Book of John

1. Finish this quote from John 1:1: “In the beginning was the ______and the ______was with God and the ______was God.” WORD

2. According to John 1:1-2, who was “in the beginning with God”? THE WORD ()

3. Who was sent to bear witness of the Light (Jesus)? JOHN

4. According to John 1:12, to whom did Jesus give power to become the sons of God? AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM (EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME)

5. Who gave the Law, according to John 1:17?

6. According to John 1:17, grace and truth came by whom? JESUS

7. According to John 1:19-20, who did the Jews send to John to ask him who he was? PRIESTS AND LEVITES

8. Where were these Priests and Levites from?

9. Who did John tell the Priests and Levites that he was, according to John 1:23? THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS

10. What Prophet did John quote when he said, “Make straight the way of the Lord”? ESAIAS (ISAIAH)

10. Of what religious group were the Priests and Levites that questioned in John 1? (, Saducees, or Scribes)

11. In what river did John baptize? JORDON RIVER

12. In what city was John when he was questioned of the Priests and Levites? BETHABARA

13. What did John say when he saw Jesus coming? (word for word, according to John 1:29) BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD WHICH TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD

14. In what form did John see the Spirit descending and abiding on Jesus? A DOVE

15. According to John 1:33, what did Jesus come baptizing with? THE HOLY GHOST


17. At what hour did the two disciples who began following Jesus in John 1, come to abide with Jesus? ABOUT THE TENTH HOUR

18. Name one of the two disciples who started following Jesus in John 1? ANDREW

19. Who did Andrew first tell about Jesus? HIS BROTHER SIMON PETER

20. Who did Andrew say they had found? THE MESSIAS (THE CHRIST)

21. What did Jesus change Simon’s name to when he first saw him? CEPHAS

22. Who is Simon’s father? JONA

23. Who is Andrew’s father? JONA

24. What does Cephas mean? A STONE

25. In what region did Jesus find Philip and say to him “follow me.”?

26. What city was Philip from?

27. What city were Andrew and Peter from? BETHSAIDA

28. Who was the first person Philip told about finding Jesus? NATHANAEL

29. How did Philip identify Jesus to Nathanael, “Jesus of ______, the son of ______” /JOSEPH

30. Nathanael asked, “Can any good thing come out of ______?” NAZARETH

31. How did Jesus greet Nathanael when he saw him coming (FILL IN THE BLANK)? “Behold an Israelite in whom is no ______GUILE

32. Where did Jesus that he saw Nathanael before Philip called him? UNDER A FIG TREE


1. On what day does :1 say the marriage in was? THE THIRD DAY

2. In what region is Cana? GALILEE

3. Finish Jesus’ response to his mother in John 2:4: “Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour ______.” IS NOT YET COME

4. How many waterpots of stone did Jesus asked to be filled with water at the marriage at Cana? SIX

5. How much did each waterpot at the marriage in Cana contain? 2 or 3 FIRKINS APIECE

6. To whom did Jesus command the first taste of the water made be given? THE GOVERNOR OF THE FEAST

7. According to the governor of the feast, what kind of wine is usually set out at first at a marriage? THE GOOD

8. What was the first Jesus did? TURNING WATER TO WINE

9. Where did Jesus go to after the miracle at the marriage of Cana?

10. Why did Jesus go to Jerusalem in John 2:13? BECAUSE OF THE PASSOVER

11. What did Jesus find being sold in the Temple when he went to Jerusalem for the passover in John 2? OXEN, SHEEP AND DOVES

12. With what did Jesus drive out the changers of money and those that sold oxen, sheep and doves? A SCOURGE OF SMALL CORDS

13. Jesus said the money changers were making His Father’s house a house of what? MERCHANDISE

14. According to John 2:17, finish this old testament prophecy: “The ______of thine house hath eaten me up.” ZEAL

15. When the Jews asked for a sign, what sign did Jesus offer them? “DESTROY THIS TEMPLE AND IN THREE DAYS I WILL RAISE IT UP

16. How long did it take to build the temple that was standing when Jesus was on earth? FORTY-SIX YEARS

17. What temple was Jesus referring to when he said he would raise it in three days? HIS BODY

18. Why did Jesus not commit himsel to all those that believed on his name when they saw the which he did? BECAUSE HE KNEW ALL MEN


1. Of what religious sect was ? PHARISEES

2. At what time did Nicodemus come to Jesus? BY NIGHT

3. What did Jesus tell Nicodemus was the requirement to see the Kingdom of God? BE BORN AGAIN

4. In :14, to what Old Testament happening does Jesus compare what will happen to himself? THE RAISING OF THE SERPENT IN THE WILDERNESS

