The Pickering 36 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,900 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 2007 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 AJAX SONGSTRESS WILL SEE YOU AT THE EX PAGE 24 Celebrating India’s Pretend it’s very very cold independence Kids learn survival techniques in Pickering at Pickering pool By Kristen Calis By Kristen Calis
[email protected] [email protected] PICKERING — Learning to PICKERING — When Shashi swim is much more than simply Bhatia moved from India to Can- acquiring the perfect technique, ada, she felt cultural and language says the City of Pickering’s aquatic differences made it difficult to programmer. function on a regular basis. But “The reality is learning to swim she soon realized if she didn’t be- is just a way of keeping people safe come a part of mainstream Ca- around the water and so much of nadian society, she could be left what we do deals with promot- behind. She then began organiz- ing water safety and public aware- ing various events and became ness,” Nancy Sands-Bayley said. involved in various cultural or- The City recognizes the possi- ganizations throughout Canada. bility of water hazards, and that’s Now she’s the chairwoman of the why the aquatics staff held Water Indo-Canadian Cultural Associa- Smart Day at the Pickering Rec- tion of Durham (ICCAD). reation Complex on Aug. 9. It was open to kids and adults, but most- ✦ See Flag, Page 11 ly kids - about 250 throughout the day - took part. Activities were de- Photo by Rob Mitchell signed to prepare adults and kids Celina Leung, left, and Pranavie Premkumar take part in Water Smart Day, hosted by the award winning aquatic staff at Fame.