
Donald Perreault’s Transcrbed Journal Transcribed by Donald Perreault

8 Oct. ’68 Tues. 0145 PCT Up, up & away w/ TWA. Out on runway No. 9 Boeing 707 on line. Flt. No. T2B3 Seat #11D 0400 arrive Honolulu after 5 hour flight. Sun Yat Sen in gardens. Sweet odor. (Hawaii Time) 0530 depart Honolulu for Kadena AB (Iwo Jima)

9 Oct. ’68 Wed. 1000 arrive Okinawa after 9 hour flight. Short layover. (Okinawa Time) 1300 depart Kadena for Bien Hoa AB 1512 (20) “touchdown time” in S. Vietnam after 3 hr 15 min flight. Country looks pretty (AZ time ) from the air. Different story on ground - impressed by the crushing heat, the weird rainstorm on arrival, the poverty, filth, depravity. Trip from Bien Hoa to Long Binh & 90th Replacement Bn. Cold showers “monsoon”

10 Oct. ’68 Thu. no ship => details “shit burner” & “carpenter.” Everyone is here except for Smaltz.

11 Oct. ’68 Fri. no ship > barracks guard for 2 shifts. Lago & I get caught for all-night K.P. From 6:30 PM to 6:30 AM - Moan! Figure I’ll ship tomorrow w/ no sleep.

12 Oct. ’68 Sat. Naturally I ship. Name is called for II Field Forces - Local Unit. Have no idea where it is. Hear mention of Na Trang. Jeep finally comes to pick me up - ride for about a mile. The visions of a helicopter ride are shattered. Find out I’ll either be w/ the 219 MI Det. or TOC. I am assigned to Headquarters Co. => guard duty every 3 days. Moan! I meet the Sgt. Major; Capt. Violette . taken to meet Major Stein for whom I’ll be working as an aide (more or less). Sort of get squared away - no locker, etc.

13 Oct. ’68 Sun. Spend all day at Finance - send money home $350 out of $422. Yes! Torrential downpour around 4 PM. Get back to Company & learn that I have guard duty – Helmet lent, rifle locked up. Great!! Finally, find my way out to the bunker – K-25. Get 12-3 shift. Have M60 & M79 - OK!! Flares etc. - too bad I don’t know how to work them. Guard is spooky. foggy - can’t see a thing!!

14 Oct. ’68 Mon. Report for work - spend day getting oriented. Pretty dry. Get a Mamason. She’s pretty sharp w/ my marking system. Went to Bien Hoa III Corps. Bien Hoa looks pretty raunchy, busy, poor, some parts look bombed out. Write home for - 5 letters moan!

15 Oct. ’68 Tue. Work is pretty dry - get 1st project: III CTL (sic) Intell. Est. of Sit. - pretty dull & confusing re: what is wanted. Work late - write a few more letters.

16 Oct. ’68 Wed. Work on project some more - breaks for rifle cleaning & TOC card. Didn’t accomplish much. Guard mount - no sweat, big joke. 1st Sgt. is really a peach! Firing Pt 2 - not too much rain, nor trouble sleeping.

17 Oct. ’68 Thu. Make headway on the project. Learn I am to help Col. . w/ briefing. Ran thru twice. Then once more for Col. Wood. Learn I am to present it for all the big brass - Gen Abrams, Kerwin et. al.!! O.K. !! - at III Corps 180930. Get out inputs for project. Go back to work on charts, etc.

18 Oct. ’68 Fri. Big briefing, but no Gen. Abrams - This is just a rehearsal. Gen. Kerwin is there - that’s about all. <> Also Sp. 4 = Major. Everybody else had a major => we have a major.

19 Oct. ’68 Sat. Routine day at work. Don’t do very much. Guard duty - great! Hear reports of Typhoon w/ 6-8” of rain - Moan!! I have the 1st shift - nothing much so I thought! Around 11 PM, receive report of 24 mortar rds on Long Binh Post. I sleep in the rain for an hour then everybody’s up for an “alert.” Into the bunkers w/ the rats. I get wetter in the bunkers than outside. Things are pretty quiet, although a trip flare goes off - it was only a dog. At 6 AM I drag back to the barracks all wet & sandy!

20 Oct. ’68 Sun. Take half a day off & go to Church. Not too much to do at work, but I keep occupied. q Go to the Club Thai band w/ Shirley Swinger!

21 Oct. ’68 Mon. MPC changeover day. <>. Gooks get caught w/ toilet paper now!! Go over to III Corps & Coords in Binh Hoa - Come back the other way. Get to see more built up areas, clubs, gas stations, etc. Factories on the side. Also get to see a Buddhist Temple w/ a swastika. Maj. Stein says that this is a Buddhist sign for good luck!! See a painted lady drumming up business on her porch.

22 Oct. ’68 Tue. Not much today - ORLL is on the agenda. I just screw around. Guard duty is also uneventful at Firepoint 2 - rear perimeter. It rained at the start, but later I was able to sleep under the stars. Talk of peace today.

23 Oct. ’68 Wed. Things about the same as yesterday. Not much doing. Nothing develops re: peace.

24 Oct. ’68 Thu. Don’t accomplish much today either. Major Stein took most of the day off – Gen. Abrams briefing, etc.

25 Oct. ’68 Fri. Slow day again, so far - get my 1st letter - from George. Expect some more this afternoon. No dice. Guard FP #1

26 Oct. ’68 Sat. Start working a little more now. Things are getting to the “crisis” stage. I vote for HHH, Abe, Tom Meskill, J. Brian Gaffney (over a woman). Thoughts of voting for RFK - this is not a positive action. << The past is the shepherd of dreams once shared, the present is but a longing for the past, and the future is the hope for all “good and gentle” men>>

27 Oct. ’68 Sun. Today Jackie Kennedy married Onassis - may God be with her. I work a little harder than usual. Things are picking up. Get 4 letters today - 1 from “Abe” re: “Chicago” letter.

28 Oct. ’68 Mon. I get no letters today - but have guard duty FP #1 - it rains a little but only my wallet gets wet. I work the hardest ever today. Put the finishing touches (so I think!!) on my first input.

29 Oct. ’68 Tue. Things are rushed again today - the first half anyway. My work is described by Major Stein as “good” - <> Personally, I realize that I have a long way to go - my style is still verbose - ala “BC bullshit” style. Still, I feel that I did pretty good. This is very helpful for later report writing - intelligence work is not the place for “throwing the bull.” I need to concentrate more (as ever!!!) and to become more familiar with my material. I am satisfied. 3 letters today - beaucoup picture of 9 yr. old Donna.

30 Oct. ’68 Wed. Things begin to slow down again. No mail today.

31 Oct. ’68 Thu. Same as yesterday, although I do get LOC report to OB. Talk of Bomb Halt. Pull guard K-25- don’t get too much sleep, do get sore throat. Cobra fire.

1 Nov. ’68 Fri. Bomb Halt is announced by LBJ. There is talk about Charlie acting up, but not much happens. Throat gets worse. Get letter from Chet & Rich Rife.

2 Nov. ’68 Sat. Go on sick call => bacteriological growth in my throat - very hard to swallow => penicillin shot in my keester - Moan! Doesn’t seem to help much. Don’t eat very much. No guard for 48 hrs. Worked late w/ Werkman on LOC report. Try to get letter off to Chet & Mel.

3 Nov. ’68 Sun. Got to Mass - throat a little better - able to eat first full meal in days! Work late again. Talk of 4 sided meeting this Wednesday - things are lookin’ up.

4 Nov. ’68 Mon. Throat almost cleared up - no guard => get needed rest. Worked late again. Hear that Thieu will boycott the peace talks. I begin to wonder about our commitment here - all the lives that have been lost!! What now????

5 Nov. ’68 Tue. Election day in the U.S. but here it hasn’t started yet. Everyone is anticipating the election. Pull guard - C-20-1 out front. Very quiet & bright night. Big Dipper is upside down as I had thought!! Heard from Ma finally - she was worried because I hadn’t written. Oh well.-

6 Nov. ’68 Wed. Returns start coming in 9 AM Z - Nixon takes early lead then Humphrey grabs the lead for most of the day (night) - takes Conn. Mass & N.Y. so I know it’s going to be close. Wallace caused trouble took 45 quick votes in the deep South, but that was all. There is talk of the election going to the House. Nixon retook the lead - needed Ill. Ohio and California especially to take it - he does. I awake at 2350 to find out that “Nixon’s The One”

7 Nov. ’68 Thu. It was a close election - it’ll be awhile before we find out how close. Ribicoff did well. McGovern, & Humphrey for that matter. I expect that Meskill won. Too bad for Muskie, too bad US for Agnew!! Phuc Tho race track opens!!! - peace is on the way, yeah right?!? I don’t know what to expect from the adversaries - I suspect that they don’t know either - boycott by our “allies” continues.

8 Nov. ’68 Fri. Continue to plow into the map area - moan!! Guard tonight FP #1 rear - it’s about time. Don’t get much sleep though. Moan!! Get 2 photos from Major Stein - I look busy!!

9 Nov. ’68 Sat. I anxiously await results of BC-Army game. Get maps straightened out - quite a project. Letter from Funkie - same as us almost.

10 Nov. ’68 Sun. Get to Mass. Later I find out BC was zonked by Army 58-25 Moan!! I learn BC led 13- 3 in 2nd period. What happened??!!??

11 Nov. ’68 Mon.Start working on input for my project again Pull guard FP #2 - not much sleep again My back starts to act up again. Damn.

