Summary: relevant information. The study results showed that both Endometriosis is a common and important health problem medical and surgical treatments are almost equally effective of women. The prevalence of endometriosis is difficult to in pain management there is no evidence that medical determine. Diagnosis is often difficult and delayed due to treatment improves fertility. Surgical treatment is associated close similarity of symptoms of endometriosis with other with small but significant improvement in live birth rate. gynecological disorder. Optimum treatment involves a Newer non hormonal are more selective with less combination of medical and surgical treatments tailored to metabolic side effects. Surgical treatment is invasive the patient’s needs and response. procedure and repeated surgery is associated with major complication. The objective of the study is to discuss the current updates Medical treatment is considered more effective in the long on diagnosis, treatment and the optimal role of different term management of endometriosis. options in the treatment of endometriosis. The article reviews different medical journals, medline and internet to get the (J Banagladesh Coll Phys Surg 2013; 31: 144-149)

Introduction: Endometriosis run in families. The mode of inheritance Endometriosis is a chronic and recurrent disease is probably polygenic and multi factorial. Chromosome characterized by the presence and proliferation of no 10 q26 5, 6 is thought to carry the involved gene. functional endometrial glands and stroma outside the There is some defect in immune response to tissue injury uterine cavity. Around 10% of women of reproductive in women with endometriosis that fail to remove age are affected by endometriosis, suffer from chronic refluxed menstrual debris from the extra uterine site. pelvic pain and contribute to infertility 1. Endometriosis The scavenger activity of peritoneal macrophages is 7 8, not only lowers the quality of life of the affected women; reduced with abnormal T-cell-mediated cytotoxcity, 9 10 it jeopardizes her conjugal life, hamper wellbeing of natural-killer-cell activity, B-cell functions and other members of the family and ultimately the society complement deposition. They suffer from different autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions and certain toxins is also affected. The original three theories of 11.12. Growth factors may also have some role.13, 14. histogenesis of endometriosis fail to explain all the Another area of research is the search for endometriosis criteria of histogenesis. According to serosal cell markers. CA 125 is elevated in patient with metaplasia theory endometriosis should occur in men endometriosis.15 also. Few rare case of endometriosis in male has been reported 2, 3. The recent molecular explanation for Clinical findings: Sampson’s theory states that aberrant production of Endometriosis is associated with a wide variety of aromatase converts the precursor of steroids to symptoms ranging from mild dysmenorrheal to in endometriotic tissue that plays a key role in the path incapacitating pain. Pelvic pain is usually cyclical and physiology of endometriosis4. become severe as the disease advances. 16 Pain of endometriosis has a diverse presentation causing a. Dr. Laila Parveen Banu, FCPS (O&G) Asso Prof, Department dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, constant pelvic pain of Obs and Gynae, MAG Osmani Medical College Sylhet. or a low sacral backache. One of the characteristics of b. Prof Saria Tasnim, FCPS (O&G), Department of Obs and the disease is that the symptoms do not correlate with Gynae, Institute of Child and Mother Health, Matuail Dhaka. the amount of the disease. There are women with Address of Correspondence: Dr. Laila Parveen Banu, FCPS (O&G0) Asso Prof, Department of Obs and Gynae, MAG Osmani minimal disease but with lot of symptoms. On the other Medical College. E-mail: [email protected] hand there are women who have lot of disease with 17 Received: 28 October, 2009 Accepted: 16 May, 2013 minimal symptoms. Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2013

Infertility is another common association of the disease. well with the chance of conception following therapy. It’s incidence among infertile women according to one This poor predictive ability is related to the arbitrary study is 14%18. There is evidence of impaired oocye assignment of point scores for the observed pathology development, embryogenesis or implantation in mild and the arbitrary cut-off points chosen to establish the degree endometriosis19. Many cases of endometriosis stage of disease. The description of the morphologic suffer from dysfunctional uterine type of bleeding20. subtype of disease or other biological markers may be 23 Endometriosis is often confused with pelvic included with The ASRM 1996 classification system. inflammatory disease, irritable bowel syndrome and A better understanding of the patho-physiology of pelvic tumor which often causes delayed diagnosis and endometriosis-associated infertility may help to develop require surgical evaluation. a more accurate staging system.

