Father Brady Merry Crowd
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Kentucky Irish American. VOLUME I. NO. 22. LOUISVILLE: SATURDAY) DECEMBER 3, 1S9S. PRICE FIVE' CENTS. - old bell, 'flic parishioners will have the plated to hold a .monster meeting in n j has been with him ever since, of late FATHER BRADY church free from debt in a few years, and IRISH LEAGUE. few weeks nt Ballylongford, where, as UNEXPECTED years as a member of the firm, said that MERRY CROWD then they expect to erect a new edifice, elsewhere, Nationalists of both wings are during his twenty-si- x year's connection as the one at present is not suited for the acting iu cordial with the company Mr. Sherley had never congregation. V. B. S. The first branch o(K the United Irish discharged an employe. League in Tipperary has been formed at "He was too tender-hearte- d to dis- - Twenty-Fift- h Rapid Growth of the Organiza- Ilonlli iti' tint. TluniifiM If. Slnr- - hy Aux- Celebrated the extend- Entertained the Ladies' NOW TO BE SOLD, Bansha. The movement is also iey Cnsts Gloom Over Our charge any one in his employ," said he, iliary "Wednesday Anniversary of St. Cecilia's tion in Every Part of the ing to Donegal, where arrangements are "aud when it had to be done I was the Lost Catholic Church. AVest. being made for an inaugural demonstra-stratio- n Community. one that had to do it. He knew neither Evening. Catholic Orphan Asylum, the at BaHyshannbtt. creed nor color. Protestant and Catholic Finest Residence Block in were treated alike. Tnice a year, on QUESTION, fixed dates, Little Sisters of Poor Con- Men "Who Have Been Estranged UNIVERSITYj One of Louisviil's Most Progres the the Their Euchre and Reception From Thirty Families the New York. called at the office and were given a gregation Grown to For Years Joining in the sive and Puhlie Spirited Filled llihcrnian Ball to lias Cado-gn- n regular allowance." Movement. Demand that Bajfour and Citizens. The funeral took place Thursday morn- Overflowing. Eight Hundred. It can be said of few plots of laud on to Manhattan Island that they have been Be Re mi tred Act ing from Christ Church Cathedral, Bishop used for one purpose only ever since it with Justice to AH. Dudley conducting the services. The Is j immense gathering of mourning friends One the Most Progressive and was settled by white people. But this Everywhere There Arc Signs of "VVasthe Benefactor and Friend Vocal and Instrumental Miudc, of true of the Roman Catholic Orphan The Government isvery much mibtak- - attested to the high esteem iu which the in Nationalist Activity and of Many Struggling Boys deceased was held by rich and poor alike. Refreshments and Two Ele- Prosperous Parishes Asylum, which extends from Fifth to en if it imagines that the Catholics of Fifty-firs- and Girls. The remains were accompanied to Cave gant Prizes. Louisville. Park avenue and from t to Ireland are going to fallow their demand Fifty-secon- Hill cemetery by Dc Molay and Louis- d street. treatment in of uni- for equal the matter ville Commauderics. When the Dutch controlled the lower versity education to become rusty. Irish end of the island no one paid any The active pall-beare- were Messrs. J. COUNCIL DISUNION WILL BE SWEPT AWAY Catholics, on contrary, are determined HIS GREAT CHARITY WILL BE MISSED REQUESTED TO GIVE ANOTHER PARTY ALSO THE HOME OF MACKIN lyinc the Moss Terry, T. C. Timberlake, C. E. attention to the lands as far to keep their demandisteadily and persist- Dunn, John II. Leathers, Samuel Cassi-da- y, north as Fiftieth street. It was left to ently before the eyesof the country. Mr. Indians, to wolves, to bears, to panthers. Amcricus Whcdon, William H. Balfour and Lord Cadogan have admitted hon- Ce- It was good hunting ground. Branches of the United League No death announcement of the past Meffert and John A. Stratton. The The euchre and reception given by The twenty-fift- h anniversary of St. Irish its justice; why, then, delay the settle- the In those days real estate speculation orary pall-beare- rs were Messrs. E. L. Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ancient Order church and the feast of St. Ceci- are now being formed with extraordi ment of a question on which the hearts year was received with more genuine sor- of cilia's was an was a Miles, Attilla Cox, William Patterson, Hibernians at unknown thing. There nary rapidity in every part of West. of the Catholics of Ireland are set? asked row than that of Mr. Thomas H. Sherley, Hibernian Hall Wednesday lia were celebrated at St. Cecilia's church the B. Halde-ma- n, deal more laud than any one wanted. irt Joseph Zom, E. A. Hewett, W. evening was a decided success, the two Gal-wa- y the Dublin Herald a late issue. Mr. who died suddenly Tuesday morning of last Sunday with solemn high mass, A Within the past week the County of T. Batman, Oscar Fenley, William halls being on man with 3,000 was looked upon as Balfour can not plead that any difficulties paralysis of the heart, at his residence, J. taxed to their utmost capac- Deppen richer a is has been taking action in all direc- Cornwall, James S. Pirtle, Charles Gib- ity. The ladies at 10 o'clock. The Rev. Father than man witli 000 now. are being thrown in his way. He laid 207 West Breckinridge street. He had are well pleased with the son and Charles P. Weaver. results was celebrant, Father Bachmann deacon When the English took possession of tions, says the Dublin Weekly Freeman: down at one time certain conditions be been suffering from a cold and had been achieved, despite the inclemency of the and Father Crane sub-deaco- Father Manhattan and the Duke of York be In Gal way borough a provisional com fore he could approach the consideration confined to his home for several days. weather and the manv nitiir DUNLAP, amuspments which Brady, rector, was master of ceremo- came the lord, he claimed possession of mittee, composed of the most influential on the subject. These conditions liave He was much improved Monday night, JOHN were going on 'about the the city. nies. At 7:30 in the evening solemn ves- all unoccupied land on the island, and men of both sections, has been formed been accepted by the trish Bishops. Why, however, and entertained several friends was Ro- The halls were pers was sung by the Rev. Father Miller, in this included the site of the under the Presidency of Very Rev. Canon therefore, does Mr. Halfour dallyf Is it who called until a late hour. He was brilliantly illuminated, Bona-ventur- e. Man those partaking assisted by Fathers Bachmann and man Catholic Orphan Asylum and St. Dooley, and a monster meeting was held afraid of the Orangemen he is? Lord advised by his physician that he could The Who First Printed in the euchre party occu- pying the Father Deppen preached the Patrick's Cathedral, together with nearly on Sunday, at which Mr. Harrington, Russell, of Killowen, in a memorable go to his office Tuesday morning. the Declaration of Inde- regular lodge room, while a all territory in vicinity. merry party enjoyed the vocal in- sermon at mass on the church of St. the that M. P.j Mr. John Fitzgibbon, of Castle-re- a, speech at a banquet in Dublin some time Death came suddenly. Mr. Sherley pendence. and strumental music Cecilia, and in the evening delivered a When the Revolution ended the city and Mr. William O'Brien attended. ago voiced the sentiments of Irish Catho- - was surrounded by the members of his and danced to their . .1 ! , hearts' content lecture on the feast of the saint of that of New York succeeded to the owner Steps have also been taken to start a i; i ;j i . it .1 .. family, and was sitting in his armchair in the hall used for danc- lies wiien lie saiu mui nicy uiu iiui wuui ing purposes. name. ship of all lands which the Duke of branch at Oughterard, where Rev. Father 'glorified ecclesiastical seminary" for when the end came. The first man who printed the immortal York had not Dun-la- p, Tile tables were ac- The choir was under the direction of disposeed of, and these McDouagh and Mr. John Joyce, an influ a university. Should not that statement The announcement of Mr. Sherley's Declaration of Independence, John arranged so as to were known as commodate about one Miss Agnes Richter, and she was assisted they are to this day, as ential Parnellite leader, have expressed satisfy Mr. Balfour' and the members death was a shock to the community. No was born in Strabane, County hundred players, the common land of the citv. Robert while those not wishing to take part in by Misses Henrietta Bauer, Paula Rosen their sympathy. In Leenaue a branch of the Government? The fact is that the man m Louisville was better known than Tyrone, Ireland, in 1747. He emigrated Lyburn bought the present site of St. the games were comfortably seated where Margaret Everin and May Zinninger as was established at an enthusiastic meet- Catholic case is unanswerable; statesmen he, and no man had devoted more of his at the age of nine to the United States, Patrick's, but the site of the Roman they could witness the contests. Promptly sopranos; Misses Theresa Rosen, Con- ing under the Presidency of Father Wal- - admit its justice andjreasonableuess, but, time and attention to the city's interests.