12 Nov. ’68 Tue. Finish part of the project. I suggest a chart for the Plan briefing - <>. Maj. Stein

13 Nov. ’68 Wed.Got package from home w/ cheese, cork screw?? pillowcase & tapes of 8/11/68 bedlam on Stanwood Dr. Tapes were great especially “Happy Birthday”; Daddy on missing me at the airport; the kids at the beginning of the tape. Corkscrew was cute, but not very functional - broke right away. Finally got the wine bottle open w/ a pair of pliers - it was worth the wait

14 Nov. ’68 Thu. Quick day - Clifford speaks of talking w/out our “allies” - good move. Guard tonight - K 25 rear perimeter

15 Nov. ’68 Fri. Continue to work on projects, but not too hard. The week still went by rather quickly.

16 Nov. ’68 Sat. Uneventful day, activity is picking up after the bomb halt. Tinsman to move over.

17 Nov. ’68 Sun. Guard - FP #4. Discover I lost my gas mask That’s all I need. BC won 45-13 - poor VMI

18 Nov. ’68 Mon.Laporre did it again. Lost my locker to be by default, plus my blanket. Moan!! I need this??

19 Nov. ’68 Tue. Work picks up, so does activity. What’s up? What me worry?? I’ve got 100+ sisters prayin for me. No luck re: the unsettling events of the past 2 days. Things have been discouraging for the first time in a while. It’s a pain to have to depend on others at times.

20 Nov. ’68 Wed.Happy Birthday! The days are beautiful now. Settle down a bit. Guard on FP #2. A lot more artillery seems to be going off.

21 Nov. ’68 Thu. Uneventful day. Continue to work on the reports. Movie is Get the cheese from Ma - doubtful??

22 Nov. ’68 Fri. Write to Marie - nice change of pace from the usual “home” letters. 5th Anniv. of John Kennedy’s death assassination. Have to write Marie re: Richard Nixon! Good grief.

23 Nov. ’68 Sat. Guard rear K-25 3rd shift. We get part of the typhoon. Not too bad though. Quiet night. Jean Dixon is wrong re: attack vs. large military base.

24 Nov. ’68 Sun. Get new job - daily casualty report from Major Ranc - no sweat. Been working late lately. Estimate nears final stages. Htfd. Courant

25 Nov. ’68 Mon.Get card from Doreen & Donna. Learn that Rita had another girl. Oh well!! Morale has picked up a bit. <<317 days to go>>. Get letter (note) from Capt. DeAngelis “Cool One”

26 Nov. ’68 Tue. New system for report - beaucoups d’headaches. Last minute rush. Get guard as usual FP #1 in front. Sleep well.

27 Nov. ’68 Wed. Another day of fun & games - late start (or finish) on report. Also my figures are not “pretty” enough to present to the general. I need this??

28 Nov. ’68 Thu. Happy Thanksgiving! I take a ride over to USARV headquarters - really somethin’! I make it a point to use the men’s room (a real one w/ flush toilets!!). Turkey Dinner is surprisingly good. All the fixing’s - just like home. There is one thing missing though that usually went with the post-meal drowsiness - I had to go back to work! Miss the couch, the football games on T.V., the game in the back yard w/ all the clan. Miss Mrs K’s galumpki’s, kapusta, pierogi, kielbasa, borsht etc. Mass was interesting - Vietnamese were responding in a “sing song” fashion. One woman sang the hymns. Had a “little party” at night. New job - detainees!

29 Nov. ’68 Fri. Work is made up primarily of the two new jobs that I got during the week. It’ll be lousy when I have to start writing reports again. Oh well c’est la vie. I have almost caught up on my correspondence. Pay day - hurrah!! $278 beaucoups $$ FP #4 front for guard - wake post - moan!! 2 trucks stopped on road. Verr-ry interr-resting!!

30 Nov. ’68 Sat. More rigamarole w/ the stats. I need this? Lose my key to the duffle-bag locker. Send home $200. I’m getting rich!

1 Dec. ’68 Sun. Another banner (error) day - Find out what I’ve been doing wrong. It’s minor. Work pretty late again. I’m getting tired of this perpetual crises w/ the new leadership. Col. Pindell got his Legion of Merit award & left today. Rather nice guy. Ran a quiet but efficient show. Then there’s Col. Wysong!!! I’m not military - sir; sir; sir; sir, yup!!!

2 Dec. ’68 Mon. Another great day in the stats factory - more changes => more work for me. K 21 rear. Moan.

3 Dec. ’68 Tue. Time speeds by - I learn that Rita had a baby girl Karen Anne - I am to be the Godfather in absentia - wish I could have attended the service. Finally get my tape recorder - $44.50 National (Panasonic) Radio tape.

4 Dec. ’68 Wed. Another average day at work. Get myself a fan today. So do the Thais - they really scoff them up. They also got 4 kills - the VC must’ve interdicted the road to the P.X.!!

5 Dec. ’68 Thu. Bien Hoa AB gets hit with beaucoups mortar rds. Maj. Carrington must be ticking off the VC w/ his artillery rds. Guard at K-25 rear I’m oblivious of mortar rds again. Much activity!!

6 Dec. ’68 Fri. Today 4th offensive is officially declared by G2. Dong Nai Regt. is popping up all over so is 5th & 9th Divs. Terrorism on the increase.

7 Dec. ’68 Sat. Excitement grows w/ contingency plans, etc. I’m to be a “road runner” down in the TOC. I have many questions about our role here & the latest political decisions. Have we done the right thing?? Was the Bomb Halt a mistake? Perhaps a gradual lessening rather than a complete halt would have been better the enemy seems buoyed by the propaganda victory. Something for nothing! Make 1st tape. Not too bad.

8 Dec. ’68 Sun. Guard is eventful as the war gets closer to home. 199th gets hit w/ 3x122 rockets & 12x107 at 1952. Fire results - 4 killed. Fire pt. 1 is now a wake post. Otherwise the night is relatively quiet. Thu Thua study

9 Dec. ’68 Mon. Work continues to go at a good pace. Continued activity by the enemy. A number of crash projects pop up.

10 Dec. ’68 Tue. Still more of the same. Attack here expected for 12 Dec-14 Dec. More contingency planning. The real cool ones show up - The “hot” & nervous ones are in a frenzy.

11 Dec. ’68 Wed. Attack plans against Bear Cat sent out for 12 - 14 Dec. poss. diversionary attack here. I finally get a sleeping post FP #4 rear. Beaucoups flares & scares! Some SA fire as well.

12 Dec. ’68 Thu. We have a mandatory inspection w/ full battle gear. <>. This is excuse for getting my gas mask free of charge & brand new to. We have to bring our weaponry to work - Moan! Yellow alert proclaimed with detrimental results Rear perimeter is spooked by shooting incident.

13 Dec. ’68 Fri. The experiment that backfired - II FF on yellow alert. I’m to go out for guard but yellow alert is called off. I go up to the office to make my XMAS tape. Break my rifle.

14 Dec. ’68 Sat. Bad day - miss reveille, etc. At about 0930 I’m told to report to Chaplain Gefell! At first I think it has to do with some church matters. Different story when I get there - << I’m afraid I have some bad news>> <> The telegram says that Ma died unexpectedly of heart attack at NBGH Thursday evening at 6:30. Request my presence. I am dazed and somewhat bitter because it happened while I was so far away. I proceed to Red Cross & Personnel - get orders - get to Bien Hoa - get a flight home (Flying Tigers) - leave 8 PM.

19 Jan. ’69 Sun. Arrive Bien Hoa AB at 3 AM after being home for 5 weeks. I am anxious to get back to work. The month was a tiring and anxious time - quite a strain. I lost a loved one, but met Jean. My thoughts center around her often. <> I go to church then to work. Maj. Stein is glad to have me back. I have beaucoups mail including a letter from Ma, her last, & quite a long and seemingly happy one.

20 Jan. ’69 Mon. Put in a full day of work - getting reoriented The war is near - 4 B-52 strikes wake me up last night. I am still tired but glad to be back at my work. We start a crash building program in the hootch - partitions, etc.

21 Jan. ’69 Tue. Crash program in hootches continues - just about finished. It’s amazing what guys can do when they want or have to. Took a half day off to work on the barracks. Buy into Skip’s frig - $25

22 Jan. ’69 Wed. Intsum writer for a day - rather confused but fairly good intsum I believe. Actually I was sucking swamp gas most of the time. Go back on the guard roster FP #1 front - moan.

23 Jan. ’69 Thu. The big day of the IG - I am barracks orderly for the inspection. Jack Miller’s & my signals get crossed & I end up greeting the brass. I am not very military!! I got to play some hoop - felt pretty good but tomorrow is another day. Had some wine & a good talk with Skip about Jean & other “things”

24 Jan. ’69 Fri. Called down by Maj. Stein for being “late” - too much trouble to explain. Work on the maps & the ORLL. Major Stein really made me angry today about this war - made reference to the fact that one particular unit always went out and killed 2 VC - talked, joked about how this could turn into an incentive - just tell men that if they kill 6 VC or so a week & they could go back home. <>. I diplomatically left the office - sat outside & thought about things, about Jean, about inhumanity, about the situation, my situation in general. Wrote Jean but never get around to explain my “angryness” - she is a <> I wrote. Has a very calming, soothing effect on me.

25 Jan. ’69 Sat. Easy day at work - I have toned down my efforts at work to relax myself more & not get “up-tight.” I get another wake post C-20-1 in the front. For some reason I feel that Charlie may be out there but I am not afraid. I think of what Jean said about being alert - I think of our week together & time goes by quickly and pleasantly.

26 Jan. ’69 Sun. Good sermon at Church today - new priest from Boston (via St. Bona). He speaks of the humanity of Christ, of charity & love for man; he prays for an end to this conflict; he prays for those who have died. I watch Gen. Kerwin hang his head - what is he thinking of? No letter yet from Jean - tho Al & Doris send one. Doreen is accepted at Uconn - great!!