5. According to John 3:17, why did God send his son into the world? THAT THE WORLD THROUGH HIM MIGHT BE SAVED

6. According to John 3:19, why did men love darkness rather than light? BECAUSE THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL

7. How many did Jesus baptize in the land of Judaea? NONE

8. Where was John baptizing when he said, “He must increase, but I must decrease”? AENON NEAR TO SALIM


1. What city is also called Sychar?

2. To which of Jacob’s sons was given the plot of ground where Jacob’s well was? JOSEPH

3. At what hour did Jesus did at the well in Samaria? ABOUT THE SIXTH HOUR

4. Where were Jesus’ disciples when He met the woman at the well? IN THE CITY TO BUY MEAT

5. Why was the woman of Samaria surprised that Jesus asked her to give Him a drink? BECAUSE THE JEWS HAVE NO DEALINGS WITH THE

6. What kind of water did Jesus offer the woman at the well in Samaria? LIVING WATER

7. How many husbands had the woman at the well in Samaria had? FIVE

8. In what city did the Jews worship, according to the woman at the well? IN JERUSALEM

9. Finish “True worshippers shall worship the father in ______and in ______.” SPIRIT / TRUTH

10. What did the woman at the well leave at the well? HER WATERPOT

11. What did Jesus tell his disciples was His meat? TO DO THE WILL OF GOD AND TO FINISH HIS WORK

12. How many days did Jesus stay with the Samaritans? TWO DAYS

13. After Jesus left Samaria, to what region did he go? GALILEE

14. Where did Jesus meet the nobleman whose son was sick? IN CANA OF GALILEE

15. Where was the nobleman’s son when he was healed? CAPERNAUM

16. At what hour did the nobleman’s son’s fever leave him? THE SEVENTH HOUR

CHAPTER 5 1. How many porches did the pool of Bethesda have? FIVE

2. In what city is the pool of Bethesda? JERUSALEM

3. What were the sick people near the pool of Bethesda waiting for? AN TO MOVE THE WATER

4. How long had the impotent man by the pool of Bethesda have his sickness? THIRTY AND EIGHT YEARS

5. On what day did Jesus heal the impotent man by the pool of Bethesda? THE SABBATH

6. What was Jesus claiming when he said that God was his Father? HE WAS EQUAL WITH GOD

7. To whom has the Father committed all judgment according to :22? THE SON

8. What four things witness that Jesus is the Son of God according to John 5:33 to 39? JOHN THE BAPTIST, JESUS’ WORKS (MIRACLES), THE FATHER, THE SCRIPTURES

9. In whose name did Jesus come? THE FATHER’S

10. According to John 5:45, who will accuse these Jews before God? MOSES CHAPTER 6

1. What is another name for the ? SEA OF TIBERIAS

2. In , how much food did Jesus use to feed the five thousand? FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISHES

3. What kind of bread did Jesus use to feed the five thousand in John 6? BARLEY LOAVES

4. Who gave Jesus the food that He used to feed the five thousand? A LAD

5. How many baskets of left over fragments did the disciples gather after the feeding of the five thousand? TWELVE BASKETS FULL

6. How far had the disciples rowed on the sea of Galilee toward Capernaum when they saw Jesus walking on the sea? FIVE AND TWENTY OR THIRTY FURLONGS

7. Why did Jesus say the people had followed him across the sea to Capernaum after the feeding of the five thousand? BECAUSE THEY DID EAT OF THE LOAVES AND WERE FILLED, (NOT BECAUSE THEY SAW THE MIRACLES)

8. According to John 6:29, what is the work of God? TO BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HATH SENT

9. Who is the bread of life? JESUS

10. Finish: Him that cometh to me, ______from John 6:37. I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT

11. According to John 6:46, who is the only one who has seen the Father? HE WHICH IS OF GOD (JESUS)

12. In John 6:51, what specifically does Jesus say is the bread that He will give? HIS FLESH

13. What Old Testament bread did the Israelites eat, that came from heaven, but did not give them eternal life? MANNA

14. In what city was Jesus when he spoke to the Jews in the synagogue about the Bread of Life? CAPERNAUM

15. Finish Peter’s declaration: “We believe and are sure that thou are that ______, the ______of the ______.” CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.

