A unique Fine Art Exhibition with a vision of modern Greek life and cul- ture under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons along with the collaborative support of the Greek artists themselves. The exhibition’s title «Colors of Greece» will explore contemporary artists and their masterful depictions of the illuminated, inexorable Greek spirit. The renowned artists are inspired by Greece’s intense light, vivid colors, mythic landscapes, and the endless, magical seas of blue. Each contemporary artist has lived the challenge to transform the daily crisis of present Greece into a personal and harmonious, visual statement. 60 artworks of 21 artists from Greece travel to the Hamptons to demon- strate the current face of modern Greek painting. At an extremely difficult political time in Greece's history, and under adverse financial circumstances, «Colors of Greece» is a reminder of the beauty, excellence, and perseverance of, as Will Durant rightfully de- scribed, «the Morningstar of the Western World». portraits 21of the artists daphne | Angelidou paschalis | Angelidis | Angelos stefanos | Daskalakis maria | Filopoulou savas | Georgiadis irene | Iliopoulou sophia | Kalogeropoulou theofilos | Katsipanos yannis | Kondaratos olga | Maria dimitris| Milionis tassos | Missouras ignatios | Mitrofanous nikos | Moschos eva | Nikolakaki christos | Pallantzas george | Tornaritis philip | Tsiaras | Vago | Verghi philip Tsiaras

Philip Tsiaras is an international Greek artist who lives and works in New York City. Since 1974 he made more than 75 one-person exhibitions Including: Seattle Mu- seum of Art, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Mannheimer Kunstverien, Mannheim, Bernier Gallery, , Studio Palazzoli, Milan, Shea & Beker Gallery, New York, Margulies/Taplin Gallery, Miami, Tegnerforbundet Gallery. Oslo, Museum Santa Apollonia, Venice, Gallerie Dominion, Montreal, Swank/The Regen- cy-Intercontinental, Hong Kong, Newport Art Museum, R. I., Villa Reale, Monza, The Currier Museum, N. H., Spazio Cavallieri di Malta, Syracusa, Pinakotech of the Cy- clades, Syros, International Contemporary Art Fair, Istanbul, Bienalle of Photogra- phy, Torino, De Novo Gallery, Sun Valley, Cento St. Benin, Aosta, Pinakotech of Ithaca, Museum of Contemporary Art, Crete, Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki, Stella Art Foundation, Moscow, Museum of Modern Art, Shenzhen. Tsiaras works in a great range of media-painting, photography, glass, ceramic, and bronze. He has exhibited in the Venice Biennale three times and produced a ten foot bronze sculpture on the Grand Canal entitled «Social Climber». Philip Tsiaras has been the recipient of many national prizes: The American Acad- emy Award for Poetry, The Thomas Watson Fellowship, New York State C.A.P.S grant, two N.E.A. National Endowment Grants for Arts, nomination for the Blickle Stiftung International Photography Prize, Germany and The Generali Assicurazioni Gold Metal Award for «Civilita» Venice. Philip Tsiaras’ works are widely collected in corporate, private and important mu- seum collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Fifteen books and cat- alogues are attributed to his work, most notably monographs published by Electa and Mondadori books, and a book of photographs entitled, «Family Album» pub- lished by Contrasto, Rome. A recent 30 year retropsective of photography entitled Philip Tsiaras-SUPEREAL was published by the Muesum of Photography Thessaloniki.

8 The Universe of Mauve mixed media / 135 × 135 cm 9 10 Planet Greece mixed media / 150 × 150 cm 11 daphne Angelidou

Born in Athens Greece, 1962. Studied painting, at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1980-1986) with Moralis and Mytaras as her teachers, and mosaic, with Kolefas. On the teaching staff of Athens School of Fine Arts, in the Department of Mosaic, since 1987. Appointed Lecturer in Mosaic in 1999. Appointed Assistant Professor of Athens School of Fine Arts, in the Department of Mosaic, in 2005, 2013. She has participated in many group exhibitions, since 1986 until today, in Greece, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Usa, and in China. There are works by Daphne Angelidou in public and private collections, muse- ums and art galleries in Greece, England, France, Italy, , Belgium and Cyprus.