27 Jan. ’69 Mon. Typical Monday - perhaps even more typical than most. Really screwed around a bit today - missed something for para. 11 & Major Stein called me back & jumped in my shit. Wrote Jean that night & was comforted as usual.

28 Jan. ’69 Tue. Got a letter from Jean today - her first. I had the feeling that it would come. I was first impressed by her writing - very neat straight lines, well written, but perhaps more importantly, well thought out. Some of her thoughts were like poetry easy to remember & moreso because of her writing because it forced one to read slowly & thoughtfully. Sent her a Charlie Brown card of “Happiness” It was just great to get the letter - I took it to guard duty & read it over & over. Guard was rather exciting F.P. #1 front Guard mount was too much <> & do a “smart” about face. I awoke or was awakened by the OG at 1 AM & saw 2 others beside myself sacked out - Rector wasn’t on guard. This plus some small arms fire made it a very interesting night.

29 Jan. ’69 Wed. Things are getting back to normal. Today wasn’t a very eventful day. I learned that the swimming pool had split - Moan!! Got a letter from Chet - all is well in New Britain. He had given Jean a ride home & of course brought up me - Jean tried to picture the 2 letters I had written to her - seems she or he both got the impression that our relationship would be just a “good friendship” - I forget what I wrote but I wrote Chet to explain. I think Jean got the message though - I love her. P.S. broke another corkscrew

30 Jan. ’69 Thu. Put in a good days work - then did some running I feel pretty good now. I plan to write Jean & Marie - I think that Marie will be tickled pink to learn that I have met the girl. I hope that someday Jean & I can go visit her in France.

31 Jan. ’69 Fri. Pull guard C-20-1 but it is not so bad, as I once again think about Jean. The time goes by so quickly when I do - it gets so that guard is a relief because I have 3 hours with nothing to do but think of Jean.

1 Feb. ’69 Sat. It’s a great day as I get a letter from Jean with 4 pictures - They are all great 7 I don’t know which I like better - The “casual ones” (Jean slouched in a chair in a sweater & Corderoys) or the “nice” pictures Jean in her English tailored outfit standing in front of the fireplace that I love. They’re all wonderful and beautiful. I no longer have to grasp for an image of Jean. I think that I love the perfumed letter more though - I just close my eyes, take a deep breath & it feels as if I am close to Jean with my head in her soft warm hair as I loved when we were together. I only missed that head and hair so close to me because I was unable to kiss her on the head - to kiss her beautiful hair.

2 Feb. ’69 Sun. Bad day - I screw up the LOC interdiction report & Maj. Brooks gets on Maj. Stein. I really do not get uptight - it is a good feeling Work late (10 PM) on ORLL - I’m rather ticked off.

3 Feb. ’69 Mon. Another full day on the ORLL plus guard duty FP #4 front. I get a few hours off from guard and I manage to squeeze in a “short” letter to Jean - about 8 pages. I write about the pictures & especially about the perfume. I also get to mail the bracelet - I had written a card on Sunday which said that <> I wrote today because in 250 days I’ll be with Jean in Boston! It will be a great day. I also screwed up again today - <>

4 Feb. ’69 Tue. Got 3 letters from Jean today - 2 letters & 1 card - I had a feeling that something was “up.” One letter was happy the other was unhappy - I wrote Jean a letter when I was in a somber mood & it got there when she had had a bad day - Nevertheless, it was a bad letter anyway. I guess I sounded very unhappy. Her letter was confused, but it was evident that she was very upset. I should have seen it coming because her first two letters mentioned how glad she was that I was happy - then she read my letter, expecting a relief & happy to get it after her bad day & she fell fast & hit rock bottom. I will read the letter over & write tomorrow.

5 Feb. ’69 Wed. Things have slackened off at work. I get myself in a quiet place and try to write Jean the letter. It took me about 5 minutes to even start writing - I knew it would be difficult, but after I get going it isn’t bad. The letter is long - I promise Jean that I will never do that again. I tell her that happiness is letters from her, cards, pictures, etc. I feel that it is a good letter. I hope that Jean likes it and understands.

6 Feb. ’69 Thu. Sleeping Post finally FP #2 Rear - I get a good night’s sleep but miss my 3 hour stint w/ nothing but Jean to think about.

7 Feb. ’69 Fri. Write my Valentine’s message to Jean - SMACK! I thought my artistic interpretation of Jean was great! Wine, french bread & cheese!!

8 Feb. ’69 Sat. We are all anxiously awaiting Maj. Stein’s departure on R & R. Slow day although I did get the CG’s Debriefing Report out in the morning. I may write Jean tonight.

9 Feb. ’69 Sun. Mike Stein leaves for R & R to Hawaii - rejoice!! Day is really quiet & great! I write Jean from work draw my diagram!! Guard on FP #5 rear 2 in a row!!

10 Feb. ’69 Mon. Put in a good days work, although I come in a little later than usual. Also write Jean again today. It is really great to write her - makes the time go by. We don’t miss Mike. Refer to Hawaii.

11 Feb. ’69 Tue. Slow day - I take the morning off. All I think of is Jean so I have to finish reading Hemingway’s book to take my mind off “things.” I pull guard again tonight K 25 rear - 3rd shift. Spooky, gunships & B-52 strikes in close

12 Feb. ’69 Wed. Take a good part of the day off. This week is too much. Work detail on bunkers. Hope to write Jean tonight. 50+ VC killed 10 km from here last night. They’re getting close!!!

13 Feb. ’69 Thu. Another banner day with nothing much accomplished. I worked on the Perintrep thing, but that’s about it.

14 Feb. ’69 Fri. Work on base areas overlay - that’ll brown Mike up. I write Jean a good letter though perhaps a little maudlin. I had written half the night before but then on my 2nd morning off this week !! I reflected quite a bit for the daytime. Guess it was the B-52 strikes that I heard that moment that made me come to grips about my possible death. I read the letter over and thought it was a good letter so I mailed it. Had guard on C 20 Front 1st shift for a change - rockets come in on 199th again but not much damage done.

15 Feb. ’69 Sat. More B-52 strikes - Charlie is on his truce but is getting greeted by lead from the skies. I imagine that he is getting a little ticked off. No letter from Jean yet - the snow storm must have been really big!

16 Feb. ’69 Sun. Company detail today - I spent the day setting up trip flares & claymore mines. Got some mail from the East coast finally!! but again nothing from Jean. Avon must have a slow mail system I hope!! I hope that there is nothing wrong!! Al says that dad is not working & is staying at Rol’s “Good & Bad” I guess

17 Feb. ’69 Mon. At last a card from Jean. Just a beautiful Valentine’s day card - I felt a little embarrassed about the one that I sent her. Didn’t do very much at work. Guard duty was not too cool. My tooth gave me trouble all night => no sleep & on a sleeping post yet! Moan! Very quiet night.

18 Feb. ’69 Tue. What luck a letter from Jeannie - just a beautiful letter - probably because it was the first in about a week. Got a good laugh about her career as a cook! Overboiled coffee - Mr. Douglass had to chew it it was so bad. Went to the club at night pretty good band for a change. Good sound altho it was a typical “gross the broad out” type. My tooth acted up again while I was writing Jean so I ripped up the letter, but then dashed off another just to let her know that I was OK. Got a letter from dad - he seems OK too.

19 Feb. ’69 Wed. It continues to be quiet here seems we had a 24 hr. truce Sunday to Monday (7 PM to 7 PM) big deal! Met Gen. Kerwin & he actually said Hi! & he asked me how I was! Wow - little me. (deferred from Tuesday). I’m amazed at the lack of B-52 strikes altho one fell tonight near here. I suspect that there is something that I don’t know about. Skip said that the 5th Div was unloc & probably moved SW. It would be Great if the offensive fizzled. TET ends today. It’s the year of the Chicken, the Rooster or the Cock - I’m not sure which. Will write Jean tonight. Today is Ash Wednesday and I went to Church this noon. -saw Gen Abrahms 20 Feb. ’69 Thu. Not much happening. Get sleeping post FP #1 rear but again have trouble sleeping. Moan!! Shoot my 1st flare (not bad - lit up our whole perimeter!!). It’s quiet.

21 Feb. ’69 Fri. Slow day - don’t do a thing all morning. Attack is soon - perhaps tomorrow night. I write Jean to reassure her that all is well. Another week has passed.

22 Feb. ’69 Sat. Talk is rampant about the imminent attack. Tonight is the night Bien Hoa AB - Long Binh Post - II Field Force is slated to be hit by 1 bn of the 33rd Regt. I must admit that the thing has gotten to me a little. Although now I’m not too shook up. Jean wrote me a letter today it was really so great to hear from her. She said that she had not heard from me from 7 Feb to 15 Feb - poor thing. I love her so even if she does read “spicy smut” books. I will write her tonight. I hope that I can mail it tomorrow!! if not, it looks like C rations for awhile.

