Oxidizing Bacteria Are Prevalent in Drinking Water Systems

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Oxidizing Bacteria Are Prevalent in Drinking Water Systems Environmental Microbiology Reports (2017) 9(2), 120–128 doi:10.1111/1758-2229.12508 Diverse manganese(II)-oxidizing bacteria are prevalent in drinking water systems Daniel N. Marcus,1,2 Ameet Pinto,3 how microbial communities influence the quality of Karthik Anantharaman,1 Steven A. Ruberg,4 drinking water. Eva L. Kramer,1 Lutgarde Raskin2 and Gregory J. Dick1* 1Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Introduction University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. The presence of manganese (Mn) in source waters 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, used for drinking water (DW) production is a common University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. concern, primarily due to the impact of Mn on the aes- 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, thetic quality of finished water (Kohl and Medlar, 2006). Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. Mn is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection 4Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Agency at a nonenforceable secondary maximum con- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, taminant level (MCL) of 0.05 mg/l (EPA, 2013). Regard- Ann Arbor, MI, USA less of the possible direct effects of Mn on human health (Bouchard et al., 2011; Khan et al., 2012), the Summary presence of Mn oxides in DW can strongly alter other aspects of water chemistry (Tebo et al., 2004), thus they Manganese (Mn) oxides are highly reactive minerals may indirectly influence the quality of DW. that influence the speciation, mobility, bioavailability Mn oxides can rapidly oxidize other metals and metal- and toxicity of a wide variety of organic and inorganic loids (metal(loid)s hereafter), affecting their speciation, compounds. Although Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria are mobility and toxicity. For example, Mn oxides can con- known to catalyze the formation of Mn oxides, little is vert highly toxic trivalent arsenic into the less acutely known about the organisms responsible for Mn oxi- toxic pentavalent form (Tournassat et al., 2002). In addi- dation in situ, especially in engineered environments. tion to their strong redox activity, Mn oxides have a high Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria are important in drinking capacity for cation exchange, sorption and coprecipita- water systems, including in biofiltration and water tion of metal(loid)s (Tebo et al., 2004). Thus, they distribution systems. Here, we used cultivation can sequester and immobilize a wide array of heavy dependent and independent approaches to investi- metal(loid)s and have been used for this purpose in DW gate Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria in drinking water sour- (Driehaus et al., 1995; Bajpai and Chaudhuri, 1999). Mn ces, a treatment plant and associated distribution oxides contribute to the decomposition of complex system. We isolated 29 strains of Mn(II)-oxidizing organic matter (Sunda and Kieber, 1994) and effectively bacteria and found that highly similar 16S rRNA gene degrade some endocrine disruptors (de Rudder et al., sequences were present in all culture-independent 2004; Furgal et al., 2015). Mn oxides often have detoxi- datasets and dominant in the studied drinking water fying effects on pollutants, however they can also treatment plant. These results highlight a potentially catalyze reactions that increase the toxicity of some important role for Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria in drinking metal(loid)s. Particularly relevant to DW is chromium water systems, where biogenic Mn oxides may affect (Cr), which is rapidly oxidized by biogenic Mn oxides water quality in terms of aesthetic appearance, speci- from a relatively harmless form, Cr(III), to a highly ation of metals and oxidation of organic and inorgan- mobile, bioavailable and carcinogenic form, Cr(VI) ic compounds. Deciphering the ecology of these (Murray et al., 2005; Costa and Klein, 2006). organisms and the factors that regulate their Mn(II)- Under oxic and circumneutral pH conditions, the abiot- oxidizing activity could yield important insights into ic oxidation of aqueous Mn(II) to solid Mn oxides is ther- modynamically favorable but kinetically slow relative to bacterially mediated Mn(II) oxidation (Tebo et al., 2004). Received 31 May, 2016; accepted 22 November, 2016. *For corre- spondence. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel. 1-734-763-3228; Fax 1- Thus, the oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III) and Mn(IV) in the 734-763-4690. environment is believed to be largely catalyzed by VC 2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd Diverse manganese(II)-oxidizing bacteria 121 bacteria (Tebo et al., 2007). In contrast, Mn removal dur- analyzed DW treatment system’s microbial communities, ing DW treatment is commonly achieved through abiotic suggesting a high capacity for biological Mn(II) oxidation oxidation of dissolved Mn(II) with chlorine or ozone fol- in DW systems. lowed by filtration of particulate and colloidal Mn oxides (Kohl and Medlar, 2006). Biological Mn removal as an Results alternative to traditional chemical processes is increas- Isolation and phylogenetic characterization of Mn(II)- ing in popularity (Tekerlekopoulou et al., 2013) and oxidizing bacteria removal efficiencies of over 98% have been demonstrat- ed (Tekerlekopoulou et al., 2013; Hoyland et al., 2014). We isolated Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria from surface sedi- The documented presence of Mn(II)-oxidizing microor- ments of Lake Erie and the Huron River (Ann Arbor, ganisms in DW systems that are not specifically operat- MI), and from the DW treatment and distribution system ed for biological Mn oxidation (Sly et al., 1988; Cerrato (DWDS) in Ann Arbor, MI. A total of 29 Mn(II)-oxidizing et al., 2010) raises the question of their broader role bacteria were isolated, and 21 of the 16S rRNA gene and utility in DW systems. sequences obtained were unique (shared a maximum of Characterizing the role of microorganisms in mediat- 99% sequence identity; Table 1). The isolates are taxo- ing the formation of Mn oxides in complex systems, nomically diverse and fall within the high and low GC including DW systems, is challenging due to the exten- gram-positive bacteria (Actinobacteria and Bacillaceae, sive diversity of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria and mecha- respectively) and Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacte- nisms by which Mn(II) oxidation can be catalyzed. ria. Many of these groups were previously known to har- Distantly related bacteria from phyla such as Firmicutes, bor Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria (Tebo et al., 2005). Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria can oxidize Mn(II) However, as discussed below in more detail, we also (Tebo et al., 2005), and the ability to oxidize Mn(II) is not identified bacteria in three genera not previously associ- always conserved between phylogenetically closely ated with Mn(II) oxidation (Table 1). related bacteria (Dick et al., 2008; Anderson et al., Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences 2009). was used to investigate relationships between the The presence and role of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria in Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria found in this study and those DW systems has been investigated only to a limited previously reported in the literature. The majority of Fir- extent. In some cases, well characterized Mn(II)-oxidiz- micutes and Pseudomonas (Phylum: Proteobacteria, ing groups such as Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Lepto- Class: Gammaproteobacteria) isolates fell into lineages thrix have been identified in DW systems (Katsoyiannis that contain previously identified Mn(II)-oxidizing bacte- and Zouboulis, 2004; Burger et al., 2008; Cerrato et al., ria. Four of the unique Firmicutes isolates fell within the 2010; Farkas et al., 2013), but it remains unclear if they genus Bacillus; one clustered with organisms isolated are abundant and to what extent they contribute to Mn from marine sediments that oxidize Mn(II) as metaboli- cycling. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing cally dormant spores (Francis and Tebo, 2002; Dick technologies and in understanding the molecular mecha- et al., 2006), two were closely related to Bacillus mura- nisms of bacterial Mn(II) oxidation, identifying Mn(II)-oxi- lis, and one to Bacillus niacini. The remaining two phylo- dizing bacteria with culture-independent methods genetically distinct Firmicutes isolates clustered tightly remains challenging since there are no known universal with Lysinibacillus (Supporting Information Fig. S1), molecular markers for Mn(II) oxidation. Therefore, culti- which are known to oxidize Mn(II) (Johnson et al., vation remains an important means of identifying Mn(II)- 2011). oxidizing bacteria. This poses a significant hurdle in Two of the Mn(II)-oxidizing Pseudomonas isolates identifying environmentally relevant Mn(II)-oxidizing bac- clustered with two separate clades of Mn(II)-oxidizing teria as only a small portion of community members are bacteria isolated from cave deposits (Carmichael et al., typically able to be cultivated (Staley and Konopka, 2013). Two isolates were in a clade with Pseudomonas 1985). However, for those Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria that chlororaphis, and Pseudomonas extremorientalis; the are amenable to laboratory growth, high throughput latter was isolated from a DW reservoir (Ivanova et al., DNA sequencing can be used to elucidate their abun- 2002) (Supporting Information Fig. 2). All of the Mn(II)- dance (or the abundance of closely related taxa) within oxidizing Pseudomonas isolates have 97–98% 16S complex microbial consortia. rRNA gene sequence identity to Pseduomonas putida In this study, we cultured and characterized Mn(II)-oxi- strains Mn-B1 and GB-1. Strain Mn-B1 was isolated dizing bacteria from one DW treatment plant and two from a Mn-encrusted DW pipe in Germany (Schweis- surface water sources used for DW production. We furth, 1973) and both organisms have long been used describe several novel Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria, and as model systems for studying bacterial Mn(II) oxidation found that some were abundant members of the (Caspi et al., 1998; Geszvain and Tebo, 2010). VC 2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 9, 120–128 122 D. N. Marcus et al. V C 2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Table 1.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Digital.CSIC International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2006), 56, 2583–2585 DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.64397-0 Aurantimonas altamirensis sp. nov., a member of the order Rhizobiales isolated from Altamira Cave Valme Jurado, Juan M. Gonzalez, Leonila Laiz and Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez Correspondence Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia, CSIC, Apartado 1052, 41080 Sevilla, Spain Juan M. Gonzalez [email protected] A bacterial strain, S21BT, was isolated from Altamira Cave (Cantabria, Spain). The cells were Gram- negative, short rods growing aerobically. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that strain S21BT represented a separate subline of descent within the family ‘Aurantimonadaceae’ (showing 96 % sequence similarity to Aurantimonas coralicida) in the order Rhizobiales (Alphaproteobacteria). The major fatty acids detected were C16 : 0 and C18 : 1v7c. The G+C content of the DNA from strain S21BT was 71?8 mol%. Oxidase and catalase activities were present. Strain S21BT utilized a wide range of substrates for growth. On the basis of the results of this polyphasic study, isolate S21BT represents a novel species of the genus Aurantimonas, for which the name Aurantimonas altamirensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is S21BT (=CECT 7138T=LMG 23375T). The genera Aurantimonas and Fulvimarina constitute Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain the two members of the recently described family S21BT belongs to the family ‘Aurantimonadaceae’ and is ‘Aurantimonadaceae’ within the order Rhizobiales. Both closely related to the members of the genera Aurantimonas genera are represented by single species, Aurantimonas (96?1 % similarity) and Fulvimarina (93?2 % similarity).
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