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INTERPRESS 1098-04 Norwegian Defence and 9 770806 615906 Security Industries Association RETURUKE vv 5050 EXTENDED AWARENESS

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234-0964_G8_Fjelltop_210x297.indd 1 2017-06-02 13:12 CONTENTS CONTENTS: F-35 Editor-in-Chief: 2 Combat aircraft of the future M.Sc. Bjørn Domaas Josefsen 4 The breakthrough of stealth 6 Simulators with F-35 ambitions CHINA FIRST FSi 9 Norwegian defence and The test firings by North Korea of nuclear weapons and long-range security industries association have given rise to fear and apprehension all over the world. When North Korea is now developing the necessary technology, the BULLETIN BOARD FOR DEFENCE, country’s erratic and inscrutable leadership will most likely start ­production to develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons and missiles. INDUSTRY AND TRADE And even if North Korea itself does not put these weapons into use, 17 Saab’s Mobile SHORAD there is no guarantee that these weapons may not fall into the wrong 19 M3E1 (Carl Gustav M4) for US Army hands. A cynical and financially squeezed North Korea may very well 21 Gripen Aggressor get the idea of selling a number of nuclear weapons or missiles to 22 New Mortar Round THOR ­nations or terror organisations with the will and means to pay the cost. 24 AW 169 for Norwegian police China is the closest co-operating and trade partner to North ­Korea, and holds a key role when it comes to finding a diplomatic OMNI resolution to the situation. 26 Danes go where nobody else goes But China has also thus far been the nation that has been the most reluctant to lay pressure on North Korea. The UN resolutions DUMPED on economic sanctions have partly been rejected, and partly been 28 Dumped ammunition to be mapped ­ignored or undermined. The question this raises is why the Chinese are so unwilling to more systematically exert pressure upon the Government in Pyongyang. While the USA, South Korea and Japan are high on the list of BNS BANGABANDHU potential nuclear weapons and missile targets for the Kim Jong-un 30 From Aalborg to regime, China is probably way down the bottom of the list, if they are listed at all. In this respect, China is the country in the region with GRIPEN least to fear from the inscrutable Kim dynasty’s having gained access 32 First flight for Gripen E to nuclear weapons. If too many and too strict sanctions are enforced against North Korea, the entire regime may enter a state of collapse, which in turn may lead to a massive flow of refugees to China. While this may be Coverphoto: likely to cause problems for China, these will probably be no more Norwegian F-35 fighters. is pur­ than temporary challenges. The main stream of refugees can be chasing 52 F-35 fighters. The first two fighters have already been delivered, but will be staying expected to head south, to South Korea, and any refugees entering in the US for training purposes. The first F-35 to China will in all likelihood be forwarded to South Korea. be based in Norway will land on Ørlandet Air The Chinese fear of a refugee influx is probably less than the Force base in central Norway on November 10th. fear of a North Korean collapse leading to a joined Korean nation. Photo: In ­practice, such a development would lead to South Korea taking control of North Korea, and this would have China sharing a border with a democratic Korea with a strong economy, considerable military resources, and close ties with the . The regime in Pyongyang demands significant attention and ­resources from other nations in the region. In this way, North Korea draws attention away from the Chinese expansion and territorial claims in the south east of Asia. A joint and democratic Korea, on the other hand, will mean a reinforcement of the powers wishing to curtail the Chinese expansion and influence in the region. It would seem that for China, the conflict surrounding NorthKorea ­ seems to be solely about what gains the Chinese interests the most, and not so much whether other countries are at risk of a nuclear ­attack. Donald Trump’s ”America first” policy will in this respect be an insignificance in comparison with the “China First” policy of the Chinese Government.


Fighter pilots know that the air combat will be won by the one with the highest­ level of technology. The time has gone from dogfights were the pilots twisted around in the sky competing on getting into the other’s tail. Pilots of today are more like system operators who use the whole range of the ’s ­capabilities. The F-35 Lightning II has a wide range of systems and sensors, and the planes are made to meet future technology.

A US F-35B firing an AIM-132 ASRAAM missile (Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile). In cases where the demands of stealth aren`t essential, one can load up a total of more than 8000 kilos of weapons and fuel, divided between eleven under the wings and fuselage. The F-35 can engage 8 air targets and 16 ground targets simultaneously. Photo: Lockheed Martin

2 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 F-35

By Erlend Larsen The weapons carrier than just making aircrafts difficult to spot Inside the belly, the F-35 can carry two on radar, even though this part of the hen the engineers plan to AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles and two technology has been awarded with the build a new fighter aircraft, JDAM guided bombs, each highest level of ­attention. Wthey have to take into conside­ ­weighing 900 kilos. There are several other methods ration that the plane shall be operational The sensors detect enemy planes for discovering an aircraft in addition for 30 years to come. Old systems will be and advises the pilot which missile to to the radar.­ The definition of stealth is replaced by new systems, and the aircraft use. Pilots from other planes can give a ­gathering of techniques that will make has to be prepared­ for whatever will come. the ­missiles information on their way to an aircraft very difficult to discover and You can see on a ­fully loaded F-16 that the the target, until the missile’s own radar is reveal. If an aircraft is to own stealth-­ fighter has to ­carry new systems ­under locked on the enemy. capacities, signatures such as visual, wings and belly. Every external carried It might seem as though cannons­ ­thermal, acoustic­ and radar signals have weapon, drop tanks and pods reduce the have played out their part when it comes to be reduced. In addition, stealth covers speed and ­manoeuvrability, as it will make to air combat. Modern missiles and factors such as tactics, procedures and the aircraft more visible to . F-35’s helmet-mounted­ displays make the pilot making use of the environments. are built with enough space inside the able to engage the targets surrounding The aircraft manufacturers have ­fuselage to carry new com­puters and other the entire aircraft. The F-35A is still de­ three main techniques in order to reduce­ kinds of systems, so that the fighter will livered with a cannon that might be used radar signature: They provide the ­aircraft maintain its maximum­ speed and agility. on helicopters,­ soft targets on the ground, with a form that reflects as little radar The F-35 gives the pilot a unique or at sea. As for the B and C-versions, they ­energy as possible, they use materials ­situational awareness. Radars, infrared might be equipped with one cannon in a ­absorbing radar signals, and they steer pod assembled underneath the fuselage of the radar energy away from the radar the aircraft. The pod with the cannon ­itself. The less amount of radar energy and 220 rounds have a weight returning to the radar, the more difficulty of 334 kilos. the enemy will experience in spotting the aircraft. One of the important issues to ­reduce radar signature, is to carry as much as possible­ in-

side the aircraft. Every­ item carried out- side works like ­mirrors. Bombs, ­missiles, fuel tanks and pods reflect and amplify radar ­signals. ­Everything must be taken into consideration to reduce the radar ­signature, even the pilot’s helmet. In the future, the radar techno­ logy will improve and The F-35 is to be equipped will be easier to see on the scope. This is with Norwegian missiles ­developed by not an argument against stealth aircraft, sensors and ­ Group. The ­Naval Strike it is an argument against conventional data links with the ­Missile, NSM, is a fifth-generation missile ­fighters. Some sources say that a F-16 has capa­city of receiving large made to be used from our new .­ a ­radar signature of five square meters. quantities of ­information are inte­ An adapted version for F-35 is named Some claims the F-35 to have a signature grated and presented­ in a systemized and Joint Strike Missile. JSM is expected to be of 0,01 square meter. It does not matter pilot-friendly way. The Lightning II has operational with the Block 4 upgrade of how the technology develops, the F-16 been equipped with the most powerful the F-35. will be seen a lot earlier than the F-35. ­sensor package developed­ for a fighter up When Norway considered ­until now. Infrared ­sensors are searching The advantages of ­potential fighters to replace the F-16, around the aircraft at all times. Together, not being seen the government invited the industry the sensors create a protecting­ sphere cov- Stealth does not mean that the aircraft to come up with offers. The French ering the entire ­aircraft; it`s just as if the is invisible.­ It is possible to discover ­­ was in the competition F-35 should live in a bubble! ­Everything an ­aircraft holding stealth-capacities for a short while. The same with - heading within the reach of the sensors, on ­radar. From some angles, an F-35 fighterTyphoon. ­ The F-35 Lightning II a couple of ­kilometres from the plane, is is highly­ difficult­ to spot. In addition, was ­finally preferred against the Swedish warned about and ­presented to the pilot. stealth-­technology covers so much more Saab JAS 39 Gripen.

MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 3 F-35


During the , 72 combat aircraft attacked an Iraqi US. Should poorly trained Arabs ­succeed research reactor. Some fighters flew over the battlefield to gain in their efforts to shoot down targets with the high quality of Israeli aircrafts and and maintain air supremacy, other flew in as wild weasels to ­pilots, what would then be the outcome destroy radars and SAM installations. There were also aircraft of a full-scale war between NATO and the with other special missions, like , tankers Warsaw Pact? and so on. Only a few fighters went in to bomb the targets. The development of stealth tech- nology began in the early seventies. The The mission was unsuccessful. The following night, eight engineers at the top-secret Skunk Works F-117A Nighthawks flew in alone and destroyed the reactors. unit at the Lockheed factory were among has changed the way of warfare for ever. those who worked hard to find solutions. The data software did only manage to ­calculate the angles to straight surfaces on By Erlend Larsen Yom Kippur war in 1973, the Arabic States a two-dimensional aircraft. It could not eliminated 109 Israeli aircrafts within 18 calculate gradual transitions and curved he Soviet superiority in radar days. Most aircrafts were shot down using surfaces. We should take into consider- and surface-to-air-missiles (SAMs) radar controlled surface-to-air missiles, a ation that this took place in 1975, with Tforced US to research on stealth handful of others were eliminated by anti- the limitations inherent in the computers technology. The War provided fuel aircraft guns, manned by soldiers suffering of that period. Because of these limitations, to the efforts. The radar-controlled threats from low discipline and poor training. the stealth aircraft F-117A Nighthawk was were developed into becoming a more The Israeli found themselves on built using straight angles or triangles. The dangerous threat and more destructive similar line to the quality of American air- Nighthawk made its first flight in 1981, than ever before. During the Arabic-Jewish crafts and pilots, a fact that placed fear into and was operational from 1983 to 2008.