23 Feb. ’69 Sun. 2 AM - Good morning Vietnam - Red alert as rockets & mortars hit nearby. Our siren goes off eventually & I get to tape it - really something. PW compound gets hit as Cobras are visible firing rockets. I hear later that almost everyone got hit except us. I write Jean a note/card at 6 AM to go with the other 2 letters. I hope she gets them soon. I am going to the TOC now to assess the situation. Bien Hoa AB got 117 rds. Long Binh Post 84 rds. - 70 casualties approx 0200. 199th LIB hit by 4 rds Elsewhere Song Be Ba Ria & Dong Tau hit hard. Saigon took 6 rockets. The work day is slow - I left early & later got chosen for 24 hr. guard - our bunker is FP #4 Rear. At 9 PM numerous rds hit the ammo dump and other parts of Long Binh Post. Spookey going all night over by PW Compound I saw a B-52 in the sky leaving a vapor trail - minutes later he unloaded. Incidentally this day will go down in history as I recorded the Red alert - w/Cecil going Gung Ho outside - really good tape. Went to Church w/ Gen. Kerwin. <-[ I am not very phased]

24 Feb. ’69 Mon. The day starts early as at 1230 AM Long Binh Post gets hit again. Turned out it was a gnd attack by 2-3 cos reinforced of the 274th Regt - They took 132 killed. I don’t get much sleep as we have the 1-4 shift. I am on the perimeter until 3 PM but don’t sleep much. I burned grass for awhile. More is expected tonight as 1 bn of 33rd is to hit our rear w/ 2 bns out front. I hope to get some sleep before it starts I’m off to the office to get my mail - I hope that I have a letter from dear Jeannie. I cleaned my rifle and ammo - hope I don’t get to use it. I wrote home yesterday (Al) & wrote Jean a very short note today - I feel sorry for her, that’s what she gets with associating with me but I am so proud to have her. God be with us. Sure enough Jeannie came through with just a beautiful letter - it really turned me on must’ve been all that talk about kissing Mm-mm- m. I will answer tomorrow. I went to bed early as I was tired but had trouble getting to sleep because I kept thinking about Jean and what she said in the letter - damn! I set up my tape recorder for the night and went to bed in my clothes. I awoke around 2 AM and then went back to sleep. I am just so lucky to have someone like Jean to raise my morale higher than high.

25 Feb. ’69 Tue. Charlie was quiet last night around here - no alerts! so I got some sleep. I got to work about 8:45 and Stein really jumped on me - <> I was really ticked off. No major action last night - just more shelling and some probes. I wrote Jean a real good letter - I felt so caught up and in love with her. I got a card and a great letter (w/ more references to kissing) - God - I wrote her a beautiful letter - 2 letters and pictures actually. Got a tape from Al made at Roger’s house around the table. Mr. Riccio upstaged them all. I am still tired but just stayed up anyway to write Dear Jeannie. I was really turned on ...! Well, it is going to be a very hard & frustrating time.

26 Feb. ’69 Wed. Again a good night’s sleep worth of peace and quiet Dau Tieng really took quite a hit but not much in the way of casualties. Cu Chi lost 9 choppers. It is a very strange offensive - so many reports of rounds landing o/s perimeter! Are they really that bad?? a shot??? or is it for effect? VC are near so many momasons stay home - darnn! Saw a movie tonight for the first time in awhile I’m not writing Jean because she won’t get the letter until Monday anyway. She is so wonderful. I had thoughts briefly tonight while watching the Doris Day movie about not seeing her again and how it would be such a crime. It will be so great when we see each other again. No response from Jean re: Hawaii - I am not too disappointed as it would be a tough thing to work out. It would be very hard to control myself...!

27 Feb. ’69 Thu. Cu Chi really took a pretty big loss - Seems a unit moved way out of its AO to attack it and US casualties were fairly large. Lost my pipe today - moan!! Things are fairly quiet. I put in a good day’s work. Slept well last night as nothing much happened here. I have guard tonight on Bunker K-21 in the rear. Around 10 o’clock the war arrived at Plantation! I just heard 1 “crack” as I was asleep. I grabbed my helmet and hauled ass for the bunker. I didn’t see a thing but that 1 crack left little to be desired imagined! I was shook for a little while but after we joked about it. One round hit in front of K-25 - o/s the perimeter as a fire was started. It was a 122 mm rocket. There were rounds that impacted over by the 199th later. Long Binh Post went on Red alert later as well - seemed like a ground attack alert as there were no rounds that impacted. I went to sleep after awhile but I thought that the round only missed my position by about 100 yds & I was out sleeping in the open!!

28 Feb. ’69 Fri. Checked the TOC in the morning - 7 rds hit. 2 in Widow’s Village, 4 in front of bunkers on the perimeter and 1 by II FFV Arty Mess Hall. 1 Aussie was wounded by shrapnel that hit Widow’s Village. I suffered a scrape - not enough for a Purple Heart! Oh well. I had the morning off - slept a little - woke up to find 2 letters from Jean under my nose - what a beautiful way to wake up - I thought that it was the next best thing to waking up next to Jean. I also got a corkscrew from Jean - she’s so precious - it must have cost her a small fortune & she bought 2 - I’d like to see the one she didn’t send! I will now write Jean a letter w/ pictures. I will also try to tape the 11:30 B-52 strike 3 miles from here. Read 2 novels on afternoon guard - The Graduate & Rosemary’s Baby

1 Mar. ’69 Sat. Things have quieted down around here as the offensive has leveled off for awhile.- no one knows for how long - perhaps a week. We are still on Yellow alert - a blessing! Discuss religion in a letter to Jean. LOC interdiction out - no booboos

2 Mar. ’69 Sun. Another quiet day with a late start - Saigon alert at 6 PM - back to grey - Moan! Again I write Jean about the changes in the Church - I say that it is good and exciting because it brings Christ closer to us, makes our participation more meaningful. I also send beaucoups pictures - good letter.

3 Mar. ’69 Mon. Get guard finally at the end of another slow day - FP #4 front sleeping post. I don’t get much sleep. My shift (3rd) speeds by as I “dream of Jeannie”. I awoke during the night at the sound of a round going off and started to scramble - guess that rocket is still on my mind. Talk of me being the next intsum writer. It would be nice. Nice card to Jeannie.

4 Mar. ’69 Tue. Don’t do too much today as things are rather slow. I finally bought a SEIKO watch for $26.50 - no camera yet. Went to see “The Graduate” tonight at the service club - love that S&G. The place was packed - I’d say over 200 there. Charlie could have really messed us up. I got a lovely letter from Jean today thanking me for writing so often during that LONG week. She kept worrying about me all day - crazed by conflicting reports through the media. The poor woman - I’ll make it up to her. I promise!!

5 Mar. ’69 Wed. Things have slowed down some all around. I don’t do too much at work. I wrote Jean about the Graduate and other things.

6 Mar. ’69 Thu. Guard tonight at FP #4 rear, but nothing else happened. Darned mosquitoes kept me awake Slow day at work.

7 Mar. ’69 Fri. Again a slow day - Things have slowed to a snail pace I have a lot of work to do (I guess) but I’m just taking it easy. Got a card from Jean - letter to come.

8 Mar. ’69 Sat. Wow! a letter is right 7 pages plus a note from Jean’s sister Joyce - she seems very nice. The letter was great - I was really going for awhile - had to read it slow & once. Just a beautiful description of her living room - Jean is classic and precious - she liked the pictures especially of me on the bed with my corduroy pants (and w/out my shirt) - she wanted to be with right close next to me with her corduroy pants so that we could be “twins” - mm-m - beaucoup X’s yeah I write her that night

9 Mar. ’69 Sun. Company detail today - (Moan!) - I was supposed to have guard but we went on yellow alert at 6 PM so no guard - I may not have it for awhile as Skip is off to R&R soon - Mailed my IBM type “love” letter plus a card - Not the sexy one.

10 Mar. ’69 Mon. Yellow alert again - This is really great. No guard again. Today I wrote Jean a St. Patrick’s Day card & one to Mel ( a Snoopy one). Get some letter off to dad & Rita & George. Slow day at work - quiet before the storm.

11 Mar. ’69 Tue. I write the intsum today while Skip sits around - very hectic day as I wore 4 hats!! It is a very long day ending at 9 PM - Moan!! Tomorrow should be great as Skip will be off to Bangkok on R&R. I give him money for a scarf for Jean. I am very tired but manage to get a letter off to Jean anyway - a nice letter.

12 Mar. ’69 Wed.I am the intsum writer - yeah until 9:30 PM at night!! It is not as tough as yesterday though. It is a pretty boring job to say the least. Needless to say I hit the sack after a nice hot shower. No letter to Jean tonight

13 Mar. ’69 Thu. The intsum goes a little better today as I finished by 6:30 PM. This morning I received a letter from Jean , a note actually at 9:20 AM It was a short “note to say, I love you. It was difficult to read this note written at 2:45 AM and then rush right back to work with any degree of concentration. This was the first time that Jean had said that to me - she was sorry that it wasn’t in person...so am I. I will try to answer Jean’s note as effectively as she wrote it but I doubt it - even her ending was perfect and succinct I love you Don, Jean

14 Mar. ’69 Fri. Just a regular day - intsum goes out a little later tonight. It really is a pain. It rained today for the first time in a while - really freshened up the air.

15 Mar. ’69 Sat. Got another long letter from Jean today - she talked about Church (she went and really enjoyed the service - That’s great!). She said something very profound in elaborating about the fact that the church is really the only thing between us - she said <> God! she is really wonderful - I never could have thought about that. She made it known to me that she is still an Episcopalian. She said others have faced this problem and solved it, that in some way we will too. She reads her prayers nightly, without fail from a book she has - I think that that is really beautiful. / Wrote Annex A (Moan!)

16 Mar. ’69 Sun. I went to Church today & thought about what Jean had written. I wrote her a long letter that night to tell her that there is not anyone or anything that will stand between us - I meant it. BC beats Kansas in the NIT

17 Mar. ’69 Mon.Get through with the Intsum fairly early - Saw a Fabian moviewhich had some very pretty scenes of Europe. All I thought of was being with Jean - how great it would be to go there with her. I miss her very much.

