L'leve~Th List of New Mineral Na~Es. ~
556 L'leve~th list of new mineral na~es. ~ By L. J. SPENCER, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. Keeper of Minerals ia the British Museum (Natural History). [Communicated June 12~ 1928.] Ajkaite. (L. Zeehmeister, Math. Termdszettud. ~:rtesitS, Badapest, 1926, vol. 43, p. 332 (ajkait); L. Zechmeister and V. Vrab~ly, Per. Deutsch. Chem. Gesell., 1926, vol. 59, Abt. B, p. 1426). The same as ajkite (Bull. Soc. Min. France, 1878, vol. 1, p. 126 ; abstract from... ?). A fossil resin containing 1-5 ~ sulphur and no succinic acid, from Ajka, com. Veszpr~m, Hungary. [M.A. 3-362.] Albiclase. A. N. Winchell, 1925. Journ. Geol. Chicago, vol. 83, p. 726 ; Elements of optical mineralogy, 2nd edit., 1927, pt. 2, p. 319. P. Niggli, Lehrbuch Min., 1926, vol. 2, p. 536 (Albiklas). A contrac- tion of albite-oligoclase for felspars of the plagioclase series ranging in composition from Ab~Anlo to AbsoAn~o. Allite. tL Harrassowitz, 1926. Laterit, Material und Versuch erdgesehichtlicher Auswertung, Berlin 1926, p. 255 (Allit, plur. Allite). A rock-name to include both bauxite and laterite. Later (Metall und Erz, Halle, ]927, vol. 24, p. 589) bauxite with A1208. H~O is distinguished as monohydrallite (Monohydrallit) and laterite with Al~0s.3H20 as trihydrallite (Trihydrallit). These, although suggestive of mineral- names (and given so i~ error in Chem. Zentr., 1926, vol. 1, p. 671), are proposed as rock-names ; from aluminium and M~o~. Similarly, siallites (1926, p. 252, Siallit, from Si, A1, M0o~), to include kaolinite and allo- phanite, are rocks composed of the aluminium silicates kaolin and allophane.
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