Diagnosis AMD Staging Treatment options: In current clinical practice, laparoscopy is required for Medical treatment is usually considered as the first line a definitive diagnosis of endometriosis. Histological of treatment. Treatment is often individualized and is evaluation is essential when the diagnosis is not obvious tailored depending on patient’s age, desire for future fertility, severity of symptoms and the stage of disease. on visual inspection at surgery. When addressing Endometriosis is a disease of pain. Empirical treatment whether or not to perform a laparoscopy on a women of pain is offered to suspected cases of endometriosis presenting on a complain of infertility, one should without a definitive diagnosis. Ti includes counseling, consider both the likelihood of diagnosis of adequate analgesia, , the combined oral endometriosis as well as potential benefit of treatment. contraceptives (COC), releasing hormone A history and physical examination can yield a number (GNRH) agonists and antagonists, , nutritional of significant findings suggestive of endometriosis therapy and most recently aromatase inhibitors. All of including: cyclic or chronic pelvic pain dysmenorrheal, them are appropriate for pain management and where dyspareunia, a fixed retroverted uterus, an adnexal mass, there is no desire for immediate fertility24. and uterosacral ligament nodularity, thickening or tenderness .Pelvic ultra sound can help the clinician to The Hormones can effectively control pain and reduces establish a presumptive diagnosis of an endometrioma anatomical extent of the disease. Only they differ in side but cannot detect peritoneal implants of disease. effect and cost profile. Symptoms recur after discontinuing therapy. There is no improvement in A laparoscopic diagnosis of asymptomatic endometriosis infertility by medical management. can sometimes be made. However, laparoscopic Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs): OCPs are considered confirmation of asymptomatic endometriosis is almost as number one choice for patients having minimal or always limited to minimal or mild disease. The therapeutic mild symptoms. It can be given cyclically and benefit of laparoscopy to increase fecundity in a woman continuously for 2 years25. with mild disease is minimal. The combination of these factors renders laparoscopy of asymptomatic women with Progestin alone or combined with estrogen are used infertility, simply to rule out or confirm disease, frequently for long term management of endometriosis 26 unwarranted20,21. associated pain . Progestins inhibit angiogenesis which is required for maintenance of endometriotic implants27. Endometriosis is a heterogeneous disease with typical They are available in multiple delivery forms, and atypical peritoneal lesions ranging from a single convenient in dose and have less impact on bone mineral 1mm peritoneal implant to less than or equal to 10 cm density (BMD). endometriosis with cul-de-sac obliterated. Thus a staging system has been proposed for better understanding the Medroxy progesterone acetate is the most popularly extent of disease and standardization and comparisons prescribed progesterone that causes relief of pain of outcomes for clinical trials. The American society of ranging from 70% to100%. It is as effective as danazol 27 Reproductive Medicine classification system for and is better than placebo . endometriosis (ASRM 1996) is the most widely The levonotgestrel intra-uterine system (LNG IUS): it accepted staging system22. No staging system correlates is a newer non daily hormonal preparation28. It is

145 Endometriosis - An Update LP Banu & S Tasnim convenient in symptom control for over 3 years. It may vitamin D for six months caused marked reduction of have the potential to be a long term treatment option laparoscopic visible lesion and significant reduction of for endometriosis. pelvic pain with no changes in BMD34. Danazol is 19 nor derivative. Numerous Anti-: Non- steroidal anti-estrogen can act as clinical trials have proved that danazol is effective in either estrogen agonist or antagonists. It acts by binding regressing endometriosis implants with relief of pain with estrogen receptors (ERs) and depending on the 29. Women with all stages of disease showed no target tissue, they are known as selective estrogen difference in improving fertility between danazol and receptor modulators (SERMs). In the treatment of placebo group30. Danazol was the gold standard of endometriosis, SERMs have estrogen antagonist activity treatment of endometriosis. The treatment course is on the endomerium and agonist activity on bone and limited for six months for its androgenic side effects of circulating lipoproteins35. which male type of hair growth and voice change may Progesterone receptors modulators (SPRMS): The 30 be irreversible . Women need effective contraception SPRMs bind to progesterone receptors and can act as during the course of treatment. either agonists or antagonists of progesterone activity. Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists: Recently this Their activities depend on target tissue, dose of the drug has gained popularity in the medical management and presence or absence of progesterone 36. They can of endometriosis31. It causes medical menopause by suppress endometrial proliferation selectivity with no down-regulating hypothalamic pituitary GnRH side effects of systemic estrogen deprivation. J867, J956, receptors. Mafarelin, , , , J912 and J1042 are some of the SPRMS. J867 was found and leuprolide are the available analogues in promising in preliminary studies. . At present there are use. They are associated with many hypo estrogenic side insufficient data to evaluate the efficacy of these drugs. effects. The most significant one is loss of bone mineral These drugs are under clinical trials in animals. More density [BMD]. There is evidence of 3.2% reduction of research is needed to assess the role of these agents in BMD in lumbar spine [BMD] after six months and 6.3% the treatment of endometriosis. after 12 months of continuous treatment 18. The Surgical treatment: treatment course is restricted to six months. The use of Surgery remains a major treatment modality for “add back” regimen with [GnRH] has prolonged the endometriosis. Laparoscopy is the gold standard 32 duration of therapy for up to two years . Norethindrone diagnostic aid for endometriosis. It provides better acetate 5 mg daily, low-dose plus a progestin, visualization and more complete excision than a progestin plus biesphosphonat are used in the laparotomy. regimens. There are differences in opinion whether to strip or The newer medical treatment modalities: These drugs destroy the wall of ovarian endometrioma and the extent are more selective and acts on estrogen dependent of surgery in recto vaginal disease. Excisional treatment growth of endometrial lesions. Aromatase inhibitors, is more effective and successful54,55 with 5 years cure selective modulators (SERMs) rate of 81% 37, 38. Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo- Progesterone receptors modulators (SPRMS) are newer ophrectomy is considered as the most definitive surgery. drugs with selective mode of action. They are still under 39 It results in satisfactory pain relief and less chance ongoing research. of repeat surgery compared to hysterecrtomy with 40 Aromatase inhibitors: aromatase P450 is an important preservation of one or both ovaries . enzyme for estrogen biosynthesis. It acts as catalyst in In rectovaginal endometriosis hysterectomy with the conversation of androstenedione and testosterone removal of part of lower bowel causes considerable pain to and estradiol. This enzyme is present in a relief and improves quality of life41. In chronic pelvic very high level in the endometriotic tissue. Aromatase pain the nerves from the uterus to the brain are cut. They inhibitors inhibit the growth of endometriotic implants have limited value in pain relief42. Surgery results in by suppressing this enzyme33. In one study, aromatase pain relief in 80 % of women who fails to respond to inhibitors 2.5mg per day with calcium and hormonal treatments43. Surgery for deep lesions is