18 Mar. ’69 Tue. Things are quiet all around although I work late again. This intsum job is hectic. Card & letter from Jean Marie Honeysuckle by Avon

19 Mar. ’69 Wed.Last day of writing the intsum as Skip is back - controversy over the $5. BC beat Louisville 88-83 tough game evidently. Things are looking good

20 Mar. ’69 Thu. Back to doing nothing. I spend most of the day cleaning up. I wonder if writing the intsum is so great. I pull two details and get a half day off - unbelievable!! I still got up for reveille. Get my $5

21 Mar. ’69 Fri. BC took Army OK - one more to go - Temple BC losing at the end of the 1st half - 19 in a row I talk BC up big as usual. No mail from Jean for awhile.

22 Mar. ’69 Sat. Finally get a card from Jean - a nice one to say she misses me (& with X’s) I am anxiously awaiting “The game”!

23 Mar. ’69 Sun. Get up at 2 AM to hear the finals of the NIT. BC does well for awhile but in the second half is unable to get up by 7 on 4 different occasions. Temple comes back to tie and take the lead. Final Score . 89-76. It was a shame for Cousy - he sounded very disappointed. So am I - Driscoll is MVP over BAUM I write Jean a note and get a “miss you” card.

24 Mar. ’69 Mon.Long Binh Post took 17 rockets yesterday I woke up, heard the siren and then dropped off to sleep. Got another card from Jean saying that she misses me. I didn’t do much work at the office so I was kinda looking for something from her - she really came through nicely. I play some ball that night - gotta stay (get!) in shape

25 Mar. ’69 Tue. All is quiet again last night - in the morning mail I get another card from her - one about how she misses me more than her pillow does. I wrote her that night about how I wish that I were her pillow. I had also written about my next assignment as I had learned that I was to be the subject of a BI (Background Investigation) along with Bob Sullivan for a special assignment by DA. I have no idea where it would be or what - possibly in D.C. but probably not in Ft. Devins, Mass. I didn’t send that part of the letter - wrote and told her so and that if she wanted to know what I wrote then I’d mail it to her.

[One year in the Army; I have done much, and gone far and wide and experienced many new things like death and love. I’ll never forget this first year]

26 Mar. ’69 Wed.What a way to start a day - ANOTHER card from Jean and what a card full of x’s and even a + whatever that is! and a nice big I LOVE YOU all decorated out - Good God!! Also the letter and envelope had kisses all over as I could detect the print of her lips and even some lipstick marks - I was squirming and climbing the walls all morning. Tonight I’m going to send her the “SEXY” card and go see “The Sound of Music”.

27 Mar. ’69 Thu. No card from Jean as I figured. Didn’t do very much at work. I still haven’t been put back on the guard roster - great!!

28 Mar. ’69 Fri. Pretty slow day again - I start getting psyched up for the CCP - very slowly - Get a letter from Jeannie with a new type envelope and paper with flowers of course!

29 Mar. ’69 Sat. Hear the news that Ike has died - he really put up quite a battle even to the end. This will be the 4th State funeral in D.C. in 5 years! Have yet to write the CCP - get a call from Stoeker - he was in the great battle of Long Binh Post - how ‘bout that!

30 Mar. ’69 Sun. Get the not very good news that Tinsman is going to extend here 3 months as his orders for Nha Trang were not approved. I am bitter not so much at Skip as I am about being tossed around. I think of what Jean would expect of me and I apply myself to my work on the CCP - write up a good part of the draft. Get a letter from Jean, but still am somber.

31 Mar. ’69 Mon.Payday! This has been a long month but the time went by quickly. Got a rain storm for awhile and I had thoughts about guard on the perimeter. Things are looking up as Skip has decided to go to the 219th. Continue on CCP

1 Apr. ’69 Tue. April Fool’s Day -and so it is- Maj. Stein tells me that I will get the ED slot when Skip goes to the 219th Great!! My plans about 1049’ing out are put aside. Skip Esterly who is back on days plays a little April Fool Trick on me by holding back a card/letter from Jeannie. I don’t play his game and do not go to the cage to see if there was any mail. Actually I was preparing for the prospect that perhaps Jean did not send me a card/letter. She’s good. She “Fox-like” brings up the question of birth control.

2 Apr. ’69 Wed. Long Binh Post took 18 rockets with 2 killed - officers about 10:30 PM. I could tell that the rounds were incoming. Guess I’ve been here too long. Started my letter about birth control to Jean - it should be a classic (of confusion) - I write 7 pages but not much on birth control.

3 Apr. ’69 Thu. Finish up that letter - I really don’t give a positive answer on it but I guess I sound like I am more for it then against it. I try to say that it is different for couples according to their circumstances - emotional, physical, financial, and sexual. It is a question of right & wrong, obligation and right. I think that it’s a good letter.

4 Apr. ’69 Fri. Routine day at work - not much doing - naturally I look for a letter from Jean but there is none. I write Jean a letter.

5 Apr. ’69 Sat. Get a letter from Jean - it’s a good feeling she goes into Ike’s death - or rather the prolongation of health by machines. Work on CCP

6 Apr. ’69 Sat. Another day at the CCP although it is more of a mopping up deal - which I dislike - also I chase down some figures for the 2d day in a row for Major Stein. I write a pretty poor letter about my “day” I wasn’t going to mail it but did anyway - actually it wasn’t that bad. Answer re: Ike

6 Apr. ’69 Sun. Easter I go to Church - work on Annex A plus a number of little projects - Jean sends an Easter card - a beautiful one. I send her a miss you card with lots of “Goodies” including a short-timer’s calendar a copy of my “signed for letter”

7 Apr. ’69 Mon. CCP getting typed - I stroll around getting things done slowly. Get an unexpected letter from Jean - kinda nice - a 3 day job. Mostly it’s about my “reassignment” letter - she’s more worried & confused now than before - that’s typical of you Don!! I’ll write tonight to explain - everything

8 Apr. ’69 Tue. Nothing much now that CCP is on its way - proofreading mostly. I answer Jean’s letter.

9 Apr. ’69 Wed. Things have really slowed down - I have work to do but don’t really feel like doing it.

10 Apr. ’69 Thu. Maj. Stein is gone for most of the day - really great!! Get a letter from Jean & an Easter card from her parents which I think is very thoughtful and I write Jean and tell her so. She’s worried about my not being so afraid. Funny bit on camping.

11 Apr. ’69 Fri. Martell leaves for the world (90th Repl) as we have a little party for him. Tinsman is off to the 219th MID so I am now E.D.!! I write the Intsum today & it keeps me busy. Celts are up 2 & 1 over the Knicks Bruins are down 1-0 and the Sox are 1 & 2 Today was a bad day for Boston. Write strong letter Jean Don

12 Apr. ’69 Sat. Get 2 great big letter from Jean - on birth control and other things plus 3 lovely pictures (mug shots) 2 were taken in Feb with the others I got & one was taken the 7th of Apr - she’s in a red knit dress and looks great!! I write that night but not re: the Church or birth control.

13 Apr. ’69 Sun. Half a day off - really great I cut a tape for George & Rita. Really relaxing - Skip has moved over to the top bunk.

14 Apr. ’69 Mon. Typical Monday - get to listen to a Red Sox game vs. Cleveland most of the afternoon as Maj. Stein is gone. Get another letter from Jean. kind of a kooky letter - she must be cracking up!! My bet with Skip on who got the most letters ended in a tie 41-41 It was fun to count down dramatically and I’m glad it was a tie. Rockets hit Long Binh Post again - I count 11 & sec fire by the ammo dump but officially it was 15.

15 Apr. ’69 Tue. Another letter from Jean - answering my letter re: my next duty station. She takes it very well. One thing struck me - she said that no matter what I did she would be behind me all the way. I think that is very important. I missed a letter from Jean though - the one written at work - possibly with pictures!! Oh well.

16 Apr. ’69 Wed. I get to bed early today - 9:30 - no letter to Jean. I started to work on the BBT study also no letter from Jean.

17 Apr. ’69 Thu. Typical Thursday - no letter from Jean altho one from Lorette - she’s found herself a beau Jean Pare. Pool opened today and I swam a good half hour Maj. Stein was off to Saigon. 15 May for my R&R to Vung Tau. LBP got hit again tonight w/2 rkts

18 Apr. ’69 Fri. Wrote the Intsum as Skip had guard also got a letter from Jean finally.

19 Apr. ’69 Sat. Another letter from Jean One in the morning and today. It’s good to hear from her. I get some more swimming in. Also wrote the Intsum

20 Apr. ’69 Sun. 1/2 day off - supposed to go to the range but don’t go. Do go for a good swim. I’m getting darker. I win my bet re; Celtics but Skip finds another letter so it’s even Steven

21 Apr. ’69 Mon. Start working on projects / I don’t write a very big letter just a card and a note as Sat & Sun I wrote Jean some pretty deep and large letters answering her disagreements with the Church; going into birth control a little etc. 2 good letters

22 Apr. ’69 Tue. No letter from Jean today or yesterday either. She had written 2 cards ‘cuz she was modeling some pretty “un-conservative outfits” and was quite busy she mentioned writing a letter for sure in her last card but it never showed. Still I write a long letter on the CIA & family at work. Getting darker

23 Apr. ’69 Wed. Still no letter and I am getting worried. I don’t feel like doing much. Tomorrow’s Thursday & that’s usually a bad mail day. I get detail tonight - wow! I still hope to write Jean.

24 Apr. ’69 Thu. Well, the letter came - Jeannie was so busy she took 4 days to get one off. I’m still plotting my booby trap map - moan!

25 Apr. ’69 Fri. Jackpot! a card & a letter - a really great “heart” letter from Jean! The card with note was written on early Sunday morning. I don’t write much of the Intsum today.