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4 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 F-35

Timeline of a combat aircraft develop­ment work had come to an end. ­February 2006. In December that year, the There is a long step from the F-117A Night- Now it was up to authorities to decide who F-35 completed the first flight. In 2011 hawk to the F-35 Lightning II. The devel- should continue to develop the fighter of the first aircraft was delivered to US Air opment of F-35 began in 1993 with the the future. Force. The year after, got “Joint Advanced Strike Technology” (JAST) The 26.th of October 2001, it ­became their first ­F-35B, which is the short take program. JAST was established to develop known that the industrial group led by Lock- off and ­vertical landing (STOVL) ­version a new aircraft for both U.S. Navy and U.S. heed Martin won the contract for System of the ­aircraft. The Netherlands was the Air Force. This program was merged with Development and Demonstration,­ awarding next country to receive a F-35, while the project that worked on the successor to them the contract to produce the Joint Strike ­Norway got their first in 2015. The same the AV-8B Harrier in 1995, and Joint Strike Fighter. Over the next ten years they would year the United States Marines declared Fighter (JSF) was thus created. develop the X-35 to end up as the F-35. ready for deployment the first squadron In March 1996, the aircraft manu- This phase is called the “System Develop- of F-35B fighters. In 2016, the U.S. Air facturers McDonnell Douglas, Boeing and ment and Demonstration Phase” (SDD). Force declared­ its first squadron of F-35A Lockheed Martin were invited to submit The Boeing X-32B did not manage ­fighters to be combat-ready. their own proposals for the design ­solution to take off from a short runway, accelerate to Norway has four operational F-35’s for a new fighter. As early as November supersonic speed and then land ­vertically. based in US. They will be used for ­training the same year, McDonnell Douglas fell The aircraft was simply too heavy. X-32B Norwegian pilots. The plan is to buy ­another out of the competition, while Boeing and managed to take off from a short runway 48 aircraft, which will be based at ­Ørlandet ­Lockheed Martin received a contract to and accelerate past the sound barrier, but AFB in Norway. They shall be ­Initial build two aircraft each. One of the planes it did not land vertically on the same flight. ­Operational Capable (IOC) from 2019, was to use ordinary runways, while the When Boeing did their vertical landing, the last aircraft is expected in 2024, and other plane should land vertically like a they took off the air intake and the wheel the Norwegian squadrons shall reach full Harrier (STOVL). well doors to reduce the weight. ­operational capability (FOC) from 2025. All the test flights were per- formed in July 2001, and the required F-35 into Norwegian Airforce Erlend Larsen is the writer of the book data was forwarded to the U.S. ­authorities The first production F-35A rolled out “F-35 ­lightning II, Combat aircraft of the future” for evaluation.­ Four years of intensive of the assembly in Fort Worth, Texas, in (2009).



Systems_186x130_MT_uk.indd 1 18/02/2016 16:25 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 5 F-35 SIMULATORS WITH F-35 AMBITIONS The Danish company IFAD TS can simulate both radio ­vessels can train both manoeuvring, sailing ­communication, naval combat and fighter jet missions. and maritime warfare. IFAD have delivered 95 percent of the software in the centre It hopes to take advantage of Denmarks F-35 procurement. and is responsible for the maintenance and support at the centre. By Andreas Krog Martin or Boeing would design and manu- facture the aircraft. In a simulated world t is expensive to conduct live military ”The close co-operation with Pratt In 2012 Denmark chose the MH-60R exercises with fighter jets, frigates or & Whitney gave us valuable knowledge ­Seahawk helicopter from Sikorsky as the Ibattle tanks. Simulators therefore play within software development for the country’s new maritime patrol helicopter to an increasingly important role in modern ­defence industry,” says the company’s be used onboard the Danish Navy’s frigates military training. And the small Danish founder, owner and CEO Benny Graff and inspection vessels patrolling the ­defence company IFAD TS is among the Mortensen. waters. The first helicopters were delivered players on the simulator market. last year, and initial operating capability is The company employs approxi- From fund to private ownership expected to be declared next year. mately 35 people, and was founded in 1987 In 2004, all business activities were A Seahawk-simulator from the as a spinoff from an engineering school in ­defence related, and the ownership of the ­Canadian company CAE Systems has been Denmark’s third largest city Odense. The company shifted from the fund to private installed at Karup and IFAD TS is name was originally ”Institut for anvendt ownership by Benny Graff-Mortensen. At responsible for support and maintenance datateknik” (IFAD), which translates into the same time a ”TS” was added to the of the simulator. Institute for applied data technology, and company name. It stands for ”training and The possibility in the future to the institute was owned by a public fund. simulation”. ­connect the Seahawk simulator in Karup­ The company headquarter in with the ship simulator at the Naval ­Warfare Valuable knowledge the centre of Odense is actually a mix Center in Frederikshavn more than 200 In 1998 IFAD was invited by Boeing of ­offices for the management, sales ­kilometers away is being ­explored. If taken to participate in the concept definition ­department and back office functions, up, this would enable pilots and the ­sailors phase of the Joint Strike Fighter program, software ­development and training and to work together in the same simulated where Boeing and Lockheed Martin was simulation ­facilities. In a huge class room, world. ­com­peting on defining the best JSF design. military personnel can simulate radio IFAD worked together with Boeing on this ­communication on a large number of Not a precise copy project until 2001 when Lockheed Martin’s ­radios and frequency bands with a realistic Another cornerstone for the company was proposal, the F-35, was chosen. amount of ­inter­ference and noise. the F-16 simulator delivered to the Royal IFAD, however, continued to In Frederikshavn in the ­northern Danish Air Force’s fighter squadrons at work with the engine manufacturer Pratt part of the Jutland region, the Royal Skrydstrup Air Base in the southern part of & Whitney with whom they hooked ­Danish Navy has a so-called Naval Warfare­ Jutland. However, the simulator is not used up ­during the concept definition phase. Center. It consists of 14 naval tactical very much any longer by the F-16 pilots. ­Because Pratt & Whitney was developing training simulators­ where crews from the During its life time the Danish the engine regardless of whether Lockheed navy’s frigates, inspection vessels and other F-16’s have undergone a series of Mid-

Soldiers from the Royal Danish Navy training in the ship-simulator at the Naval Warfare Center in Frederikshavn. Photo: IFAD TS

6 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 F-35

Life Upgrades (MLU’s) and replace the aging fleet of F-16 while the aircraft are on level aircraft procured in the be­ 6.5, the simulator has only ginning of the 1980’s. In the been updated to level 4. This run up to the Danish fighter means that a lot of capa­bilities down selection last year IFAD ­present in the aircraft is not signed a number of ”Letters available in the simulator. It of Intent” and ”Memoran- is not a precise copy of the dum of Understanding” with aircraft and therefore it is not both Eurofighter and Boeing, that useful. Instead the Air who were the two outsiders Force uses many flight hours in the competition. Especially on training; many more than a down selection of the Euro- they would have had to if they fighter would have triggered had an updated simulator. a very large co-operation be- This not only tween IFAD TS and Airbus, ­expensive. It also increases the involving simulators for a rate by which the number of large variety of Airbus aircraft. flight hours left in the F-16 IFAD have been part air frames are being used. The of JSF Team Denmark since air force is already struggling Denmark joined the program with keeping the required in the last 1990’s and partici- number of F-16’s flying until pated in a numerous amount Denmark’s new F-35 ­fighter of industry conferences and aircraft can be delivered. meetings in order to keep in touch with the main producer A deployable simulator of the F-35 aircraft, Lockheed The Danish Air Force and Martin, and the major sub- IFAD TS are therefore working­ suppliers. on an upgrade of the F-16 simulator so it again can be an Hope to step in integrated part of the training The company has not landed of the fighter pilots. Actually, any real contracts yet. But it is not only a trainer for the IFAD hopes the F-16 simulator­ pilots. The F-16 simulator is can be the company’s way into hooked up with a working the F-35 program. station for a Forward Air Con- ”Based on the close troller. This makes it possible and successful co-operation for the pilot and the Forward with the air force on the F-16 Air Controller to train Close simulator,­ it is our hope to step Air Support missions together in and do the support and the in a scenario controlled by maintenance on the Danish an instructor. He can move F-35 simulator and training the enemy forces around in software. And perhaps also the landscape and make the in other F-35 countries,” says ­mission more or less compli- Henrik Fabricius, director of cated for the pilot and the air sales and marketing at IFAD TS. controller on the ground. It is up to the F-35 IFAD TS and the air Joint Program Office to decide force are also working on which companies in which ­developing a new deployable countries shall be supporting F-16 simulator that the air the F-35 simulators. Both UK, force can take with them when Netherlands and Norway will the aircraft are being ­deployed have their own simulators just on international missions to like Denmark. However, this eg. the Middle East or the doesn’t hinder one company Baltic­ countries. in taking care of the simulator­ support in a number of Keeping in touch countries.­ In June last year, Denmark Denmark is expected down selected the F-35 Joint to purchase 4-5 F-35 simu­ Strike Fighter as the country’s lators to be located at Skryd- new future fighter aircraft to strup Air Base.

MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 7 LIGHTLIGHT MULTIROLEMULTIROLE VEHICLEVEHICLE KeeKeepp movingmoving staystay protectedprotected









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Defence and Security Equipment International JOINT NORWEGIAN OTHER NORWEGIAN (DSEI) is an arms exhibition held every two PAVILION COMPANIES years in London Docklands, and is attended Participating Norwegian Norwegian companies with ­companies at the joint separate stands: by both arms company representatives and Norwegian­ pavilion BAE Systems Hägglunds military delegations from around the world. Axnes Aviation AS Comrod AS Hatteland Displays AS DSPNOR AS rom September 12-15th this year´s event hosted a ­record HTS Maskinteknikk AS H. Henriksen AS number of 1,600 exhibitors from 54 countries, and with Kitron AS KONGSBERG Fapproximatly 36,000 visitors and 2,500 international Maritime Robotics AS  AS ­delegations, DSEI is the world´s biggest arms fair. Norsafe AS Thales Like in previous years, FSI ­organized a common Norwegian Norse Defence Vinghøg/Rheinmetall ­pavilion, and a total of 12 Norwegian­ companies took the opportunity Radionor Communications AS Sensonor AS to display their products at the joint Norwegian 132 m² stand area. STADT AS In addition, 8 Nor­wegian companies had their own ­separate Simpro stands at DSEI. Teleplan Globe AS

German visit. A number of high ranking delegates visited the Nor­ wegian pavilion. In the photo, from left, the German National armament director Benedikt Zimmer together with Rolf Kjos and John Laugerud The Norwegian pavilion at DESI 2017 Photo: FSi from the Norwegian MOD. Photo: FSi

P.O. Box 5250 Majorstuen, Tel: + 47 23 08 80 00 E-mail: [email protected] NO- 0303 . NORWAY Telefax: + 47 23 08 80 18 Internet: www.fsi.no


FAR and DEFARS contractors in the chain of supply seminar. From the left: to the US Federal Governments­ Arne Stiberg (Kongsberg or the United­ States military Defence & ), Anne Haugen-Flermoe forces, to ­ensure that they have (Nammo), Ove Nor­seth a working­ know­ ­ledge of the (Kongsberg Defence­ & FAR and DFARS regulations, Aerospace) and Steven emphasised­ Haugen-Flermoe,­ Knight (Smith, Pachter, Mc­Whorter) adding that NAMMO provides Photo: active training­ of their sub-­ MilitærTeknikk contractors in the subject of FAR and DFARS.

