Commander Abu Taher Mohammad Shahid Ahsan
Deputy General Manager (Electrical) Commander Abu Taher Mohammad Shahid Ahsan,(L), psc, BN (P NO-1150) was born on 05 November of 1975 in a noble muslim family belonging to Faridpur district, kajikanda thana. He passed out from Pabna Cadet College keeping a meritorious academic back ground and Joined Bangladesh Navy on 01 July 1994. After passing out from BNA, he was sent to undergo Bsc (hns) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering) in CUET (Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology). He joined BN fleet in 2001 as an Electrical officer after graduation. He did his JSC in BNA in 2006 and Long Electrical Specialization Course in BNS Shaheed Moazzam, Kaptai in 2007. He did his 2nd Specialization Course in INS Valsura, Gujrat, India during 2009-2010 and earned good name for BN by his extraordinary result. He is a proud Mirpurian graduate from Mirpur Staff College. In the journey of his naval career, he served onboard numerous ships & crafts of BN in the capacity of Electrical officer, specially oil tanker, hydrography vessel, mine sweepers, Large Patrol Craft, Chinese Frigate, British frigates, American Frigate and finally on board BNS Bangabandhu and contributed immensely in mid-life up gradation of BNS Bngabandhu. He served as Instructor and Course Officer of Long Electrical Course in BNS Shaheed Moazzam and trained numerous mid level officers. He earned sound knowledge about defense procurement while serving one year as ADP (Asst. Director of Purchase) in DGDP in 2012. He served BN Dockyard two times as OIC Heavy Electrical workshop, SO(O) to CSD, DGM (L), DGM (Ord), INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER and GM(Yard service).
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