26 Apr. ’69 Sat. 200 days in-country only 165 to go. No mail today but I wasn’t expecting any. - did get a letter from dad. Write a nice long letter

27 Apr. ’69 Sun. Morning off again - I go to Church then write a little of Jean’s letter; write dad & go swimming I swam real hard & long today and feel good. I am greeted by a letter from Jean - then in the afternoon I get a card with a note saying that she had read my birth control letter etc letter and sat for 11/2 hrs. thinking but not being able to write!

28 Apr. ’69 Mon. Got an interesting letter from Jeannie on birth control - Begin to work on the LOC report

29 Apr. ’69 Tue. Not much doing today - still work on the LOC rpt - not doing much for the ORLL, except catch up on the perintreps.

30 Apr. ’69 Wed. LOC Report gets out - I begin to work on the ORLL. Pay day - buy 50 shares of SPS (I hope!!)

1 May. ’69 Thu. More on the ORLL - get out quite a bit on the report. It is easier to write now.

2 May. ’69 Fri. Get a strange letter from Jean - her answer to our discussion on the Church - it is a very strong reply - She disagrees with me a great deal I don’t write a strong reply - in fact I wait.

3 May. ’69 Sat. Get another strange letter in which Jean thinks that because of her previous letter that I would have nothing to do with her!! Again I cool it re: a reply.

4 May. ’69 Sun. Don’t get a day off as Werkman’s off to R&R. Jean’s letter today is a calm regular letter and I am very relieved and grateful that I did not reply immediately. My reply to Jean is one referring to despair and the challenge we face.

5 May. ’69 Mon. Things are back to normal - Thankfully. Nothing much at work.

6 May. ’69 Tue. Another slow day - I’m taking 2 hours for lunch to go swimming. Celts win title!!!

7 May. ’69 Wed. New lt. in - takes my desk moan!! Seems like a gung-ho dufus.

8 May. ’69 Thu. Sox are doing great - I don’t write Jean today as it’s a Sunday mail day back home.

9 May. ’69 Fri. Werkman is back so things really come to a crawl.

10 May. ’69 Sat. Write the intsum in the afternoon - nothing much else

11 May. ’69 Sun. Maj. Stein off to R&R for a week - great I take the morning off & goof off during the afternoon. I write the intsum but it is not very long - get my tape recorder!! It’s a beaut!!! Get a card from Jean - kinda cute

12 May. ’69 Mon.Tape S&G - it’s terrific. Red alert with big rain No mail from Jean today - I take it easy though. Take beaucoups time off. Much activity again.

13 May. ’69 Tue. Get a strange letter from Jean in reply to my letter about her despondent letter - she got 3 letters in 7 days!! out of sequence so she was in a daze!! Poor kid. Also got 3 great pictures - Jean sure is a beautiful girl - one is of her in a chair with her dress pretty high up - her dad said send it after she said “Oh Good Lord” -(glad she did!) - she is really beautiful and chic!!!! Write the intsum 26 pages - there ‘til 9:30 PM Very hard shower.

14 May. ’69 Wed.Hoping to get Jean’s next letter but it doesn’t come Oh well. I’m off to Vung Tau tomorrow for 3 day R&R - I’ll write her tonight... I LOVE HER...Write 19 page intsum - getting smaller. Sic 17 May. ’69 Thu. Depart 7:30 AM for Bien Hoa AB enroute to Vung Tau for in country R&R - 3 days - I spend most of the day at Bien Hoa waiting for a flight. Lv about 3:30 for a 25 minute flight in a twin-engine prop plane - C7A Caribou - Wow what a ride. I was over the engine so the thing really shook! I sign in at the R&R center around 5:30. In getting off the bus - whole bunch of kids rush up to touch you to “claim” I had heard about them but their enthusiasm is too much. I could have waited until about 7 to sign in to get the extra day but I am really anxious to get back to Plantation and Jean’s letters. We have a steak for supper but it is rather tough - the San Miguel beer is very good tho. I return to write Jean a letter and get to bed. I am the only one to sleep in the room as my 3 “roommates” found somewhere else to sleep. Sic 18 May. ’69 Fri. Sleep ’til about eight go to breakfast and then take a bus out to see the beach. So far I am not very impressed with Vung Tau itself - rather dirty. I return to the USO and get some coffee, postcards of my plane and a free tape letter - In the afternoon I go to the beach for a swim in the South China Sea but I am not too impressed with it - water is too warm and I’d prefer the Atlantic or Long Island Sound any day - I swim for awhile & get some sun then head back for a few drinks and dinner. I go up to the sun porch and write Jeannie a letter - it is pretty nice out. Later I cut a tape - with one side explaining my recorder and a birthday wish - I tell her about the silk scarf I bought for her. The other side is a description of her pictures which I had spread out before me on the mattress - she is so pretty and I love her and miss her so. Fall asleep late that night - guess it’s the food. The boysans were stepping up their campaign - calling me “Lover” and saying “Hey you want cherry girl?” I find them and the American civilizing influence in the form of short miniskirts and large hairdos and beer cans strewn all over as very amusing, but really it is distressing too. What will come of it?? Again I sleep in the room by myself.

17 May. ’69 Sat. Get up at 8 again and head for the P.X. at Vung Tau to look for tapes. I don’t find any to my liking but buy 4 records that I hope to play and record from. I get off on QL 15 in search for the Buddhist Temple but I walk about a mile into a sleezy \, smelly part of town and I discreetly turn back!! In the afternoon I’m off to the beach for awhile again. Then return for a few beers and dinner. I write Al in the afternoon and Dad and of course Jean at night. I answer Jean’s last letter in a sense - I assure her that she may not be as serious as I but she is very smart and mature and dependence & leaning on me is all part of being in love as I too lean and depend on her - That’s what makes it great this sharing. The boys are in and noisy also the food does not sit well so I don’t get much sleep.

18 May. ’69 Sun. We are awoken at 4:30 AM and fly out about 7 from Vung Tau - I am more accustomed to prop planes now so it is a nicer ride. I am anxious to get Jean’s letter!!! I’ll be off to church. Sunday I sleep at the office for the yellow alert

19 May. ’69 Mon.Yellow alert tonight & I get to pull guard on K 21 rear - actually it’s fun & I only pull from 10-12. No letter from Jeannie - I write Intsum today.

20 May. ’69 Tue. Pretty active “enemy wise” - no letter from Jeannie but I get to sleep in my bed for the first time in 5 days!!!

21 May. ’69 Wed.Still no letter from Jean MOAN!! and tomorrow is Thursday! Oh well!! All is quiet again for the most part. The pool splits tho - moan!!!

22 May. ’69 Thu. Fairly quiet - I write the Intsum & forget to classify the 1st page - Oh well!! No mail from Jean as expected but I don’t notice as I am busy!

23 May. ’69 Fri. 3 letters (2 + 1 card/note) - dated 19 May AM in the AM & 1 little card - 18 May PM in the PM The little card is ’cuz she hasn’t received a letter for almost a week. The 3 letters say she got 4 letters one day & 3 the next!!! I copy the BC games on a big reel to have empty reels to send home. Plantation takes 2 rkts in the early morn - 1 hits on the football field! I never heard them & we never went on alert Glad of it!!! Stay up late.

24 May. ’69 Sat. Cut a tape to send to Jean with music in the background/it’s pretty nice but I am up into the early hours - like 2:30 AM!!

25 May. ’69 Sun. Don’t get much sleep - I am up in the morning getting tapes for Jean & getting the recorder ready to mail. At lunch I go up to the office & get a letter from Jean saying that she is not too crazy about talking into a machine so I decide not to send it. I’ll send her the silk scarf when I can find a box for it. We get our water back today after 3 days w/out it. I write Jean

26 May. ’69 Mon. I write the intsum today but it is a rather bad day - little scuffle with Sgt. Villareal re: after hours detail. Maj. Stein backs him & chews me out “Court martial...etc.!! Plus I get my heels locked by a Lt. Col for not saluting fast enough!! It’s a good thing that it’s a Monday

27 May. ’69 Tue. Write intsum today. Things have settled some but I am still irked.

28 May. ’69 Wed.Intsum writer again today so no detail. I write Jeannie as usual - she’s calming.

29 May. ’69 Thu. Again I’m the intsum writer. I send Jean her package with S&G poster, short time calendar, LOVE sign and silk scarf - I hope it gets there in time for her birthday. Then I realize I mailed it 1 day early as 4 June is on a Wednesday Oh well. Pay Day !!!

30 May. ’69 Fri. Memorial Day (here any day) - in fact I get thrown on company detail & have to cut grass in the rain MOAN!! Naturally I catch a cold.

31 May. ’69 Sat. Another month by the boards!! Yeah!! The days are getting longer - it seems. Send Birthday card (a nice one!)

1 Jun. ’69 Sun. 1/2 day off - Skip has night off so we open up a bottle of wine ‘cept I push the cork through! We get talking til midnight on various subjects mostly the Church & birth control & children in a mixed marriage. Very rewarding as I get to sound out my views to someone else.

2 Jun. ’69 Mon. Maj. Stein’s replacement is in - Maj Melby - seems OK. Couldn’t be worse. I move my pictures.

3 Jun. ’69 Tue. Quiet slow day - too slow. I get a letter mailed a weeks ago - it’s about Jean meeting my dad - I explain as before with the card I got a few days earlier - BE YOURSELF

4 Jun. ’69 Wed. Happy Birthday Jean - I cut a tape and send to Al et al & Dad, for Father’s day. No mail from Jeannie today. I write Jean a rather poor letter - just don’t feel like writing for some reason. Kinda blue I guess - not short enough!!