Audit FAR and DFARS also provides American authorities with the right to perform an audit­ review­ of the subcontracting ­businesses. The United States rule book for businesses with a view to supplying Kongsberg was ­subject to such a goods and services for the United States of America, is a demanding­ review in 2014. piece of work at the best of times. The FAR (Federal Acquisition – We had made thorough preparations before our first ­Regulation) and DFARS (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation meeting with the American ­audit Supplement) contains a number of provisions and regulations that representatives, and we were are as time-consuming as they are costly to comply with. This state of quite proud on being­ told that ­affairs generated a huge amount of interest in this year’s FAR/DEFARS this was the best audit review­ they had ever ­conducted with seminar, with a participant count of nearly 150, which is up by 40 per a European company, ­explained cent over last year’s seminar. Mr. Arne Stiberg of Kongs- berg Defence & Aerospace.­ teve Knight from the form policies and procedures Applies to sub­ ­Accordingly, getting­ the verdict Washington DC-based that all federal agencies use for contractors as well of “Not ­Approved” just a year Slaw firm of Smithacquisitions. Anne Haugen-Flermoe presented­ later brought us crashing back Pachter McWhorter opened Every applicable FAR pro­ the experiences that NAMMO to earth in no uncertain­ terms. his ­presentation by asking the vision is incorporated into every­ has had with FAR and DFARS, The documentation that ­rhetorical question: Why is the federal procurement contract, with special emphasis on the was required for approval was US ­Government different from and has the same effect as if it ­relations with sub-contractors. extremely­ comprehensive,­ any other customer? were written in the contract - The FAR and DFARS regu­ but we eventually found that Knight listed several ele- itself.­ lations apply down through the we ­possessed most of this ments, like the spending of While the FAR contains the chain of suppliers, reaching ­documentation ­already, just not US taxpayers’ dollars in the overall US government rules for out to you as a sub-contractor in a sufficiently systematic state. best way possible, plus the acquisition, each government as well. This entails that as a And while the ­efforts to pass the ­accountability of contractors agency may issue a special set sub-contractor, you sign off on audit were quite considerable, it and the fact that the govern- of rules, as a supplement to the some rights on the part of the should be noted that the task of ment makes, changes, and FAR. One of these supplements US Government as it relates to bringing forth and systemising ­enforces the rules. is the Defense Federal Acquis­ your business. the ­documentation also provides The Federal Acquisition ition Regulations Supplement, It is therefore essential for some positive aspects­ for the Regulations, FAR, contains uni- commonly known as DFARS. even businesses that are sub- business.


The police reform has been the subject of much debate in this year’s of exchanging­ data with the electoral campaigns. Towards the end of August, the FSi, “Association ­computer ­systems in the neighbouring districts. Here, of Norwegian Defence and Security Industries” held a seminar where we see before us a huge task the Police had the opportunity to inform on what the changes to the in ­achieving unified, ­holistic Police organisations entail. More than 60 representatives from the ­systems for all police units in the ­defence and security industries were present. country. There are substantial efficiencies to be gained when arly after the second will know their whereabouts, ­handling tasks like payroll and this is accomplished.­ Today, millennium, the ­number and can be sure they are well accounting. Just a few years ­police are out there on locations Eof police districts in ­supervised and watched over ago, these functions were all taking names and statements ­Norway was halved, from 54 to by neighbours,­ sports coaches, ­assembled into one place, in from witnesses and persons 27. Further to a number of other­ ­teachers et ­cetera. But when the city of Kristiansund. And ­involved. Then, the persons are changes, the concurrent reform the kids come home at night, while we used to have some summoned to the police station among other matters calls for and log on to the ‘Net, ­neither 200 ­persons working on pay- or the sheriff’s office for formal an additional reduction in the ­parents nor neighbours or roll and accounting through statements or interviews, maybe number of police districts, from sports coaches have any kind the divisions,­ this work is now three weeks later. In many cases 27 down to 12. of control over who they are handled by 50 persons. we find this to be an incon­ Diminished proximity to ­keeping contact with. At this – At this time, we are venience, as the witness may police and marshals’ offices, point, having a sheriff’s office ­working on gathering together have been in transit or has since particularly in the districts, has just down the block is of no many more of the supporting left on vacation, and another been repeatedly cited as one consequence whatsoever. functions in the police, such few weeks may pass before we of the main weaknesses of the as assembling the procurement can take the actual statement. police­ reform. Joining common and purchasing functions for – In the future, we can – While close proximity to ­functions together materiel and equipment, and ­envision the formal statements a police station or a marshal’s Further to the reduction in ­collecting the administration of being taken directly at the post may provide a sense of the number of police districts, the police buildings and other scene, with the police vehicle ­security, it is by no means a ­cutting back on the number properties into a single unit functioning as a satellite police given that closeness to police is of sheriff’s offices, as well as staffed by professional property station, Clem continues. This the best protection against the other organisational changes, managers. will save both us and the ­general current threats to our society,­ we are also working on the public a lot of time and effort, was the opening message from joining together­ of several of ICT and the future and investigations will proceed Field ­Director for the Police the ­support functions that the Like what goes for ­accounting faster with better and fresher ­Directorate, Mr. Atle Roll-­­police forces rely upon, explains and payroll, several of the information. A prerequisite for Mathiesen. – When children­ Helge Clem, Director for the ­police districts are currently this to happen, is that the police are playing in the neigh- common police functions. ­operating their own ­individual vehicles are equipped with ade­ bourhood, or taking part in – In the past, each police ICT systems.­ These are ­often quate and secure IT solutions, ­organised ­activities, the parents district had their own staff systems that are incapable which is not the case today.

More than 60 delegates from the defence and ­security industries had shown up to get fresh ­insights into the police ­reform, and the chal- lenges facing the police over the years to come. From the left; Helge Clem, ­Director for the common police functions;­ Atle Roll- Mathiesen, Field Director for the Police Directorate, and Henning Fredriksen, department manager for materiel and logistics, Police Common Services. Photo: MilitærTeknikk


This year’s FSi exhibition at the Akershus fortress was the tenth of its kind, and the biggest ever. More than 60 businesses were represented, and more than 600 visitors had signed up.

Political Advisor for the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Audun Halvorsen (to the right) opened the FSI fair at the Akershus fort, and visited ­several of Managing Director Kjell Lerøy from the K. Lerøy­ the ­exhibits of the businesses represented. Shown metal industry. The business is located at the here together with Rune Johansen of Alfa ­Solution ­inland island of Osterøy, some 12 miles north AS. The Grimstad-based company Alfa Solution east of downtown Bergen. K.Lerøy is specialised makes tailored covers in various qualities for the Peder Førde (to the left) and Ms Tove Bergh from in the manufacture of metal components where protection of vehicles, materiel and other ­technical 3M Norway AS. 3M may be best known to the the ­requirements to quality and precision are equipment. In combination with ­corrosion public for their yellow Post-It notes, but 3M makes ­extremely strict. The company makes components ­preventing and moisture absorbent products, these a vast spectrum of products. Recently, 3M has for customers in the defence industry, medical are solutions that protect materiel effectively, such ­delivered a substantial number of ear plugs and ­industry and the offshore industries. as during transport or in storage. hearing protectors to the Norwegian Defence.

Materiel Director Morten Tiller from the Ministry of Defence together with Hugo Østeng from the Tromsø company of Drytech. Drytech makes Real ­Turmat, and Morten Silberg from NORAUTRON. NORAUTRON is a manufacturer of supplies dried meals to the armed forces of many countries, in addition to the ­electronics equipment, with a number of notable defence suppliers on its list of civilian market. customers.


Bjørn Simen Ljønes and Katrine Kierulf from Benestad Solutions AS. Benestad Solutions AS is a developer and manufacturer of penetrators, connectors and sensors for use under extreme outside conditions, such as underwater gear and constructions that are subjected to very high pressures.

Thor Sannerud (at left) and Carl Morten Boine from AIM Norway. AIM Norway has performed maintenance work on the Norwegian fleet of Sea King Jan Ove Lilleås from Lilltech AS showing a garment textile that heats up when SAR helicopters for more than 40 years, and is hoping to be selected for the connected to a battery. Garments made from this textile will probably be a ­maintenance of Noway’s new AW 101 SAR helicopters when these are in place. dream come true for any soldier camping out in harsh winter conditions.

Container for making spare parts in the field. Nordic Shelter AS together with the company of Fieldmade AS have developed a container decked out for 3D printing of spare parts. The container is easily transportable, and the 3D printing of spare parts may be done in the field. Christian Nordberg from Fieldmade (at right) and Bjørn Aker Christensen with Kjell Nordby (at left), both from Nordic Shelter, showing components that have been 3D printed.


