1979 Annual Meeting Program.Pdf
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Ht r . • pnticnopln 01 histors combined nith sociologs. 24(pp $350 SCHENKMAN PUBU5HING CO., INC. 3 Mt Auburn Ma e Cambridbe, Mascachuseft 02136 Program of the Ninetyfourth Annual Meeting AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 28-29-30 1979 NEW YORK JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN JOHN MATTHEWS MANLY DISTINGUISHED SERVICE PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 OFFICERS President: JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN, University of Chicago President-elect: DAvID H, PINKNEY, University of Washington Executive Director: MACK THOMPSON Editor: OTTo PFLANzE, Indiana University Controller: JAMES H. LEATHERw00D COUNCIL JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN WILLIAMJ. B0UWSMA DAVID H. PINKNEY MACK THOMPSoN, ex officio WARREN I. SUSMAN, Vice-President OTIS A. PEASE, Vice-President Leaching Division (1979) Professional Division (1980) Rutgers University University of Washington EUGENE F. RICE, Vice-President Research Division (1981) Columbia University ALLAN G. B0GuE (1979) WILLIE LEE ROSE (1979) University of Wisconsin, Madison Johns Hopkins Uniersity JOHN J. JOHNSON (1979) ROBERT V. REMINI (1981) Stanford University Uniersity of Illinois, MICHAEL KAMMEN (1979) Chicago Circle Cornell University LACEY BALDwIN SMITH (1981) Northwestern University PACIFIC COAST BRANCH OFFICERS President: ROBERT I. BURNS, University of California, Los Angeles Vice-President: THEODORE SAL0UT0S, University of California, Los Angeles Secretary-Treasurer: JoHN A. SCHuTz, University of Southern California Managing Editor.’ NoRRIs H UNDLEY, University of California, Los Angeles PLANNING AND ARRANGEMENTS, 1979 ANNUAL MEETING Committee on the Program Chair: Martin Ridge Robert Middlekauff The Huntington Library University of California, Berkeley Co-chair: Joseph E. Harris Nora E, Ramirez Howard University San Antonio College Irwin T. Hyatt, Jr. Fritz Ringer Emory University Boston University Barbarajelavich Mario Rodriguez Indiana University University of Southern California James McPherson Eleanor M. Searle Princeton University University of California, Los Angeles Committee on Local Arrangements Chair: Robert F. Himmelberg frank Koppa fordham University St. John’s University Marynita Anderson Annette Koren St. Francis College Fordham University Selma Berol John C. Moore Baruch College, CUNY Hofstra University Helena Brady Matthew Panczyk Pace University Bergen Community College Elaine F. Crane Emil Polak Fordham University Queensborough Community ThomasJ. Curran College, CUNY St. John’s University John Roche Istvan Deak Fordham University Columbia University Frederick C. Schult, Jr. Michael D’Innocenzo New York University Hofstra University Sherman Spector Richard Harmon Russell Sage College St. John’s University Irwin Unger Donald Hayes New York University Marymount Manhattan College Rosemarie Vaccaro Douglas W. Houston St. Francis College Fordham University Gaeteano L. Vincittorio ArthurJ. Hughes St. John’s University St. Francis College Roger A. Wines George Jackson Fordham University Hofstra University AHA Editorial Staff Eileen Gaylard Kristen Carpenter GENERAL INFORMATION HEADQUARTERS: All sessions wilt be held at the New York Hilton, the headquarters hotel, 1335 Avenue of the Americas (53rd to 54th Streets). Registration, locator files, infor mation booths, bulletin hoards, and meal ticket sales will be maintained on the second floor of the hotel. The headquarters of the Local Arrangements Committee, the AHA staff office, and the Press room, are also on the second floor in the Bryant-Morgan suite, The Job Register will be located in Grand Ballroom West. In addition to the New York Hilton, blocks of rooms have been reserved at the City Squire Inn, St. Moritz, and the Warwick. Members who have not yet reserved hotel accom modations should send their reservation forms (contained in the September Newsletter) without delay to the AHA Housing Bureau, c/o N.Y. Convention and Visitors Bureau, 90 E. 