5 Jun. ’69 Thu. Write intsum today - so I keep busy. I get a cute letter from Jeannie and feel very good.

6 Jun. ’69 Fri. Awoken around 3 AM for a “yellow alert” - rkts at Bien Hoa AB. At 6 there’s some at the ammo dump - I end up sleeping in my clothes - MOAN!!! Write the Intsum today as Skip is Sgt. of the Guard. I look forward to the time when I will have it all to myself. Trouble in Hartford for 4 nights now. Get a really cute “Thitty” card from Jean & a letter re: time & tapes (she felt very bad about it) I’ll wait a few days before I decide to send it. Write to Jean. RFK - 1 year ago.

7 Jun. ’69 Sat. Nothing much - I write the intsum & Skip does Annex A.

8 Jun. ’69 Sun. 1/2 day off - hurrah. A little activity at night as area gets rocketed.

9 Jun. ’69 Mon. Nothing much ‘cept Nixon announces w/drawal of 25,000 men - it’s token but it is a start!!!

10 Jun. ’69 Tue. “ “ “ no mail from Jean

11 Jun. ’69 Wed. “ “ “ “ “ “ “

12 Jun. ’69 Thu. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 1st & 2d Btns, 9th Div to go

13 Jun. ’69 Finally get a letter from Jean a big fat one with pictures of her birthday really pretty ones & she’s wearing a light dress with her bracelet, her pearl & her lovely smile Her brother & parents had trouble so she was too upset to send the letters she wrote.

14 Jun. ’69 Sat. I write the Intsum another letter from Jean What luxury!!

15 Jun. ’69 Sun. Letter from Jean What luxury! Skip’s birthday party - I put 4 matches in a cookie. - Good Time.

16 Jun. ’69 Mon. Letter from Jean “ “ !

17 Jun. ’69 Tue. Letter from Jean “ “ ! Major Stein finally leaves - Hurrah!!!!

18 Jun. ’69 Wed. No mail from Jean I’m put in for E-5

19 Jun. ’69 Thu. Really gr No mail from Jean today

20 Jun. ’69 Fri. Beautiful Father’s day letter from Jean with all kinds of lovely images. Skip gets letter after week +

21 Jun. ’69 Sat. Card & note from Jean -

22 Jun. ’69 Sun. 1/2 day off I get my answer to the PMS question It’s pretty long. Letter from Jean

23 Jun. ’69 Mon. I begin work on the CCP - last report Yeah!! Letter from Jean today

24 Jun. ’69 Tue. Still continue on CCP - & get letter from Jean - good day.

25 Jun. ’69 Wed. Slow day - no mail from Jeannie

26 Jun. ’69 Thu. Work on CCP / “ “ “ “

27 Jun. ’69 Fri. 2 letters from Jeannie - Great!

28 Jun. ’69 Sat. Today I get a letter from Jean in which she has had a talk with Janet about PMS - not so sure re: It’s easier said than done

29 Jun. ’69 Sun. Another good sized letter re: The subject Finish CCP input

30 Jun. ’69 Mon. Write the Intsum -

1 Jul. ’69 Tue. Intsum writer officially

2 Jul. ’69 Wed. Guard looks on the horizon No mail from Jeannie

3 Jul. ’69 Thu. “ “ “ “

4 Jul. ’69 Fri. Happy 4th - Unit Cookout w/steaks & beer. Shoot a whole roll of film with my camera - well Skip does most of the shooting as I am helpless! Get a good shot of a rainbow and of an explosion at the ammo dump. Pull company detail for Hoerner! Help dig a latrine with pick & shovel. MOAN!! Letters (2) from Jean.

5 Jul. ’69 Sat. Pretty tired but nothing unusual - get a letter from Jeannie.

6 Jul. ’69 Sun. No more 1/2 day off - MOAN! Intsum is a pain in the neck but time goes by. Do Annex A.

7 Jul. ’69 Mon. Typical Monday - lousy!! except for a letter from Jean! Tinsman leaves Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 Jul. ’69 Tue. Activity is slow - so there’s not much work to do. Letter from Jean. Take recorder to get fixed. MOAN!

9 Jul. ’69 Wed. Poor day - not much to do and no mail period! Get ready for my surprisingly early board!

10 Jul. ’69 Thu. Another slow day - no mail and no activity Go before E-5 promotion board - not too bad! Glad it’s over

11 Jul. ’69 Fri. Alas 2 letters from Jean - the afternoon one is very interesting re: PMS and other things - I can’t write a good reply as Skip is taping in the area.

12 Jul. ’69 Sat. Answer Jean’s letter with a long detailed letter - it is quiet and conducive to writing. I am up past 12 - to 1:30 AM writing the answer.

13 Jul. ’69 Sun. Write another good sized letter on various things. Activity is pretty slow

14 Jul. ’69 Mon. Pill Day!! Moan! All is quiet on the war front. Eat at EM Club $1.50 Buffet/Mmmm!!

15 Jul. ’69 Tue. Pictures from Doris & letter - They’re off to Canada instead of Florida. Doreen is in grad. & prom outfit My pictures are back & I send a few to Jean. Also learn that Renee is in NBGH for 3 wks for a rest. Send Jean $5 for flowers.

16 Jul. ’69 Wed. No letter from Jeannie in an otherwise slow day. Apollo 11 of f to the Moon.

17 Jul. ’69 Thu. Another no letter day - 12 more Thursday to go!! MOAN!!

18 Jul. ’69 Fri. Good day for mail w/ nice letter from Jean as they all are.

19 Jul. ’69 Sat. Hear from dad - he’s had a good vacation in Canada and will be home soon. Good news.

20 Jul. ’69 Sun. Quiet day except for a few 6:15 AM rockets in Bien Hoa AB - Don’t get much sleep as I was up late once again. It was nice tho - writing to Jean is always a pleasure. Armstrong & Aldrin land and walk on moon. Unbelievable!!! Rain here all the night so I don’t see man on the moon!! EMK in accident & woman dies!!!

21 Jul. ’69 Mon. Lift off from moon is successful - and linkup is made. Letter from Jean re: death of Claire’s friend in ’Nam.

22 Jul. ’69 Tue. Slow day - no mail as expected. Apollo on way back. Go to club for Cheeseburger but too late. Fight later - oh well.

23 Jul. ’69 Wed. No All-Star game; No letter from Jeannie - Good Grief!! Note to Jean at noon - for her vacation!!

24 Jul. ’69 Thu. Very quiet day - National League won All Star Game 9-3 MOAN! Astros on way back - no letter from Jean.

25 Jul. ’69 Fri. Hurrah - Apollo 11 completed & a letter from Jean - still am due a larger letter from the day before. Darn mail system!!

26 Jul. ’69 Sat. Well I get the letter - not like I expected tho - Jean is sorry for her behavior in January! and promises to change. Good grief - What did I say?! I immediately write to straighten out the intent of my letter. Everything is pretty slow on the war front.

27 Jul. ’69 Sun. WOW!! A package of goodies - poems, pictures, posters, incense, etc. Include. 2 good [grand? - grad?] pictures, 2 ‘before’ pictures of Jean’s room and 3 ‘after’ I like the before pictures better - taken 1/15/69; a picture of Jean’s lawn complete w/ ‘grass’ Ha! Also a picture of Jean in a bathing suit taken 1 yr ago. Plus 2 cute presents among other things.

28 Jul. ’69 Mon. Finally get the 3d letter from the weekend - and answer it plus a little card with note.

29 Jul. ’69 Tue. 2 cards from Jean - real cute include. an invitation to a sit in on her green couch in October. Great idea!! Skip to Vung Tau

30 Jul. ’69 Wed. No mail today - All is very quiet => not much to do.

31 Jul. ’69 Thu. 2 letters from Jean - one is a card with a poem in it to me and the other a middle of the night thought from Jean.

1 Aug. ’69 Fri. 200 days since I left Jean! 68 to go!! Skip is not back from R&R. Really delightful letter from Jean - commenting on my pictures. Asks for #3 of me putting my shirt on Ha! The best part was her remembering holding my hand in her lap & playing with the hair on my arm. Mmmm. I answer this one right away. I also compose a poem (?) re: changes & send it with a card.

2 Aug. ’69 Sat. No letter from Jean - tho Rector brought Sunday morn’s mail so I did get a letter. It was pretty nice and enjoyable. I answered it that night - about Joyce & birth control pills & the role of sister, witness etc.

3 Aug. ’69 Sun. Long Day no letter from Jean. Things are fairly quiet. The time goes by at it’s own speed.

4 Aug. ’69 Mon. Voila! Mail - a letter from Sister Alice and of course a letter from Jean. New kind stationary - describes October Yeah!!!!

5 Aug. ’69 Tue. No mail today - oh well. All is pretty quiet - Skip goes back on nights. Tape recorder to repair!

6 Aug. ’69 Wed. No mail again today - it’s getting harder to go without. I figure she’s helping Joyce move. Allocations for E-5!!!

7 Aug. ’69 Thu. Another bad day for mail - Darn!! I worry about there not being any tomorrow. Another slow day. 2 months!!!

8 Aug. ’69 Fri. Finally a shortie note from Jean - LOVE HER. All is quiet on the Front. Cam Ranh Bay & Nha Trang get hit

9 Aug. ’69 Sat. Work on Annex A at night - goof off most of the afternoon & then remember that I have it due. Letter from Jean.

10 Aug. ’69 Sun. No mail today for some reason - guess it’s the airline strike that is affecting it (PAN AM)

11 Aug. ’69 Mon. Again no mail - Darn - I find out that my R&R is on 6 September.

12 Aug. ’69 Tue. Increase in activity as Bien Hoa AB gets hit. Numerous gnd atks all over Start of Fall offensive. Two letters from Jeannie today. She had to help Joyce move & then had to cut the grass. Good girl. Payment due note!!