16. Who declared, “We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the son of the Living God?” PETER

17. Who was ’s father? SIMON


1. Finish this statement from Jesus in :24: “Judge not according to appearance, but judge ______judgment.” RIGHTEOUS

2. What Jewish feast was being celebrated in John 7 that Jesus did not want to go to because the Jews were seeking to kill him? FEAST OF THE TABERNACLES

3. Why could the Jews not kill him when he taught in the temple at the Feast of the Tabernacles in John 7? BECAUSE HIS TIME WAS NOT YET COME

4. What Jewish feast was being celebrated when Jesus declared in the temple, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” FEAST OF TABERNACLES

5. To whom was Jesus referring when he said, “out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” THE HOLY SPIRIT

6. What Pharisee came to Jesus’ defense when the rulers of the Pharisees disputed about Jesus at the feast of the tabernacles? NICODEMUS


1. Where was Jesus when the scribes and Pharisees brought to him the woman taken in adultery? IN THE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM

2. According to the Law of Moses, what should have been the punishment of the woman taken in adultery? STONED

3. Finish Jesus’ statement “He that is without sin, ______” LET HIM CASE THE FIRST STONE AT HER

4. In what order did the accusers of the woman taken in adultery leave Jesus presence when they were convicted in their conscience? FROM ELDEST TO YOUNGEST

5. What did Jesus say that made the adulterous woman’s accusers leave? HE SAID HE THAT IS WITHOUT SIN, LET HIM CAST THE FIRST STONE

6. Who stayed to cast stones at the adulterous woman in ? NO ONE

7. Finish this statement that Jesus said to the adulterous woman: “Neither do I condemn thee ___ and ______” GO AND SIN NO MORE

8. According to the Law how many men must agree in testimony for that testimony to be true? TWO

9. According to John 8:24, what is the eventual end of the person does not believe that Jesus is the Christ? HE SAHLL DIE IN HIS SINS

10. Finish: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my ______, indeed.” DISCIPLES

11. According to John 8:34, who is the servant of sin? WHOSOEVER COMMITTETH SIN

12. In John 8, Who did the Jews in the temple say their father was? ABRAHAM

13. Who did Jesus say their father was? THE DEVIL

14. According to John 8:44, who is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning? THE DEVIL


1. How did Jesus heal the man blind from birth in ? HE SPIT ON THE GROUND AND MADE CLAY AND PUT IT ON HIS EYES AND TOLD HIM TO WASH

2. What pool did Jesus tell the blind man in John 9 to wash in for his sight to be restored? POOL OF SILOAM

3. On what day of the week did Jesus heal the man blind from birth? SABBATH

4. What had the Jews agreed to do to anyone who confessed that Jesus was the Christ? PUT THEM OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUE


1. What chapter of John contains Jesus’ declaration that He is the ?

2. According to John 10, what can we know about a person who enters into the sheepfold some other way besides the door? HE IS A THIEF AND A ROBBER

3. Who is the door of the sheep? JESUS

4. Finish: “the thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy: come that they might have ______and that they might have it ______.” LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY

5. According to John 10, how can you tell the difference between the good shepherd and a hireling? THE GOOD SHEPHERD GIVES HIS LIFE FOR THE SHEEP

6. Who took Jesus’ life from him according to John 10? NO MAN

7. Finish this statement of Jesus which caused the Jews to take up stones to kill Him in John 10: “I and my Father are ______” ONE


1. In what chapter do we find Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? 11 2. In what town did Lazarus, Mary and live? 3. Who were Lazarus’s two sisters? MARY AND MARTHA 4. Who was Mary and Martha’s brother? LAZARUS 5. How long did Jesus stay in the same place before coming to Mary and Martha when they said Lazarus was sick? TWO DAYS 6. Why did Jesus’ disciples urge him NOT to go to in response to Mary and Martha’s request? BECAUSE THE JEWS HAD SOUGHT TO KILL HIM 7. How long had Lazarus been in the grave when Jesus came to Bethany? 4 DAYS 8. Who said, “Lord if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” MARTHA and later MARY 9. Who said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” JESUS 10. Quote :35? 11. Who said, “Take ye away the stone.” JESUS 12. Who said, “Lord, by this time he stinketh.” MARTHA 13. According to 11:47, why were the Pharisees and chief priests concerned about Jesus? HE DOETH MANY MIRACLES, IF WE LEAVE HIM ALONE ALL MEN WILL BELIEVE ON HIM AND THE ROMANS SHALL COME AND TAKE AWAY OUR PLACE AND NATION 14. Who said, “one man should die for the people” “that the whole nation perish not.” 15. Who was high priest in the year Jesus was killed? CAIAPHAS