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017. GROUP FLIGHTS: Arrangements have been made to provide reduced-rate group flights, arriving in New York on December 27 and returning December 30, from Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Hartford, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Raleigh, Rochester, St. Louis, Seattle, Syracuse, Toronto, and Washington DC. The travel agent will form the groups. Early reservations a must. Information and reservation forms may be obtained from Glen Roc Travel, 194 Scotch Road. Trenton, NJ 08628 (609/883—3353). AHA REGISTRATION: Members are urged to preregister at the reduced rate of $20 (nonmembcrs $30, students and unemployed $7.50), form enclosed, Registration at the meeting will be $25 (nonmembers $40, students and unemployed $10). Registration desks at the hotel will be open during the following hours: Thursday December27 12 noon—9:00 p.m. friday, December 2$ 8:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Saturday, December29 8:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING: Resolutions for the business meeting will be handled as follows: 1) resolutions signed by twenty-five members of the association will be accepted until Decem ber 15; 2) resolutions received by November 1 will take precedence and will be published in the December Newsletter; 3) resolutions must be no more than three hundred words in length. Resolutions should be sent to the executive director at the AHA central office, with one copy to the parliamentarian, Paul K. Conkin, Department of History, University of Wis consin, Madison, WI 53706. VOTING CARDS: Voting cards will be included in the preregistration packet and will also be given out to members registering at the meeting. LOCATOR FILES: The locator files will be adjacent to the AHA registration desks on the second floor of the hotel, INFORMATION DESK AND BULLETIN BOARDS: These will be located in the regis tration area. Information about the annual meeting, New York, and the American Histori cal Association, will be available. The bulletin boards will serve both as informal message centers and as a place to announce spectal meetings, changes, etc. 3 JOB REGISTER: The job register, located in Grand Ballroom West, will be in operation during the following hours: Thursday, December27 2:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Friday, December28 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Saturday, December29 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Sunday, December30 9:00 a.m.—12 noon AFFILIATED SOCIETIES: A section of the Promenade, on the second floor, has been reserved from 4:30—6:30 p.m. on December 28 for affiliated societies to display materials and to meet with members of the profession. There will be a cash bar. WOMEN HISTORIANS’ CENTER: A room where women historians can gather and all historians may obtain information on womens history groups will be maintained through out the annual meeting in Gibson Suite A during the following hours: Thursday, December27 7:00 p.m—iO:OO p.m. Friday, December28 7:45 a.m.—10:00 p.m. Saturday, December29 7:45 a.m.—10:00 p.m. Sunday, December30 9:00 am—I 2 noon EXHIBITORS: The exhibits are located in the Rhinelander Galleries on the second floor, and will be open during the following hours: Thursday, December27 3:00 p.m.—7:OO p.m. Friday, December28 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Saturday, December29 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Sunday, December30 9:00 a.m.—12 noon CHILD CARE: A child care center, staffed by competent personnel, will be in operation throughout the meeting. The location will be announced on bulletin boards in the registra tion area. The center will be open for children (through the hfth grade) of registrants at the meeting, at a charge of $1.25 per hour. Hours of the center are: Thursday, December27 5:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m. Friday, December28 9:00 a.m.—l0:00 p.m. Saturday, December29 9:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. Sunday, December 30 9:00 a,m.—4:00 p.m. To preregister, write to the Local Arrangements Chairman, Robert F. Himmelberg, De partment of History, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458, no later than December 7. MEAL MEETINGS: All luncheons on Friday, December 28, and Saturday, December 29, are scheduled for 12:15 p.m. Tickets for the luncheons (except those sponsored by organi zations who sell their own tickets) will be available from the meal ticket cashiers at the AHA registration desk. All payments must be made in U.S. currency, by cash, or traveler’s cheque. After clearance of room allocation with the local arrangements chairman, all other ar rangements for meal meetings must be conducted directly between the organization and the hotel.