13 Aug. ’69 Wed.Note/card/picture from Jean - It’s pretty tho she puts hat, moustache & * necklace on. Emma letter ha!! More pictures due with next letter. Really felt good with this surprise letter. Lesser amt of activity.

14 Aug. ’69 Thu. No mail today but promotion to E-5. effective 13 August $$ Orders in for Oct but none for me. Darn!!

15 Aug. ’69 Fri. Letter from Jeannie. Activity slows down a bit. No pictures as yet. - Forget to go to Church for Assumption Day. Darn!!

16 Aug. ’69 Sat. Finally get the 2 other pictures - of Jean in a blue blouse of jersey & shorts w/ mosquito bite on right thigh - taken by Joyce - kinda pretty smile Jean has on - No word yet on the assignment - some are in for Oct

17 Aug. ’69 Sun. No letter from Jeannie. Activity continues to drop back to a normal level.

18 Aug. ’69 Mon.Card/ Note from Jean - really delightful - get ready for another IG inspection MOAN! Tinsman’s back Call for my assignment but Lee is not there - tomorrow.

19 Aug. ’69 Tue. Get $25 back for my refrigerator - no mail today. CCP is #1 53 stars

20 Aug. ’69 Wed.Big day - letter from Jeannie in the afternoon but in the morning I learn my assignment after a bit of a wait due to tracking it down. I learned early in the shower from Lee that it was a controlled assignment but he couldn’t remember where it was. About 10:30 he calls with the news - ENT AFB, Colorado USARADCOM. At first I am disheartened by the assignment but Maj. Melby says it’s a good assignment. Air Defense Command. I find out that ENT is in Colorado Springs and write Jean to tell her the news. Except for the distance it’s an ideal assignment. I hope to be able to catch flights home from the Air Force Base - have to wait & see - I write Jean a long letter about the various prospects. Also hear from Renee - she thanks me for the flowers - The message “From Vietnam” puzzled her because she thought I was still in college - after awhile she remembers. 7 weeks

21 Aug. ’69 Thu. Long Day - 48 to go!! Have my tape recorders back all fixed now I hope for my turtle’s arrival. No letter from Jeannie today - letters are taking 6 days to arr!

22 Aug. ’69 Fri. A letter from Jean today - Activity is pretty low at present. Write to let people know my assignment.

23 Aug. ’69 Sat. Another typical day - I write up Annex A - am being put in for a bronze star - but for the intsum writer’s job - no mention of my other work at all ... oh well.. There is talk of a big drop - it would be nice. Letter from Jeannie

24 Aug. ’69 Sun. Finish up Annex A and write the intsum - The turtle will start to write next week.

25 Aug. ’69 Mon.Time goes by - I don’t write the intsum today but get mail - time drags by without work to do. Letter - short note from Jean more to come.

26 Aug. ’69 Tue. No mail as the truck broke down. Darn!! Turtle writes the intsum under my scrutiny - he’s very disgruntled!!!

27 Aug. ’69 Wed No mail again - Moan!! Another slow day of watching somebody do my job. 6 weeks to go

28 Aug. ’69 Thu. Not much doing - just watching that calendar go down. No letter again today.

29 Aug. ’69 Fri. Wow!! 2 nice big letters - one a very serious one of the 20th with some pretty frank thoughts; the other a letter about things in general and about letter writing - I write Jean that night re: the first one. 40 days!! Pay day today as well but no E-5 difference yet

30 Aug. ’69 Sat. Great day - no mail from Jean but my tuner arrives suddenly - best news of all though is my port call!!! 26 Sept a 12 day drop. I send a copy of it to Jean with 2 paperclips for 2 weeks less to go - I have 27 days instead of 39!!! Yeah!!!

1 Sep. ’69 Sun. Average day at work - not much is going on no letter today - 1st time no mail on weekend since January I think. No sweat.

2 Sep. ’69 Mon. Get a replacement intsum writer and a 2 letters from Jean. Outstanding day although Jean cried at first learning of my ENT AFB assignment. DARN!!

3 Sep. ’69 Tue. I write the intsum today - no letter from Jean. Finally get my pictures and will send them off to Jean 1 by 1 with the best for last. Ho Chi Minh is seriously ill.

4 Sep. ’69 Wed. Begin to teach my replacement - he is learning very quickly. Skip kids about my BS situation and says it was disapproved. Oh well....No mail today

5 Sep. ’69 Thu. Short cute letter from Jean - she asks about the picture I had been talked into sending - Ha! Ho Chi Minh Died - no thought of what will happen next.

6 Sep. ’69 Fri. 3 day truce announced but Bien Hoa AB gets rocketed. Activity picks up. Truce to start Monday. Pack for R&R

7 Sep. ’69 Sat. I’m off to Hong Kong!! I find the ride down pretty sad - I glad I’m not stationed there - The flight to Hong Kong takes 1 3/4 hrs. I get a room at Hotel Merlin & sleep with another guy 1st night

8 Sep. ’69 Sun. Go get measured at Lee’s for my suit - a 4 piece cashmere wool suit & a 2 piece sharkskin - worsted navy blue suit - also 2 tailored shirts. I also get Jean some silk & hounds tooth material. At night I go to Rosary Church for Mass - great sermon!!

9 Sep. ’69 Mon. I go on my first tour - Hong Kong - I get to ride in an air-conditioned car with a French couple and act as an interpretor - stop at Thieve’s market, Victoria Peak, Repulse Bay, Aberdeen. I go for my 2d fitting in the afternoon & on sick call as I feel a little dizzy all day. MOAN!!! Note the striking contrasts.

10 Sep. ’69 Tue. Off to shop most of the day ( morning at the China Fleet Club - I get most everyone something although it was frustrating. I buy Jean a gold brootch and her parents a 12 setting linen set - scarfs jewelry, pipes, etc. At night I go on the sunset cruise to Aberdeen fishing village - really fascinating, especially with the typhoon warning as more ships (?) were in port. Eat 6 course meal with chop sticks!!! The highlight of the trip.

11 Sep. ’69 Wed. Kowloon & N.T. tour - get to ride with French couple again & buy some wood carvings. It’s a long tour. Pick up my suits at night and pack. Have $50 left

12 Sep. ’69 Thu. Up at 4:30 AM - 1 1/2 hour delay due to engine change No rain in HK but plenty here. I roll into II FFV all wet then get 5 letters from Jean. Then learn that my drop has been revoked!! Why me....

13 Sep. ’69 Fri. Back up there in days - time is going by though - I send my pictures to get developed. No letter from Jean

14 Sep. ’69 Sat. Mets are in 1st place - Good Grief!! Letter from Jean in the afternoon. I write re: 11 October wedding To LBP for my glasses & neg X-ray exam - I have a visual problem

15 Sep. ’69 Sun. I write Annex A - and get rest of afternoon off - pack my hold baggage and get some sun.

16 Sep. ’69 Mon. Write intsum in the morning and take hold baggage over to LBP 179 lbs good grief!! in 2 crates.

17 Sep. ’69 Tue. Nixon announces 35,000 man troop w/drawal - I write Jean re: the wedding again - it would be nice if she could go - I tell her that I’ll have to wait to make a final decision until I get home.

18 Sep. ’69 Wed. I’m in the ’teens yeah!! (for the 2d time!! MOAN!!) Mets are 5 games ahead of Chicago!!! Real slow day

19 Sep. ’69 Thu. No mail from Jean - Things have slowed down somewhat. Write Jean re: the war & Skip; Todd & my discussion

20 Sep. ’69 Fri. Sit around and bide my time. 3d of the 82d Abn is one of the units to go.

21 Sep. ’69 Sat. I write the intsum today as Andy takes the afternoon off.

22 Sep. ’69 Sun. Unfortunate incident with the bacon in the coffee - I’m kinda surprised at Skip. I decide to eat on the E-5 side by myself. Have to burn before I can take afternoon off - MOAN!

23 Sep. ’69 Mon. Get pictures back from Hong Kong - Good job of photography - I must say.

24 Sep. ’69 Tue. Get to the pool for some sun & swimming

25 Sep. ’69 Wed. Slow day all around No mail from Jean -

26 Sep. ’69 Thu. Original departure date arrives but I am still here MOAN!!!

27 Sep. ’69 Fri. Award ceremony for Bronze Star - Gen. Huffman makes the presentation at 11 PM (sic). I think of Mom and Jean - how they should deserve to be here to take a share in this honour. Get a port call for 6 Oct. WOW!.

28 Sep. ’69 Sat. Skip leaves for Tokyo - may or may not be here when he returns. I write Intsum today. 3 letters today

29 Sep. ’69 Sun. 1/2 day off is spent at the pool - I’m getting short! No mail from Jean! BC wins 21-14

30 Sep. ’69 Mon. Pay Day - last one in Vietnam - I get E-5 raise this month. Write intsum - no letter today

1 Oct. ’69 Tue. Oct finally arrives YEAH!!! Today to be my last work day. I buy 2 Sansui speakers SP 1500’s. No letter today. I get a port call change to the 5th

2 Oct. ’69 Wed. Start to clean Get a lovely & long letter from Jeannie!!! Good day except I have a toothache & cold MOAN!!!

3 Oct. ’69 Thu. Go to Finance & get $74 travel pay - WOW!! Still feel miserable. Go to office & am presented with a little plaque engraved from the guys! Really nice gesture.

4 Oct. ’69 Fri. Terrible night of sleep or lack of it. The day is really brightened by a letter from Jean really great!!! Still haven’t decided on what to do re: wedding - good grief!!