12 Crossing I acrylic on canvas / 50 × 50 cm

Crossing II acrylic on canvas / 50 × 50 cm

Crossing III acrylic on canvas / 50 × 50 cm Crossing I, II, III 14 triptych / acrylic on canvas / 150 × 50 cm 15 paschalis Angelidis

Paschalis was born in Alexandroupoli (North Greece). He studied art decoration, free drawing and color composition at Salonica’s Weder Art School. He studied under the instructions of the painter Dimitris Scretas in the engraving technique of the metal surface. He worked as a scene-painter and costume of stage-designer in various public theaters. He paints large dimensional wall-paintings in public and famous private establishments.

Shipyard 16 oil on canvas / 100 × 80 cm

18 Pegasus oil on wood / 80 × 80 cm 19 Angelos

Angelos (Panayiotou) was born in Farkadona near Trikala in Central Greece in 1943. Having studied painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1962-67) under professor G. Mavroidis, he continued his education on numerous trips to European museums, where he studied both yhe Great Masters of ther past and the latest trends in West- ern Art. Since 1975, he has exhibited his work in group and one man shows in Greeece, England and the U.S.A. He moved to Kapandriti, a mountain village North of Athens, in the early 80’s. His work is held in private collections and museums in Greece, Cyprus and further afield.

20 Pananthropino oil on canvas / 150 × 50 cm 21 stefanos Daskalakis

Stefanos Daskalakis was born in Piraeus in 1952. From 1970 to 1974 he studied painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts in the studio of Giorgos Mavroïdes. He continued his studies in Lyon then in Paris (1978-1981). He lives and works in Athens. As an auditor, he later attended the studio of Leonardo Cremonini at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux­Arts, Paris. His work appears in the permanent col- lection of the National Gallery in Athens, the National Bank of Greece and the Bank of Greece, the in Athens, the Kouvoutsakis Art Institute in , the Sotiris Felios Collection, the Anthony and Asia Hadjioannou Collection, the Tha- nassis Michailidis Collection as well as in numerous private collections in Belgium, France and Greece. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Greece, Istanbul, Rome, Paris, Brussels, London and New York.

22 Angeliki in a blue dress oil on canvas / 81 × 60 cm 23 maria Filopoulou

Maria Filopoulou was born in Athens Greece in 1964. She studied painting in Paris at the Ecole National Superieure Des Beaux Arts under Leonardo Cremonini, during the period 1984-1988. Continued with postgraduate studies at same school with a scholarship of the French Government, during the period 1988-1989 (lithography under Abraham Hadad). She has 19 solo exhibitions in Athens, Thessaloniki, Cyprus, Istanbul, Paris, Lon- don, New York and she has taken part in many group showings. In 2009 had an retrospective exhibition in Cyclades Gallery, Hermoupolia. Her work has been acquired by the National Gallery, the Greek Parliament, muse- ums and private collections in Greece, France, England, New York.

24 Ancient pool Ireapolis oil on canvas / 200 × 135 cm 25

Under water swimmers oil on canvas / 156 × 96 cm 27 savas Georgiadis

Savas Georgiadis was born in Limassol Cyprus, 1975. He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts, Department of Painting under Pro- fessor D. Mytaras and he graduated with honors. He was granted a 5-year scholar- ship (for the whole duration of his studies) from the State Foundation for Scholar- ships (ΙΚΥ). Number of his paintings can be found in Benakis Museum, Vorres Museun and in private collections in Greece and abroad. Over the 2006-2007 period he made copies of paintings for the full length fea- ture film EL« GRECO» by G. Smaragdis.

Red lips 1 28 oil on canvas / 80 × 100 cm

Red lips 2 30 oil on canvas / 80 × 100 cm

irene Iliopoulou

She was born, lives and works in Athens Greece. She graduated from the Athens School of Fine Arts. in 1981, and continued her studies at the Ecole Nationale Superieur des Beaux-Arts in Paris at the studio of Leonardo Cremonini until 1986. From 1987 to 1988 she lived and worked in an abandoned theatre, Le Vieux Colombier, and in 1988 she presented works at her exhibiton in Athens showing interiors of the theatre and a deserted metro station. In 1990 she started a collaboration with the Berggruen Gallery (Paris), show- ing her works at the Salon de Mars. From 1990 to 1993 she traveled frequently and painted in Bordeaux and Arles, for her next show at the Athens Art Gallery. She has made 14 solo exhibitions in France and in Greece, with the latest being held at the Historical Museum of Hydra. In 2014 she participate at art athina with Athes Art Gallery. She also participated to an extented number of group shows in Greece and abroad. Her works can be found at the National Gallery of Athens, the Megaro Maximou, the Greek Parliament, the Kouvoustaki Pinacotheque, the Bank of Greece, and also at the National, General and Commercial Banks, the Municipal Pinacotheques of Florina and Agrino and in many private collections such as T. Michaelidis, Azia and Antoni Hatziioannou and many private collections in Greece, Fr ance, , Aus- tralia and Switzerland.