FSi SMB CORPORATE PRESENTATION: HISTORY Radionor Communications RADIONOR COMMUNICATIONS AS was founded in 2000 based on a novel idea for positioning­ of mobile devices with ­phased-array technology. The hoc network type of operation. The ­company company launched the first has a ­special focus on demanding airborne phased-array product in 2004 ­applications and has ­deliveres ­wireless data links for high precision localization for both ­unmanned and manned helicopters­ and of Wi-Fi devices. In 2011, the adionor Communications ­delivers aircraft. Radionor Communications­ has ­recently first phased-array product for long range communication­ was ­tactical wireless communication systems­ received the ­Defence Innovation Challenge 2017 launched, and the company Rfor data and IP connectivity based prize, awarded by the NATO Communications­ joined FSI the same year. on phased-array technology for defence and and Information Agency. The company won The decision to target the ­paramilitary applications. The company has a for ­innovative ­products in long range ­tactical defence market was techno- ­product family covering products ­targeted for ­wireless broadband based on ­phased-array logically driven. The phased- array technology­ provides technology.­ ­ ­installation of wireless IP networking for vehicles,­ extreme range and bandwidth vessels, small boats, dismounted ­soldiers, Radionor Communications­ was one of 10 com- for systems that are highly ­semi-mobile systems and unmanned systems. panies that received the prize among a total of 48 mobile, and solves networking The typical ­application is for ­transferring high nominees. The prize was aimed at accelerating­ ­connectivity­ if you are outside bandwidth IP based data transfer of video, transformational, state-of-the-art technology normal coverage of the public cellular systems or if the public voice and ­sensor data over long distances while ­solutions from small business and academia in cellular systems breaks down. ­being in motion and while being in a tactical­ ad support of NATO C4ISR and cyber capabilities. So the natural applications for this technology­ are for para­ military and military­ users with high demands to connectivity in any situation at any location.

FSi “FSI is a forum for networking with other companies, both small and large enterprises, operating in the defence and security market”, says Atle Sægrov, CEO in Radionor ­Communications. “When we are exhibiting together with other companies in FSI, it Naval Group - Photo credit: ©Naval Design: Seenk creates much more attention, and in the community in FSI, the opportunity to learn and exchange experiences with the other companies has been very useful for us”. “Being in a ­network like FSI gives us the full spectrum of networking from business-to-business, NEW BRAND small and large, having good forums for meeting the users from many countries in both formal and informal settings SAME MISSION and discussing trends and technology”, he continues. “We recognize that in the defence market, company size CRE2-144-CAM. Compact radio transceiver and antennas. matters and that the defence The radio/ antennas have very low weight and can be mounted on top market is driven by the big DCNS is now Naval Group of a helmet. Photo: Radionor Communications AS companies, so it’s a continuing Throughout 400 years of innovation here at DCNS, we have never been ones to rest on our laurels. challenge to work as an SMB Which is why we’ve decided it’s time for a change of name, for a new identity that will guarantee the exposure in the defence to reach above the noise floor, but we think and credibility in international markets that our ambition demands. A new name, but the same commitment CRE2-179. Horizontally mounted panel with as ever. As a global leader in naval defence and marine renewable energy, we are committed to working, radio transceiver and antennas ideal for small that FSI facilitates and makes vessels, vehicles and for aerospace installations. the best effort for ­bringing day in, day out, safeguarding security interests, delivering state-of-the-art value and performance to our Photo: Radionor Communications AS SMB’s into the defence customers, and paving the way towards a cleaner, greener energy future for the society of tomorrow. ­market.”, he concludes. Building a more stable and sustainable world.

To fi nd out more, go to naval-group.com/en 14 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017

NG_RevealScorpene_5_210x297.indd 1 11/07/17 09:22 NORWEGIAN DEFENCE AND SECURITY INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (FSI) Naval Group - Photo credit: ©Naval Design: Seenk NEW BRAND SAME MISSION

DCNS is now Naval Group Throughout 400 years of innovation here at DCNS, we have never been ones to rest on our laurels. Which is why we’ve decided it’s time for a change of name, for a new identity that will guarantee the exposure and credibility in international markets that our ambition demands. A new name, but the same commitment as ever. As a global leader in naval defence and marine renewable energy, we are committed to working, day in, day out, safeguarding security interests, delivering state-of-the-art value and performance to our customers, and paving the way towards a cleaner, greener energy future for the society of tomorrow. Building a more stable and sustainable world.

To fi nd out more, go to naval-group.com/en

NG_RevealScorpene_5_210x297.indd 1 11/07/17 09:22 COMBAT CLOTHING SYSTEM




FSP is a personal load bearing and protection concept which enables the user with the ability to adapt, through scalability and modularity. All the components of FSP, THOR® load bearing, GARM® combat clothing, SKJOLD® body armor and OPS-CORE® helmet systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with each other.


– B u l l e t i n B o a r d f o r D e f e n c e , I nd u s t ry a nd T r a d e –

Saab’s Mobile SHORAD Senop launches fire control

Saab presents the vehicle-based coverage at a range of 75 ­thermal sight MSHORAD (Mobile Short km, generating data to a C2 Senop, a part of Group, Range Air Defence) solution ­communication system for launches a smart and accurate – comprising the Giraffe 1X swift analysis and action coordi­ HUSKY Fire Control Thermal radar, Command and Control nation. With an effective inter- Sight. (C2) and RBS 70 NG Remote cept range of 9 km, the high The HUSKY Fire Control ­Weapon Station (RWS). precision RBS 70 NG RWS, with Thermal Sight is the next gene­ Where the market demands its multiple missile launcher, ration of smart weapon sight. A on-the-move air defence pro­ ensures coverage from ground single push of a key is enough to tection against agile and hard level up to an altitude of 5 km, rapidly calculate the aiming dot to detect targets, Saab has re­ launching unjammable, laser- by using distance, ammunition’s Photo: Senop sponded with the MSHORAD guided missiles with a high hit ballistic tables, temperature and system, which combines surveil- probability. Together as Mobile measured terrain angle. Cost-efficiency is also one of lance capabilities with the rapid SHORAD, the solution gives The Fire Control Ther- the key advantages of uncooled ability to counter those threats. forces the ability to see and mal Sight has an integrated thermal imaging technology. The 3D short range Giraffe counter multiple threats while ­uncooled thermal imager The sight and its external 1X provides 360ºsurveillance defending nearby joint forces. which offers several advantages­ display and keypad are separate in ­relation to conventional devices that can be positioned cooled technology.­ The device and adjusted according to user is ready for use immediately needs. when switched on without any The device can be ­connected start-up time delay. to different C2 systems.

Senop introduces an agile system platform for mobile operations Senop introduces its new The shelter system weight is Ill. Saab ­innovative ARCTIC FOX, an only 1000 kg. agile and safe system platform ARCTIC FOX has been de- for shelter-based command and signed to be easily customised First test firings of Nemo Container control systems. and adapted to customer needs. Patria has conducted the first rect and indirect fire, making it Being lightweight, ­ARCTIC The operating tempera- test firings of its 120mm mortar suitable for camp protection. FOX can be transported ture range is from -40ºC to + system integrated with a con- The container has enough by smaller vehicles that are 55ºC. CBRN protection and tainer on a truck platform. space to accommodate a crew ­extremely mobile. The equipped ­ballistic protection are available During the tests conducted of three, including two load- 10 foot shelter system can be as ­options to achieve additional in , the Patria Nemo ers and a gunner, and features transported by 4x4 vehicles.­ safety when required. Container underwent test fir- a power unit, air conditioning ings both on Sisu ETP E13 8x8 system, and access and escape off-road trucks and as a stand- hatches. alone ground unit. It includes all the equip- The testing was conducted ment required by a mortar unit to validate the integration of the in a single package and delivers Nemo turreted mortar system protection for crew, weaponry into a 20in sea container. and ammunition, according to The Patria Nemo Container the company. can be integrated directly on With a capacity to accom- land, while Patria Nemo Navy modate 100 mortar bombs, the can be integrated directly onto container can be easily moved naval platforms. into a firing position on a high- It can be operated as a stand- speed boat, ship or truck. alone firing unit, both with di- Photo: Senop


Fire control systems for French A330 MRTT ­Raytheon’s conducts maiden flight

Raytheon has chosen US-based strike capability against heavily The French Air Force’s first The aircraft features struc- aerospace and defence ­company defended land and sea targets. A330 MRTT multi-role tanker­ tural modifications, aero­ Ducommun to develop fire Raytheon is currently colla­ transport has successfully dynamic improvements that ­control systems for the US Navy’s borating with Norwegian ­conducted its maiden flight. give a fuel-burn reduction of Naval Strike Missile (NSM). ­company To be known as Phénix in up to 1%, upgraded ­avionics The advanced weapon will be to produce NSM in the US and the French service, the aircraft is ­computers, and enhanced provided by Raytheon to address make the technology available the second new standard A330 military­ systems. the over-the-horizon requirements to the US Navy. MRTT to fly and was converted The French Defence of the navy’s littoral combat ships Raytheon is also assembling in Getafe from a standard A330 ­Procurement Agency (DGA) (LCSs) and future frigates. a production and supply team that was assembled in Toulouse. selected Airbus in November NSM is a long-range, pre­ to enable the manufacture of the The Phénix fleet will be 2014 to supply 12 A330 MRTT cision strike weapon that missile in the country. equipped with a combination new-generation air-to-air re­ originated in Norway. It is able The missile will enable the of the Airbus Aerial Refuel- fuelling aircraft for the French to detect­ and destroy ­enemy US Navy to meet its require- ling Boom System (ARBS) and Air Force. ­vessels at distances up to 100nm ments for survivability against underwing­ hose-and-drogue The A330 MRTT has been (180 km) away. high-end threats, demonstrated refuelling­ pods. ordered by eight nations, which The anti-ship and land- lethality, easy upgrades and The aircraft will be able have now placed firm orders for attack missile offers enhanced long-range strike capability. to carry 272 passengers and 51 aircraft, of which 28 have will be configured for medical been delivered. evacuation.­ Handheld multipurpose observation and surveillance system Senop launches a smart hand- long ­operations, says Mika Räty, held thermal imager Senop Senop’s ­Managing Director. LILLY. The direct view day Based on user feedback of ­channel is equipped with a Senop’s renowned LISA ­target high ­resolution day camera acquisition and obser­vation for ­images and videos and it is ­system, Senop decided to ­usable in power off mode. First flight of French Air Force’s A330 MRTT Photo: Pablo Cabellos/Airbus ­develop a completely new light- A wide field of view gives weight product, LILLY. the user a good view of their - Our goal was to create surroundings. High end ther- ICS to Finnish K9 Artillery a multifunctional hand-held mal core together with high thermal imager that fits urban precision IR-optics gives good Kongsberg Defence Systems where KONGSBERG’s ICS will operations and is ­designed detection ranges and accuracy. (KONGSBERG) has entered be installed. for use by special forces and Internal memory capacity into a contract with Hanwha ICS is a modern vehicle elec- ­reconnaissance units. At can store over 100 000 images Land Systems to deliver Inte- tronic digital system based on an ­early stage we received with target information or several­ grated Combat Solution (ICS) to open standards for connectivity, ­information from our customers­ hours of video recordings. Finland’s­ new artillery. Finland­ integration of sensors, weapons, that its maximum weight LILLY can be connected to has decided to acquire K9 communication networks and should be 1.5 kg in working different C4I systems using either Thunder 155mm self-­propelled security systems for the next order to ­ensure ­ergonomics in a cable or wireless connection. howitzers from South Korea generation military vehicles.

