Please address correspondence to: AAAC Secretary Level 14, 120 Edward Street Brisbane QLD 4000 T 07 3120 6800 F 07 3210 3900 E
[email protected] 1 June 2015 Select Committee on Wind Turbines PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Attention: Ms Jeanette Radcliffe Dear Ms Radcliffe, AAAC Response to Adverse Comments Thank you for the opportunity for the AAAC to provide a response to questions on notice. Each question is repeated below, with the AAAC response in blue. References can be supplied if requested. QUESTIONS ARISING DURING THE HEARING Question 1 Hansard page reference: 18. Senator CANAVAN: I have a final question, and you may have to take some of this on notice. I do think it is important, given that you are all consultants, to have on the record who you have worked for, given your evidence. Could you detail for me which wind turbine projects you have worked on individually? Dr Tonin apparently has not, but if the other three could do that for us, that would be very useful. Mr Turnbull: It will be a long list. Senator CANAVAN: Okay. Well, take that on notice and provide it to us. Thanks. Chris Turnbull Allendale Wind Farm Lexton Windfarm Ararat Wind Farm Mt Bryan Badgingarra Windfarm Mumbida Wind Farm Bango Wind Farm Murra Warra Wind Farm Barn Hill Wind Farm Nalpa Wind Farm Baynton Wind Farm Naroghid Wind Farm Ben More Wind Farm Nilgen Windfarm Bluff Range Wind Farm North Brown Hill Wind Farm Bodangora Wind Farm Palmer Wind Farm Brown Hill Wind Farm Port Augusta Wind Farm Cape Bridgewater Wind Farm Rye Park Wind Farm Cape