32 Swimming lessons oil on canvas / 180 × 130 cm 33

3 bodyguards oil on canvas / 180 × 130 cm 35 sophia Kalogeropoulou

Sophia Kalogeropoulou was born in Athens, Greece, in 1946 and is a graduate of the American College of Greece (Pierce College). She has studied Law and Political-Eco- nomic Sciences at the University of Athens. She has studied also Music at the Athens Conservatory and at the Studio of the Vienna State Opera (Austria). She appeared as a soloist in the Vienna State Opera (1976-77). In the art of painting, she is self-taught, and has participated in many art exhibi- tions in Greece and abroad (Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Switzer- land, Israel, Turkey, USA). She is a collaborator of the “Gallery Naifs and Primitifs” in Paris.

36 Odyssey acrylic on canvas / 180 × 130 cm 37

Esperides acrylic on canvas / 56 × 141 cm

Musses acrylic on canvas / 50 × 86 cm theofilos Katsipanos

Born in 1975 in Agrinio, Greece. He studied painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts under professor R. Papaspyrou and graduated with distinction in 2001. He participated in 1999 in the Erasmus educational program and spent six months in Spain. He lives and works in Athens. Artworks exist in collections both in Greece and abroad as well as at the per- manent collection of V. Fryssiras Contemporary Art Museum.

Mr Jones 40 acrylic, oil on canvas / 110 × 152 cm

Diner acrylic, oil on canvas / 42 × 73 cm

Presence - Absence acrylic, oil on canvas / 60 × 80 cm

yannis Kondaratos

Yannis Kondaratos was born in Athens Greece, 1968. He studied painting at the Ath- ens School of Fine Arts (1987-1992). In 1991, he obtained an Erasmus scholarship and attended the B. A. Hons Fine Art course at Middlessex Polytechnic, London. In 2012, he obtained a doctoral degree in art history from the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Communication, Media and Culture. He teaches painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts, from 2003 as a special research and education assistant, and from 2010 as lecturer. He has presented his work in four solo and many group exhibitions. He has also participated in scientific conferences and he has published books and texts on history and theory of art.

Untitled 44 oil on canvas / 220 × 230 cm 45 Untitled oil on canvas / 265 × 190 cm

Untitled 46 oil on canvas / 150 × 150 cm 47 olga Maria

Olga was born in Komotini Greece, in 1981. She lives and works at Volos since 1990. She graduated as a painter at the academy of Fine Art in Florence Italy, in 2003. She is a member of Fine Art Chamber of Greece. In 2001 she started working in theatrical productions.

48 Southern sound mixed media / 106 × 86 cm 49 50 Northern wind mixed media / 106 × 86 cm 51 dimitris Milionis

Dimitris C. Milionis was born in , , 1960. In 1974 he settled in Athens. A celebrated artist, Milionis was self-taught. He studied the laws of nature and the rules of the gods, and received his inspiration directly from nature, philosophy, and the arts. His work generates questions on the relationship between Art and Philoso- phy on a cosmological scale. Artworks by Milionis are kept at the following institutions: ACG Art of The Ameri- can College of Greece, Athens; Alpha Bank; American Express Bank; and Philosophi- cal Department of the Kapodistrina University of Athens. Dimitris Milionis currently lives and works in Athens, Greece.

52 Tree acrylic on canvas / 30 × 60 cm 53 tassos Missouras

Tassos Missouras was born in Larissa Greece, in 1963. In 1981 enrolls in the Athens School of Fine Arts and studies painting under Dimitris Mytaras and Rena Papaspy- rou in the prepatory course under Yannis Moralis, Dimitris Koukos and Zacharuias Arvanitis in the first year under Dimitris Mytaras in all subsequent years. He obtained scholarships for all his years as a student. In 1986 Gradualtes form tyhe ASFA with distinction In 1987 Studies at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux-Arts in Paris under Lepnardo Cremonini (1987-1991) on a French state (CROUS) scholarship Obtains a three-year state scholarship for the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs.