Photo: Senop Photo: Finnish MOD


Firings of Sea Ceptor Protected cabs for crane vehicles air defence system Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH for the equally new G-BKF pro- HMS Argyll has conducted the not only provides a self-defence has awarded Rheinmetall an tected recovery crane vehicle. first firings of the Sea Ceptor capability for the host vessel but order for protected driver’s cabs The total value of the orders is system, a major milestone for importantly also a local area air and crane cabs for a new gen- in the double-digit million-euro the UK as it brings defence competency to defend eration of Bundeswehr crane ve- range. Delivery will be complete its upgraded Type 23 frigates consort vessels within a mari- hicles. Starting in 2018, Rhein- by 2021. back into service. time task group. metall will be supplying a total The driver’s cab protects The Sea Ceptor system, Designed and manufactured of 71 protected driver’s cabs and the crew from ballistic threats which utilises MBDA’s next- by MBDA in the UK, Sea ­Ceptor crane operator cabs for 38 new- as well as landmine and IED generation Common Anti-air will also protect the Royal ­Navy’s ly developed G-LTM protected blasts. It also features an NBC Modular Missile (CAMM), is future Type 26 ­Frigates, and as mobile cranes, plus another 33 filtration system. ­being fitted to replace the Sea Land Ceptor will ­replace Wolf weapon system on the in British Army service.­ The Type 23 frigates as part of their missile uses innovative techno­ life-­extension programme. Sea logies that provide significant­ Ceptor will provide improved improvements in performance protection for the Royal Navy ­compared with previous against anti-ship cruise missiles,­ ­generations of missiles. aircraft and other highly Compared to Sea Wolf sophisticated­ threats. ­missile, CAMM is faster, has HMS Argyll is the first Type longer range, has a two-way 23 to undergo the life-extension data link, and has a much more Photo: Rheimetall programme, and will conduct advanced seeker, all of which further firing trials of the Sea enable the missile to intercept Ceptor system before returning more challenging targets. M3E1 (Carl Gustav M4) to frontline service. Sea Ceptor for US Army The US Army is planning to pro- system that the army uses is the cure 1,111 units of the M3E1 AT4, which only allows soldiers (Carl Gustav) multi-role anti- to fire one shot, and then they armour anti-personnel weapon have to throw the system away. system (MAAWS). With the M3E1, soldiers can use The M3E1, which is the different types of ammunition ­latest version of M3 MAAWS, is which gives them an increased lighter and shorter with a longer capability on the battlefield.” handle and an enhanced grip. The M3E1 has extra shoulder­ Said to be a part of the padding and an improved Product Manager Crew Served ­sighting system that can be ad- Weapons portfolio, the M3E1 justed for better comfort without is compatible with several compromising performance. ammunition­ types. The M3E1 uses the same US Army Foreign Compara- family of ammunition as the tive Testing project ­manager M3, which has already been Randy Everett said: “The ­current successfully tested.

A key benefit of the M3E1 is that it can fire multiple types of rounds, giving Photo: Royal Navy soldiers increased capability in battle. Photo: US Army


Nolas takes delivery of an Future Air Force One H135 with Helionix aircraft design

The Norwegian air ambulance will be delivered to NOLAS in Boeing has secured a $600m er upgrades, a medical facility,­ operator Norsk Luftambulanse 2017 and 2018. In December contract modification from the and an executive interior­ AS (NOLAS) is the first civil 2016, the UK MoD was the first US Air Force (USAF) to design into two commercial Boeing customer to receive an H135 military customer to receive the future Air Force One aircraft. 747-8s. The deal will also equipped with Helionix. Six new H135 with Helionix. The deal requires the include­ a self-defence­ system­ ­additional H135s with Helionix ­company to provide a and autonomous­ ground ­preliminary­ design for the next operations­ capabilities.­ presidential aircraft. The new Air Force One The initial design will ­aircraft is intended to replace ­incorporate a mission commu- two ageing VC-25A (747-200) nication system, electrical pow- presidential support aircraft.

At-sea F-35C Lightning II aircraft testing The US Navy’s Nimitz-class The launch and recovery of nuclear-powered aircraft carrier the F-35Cs at sea enabled the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN USS Abraham Lincoln’s crew 72) has conducted at-sea F-35C to work with a new fighter jet, Photo: Airbus/ C. Keller Lightning II multirole fighter jet while providing useful insight testing aboard its flight deck. into the aircraft’s development. Swedish Navy to receive Trackfire remote weapon stations The Swedish Defence Material­ The Trackfire RWS belongs Administration (FMV) has to Saab’s family of Fire Control ­contracted Saab to deliver products and is included together­ Trackfire remote weaponwith the Combat vehicle 90 ­stations (RWS) for the Swedish ­gunners sight Universal Tank and Navy. Anti-Aircraft System (­UTAAS) Saab is expected to ­supply and Pintle mount products. several batches of RWSs It is capable of being inte­ and provide integration and grated on both land and An F-35C Lightning II aircraft lands on the flight deck of the USS Abraham ­in-­service support under the ­naval platforms, and has been Lincoln. Photo: Matt Herbst / US Navy contract, which also includes ­specifically designed to ­offer options for additional systems. flexi­bility in order to meet The Trackfire RWS will be customers’­ requirements­ when installed on to the new Combat using ­different combinations of Framework Contract for Boat 90 (CB90 HSM) for the ­sensors, weapons and integra- Carl-Gustaf ammunition Amphibious Forces, which is tions across various platforms. the coastal defence arm of the The Trackfire RWS features Saab has signed a framework Agency enables the customer Swedish Navy. a stabilised independent line of contract with the Nor­wegian to place orders for live and Delivery of the first batch sight (SILOS) and the option to ­Defence Material Agency ­training ammunition rounds is slated to take place from the mount a coaxial weapon, which (NDMA) for deliveries of during the period 2017-2022. third quarter of 2018 to Q3 allows users to meet require- ­ammunition for the Carl-Gustaf The ­ammunition will be de­ 2019. ments for scalable effects. man-portable weapon system. livered to the Norwegian Armed In connection with the award Forces who currently operate of the contract, the NDMA the Carl-Gustaf in both M2 and has ­issued an initial order for M3 versions. ­ammunition with a total value The Carl-Gustaf system,­ of SEK 68 million. Deliveries­ which has been sold to will take place during the period­ more than 40 countries, is 2017-2018. ­successively being developed The framework contract with new ammunition types signed between Saab and the and enhanced capabilities. Trackfire RWS will equip the Swedish Navy’s new Combat Boat 90. Photo: Saab Norwegian Defence Material


New generation of military Gripen Aggressor ­assault rifle Saab has presendted a new squadrons use enemy tactics, ­variant of Gripen, Gripen techniques, and procedures to Thales has introduced the new a ‘drop free’ magazine release ­Aggressor. Gripen Aggressor is provide a realistic environment generation of the F90 ­assault function. based on n Gripen C-series and for the fighter pilots to train ­rifle, F90MBR – Modular The new-generation weapon­ is the ultimate platform for the against. Saab sees potential for Bullpup Rifle, for the modern is evolved from a reliable, adversary air combat training­ the platform as a high-level integrated soldier. battle­-proven platform in the market. Gripen ­Aggressor ­aggressor option within both Based on an open archi- F90 Assault Rifle, unsurpassed brings a unique mix of high the ’s tecture, the new ambidextrous for its high levels of accuracy performance, mission flexibility Adversary Air (ADAIR) and UK 3.25kg rifle incorporates aand reliability. and availability combined with MOD’s Air Support to Defence Nato tri-rail system and maga- Suitable for use by amphi­ a low life cycle cost. Operational Training (ASDOT) zine compatibility to enable bious forces, the weapon allows An aggressor, or adversary,­ requirements, and wherever ­complete interoperability with an operator to quickly transi- aircraft, is used to act as an users look to prepare pilots for existing Nato weapons. tion between different tactical ­opposing force in advanced mil- the challenges of sophisticated The F90MBR features in- employments of the system. itary combat training. ­Aggressor modern air combat. clude availability in ­multiple Using the F90MBR, a soldier barrel lengths, fully-ambi­ can easily reach up to 600m ac- dextrous forward bolt and curately, even under demanding magazine release controls, and environmental conditions. Dragonfire laser turret unveiled The new laser weapon demon- short-range air defence capa­ strator being built for the UK bility, close-in protection Ministry of Defence has been for naval­ vessels, counter-­ unveiled for the first time by the (UAV), UK Dragonfire consortium. and protecting friendly forces Led by MBDA, under from mortar and artillery attack. ­contract to Dstl, UK Dragon- A key benefit of the Dragon­ fire is a grouping of the best fire LDEW technology is that of ­British industry brought to­ the base system is highly adapt- gether to develop this advanced able and its effects are highly and complex new programme scaleable. for the UK Armed Forces. UK Dragonfire was awarded Known as the Laser Directed­ a GBP30 million contract for Energy Weapon (LDEW) Capa-­ the LDW CDP in early 2017 Photo: Thales ­bility Demonstrator Programme after a rigorous competitive (CDP), the effort will see ­evaluation. The team capitalises­ UK Dragonfire trial this new on the strengths of all the Super Hornet for Canada ­sovereign capability in the mari- ­companies involved, includ- The Defense Security Co­ JTRS), 30 joint helmet-mounted­ time and land domains in 2019. ing Leonardo, QinetiQ, MBDA, operation Agency has notified cueing systems (JHMCS), and Among the uses of LDEW Arke, BAE Systems, Marshall Congress of a $5.23bn potential 28 AN/ALQ-214 integrated systems are providing very and GKN. sale of F/A-18E/F Super Hornet countermeasures systems will aircraft with associated support be included in the sale. to the Government of Canada. The proposed sale will also Canada has requested the cover 130 LAU-127E/A and/or delivery of ten F/A-18E and F/A-guided missile ­launchers, eight F/A-18F Super Hornet 22 AN/AYK-29 distributed aircraft with F414-GE-400 ­targeting systems (DTS), 22 AN/ ­engines, 20 AN/APG-79 ­active AYK-29 distributed ­targeting electronically scanned array­ processors (DTP), and 100 (AESA) radars, 20 M61A2 AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II 20MM gun systems, and 28 AN/ tactical missiles. ALR-67(V)3 electronic warfare Boeing Company, Northrop countermeasures receiving sets. Grumman, Raytheon, General The contract has a total Electric, and Raytheon Missile ­value of USD 5.23 bn. Systems Company will serve as In addition, 15 AN/AAQ-33 the principal contractors. Sniper advanced targeting pods, Canada plans to procure 20 multifunctional informa- Super Hornet aircraft to ­replace tion distribution systems-joint the existing fleet of CF-18 ­tactical radio systems (MIDS- fighter­ aircraft. Dragonfire Photo: UK MOD

MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 21 BULLETIN BOARD FOR DEFENCE, INDUSTRY AND TRADE STADT makes propulsion Long Range Stand Off contract with Saab Missile Contract The Norwegian company that has unique performance­ Lockheed Martin received a Launched Cruise ­Missile that STADT AS has signed a contact like Stealth noise free, extreme­ $900 million contract from the has been operational since 1986. with the Swedish defence and reliability and life time, cost U.S. Air Force to develop and The LRSO weapon­ system­ will security group Saab AB. ­efficient, low weight andmature technologies for the be capable of penetrating­ and The contract relates to the compact­ footprint. Long Range Stand Off (LRSO) surviving advanced integrated delivery of the patented ­electric Hallvard Slettevoll, the missile program. Terms of the air defense systems from signifi- drive system - STADT Lean CEO of STADT, says that the Technical Maturation and Risk cant standoff range to prosecute ­Propulsion, to be integrated in ­contract is an important part of Reduction (TMRR) contract strategic targets in support one of the ship projects of Saab. their strategy to bring the Lean were not disclosed. of the U.S. Air Force’s global The Lean approach has ­Propulsion Design also in to the LRSO is a replacement for ­attack capability and strategic ­created a AC drive technology international naval fleets. the U.S. Air Force’s AGM-86 Air ­deterrence core function.

H145M with HForce weapon system At the end of August, the ­specialised versions of light H145M performed its firstattack­ helicopters. flight with a complete HForce The H145M is the ­military ­weapon system. Thanks to version of the tried-and-­ this ­modular weapon system tested, twin-engine H145 civil ­designed by Airbus, the H145M ­helicopter that was first de­ can be equipped with all kind of livered in 2014. The entire guided and ballistic armaments­ H145 fleet has now clocked Stadt contract with Saab. From the left, GEO Hallvard Slettevoll, Stadt AS with colleges Daniel Slettevoll and Webjørn Hageselle. Photo: Stadt AS such as missiles and laser up more than 60,000 flight ­guided , guns, machine hours. With a maximum take- guns and rockets. The qualifi- off weight of 3.7 tonnes, the cation of HForce for use on the agile light attack H145M, which New Mortar Round THOR H145M is planned for 2018. perfectly matches the needs Saab has launched its new in nearly every direction. This HForce is a comprehensive,­ of Special Forces, can be used 120mm mortar ammunition, decreases the mortar’s effect in modular and cost-efficientfor a wide range of tasks, in- THOR. the target as over 50 percent of weapon system that can be cluding armed reconnaissance, The all-new THOR is the fragments are scattered up- used on any military ­version ground fire support, escort, a 120mm mortar round is wards. THOR offers more than of Airbus’ civil helicopter tactical transport, MEDEVAC ­combining different shapes, twice the effect compared to a range (H125M, H145M and and CASEVAC. Customers for ­materials and fragmentation conventional 120mm mortar H225M). The flexible weapon the H145M include the ­German ­sizes to attain the desired effect round while, at the same time, it management system enables Armed Forces as well as the on the target. The new ammu­ delivers fragment loss reduction armies around the world to ­Republic of and the nition is developed by Saab of up to 20 percent, making complement their fleets with Kingdom of . Bofors Dynamics the round a perfect short range (SBDS), a subsidiary to Saab ­alternative to heavy 155mm and part of business area Dy- artillery.­ namics. THOR’s Insensitive Munition­ Traditional airburst mortar­ (IM) signature provides rounds fitted with a proxi­ ­additional safety for ­mortar mity fuze disperse fragments crews. THOR also offers ­controlled safety zones to ­protect own troops, as well as to avoid civilian collateral damage.

Photo: Saab Photo: Airbus

22 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 BULLETIN BOARD FOR DEFENCE, INDUSTRY AND TRADE Arexis - New electronic Armed MD 530 helicopters warfare family MD Helicopters has secured The MD 530F Cayuse War- Saab is currently in the final electronic attack jammer pod. a $1.4bn contract to deliver rior is equipped with a ballistic ­stages of development of a new The Arexis jammer pod has MD 530 armed scout attack crash-worthy fuel system, FN family of Electronic Warfare (EW) the capability to screen and ­heli­copters to the US and Herstal Weapons Management self-protection­ systems called so ­protect the approach and ­partner nation army aviation System, DillonAero Mission ­Arexis. One version of Arexis ­de­parture of entire strike for- forces. Configurable Armament Sys- is the ­on-board EW suite in the mations against low frequency Under the five-yearcontract, ­ tem (MCAS) weapons plank new version of the Gripen fighter, radars by the smart utilisation the company will deliver a total and Fixed-Forward Sighting Gripen E/F. It will be one of the of DRFM-based jamming tech- of 150 armed MD 530 aircraft. ­System, Rohde & Schwarz most advanced EW systems ever niques such as smart noise, co- Initial deliveries include 30 M3AR Tactical Mission Radio, installed in a fighter aircraft. herent false targets and various new MD 530F Cayuse Warrior and FN Herstal .50 caliber HMP Saab is also expanding saturation techniques. helicopters for the Afghan Air 400 Machine Gun Pods and the Arexis product family by Saab EW systems are in use Force. M260 7-shot pods. ­presenting the Arexis advanced by customers worldwide

Two CH-53K King Stallions helicopters for US Navy Naval Air Systems Command leaving the troop seats installed.­ has awarded Lockheed Martin The CH-53K’s external hook a Low Rate Initial Production system provides the capa­ (LRIP) Lot 1 contract to build bility to lift three independent two production CH-53K King ­external loads simultaneously. Stallion helicopters. These true heavy lift internal Under the $303,974,406 and external cargo improve- The contract covers the delivery of 150 armed MD 530 aircraft. million contract, Sikorsky will ments give the Marine Corps Photo: MD Helicopters deliver two production air- tremendous mission flexibility­ craft to the U.S. Marine Corps and efficiency in delivering in 2020 along with spares and combat power in support of the logistical­ support. Marine Air Ground Task Force The CH-53K King ­Stallion or in delivering humanitarian provides capability with three assistance or disaster relief to times the lift capability of its those in need. predecessor, the CH-53E Super The U.S. Department of Stallion. The helicopter cabin, a Defense’s Program of ­Record full foot wider, gives increased ­remains at 200 CH-53K + SAFETY & RELIABILITY + STEALTH & HSE payload capacity to inter- ­aircraft. The U.S. Marine Corps nally load 463L cargo pallets, ­intends to stand up eight ­active + VERY LONG LIFETIME + MORE CARGO CAPACITY High Mobility Multipurpose duty squadrons, one training­ + COST EFFICIENCY + LESS EMISSION AND FUEL Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) ­squadron, and one reserve or a European Fenneck armored­ squadron to support operational­ ­personnel carrier while still requirements.


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TOW missiles to Bahrain Iran test-fires Under the estimated $21m sale, Raytheon Missile Systems Khorramshahr ballistic missile Bahrain has requested ­major will serve as the principal Iran has reportedly test-fired warheads was showcased at a defence equipment (MDE) ­contractor for the sale. a ballistic missile despite military parade in Tehran. that includes 107 TOW 2A, The long-range precision, US ­sanctions on its missile The weight of the radio frequency (RF) missiles heavy anti-tank and assault programme.­ ­Khorramshahr missile’s war- (BGM-71-4B-RF), 77 TOW 2B ­weapon system is in service with The latest missile test head has been announced to Aero, RF missiles (BGM-71­ more than 40 international armed involved­ a Khorramshahr­ be 1,800kg (4,000lb) making it F-Series) and 37 TOW Bunker forces and integrated on more ­missile with a range of Iran’s most powerful missile. Buster (BB), RF missiles (BGM- than 15,000 ground, vehicle and 2,000km, according to media Iran is accused of violating 71-Fl-RF). helicopter platforms worldwide. sources. the nuclear deal signed between Prior to the launch, the Tehran and major powers in ­missile that can carry multiple 2015. boosting defence budget