1. When Jesus came to Bethany in chapter 12, who made him supper? MARTHA 2. Who sat at the table with Jesus when he came to supper in ? LAZARUS 3. What did Mary do when Jesus came to supper in John 12? ANOINTED THE FEET OF JESUS AND WIPED HIS FEET WITH HER HAIR 4. How much ointment did Mary put on Jesus’ feet? A POUND 5. What was the ointment worth according to Judas? THREE HUNDRED PENCE 6. Who complained that Mary’s offering of ointment was wasteful? JUDAS ISCARIOT 7. According to 12:8, who will we always have with us? THE POOR 8. Whom did the chief priests want to kill according to John 12:10? LAZARUS 9. Why did the chief priests want to kill Lazarus? BECAUSE MANY BELIEVED ON JESUS BECAUSE OF HIM 10. In what chapter do we find the Triumphal entry? 12 11. What did the people cry to Jesus as He came into Jerusalem in chapter 12? JOSANNA, BLESSED IS THE KING OF THAT COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD 12. What was Jesus riding when he came into Jerusalem in chapter 12? A YOUNG ASS 13. Where was Philip from? BETHSAIDA 14. Who said to Philip, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” CERTAIN GREEKS THAT CAME TO WORSHIP IN JERUSALEM 15. According to 12:24, what happens when a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies? IT BRINGS FORTH MUCH FRUIT 16. Finish: He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal (from 12:25) 17. What was Jesus signifying when he said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men to me.” WHAT KIND OF DEATH HE WOULD DIE 18. What prophet is quoted in 12:38 saying “who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?” ESAIAS (ISAIAH) 19. According to 12:42, why wouldn’t the rulers who believed on Jesus confess it publically? LEST THEY SHOULD BE PUT OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUE 20. Finish 12:43: Fro they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God

JOHN 13 1. In what chapter is Jesus last Passover meal recorded? 13 2. What unusual thing did Jesus do at this ? WASHED THE DISCIPLES FEET 3. Who didn’t want Jesus to wash his feet? SIMON PETER 4. What example was Jesus giving when he washed his disciples feet? THE GODLY MASTER IS TO BE A HUMBLE SERVANT OF OTHERS 5. According to 13:35, how will all men know that we are his disciples? IF YE LOVE ONE ANOTHER

JOHN 14 1. Finish 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me 2. If Jesus goes to prepare a place for us, what will He certainly do as well? COME AGAIN AND RECEIVE US UNTO HIMSELF 3. Who said, “I am the way the truth and the life” JESUS 4. How can a person get to the Father? BY JESUS 5. Of whom was Jesus speaking when he said, “ I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter” THE HOLY SPIRIT 6. According to 14:26, who will teach us all things? THE HOLY GHOST

JOHN 15 1. In what chapter do we find Jesus saying “I am the ” 15 2. According to 15:8, how is the Father glorified? IF YE BEAR MUCH FRUIT 3. Finish 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 4. When can we say we are Jesus’ friends according to 15:14? IF YE DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU 5. According to 15:26 of whom will the Spirit testify? OF JESUS

JOHN 16 1. According to 16:2, what will some people think who kill Christians? THAT THEY ARE DOING GOD SERVICE 2. Why was it good for Jesus to go away according to 16:7? IF I GO NOT AWAY, THE COMFORTER WILL NOT COME UNTO YOU 3. According to 16:8 of what three things will the Spirit reprove or convict the world? OF SIN, OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND OF JUDGMENT 4. Who will guide us into all truth? THE SPIRIT 5. Finish 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

JOHN 17 1. In what chapter do we find Jesus praying to his Father for those who believe on him? 17 2. Finish 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth 3. According to 17:21, what specific attribute did Jesus pray for believers to have which He and the Father have modeled? ONENESS/ UNITY.


1. Where was Jesus when he was arrested? GETHSEMANE 2. Who betrayed Jesus? JUDAS 3. What people did Judas bring to Jesus in chapter 18? BAND OF MEN AND OFFICERS FROM THE CHIEF PRIESTS AND PHARISEES 4. What happened when Jesus said, “I am he” to the Pharisees who came to arrest him? THEY WENT BACKWARD AND FELL TO THE GROUND 5. Who drew a sword when Jesus was arrested and cut off the high priest’s servant’s ear? PETER 6. Whose ear was cut off when Jesus was arrested? , THE HIGH PRIESTS SERVANT 7. Who was father in law to the high priest? 8. To whom was Jesus first taken after his arrests? ANNAS 9. Who denied that he knew Jesus in chapter 18? PETER 10. To whom did Annas send Jesus? CAIAPHAS 11. How many times did Peter deny knowing Christ? THREE TIMES 12. After Jesus was before Caiaphas, to whom was he sent? PILATE 13. Who said, ‘Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief preists have delivered thee unto me; what hast thou done?’ PILATE 14. According to 18:36, why did Jesus and his servants NOT fight? HIS KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD 15. Who said, “what is truth?” PILATE 16. Who said, “I find in him no fault at all.” PILATE 17. What prisoner was released by Pilate at the Passover? BARABAS 18. What was Barabbas’s crime? ROBBER