54 In a matter of speaking you told me everything by saying nothing oil on canvas / 132 × 91 cm 55

Dream and memory oil on canvas / 132 × 105 cm 57 ignatios Mitrofanous

Ignatios Mitrofanous was born in Nicosia, Cyprus in 1981. He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts (Greece) with a scholarship due to academic excellence. He lived and worked in Athens for several years. He has presented his work in many venues, including the National War Museum Athens, the Melina Mercouri Cultural Centre and the House of Cyprus in Athens. He participated in the International Youth Salon in , and he rep- resented Cyprus in the VIIemes Jeux de la Francophonie in Nice. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts (E.KA.TE). He currently lives and works in Nicosia, Cyprus.

58 Evolution acrylic on paper / 100 × 70 cm 59 Relief acrylic on paper / 100 × 100 cm

Can you (sea)me? 60 acrylic on paper / 70 × 100 cm

nikos Moschos

Born in 1979 in Heraklion, Crete. From 1997 to 2003 he studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts. He has had five solo exhibitions: in 2014 at SWAB Art Fair (Barcelona) with ALMA Gallery, in 2013 at Art Athina fair with Penindaplinena Gallery, in 2012 at Xippas Gal- lery (Athens), in 2010 at Galerie Theorema (Brussels) and in 2007 at Ekfrasi-Gianna Grammatopoulou Gallery (Athens). Since 2003 he has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Greece and abroad, such as Forni Gallery (Frissiras Collection 2003), Italy, (Near Likenes 2004; Birth Place 2007; Athens Voice 2009), Kydoniefs Foundation (Realia Mundi 2007), Andros, State Museum of Contemporary Art (Visual Arts in Greece 2007), Thessalon- iki, Hellenic House (Experiencing Greece 2008), Beijing, Landscape stories (2009), Rome, Art Athina (2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015), Athens, St. Gilles (Parcours d’artistes 2010, 2011), Belgium, Athens-Istanbul (Tracing Istanbul 2010), Reculture 2 (2013) etc. He has made numerous artworks for book covers, CD’s, films, magazines, news- papers etc. His works have been acquired by the Benaki Museum, the Frissiras Muse- um, the Viannou Art Gallery, the Heraklion Museum of Visual Arts, the PTE Fine Arts Collection (New York), the Schirm Sammlung (Berlin) and other private collections in Greece and abroad.

But its obvious 62 acrylic and charcoal on linen / 100 × 120 cm

Me vs the blob - A safe fight 64 acrylic on linen / 140 × 190 cm

eva Nikolakaki

Eva was born in Rethimno Crete 1968. Graduated from Athens School of Fine Arts under the teacher of Chroni Mpot- soglou and Sculpting with Trano. From 2004-2015 has taken place in group exhibitions througout Greece.

The man 66 oil on canvas / 50 × 70 cm

Double tree 68 oil on canvas / 90 × 120 cm

christos Pallantzas

He was born in Larissa Greece, in 1962. 1983-89: He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts in Greece. His studies in- cluded Painting, Byzantine Icon’s Technique, Fresco, Mosaic, History of Art, History of Architecture, Christodoulidis and M. Lambraki-. 1990-92: With the scholarship from the French Government, he continued his studies post-graduate at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, Atelier de la Peinture of Mr. Pierre Carron. 1988-90: He worked at the National Archaeological Museum, as a museum ped- agogue for the educational programsof the Greek Ministry of Culture, entitled “The birth of writing”. 2002-03: He tought painting and sketching at the AKTO Art College in Athens. 2011-13: he worked as art-therapist at the National University Pediatric Hospital «Agia Sofia» in the program entitled «childrenswith chronic diseases». His works can be found in the Greek National Gallery, the Benaki Museum, the Florina Museum, the Kouvoutsakis Art Collection, the Frissiras Museum, the Agri- cultural Bank of Greece Collection, the Heracles Group of Companies Collection, and other private museums and collections in Greece and abroad. In addition, his work was selected as representative of Greek Contemporary Art during the Olympic Games of 2004.

