Report of the 24Th Iocongress in Hamburg, 2006
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J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S649–S709 DOI 10.1007/s10336-007-0247-9 IOC REPORT 2007 Official Report of the International Ornithological Committee 24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, 13–19 August 2006 Published online: 13 November 2007 Ó Dt. Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V. 2007 The official report of the International Ornithological Committee tional Federation of Ornithological Societies); establishment of consists of the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Com- better links with conservation organizations (e.g., BirdLife Inter- mittee and of the International Ornithological Committee. The national); organization of a Presidential Forum to show how individual reports by officers and subcommittees are included as avian conservation can benefit from avian basic research; revision appendices at the end of the minutes. In addition, there is a list of of the IOCommittee Statutes & By-Laws (see Appendix XI; a the appendices and attachments, as well as a list of abbreviations draft proposal was distributed to the Executive Committee and used in this report. IOCommittee members prior to the congress) through the appointment of a Statutes Committee; report on the critical financial situation of the IOCommittee, especially regarding the Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting support for delegates from low-income countries; review of the Standing Committees by Vice-President John Wingfield; IOCon- The Executive Committee meeting was held in Room #16 on gress Proceedings from the 23rd IOCongress in 2002 were just Saturday, August 12, 10:00am–5:30pm. For the original Agenda, published; need for a broader geographic representation among see Appendix I. The sequence of the actual agenda was modified the IOCommittee members; presentation of the list of IOCom- during the meeting, all the business was completed in one day and mittee members that were elected in Beijing 2002 a moment of a single meeting, and this is reflected in the minutes. silence in commemoration of the IOCommittee members who died since the last IOCongress in Beijing August 2002 (see Appendix Executive Committee 2002–2006 (*present) XIX). *Franz Bairlein (Germany), Secretary-General, ex officio During the ensuing discussion, Fred Cooke (chair of the *Jacques Blondel (France), President, ex officio Executive Committee Nominations Committee) mentioned that *Walter J. Bock (USA), Past-President, ex officio the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) had made a loan of *Carlos Bosque (Venezuela), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 $10,000 to the IOCommittee when he was AOU President. *Michael Clarke (Australia), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 Dominique Homberger clarified that this money was not touched John P. Croxall (U.K.), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 by the IOCommittee officers, because they did not see how Nathan N. Gichuki (Kenya), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 this loan could be repaid by the IOCommittee in the immediate *Susan Hannon (Canada), 2002–2006 future. *Hiroyoshi Higuchi (Japan), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 Fred Cooke reported also that no agreement could be reached *Elizabeth Ho¨ fling (Brazil), 2002–2006 with the AOU about moving the NAOC (North American *Dominique G. Homberger (USA), Secretary, ex officio Ornithological Conference) to a cycle that would not conflict with *Lukas Jenni (Switzerland), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 the IOCongresses, because the AOU wants to maintain the cur- Pilai Poonswad (Thailand), 1998–2002, 2002–2006 rent four-year interval for the NAOC. The IOCommittee will need *Franc¸ ois Vuilleumier (USA), 2002–2006 to negotiate with the AOU on this subject. Walter Bock men- *John C. Wingfield (USA), Vice-President, ex officio tioned that in this year (2006), there is a special conflict between Wei-shu Xu (China), Past-Secretary-General, ex officio the IOCongress and the NAOC, because the NAOC will be held in Mexico. Michael Clarke reported that the Australasian congresses 1. Welcome and report of IOC President Jacques Blondel are timed so as not to conflict with the IOCongresses. Franc¸ ois Vuilleumier reported the same for the Neotropical Ornithological (See Appendix II) Congress (NOC), of which the next will meet in Venezuela in 2007. Jacques Blondel reported the same for the congresses of the Summary: Report on activities and appointments (see report in European Ornithologists’ Union, of which the next one will meet Appendix II); modernization of the IOC into an IFOS (Interna- in 2007. Fred Cooke confirmed that only the AOU organizes a 123 S650 J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S649–S709 major congress (i.e., the NAOC) to conflict in timing with the IOCongress if Brazil’s invitation were accepted, and she thanked IOCongresses. Walter Bock for his encouragement. 