1. After Jesus was scourged and a crown of thorns and purple robe placed on him, who said, “behold the man!” PILATE 2. According to 19:7 what law of the Jews said that Jesus should die? BECAUSE HE MADE HIMSELF THE SON OF GOD 3. Who said, “thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given the from above” JESUS 4. According toe 19:12, why did the Jews say Pilate should order Jesus’ crucifixion? BECAUSE HE WAS MAKING HIMSELF TO BE A KING AND THERE IS NO KING BUT CAESAR? 5. Who said, “we have no king by Caesar?” THE CHIEF PRIESTS 6. What is the Hebrew word for the place of a skull? GOLGOTHA 7. What title did Pilate put over the cross of Jesus? JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS 8. Into how many parts did the soldiers divide Jesus garments? FOUR PARTS 9. Why did the soldiers not rend Jesus’ robe? IT WAS SEAMLESS 10. How did the soldiers decide who should get Jesus’ robe? BY CASTING LOTS 11. What three Marys were at the crucifixion? Mary wife of Cleopas, Mary Magdelene, Mary the mother of Jesus 12. What liquid was Jesus offered on the cross? VINEGAR 13. Why did the Jews beseech Pilate to have the legs those on the cross broken? BECAUSE IT WAS THE PREPARATION FOR THE SABBATH 14. Why did they not break Jesus’ legs? HE WAS DEAD ALREADY 15. When the soldier took the spear and pierced His side, what came out? BLOOD AND WATER 16. Who gave his tomb as a place for Jesus to be buried? JOSEPH OF ARIMETHEA 17. Who brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes and helped Joseph of Arimethea prepare the body of Jesus for burial? NICODEMUS 18. Why did Joseph of Arimethea go secretly to ask for the body of Jesus? FEAR OF THE JEWS


1. On what day of the week, did come to the tomb? THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK 2. What did Mary Magdelene find when she came to the tomb on the first day of the week? THE STONE TAKEN AWAY 3. Who did Mary tell that the stone had been taken away? SIMON PETER 4. Who ran back to see the stone rolled away after Mary told them about it? PETER AND THE OTHER (JOHN) 5. Who came first to the sepulcher? JOHN 6. What did Mary see when she looked into the tomb? TWO IN WHITE 7. Who said, “Woman, why weepest thou?” JESUS 8. According to 20:8 why did Jesus say, “touch me not” I AM NOT YET ASCENDED TO MY FATHER 9. Who told the rest of the disciples that she had seen the Lord? MARY 10. Who was not present at the meeting on the first day of the week when Jesus appeared to his disciples? THOMAS 11. What did Jesus show his disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection? HIS HANDS AND HIS SIDE 12. Who said, “Except I shall see his hands the print of thenails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe” ? THOMAS 13. Who said, “My Lord and my God” THOMAS 14. Finish 20:31, But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son fo God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.


1. Who said, “I go a fishing.” PETER 2. How much did the disciples catch that night that they went fishing after the resurrection? NOTHING 3. Who said, “Have ye any meat?” JESUS 4. Where did Jesus instruct the disciples to cast their net? ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE SHIP 5. Who recognized that it was Jesus on the shore and jumped into the water to swim to him? PETER 6. What had Jesus prepared for the disciples after they fished all night? BREAD AND FISH ON THE FIRE 7. How many fish did the disciples catch that night? 153 8. Where did Jesus show himself the third time to his disciples? BY THE SEA OF GALILEE (TIBERIAS) AFTER THEY HAD FISHED ALL NIGHT AND CAUGHT NOTHING 9. How many cubits did the disciples have to drag all the fish they caught to bring the ship to land? ABOUT 200 CUBITS 10. Who is described as the discipled who leaned on Jesus’ breast at supper? JOHN 11. Who said, “FEED MY SHEEP.” JESUS 12. To whom did Jesus say, “Feed my sheep?” PETER 13. Of whom did Jesus prophesy, “when shou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.” PETER