The Swedish Government has Party to provide additional mea- proposed a significant funding sures to increase the operational to purchase boost for the country’s military capabilities of military units and 24 Typhoon aircraft defence and civil defence in its ensure overall total defence ca- 2018 budget. pability. Qatar Defence Minister Khalid­ ­Systems, according to media The government aims to in- Under the agreed terms, the bin Mohammed al Attiyah has sources. crease funding by Skr2.7bn for government proposes allocating signed a Statement of Intent The Typhoon is expected­ total defence annually, of which an additional Skr80m ($10m) with UK Defence Secretary to benefit Qatar’s military Skr2.3bn ($287.6m) will be in 2018 to the National Defence ­Michael Fallon to purchase ­capa­bility and support Royal ­allocated for military defence Radio Establishment (FRA) and ­Typhoon multi-role combat Air Force operations. and Skr0.4bn ($50m) for civil the Military Intelligence and aircraft.­ The aircraft has already defence. Security Service (MUST) to The Middle Eastern country been purchased by eight nations Funding will be used to in- support efforts targeting coun- seeks to purchase 24 Typhoon around the world. crease unit activities and pre- ter-terrorism, information and aircraft from the UK’s BAE paredness, as well as prioritise cyber-security, and security ser- measures aimed at military units vices. with the lowest battle readiness Sweden announced AW169 for Norwegian police to enhance their capabilities Skr500m ($62.5m) in invest- The Norwegian Police crimes, delivering greater range and increase training activities. ments as part of the 2017 Spring ­Directorate has chosen the than the current helicopters in The proposed budget also Amending Budget. AW169 from Leonardo as ­service and rapid ­response over includes funding increases to The government will ensure their new law enforcement shorter ranges from other bases enable army combat forces to the implementation of the 2015 helicopter ­following a tender­ when necessary.­ The AW169s simultaneously mobilise war Defence Resolution until the for their ­helicopter ­service will perform­ a range of tasks organisation in the event of a end of 2020. modernization­ programme.­ including observation, surveil- heightened alert. Measures will be taken to The ­contract, will include three lance, special operations team In August, the government ensure that military capabilities ­aircraft, with an option for a transport and airborne sniping,­ signed an agreement with the can be increased after 2020 ­further three units, and a 10 ensuring high versatility­ with Moderate Party and the Centre year maintenance package. quick and easy reconfiguration­ The new aircraft will ­enable between roles. The ­specific the Norwegian Police to enhance ­layout of the Norwegian RCDS development contract their capabilities and readi- ­Police’s helicopters will allow EIDEL has been awarded contract us, our capabilities and the ness to counter various­ threats the transport­ of six people plus to upgrade the current ­Remote RCDS. When the upgrade is such as terrorism and other crew. Crypto ­Distribution ­System com­pleted, the RCDS will be (RCDS) by the Bundeswehr as a compatible with the MIDS-LVT part of the Block upgrade 2 on block upgrade 2 with SECAN the ­MIDS-LVT. certification for up to NATO The RCDS has been ope­ Secret. The RCDS has also rational in the Bundeswehr since the beginning, imple- since 2012. The contract was mented new capabilities and signed august 2017 and will now has the ability to re-key the be finalized­ in 2019 in time for ­following: KG-40, KIR-1C, IFF the implementation of Block mode 4 and 5, ED4-2, MIDS upgrade­ 2. LVT BU1 and BU2, SATURN -First of all we thank the and KY-58, says Managing Di- Bundeswehr for their trust in rector EIDEL Truls O Andersen. AW 169 Photo: Leonardo


OMNI DANES GO WHERE NOBODY ELSE GOES A Danish company has specialized­ in servicing ­vehicles in the most war-torn and dangerous countries.

By Andreas Krog America with more than 14 operations managing and maintaining vehicle and ot many companies aim equipment fleets in excess of 60,000 units ­specifically at doing business valued at $2.1 billion with more than 98 Nin ­countries like Afghanistan, percent operational readiness. ­Somalia and Liberia. But that is exactly what the Danish company Omni Technical Special conditions ­Solutions is doing within the business of Omni Technical Solutions made their entry servicing cars and trucks for NGO’s, police in Afghanistan in 2002 and has been the and military. Because when it is hard, the largest provider of auto repair and main- price the customers are willing to pay is tenance services since 2006. The company “It is a challenge doing business without bribery. also often higher. is servicing more than 40,000 vehicles for It means you get a fine instead. You need to factor that in,” says Martin Rasmussen, Chief Executive “The car manufacturers do not the Afghan police forces and 75 percent ­Officer at Omni Technical Solutions. have the setup to do service on the ­vehicles of the company’s revenue comes from the Credit: Omni Technical Solutions in these kind of places,” says Martin afghan­ operation. ­Rasmussen, Chief Executive Officer at The tender for the service contract Omni Technical Solutions. was managed by the American govern- Reduced to three categories ment’s administration in Afghanistan. It was When Omni Technical Solutions began Doing business locally a commercial tender but the ­competitors servicing the police vehicles, they had to The company started out with servicing cars didn’t have the same focus on military and start with locating all the vehicles. How for the NGO market (non-governmental government vehicles and the special con- many vehicles does the police force actually ­organizations), but today 95 percent of the ditions surrounding serving such vehicles have? They then registered all the vehicles revenue comes from military customers. in places like Afghanistan. Omni Techni- and sorted out which were actually official ”The NGO’s are not requesting the cal Solutions had been servicing cars for vehicles and which were private vehicles quality we deliver. They are more doing the American embassy in the Afghanistan belonging for example to the local chief of more business locally to support the local capital of Kabul, and therefore had a good police but serviced by the police force. communities,” says Martin Rasmussen. relationship with the Americans. Then Omni Technical Solutions Omni Technical Solutions have The first contract was signed in needed to repair many of the vehicles so a physical presence throughout Africa, 2006 and Omni Technical Solutions got a they were brought up to a certain standard. ­Middle East, Central Asia and North new contract in 2012 lasting until 2018. The number of different vehicles were then

Omni Technical Solutions provide servicing for more than 40,000 vehicles for the Afghan police forces. Credit: Omni Technical Solutions


challenge doing business without bribery. It means you get a fine instead. You need to factor that in,” Martin Rasmussen points out.

Eyes on Stan-countries Omni Technical Solutions is a ­Danish ­company with Danish owners and ­management registered in Denmark. But the company headquarter is located in Dubai close to the countries where they are operating. “It is important to be close to the countries we operate in. So Dubai is an The Afghan police today only have three categories of vehicles for Omni Technical Solutions to maintain and ­obvious place to be with good ­connections,” do repairs on. Credit: Omni Technical Solutions Martin Rasmussen points out. For future expansion Omni reduced, so the Afghan police today only Doing business without bribery ­Technical Solutions has their eyes set have three categories of vehicles for Omni Doing business “on ground” in countries­ on the “Stan countries” like Kazakhstan, Technical Solutions to maintain and do like Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia ­Turkmenistan, Usbekistan and some of the repairs­ on. ­requires strong focus on security and most troubled countries in Africa. The setup in Afghanistan consists ­local differences.­ Local partners give an The company is not interested in of ten auto repair shops and a number ­important anchoring and sends a signal to doing business in more peaceful countries. of mobile repair shops. Omni Technical the local community that you are here to “The control and quality is not ­Solutions is hoping to get the contract for stay and do serious business. sought after by the customers in other servicing another 40,000 vehicles for the But there are also some challenges countries, where there are also normal Afghan army. This will give the company to overcome and pitfalls to avoid. authorized repair shops,” says Martin the possibility to use the repair shops more “There is often no public admini­ ­Rasmussen, Chief Executive Officer at effectively. stration. This makes it difficult. It is also a Omni Technical Solutions.

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The Defence Research Establishment­ has recently­ launched a systematic ­mapping of war-time residue and dumped ­ammunition in Norway. The purpose is to create a tool for risk assessment and improved decision making. This summer,­ the plans are to examine shipwrecks holding chemical­ ­ammunition in the Skagerrak sea, to determine whether ­environmental harm has been done.

Text and photo: Tor Husby bed, to ascertain whether there is evidence of environmental harm, and to study the fter the last World War, 36 ships effects on bottom-dwelling organisms. carrying chemical ammunition­ Fishermen sometimes bring up were sunk by the Allies at a dangerous chemical weapons, mostly Research Director Øyvind-Albert Voie, Forsvarets A Forskningsinstitutt. ­dumping ground outside the city of ­containers of mustard gas, in their trawl ­Arendal, at depths from 550 to 700 meters. nets. Many have been injured as years have Until now, there has been a lack of exact gone by. Netherlands. As the economic exploitation­ localisation of each specific wreck. Off the of the sea bed increases – such as with coast at Måseskär in the Skagerrak sea, a Better technology oil and gas pipelines, and windmill farms further 15 obsolete ships were sent to the The two dumping grounds have ­earlier – it is ­increasingly important­ to ascertain bottom carrying a similar cargo. The depth been examined in 1989 as well as 2002, the location of dangerous ammunition. at that site was approx. 200 meters. but the technology available is now A ­relevant example is the discovery of an Over the last few years, a lot of vastly ­improved. The purpose of the ­explosive mine right alongside the gas work has gone into tha mapping of the ­research project is to gain fresh know­ pipeline Europipe 2 in the Norwegian Sea. ­positions of these shipwrecks off Arendal. ledge about the spreading of harmful It is not entirely clear which of the In 2015 to 2016 a further 15 to 20 wrecks agents from the war wrecks, and what public services is in charge of the problem were located. All these wrecks have now impact these ­harmful substances have on posed by dumped ammunition in ­Norway, been identified, and half of them are still the environment.­ If it is found necessary,­ but there is no doubt that it is a State intact in structure, says research director­ ­certain ­areas will be ­designated for ­special responsibility.­ Hans Petter Mortensholm of the Nor­ ­monitoring. Special security zones will wegian Coastal Administration in . be defined and set up if required. The Geographical Information System In June, the Norwegian Defence investi­gations are a part of the European With financing from the Ministry of Research Establishment FFI will be leading Union’s DAIMON ­project (­Decision Aid for ­Defence, supported by a number of civilian­ an expedition in Skagerrak and Østersjøen ­Marine Munitions),­ which runs from 2014 departments and establishments, the from a Polish research ship. The plan is to to 2020. The ­countries around the Baltic ­Norwegian Defence Research Establish­ use an ROV to take samples from the sea Sea are all in, along with Norway and the ment has launched a new project from

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2017, aiming to chart wartime residues exploded ­ammunition. In 2013 four tons Even the effects of this have previously been and dumped ammunition. The NDRE/FFI of un­ exploded­ grenades were discovered the subject of studies by the NDRE/FFI. The will be studying old archives and forlorn during dredging ­operations in the Harstad scrutiny will continue in the new projects, mine maps, scouring databases on ship- harbour. In 1940, the city was the centre states chief researcher Øyvind-Albert Voie of wrecks from the war, and search outside for allied supplies during the fighting over the FFI. German coastal forts (several hundred of ­Narvik, and it was ­heavily attacked­ by the During World War Two, Nazi these were built during WW2), while also Luftwaffe. The Kjeller airfield by Lillestrøm ­ produced huge amounts of holding interviews with people who took was bombed three times by allied planes. chemical ammunition. Most of this was part in the sinking of ships with explosives. The third time, 78 American­ B-24 bombers mustard gas, while some was arsen- The information retrieved in this manner took part, dropping­ more than 800 bombs. based weapons and the nerve gas tabun. is expected to provide the researchers with Many of them remain undetonated. As the ­Unlike the First World War, however, this deeper knowledge on the occurrence and airfield is nearing decommissioning, and the ­chemical ammunition was not put to use. location of dumped ammunition. All the area is restructured for housing purposes,­ it Instead, the chemical ammunition was information will finally be integrated in a is vital that all explosives are removed. loaded up onto ships that were sunk after geographical information system. To this date, civilian lives are still the war. According to American and ­British The extent of the problem is being lost in the region of Flanders, victims reports, 168,000 tons of ammunition of consider­able, whichever way it is ­regarded. of 100-year old grenades from the Great this type were dumped in the Norwegian Estimates hold that 200,000 tons of War. In Afghanistan, clearing the whole and Swedish parts of Skagerrak, namely ­ammunition have been dumped at sea country of war residues is expected to take near Arendal and Måseskär. south of Finnmark, and as many as 1.5 150 years. million land mines and 300,000 sea mines Dangerous storage have been laid out. All in all, there is said Danger for a thousand years There is also the problem of ­ammunition to be 300 shipwrecks with dangerous loads In the olden days, dumping of ammunition and explosives that has been stored along the coast of Norway. was regarded as a cheap and effective way of ­long-term, or stored in an unsafe manner.­ Every war carries in its wake a disposing of it. It was believed that sea water The ammunition eventually becomes huge amount of undetonated ­ammunition would render everything harmless relatively ­unstable, and spontaneous detonation and other explosives, not least in the quickly. Now we know that explosives in sea may happen. On a global basis, a serious form of land mines. More than 70 years water can remain lethal for 25 and up to 300 ­incident occurs every ten days in this cate­ have passed since the end of World War years. In fresh water, the figure rises to 500 to gory. By Horten, for instance, 65 tons of Two. Every year, the military receives 300 a thousand years. And in the mean time, the TNT went off in 1945. Old ammunition to 400 assignments to clear away un­ ammunition is ­leaking harmful substances. must eventually be disposed of.


