293 Abiaso, Nicola, 162 Abraham Ibn Ezra, 23 , 95 , 123 , 130 , 196
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06554-3 - The Bible and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Italy: Jewish and Christian Physicians in Search of Truth Andrew D. Berns Index More information Index Abiaso, Nicola, 162 Alessandrini, Giulio, 252n23 Abraham ibn Ezra, 23 , 95 , 123 , Alexander the Great, 73 , 90 , 236–7 130 , 196 Almosnino, Moses ben Baruch, 25 Abravanel, Isaac, 22 , 196 ; Portaleone’s Alphabet of Ben Sira , 54 criticism of, 205–9 Alpino, Prospero, 187–8 , 206 , 223–4 Abudrahin, Moses, 14n57 Amatus Lusitanus, 2 , 4 , 31 , 39 , 40–5 , Accademia degli Invaghiti, 9 48–55 , 58–61 , 64 , 69–70 , 163 , 232–3 Adonijah, Jacob ben H ayim, 23–4 anabaptists, 176 Aetius, 166–7 anatomy, in Renaissance medical Alatino, Moses, 8 education, 5 Alatino, Yehiel, 112 Anguillara, Luigi, 75 Albertus Magnus, 135–7 , 150 Antwerp Polyglot, 59 , 92n65 , 98 Alcalá, University of, 29 Aquila, 93 , 149 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 2 , 4–6 , 11 , 17 , 19 , Aquiliani, Scipione, 247n10 22 , 27 , 29n113 , 30–1 , 35–6 , 37–9 , Arabic language, 46 , 57n71 , 94 , 117 , 50 , 52 , 54 , 55–70 , 71 , 73–4 , 76n16 , 130 , 207–8 , 215 77–9 , 83–8 , 90–1 , 93 , 96–101 , Aramaic language, 57n71 , 103–4 , 124 , 103–8 , 114n20 , 121 , 146n141 , 148 , 169 ; Aldrovandi’s use of, 27 , 60–1 , 165 , 194 , 232 , 234–40 ; Bibliologia , 84 , 90 ; de’ Pomi’s use of, 109n2 , 128 74 , 96–7 , 100–1 ; De cruce , 62–70 ; Archivolti, Samuel, 120n46 defended by Gabriele Paleotti, 106–7 ; Arias Montano, Benito, 20 , 28 , 59 , Hebraicae linguae rudimenta , 55 ; 67–9 , 97–100 Lexicon latino-hebraico
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