2. Welcome and Report of the Secretary-General of the 4. Report of the Chair of the Scientific Program IOCongress, Franz Bairlein Committee, Susan Hannon (See Appendix V) (See Appendix III). During the ensuing discussion, Lukas Jenni wondered whether Summary: The Congress has 1466 registered delegates from 80 something needed to be changed since there were not enough countries. This is the result of an attractive program, a good symposia proposals, but almost too many oral suggestions, but location, a grant system for travel support, and moderate congress Susan Hannon felt that oral presentations may be more demo- registration fees, and thanks to sponsors. cratic. Walter Bock mentioned that posters are more efficient. In During the ensuing discussion, Franc¸ ois Vuilleumier noted that response to John Wingfield’s question, Susan Hannon confirmed there are not many sponsors, and he wanted to know what kinds that Oceania was represented almost exclusively by Australians of contributions (cash, service, or both) were provided by them. and New Zealanders. In response to Carlos Bosque’s question, Franz Bairlein explained that the World Soccer Championship in Susan Hannon explained that the web page for the on-line sub- 2004 probably sapped the sponsorships. Carlos Bosque wanted to mission was kept open for ten days after the official deadline. know the total budget of the congress, which was Euro700,000 Abstracts for posters were accepted until very recently and given (including everything). Susan Hannon wanted to know what ‘‘secret’’ access to the abstract submission web page. In response support decisions were taken, namely whether fewer people were to Hiroyoshi Higuchi’s question, Susan Hannon specified Asia supported with more money, or whether more people were sup- was predominantly represented by China, Japan, India, Taiwan, ported with less money. Franz Bairlein replied that a combination and Korea. Lukas Jenni then wondered whether the deadline for of support for delegates from low-income countries was provided the submission of abstracts could be made half a year later, and in a flexible combination. Students from Europe and North Susan Hannon agreed that it could. America were supported through reduced registration fees. Franc¸ ois Vuilleumier noted that a similar system had been adopted for the Neotropical Ornithological Congress in Chile in 5. Report of IOC Vice-President John Wingfield, Chair 2003. of the IOCommittee Task Group for IOCommittee Standing Committees 3. Report of the IOCommittee Secretary (See Appendix VI) Dominique G. Homberger Summary: Standing Committees are in general executive com- mittees, whereas IOCommittee ‘‘Standing Committees’’ are tech- (See Appendix IV) nically ad hoc committees. Hence, they should be renamed ‘‘Research Coordination Committees’’. Most such committees are Summary: Tasks included the keeping of the records of the IO- not functioning at the full potential and need more guidance and Committee members, serving on various committees, and pros- support from the IOCommittee. (See also Attachment 5 and pecting for hosts of future congresses. For the 24th IOCongress in Attachment 6 of Appendix VI). 2006, Franz Bairlein presented an invitation to Hamburg (Germany) at the 23rd IOCongress in Beijing in 2002. The Bra- During the ensuing discussion, Walter Bock mentioned that zilian Ornithologists’ Society and the Spanish Ornithologists’ Frank Gill has now published his work on English bird names Society extended invitations for the 25th IOCongress (see [Gill, F. & Wright, M. (on behalf of the International Ornitho- Appendix VII and Appendix VIII). Preliminary negotiations are logical Congress). 2006. Birds of the World: Recommended English underway for a possible invitation by the Japanese Ornithologists’ Names. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Society for the 26th IOCongress in 2014. ISBN13: 978–0-691-12827-6. See also as a supplement to the book]. (See Attachment 6 of Appendix VI) During the ensuing discussion, Hiroyoshi Higuchi mentioned that he had been contacted by Dominique Homberger in October Walter Bock also suggested that the next Vice-President should 2005. A special committee has been created in Japan to study the continue to work with the Standing Committees and help inde- feasibility of an IOCongress in Japan in 2014 and to handle pendent subgroups to grow into active groups. He also stressed budget issues, due to the high living costs in Japan. Conference the importance of a good chair for these committees. John site choice is a problem. Kyoto would be a very good venue, but is Wingfield confirmed that groups cannot achieve much if they meet extremely expensive. Several years ago, Walter Bock had only every four years, but the concept of these committees should encouraged an invitation from Japan, but it lost against the not be abandoned. invitation