wltli clerk. e OI The spirit of Unitarianlsm which is so prevalent among the Massee, the qutstamling orthodox Pastor of Treraont Temple. Celestial Fire and Speak His truth with burning hearts and Bulled Evangelical Churches today utterly destroys the mis- This Editor in speaking of Dr. Massee's sermons over the flaming tongues. ' . > August ' 1 sionary spirit. Dues that tact in some measure account for radio said: "What awful stuff, and the great radio stations If this holy flame burns low what is the cause? Is it not MlLLS-Slruns City ,; August 30. of one of the stores in Boston is a broadening accomplice because we lay nothing on the AltarV Barren altars -produce SALT FORK-Fairview, August 18, D. M. Strickland tlie deplorable deficit in our missionary operations? Take the no flame. But when life and time and talents are all on the Burden. ' •'••Unitarians as an or^anixatjion and while they pride themselves in this wretched business. Into thousands of homes the evil Altar, the flame leaps skyward and in the golden light lost souls JEFFERSON—Ryan. Aug. 17. Ernest Harks. • tin being cultured, we notej that their extension work is largely things about the fiendish, murderous God are poured in the. find their way home, while God's Angels look down with beam- PANHANDLE-Hooker, August 24, J. A. Land T T* ing faces at the glorious sight of repentant sinners. My heart >neoa,the interest of mjmey given in the long ago by those nfime of the religion of Christ. It is terrible. We should as , BRYAX-PHILADELPHU-Durant , Augusb t <> G4 CC C lief hear a minister advise a maiden to yield her chastity, a is all athrill with the thought, my soul leaps forward to greet chett A. E. McCreary. - . ' ' " •'-wlio had been reared under the influence of orthodoxy. Five- the coming day, when our beloved State shall pulsate with the 5ixtlis of their present income ,fur this kind of work comes: youth to steal a purse, as to have people taught as they are. song of the reapers, as, they bring in the sheaves from this E£ON—Marietta. Au.ff. 25. W. M. Balthrop, V. C Russell COMA NTHE-COTTOX-Chattanooffa August °G Sw n1 from endowment funds. The total gifts of the Churches awl taught by Dr. Massee." white harvest field. 1 We consider that the infidel has paid a high tribute'to Holdenville, Oklahoma. 3. E. KIRK. POTTAWOMIE-Blackbur n 'Chapel, August ' 3I1p JT Kr individuals for 1023 was only ?37,7(M.OO. The great wealt: Macon, H. A. Burge. * i churches in Boston riving, King's Chapel, §12(>0; Arliugt Dr. Massee. but for the life of us we cannot understand his MUSKOGEE-Heuryetta, August 31, T. M. Smith" V B frn ' "THE ASSOCIATION AND EVANGELISM." son. ' ri / Street, 51SSG; ttrookline First Parish, $loS5. The interestil association in the same federation with him. What we need thiug to note is what this 'money Is used for. Not in evangel today Is a deep abiding, soul satisfying experience of Jesus E. D. Hamilton September As we come to the season when our associations are sched- GREER-Reed, September l, J. W, Solomon L W Perrin king the poor and wretched and outcast, but for subsidizing in the heart that will make no compromise, that will not allow uled to meet it occurs to me "that some earnest words ought MAYES-Choteau, September 2, T. B. Casey, Mrs. T. J Jane- .-"missions," generally among those who need it least Much any seeker to jbe misled in matters so vital as the souls se- way. A l to be said upon the subject of evangelism. Ourj record Is far of the money is spent at political and commercial capitals in curity. • • f- " " -. below what it ought. to read in this 'respect. In many sections ™?™>; c?«?' September 2, S. T, Cypert, Chas Price. •seeking to propogate their doctrine among the so-called better of our state the fires of evangelism have burned low, if at all. CHICKASAW—Nmnekah, Sept. 1. H. P. Haley, L F Hod- riHt. classes. • . • This is a day,,-of new organizations for the purpose o , Some years ago a call made for volunteers to rally toning down and discrediting. Christianity. The latest which to the defense of oar Flag against Spain, who had insulted it. CONCORD-KIOWA-Custer jCity. September 7, J. A. Haley Quoting from one of their own number, "The Unitarian 1 Though I had nevex seen an army in action on the battlefield! 1 N. Campbell. movementjis nearly as old us the Methodist and older than the comes to our attention is "The Church and Drama Association, ' I did witness the men in training for that war. Nobody was KT BFtfKHAM-Prarle View, September 7. H. F. Carmichael, This association seeks a closer cooperation between the Clinrch ST. C. Banner. Episcopal High Church. But "what progress has it made in surprised when word came that our men had covered them-" .converting ignorant, common place, busy people from iworldli- and the Drama. .They say: "The purpose of the new asso- selves with glory and they were coming home victorious. J PITTSBURG-McAlester, September 7, H. L. Marler B F ciation is to .develop the potentialities for good in the Drama &*;;•"$ A fellow student addressed us in chapel upon his return Bland. ness to holiness'; Much ib said of the orthodox persons who fca XT '~ 2 from the ranks of the ''Rough-Riders." He told of the daring/ I TILLMAN-Bethel, September 7, T. P. Haskins, H. Ernest become Unitarians. Their religious character was Conned un by creating and'eiilisting public support for the worthy things the fatigue, the. danger, the triumph of those men. Some ob- llitt. , der orthodoxy. Social reform is not religion. As a deuomiua- ift the stage and screen and to e'ducate the public for the ap^ servations might help at this time, as I am thinking of some 1 ElARMOX-Hope. September 8,".I. H. Plunkett, H. Hicks. tion we ought to have missions to teach eligibn to the!benighted preciatlon for. the. best the Drama Ms to offer."'-. In other of the things that inspired those men, at .that time. ! j MULLEXS-Santa Fe, September 9, C. L. .Truett, words the world desires the cooperation and support of the / Those men fought u good fight, becaue they were con- ; MtfNTOSH-Hanna, September 10, E. A. Splller, R E in the city, in the country, on the frontier among the immi- scious of being under ^ great command. T|ie Government of Manning. grants, nnd in foreign lands, not to start Cuitarian Chinches Church and with the tendencies manifested in much of modern ^ Christendom, they are justified* and warninted In asking it for the U. S. had called fortheir services in this time of national CiXTRAL-Central, O. C., September 14, T. C. Carleton, L Jamoug the orthodox, but to start personal religion union;, the trial, and had sent them afield for action requiring the best ; AY. Marks. Christianity, in many quarters, seems nciw to be regarded as Irreligious." ' • "- . ! ' ' } . ' that they could do, to maintain and perpetuate uur self-respect UNIOX-Corbett, September 14, .7. H. Gardner, k M. Jones. just a worldly organization for social* purposes, etc* "But" adds Mr. Ernest Gordon, "never will that -be luntil and dignity as a nation. They went and- sbrved and brought McCURTAIX-Valliant, September 15, J. M. Dawson, This association has enlisted the interest of such pronoun- the flag back home undimmed and floating aloft. As our assor they make ;their peace with the eternal Christ." No, unless HASKELL-Keota,.September IS, G.