The Role of Libraries in Promoting Cultural Heritage

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The Role of Libraries in Promoting Cultural Heritage THE ROLE OF LIBRARIES IN PROMOTING CULTURAL HERITAGE STATE OF THE ART REPORT 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: GENERAL OVERVIEW by Serap Kurbanoğlu INTRODUCTION CULTURAL HERITAGE: DEFINITION and EVOLUTION of the CONCEPT The VALUE and IMPORTANCE of CULTURAL HERITAGE DIGITIZATION of CULTURAL HERITAGE EUROPEAN FRAMEWORKS, PROGRAMMES, POLICIES and STRATEGIES LIBRARIES and CULTURAL HERITAGE DIGITAL LIBRARIES CURRENT STATE in EUROPE Digitisation Schemes Digitisation Endeavors: Targets and Priorities Quality Assurance Monitoring the Progress Public-private Partnerships Optimised Use of Digitisation Capacity Preserving Public Domain Status After Digitisation Acces to and Re-use of Digitized Material Long-term Preservation Digital Legal Deposit Contribution to Europeana CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES PART II: SITUATION in PARTNER COUNTRIES – ITSELF PROJECT ESTONIA by Sirje Virkus DEFINITION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN ESTONIA PRIORITY AND IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN ESTONIA NATIONAL FRAMEWORKS, PROGRAMMES, POLICIES AND STRATEGIES REGARDING CULTURAL HERITAGE CULTURAL HERITAGE LITERATURE AND RESEARCH LIBRARY SERVICES REGARDING CULTURAL HERITAGE IN ESTONIA Digitisation, Preservation and Access: Developmental Overview Library Related Strategies and Policies Examples of Best Practices Cooperation with other Cultural Heritage Institutions Projects Identified Needs and Gaps within Cultural Heritage Related Library Services CONCLUSION REFERENCES FRANCE by Joumana Boustany INTRODUCTION CULTURAL HERITAGE POLICY IN FRANCE 1930 - 1960: Extension of Heritage Protection 1960 - 2003: A New Notion of Heritage 2003 -: Heritage in the Era of Decentralisation and Globalisation WRITTEN AND GRAPHIS HERITAGE POLICY WRITTEN HERITAGE ACTORS SLL - Service du livre et de la lecture (Books and Reading Service) The Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs (DRAC) The Bibliothèque National Library of France (BnF) Fondation du patrimoine (Heritage Foundation) Research Centers Network and Association THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ACTIONS IN FAVOR OF WRITTEN HERITAGE The Action Plan for Written Heritage (PAPE) BEST PRACTICES National Events Local Events Library Initiative on Place Library Initiatives on the Web Tools CONCLUSION REFERENCES LATVIA by Marta Dziļuma, Signe Mežjāne and Kristina Papule DEFINITION OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE İN LATVIA PRIORITY AND IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN LATVIA NATIONAL FRAMEWORKS, PROGRAMMES, POLICIES AND STRATEGIES REGARDING CULTURAL HERITAGE Tangible Cultural Heritage Intangible Cultural Heritage CULTURAL HERITAGE LITERATURE AND RESERACH Cultural Heritage Literature and Research: A Conclusion NATIONAL LIBRARY OF LATVIA SERVICES REGARDING CULTURAL HERITAGE Preservation, Digitization and Access Library Related Strategies and Policies Collecting and Organization Projects and Promotion Examples from the Best Practices Coooperation with Other Cultural Heritage Institutions Identified Needs and Gaps with Cultural Heritage Related Library Services CONCLUSION REFERENCES The NETHERLANDS by Daniel Weiss INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE PRIORITY AND POLICIES NATIONAL STRATEGIES AND LEGISLATION LIBRARIES AND CULTURAL HERITAGE DIGITISATION Quantitavive Targets Quality Assurance Monitoring the Progress and Use Collaboration and Partnership Intellectual Property Related Issues Access and Re-use Long-term Preservation BEST PRACTICES CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES SERBIA by Jasmina Ninkov, Marjan Marinković, Stanka Jovičić and Bojan Kundačina DEFINITION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE PRIORITY AND IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE Legislation Framework Strategic Framework The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia The Cultural Heritage Browser CULTURAL HERITAGE LITERATURE AND RESEARCH Doctoral Dissertations, Master’s Thesis Proceedings Journals Seminars and Conferences LIBRARY SERVICES REGARDING CULTURAL HERITAGE IN SERBIA Introductory Remarks Cultural Heritage Related Library Services – Short History Libraries’ Strategies and Policies Regarding Cultural Heritage Types of Cultural Heritage Owned by Libraries Organisation Preservation Digitisation Providing Access to Cultural Heritage Promotion Projects and Examples from Best Practices Cooperation Problems and Needs within Cultural Heritage Related Library Services CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Recommendations REFERENCES TURKEY by Yurdagül Ünal INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE PRIORITY AND IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE NATIONAL FRAMEWORKS, PROGRAMMES, POLICIES AND STRATEGIES LITERATURE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES AND CULTURAL HERITAGE CONCLUSION REFERENCES PART I: GENERAL OVERVIEW by Serap Kurbanoğlu INTRODUCTION Cultural heritage is the aspects of the past that humankind wants to pass on to future generations (Ekwelem, Okafor & Ukwoma, 2011). It is the memory of people’s living culture which is expressed in different forms (Arnold & Gezer, 2008). The 21st century has witnessed changes across the cultural heritage sector. There has been a proliferation in the use of cultural heritage concept which has been evolving during the last couple of decades. The definition of the concept has been expanded from an approach referring exclusively to tangible assets to an approach that also includes intangible and digital assets. Whether tangible, intangible or digital, assuring the safeguard of the world's heritage is important. Efforts to preserve cultural heritage have started long ago and gained momentum throughout the world since the year 2002 is proclaimed as the Year for Cultural Heritage by the United Nations (UN)1. However, cultural heritage is still threatened with destruction and its protection often remains incomplete because of the scale of the resources it requires (UNESCO, 1972). Cultural heritage has became an important theme during the last couple of decades. International organisations, national policy making bodies, and professionals from various disciplines especially from memory institutions2 have put a tremendous effort into not only preserving but also making cultural heritage resources publicly available. Libraries, archives and museums, in particular, have been committing increasing amounts of time and money for safeguarding the heritage resources in their collections (UNESCO, 2003b). Initiatives of organizations such as UNESCO and UN have also provided impetus to the joint efforts. UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme which is established in 1992 is one example. The vision of this programme is stated as: “the world's documentary heritage belongs to all, should be fully preserved, protected and be permanently accessible to all without hindrance”. The mission is; “to facilitate preservation, by the most appropriate techniques, of the world's documentary heritage; to assist universal access to documentary heritage; and to increase awareness worldwide of the existence and significance of documentary heritage” (UNESCO, 2019). The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2015) is another example which “calls on governments to strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage as well as to ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements”. CULTURAL HERITAGE: DEFINITION and EVOLUTION of the CONCEPT Culture is the collection of a society’s beliefs, customs, arts, language, and values. Every society has a culture which generally produces similar behaviour and way of thinking among people who live in that society. Cultural heritage, therefore, is people’s way of life (behaviours, ideas, acts and artifacts) which is passed on from one generation to another (Ekwelem, Okafor & Ukwoma, 2011). The main feature of the cultural heritage is indicated as “outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science”. Following assets are considered as cultural heritage by UNESCO when a convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage was organized in 1972): monuments, architectural works, sculptures, paintings, inscriptions, cave dwellings, sites (man-made, natural or archaeological) (UNESCO, 1972). It took couple of extra decades to include intangible heritage as part of the cultural heritage. The intangible cultural heritage, defined by UNESCO (2003b), as “the practices, representations, 1 About one and a half decade later the year 2018 was announced as the European Year of Cultural Heritage by European Union (EU) ( 2 In this paper, terms such as memory institutions, cultural institutions, heritage institutions, cultural heritage institutions and LAM are used interchangeably to refer archives, museums and libraries. expressions, knowledge, skills – as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated there with – that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage”. Tango from Argentina, acupuncture from China, falconry, yoga, marimba music, the Mediterranean diet, and flamenco are given as examples for intangible heritage (DeSouceya, Elliottb, & Schmutz, in press). Tangible cultural heritage has the advantage over its intangible counterpart, such that with proper care (even in a neglected state) it remains authentic over centuries. On the other hand, survival of intangible cultural heritage is always threatened because a great deal of it is passed on only orally through generations (Sekler, 2001 as cited in Ekwelem,
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