
Have you EVER heard anything remotely resembling TRUTH from any of these Republican spokespeople?

It may take more than a generation to recover from the damage caused by the evil Trump brought to the World Unfortunately these scoundrels are not the only disgusting, unscrupulous Trump cronies spreading lies, ignorance and hatred but they seem to appear most frequently to support the evil residing in the White House. They obfuscate at best but rarely answer a question, choosing to spew their racist divisive hatred, canned misinformation and irrational arguments. The promise to drain the swamp seems to have turned into the cesspool pictured above. Trump and his minions keep taking credit for the Obama economy and failing to own all the negative impacts and damge created by Trump. Right wing radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones with their on air rants, lacking integrity and facts, fuel the hatred and ignorance of their right-wing audiences. Time for Republicans to join the civilized majority and renounce the racism, anti -Semitism, misogyny, xenophobia and the never ending destructive and evil lies. The unabted corruption in the White House must be eliminated before it is too late! The Names on the Wall of Shame aka as The Trump Cesspool

Jeff Sessions, Stephen Miller, , , Mike Pence, , Marsha Blackburn Ted Cruz , Michael Caputo, , Sarah Huckabee Sanders, , Kayleigh Mcenany, Larry Kudlow, Ben Ferguson , Newt Gingrich, , Corey Lewandowski, Matt Schlapp, Scott Pruitt, Kenneth Cuccinelli, Jack Kingston, , , Chris Collins, Jason Miller, , , Ann Coulter, Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton

If we allow these people to keep destroying truth, civility, global peace and the environment there is a good chance our world will be destroyed within our lifetime. To save the world, Trump, with his delusions of adequacy, must be replaced.