70 Nothing really matters oil on canvas / 60 × 35 cm 71 george Tornaritis

George Κ. Tornaritis was born in Limassol Cyprus, in 1936. He grew up in Nicosia, graduated from the Pankyprion High School in 1953 and studied law at the Uni- versity of Cambridge (MA and LIB Grays Inn: Barister at Law). In 1996 he co-founded with Dimitris Pierides the Tornaritis-Pierides Marine Life Foundation on which he bestowed a great part of his collection of fossils and marine-life specimens from Cyprus. The Foundation has established two muse- ums; the Tornaritis-Pierides Municipal Museum of Palaeontology, Larnaca, and the Thalassa Museum, Ayia Napa. Since 1967 he paints subjects relating to Cyprus. In 1969 he exhibited in Famagusta together with the well-known painter John Corbidge. In 2009 he presented his works together with the Turkish-Cypriot paint- er Hulusi Halit at the Nicosia City Hall near the Green Line. In November 2009 he exhibited jointly with Hulusi Halit at the Heinrich Böll Foundation building in Berlin. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions.

72 Cynisism acrylic on canvas / 40 × 50 cm

Foulis acrylic on canvas / 40 × 50 cm Lovers of Vasilou acrylic on canvas / 38 × 75 cm

Carnival 74 acrylic on canvas / 60 × 40 cm 75 betty Vakali

Betty Vakali (b.1978) is a Greek architect, trained in Oxford Brookes University, UK. She is a self taught contemporary artist, with a keen interest on various aspects of design, forms and materials. Soon enough, she finds herself, being fascinated by building materials, that no longer can be used, found at construction site environment. The idea of breathing new life into old objects through experimentation inspires her. The body of her mixed media artworks encapsulates recycling and reuses construction and deconstruction. Her collections consist of wall art assemblages, installations and handmade fashion accessories. There are no rules in her art; there are only materials, textures, objects and the inspiration behind them.

Aerial view 76 mixed media / 50 × 70 cm 77 Vago

Vagelis Zafiropoulos was born in Athens Greece, in 1963. In 1986, he moved his workshop to Volos. He studied drawing and painting in 1984 -1985 at the atelier of Paschalis Angelides (painter-designer) He attended courses of Color Technology with Jean Marc Stehle (scénographe, chef décorateur and Swiss actor). Planning models for decorative and utilitarian objects (Furniture-Lighting fixtures). Since 2007, he has been collaborating with the ceramist Vlasta Chotzi, who turns his designs into small artistic-decorative-utility objects.

78 Empty seats acrylic on canvas / 107 × 107 cm 79 80 Fame acrylic on canvas / 107 × 107 cm 81 chryssa Verghi

Born in Athens, Greece in 1959. She studied painting at the National Superior School of Fine Arts in Athens, Greece under D. Mytaras, L. Kanakakis, N. Kessanlis, V. Kyriaki, R. Papaspyrou, Μ. Lambraki- Plaka. From 1980 to 1983, she continued studying Interior Design at the Fine Arts School of California State University of Long Beach, USA. From 1990 to 1992, with a Greek State Scholarship, she continued her studies in Painting at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France, under Pierre Carron. Her works can be found in the Greek Parliament, the Hellenic National Gallery, the «Megaro Maximou» (the Prime Minister building), the Benaki Museum, the Flo- rina Museum of Modern Art, the Kouvoutsakis Pinacotheque, the Moschandreou Pinacotheque, the Fryssiras Museum, the Agricultural Bank of Greece Collection, the AGET Heraklis Group of Companies Collection, the Interamerican Collection, and other private museums and collections in Greece and abroad. Her work was selected to represent Greek Contemporary Art during the Olympic Games of 2004. On September 2008, as a part of the Enviromental Programme of the Goulandris Museum of Natural History and the SKAI Radio, she donated one of her works, which was auctioned and bought by the Greek Parliament. The proceeds were donated to the National Forest Fund. She is considered to be one of the most important Greek Contemporary artists. Inspired by Nature, her work is flirting with abstract and representative elements, at the same time.

82 The lake mixed media / 198 × 120 cm 83

Lake Fragment IV mixed media / 66 × 63 cm 85 E X H I B I T I O N August 6 - September 8, 2015

111 Saint Andrews Road, Southampton, NY 11968 T: +1347 235 9785, [email protected]

organized by Vandiri LLC. Irene Vandaraki general coordination Joan Peters air transport Skygreece Airlines transport and packaging of artworks Move Art S.A. insurance Tonia Lambrinos

CATALOGUE graphic layout Joan Peters

Special Thanks to Father Alexandros Karloutsos, Presvytera Xanthi Karloutsos, John Horozoglou, Anna Myhra, Paul Mas, Father Nickolas Alexandris, Philip Tsiaras, Apostolos Saraferas and Tonia Lambrinos.