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Safran_VectronixMoskitoTI_186x130.indd 1 14/09/2017 18:16 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 29 BNS BANGABANDHU FROM AALBORG TO BANGLADESH A Danish IT company had In-house developed software curement process and faulty design led the Logimatic was founded in 1987 when to be decommissioned for several to deal with poorly educated ­Aalborg Shipyard closed. Initially the years. The ship was eventually recommis- ­craftsmen and police escorts plan was to offer its shipyard know-how sioned in 2007. when upgrading a frigate in within maritime automation to the global The vessel is said to be the most ­Bangladesh. But the company maritime industry. It developed early, how- modern frigate of its class according to ever, into an engineering and IT company. ­official statistics. It is equipped with some is ready for more in the poor ­Today Logimatic is a global company with of the most advanced systems available, Asian country. 86 employees and an annual turnover of including the Mk.II anti-ship approx. 11 million EUR. ­missiles, a sophisticated point-defence The company sells in-house devel- surface-to-air missile (SAM) system in By Andreas Krog oped software and automation solutions. the form of eight FM-90N SAMs and six One of the products is the Sertica software. 324 mm B-515 tubes in two triple mounts ats, cultural barriers and political­ It is a software solution for maintenance, which fire the EuroTorp Whitehead A244/S demonstrations. That was some procurement, HSQE and performance torpedoes. Rof the challenges for the ­Danish management. It is used by utility plants, All of these weapons systems to- ­engineering and software company production, medical industry, buildings gether with the one Otobreda 76 mm Super ­Logimatic when the company went to and as a fleet management system on board Rapid gun give the vessel extensive combat Bangdalesh to upgrade control systems on a number of commercial and military vessels. capability. The AgustaWestland AW109 an old frigate. naval helicopter on board can be used for At the Danish Defence ­Annual Most modern of its class Search and Rescue (SAR) purposes. ­Conference in Aalborg in February, BNS Bangabandhu was built in Korea ­Logimatic reported on the company’s in 2001 and commissioned as a heavily A key player ­experiences with upgrading the systems on ­modified version of the Korean designed In 2013 Logimatic made its bid on per­ the frigate F-25 BNS Bangabandhu from Ulsan-class frigate. However, controversy forming an exchange of existing machinery,­ the . regarding alleged corruption in the pro- control and system including hard-

The F-25 BNS Bangabandhu was commissioned in 2001. Photo: US Navy

30 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 BNS BANGABANDHU ware and software for the pro­ many people involved in all pulsion control,­ main engine kinds of work and where the control, power ­management ­loudest voice decides. WEAPON SIGHT system and ­diesel generator control on the BNS Bang- Military escorts FOR SHOULDER abandhu frigate. needed The first lessonLocal craftsmen were poorly learned by ­Logimatic was educated and the Danish LAUNCHED WEAPONS that a local sponsor or agent technicians and engineers is a necessity to achieve a con- ­always had a bunch of locals Vingmate SL (Shoulder launch) 1000 is a tract with the government of “on their back”. computerized ­weapon sight for shoulder Bangladesh. The ­local agent The climate launched weapons, like the Carl Gustaf needs to be in close contact ­created both technical­ and with customers,­ and is a key human­ problems. Political­ weapon family, including the new M4 light- player in development of ­demonstrations and all ­traffic weight ­composite material-based version of business relations. in the city being blocked in Carl Gustaf. After an almost one several periods forced the year long ­tender and contract Danish workers to stay at he Vingmate SL100 designed with a simple inter- negotiation period, the con- the ship for security­ reasons. offers a built-in face for future updates. tract was finally awarded in And sometimes military­ Tlaser­ range finder,­ The Vingmate SL the middle of 2014 and the escorts were needed for laser pointer/illuminator­ 1000, including batteries and work could begin at a ship- the transfer­ between­ the ­compatible with night vision­ mounting bracket, but with- yard in Bangladesh. ship and the ­hotel. Besides goggles and a ballistics out add-on payload, has a that, travel cost and travel ­computer supporting a variety weight of 1300 grams. But as Secured payment time was a large issue with of GFE day/night sights and the sight gives a significantly nearly at time poor ­connections between thermal sights. improved first hit probability On the positive side, Logi- ­Denmark and Bangladesh. The computer offers and therefore reduces ammu- matic was met by very the operator an automatic nition consumption per target, friendly and attentive crew Large potential ­ballistic compensation. With the extra weight of the sight from the Bangladesh navy During the process Logimatic the computer capacity of can be compensated by opera- and experienced good ser- was in ­contact with the local holding up to 1000 ­ballistic tors carrying one or two less vice on board. They received agent, technical crew from tables, the Vingmate SL 1000 rounds of ammunition. great recognition­ for their the Bangladesh Navy and supports a number of ­different The Vingmate SL 1000 efforts in the project from ­people from the Navy head shoulder hold weapons,­ is being developed by Vinghøg project management, crew quarter, Danish­ and local ­calibres and ammunition AS in Norway, a subsidiary of on board and from senior banks, European and Danish types. The computer is also Rheinmetall Defence. and management officers in ­sub-suppliers, local crafts- the Navy. A relationship for men in Bangladesh and class future projects was estab- representatives from both lished, and a Letter of Credit Bangladesh and Norway. ­secured Logimatics payment Despite the challen­ nearly on time. ges, Logimatic sees a large po- On the other hand tential for doing more work Logimatic also met chall­ on navy vessels in Bangla- enges that they don’t see desh. The fleet is very old and when doing business with in need of upgrades in many European customers. areas. Many components and The daily work on- systems in the existing fleet board the ship was com- are European branded, and plicated by the fact that all European suppliers are very equipment needed to be reputable and popular. shipped from outside, since Logimatic has estab- simple tools and small needs lished a long-term relation to were not available locally. the local agent and is already­ Spares were not available involved in on-going projects on board, and maintenance with the Bangladesh navy for had been skipped for many comprehensive upgrades of years. That led to numer- other systems. The Danish ous mechanical issues. They company expects to achieve were worsened­ by a general new orders in different areas problem­ with getting­ ap- in co-operation with ­different Jarle Maaren from Vinghøg with the new Vingmate SL 1000 mounted on a shoulder provals and a hierarchy with European sub-suppliers. launched weapon. Photo: MilitærTeknikk


First flight for Gripen E Photo: Saab FIRST FLIGHT FOR GRIPEN E

n June, a Gripen E took off on its GRIPEN OUT OF BELGIAN FIGHTER COMPETITION maiden flight, flown by a Saab test pilot. The aircraft (designation Sweden will not submit an answer to Lockheed Martin’s F-35, the Eurofighter I Belgian Ministry of Defence’ (MoD) Request Typhoon and the Dassault Rafale are the 39-8) left from Saab’s airfield in Linköping, for Information (RFI) to replace its current remaining competitors for the Belgian Sweden and flew over the eastern parts of F-16 fleet as it cannot follow Belgian request competition. Östergötland for 40 minutes.­ During the for extensive operational support. Belgium is seeking to buy 34 new fighters flight, the aircraft carried out anumber ­ The Swedish Defence Materiel to replace its fleet of 54 Mid-Life updated of actions to demonstrate various test ­Administration FMV said that Gripen F-16s, expected to reach retirement from fully meets the operational requirements 2020 and onward. ­criteria including the retracting and in the Belgian request for proposal, but Commentator has pointed at the F-35 to be ­extending of the landing gear. in their request Belgium is also seeking the most likely winner of the competition. - The flight test activities will extensive operational support from the In 1975; Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands continue. The programme is on track to delivering nation. and Norway purchased F-16s in a “joint achieve the 2019 delivery schedule to Saab is the second major aerospace deal”. As of today Norway, Netherlands ­company to pull out of the competition. and Denmark have all chosen F-35 as their our Swedish and Brazilian customers,” Boeing withdrew the F/A-18E/F Super F-16 replacement. says Jonas Hjelm, Senior Vice President Hornet from the running in April, decrying and Head of Saab Business Area Belgium’s requirements as unfairly slanted Aero­ nautics.­ toward the F-35.

Editor-in-Chief/Ansvarlig redaktør: Marketing Director/ Subscriptions/ M.Sc./Siv.ing. Markedsansvarlig: Abonnementservice: ISSN 0806–6159 Bjørn Domaas Josefsen Knut Berg Tel. (+47) 22 41 60 77 Publisher/Utgiver: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Norsk Militærteknisk Forlag Design/Layout: Prinsens gate 22, N-0157 OSLO Editorial Office/Redaksjon: Advertising Office/Annonser: X-IDE Prinsens gate 22, N-0157 OSLO Prinsens gate 22, Administration/Administrasjon: Tel. (+47) 22 41 60 77 N-0157 OSLO Printed by/Trykkeri: Castra AS Denmark; Andreas Krog, Tel. (+47) 22 41 60 41 X-IDE - www.xide.no Org.nr. NO 971 161 531 MVA E-mail: [email protected]

32 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 4-5/2017 B:216 mm T:210 mm S:186 mm


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