146 Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2013 difficult, complex and may lead to major Another study report increased fecundity with complications44. No treatment is offered to the gonadotropin therapy compared to no treatment (7.3% asymptomatic cases even deeply infiltrating rectovaginal vs 2.8% respectively) in women with infertility and endometriosis40, 41. minimal or mild endometriosis49. Ovarian endometriosis: Treatment depends mostly on The clinical pregnancy rate using SO/IUI shortly after the size and type of lesion. Superficial implants are laparoscopic excision of minimal or mild endometriosis destroyed by coagulation or vaporization. Cyts larger was comparable in women with unexplained infertility than 3cm gives better results with excision than drainage and some of ‘untreated endometriosis. The per cycle and coagulation45 There is a four fold increase chance pregnancy rates in women with minimal endometriosis, of ovarian carcinoma in patients with endometriosis 70, mild endometriosis, or unexplained infertility were 21%, 71. Cancer may develop directly from the implants and 18.9% and 20.5% respectively. Cumulative live-birth even after bilateral sulpingo-oophrectomy 72. The rates following 4 cycles among the three groups were histological subtypes are usually endometrioid and clear 70.2%, 68.2%, and 66.5% respectively50. Thus SO/IUI cell carcinoma46. is a considerable treatment option for women who have had a surgical diagnosis and treatment of stage I or II Combination medical and surgical therapy: endometriosis as an alternative to in vitro fertilization It consists of either preoperative or postoperative (IVF) or further surgical therapy. medical therapy. There is no evidence in the literature that combined medical surgical treatment significantly Several randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have shown enhances fertility. Preoperative therapy reduces pelvic that progestins or gonadotrophin releasing hormone vascularity and the size of the endometriotic implants (GnRH) agonists are not effective treatment for which reduces per operative blood loss and decreases infertility associated with minimal to mild 51 A the amount of surgical resection needed. Postoperative endometriosis. reviews of 13 RCTs among 800 medical therapy is planned for eradicating residual infertile women, hormonal treatment does not improve endometriotic implants with extensive disease where the fecundity of the women with stage I/II endometriosis. resection of all endometriotic implants is impossible. It is also not effective in severe disease. Ablation of endometriotic lesions and adhesiolysis improves fertility Postoperative hormonal therapy is thought to treat in mild and minimal lesions. In women with stage III/ microscopic disease. However fertility is not enhanced IV endometriosis who have no known infertility factors, by any means. conservative surgical treatment with laparoscopy or Treatment of endometriosis associated infertility. laparotomy may increase fertility52. With respect to Following are recommended treatment options severe endometriosis, a nonrandomized study demonstrated that the cumulative pregnancy rates in 216 Super and intrauterine insemination infertile patients followed for up to two years after Different studies have been conducted to assess the laparoscopy or laparotomy were 49% and 63% success with superovulation (SO) and intrauterine respectively53. After the first infertility operation, insemination (IUI) in the treatment of endometriosis- additional surgery rarely increase fecundability and associated infertility. In a cross-over RCT among these patients are better served by assisted reproductive patients with unexplained infertility or surgically technology (ART)54. corrected endometriosis, the pregnancy rate per cycle was significantly higher with four cycles of clomiphene Assisted reproductive technique (ART): citrate/IUI than with four cycle of timed intercourse The techniques are offered in selective cases. Elderly (9.5% versus 3.3 % respectively)47 . A randomized trial infertile women with endometriosis who do not respond among 49 women with stage I/II endometriosis and to other therapies are treated with ovulation induction, infertility compared three cycles of gonadotropin/IUI intra uterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization with six months of expectant management48. The (IVF)/Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) pregnancy rate per cycle was 15% in the gonadotropin/ technique. The pregnancy rate is higher with controlled IUI group and 4.5% in the untreated group (P<0.005). ovarian hyper-stimulation for three cycled (15%) than

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